--- a/src/Tools/code/code_target.ML Wed May 28 11:05:47 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/code/code_target.ML Wed May 28 12:06:49 2008 +0200
@@ -30,13 +30,16 @@
val allow_exception: string -> theory -> theory;
+ type serialization;
type serializer;
val add_serializer: string * serializer -> theory -> theory;
val assert_serializer: theory -> string -> string;
- val get_serializer: theory -> string -> bool -> string option
- -> string option -> Args.T list
- -> string list option -> CodeThingol.code -> unit;
- val sml_of: theory -> string list -> CodeThingol.code -> string;
+ val serialize: theory -> string -> bool -> string option -> Args.T list
+ -> CodeThingol.code -> string list option -> serialization;
+ val compile: serialization -> unit;
+ val file: Path.T -> serialization -> unit;
+ val string: serialization -> string;
+ val sml_of: theory -> CodeThingol.code -> string list -> string;
val eval: theory -> (string * (unit -> 'a) option ref)
-> CodeThingol.code -> CodeThingol.iterm * CodeThingol.itype -> string list -> 'a;
val code_width: int ref;
@@ -64,10 +67,9 @@
val code_width = ref 80;
fun code_source p = Pretty.setmp_margin (!code_width) Pretty.string_of p ^ "\n";
-fun code_writeln p = Pretty.setmp_margin (!code_width) Pretty.writeln p;
-(** syntax **)
+(** generic syntax **)
datatype lrx = L | R | X;
@@ -111,66 +113,168 @@
-> CodeName.var_ctxt -> fixity -> (iterm * itype) list -> Pretty.T);
-(* user-defined syntax *)
+(** theory data **)
+val target_diag = "diag";
+val target_SML = "SML";
+val target_OCaml = "OCaml";
+val target_Haskell = "Haskell";
+datatype syntax_expr = SyntaxExpr of {
+ class: (string * (string -> string option)) Symtab.table,
+ inst: unit Symtab.table,
+ tyco: typ_syntax Symtab.table,
+ const: term_syntax Symtab.table
+fun mk_syntax_expr ((class, inst), (tyco, const)) =
+ SyntaxExpr { class = class, inst = inst, tyco = tyco, const = const };
+fun map_syntax_expr f (SyntaxExpr { class, inst, tyco, const }) =
+ mk_syntax_expr (f ((class, inst), (tyco, const)));
+fun merge_syntax_expr (SyntaxExpr { class = class1, inst = inst1, tyco = tyco1, const = const1 },
+ SyntaxExpr { class = class2, inst = inst2, tyco = tyco2, const = const2 }) =
+ mk_syntax_expr (
+ (Symtab.join (K snd) (class1, class2),
+ Symtab.join (K snd) (inst1, inst2)),
+ (Symtab.join (K snd) (tyco1, tyco2),
+ Symtab.join (K snd) (const1, const2))
+ );
+datatype serialization_dest = Compile | File of Path.T | String;
+type serialization = serialization_dest -> string option;
+fun compile f = (f Compile; ());
+fun file p f = (f (File p); ());
+fun string f = the (f String);
+type serializer =
+ string option
+ -> Args.T list
+ -> (string -> string)
+ -> string list
+ -> (string * Pretty.T) list
+ -> (string -> string option)
+ -> (string -> class_syntax option)
+ -> (string -> typ_syntax option)
+ -> (string -> term_syntax option)
+ -> CodeThingol.code -> string list -> serialization;
-datatype 'a mixfix =
- Arg of fixity
- | Pretty of Pretty.T;
+datatype target = Target of {
+ serial: serial,
+ serializer: serializer,
+ reserved: string list,
+ includes: Pretty.T Symtab.table,
+ syntax_expr: syntax_expr,
+ module_alias: string Symtab.table
-fun mk_mixfix prep_arg (fixity_this, mfx) =
+fun mk_target ((serial, serializer), ((reserved, includes), (syntax_expr, module_alias))) =
+ Target { serial = serial, serializer = serializer, reserved = reserved,
+ includes = includes, syntax_expr = syntax_expr, module_alias = module_alias };
+fun map_target f ( Target { serial, serializer, reserved, includes, syntax_expr, module_alias } ) =
+ mk_target (f ((serial, serializer), ((reserved, includes), (syntax_expr, module_alias))));
+fun merge_target target (Target { serial = serial1, serializer = serializer,
+ reserved = reserved1, includes = includes1,
+ syntax_expr = syntax_expr1, module_alias = module_alias1 },
+ Target { serial = serial2, serializer = _,
+ reserved = reserved2, includes = includes2,
+ syntax_expr = syntax_expr2, module_alias = module_alias2 }) =
+ if serial1 = serial2 then
+ mk_target ((serial1, serializer),
+ ((merge (op =) (reserved1, reserved2), Symtab.merge (op =) (includes1, includes2)),
+ (merge_syntax_expr (syntax_expr1, syntax_expr2),
+ Symtab.join (K snd) (module_alias1, module_alias2))
+ ))
+ else
+ error ("Incompatible serializers: " ^ quote target);
+structure CodeTargetData = TheoryDataFun
+ type T = target Symtab.table * string list;
+ val empty = (Symtab.empty, []);
+ val copy = I;
+ val extend = I;
+ fun merge _ ((target1, exc1) : T, (target2, exc2)) =
+ (Symtab.join merge_target (target1, target2), Library.merge (op =) (exc1, exc2));
+fun the_serializer (Target { serializer, ... }) = serializer;
+fun the_reserved (Target { reserved, ... }) = reserved;
+fun the_includes (Target { includes, ... }) = includes;
+fun the_syntax_expr (Target { syntax_expr = SyntaxExpr x, ... }) = x;
+fun the_module_alias (Target { module_alias , ... }) = module_alias;
+fun assert_serializer thy target =
+ case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy)) target
+ of SOME data => target
+ | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
+fun add_serializer (target, seri) thy =
- fun is_arg (Arg _) = true
- | is_arg _ = false;
- val i = (length o filter is_arg) mfx;
- fun fillin _ [] [] =
- []
- | fillin pr (Arg fxy :: mfx) (a :: args) =
- (pr fxy o prep_arg) a :: fillin pr mfx args
- | fillin pr (Pretty p :: mfx) args =
- p :: fillin pr mfx args
- | fillin _ [] _ =
- error ("Inconsistent mixfix: too many arguments")
- | fillin _ _ [] =
- error ("Inconsistent mixfix: too less arguments");
+ val _ = case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy)) target
+ of SOME _ => warning ("overwriting existing serializer " ^ quote target)
+ | NONE => ();
- (i, fn pr => fn fixity_ctxt => fn args =>
- gen_brackify (fixity fixity_this fixity_ctxt) (fillin pr mfx args))
+ thy
+ |> (CodeTargetData.map o apfst oo Symtab.map_default)
+ (target, mk_target ((serial (), seri), (([], Symtab.empty),
+ (mk_syntax_expr ((Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty), (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)),
+ Symtab.empty))))
+ ((map_target o apfst o apsnd o K) seri)
-fun parse_infix prep_arg (x, i) s =
+fun map_seri_data target f thy =
- val l = case x of L => INFX (i, L) | _ => INFX (i, X);
- val r = case x of R => INFX (i, R) | _ => INFX (i, X);
+ val _ = assert_serializer thy target;
- mk_mixfix prep_arg (INFX (i, x),
- [Arg l, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, (Pretty o str) s, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, Arg r])
+ thy
+ |> (CodeTargetData.map o apfst o Symtab.map_entry target o map_target) f
-fun parse_mixfix prep_arg s =
+fun map_adaptions target =
+ map_seri_data target o apsnd o apfst;
+fun map_syntax_exprs target =
+ map_seri_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apfst o map_syntax_expr;
+fun map_module_alias target =
+ map_seri_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apsnd;
+fun get_serializer get_seri thy target permissive =
- val sym_any = Scan.one Symbol.is_regular;
- val parse = Scan.optional ($$ "!" >> K true) false -- Scan.repeat (
- ($$ "(" -- $$ "_" -- $$ ")" >> K (Arg NOBR))
- || ($$ "_" >> K (Arg BR))
- || ($$ "/" |-- Scan.repeat ($$ " ") >> (Pretty o Pretty.brk o length))
- || (Scan.repeat1
- ( $$ "'" |-- sym_any
- || Scan.unless ($$ "_" || $$ "/" || $$ "(" |-- $$ "_" |-- $$ ")")
- sym_any) >> (Pretty o str o implode)));
- in case Scan.finite Symbol.stopper parse (Symbol.explode s)
- of ((_, p as [_]), []) => mk_mixfix prep_arg (NOBR, p)
- | ((b, p as _ :: _ :: _), []) => mk_mixfix prep_arg (if b then NOBR else BR, p)
- | _ => Scan.!!
- (the_default ("malformed mixfix annotation: " ^ quote s) o snd) Scan.fail ()
+ val (seris, exc) = CodeTargetData.get thy;
+ val data = case Symtab.lookup seris target
+ of SOME data => data
+ | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
+ val seri = get_seri data;
+ val reserved = the_reserved data;
+ val includes = Symtab.dest (the_includes data);
+ val alias = the_module_alias data;
+ val { class, inst, tyco, const } = the_syntax_expr data;
+ val project = if target = target_diag then K I
+ else CodeThingol.project_code permissive
+ (Symtab.keys class @ Symtab.keys inst @ Symtab.keys tyco @ Symtab.keys const);
+ fun check_empty_funs code = case filter_out (member (op =) exc)
+ (CodeThingol.empty_funs code)
+ of [] => code
+ | names => error ("No defining equations for "
+ ^ commas (map (CodeName.labelled_name thy) names));
+ in fn module => fn args => fn code => fn cs =>
+ seri module args (CodeName.labelled_name thy) reserved includes
+ (Symtab.lookup alias) (Symtab.lookup class)
+ (Symtab.lookup tyco) (Symtab.lookup const)
+ ((check_empty_funs o project cs) code) (these cs)
+val serialize = get_serializer the_serializer;
fun parse_args f args =
case Scan.read Args.stopper f args
of SOME x => x
| NONE => error "Bad serializer arguments";
-(* generic serializer combinators *)
+(** generic output combinators **)
+(* applications and bindings *)
fun gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term const_syntax labelled_name is_cons
lhs vars fxy (app as ((c, (_, tys)), ts)) =
@@ -269,7 +373,7 @@
in CodeThingol.unfoldr dest_monad t end;
-(** name auxiliary **)
+(* name auxiliary *)
val first_upper = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_upper o explode;
val first_lower = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_lower o explode;
@@ -914,8 +1018,8 @@
str ("end;; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
-fun seri_ml pr_def pr_modl module output labelled_name reserved_syms includes raw_module_alias
- (_ : string -> class_syntax option) tyco_syntax const_syntax cs code =
+fun seri_ml internal output_cont pr_def pr_modl module labelled_name reserved_syms includes raw_module_alias
+ (_ : string -> class_syntax option) tyco_syntax const_syntax code cs seri_dest =
val module_alias = if is_some module then K module else raw_module_alias;
val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons code;
@@ -1089,33 +1193,19 @@
val p = Pretty.chunks (separate (str "") (map snd includes @ (map_filter
(pr_node [] o Graph.get_node nodes) o rev o flat o Graph.strong_conn) nodes));
val deresolv = try (deresolver (if is_some module then the_list module else []));
- in output (map_filter deresolv cs, p) end;
-fun isar_seri_sml module file =
- let
- val output = case file
- of NONE => use_text (1, "generated code") Output.ml_output false o code_source
- | SOME "-" => code_writeln
- | SOME file => File.write (Path.explode file) o code_source;
- in
- parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
- #> (fn () => seri_ml pr_sml pr_sml_modl module (output o snd))
- end;
+ val output = case seri_dest
+ of Compile => K NONE o internal o code_source
+ | File file => K NONE o File.write file o code_source
+ | String => SOME o code_source;
+ in output_cont (map_filter deresolv cs, output p) end;
-fun eval_seri module file args =
- seri_ml pr_sml (K Pretty.chunks) (SOME "Isabelle_Eval")
- (fn (cs, p) => "let\n" ^ code_source p ^ "\nin fn () => " ^ enclose "(" ")" (commas cs) ^ " end");
+fun isar_seri_sml module =
+ parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
+ #> (fn () => seri_ml (use_text (1, "generated code") Output.ml_output false) snd pr_sml pr_sml_modl module);
-fun isar_seri_ocaml module file =
- let
- val output = case file
- of NONE => error "OCaml: no internal compilation"
- | SOME "-" => code_writeln
- | SOME file => File.write (Path.explode file) o code_source;
- in
- parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
- #> (fn () => seri_ml pr_ocaml pr_ocaml_modl module (output o snd))
- end;
+fun isar_seri_ocaml module =
+ parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
+ #> (fn () => seri_ml (fn _ => error "OCaml: no internal compilation") snd pr_ocaml pr_ocaml_modl module)
(** Haskell serializer **)
@@ -1396,11 +1486,10 @@
end; (*local*)
-fun seri_haskell module_prefix module destination string_classes labelled_name
+fun seri_haskell module_prefix module string_classes labelled_name
reserved_syms includes raw_module_alias
- class_syntax tyco_syntax const_syntax cs code =
+ class_syntax tyco_syntax const_syntax code cs seri_dest =
- val _ = Option.map File.check destination;
val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons code;
val contr_classparam_typs = CodeThingol.contr_classparam_typs code;
val module_alias = if is_some module then K module else raw_module_alias;
@@ -1477,25 +1566,14 @@
deresolv_here (if qualified then deresolv else deresolv_here) is_cons
(if string_classes then deriving_show else K false);
- fun write_modulefile (SOME destination) modlname =
- let
- val filename = case modlname
- of "" => Path.explode "Main.hs"
- | _ => (Path.ext "hs" o Path.explode o implode o separate "/"
- o NameSpace.explode) modlname;
- val pathname = Path.append destination filename;
- val _ = File.mkdir (Path.dir pathname);
- in File.write pathname o code_source end
- | write_modulefile NONE _ = code_writeln;
- fun write_module destination (modulename, content) =
- Pretty.chunks [
+ fun assemble_module (modulename, content) =
+ (modulename, code_source (Pretty.chunks [
str ("module " ^ modulename ^ " where {"),
str "",
str "",
str "}"
- ]
- |> write_modulefile destination modulename;
+ ]));
fun seri_module (modlname', (imports, (defs, _))) =
val imports' =
@@ -1521,31 +1599,34 @@
(fn (name, (_, SOME def)) => SOME (seri_def qualified (name, def))
| (_, (_, NONE)) => NONE) defs)
- in
- write_module destination (modlname', content)
- end;
- in (
- map (write_module destination) includes;
- Symtab.fold (fn modl => fn () => seri_module modl) code' ()
- ) end;
+ in assemble_module (modlname', content) end;
+ fun write_module destination (modlname, content) =
+ let
+ val filename = case modlname
+ of "" => Path.explode "Main.hs"
+ | _ => (Path.ext "hs" o Path.explode o implode o separate "/"
+ o NameSpace.explode) modlname;
+ val pathname = Path.append destination filename;
+ val _ = File.mkdir (Path.dir pathname);
+ in File.write pathname content end
+ val output = case seri_dest
+ of Compile => error ("Haskell: no internal compilation")
+ | File destination => K NONE o map (write_module destination)
+ | String => SOME o cat_lines o map snd;
+ in output (map assemble_module includes
+ @ map seri_module (Symtab.dest code'))
+ end;
-fun isar_seri_haskell module file =
- let
- val destination = case file
- of NONE => error ("Haskell: no internal compilation")
- | SOME "-" => NONE
- | SOME file => SOME (Path.explode file)
- in
- parse_args (Scan.option (Args.$$$ "root" -- Args.colon |-- Args.name)
- -- Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "string_classes" >> K true) false
- >> (fn (module_prefix, string_classes) =>
- seri_haskell module_prefix module destination string_classes))
- end;
+fun isar_seri_haskell module =
+ parse_args (Scan.option (Args.$$$ "root" -- Args.colon |-- Args.name)
+ -- Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "string_classes" >> K true) false
+ >> (fn (module_prefix, string_classes) =>
+ seri_haskell module_prefix module string_classes));
(** diagnosis serializer **)
-fun seri_diagnosis labelled_name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ code =
+fun seri_diagnosis labelled_name _ _ _ _ _ _ code _ _ =
val init_names = CodeName.make_vars [];
fun pr_fun "fun" = SOME (2, fn pr_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
@@ -1562,174 +1643,12 @@
|> Graph.fold (fn (name, (def, _)) =>
case try pr (name, def) of SOME p => cons p | NONE => I) code
|> Pretty.chunks2
- |> code_writeln
+ |> code_source
+ |> writeln
+ |> K NONE
-(** theory data **)
-datatype syntax_expr = SyntaxExpr of {
- class: (string * (string -> string option)) Symtab.table,
- inst: unit Symtab.table,
- tyco: typ_syntax Symtab.table,
- const: term_syntax Symtab.table
-fun mk_syntax_expr ((class, inst), (tyco, const)) =
- SyntaxExpr { class = class, inst = inst, tyco = tyco, const = const };
-fun map_syntax_expr f (SyntaxExpr { class, inst, tyco, const }) =
- mk_syntax_expr (f ((class, inst), (tyco, const)));
-fun merge_syntax_expr (SyntaxExpr { class = class1, inst = inst1, tyco = tyco1, const = const1 },
- SyntaxExpr { class = class2, inst = inst2, tyco = tyco2, const = const2 }) =
- mk_syntax_expr (
- (Symtab.join (K snd) (class1, class2),
- Symtab.join (K snd) (inst1, inst2)),
- (Symtab.join (K snd) (tyco1, tyco2),
- Symtab.join (K snd) (const1, const2))
- );
-type 'a gen_serializer =
- string option
- -> string option
- -> Args.T list
- -> (string -> string)
- -> string list
- -> (string * Pretty.T) list
- -> (string -> string option)
- -> (string -> class_syntax option)
- -> (string -> typ_syntax option)
- -> (string -> term_syntax option)
- -> string list -> CodeThingol.code -> 'a;
-type serializer = unit gen_serializer;
-datatype target = Target of {
- serial: serial,
- serializer: serializer,
- reserved: string list,
- includes: Pretty.T Symtab.table,
- syntax_expr: syntax_expr,
- module_alias: string Symtab.table
-fun mk_target ((serial, serializer), ((reserved, includes), (syntax_expr, module_alias))) =
- Target { serial = serial, serializer = serializer, reserved = reserved,
- includes = includes, syntax_expr = syntax_expr, module_alias = module_alias };
-fun map_target f ( Target { serial, serializer, reserved, includes, syntax_expr, module_alias } ) =
- mk_target (f ((serial, serializer), ((reserved, includes), (syntax_expr, module_alias))));
-fun merge_target target (Target { serial = serial1, serializer = serializer,
- reserved = reserved1, includes = includes1,
- syntax_expr = syntax_expr1, module_alias = module_alias1 },
- Target { serial = serial2, serializer = _,
- reserved = reserved2, includes = includes2,
- syntax_expr = syntax_expr2, module_alias = module_alias2 }) =
- if serial1 = serial2 then
- mk_target ((serial1, serializer),
- ((merge (op =) (reserved1, reserved2), Symtab.merge (op =) (includes1, includes2)),
- (merge_syntax_expr (syntax_expr1, syntax_expr2),
- Symtab.join (K snd) (module_alias1, module_alias2))
- ))
- else
- error ("Incompatible serializers: " ^ quote target);
-structure CodeTargetData = TheoryDataFun
- type T = target Symtab.table * string list;
- val empty = (Symtab.empty, []);
- val copy = I;
- val extend = I;
- fun merge _ ((target1, exc1) : T, (target2, exc2)) =
- (Symtab.join merge_target (target1, target2), Library.merge (op =) (exc1, exc2));
-val target_SML = "SML";
-val target_OCaml = "OCaml";
-val target_Haskell = "Haskell";
-val target_diag = "diag";
-fun the_serializer (Target { serializer, ... }) = serializer;
-fun the_reserved (Target { reserved, ... }) = reserved;
-fun the_includes (Target { includes, ... }) = includes;
-fun the_syntax_expr (Target { syntax_expr = SyntaxExpr x, ... }) = x;
-fun the_module_alias (Target { module_alias , ... }) = module_alias;
-fun assert_serializer thy target =
- case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy)) target
- of SOME data => target
- | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
-fun add_serializer (target, seri) thy =
- let
- val _ = case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy)) target
- of SOME _ => warning ("overwriting existing serializer " ^ quote target)
- | NONE => ();
- in
- thy
- |> (CodeTargetData.map o apfst oo Symtab.map_default)
- (target, mk_target ((serial (), seri), (([], Symtab.empty),
- (mk_syntax_expr ((Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty), (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)),
- Symtab.empty))))
- ((map_target o apfst o apsnd o K) seri)
- end;
-fun map_seri_data target f thy =
- let
- val _ = assert_serializer thy target;
- in
- thy
- |> (CodeTargetData.map o apfst o Symtab.map_entry target o map_target) f
- end;
-fun map_adaptions target =
- map_seri_data target o apsnd o apfst;
-fun map_syntax_exprs target =
- map_seri_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apfst o map_syntax_expr;
-fun map_module_alias target =
- map_seri_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apsnd;
-fun gen_get_serializer get_seri thy target permissive =
- let
- val (seris, exc) = CodeTargetData.get thy;
- val data = case Symtab.lookup seris target
- of SOME data => data
- | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
- val seri = get_seri data;
- val reserved = the_reserved data;
- val includes = Symtab.dest (the_includes data);
- val alias = the_module_alias data;
- val { class, inst, tyco, const } = the_syntax_expr data;
- val project = if target = target_diag then K I
- else CodeThingol.project_code permissive
- (Symtab.keys class @ Symtab.keys inst @ Symtab.keys tyco @ Symtab.keys const);
- fun check_empty_funs code = case filter_out (member (op =) exc)
- (CodeThingol.empty_funs code)
- of [] => code
- | names => error ("No defining equations for "
- ^ commas (map (CodeName.labelled_name thy) names));
- in fn module => fn file => fn args => fn cs => fn code =>
- code
- |> project cs
- |> check_empty_funs
- |> seri module file args (CodeName.labelled_name thy) reserved includes
- (Symtab.lookup alias) (Symtab.lookup class)
- (Symtab.lookup tyco) (Symtab.lookup const) (these cs)
- end;
-val get_serializer = gen_get_serializer the_serializer;
-fun sml_of thy cs = gen_get_serializer (K eval_seri) thy target_SML false NONE NONE [] (SOME cs);
-fun eval thy (ref_name, reff) code (t, ty) args =
- let
- val _ = if CodeThingol.contains_dictvar t then
- error "Term to be evaluated constains free dictionaries" else ();
- val code' = CodeThingol.add_value_stmt (t, ty) code;
- val value_code = sml_of thy [CodeName.value_name] code';
- val sml_code = space_implode " " (value_code :: "()" :: map (enclose "(" ")") args);
- in ML_Context.evaluate Output.ml_output false (ref_name, reff) sml_code end;
(** optional pretty serialization **)
@@ -1888,7 +1807,65 @@
end; (*local*)
-(** ML and Isar interface **)
+(** user interfaces **)
+(* evaluation *)
+fun eval_seri module args =
+ seri_ml (use_text (1, "generated code") Output.ml_output false)
+ (fn (cs, SOME s) => "let\n" ^ s ^ "\nin fn () => " ^ enclose "(" ")" (commas cs) ^ " end")
+ pr_sml (K Pretty.chunks) (SOME "Isabelle_Eval");
+fun sml_of thy code cs = get_serializer (K eval_seri) thy target_SML false NONE [] code (SOME cs) String;
+fun eval thy (ref_name, reff) code (t, ty) args =
+ let
+ val _ = if CodeThingol.contains_dictvar t then
+ error "Term to be evaluated constains free dictionaries" else ();
+ val code' = CodeThingol.add_value_stmt (t, ty) code;
+ val value_code = sml_of thy code' [CodeName.value_name] ;
+ val sml_code = space_implode " " (value_code :: "()" :: map (enclose "(" ")") args);
+ in ML_Context.evaluate Output.ml_output false (ref_name, reff) sml_code end;
+(* infix syntax *)
+datatype 'a mixfix =
+ Arg of fixity
+ | Pretty of Pretty.T;
+fun mk_mixfix prep_arg (fixity_this, mfx) =
+ let
+ fun is_arg (Arg _) = true
+ | is_arg _ = false;
+ val i = (length o filter is_arg) mfx;
+ fun fillin _ [] [] =
+ []
+ | fillin pr (Arg fxy :: mfx) (a :: args) =
+ (pr fxy o prep_arg) a :: fillin pr mfx args
+ | fillin pr (Pretty p :: mfx) args =
+ p :: fillin pr mfx args
+ | fillin _ [] _ =
+ error ("Inconsistent mixfix: too many arguments")
+ | fillin _ _ [] =
+ error ("Inconsistent mixfix: too less arguments");
+ in
+ (i, fn pr => fn fixity_ctxt => fn args =>
+ gen_brackify (fixity fixity_this fixity_ctxt) (fillin pr mfx args))
+ end;
+fun parse_infix prep_arg (x, i) s =
+ let
+ val l = case x of L => INFX (i, L) | _ => INFX (i, X);
+ val r = case x of R => INFX (i, R) | _ => INFX (i, X);
+ in
+ mk_mixfix prep_arg (INFX (i, x),
+ [Arg l, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, (Pretty o str) s, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, Arg r])
+ end;
+(* data access *)
@@ -2047,6 +2024,9 @@
fold_map (fn x => g |-- f >> pair x) xs
#-> (fn xys => pair ((x, y) :: xys)));
+(* conrete syntax *)
structure P = OuterParse
and K = OuterKeyword
@@ -2057,6 +2037,24 @@
val (infixK, infixlK, infixrK) = ("infix", "infixl", "infixr");
+fun parse_mixfix prep_arg s =
+ let
+ val sym_any = Scan.one Symbol.is_regular;
+ val parse = Scan.optional ($$ "!" >> K true) false -- Scan.repeat (
+ ($$ "(" -- $$ "_" -- $$ ")" >> K (Arg NOBR))
+ || ($$ "_" >> K (Arg BR))
+ || ($$ "/" |-- Scan.repeat ($$ " ") >> (Pretty o Pretty.brk o length))
+ || (Scan.repeat1
+ ( $$ "'" |-- sym_any
+ || Scan.unless ($$ "_" || $$ "/" || $$ "(" |-- $$ "_" |-- $$ ")")
+ sym_any) >> (Pretty o str o implode)));
+ in case Scan.finite Symbol.stopper parse (Symbol.explode s)
+ of ((_, p as [_]), []) => mk_mixfix prep_arg (NOBR, p)
+ | ((b, p as _ :: _ :: _), []) => mk_mixfix prep_arg (if b then NOBR else BR, p)
+ | _ => Scan.!!
+ (the_default ("malformed mixfix annotation: " ^ quote s) o snd) Scan.fail ()
+ end;
fun parse_syntax prep_arg xs =
Scan.option ((
((P.$$$ infixK >> K X)
@@ -2151,6 +2149,8 @@
+(* Isar commands *)
val _ = OuterSyntax.keywords [infixK, infixlK, infixrK];
val _ =
@@ -2217,12 +2217,13 @@
-(*including serializer defaults*)
+(* serializer setup, including serializer defaults *)
val setup =
add_serializer (target_SML, isar_seri_sml)
#> add_serializer (target_OCaml, isar_seri_ocaml)
#> add_serializer (target_Haskell, isar_seri_haskell)
- #> add_serializer (target_diag, fn _ => fn _=> fn _ => seri_diagnosis)
+ #> add_serializer (target_diag, fn _ => fn _=> seri_diagnosis)
#> add_syntax_tyco "SML" "fun" (SOME (2, fn pr_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
(gen_brackify (case fxy of NOBR => false | _ => fixity (INFX (1, R)) fxy) o Pretty.breaks) [
pr_typ (INFX (1, X)) ty1,