--- a/src/Pure/sign.ML Thu May 19 16:17:46 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sign.ML Thu May 19 16:20:52 1994 +0200
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
The abstract type "sg" of signatures.
- a clean modular sequential Sign.extend (using sg_ext list);
+ pure sign: elim Syntax.constrainC
signature SIGN =
@@ -14,19 +14,21 @@
structure Syntax: SYNTAX
structure Type: TYPE
sharing Symtab = Type.Symtab
- local open Type in
+ local open Type Syntax Syntax.Mixfix in
type sg
val rep_sg: sg ->
{tsig: type_sig,
const_tab: typ Symtab.table,
- syn: Syntax.syntax,
+ syn: syntax,
stamps: string ref list}
val subsig: sg * sg -> bool
val eq_sg: sg * sg -> bool
+ val is_draft: sg -> bool
+ val const_type: sg -> string -> typ option
val print_sg: sg -> unit
val pprint_sg: sg -> pprint_args -> unit
- val pretty_term: sg -> term -> Syntax.Pretty.T
- val pretty_typ: sg -> typ -> Syntax.Pretty.T
+ val pretty_term: sg -> term -> Pretty.T
+ val pretty_typ: sg -> typ -> Pretty.T
val string_of_term: sg -> term -> string
val string_of_typ: sg -> typ -> string
val pprint_term: sg -> term -> pprint_args -> unit
@@ -34,14 +36,34 @@
val certify_typ: sg -> typ -> typ
val certify_term: sg -> term -> term * typ * int
val read_typ: sg * (indexname -> sort option) -> string -> typ
+ val add_classes: (class list * class * class list) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_defsort: sort -> sg -> sg
+ val add_types: (string * int * mixfix) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_tyabbrs: (string * string list * string * mixfix) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_tyabbrs_i: (string * string list * typ * mixfix) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_arities: (string * sort list * sort) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_consts: (string * string * mixfix) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_consts_i: (string * typ * mixfix) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_syntax: (string * string * mixfix) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_syntax_i: (string * typ * mixfix) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_trfuns:
+ (string * (ast list -> ast)) list *
+ (string * (term list -> term)) list *
+ (string * (term list -> term)) list *
+ (string * (ast list -> ast)) list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_trrules: xrule list -> sg -> sg
+ val add_name: string -> sg -> sg
+ val make_draft: sg -> sg
val extend: sg -> string ->
(class * class list) list * class list *
(string list * int) list *
(string * string list * string) list *
(string list * (sort list * class)) list *
- (string list * string) list * Syntax.sext option -> sg
+ (string list * string) list * sext option -> sg
val merge: sg * sg -> sg
val pure: sg
+ val const_of_class: class -> string
+ val class_of_const: string -> class
@@ -50,9 +72,11 @@
structure Symtab = Type.Symtab;
structure Syntax = Syntax;
+structure BasicSyntax: BASIC_SYNTAX = Syntax;
structure Pretty = Syntax.Pretty;
structure Type = Type;
-open Type;
+open BasicSyntax Type;
+open Syntax.Mixfix; (* FIXME *)
(** datatype sg **)
@@ -70,14 +94,23 @@
fun rep_sg (Sg args) = args;
+fun is_draft (Sg {stamps = ref "#" :: _, ...}) = true
+ | is_draft _ = false;
fun subsig (Sg {stamps = s1, ...}, Sg {stamps = s2, ...}) = s1 subset s2;
fun eq_sg (Sg {stamps = s1, ...}, Sg {stamps = s2, ...}) = eq_set (s1, s2);
+fun const_type (Sg {const_tab, ...}) c =
+ Symtab.lookup (const_tab, c);
(** print signature **)
+val stamp_names = rev o map !;
fun print_sg sg =
fun prt_typ syn ty = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ syn ty);
@@ -113,7 +146,7 @@
val Sg {tsig, const_tab, syn, stamps} = sg;
val {classes, subclass, default, args, abbrs, coreg} = rep_tsig tsig;
- Pretty.writeln (Pretty.strs ("stamps:" :: map ! stamps));
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.strs ("stamps:" :: stamp_names stamps));
Pretty.writeln (Pretty.strs ("classes:" :: classes));
Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "subclass:" (map pretty_subclass subclass));
Pretty.writeln (pretty_default default);
@@ -121,12 +154,12 @@
Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "abbrs:" (map (pretty_abbr syn) abbrs));
Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "coreg:" (flat (map pretty_coreg coreg)));
Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "consts:"
- (map (pretty_const syn) (Symtab.alist_of const_tab)))
+ (map (pretty_const syn) (Symtab.dest const_tab)))
fun pprint_sg (Sg {stamps, ...}) =
- Pretty.pprint (Pretty.str_list "{" "}" (map ! stamps));
+ Pretty.pprint (Pretty.str_list "{" "}" (stamp_names stamps));
@@ -143,22 +176,19 @@
-(** certify types and terms **)
-(*errors are indicated by exception TYPE*)
+(** certify types and terms **) (*exception TYPE*)
fun certify_typ (Sg {tsig, ...}) ty = cert_typ tsig ty;
-(* FIXME -> term.ML (?) *)
-fun mapfilter_atoms f (Abs (_, _, t)) = mapfilter_atoms f t
- | mapfilter_atoms f (t $ u) = mapfilter_atoms f t @ mapfilter_atoms f u
- | mapfilter_atoms f a = (case f a of Some y => [y] | None => []);
+fun mapfilt_atoms f (Abs (_, _, t)) = mapfilt_atoms f t
+ | mapfilt_atoms f (t $ u) = mapfilt_atoms f t @ mapfilt_atoms f u
+ | mapfilt_atoms f a = (case f a of Some y => [y] | None => []);
-fun certify_term (sg as Sg {tsig, const_tab, ...}) tm =
+fun certify_term (sg as Sg {tsig, ...}) tm =
fun valid_const a T =
- (case Symtab.lookup (const_tab, a) of
+ (case const_type sg a of
Some U => typ_instance (tsig, T, U)
| _ => false);
@@ -170,23 +200,21 @@
if i < 0 then Some ("Negative index for Var " ^ quote x) else None
| atom_err _ = None;
val norm_tm =
(case it_term_types (typ_errors tsig) (tm, []) of
[] => map_term_types (norm_typ tsig) tm
| errs => raise_type (cat_lines errs) [] [tm]);
- (case mapfilter_atoms atom_err norm_tm of
+ (case mapfilt_atoms atom_err norm_tm of
[] => (norm_tm, type_of norm_tm, maxidx_of_term norm_tm)
| errs => raise_type (cat_lines errs) [] [norm_tm])
-(** read types **)
+(** read types **) (*exception ERROR*)
-(*read and certify typ wrt a signature; errors are indicated by
- exception ERROR (with messages already printed)*)
+(* FIXME rd_typ vs. read_raw_typ (?) *)
fun rd_typ tsig syn sort_of s =
@@ -203,9 +231,230 @@
-(** extend signature **)
+(** extend signature **) (*exception ERROR*)
+(* FIXME -> type.ML *)
+(* FIXME replace? *)
+fun varify_typ (Type (t, tys)) = Type (t, map varify_typ tys)
+ | varify_typ (TFree (a, s)) = TVar ((a, 0), s)
+ | varify_typ (ty as TVar _) =
+ raise_type "Illegal schematic type variable" [ty] [];
+(* fake newstyle interfaces *) (* FIXME -> type.ML *)
+fun ext_tsig_classes tsig classes =
+ if exists (fn ([], _, _) => false | _ => true) classes then
+ sys_error "FIXME ext_tsig_classes"
+ else
+ extend_tsig tsig (map (fn (_, c, cs) => (c, cs)) classes, [], [], []);
+fun ext_tsig_defsort tsig defsort =
+ extend_tsig tsig ([], defsort, [], []);
+fun ext_tsig_types tsig types =
+ extend_tsig tsig ([], [], map (fn (t, n) => ([t], n)) types, []);
+(* FIXME varify_typ, rem_sorts; norm_typ (?) *)
+fun ext_tsig_abbrs tsig abbrs = Type.ext_tsig_abbrs tsig
+ (map (fn (t, vs, rhs) => (t, (map (rpair 0) vs, varifyT rhs))) abbrs);
+fun ext_tsig_arities tsig arities = extend_tsig tsig
+ ([], [], [], flat (map (fn (t, ss, cs) => map (fn c => ([t], (ss, c))) cs) arities));
+(** read types **) (*exception ERROR*)
+fun err_in_type s =
+ error ("The error(s) above occurred in type " ^ quote s);
+fun read_raw_typ syn tsig sort_of str =
+ Syntax.read_typ syn (fn x => if_none (sort_of x) (defaultS tsig)) str
+ handle ERROR => err_in_type str;
+(*read and certify typ wrt a signature*)
+fun read_typ (Sg {tsig, syn, ...}, sort_of) str =
+ cert_typ tsig (read_raw_typ syn tsig sort_of str)
+ handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => (writeln msg; err_in_type str);
+(** extension functions **) (*exception ERROR*)
+fun decls_of name_of mfixs =
+ map (fn (x, y, mx) => (name_of x mx, y)) mfixs;
+(* add default sort *)
+fun ext_defsort (syn, tsig, ctab) defsort =
+ (syn, ext_tsig_defsort tsig defsort, ctab);
+(* add type constructors *)
+fun ext_types (syn, tsig, ctab) types =
+ (Syntax.extend_type_gram syn types,
+ ext_tsig_types tsig (decls_of type_name types),
+ ctab);
+(* add type abbreviations *)
+fun read_abbr syn tsig (t, vs, rhs_src) =
+ (t, vs, read_raw_typ syn tsig (K None) rhs_src)
+ handle ERROR => error ("in type abbreviation " ^ t);
+fun ext_abbrs rd_abbr (syn, tsig, ctab) abbrs =
+ let
+ fun mfix_of (t, vs, _, mx) = (t, length vs, mx);
+ val syn1 = Syntax.extend_type_gram syn (map mfix_of abbrs);
+ fun decl_of (t, vs, rhs, mx) =
+ rd_abbr syn1 tsig (type_name t mx, vs, rhs);
+ in
+ (syn1, ext_tsig_abbrs tsig (map decl_of abbrs), ctab)
+ end;
+val ext_tyabbrs_i = ext_abbrs (K (K I));
+val ext_tyabbrs = ext_abbrs read_abbr;
+(* add type arities *)
+fun ext_arities (syn, tsig, ctab) arities =
+ let
+ val tsig1 = ext_tsig_arities tsig arities;
+ val log_types = logical_types tsig1;
+ in
+ (Syntax.extend_log_types syn log_types, tsig1, ctab)
+ end;
+(* add term constants and syntax *)
+fun err_in_const c =
+ error ("in declaration of constant " ^ quote c);
+fun err_dup_consts cs =
+ error ("Duplicate declaration of constant(s) " ^ commas_quote cs);
-(*errors are indicated by exception ERROR (with messages already printed)*)
+fun read_const syn tsig (c, ty_src, mx) =
+ (c, read_raw_typ syn tsig (K None) ty_src, mx)
+ handle ERROR => err_in_const (const_name c mx);
+fun ext_cnsts rd_const syn_only (syn, tsig, ctab) raw_consts =
+ let
+ fun prep_const (c, ty, mx) = (c, cert_typ tsig (varify_typ ty), mx)
+ handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => (writeln msg; err_in_const (const_name c mx));
+ val consts = map (prep_const o rd_const syn tsig) raw_consts;
+ val decls =
+ if syn_only then []
+ else filter_out (equal "" o fst) (decls_of const_name consts);
+ in
+ (Syntax.extend_const_gram syn consts, tsig,
+ Symtab.extend_new (ctab, decls)
+ handle Symtab.DUPS cs => err_dup_consts cs)
+ end;
+val ext_consts_i = ext_cnsts (K (K I)) false;
+val ext_consts = ext_cnsts read_const false;
+val ext_syntax_i = ext_cnsts (K (K I)) true;
+val ext_syntax = ext_cnsts read_const true;
+(* add type classes *)
+fun const_of_class c = c ^ "_class";
+fun class_of_const c_class =
+ let
+ val c = implode (take (size c_class - 6, explode c_class));
+ in
+ if const_of_class c = c_class then c
+ else raise_term ("class_of_const: bad name " ^ quote c_class) []
+ end;
+fun ext_classes (syn, tsig, ctab) classes =
+ let
+ val names = map (fn (_, c, _) => c) classes;
+ val consts =
+ map (fn c => (const_of_class c, a_itselfT --> propT, NoSyn)) names;
+ in
+ ext_consts_i
+ (Syntax.extend_consts syn names, ext_tsig_classes tsig classes, ctab)
+ consts
+ end;
+(* add syntactic translations *)
+fun ext_trfuns (syn, tsig, ctab) trfuns =
+ (Syntax.extend_trfuns syn trfuns, tsig, ctab);
+fun ext_trrules (syn, tsig, ctab) xrules =
+ (Syntax.extend_trrules syn xrules, tsig, ctab);
+(* build signature *)
+(* FIXME debug *)
+fun assert_stamps_ok stamps =
+ let val names = map ! stamps;
+ in
+ if not (null (duplicates stamps)) then
+ error "DEBUG dup stamps"
+ else if not (null (duplicates names)) then
+ error "DEBUG dup stamp names"
+ else if not (null names) andalso exists (equal "#") (tl names) then
+ error "DEBUG misplaced draft stamp name"
+ else stamps
+ end;
+fun ext_stamps stamps name =
+ let
+ val stmps = (case stamps of ref "#" :: ss => ss | ss => ss);
+ in
+ if exists (equal name o !) stmps then
+ error ("Theory already contains a " ^ quote name ^ " component")
+ else assert_stamps_ok (ref name :: stmps)
+ end;
+fun make_sign (syn, tsig, ctab) stamps name =
+ Sg {tsig = tsig, const_tab = ctab, syn = syn,
+ stamps = ext_stamps stamps name};
+fun extend_sign extfun name decls (Sg {tsig, const_tab, syn, stamps}) =
+ make_sign (extfun (syn, tsig, const_tab) decls) stamps name;
+(* the external interfaces *)
+val add_classes = extend_sign ext_classes "#";
+val add_defsort = extend_sign ext_defsort "#";
+val add_types = extend_sign ext_types "#";
+val add_tyabbrs = extend_sign ext_tyabbrs "#";
+val add_tyabbrs_i = extend_sign ext_tyabbrs_i "#";
+val add_arities = extend_sign ext_arities "#";
+val add_consts = extend_sign ext_consts "#";
+val add_consts_i = extend_sign ext_consts_i "#";
+val add_syntax = extend_sign ext_syntax "#";
+val add_syntax_i = extend_sign ext_syntax_i "#";
+val add_trfuns = extend_sign ext_trfuns "#";
+val add_trrules = extend_sign ext_trrules "#";
+fun add_name name sg = extend_sign K name () sg;
+val make_draft = add_name "#";
+(** extend signature (old) **) (* FIXME remove *)
fun extend sg name (classes, default, types, abbrs, arities, consts, opt_sext) =
@@ -237,7 +486,7 @@
val sext = if_none opt_sext Syntax.empty_sext;
val tsig' = extend_tsig tsig (classes, default, types, arities);
- val tsig1 = ext_tsig_abbrs tsig' (map (read_abbr syn) abbrs);
+ val tsig1 = Type.ext_tsig_abbrs tsig' (map (read_abbr syn) abbrs);
val syn1 = Syntax.extend syn (rd_typ tsig1 syn (K None))
(logical_types tsig1, xconsts, sext);
@@ -246,33 +495,23 @@
(Syntax.constants sext @ consts));
val const_tab1 =
- Symtab.extend (K false) (const_tab, map (read_const tsig1 syn) all_consts)
- handle Symtab.DUPLICATE c
- => error ("Constant " ^ quote c ^ " declared twice");
+ Symtab.extend_new (const_tab, map (read_const tsig1 syn) all_consts)
+ handle Symtab.DUPS cs => err_dup_consts cs;
- val stamps1 =
- if exists (equal name o !) stamps then
- error ("Theory already contains a " ^ quote name ^ " component")
- else stamps @ [ref name];
+ val stamps1 = ext_stamps stamps name;
Sg {tsig = tsig1, const_tab = const_tab1, syn = syn1, stamps = stamps1}
-(** merge signatures **)
-(*errors are indicated by exception TERM*)
-fun check_stamps stamps =
- (case duplicates (map ! stamps) of
- [] => stamps
- | dups => raise_term ("Attempt to merge different versions of theories " ^
- commas (map quote dups)) []);
+(** merge signatures **) (*exception TERM*)
fun merge (sg1, sg2) =
if subsig (sg2, sg1) then sg1
else if subsig (sg1, sg2) then sg2
+ else if is_draft sg1 orelse is_draft sg2 then
+ raise_term "Illegal merge of draft signatures" []
(*neither is union already; must form union*)
@@ -281,16 +520,21 @@
val Sg {tsig = tsig2, const_tab = const_tab2, syn = syn2,
stamps = stamps2} = sg2;
val tsig = merge_tsigs (tsig1, tsig2);
val const_tab = Symtab.merge (op =) (const_tab1, const_tab2)
- handle Symtab.DUPLICATE c =>
- raise_term ("Incompatible types for constant " ^ quote c) [];
+ handle Symtab.DUPS cs =>
+ raise_term ("Incompatible types for constant(s) " ^ commas_quote cs) [];
+ val syn = Syntax.merge_syntaxes syn1 syn2;
- val syn = Syntax.merge (logical_types tsig) syn1 syn2;
- val stamps = check_stamps (merge_lists stamps1 stamps2);
+ val stamps = merge_rev_lists stamps1 stamps2;
+ val dups = duplicates (stamp_names stamps);
+ if null dups then assert_stamps_ok stamps (* FIXME debug *)
+ else raise_term ("Attempt to merge different versions of theories " ^
+ commas_quote dups) [];
Sg {tsig = tsig, const_tab = const_tab, syn = syn, stamps = stamps}
@@ -298,20 +542,29 @@
(** the Pure signature **)
-val sg0 = Sg {tsig = tsig0, const_tab = Symtab.null,
- syn = Syntax.type_syn, stamps = []};
-val pure = extend sg0 "Pure"
- ([("logic", [])],
- ["logic"],
- [(["fun"], 2),
- (["prop"], 0),
- (Syntax.syntax_types, 0)],
- [],
- [(["fun"], ([["logic"], ["logic"]], "logic")),
- (["prop"], ([], "logic"))],
- ([Syntax.constrainC], "'a::{} => 'a") :: Syntax.syntax_consts,
- Some Syntax.pure_sext);
+val pure =
+ make_sign (Syntax.type_syn, tsig0, Symtab.null) [] "#"
+ also add_types
+ (("fun", 2, NoSyn) ::
+ ("prop", 0, NoSyn) ::
+ ("itself", 1, NoSyn) ::
+ Syntax.Mixfix.pure_types)
+ also add_classes [([], logicC, [])]
+ also add_defsort logicS
+ also add_arities
+ [("fun", [logicS, logicS], logicS),
+ ("prop", [], logicS),
+ ("itself", [logicS], logicS)]
+ also add_syntax Syntax.Mixfix.pure_syntax
+ also add_trfuns Syntax.pure_trfuns
+ also add_consts
+ [("==", "['a::{}, 'a] => prop", Mixfix ("(_ ==/ _)", [3, 2], 2)),
+ ("=?=", "['a::{}, 'a] => prop", Mixfix ("(_ =?=/ _)", [3, 2], 2)),
+ ("==>", "[prop, prop] => prop", Mixfix ("(_ ==>/ _)", [2, 1], 1)),
+ ("all", "('a => prop) => prop", Binder ("!!", 0)),
+ ("TYPE", "'a itself", NoSyn),
+ (Syntax.constrainC, "'a::{} => 'a", NoSyn)]
+ also add_name "Pure";