(was Thy/read.ML)
Thu, 19 May 1994 16:30:56 +0200
changeset 391 e960fe156cd8
parent 390 b074205ac50a
child 392 674d878719bd
(was Thy/read.ML) minor changes to accomodate new ThyScan and ThyParse;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_read.ML	Thu May 19 16:30:56 1994 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/thy_read.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Sonia Mahjoub / Tobias Nipkow / L C Paulson
+    Copyright   1993  TU Muenchen
+Reading and writing the theory definition files.
+For theory XXX, the  input file is called XXX.thy
+                the output file is called .XXX.thy.ML
+                and it then tries to read XXX.ML
+datatype thy_info = ThyInfo of {name: string, path: string,
+                                children: string list,
+                                thy_info: string option, ml_info: string option,
+                                theory: Thm.theory option};
+signature THY_READ =
+  datatype basetype = Thy  of string
+                    | File of string
+  val loaded_thys    : thy_info list ref
+  val loadpath       : string list ref
+  val delete_tmpfiles: bool ref
+  val use_thy        : string -> unit
+  val update         : unit -> unit
+  val time_use_thy   : string -> unit
+  val unlink_thy     : string -> unit
+  val base_on        : basetype list -> string -> Thm.theory
+  val store_theory   : string -> Thm.theory -> unit
+functor ThyReadFun(structure ThyParse: THY_PARSE): THY_READ =
+datatype basetype = Thy  of string
+                  | File of string;
+val loaded_thys = ref [ThyInfo {name = "Pure", path = "", children = [], 
+                                thy_info = Some "", ml_info = Some "", 
+                                theory = Some Thm.pure_thy}];
+val loadpath = ref ["."];           (*default search path for theory files *)
+val delete_tmpfiles = ref true;         (*remove temporary files after use *)
+(*Make name of the output ML file for a theory *)
+fun out_name thy = "." ^ thy ^ ".thy.ML";
+(*Read a file specified by thy_file containing theory thy *)
+fun read_thy thy thy_file =
+  let 
+    open ThyParse;
+    val instream  = open_in thy_file;
+    val outstream = open_out (out_name thy);
+  in  
+    output (outstream, parse_thy pure_syntax (input (instream, 999999)));
+    close_out outstream;
+    close_in instream
+  end;
+fun file_exists file =
+  let val instream = open_in file in close_in instream; true end
+    handle Io _ => false;
+(*Get thy_info for a loaded theory *)
+fun get_thyinfo thy =
+  let fun do_search (t :: loaded : thy_info list) =
+            let val ThyInfo {name, ...} = t
+            in if name = thy then Some t else do_search loaded end
+        | do_search [] = None
+  in do_search (!loaded_thys) end;
+(*Replace an item by the result of make_change *)
+fun change_thyinfo make_change =
+  let fun search (t :: loaded) =
+            let val ThyInfo {name, path, children, thy_info, ml_info,
+                             theory} = t
+                val (new_t, continue) = make_change name path children thy_info
+                                                    ml_info theory
+            in if continue then            
+                 new_t :: (search loaded)
+               else
+                 new_t :: loaded
+            end
+        | search [] = []
+  in loaded_thys := search (!loaded_thys) end;
+(*Check if a theory was already loaded *)
+fun already_loaded thy =
+  let val t = get_thyinfo thy
+  in if is_none t then false
+     else let val ThyInfo {thy_info, ml_info, ...} = the t
+          in if is_none thy_info orelse is_none ml_info then false 
+             else true end
+  end;
+(*Check if a theory file has changed since its last use.
+  Return a pair of boolean values for .thy and for .ML *)
+fun thy_unchanged thy thy_file ml_file = 
+  let val t = get_thyinfo thy
+  in if is_some t then
+       let val ThyInfo {thy_info, ml_info, ...} = the t
+           val tn = is_none thy_info;
+           val mn = is_none ml_info
+       in if not tn andalso not mn then
+              ((file_info thy_file = the thy_info), 
+               (file_info ml_file = the ml_info))
+          else if not tn andalso mn then (true, false)
+          else (false, false)
+       end
+     else (false, false)
+  end;
+exception FILE_NOT_FOUND;   (*raised by find_file *)
+(*Find a file using a list of paths if no absolute or relative path is
+  specified.*)
+fun find_file "" name =
+      let fun find_it (curr :: paths) =
+                if file_exists (tack_on curr name) then
+                    tack_on curr name
+                else 
+                    find_it paths
+           | find_it [] = ""
+      in find_it (!loadpath) end
+  | find_file path name =
+      if file_exists (tack_on path name) then tack_on path name
+                                         else "";
+(*Get absolute pathnames for a new or already loaded theory *)
+fun get_filenames path name =
+  let fun make_absolute file =
+        if file = "" then "" else 
+            if hd (explode file) = "/" then file else tack_on (pwd ()) file;
+      fun new_filename () =
+        let val found = find_file path (name ^ ".thy")
+                        handle FILE_NOT_FOUND => "";
+            val thy_file = make_absolute found;
+            val (thy_path, _) = split_filename thy_file;
+            val found = find_file path (name ^ ".ML");
+            val ml_file = if thy_file = "" then make_absolute found
+                          else if file_exists (tack_on thy_path (name ^ ".ML"))
+                          then tack_on thy_path (name ^ ".ML")
+                          else "";
+            val searched_dirs = if path = "" then (!loadpath) else [path]
+        in if thy_file = "" andalso ml_file = "" then
+             error ("Could not find file \"" ^ name ^ ".thy\" or \""
+                    ^ name ^ ".ML\" for theory \"" ^ name ^ "\"\n"
+                    ^ "in the following directories: \"" ^
+                    (space_implode "\", \"" searched_dirs) ^ "\"")
+           else ();
+           (thy_file, ml_file) 
+        end;
+      val thy = get_thyinfo name
+  in if is_some thy andalso path = "" then
+       let val ThyInfo {path = abs_path, ...} = the thy;
+           val (thy_file, ml_file) = if abs_path = "" then new_filename ()
+                                     else (find_file abs_path (name ^ ".thy"),
+                                           find_file abs_path (name ^ ".ML"))
+       in if thy_file = "" andalso ml_file = "" then
+            (writeln ("Warning: File \"" ^ (tack_on path name)
+                      ^ ".thy\"\ncontaining theory \"" ^ name
+                      ^ "\" no longer exists.");
+             new_filename ()
+            )
+          else (thy_file, ml_file)
+       end
+     else new_filename ()
+  end;
+(*Remove theory from all child lists in loaded_thys *)
+fun unlink_thy thy =
+  let fun remove name path children thy_info ml_info theory =
+            (ThyInfo {name = name, path = path, children = children \ thy, 
+                      thy_info = thy_info, ml_info = ml_info,
+                      theory = theory}, true)
+  in change_thyinfo remove end;
+(*Remove a theory from loaded_thys *)
+fun remove_thy thy =
+  let fun remove (t :: ts) =
+            let val ThyInfo {name, ...} = t
+            in if name = thy then ts
+                             else t :: (remove ts)
+            end
+        | remove [] = []
+  in loaded_thys := remove (!loaded_thys) end;
+(*Change thy_info and ml_info for an existent item *)
+fun set_info thy_new ml_new thy =
+  let fun change name path children thy_info ml_info theory =
+        if name = thy then
+            (ThyInfo {name = name, path = path, children = children,
+                      thy_info = Some thy_new, ml_info = Some ml_new,
+                      theory = theory}, false)
+        else
+            (ThyInfo {name = name, path = path, children = children,
+                      thy_info = thy_info, ml_info = ml_info,
+                      theory = theory}, true)
+  in change_thyinfo change end;
+(*Mark theory as changed since last read if it has been completly read *)
+fun mark_outdated thy =
+  if already_loaded thy then set_info "" "" thy
+                        else ();
+(*Read .thy and .ML files that haven't been read yet or have changed since 
+  they were last read;
+  loaded_thys is a thy_info list ref containing all theories that have 
+  completly been read by this and preceeding use_thy calls.
+  If a theory changed since its last use its children are marked as changed *)
+fun use_thy name =
+    let val (path, thy_name) = split_filename name;
+        val (thy_file, ml_file) = get_filenames path thy_name;
+        val (abs_path, _) = if thy_file = "" then split_filename ml_file
+                            else split_filename thy_file;
+        val (thy_uptodate, ml_uptodate) = thy_unchanged thy_name 
+                                                        thy_file ml_file;
+         (*Set absolute path for loaded theory *)
+         fun set_path () =
+           let fun change name path children thy_info ml_info theory =
+                 if name = thy_name then            
+                   (ThyInfo {name = name, path = abs_path, children = children,
+                             thy_info = thy_info, ml_info = ml_info,
+                             theory = theory}, false)
+                 else
+                   (ThyInfo {name = name, path = path, children = children,
+                             thy_info = thy_info, ml_info = ml_info,
+                             theory = theory}, true)
+           in change_thyinfo change end;
+         (*Mark all direct descendants of a theory as changed *)
+         fun mark_children thy =
+           let val ThyInfo {children, ...} = the (get_thyinfo thy)
+               val loaded = filter already_loaded children
+           in if loaded <> [] then
+                  (writeln ("The following children of theory " ^ (quote thy)
+                            ^ " are now out-of-date: "
+                            ^ (quote (space_implode "\",\"" loaded)));
+                   seq mark_outdated loaded
+                  )
+              else ()
+           end
+    in if thy_uptodate andalso ml_uptodate then ()
+       else
+       (
+         if thy_uptodate orelse thy_file = "" then ()
+         else (writeln ("Reading \"" ^ name ^ ".thy\"");
+               read_thy thy_name thy_file;
+               use (out_name thy_name)
+              );
+         if ml_file = "" then () 
+         else (writeln ("Reading \"" ^ name ^ ".ML\"");
+               use ml_file);
+         use_string ("store_theory " ^ quote thy_name ^ " " 
+                     ^ thy_name ^ ".thy");
+         (*Now set the correct info*)
+         set_info (file_info thy_file) (file_info ml_file) thy_name;
+         set_path ();
+         (*Mark theories that have to be reloaded*)
+         mark_children thy_name;
+         (*Remove temporary files*)
+         if not (!delete_tmpfiles) orelse (thy_file = "") orelse thy_uptodate 
+           then ()
+         else delete_file (out_name thy_name)
+        )
+    end;
+fun time_use_thy tname = timeit(fn()=>
+   (writeln("\n**** Starting Theory " ^ tname ^ " ****");  
+    use_thy tname;
+    writeln("\n**** Finished Theory " ^ tname ^ " ****"))
+   );
+(*Load all thy or ML files that have been changed and also
+  all theories that depend on them *)
+fun update () =
+  let (*List theories in the order they have to be loaded *)
+      fun load_order [] result = result
+        | load_order thys result =
+            let fun next_level (t :: ts) =
+                      let val thy = get_thyinfo t
+                      in if is_some thy then
+                             let val ThyInfo {children, ...} = the thy
+                             in children union (next_level ts)
+                             end
+                         else next_level ts
+                      end
+                  | next_level [] = [];
+                val children = next_level thys
+            in load_order children ((result \\ children) @ children) end;
+      fun reload_changed (t :: ts) =
+            let val thy = get_thyinfo t;
+                fun abspath () =
+                  if is_some thy then
+                    let val ThyInfo {path, ...} = the thy in path end
+                  else "";
+                val (thy_file, ml_file) = get_filenames (abspath ()) t;
+                val (thy_uptodate, ml_uptodate) =
+                        thy_unchanged t thy_file ml_file;
+            in if thy_uptodate andalso ml_uptodate then ()
+                                                   else use_thy t;
+               reload_changed ts
+            end
+        | reload_changed [] = ();
+     (*Remove all theories that are no descendants of Pure.
+       If there are still children in the deleted theory's list
+       schedule them for reloading *)
+     fun collect_garbage not_garbage =
+       let fun collect (t :: ts) =
+                 let val ThyInfo {name, children, ...} = t
+                 in if name mem not_garbage then collect ts
+                    else (writeln("Theory \"" ^ name 
+                           ^ "\" is no longer linked with Pure - removing it.");
+                          remove_thy name;
+                          seq mark_outdated children
+                         )
+                 end
+             | collect [] = ()
+       in collect (!loaded_thys) end
+  in collect_garbage ("Pure" :: (load_order ["Pure"] []));
+     reload_changed (load_order ["Pure"] [])
+  end;
+(*Merge theories to build a base for a new theory.
+  Base members are only loaded if they are missing. *)
+fun base_on bases child =
+      let (*List all descendants of a theory list *)
+          fun list_descendants (t :: ts) =
+                let val tinfo = get_thyinfo t
+                in if is_some tinfo then
+                     let val ThyInfo {children, ...} = the tinfo
+                     in children union (list_descendants (ts union children))
+                     end
+                   else []
+                end
+            | list_descendants [] = [];
+          (*Show the cycle that would be created by add_child *)
+          fun show_cycle base =
+            let fun find_it result curr =
+                  let val tinfo = get_thyinfo curr
+                  in if base = curr then 
+                       error ("Cyclic dependency of theories: "
+                              ^ child ^ "->" ^ base ^ result)
+                     else if is_some tinfo then
+                       let val ThyInfo {children, ...} = the tinfo
+                       in seq (find_it ("->" ^ curr ^ result)) children
+                       end
+                     else ()
+                  end
+            in find_it "" child end;
+          (*Check if a cycle will be created by add_child *)
+          fun find_cycle base =
+            if base mem (list_descendants [child]) then show_cycle base
+            else ();
+          (*Add child to child list of base *)
+          fun add_child base =
+            let fun add (t :: loaded) =
+                      let val ThyInfo {name, path, children,
+                                       thy_info, ml_info, theory} = t
+                      in if name = base then
+                           ThyInfo {name = name, path = path,
+                                    children = child ins children,
+                                    thy_info = thy_info, ml_info = ml_info,
+                                    theory = theory} :: loaded
+                         else
+                           t :: (add loaded)
+                      end
+                  | add [] =
+                      [ThyInfo {name = base, path = "", children = [child], 
+                                thy_info = None, ml_info = None, theory = None}]
+            in loaded_thys := add (!loaded_thys) end;       
+          (*Load a base theory if not already done
+            and no cycle would be created *)
+          fun load base =
+              let val thy_present = already_loaded base
+                                            (*test this before child is added *)
+              in
+                if child = base then
+                    error ("Cyclic dependency of theories: " ^ child
+                           ^ "->" ^ child)
+                else 
+                  (find_cycle base;
+                   add_child base;
+                   if thy_present then ()
+                   else (writeln ("Autoloading theory " ^ (quote base)
+                                  ^ " (used by " ^ (quote child) ^ ")");
+                         use_thy base)
+                  )
+              end; 
+          (*Load all needed files and make a list of all real theories *)
+          fun load_base (Thy b :: bs) =
+               (load b;
+                b :: (load_base bs))
+            | load_base (File b :: bs) =
+               (load b;
+                load_base bs)    (*don't add it to merge_theories' parameter *)
+            | load_base [] = [];
+          (*Get theory object for a loaded theory *)
+          fun get_theory name =
+            let val ThyInfo {theory, ...} = the (get_thyinfo name)
+            in the theory end;
+          val mergelist = (unlink_thy child;
+                           load_base bases);
+          val (t :: ts) = if mergelist = [] then ["Pure"] else mergelist
+                                               (*we have to return something *)
+     in writeln ("Loading theory " ^ (quote child));
+        foldl Thm.merge_theories (get_theory t, map get_theory ts) end;
+(*Change theory object for an existent item of loaded_thys 
+  or create a new item *)
+fun store_theory thy_name thy =
+  let fun make_change (t :: loaded) =
+            let val ThyInfo {name, path, children, thy_info, ml_info, ...} = t
+            in if name = thy_name then            
+                    ThyInfo {name = name, path = path, children = children,
+                             thy_info = thy_info, ml_info = ml_info,
+                             theory = Some thy} :: loaded
+               else
+                    t :: (make_change loaded)
+            end
+        | make_change [] =
+            [ThyInfo {name = thy_name, path = "", children = [],
+                      thy_info = Some "", ml_info = Some "",
+                      theory = Some thy}]
+  in loaded_thys := make_change (!loaded_thys) end;