tuned whitespace;
Sat, 15 Aug 2015 23:10:13 +0200
changeset 60941 e7c761c63c18
parent 60940 4c108cce6b35
child 60942 0af3e522406c
tuned whitespace;
--- a/src/Pure/tactical.ML	Sat Aug 15 22:47:03 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/tactical.ML	Sat Aug 15 23:10:13 2015 +0200
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
   Like in LCF, ORELSE commits to either tac1 or tac2 immediately.
   Does not backtrack to tac2 if tac1 was initially chosen. *)
 fun (tac1 ORELSE tac2) st =
-    case Seq.pull(tac1 st) of
-        NONE       => tac2 st
-      | sequencecell => Seq.make(fn()=> sequencecell);
+  (case Seq.pull (tac1 st) of
+    NONE => tac2 st
+  | some => Seq.make (fn () => some));
 (*The tactical APPEND combines the results of two tactics.
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
         tac1 THEN tac2   = tac1 THEN_ELSE (tac2, no_tac)
 fun (tac THEN_ELSE (tac1, tac2)) st =
-    case Seq.pull(tac st) of
-        NONE    => tac2 st                                   (*failed; try tactic 2*)
-      | seqcell => Seq.maps tac1 (Seq.make(fn()=> seqcell)); (*succeeded; use tactic 1*)
+  (case Seq.pull (tac st) of
+    NONE => tac2 st  (*failed; try tactic 2*)
+  | some => Seq.maps tac1 (Seq.make (fn () => some)));  (*succeeded; use tactic 1*)
 (*Versions for combining tactic-valued functions, as in
@@ -127,35 +127,35 @@
 (*Conditional tactical: testfun controls which tactic to use next.
   Beware: due to eager evaluation, both thentac and elsetac are evaluated.*)
-fun COND testfun thenf elsef = (fn prf =>
-    if testfun prf then  thenf prf   else  elsef prf);
+fun COND testfun thenf elsef =
+  (fn st => if testfun st then thenf st else elsef st);
 (*Do the tactic or else do nothing*)
 fun TRY tac = tac ORELSE all_tac;
 (*** List-oriented tactics ***)
   (*This version of EVERY avoids backtracking over repeated states*)
   fun EVY (trail, []) st =
-        Seq.make (fn()=> SOME(st,
-                        Seq.make (fn()=> Seq.pull (evyBack trail))))
-    | EVY (trail, tac::tacs) st =
-          case Seq.pull(tac st) of
-              NONE    => evyBack trail              (*failed: backtrack*)
-            | SOME(st',q) => EVY ((st',q,tacs)::trail, tacs) st'
+        Seq.make (fn () => SOME (st, Seq.make (fn () => Seq.pull (evyBack trail))))
+    | EVY (trail, tac :: tacs) st =
+        (case Seq.pull (tac st) of
+          NONE => evyBack trail  (*failed: backtrack*)
+        | SOME (st', q) => EVY ((st', q, tacs) :: trail, tacs) st')
   and evyBack [] = Seq.empty (*no alternatives*)
-    | evyBack ((st',q,tacs)::trail) =
-          case Seq.pull q of
-              NONE        => evyBack trail
-            | SOME(st,q') => if Thm.eq_thm (st',st)
-                             then evyBack ((st',q',tacs)::trail)
-                             else EVY ((st,q',tacs)::trail, tacs) st
+    | evyBack ((st', q, tacs) :: trail) =
+        (case Seq.pull q of
+          NONE => evyBack trail
+        | SOME (st, q') =>
+            if Thm.eq_thm (st', st)
+            then evyBack ((st', q', tacs) :: trail)
+            else EVY ((st, q', tacs) :: trail, tacs) st);
-(* EVERY [tac1,...,tacn]   equals    tac1 THEN ... THEN tacn   *)
-fun EVERY tacs = EVY ([], tacs);
+  (* EVERY [tac1,...,tacn]   equals    tac1 THEN ... THEN tacn   *)
+  fun EVERY tacs = EVY ([], tacs);
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
 (*Pause until a line is typed -- if non-empty then fail. *)
 fun pause_tac st =
-  (tracing "** Press RETURN to continue:";
-   if TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn = SOME "\n" then Seq.single st
-   else (tracing "Goodbye";  Seq.empty));
+ (tracing "** Press RETURN to continue:";
+  if TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn = SOME "\n" then Seq.single st
+  else (tracing "Goodbye";  Seq.empty));
 exception TRACE_EXIT of thm
@@ -201,21 +201,22 @@
 (*Handle all tracing commands for current state and tactic *)
 fun exec_trace_command flag (tac, st) =
-   case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of
-       SOME "\n" => tac st
-     | SOME "f\n" => Seq.empty
-     | SOME "o\n" => (flag := false;  tac st)
-     | SOME "s\n" => (suppress_tracing := true;  tac st)
-     | SOME "x\n" => (tracing "Exiting now";  raise (TRACE_EXIT st))
-     | SOME "quit\n" => raise TRACE_QUIT
-     | _     => (tracing
-"Type RETURN to continue or...\n\
-\     f    - to fail here\n\
-\     o    - to switch tracing off\n\
-\     s    - to suppress tracing until next entry to a tactical\n\
-\     x    - to exit at this point\n\
-\     quit - to abort this tracing run\n\
-\** Well? "     ;  exec_trace_command flag (tac, st));
+  (case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of
+    SOME "\n" => tac st
+  | SOME "f\n" => Seq.empty
+  | SOME "o\n" => (flag := false;  tac st)
+  | SOME "s\n" => (suppress_tracing := true;  tac st)
+  | SOME "x\n" => (tracing "Exiting now";  raise (TRACE_EXIT st))
+  | SOME "quit\n" => raise TRACE_QUIT
+  | _  =>
+    (tracing
+      "Type RETURN to continue or...\n\
+      \     f    - to fail here\n\
+      \     o    - to switch tracing off\n\
+      \     s    - to suppress tracing until next entry to a tactical\n\
+      \     x    - to exit at this point\n\
+      \     quit - to abort this tracing run\n\
+      \** Well? ";  exec_trace_command flag (tac, st)));
 (*Extract from a tactic, a thm->thm seq function that handles tracing*)
@@ -229,38 +230,40 @@
 (*Create a tactic whose outcome is given by seqf, handling TRACE_EXIT*)
 fun traced_tac seqf st =
-    (suppress_tracing := false;
-     Seq.make (fn()=> seqf st
-                         handle TRACE_EXIT st' => SOME(st', Seq.empty)));
+ (suppress_tracing := false;
+  Seq.make (fn () => seqf st handle TRACE_EXIT st' => SOME (st', Seq.empty)));
 (*Deterministic REPEAT: only retains the first outcome;
   uses less space than REPEAT; tail recursive.
   If non-negative, n bounds the number of repetitions.*)
 fun REPEAT_DETERM_N n tac =
-  let val tac = tracify trace_REPEAT tac
-      fun drep 0 st = SOME(st, Seq.empty)
-        | drep n st =
-           (case Seq.pull(tac st) of
-                NONE       => SOME(st, Seq.empty)
-              | SOME(st',_) => drep (n-1) st')
-  in  traced_tac (drep n)  end;
+  let
+    val tac = tracify trace_REPEAT tac;
+    fun drep 0 st = SOME (st, Seq.empty)
+      | drep n st =
+          (case Seq.pull (tac st) of
+            NONE => SOME(st, Seq.empty)
+          | SOME (st', _) => drep (n - 1) st');
+  in traced_tac (drep n) end;
 (*Allows any number of repetitions*)
 (*General REPEAT: maintains a stack of alternatives; tail recursive*)
 fun REPEAT tac =
-  let val tac = tracify trace_REPEAT tac
-      fun rep qs st =
-        case Seq.pull(tac st) of
-            NONE       => SOME(st, Seq.make(fn()=> repq qs))
-          | SOME(st',q) => rep (q::qs) st'
-      and repq [] = NONE
-        | repq(q::qs) = case Seq.pull q of
-            NONE       => repq qs
-          | SOME(st,q) => rep (q::qs) st
-  in  traced_tac (rep [])  end;
+  let
+    val tac = tracify trace_REPEAT tac;
+    fun rep qs st =
+      (case Seq.pull (tac st) of
+        NONE => SOME (st, Seq.make (fn () => repq qs))
+      | SOME (st', q) => rep (q :: qs) st')
+    and repq [] = NONE
+      | repq (q :: qs) =
+          (case Seq.pull q of
+            NONE => repq qs
+          | SOME (st, q) => rep (q :: qs) st);
+  in traced_tac (rep []) end;
 (*Repeat 1 or more times*)
@@ -288,21 +291,23 @@
 (*For n subgoals, performs tac(n) THEN ... THEN tac(1)
   Essential to work backwards since tac(i) may add/delete subgoals at i. *)
 fun ALLGOALS tac st =
-  let fun doall 0 = all_tac
-        | doall n = tac(n) THEN doall(n-1)
-  in  doall (Thm.nprems_of st) st  end;
+  let
+    fun doall 0 = all_tac
+      | doall n = tac n THEN doall (n - 1);
+  in doall (Thm.nprems_of st) st end;
 (*For n subgoals, performs tac(n) ORELSE ... ORELSE tac(1)  *)
 fun SOMEGOAL tac st =
-  let fun find 0 = no_tac
-        | find n = tac(n) ORELSE find(n-1)
-  in  find (Thm.nprems_of st) st  end;
+  let
+    fun find 0 = no_tac
+      | find n = tac n ORELSE find (n - 1);
+  in find (Thm.nprems_of st) st end;
 (*For n subgoals, performs tac(1) ORELSE ... ORELSE tac(n).
   More appropriate than SOMEGOAL in some cases.*)
 fun FIRSTGOAL tac st =
-  let fun find (i,n) = if i>n then no_tac else  tac(i) ORELSE find (i+1,n)
-  in  find (1, Thm.nprems_of st) st  end;
+  let fun find (i, n) = if i > n then no_tac else tac i ORELSE find (i + 1, n)
+  in find (1, Thm.nprems_of st) st end;
 (*First subgoal only.*)
 fun HEADGOAL tac = tac 1;
@@ -328,7 +333,8 @@
 fun SUBGOAL goalfun =
   CSUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) => goalfun (Thm.term_of goal, i));
-fun ASSERT_SUBGOAL (tac: int -> tactic) i st = (Logic.get_goal (Thm.prop_of st) i; tac i st);
+fun ASSERT_SUBGOAL (tac: int -> tactic) i st =
+  (Logic.get_goal (Thm.prop_of st) i; tac i st);
 (*Returns all states that have changed in subgoal i, counted from the LAST
   subgoal.  For stac, for example.*)