more direct inclusion of tikz pictures;
Sat, 27 Jul 2013 21:21:47 +0200
changeset 52742 e7296939fec2
parent 52741 c08bd0a219f8
child 52743 a7d69a11f395
more direct inclusion of tikz pictures;
--- a/src/Doc/Codegen/Adaptation.thy	Sat Jul 27 21:10:18 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Codegen/Adaptation.thy	Sat Jul 27 21:21:47 2013 +0200
@@ -71,7 +71,42 @@
   conceptually supposed to be:
-    \includegraphics{adapt}
+    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5]
+      \tikzstyle water=[color = blue, thick]
+      \tikzstyle ice=[color = black, very thick, cap = round, join = round, fill = white]
+      \tikzstyle process=[color = green, semithick, ->]
+      \tikzstyle adaptation=[color = red, semithick, ->]
+      \tikzstyle target=[color = black]
+      \foreach \x in {0, ..., 24}
+        \draw[style=water] (\x, 0.25) sin + (0.25, 0.25) cos + (0.25, -0.25) sin
+          + (0.25, -0.25) cos + (0.25, 0.25);
+      \draw[style=ice] (1, 0) --
+        (3, 6) node[above, fill=white] {logic} -- (5, 0) -- cycle;
+      \draw[style=ice] (9, 0) --
+        (11, 6) node[above, fill=white] {intermediate language} -- (13, 0) -- cycle;
+      \draw[style=ice] (15, -6) --
+        (19, 6) node[above, fill=white] {target language} -- (23, -6) -- cycle;
+      \draw[style=process]
+        (3.5, 3) .. controls (7, 5) .. node[fill=white] {translation} (10.5, 3);
+      \draw[style=process]
+        (11.5, 3) .. controls (15, 5) .. node[fill=white] (serialisation) {serialisation} (18.5, 3);
+      \node (adaptation) at (11, -2) [style=adaptation] {adaptation};
+      \node at (19, 3) [rotate=90] {generated};
+      \node at (19.5, -5) {language};
+      \node at (19.5, -3) {library};
+      \node (includes) at (19.5, -1) {includes};
+      \node (reserved) at (16.5, -3) [rotate=72] {reserved}; % proper 71.57
+      \draw[style=process]
+        (includes) -- (serialisation);
+      \draw[style=process]
+        (reserved) -- (serialisation);
+      \draw[style=adaptation]
+        (adaptation) -- (serialisation);
+      \draw[style=adaptation]
+        (adaptation) -- (includes);
+      \draw[style=adaptation]
+        (adaptation) -- (reserved);
+    \end{tikzpicture}
     \caption{The adaptation principle}
--- a/src/Doc/Codegen/Foundations.thy	Sat Jul 27 21:10:18 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Codegen/Foundations.thy	Sat Jul 27 21:21:47 2013 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,37 @@
   following picture.
-    \includegraphics{architecture}
+    \def\sys#1{\emph{#1}}
+    \begin{tikzpicture}[x = 4cm, y = 1cm]
+      \tikzstyle positive=[color = black, fill = white];
+      \tikzstyle negative=[color = white, fill = black];
+      \tikzstyle entity=[rounded corners, draw, thick];
+      \tikzstyle process=[ellipse, draw, thick];
+      \tikzstyle arrow=[-stealth, semithick];
+      \node (spec) at (0, 3) [entity, positive] {specification tools};
+      \node (user) at (1, 3) [entity, positive] {user proofs};
+      \node (spec_user_join) at (0.5, 3) [shape=coordinate] {};
+      \node (raw) at (0.5, 4) [entity, positive] {raw code equations};
+      \node (pre) at (1.5, 4) [process, positive] {preprocessing};
+      \node (eqn) at (2.5, 4) [entity, positive] {code equations};
+      \node (iml) at (0.5, 0) [entity, positive] {intermediate program};
+      \node (seri) at (1.5, 0) [process, positive] {serialisation};
+      \node (SML) at (2.5, 3) [entity, positive] {\sys{SML}};
+      \node (OCaml) at (2.5, 2) [entity, positive] {\sys{OCaml}};
+      \node (Haskell) at (2.5, 1) [entity, positive] {\sys{Haskell}};
+      \node (Scala) at (2.5, 0) [entity, positive] {\sys{Scala}};
+      \draw [semithick] (spec) -- (spec_user_join);
+      \draw [semithick] (user) -- (spec_user_join);
+      \draw [-diamond, semithick] (spec_user_join) -- (raw);
+      \draw [arrow] (raw) -- (pre);
+      \draw [arrow] (pre) -- (eqn);
+      \draw [arrow] (eqn) -- node (transl) [process, positive] {translation} (iml);
+      \draw [arrow] (iml) -- (seri);
+      \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (SML);
+      \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (OCaml);
+      \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (Haskell);
+      \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (Scala);
+    \end{tikzpicture}
     \caption{Code generator architecture}
--- a/src/Doc/Codegen/document/adapt.tex	Sat Jul 27 21:10:18 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5]
-  \tikzstyle water=[color = blue, thick]
-  \tikzstyle ice=[color = black, very thick, cap = round, join = round, fill = white]
-  \tikzstyle process=[color = green, semithick, ->]
-  \tikzstyle adaptation=[color = red, semithick, ->]
-  \tikzstyle target=[color = black]
-  \foreach \x in {0, ..., 24}
-    \draw[style=water] (\x, 0.25) sin + (0.25, 0.25) cos + (0.25, -0.25) sin
-      + (0.25, -0.25) cos + (0.25, 0.25);
-  \draw[style=ice] (1, 0) --
-    (3, 6) node[above, fill=white] {logic} -- (5, 0) -- cycle;
-  \draw[style=ice] (9, 0) --
-    (11, 6) node[above, fill=white] {intermediate language} -- (13, 0) -- cycle;
-  \draw[style=ice] (15, -6) --
-    (19, 6) node[above, fill=white] {target language} -- (23, -6) -- cycle;
-  \draw[style=process]
-    (3.5, 3) .. controls (7, 5) .. node[fill=white] {translation} (10.5, 3);
-  \draw[style=process]
-    (11.5, 3) .. controls (15, 5) .. node[fill=white] (serialisation) {serialisation} (18.5, 3);
-  \node (adaptation) at (11, -2) [style=adaptation] {adaptation};
-  \node at (19, 3) [rotate=90] {generated};
-  \node at (19.5, -5) {language};
-  \node at (19.5, -3) {library};
-  \node (includes) at (19.5, -1) {includes};
-  \node (reserved) at (16.5, -3) [rotate=72] {reserved}; % proper 71.57
-  \draw[style=process]
-    (includes) -- (serialisation);
-  \draw[style=process]
-    (reserved) -- (serialisation);
-  \draw[style=adaptation]
-    (adaptation) -- (serialisation);
-  \draw[style=adaptation]
-    (adaptation) -- (includes);
-  \draw[style=adaptation]
-    (adaptation) -- (reserved);
--- a/src/Doc/Codegen/document/architecture.tex	Sat Jul 27 21:10:18 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-\begin{tikzpicture}[x = 4cm, y = 1cm]
-  \tikzstyle positive=[color = black, fill = white];
-  \tikzstyle negative=[color = white, fill = black];
-  \tikzstyle entity=[rounded corners, draw, thick];
-  \tikzstyle process=[ellipse, draw, thick];
-  \tikzstyle arrow=[-stealth, semithick];
-  \node (spec) at (0, 3) [entity, positive] {specification tools};
-  \node (user) at (1, 3) [entity, positive] {user proofs};
-  \node (spec_user_join) at (0.5, 3) [shape=coordinate] {};
-  \node (raw) at (0.5, 4) [entity, positive] {raw code equations};
-  \node (pre) at (1.5, 4) [process, positive] {preprocessing};
-  \node (eqn) at (2.5, 4) [entity, positive] {code equations};
-  \node (iml) at (0.5, 0) [entity, positive] {intermediate program};
-  \node (seri) at (1.5, 0) [process, positive] {serialisation};
-  \node (SML) at (2.5, 3) [entity, positive] {\sys{SML}};
-  \node (OCaml) at (2.5, 2) [entity, positive] {\sys{OCaml}};
-  \node (Haskell) at (2.5, 1) [entity, positive] {\sys{Haskell}};
-  \node (Scala) at (2.5, 0) [entity, positive] {\sys{Scala}};
-  \draw [semithick] (spec) -- (spec_user_join);
-  \draw [semithick] (user) -- (spec_user_join);
-  \draw [-diamond, semithick] (spec_user_join) -- (raw);
-  \draw [arrow] (raw) -- (pre);
-  \draw [arrow] (pre) -- (eqn);
-  \draw [arrow] (eqn) -- node (transl) [process, positive] {translation} (iml);
-  \draw [arrow] (iml) -- (seri);
-  \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (SML);
-  \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (OCaml);
-  \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (Haskell);
-  \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (Scala);
--- a/src/Doc/Codegen/document/build	Sat Jul 27 21:10:18 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Codegen/document/build	Sat Jul 27 21:21:47 2013 +0200
@@ -12,12 +12,5 @@
 cp "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Doc/isar.sty" .
 cp "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Doc/manual.bib" .
-for NAME in architecture adapt
-  latex "$NAME"
-  $ISABELLE_DVIPS -E -o "$NAME.eps" "$NAME.dvi"
 "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Doc/prepare_document" "$FORMAT"
--- a/src/Doc/Codegen/document/root.tex	Sat Jul 27 21:10:18 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Codegen/document/root.tex	Sat Jul 27 21:21:47 2013 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
--- a/src/Doc/ROOT	Sat Jul 27 21:10:18 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/ROOT	Sat Jul 27 21:21:47 2013 +0200
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
-    "document/adapt.tex"
-    "document/architecture.tex"