proper handling of type variable classes in new Metis
Tue, 31 May 2011 16:38:36 +0200
changeset 43098 e88e974c4846
parent 43097 69251cad0da0
child 43099 123f0944e29f
proper handling of type variable classes in new Metis
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
@@ -143,6 +143,17 @@
 fun is_tptp_variable s = Char.isUpper (String.sub (s, 0))
 val is_tptp_user_symbol = not o (is_tptp_variable orf is_built_in_tptp_symbol)
+fun raw_polarities_of_conn ANot = (SOME false, NONE)
+  | raw_polarities_of_conn AAnd = (SOME true, SOME true)
+  | raw_polarities_of_conn AOr = (SOME true, SOME true)
+  | raw_polarities_of_conn AImplies = (SOME false, SOME true)
+  | raw_polarities_of_conn AIf = (SOME true, SOME false)
+  | raw_polarities_of_conn AIff = (NONE, NONE)
+  | raw_polarities_of_conn ANotIff = (NONE, NONE)
+fun polarities_of_conn NONE = K (NONE, NONE)
+  | polarities_of_conn (SOME pos) =
+    raw_polarities_of_conn #> not pos ? pairself ( not)
 fun mk_anot (AConn (ANot, [phi])) = phi
   | mk_anot phi = AConn (ANot, [phi])
 fun mk_aconn c phi1 phi2 = AConn (c, [phi1, phi2])
@@ -286,7 +297,7 @@
-(** CNF UEQ (Waldmeister) **)
+(** CNF (Metis) and CNF UEQ (Waldmeister) **)
 fun is_problem_line_negated (Formula (_, _, AConn (ANot, _), _, _)) = true
   | is_problem_line_negated _ = false
@@ -298,9 +309,17 @@
 fun open_conjecture_term (ATerm ((s, s'), tms)) =
   ATerm (if is_tptp_variable s then (s |> Name.desymbolize false, s')
          else (s, s'), tms |> map open_conjecture_term)
-fun open_formula conj (AQuant (AForall, _, phi)) = open_formula conj phi
-  | open_formula true (AAtom t) = AAtom (open_conjecture_term t)
-  | open_formula _ phi = phi
+fun open_formula conj =
+  let
+    fun opn (pos as SOME true) (AQuant (AForall, xs, phi)) = opn pos phi
+      | opn (pos as SOME false) (AQuant (AExists, xs, phi)) = opn pos phi
+      | opn pos (AConn (ANot, [phi])) = mk_anot (opn ( not pos) phi)
+      | opn pos (AConn (c, [phi1, phi2])) =
+        let val (pos1, pos2) = polarities_of_conn pos c in
+          AConn (c, [opn pos1 phi1, opn pos2 phi2])
+        end
+      | opn _ (AAtom t) = AAtom (t |> conj ? open_conjecture_term)
+  in opn (SOME (not conj)) end
 fun open_formula_line (Formula (ident, kind, phi, source, info)) =
     Formula (ident, kind, open_formula (kind = Conjecture) phi, source, info)
   | open_formula_line line = line
@@ -309,7 +328,31 @@
     Formula (ident, Hypothesis, mk_anot phi, source, info)
   | negate_conjecture_line line = line
-fun ensure_cnf_problem problem = problem |> map (apsnd (map open_formula_line))
+exception CLAUSIFY of unit
+fun clausify_formula pos (phi as AAtom _) = phi |> not pos ? mk_anot
+  | clausify_formula pos (AConn (ANot, [phi])) = clausify_formula (not pos) phi
+  | clausify_formula false (AConn (AAnd, phis)) =
+    AConn (AOr, map (clausify_formula false) phis)
+  | clausify_formula true (AConn (AOr, phis)) =
+    AConn (AOr, map (clausify_formula true) phis)
+  | clausify_formula true (AConn (AImplies, [phi1, phi2])) =
+    AConn (AOr, [clausify_formula false phi1, clausify_formula true phi2])
+  | clausify_formula true (AConn (AIf, phis)) =
+    clausify_formula true (AConn (AImplies, rev phis))
+  | clausify_formula _ _ = raise CLAUSIFY ()
+fun clausify_formula_line (Formula (ident, kind, phi, source, info)) =
+    (case try (clausify_formula true) phi of
+       SOME phi => SOME (Formula (ident, kind, phi, source, info))
+     | NONE => NONE)
+  | clausify_formula_line _ = NONE
+fun ensure_cnf_problem_line line =
+  line |> open_formula_line |> negate_conjecture_line |> clausify_formula_line
+fun ensure_cnf_problem problem =
+  problem |> map (apsnd (map_filter ensure_cnf_problem_line))
 fun filter_cnf_ueq_problem problem =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
@@ -618,9 +618,9 @@
     general_type_arg_policy type_sys
 (*Make literals for sorted type variables*)
-fun sorts_on_typs_aux (_, []) = []
-  | sorts_on_typs_aux ((x, i), s :: ss) =
-    sorts_on_typs_aux ((x, i), ss)
+fun generic_sorts_on_type (_, []) = []
+  | generic_sorts_on_type ((x, i), s :: ss) =
+    generic_sorts_on_type ((x, i), ss)
     |> (if s = the_single @{sort HOL.type} then
         else if i = ~1 then
@@ -628,21 +628,18 @@
           cons (TyLitVar (`make_type_class s,
                           (make_schematic_type_var (x, i), x))))
-fun sorts_on_typs (TFree (a, s)) = sorts_on_typs_aux ((a, ~1), s)
-  | sorts_on_typs (TVar (v, s)) = sorts_on_typs_aux (v, s)
-  | sorts_on_typs _ = raise Fail "expected \"TVar\" or \"TFree\""
-(*Given a list of sorted type variables, return a list of type literals.*)
-val raw_type_literals_for_types = union_all o map sorts_on_typs
+fun sorts_on_tfree (TFree (s, S)) = generic_sorts_on_type ((s, ~1), S)
+  | sorts_on_tfree _ = []
+fun sorts_on_tvar (TVar z) = generic_sorts_on_type z
+  | sorts_on_tvar _ = []
-fun type_literals_for_types format type_sys kind Ts =
-  if level_of_type_sys type_sys = No_Types orelse format = CNF_UEQ then
-    []
-  else
-    Ts |> raw_type_literals_for_types
-       |> filter (fn TyLitVar _ => kind <> Conjecture
-                   | TyLitFree _ => kind = Conjecture)
+(* Given a list of sorted type variables, return a list of type literals. *)
+fun raw_type_literals_for_types Ts =
+  union_all (map sorts_on_tfree Ts @ map sorts_on_tvar Ts)
+fun type_literals_for_types type_sys sorts_on_typ Ts =
+  if level_of_type_sys type_sys = No_Types then []
+  else union_all (map sorts_on_typ Ts)
 fun mk_aconns c phis =
   let val (phis', phi') = split_last phis in
@@ -893,7 +890,6 @@
       |> extensionalize_term ctxt
       |> presimp ? presimplify_term ctxt
       |> introduce_combinators_in_term ctxt kind
-      |> kind <> Axiom ? freeze_term
 (* making fact and conjecture formulas *)
@@ -933,7 +929,7 @@
                     if prem_kind = Conjecture then update_combformula mk_anot
                     else I)
-                t |> preproc ? preprocess_prop ctxt true kind
+                t |> preproc ? (preprocess_prop ctxt true kind #> freeze_term)
                   |> make_formula thy format type_sys true (string_of_int j)
                                   General kind
                   |> maybe_negate
@@ -1458,9 +1454,9 @@
       | do_formula _ (AAtom tm) = AAtom (do_term tm)
   in do_formula o SOME end
-fun bound_atomic_types format type_sys Ts =
+fun bound_tvars type_sys Ts =
   mk_ahorn (map (formula_from_fo_literal o fo_literal_from_type_literal)
-                (type_literals_for_types format type_sys Axiom Ts))
+                (type_literals_for_types type_sys sorts_on_tvar Ts))
 fun formula_for_fact ctxt format nonmono_Ts type_sys
                      ({combformula, atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
@@ -1468,7 +1464,7 @@
   |> close_combformula_universally
   |> formula_from_combformula ctxt format nonmono_Ts type_sys
                               is_var_nonmonotonic_in_formula true
-  |> bound_atomic_types format type_sys atomic_types
+  |> bound_tvars type_sys atomic_types
   |> close_formula_universally
 (* Each fact is given a unique fact number to avoid name clashes (e.g., because
@@ -1510,24 +1506,24 @@
            |> close_formula_universally, intro_info, NONE)
 fun formula_line_for_conjecture ctxt format nonmono_Ts type_sys
-        ({name, kind, combformula, ...} : translated_formula) =
+        ({name, kind, combformula, atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
   Formula (conjecture_prefix ^ name, kind,
            formula_from_combformula ctxt format nonmono_Ts type_sys
                is_var_nonmonotonic_in_formula false
                (close_combformula_universally combformula)
+           |> bound_tvars type_sys atomic_types
            |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
-fun free_type_literals format type_sys
-                       ({atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
-  atomic_types |> type_literals_for_types format type_sys Conjecture
+fun free_type_literals type_sys ({atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
+  atomic_types |> type_literals_for_types type_sys sorts_on_tfree
                |> map fo_literal_from_type_literal
 fun formula_line_for_free_type j lit =
   Formula (tfree_clause_prefix ^ string_of_int j, Hypothesis,
            formula_from_fo_literal lit, NONE, NONE)
-fun formula_lines_for_free_types format type_sys facts =
+fun formula_lines_for_free_types type_sys facts =
-    val litss = map (free_type_literals format type_sys) facts
+    val litss = map (free_type_literals type_sys) facts
     val lits = fold (union (op =)) litss []
   in map2 formula_line_for_free_type (0 upto length lits - 1) lits end
@@ -1636,7 +1632,7 @@
              |> AAtom |> mk_aquant AForall (bound_names ~~ bound_Ts)
              |> formula_from_combformula ctxt format nonmono_Ts type_sys
                                          (K (K (K (K true)))) true
-             |> n > 1 ? bound_atomic_types format type_sys (atyps_of T)
+             |> n > 1 ? bound_tvars type_sys (atyps_of T)
              |> close_formula_universally
              |> maybe_negate,
              intro_info, NONE)
@@ -1659,7 +1655,7 @@
     fun eq tms =
       (if pred_sym then AConn (AIff, map AAtom tms)
        else AAtom (ATerm (`I tptp_equal, tms)))
-      |> bound_atomic_types format type_sys atomic_Ts
+      |> bound_tvars type_sys atomic_Ts
       |> close_formula_universally
       |> maybe_negate
     val should_encode = should_encode_type ctxt nonmono_Ts All_Types
@@ -1802,8 +1798,7 @@
         map (formula_line_for_conjecture ctxt format nonmono_Ts type_sys)
-       (free_typesN,
-        formula_lines_for_free_types format type_sys (facts @ conjs))]
+       (free_typesN, formula_lines_for_free_types type_sys (facts @ conjs))]
     val problem =
       |> (case format of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
@@ -299,11 +299,11 @@
     uncurry (union (op =)) (pairself metis_literals_from_atp (phi1, phi2))
   | metis_literals_from_atp phi = [metis_literal_from_atp phi]
 fun metis_axiom_from_atp clauses (Formula (ident, _, phi, _, _)) =
-    let val j = ident |> unprefix conjecture_prefix |> Int.fromString |> the in
-      (phi |> metis_literals_from_atp |> Metis_LiteralSet.fromList
-           |> Metis_Thm.axiom,
-       Meson.make_meta_clause (nth clauses j))
-    end
+    (phi |> metis_literals_from_atp |> Metis_LiteralSet.fromList
+         |> Metis_Thm.axiom,
+     case try (unprefix conjecture_prefix) ident of
+       SOME s => Meson.make_meta_clause (nth clauses (the (Int.fromString s)))
+     | NONE => TrueI)
   | metis_axiom_from_atp _ _ = raise Fail "not CNF -- expected formula"
 (* Function to generate metis clauses, including comb and type clauses *)
@@ -313,9 +313,8 @@
       val explicit_apply = NONE
       val clauses = conj_clauses @ fact_clauses
       val (atp_problem, _, _, _, _, _, sym_tab) =
-        prepare_atp_problem ctxt CNF Hypothesis Axiom type_sys
-                            explicit_apply false false (map prop_of clauses)
-                            @{prop False} []
+        prepare_atp_problem ctxt CNF Hypothesis Axiom type_sys explicit_apply
+                            false false (map prop_of clauses) @{prop False} []
       val axioms =
         |> maps (map_filter (try (metis_axiom_from_atp clauses)) o snd)