splitting large core file into core_data, mode_inference and predicate_compile_proof
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 19:13:09 +0200
changeset 40052 ea46574ca815
parent 40051 b6acda4d1c29
child 40053 3fa49ea76cbb
splitting large core file into core_data, mode_inference and predicate_compile_proof
--- a/src/HOL/Predicate_Compile.thy	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Predicate_Compile.thy	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
+  "Tools/Predicate_Compile/core_data.ML"
+  "Tools/Predicate_Compile/mode_inference.ML"
+  "Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_proof.ML"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/core_data.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+structure Core_Data =
+open Predicate_Compile_Aux;
+(* book-keeping *)
+datatype predfun_data = PredfunData of {
+  definition : thm,
+  intro : thm,
+  elim : thm,
+  neg_intro : thm option
+fun rep_predfun_data (PredfunData data) = data;
+fun mk_predfun_data (definition, ((intro, elim), neg_intro)) =
+  PredfunData {definition = definition, intro = intro, elim = elim, neg_intro = neg_intro}
+datatype pred_data = PredData of {
+  intros : (string option * thm) list,
+  elim : thm option,
+  preprocessed : bool,
+  function_names : (compilation * (mode * string) list) list,
+  predfun_data : (mode * predfun_data) list,
+  needs_random : mode list
+fun rep_pred_data (PredData data) = data;
+fun mk_pred_data (((intros, elim), preprocessed), (function_names, (predfun_data, needs_random))) =
+  PredData {intros = intros, elim = elim, preprocessed = preprocessed,
+    function_names = function_names, predfun_data = predfun_data, needs_random = needs_random}
+fun map_pred_data f (PredData {intros, elim, preprocessed, function_names, predfun_data, needs_random}) =
+  mk_pred_data (f (((intros, elim), preprocessed), (function_names, (predfun_data, needs_random))))
+fun eq_option eq (NONE, NONE) = true
+  | eq_option eq (SOME x, SOME y) = eq (x, y)
+  | eq_option eq _ = false
+fun eq_pred_data (PredData d1, PredData d2) = 
+  eq_list (eq_pair (op =) Thm.eq_thm) (#intros d1, #intros d2) andalso
+  eq_option Thm.eq_thm (#elim d1, #elim d2)
+structure PredData = Theory_Data
+  type T = pred_data Graph.T;
+  val empty = Graph.empty;
+  val extend = I;
+  val merge = Graph.merge eq_pred_data;
+(* queries *)
+fun lookup_pred_data ctxt name =
+  Option.map rep_pred_data (try (Graph.get_node (PredData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt))) name)
+fun the_pred_data ctxt name = case lookup_pred_data ctxt name
+ of NONE => error ("No such predicate " ^ quote name)  
+  | SOME data => data;
+val is_registered = is_some oo lookup_pred_data
+val all_preds_of = Graph.keys o PredData.get o ProofContext.theory_of
+val intros_of = map snd o #intros oo the_pred_data
+val names_of = map fst o #intros oo the_pred_data
+fun the_elim_of ctxt name = case #elim (the_pred_data ctxt name)
+ of NONE => error ("No elimination rule for predicate " ^ quote name)
+  | SOME thm => thm
+val has_elim = is_some o #elim oo the_pred_data
+fun function_names_of compilation ctxt name =
+  case AList.lookup (op =) (#function_names (the_pred_data ctxt name)) compilation of
+    NONE => error ("No " ^ string_of_compilation compilation
+      ^ " functions defined for predicate " ^ quote name)
+  | SOME fun_names => fun_names
+fun function_name_of compilation ctxt name mode =
+  case AList.lookup eq_mode
+    (function_names_of compilation ctxt name) mode of
+    NONE => error ("No " ^ string_of_compilation compilation
+      ^ " function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^ " of predicate " ^ quote name)
+  | SOME function_name => function_name
+fun modes_of compilation ctxt name = map fst (function_names_of compilation ctxt name)
+fun all_modes_of compilation ctxt =
+  map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try (modes_of compilation ctxt) name))
+    (all_preds_of ctxt)
+val all_random_modes_of = all_modes_of Random
+fun defined_functions compilation ctxt name = case lookup_pred_data ctxt name of
+    NONE => false
+  | SOME data => AList.defined (op =) (#function_names data) compilation
+fun needs_random ctxt s m =
+  member (op =) (#needs_random (the_pred_data ctxt s)) m
+fun lookup_predfun_data ctxt name mode =
+  Option.map rep_predfun_data
+    (AList.lookup (op =) (#predfun_data (the_pred_data ctxt name)) mode)
+fun the_predfun_data ctxt name mode =
+  case lookup_predfun_data ctxt name mode of
+    NONE => error ("No function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^
+      " of predicate " ^ name)
+  | SOME data => data;
+val predfun_definition_of = #definition ooo the_predfun_data
+val predfun_intro_of = #intro ooo the_predfun_data
+val predfun_elim_of = #elim ooo the_predfun_data
+val predfun_neg_intro_of = #neg_intro ooo the_predfun_data
+val intros_graph_of =
+  Graph.map (K (map snd o #intros o rep_pred_data)) o PredData.get o ProofContext.theory_of
+(* registration of alternative function names *)
+structure Alt_Compilations_Data = Theory_Data
+  type T = (mode * (compilation_funs -> typ -> term)) list Symtab.table;
+  val empty = Symtab.empty;
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (K true) data;
+fun alternative_compilation_of_global thy pred_name mode =
+  AList.lookup eq_mode (Symtab.lookup_list (Alt_Compilations_Data.get thy) pred_name) mode
+fun alternative_compilation_of ctxt pred_name mode =
+  AList.lookup eq_mode
+    (Symtab.lookup_list (Alt_Compilations_Data.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) pred_name) mode
+fun force_modes_and_compilations pred_name compilations =
+  let
+    (* thm refl is a dummy thm *)
+    val modes = map fst compilations
+    val (needs_random, non_random_modes) = pairself (map fst)
+      (List.partition (fn (m, (fun_name, random)) => random) compilations)
+    val non_random_dummys = map (rpair "dummy") non_random_modes
+    val all_dummys = map (rpair "dummy") modes
+    val dummy_function_names = map (rpair all_dummys) Predicate_Compile_Aux.random_compilations
+      @ map (rpair non_random_dummys) Predicate_Compile_Aux.non_random_compilations
+    val alt_compilations = map (apsnd fst) compilations
+  in
+    PredData.map (Graph.new_node
+      (pred_name, mk_pred_data ((([], SOME @{thm refl}), true), (dummy_function_names, ([], needs_random)))))
+    #> Alt_Compilations_Data.map (Symtab.insert (K false) (pred_name, alt_compilations))
+  end
+fun functional_compilation fun_name mode compfuns T =
+  let
+    val (inpTs, outpTs) = split_map_modeT (fn _ => fn T => (SOME T, NONE))
+      mode (binder_types T)
+    val bs = map (pair "x") inpTs
+    val bounds = map Bound (rev (0 upto (length bs) - 1))
+    val f = Const (fun_name, inpTs ---> HOLogic.mk_tupleT outpTs)
+  in list_abs (bs, mk_single compfuns (list_comb (f, bounds))) end
+fun register_alternative_function pred_name mode fun_name =
+  Alt_Compilations_Data.map (Symtab.insert_list (eq_pair eq_mode (K false))
+    (pred_name, (mode, functional_compilation fun_name mode)))
+fun force_modes_and_functions pred_name fun_names =
+  force_modes_and_compilations pred_name
+    (map (fn (mode, (fun_name, random)) => (mode, (functional_compilation fun_name mode, random)))
+    fun_names)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/mode_inference.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/mode_inference.ML
+    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
+Mode inference for the predicate compiler
+signature MODE_INFERENCE =
+  type mode = Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode
+  (* options *)
+  type mode_analysis_options =
+  {use_generators : bool,
+  reorder_premises : bool,
+  infer_pos_and_neg_modes : bool}
+  (* mode operation *)
+  val all_input_of : typ -> mode
+  (* mode derivation and operations *)
+  datatype mode_derivation = Mode_App of mode_derivation * mode_derivation | Context of mode
+    | Mode_Pair of mode_derivation * mode_derivation | Term of mode
+  val head_mode_of : mode_derivation -> mode
+  val param_derivations_of : mode_derivation -> mode_derivation list
+  val collect_context_modes : mode_derivation -> mode list
+  type moded_clause = term list * (Predicate_Compile_Aux.indprem * mode_derivation) list
+  type 'a pred_mode_table = (string * ((bool * mode) * 'a) list) list
+  (* mode inference operations *)
+  val all_derivations_of :
+    Proof.context -> (string * mode list) list -> string list -> term
+      -> (mode_derivation * string list) list
+  (* TODO: move all_modes creation to infer_modes *) 
+  val infer_modes : 
+    mode_analysis_options -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.options ->
+     (string -> mode list) * (string -> mode list)
+       * (string -> mode -> bool) -> Proof.context -> (string * typ) list ->
+      (string * mode list) list ->
+      string list -> (string * (Term.term list * Predicate_Compile_Aux.indprem list) list) list ->
+      ((moded_clause list pred_mode_table * (string * mode list) list) * string list)
+  (* mode and term operations -- to be moved to Predicate_Compile_Aux *) 
+  val collect_non_invertible_subterms :
+    Proof.context -> term -> string list * term list ->  (term * (string list * term list))
+  val is_all_input : mode -> bool
+  val term_vs : term -> string list
+  val terms_vs : term list -> string list
+structure Mode_Inference : MODE_INFERENCE =
+open Predicate_Compile_Aux;
+open Core_Data;
+(* derivation trees for modes of premises *)
+datatype mode_derivation = Mode_App of mode_derivation * mode_derivation | Context of mode
+  | Mode_Pair of mode_derivation * mode_derivation | Term of mode
+fun string_of_derivation (Mode_App (m1, m2)) =
+  "App (" ^ string_of_derivation m1 ^ ", " ^ string_of_derivation m2 ^ ")"
+  | string_of_derivation (Mode_Pair (m1, m2)) =
+  "Pair (" ^ string_of_derivation m1 ^ ", " ^ string_of_derivation m2 ^ ")"
+  | string_of_derivation (Term m) = "Term (" ^ string_of_mode m ^ ")"
+  | string_of_derivation (Context m) = "Context (" ^ string_of_mode m ^ ")"
+fun strip_mode_derivation deriv =
+  let
+    fun strip (Mode_App (deriv1, deriv2)) ds = strip deriv1 (deriv2 :: ds)
+      | strip deriv ds = (deriv, ds)
+  in
+    strip deriv []
+  end
+fun mode_of (Context m) = m
+  | mode_of (Term m) = m
+  | mode_of (Mode_App (d1, d2)) =
+    (case mode_of d1 of Fun (m, m') =>
+        (if eq_mode (m, mode_of d2) then m' else raise Fail "mode_of: derivation has mismatching modes")
+      | _ => raise Fail "mode_of: derivation has a non-functional mode")
+  | mode_of (Mode_Pair (d1, d2)) =
+    Pair (mode_of d1, mode_of d2)
+fun head_mode_of deriv = mode_of (fst (strip_mode_derivation deriv))
+fun param_derivations_of deriv =
+  let
+    val (_, argument_derivs) = strip_mode_derivation deriv
+    fun param_derivation (Mode_Pair (m1, m2)) =
+        param_derivation m1 @ param_derivation m2
+      | param_derivation (Term _) = []
+      | param_derivation m = [m]
+  in
+    maps param_derivation argument_derivs
+  end
+fun collect_context_modes (Mode_App (m1, m2)) =
+      collect_context_modes m1 @ collect_context_modes m2
+  | collect_context_modes (Mode_Pair (m1, m2)) =
+      collect_context_modes m1 @ collect_context_modes m2
+  | collect_context_modes (Context m) = [m]
+  | collect_context_modes (Term _) = []
+type moded_clause = term list * (Predicate_Compile_Aux.indprem * mode_derivation) list
+type 'a pred_mode_table = (string * ((bool * mode) * 'a) list) list
+(** string_of functions **)
+fun string_of_prem ctxt (Prem t) =
+    (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t) ^ "(premise)"
+  | string_of_prem ctxt (Negprem t) =
+    (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (HOLogic.mk_not t)) ^ "(negative premise)"
+  | string_of_prem ctxt (Sidecond t) =
+    (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t) ^ "(sidecondition)"
+  | string_of_prem ctxt _ = raise Fail "string_of_prem: unexpected input"
+fun string_of_clause ctxt pred (ts, prems) =
+  (space_implode " --> "
+  (map (string_of_prem ctxt) prems)) ^ " --> " ^ pred ^ " "
+   ^ (space_implode " " (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts))
+type mode_analysis_options =
+  {use_generators : bool,
+  reorder_premises : bool,
+  infer_pos_and_neg_modes : bool}
+fun is_constrt thy =
+  let
+    val cnstrs = flat (maps
+      (map (fn (_, (Tname, _, cs)) => map (apsnd (rpair Tname o length)) cs) o #descr o snd)
+      (Symtab.dest (Datatype.get_all thy)));
+    fun check t = (case strip_comb t of
+        (Free _, []) => true
+      | (Const (s, T), ts) => (case (AList.lookup (op =) cnstrs s, body_type T) of
+            (SOME (i, Tname), Type (Tname', _)) =>
+              length ts = i andalso Tname = Tname' andalso forall check ts
+          | _ => false)
+      | _ => false)
+  in check end;
+(*** check if a type is an equality type (i.e. doesn't contain fun)
+  FIXME this is only an approximation ***)
+fun is_eqT (Type (s, Ts)) = s <> "fun" andalso forall is_eqT Ts
+  | is_eqT _ = true;
+fun term_vs tm = fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) => cons x | _ => I) tm [];
+val terms_vs = distinct (op =) o maps term_vs;
+(** collect all Frees in a term (with duplicates!) **)
+fun term_vTs tm =
+  fold_aterms (fn Free xT => cons xT | _ => I) tm [];
+fun subsets i j =
+  if i <= j then
+    let
+      fun merge xs [] = xs
+        | merge [] ys = ys
+        | merge (x::xs) (y::ys) = if length x >= length y then x::merge xs (y::ys)
+            else y::merge (x::xs) ys;
+      val is = subsets (i+1) j
+    in merge (map (fn ks => i::ks) is) is end
+  else [[]];
+fun print_failed_mode options thy modes p (pol, m) rs is =
+  if show_mode_inference options then
+    let
+      val _ = tracing ("Clauses " ^ commas (map (fn i => string_of_int (i + 1)) is) ^ " of " ^
+        p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m)
+    in () end
+  else ()
+fun error_of p (pol, m) is =
+  "  Clauses " ^ commas (map (fn i => string_of_int (i + 1)) is) ^ " of " ^
+        p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m
+fun is_all_input mode =
+  let
+    fun is_all_input' (Fun _) = true
+      | is_all_input' (Pair (m1, m2)) = is_all_input' m1 andalso is_all_input' m2
+      | is_all_input' Input = true
+      | is_all_input' Output = false
+  in
+    forall is_all_input' (strip_fun_mode mode)
+  end
+fun all_input_of T =
+  let
+    val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
+    fun input_of (Type (@{type_name Product_Type.prod}, [T1, T2])) = Pair (input_of T1, input_of T2)
+      | input_of _ = Input
+  in
+    if U = HOLogic.boolT then
+      fold_rev (curry Fun) (map input_of Ts) Bool
+    else
+      raise Fail "all_input_of: not a predicate"
+  end
+fun find_least ord xs =
+  let
+    fun find' x y = (case y of NONE => SOME x | SOME y' => if ord (x, y') = LESS then SOME x else y) 
+  in
+    fold find' xs NONE
+  end
+fun term_vs tm = fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) => cons x | _ => I) tm [];
+val terms_vs = distinct (op =) o maps term_vs;
+fun input_mode T =
+  let
+    val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
+  in
+    fold_rev (curry Fun) (map (K Input) Ts) Input
+  end
+fun output_mode T =
+  let
+    val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
+  in
+    fold_rev (curry Fun) (map (K Output) Ts) Output
+  end
+fun is_invertible_function ctxt (Const (f, _)) = is_constr ctxt f
+  | is_invertible_function ctxt _ = false
+fun non_invertible_subterms ctxt (t as Free _) = []
+  | non_invertible_subterms ctxt t = 
+  let
+    val (f, args) = strip_comb t
+  in
+    if is_invertible_function ctxt f then
+      maps (non_invertible_subterms ctxt) args
+    else
+      [t]
+  end
+fun collect_non_invertible_subterms ctxt (f as Free _) (names, eqs) = (f, (names, eqs))
+  | collect_non_invertible_subterms ctxt t (names, eqs) =
+    case (strip_comb t) of (f, args) =>
+      if is_invertible_function ctxt f then
+          let
+            val (args', (names', eqs')) =
+              fold_map (collect_non_invertible_subterms ctxt) args (names, eqs)
+          in
+            (list_comb (f, args'), (names', eqs'))
+          end
+        else
+          let
+            val s = Name.variant names "x"
+            val v = Free (s, fastype_of t)
+          in
+            (v, (s :: names, HOLogic.mk_eq (v, t) :: eqs))
+          end
+  if is_constrt thy t then (t, (names, eqs)) else
+    let
+      val s = Name.variant names "x"
+      val v = Free (s, fastype_of t)
+    in (v, (s::names, HOLogic.mk_eq (v, t)::eqs)) end;
+fun is_possible_output ctxt vs t =
+  forall
+    (fn t => is_eqT (fastype_of t) andalso forall (member (op =) vs) (term_vs t))
+      (non_invertible_subterms ctxt t)
+  andalso
+    (forall (is_eqT o snd)
+      (inter (fn ((f', _), f) => f = f') vs (Term.add_frees t [])))
+fun vars_of_destructable_term ctxt (Free (x, _)) = [x]
+  | vars_of_destructable_term ctxt t =
+  let
+    val (f, args) = strip_comb t
+  in
+    if is_invertible_function ctxt f then
+      maps (vars_of_destructable_term ctxt) args
+    else
+      []
+  end
+fun is_constructable vs t = forall (member (op =) vs) (term_vs t)
+fun missing_vars vs t = subtract (op =) vs (term_vs t)
+fun output_terms (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2, Mode_Pair (d1, d2)) =
+    output_terms (t1, d1)  @ output_terms (t2, d2)
+  | output_terms (t1 $ t2, Mode_App (d1, d2)) =
+    output_terms (t1, d1)  @ output_terms (t2, d2)
+  | output_terms (t, Term Output) = [t]
+  | output_terms _ = []
+fun lookup_mode modes (Const (s, T)) =
+   (case (AList.lookup (op =) modes s) of
+      SOME ms => SOME (map (fn m => (Context m, [])) ms)
+    | NONE => NONE)
+  | lookup_mode modes (Free (x, _)) =
+    (case (AList.lookup (op =) modes x) of
+      SOME ms => SOME (map (fn m => (Context m , [])) ms)
+    | NONE => NONE)
+fun derivations_of (ctxt : Proof.context) modes vs (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2) (Pair (m1, m2)) =
+    map_product
+      (fn (m1, mvars1) => fn (m2, mvars2) => (Mode_Pair (m1, m2), union (op =) mvars1 mvars2))
+        (derivations_of ctxt modes vs t1 m1) (derivations_of ctxt modes vs t2 m2)
+  | derivations_of ctxt modes vs t (m as Fun _) =
+    (*let
+      val (p, args) = strip_comb t
+    in
+      (case lookup_mode modes p of
+        SOME ms => map_filter (fn (Context m, []) => let
+          val ms = strip_fun_mode m
+          val (argms, restms) = chop (length args) ms
+          val m' = fold_rev (curry Fun) restms Bool
+        in
+          if forall (fn m => eq_mode (Input, m)) argms andalso eq_mode (m', mode) then
+            SOME (fold (curry Mode_App) (map Term argms) (Context m), missing_vars vs t)
+          else NONE
+        end) ms
+      | NONE => (if is_all_input mode then [(Context mode, [])] else []))
+    end*)
+    (case try (all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs) t  of
+      SOME derivs =>
+        filter (fn (d, mvars) => eq_mode (mode_of d, m) andalso null (output_terms (t, d))) derivs
+    | NONE => (if is_all_input m then [(Context m, [])] else []))
+  | derivations_of ctxt modes vs t m =
+    if eq_mode (m, Input) then
+      [(Term Input, missing_vars vs t)]
+    else if eq_mode (m, Output) then
+      (if is_possible_output ctxt vs t then [(Term Output, [])] else [])
+    else []
+and all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2) =
+  let
+    val derivs1 = all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs t1
+    val derivs2 = all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs t2
+  in
+    map_product
+      (fn (m1, mvars1) => fn (m2, mvars2) => (Mode_Pair (m1, m2), union (op =) mvars1 mvars2))
+        derivs1 derivs2
+  end
+  | all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs (t1 $ t2) =
+  let
+    val derivs1 = all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs t1
+  in
+    maps (fn (d1, mvars1) =>
+      case mode_of d1 of
+        Fun (m', _) => map (fn (d2, mvars2) =>
+          (Mode_App (d1, d2), union (op =) mvars1 mvars2)) (derivations_of ctxt modes vs t2 m')
+        | _ => raise Fail "all_derivations_of: derivation has an unexpected non-functional mode") derivs1
+  end
+  | all_derivations_of _ modes vs (Const (s, T)) = the (lookup_mode modes (Const (s, T)))
+  | all_derivations_of _ modes vs (Free (x, T)) = the (lookup_mode modes (Free (x, T)))
+  | all_derivations_of _ modes vs _ = raise Fail "all_derivations_of: unexpected term"
+fun rev_option_ord ord (NONE, NONE) = EQUAL
+  | rev_option_ord ord (NONE, SOME _) = GREATER
+  | rev_option_ord ord (SOME _, NONE) = LESS
+  | rev_option_ord ord (SOME x, SOME y) = ord (x, y)
+fun random_mode_in_deriv modes t deriv =
+  case try dest_Const (fst (strip_comb t)) of
+    SOME (s, _) =>
+      (case AList.lookup (op =) modes s of
+        SOME ms =>
+          (case AList.lookup (op =) (map (fn ((p, m), r) => (m, r)) ms) (head_mode_of deriv) of
+            SOME r => r
+          | NONE => false)
+      | NONE => false)
+  | NONE => false
+fun number_of_output_positions mode =
+  let
+    val args = strip_fun_mode mode
+    fun contains_output (Fun _) = false
+      | contains_output Input = false
+      | contains_output Output = true
+      | contains_output (Pair (m1, m2)) = contains_output m1 orelse contains_output m2
+  in
+    length (filter contains_output args)
+  end
+fun lex_ord ord1 ord2 (x, x') =
+  case ord1 (x, x') of
+    EQUAL => ord2 (x, x')
+  | ord => ord
+fun lexl_ord [] (x, x') = EQUAL
+  | lexl_ord (ord :: ords') (x, x') =
+    case ord (x, x') of
+      EQUAL => lexl_ord ords' (x, x')
+    | ord => ord
+fun deriv_ord' ctxt pol pred modes t1 t2 ((deriv1, mvars1), (deriv2, mvars2)) =
+  let
+    (* prefer functional modes if it is a function *)
+    fun fun_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
+      let
+        fun is_functional t mode =
+          case try (fst o dest_Const o fst o strip_comb) t of
+            NONE => false
+          | SOME c => is_some (alternative_compilation_of ctxt c mode)
+      in
+        case (is_functional t1 (head_mode_of deriv1), is_functional t2 (head_mode_of deriv2)) of
+          (true, true) => EQUAL
+        | (true, false) => LESS
+        | (false, true) => GREATER
+        | (false, false) => EQUAL
+      end
+    (* prefer modes without requirement for generating random values *)
+    fun mvars_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
+      int_ord (length mvars1, length mvars2)
+    (* prefer non-random modes *)
+    fun random_mode_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
+      int_ord (if random_mode_in_deriv modes t1 deriv1 then 1 else 0,
+               if random_mode_in_deriv modes t2 deriv2 then 1 else 0)
+    (* prefer modes with more input and less output *)
+    fun output_mode_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
+      int_ord (number_of_output_positions (head_mode_of deriv1),
+        number_of_output_positions (head_mode_of deriv2))
+    (* prefer recursive calls *)
+    fun is_rec_premise t =
+      case fst (strip_comb t) of Const (c, T) => c = pred | _ => false
+    fun recursive_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
+      int_ord (if is_rec_premise t1 then 0 else 1,
+        if is_rec_premise t2 then 0 else 1)
+    val ord = lexl_ord [mvars_ord, fun_ord, random_mode_ord, output_mode_ord, recursive_ord]
+  in
+    ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2))
+  end
+fun deriv_ord ctxt pol pred modes t = deriv_ord' ctxt pol pred modes t t
+fun premise_ord thy pol pred modes ((prem1, a1), (prem2, a2)) =
+  rev_option_ord (deriv_ord' thy pol pred modes (dest_indprem prem1) (dest_indprem prem2)) (a1, a2)
+fun print_mode_list modes =
+  tracing ("modes: " ^ (commas (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^
+    commas (map (fn (m, r) => string_of_mode m ^ (if r then " random " else " not ")) ms)) modes)))
+fun select_mode_prem (mode_analysis_options : mode_analysis_options) (ctxt : Proof.context) pred
+  pol (modes, (pos_modes, neg_modes)) vs ps =
+  let
+    fun choose_mode_of_prem (Prem t) =
+          find_least (deriv_ord ctxt pol pred modes t) (all_derivations_of ctxt pos_modes vs t)
+      | choose_mode_of_prem (Sidecond t) = SOME (Context Bool, missing_vars vs t)
+      | choose_mode_of_prem (Negprem t) = find_least (deriv_ord ctxt (not pol) pred modes t)
+          (filter (fn (d, missing_vars) => is_all_input (head_mode_of d))
+             (all_derivations_of ctxt neg_modes vs t))
+      | choose_mode_of_prem p = raise Fail ("choose_mode_of_prem: unexpected premise " ^ string_of_prem ctxt p)
+  in
+    if #reorder_premises mode_analysis_options then
+      find_least (premise_ord ctxt pol pred modes) (ps ~~ map choose_mode_of_prem ps)
+    else
+      SOME (hd ps, choose_mode_of_prem (hd ps))
+  end
+fun check_mode_clause' (mode_analysis_options : mode_analysis_options) ctxt pred param_vs (modes :
+  (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list) ((pol, mode) : bool * mode) (ts, ps) =
+  let
+    val vTs = distinct (op =) (fold Term.add_frees (map dest_indprem ps) (fold Term.add_frees ts []))
+    val modes' = modes @ (param_vs ~~ map (fn x => [((true, x), false), ((false, x), false)]) (ho_arg_modes_of mode))
+    fun retrieve_modes_of_pol pol = map (fn (s, ms) =>
+      (s, map_filter (fn ((p, m), r) => if p = pol then SOME m else NONE | _ => NONE) ms))
+    val (pos_modes', neg_modes') =
+      if #infer_pos_and_neg_modes mode_analysis_options then
+        (retrieve_modes_of_pol pol modes', retrieve_modes_of_pol (not pol) modes')
+      else
+        let
+          val modes = map (fn (s, ms) => (s, map (fn ((p, m), r) => m) ms)) modes'
+        in (modes, modes) end
+    val (in_ts, out_ts) = split_mode mode ts
+    val in_vs = union (op =) param_vs (maps (vars_of_destructable_term ctxt) in_ts)
+    val out_vs = terms_vs out_ts
+    fun known_vs_after p vs = (case p of
+        Prem t => union (op =) vs (term_vs t)
+      | Sidecond t => union (op =) vs (term_vs t)
+      | Negprem t => union (op =) vs (term_vs t)
+      | _ => raise Fail "unexpected premise")
+    fun check_mode_prems acc_ps rnd vs [] = SOME (acc_ps, vs, rnd)
+      | check_mode_prems acc_ps rnd vs ps =
+        (case
+          (select_mode_prem mode_analysis_options ctxt pred pol (modes', (pos_modes', neg_modes')) vs ps) of
+          SOME (p, SOME (deriv, [])) => check_mode_prems ((p, deriv) :: acc_ps) rnd
+            (known_vs_after p vs) (filter_out (equal p) ps)
+        | SOME (p, SOME (deriv, missing_vars)) =>
+          if #use_generators mode_analysis_options andalso pol then
+            check_mode_prems ((p, deriv) :: (map
+              (fn v => (Generator (v, the (AList.lookup (op =) vTs v)), Term Output))
+                (distinct (op =) missing_vars))
+                @ acc_ps) true (known_vs_after p vs) (filter_out (equal p) ps)
+          else NONE
+        | SOME (p, NONE) => NONE
+        | NONE => NONE)
+  in
+    case check_mode_prems [] false in_vs ps of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME (acc_ps, vs, rnd) =>
+      if forall (is_constructable vs) (in_ts @ out_ts) then
+        SOME (ts, rev acc_ps, rnd)
+      else
+        if #use_generators mode_analysis_options andalso pol then
+          let
+             val generators = map
+              (fn v => (Generator (v, the (AList.lookup (op =) vTs v)), Term Output))
+                (subtract (op =) vs (terms_vs (in_ts @ out_ts)))
+          in
+            SOME (ts, rev (generators @ acc_ps), true)
+          end
+        else
+          NONE
+  end
+datatype result = Success of bool | Error of string
+fun check_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options options thy param_vs clauses modes (p, (ms : ((bool * mode) * bool) list)) =
+  let
+    fun split xs =
+      let
+        fun split' [] (ys, zs) = (rev ys, rev zs)
+          | split' ((m, Error z) :: xs) (ys, zs) = split' xs (ys, z :: zs)
+          | split' (((m : bool * mode), Success rnd) :: xs) (ys, zs) = split' xs ((m, rnd) :: ys, zs)
+       in
+         split' xs ([], [])
+       end
+    val rs = these (AList.lookup (op =) clauses p)
+    fun check_mode m =
+      let
+        val res = Output.cond_timeit false "work part of check_mode for one mode" (fn _ => 
+          map (check_mode_clause' mode_analysis_options thy p param_vs modes m) rs)
+      in
+        Output.cond_timeit false "aux part of check_mode for one mode" (fn _ => 
+        case find_indices is_none res of
+          [] => Success (exists (fn SOME (_, _, true) => true | _ => false) res)
+        | is => (print_failed_mode options thy modes p m rs is; Error (error_of p m is)))
+      end
+    val _ = if show_mode_inference options then
+        tracing ("checking " ^ string_of_int (length ms) ^ " modes ...")
+      else ()
+    val res = Output.cond_timeit false "check_mode" (fn _ => map (fn (m, _) => (m, check_mode m)) ms)
+    val (ms', errors) = split res
+  in
+    ((p, (ms' : ((bool * mode) * bool) list)), errors)
+  end;
+fun get_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options thy param_vs clauses modes (p, ms) =
+  let
+    val rs = these (AList.lookup (op =) clauses p)
+  in
+    (p, map (fn (m, rnd) =>
+      (m, map
+        ((fn (ts, ps, rnd) => (ts, ps)) o the o
+          check_mode_clause' mode_analysis_options thy p param_vs modes m) rs)) ms)
+  end;
+fun fixp f (x : (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list) =
+  let val y = f x
+  in if x = y then x else fixp f y end;
+fun fixp_with_state f (x : (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list, state) =
+  let
+    val (y, state') = f (x, state)
+  in
+    if x = y then (y, state') else fixp_with_state f (y, state')
+  end
+fun string_of_ext_mode ((pol, mode), rnd) =
+  string_of_mode mode ^ "(" ^ (if pol then "pos" else "neg") ^ ", "
+  ^ (if rnd then "rnd" else "nornd") ^ ")"
+fun print_extra_modes options modes =
+  if show_mode_inference options then
+    tracing ("Modes of inferred predicates: " ^
+      cat_lines (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^ commas (map string_of_ext_mode ms)) modes))
+  else ()
+fun infer_modes mode_analysis_options options (lookup_mode, lookup_neg_mode, needs_random) ctxt
+  preds all_modes param_vs clauses =
+  let
+    fun appair f (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (f x1 y1, f x2 y2)
+    fun add_needs_random s (false, m) = ((false, m), false)
+      | add_needs_random s (true, m) = ((true, m), needs_random s m)
+    fun add_polarity_and_random_bit s b ms = map (fn m => add_needs_random s (b, m)) ms
+    val prednames = map fst preds
+    (* extramodes contains all modes of all constants, should we only use the necessary ones
+       - what is the impact on performance? *)
+    fun predname_of (Prem t) =
+        (case try dest_Const (fst (strip_comb t)) of SOME (c, _) => insert (op =) c | NONE => I)
+      | predname_of (Negprem t) =
+        (case try dest_Const (fst (strip_comb t)) of SOME (c, _) => insert (op =) c | NONE => I)
+      | predname_of _ = I
+    val relevant_prednames = fold (fn (_, clauses') =>
+      fold (fn (_, ps) => fold Term.add_const_names (map dest_indprem ps)) clauses') clauses []
+      |> filter_out (fn name => member (op =) prednames name)
+    val extra_modes =
+      if #infer_pos_and_neg_modes mode_analysis_options then
+        let
+          val pos_extra_modes =
+            map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try lookup_mode name))
+            relevant_prednames
+          val neg_extra_modes =
+            map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try lookup_neg_mode name))
+              relevant_prednames
+        in
+          map (fn (s, ms) => (s, (add_polarity_and_random_bit s true ms)
+                @ add_polarity_and_random_bit s false (the (AList.lookup (op =) neg_extra_modes s))))
+            pos_extra_modes
+        end
+      else
+        map (fn (s, ms) => (s, (add_polarity_and_random_bit s true ms)))
+          (map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try lookup_mode name))
+            relevant_prednames)
+    val _ = print_extra_modes options extra_modes
+    val start_modes =
+      if #infer_pos_and_neg_modes mode_analysis_options then
+        map (fn (s, ms) => (s, map (fn m => ((true, m), false)) ms @
+          (map (fn m => ((false, m), false)) ms))) all_modes
+      else
+        map (fn (s, ms) => (s, map (fn m => ((true, m), false)) ms)) all_modes
+    fun iteration modes = map
+      (check_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options options ctxt param_vs clauses
+        (modes @ extra_modes)) modes
+    val ((modes : (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list), errors) =
+      Output.cond_timeit false "Fixpount computation of mode analysis" (fn () =>
+      if show_invalid_clauses options then
+        fixp_with_state (fn (modes, errors) =>
+          let
+            val (modes', new_errors) = split_list (iteration modes)
+          in (modes', errors @ flat new_errors) end) (start_modes, [])
+        else
+          (fixp (fn modes => map fst (iteration modes)) start_modes, []))
+    val moded_clauses = map (get_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options ctxt param_vs clauses
+      (modes @ extra_modes)) modes
+    val need_random = fold (fn (s, ms) => if member (op =) (map fst preds) s then
+      cons (s, (map_filter (fn ((true, m), true) => SOME m | _ => NONE) ms)) else I)
+      modes []
+  in
+    ((moded_clauses, need_random), errors)
+  end;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_aux.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_aux.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
   val imp_prems_conv : conv -> conv
   (* simple transformations *)
   val split_conjuncts_in_assms : Proof.context -> thm -> thm
+  val dest_conjunct_prem : thm -> thm list
   val expand_tuples : theory -> thm -> thm
   val case_betapply : theory -> term -> term
   val eta_contract_ho_arguments : theory -> thm -> thm
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
   val remove_pointless_clauses : thm -> thm list
   val peephole_optimisation : theory -> thm -> thm option
   val define_quickcheck_predicate :
-    term -> theory -> (((string * typ) * (string * typ) list) * thm) * theory 
+    term -> theory -> (((string * typ) * (string * typ) list) * thm) * theory
 structure Predicate_Compile_Aux : PREDICATE_COMPILE_AUX =
@@ -854,7 +855,14 @@
     singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt) (split_conjs 1 (Thm.nprems_of fixed_th) fixed_th)
+fun dest_conjunct_prem th =
+  case HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of th) of
+    (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ t $ t') =>
+      dest_conjunct_prem (th RS @{thm conjunct1})
+        @ dest_conjunct_prem (th RS @{thm conjunct2})
+    | _ => [th]
 fun expand_tuples thy intro =
     val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
@@ -78,35 +78,16 @@
   type moded_clause = term list * (Predicate_Compile_Aux.indprem * mode_derivation) list
   type 'a pred_mode_table = (string * ((bool * mode) * 'a) list) list
-  val infer_modes : 
-    mode_analysis_options -> options ->
-     (string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode list) * (string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode list)
-       * (string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> bool) -> Proof.context -> (string * typ) list ->
-      (string * mode list) list ->
-      string list -> (string * (Term.term list * Predicate_Compile_Aux.indprem list) list) list ->
-      ((moded_clause list pred_mode_table * (string * mode list) list) * string list)
 structure Predicate_Compile_Core : PREDICATE_COMPILE_CORE =
 open Predicate_Compile_Aux;
-(** auxiliary **)
-(* debug stuff *)
-fun print_tac options s = 
-  if show_proof_trace options then Tactical.print_tac s else Seq.single;
-fun assert b = if not b then raise Fail "Assertion failed" else warning "Assertion holds"
-datatype assertion = Max_number_of_subgoals of int
-fun assert_tac (Max_number_of_subgoals i) st =
-  if (nprems_of st <= i) then Seq.single st
-  else raise Fail ("assert_tac: Numbers of subgoals mismatch at goal state :"
-    ^ "\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks
-      (Goal_Display.pretty_goals_without_context st)));
+open Core_Data;
+open Mode_Inference;
+open Predicate_Compile_Proof;
 (** fundamentals **)
@@ -149,181 +130,12 @@
 val strip_intro_concl = (strip_comb o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl o prop_of)
-(* derivation trees for modes of premises *)
-datatype mode_derivation = Mode_App of mode_derivation * mode_derivation | Context of mode
-  | Mode_Pair of mode_derivation * mode_derivation | Term of mode
-fun string_of_derivation (Mode_App (m1, m2)) =
-  "App (" ^ string_of_derivation m1 ^ ", " ^ string_of_derivation m2 ^ ")"
-  | string_of_derivation (Mode_Pair (m1, m2)) =
-  "Pair (" ^ string_of_derivation m1 ^ ", " ^ string_of_derivation m2 ^ ")"
-  | string_of_derivation (Term m) = "Term (" ^ string_of_mode m ^ ")"
-  | string_of_derivation (Context m) = "Context (" ^ string_of_mode m ^ ")"
-fun strip_mode_derivation deriv =
-  let
-    fun strip (Mode_App (deriv1, deriv2)) ds = strip deriv1 (deriv2 :: ds)
-      | strip deriv ds = (deriv, ds)
-  in
-    strip deriv []
-  end
-fun mode_of (Context m) = m
-  | mode_of (Term m) = m
-  | mode_of (Mode_App (d1, d2)) =
-    (case mode_of d1 of Fun (m, m') =>
-        (if eq_mode (m, mode_of d2) then m' else raise Fail "mode_of: derivation has mismatching modes")
-      | _ => raise Fail "mode_of: derivation has a non-functional mode")
-  | mode_of (Mode_Pair (d1, d2)) =
-    Pair (mode_of d1, mode_of d2)
-fun head_mode_of deriv = mode_of (fst (strip_mode_derivation deriv))
-fun param_derivations_of deriv =
-  let
-    val (_, argument_derivs) = strip_mode_derivation deriv
-    fun param_derivation (Mode_Pair (m1, m2)) =
-        param_derivation m1 @ param_derivation m2
-      | param_derivation (Term _) = []
-      | param_derivation m = [m]
-  in
-    maps param_derivation argument_derivs
-  end
-fun collect_context_modes (Mode_App (m1, m2)) =
-      collect_context_modes m1 @ collect_context_modes m2
-  | collect_context_modes (Mode_Pair (m1, m2)) =
-      collect_context_modes m1 @ collect_context_modes m2
-  | collect_context_modes (Context m) = [m]
-  | collect_context_modes (Term _) = []
 (* representation of inferred clauses with modes *)
 type moded_clause = term list * (indprem * mode_derivation) list
 type 'a pred_mode_table = (string * ((bool * mode) * 'a) list) list
-(* book-keeping *)
-datatype predfun_data = PredfunData of {
-  definition : thm,
-  intro : thm,
-  elim : thm,
-  neg_intro : thm option
-fun rep_predfun_data (PredfunData data) = data;
-fun mk_predfun_data (definition, ((intro, elim), neg_intro)) =
-  PredfunData {definition = definition, intro = intro, elim = elim, neg_intro = neg_intro}
-datatype pred_data = PredData of {
-  intros : (string option * thm) list,
-  elim : thm option,
-  preprocessed : bool,
-  function_names : (compilation * (mode * string) list) list,
-  predfun_data : (mode * predfun_data) list,
-  needs_random : mode list
-fun rep_pred_data (PredData data) = data;
-fun mk_pred_data (((intros, elim), preprocessed), (function_names, (predfun_data, needs_random))) =
-  PredData {intros = intros, elim = elim, preprocessed = preprocessed,
-    function_names = function_names, predfun_data = predfun_data, needs_random = needs_random}
-fun map_pred_data f (PredData {intros, elim, preprocessed, function_names, predfun_data, needs_random}) =
-  mk_pred_data (f (((intros, elim), preprocessed), (function_names, (predfun_data, needs_random))))
-fun eq_option eq (NONE, NONE) = true
-  | eq_option eq (SOME x, SOME y) = eq (x, y)
-  | eq_option eq _ = false
-fun eq_pred_data (PredData d1, PredData d2) = 
-  eq_list (eq_pair (op =) Thm.eq_thm) (#intros d1, #intros d2) andalso
-  eq_option Thm.eq_thm (#elim d1, #elim d2)
-structure PredData = Theory_Data
-  type T = pred_data Graph.T;
-  val empty = Graph.empty;
-  val extend = I;
-  val merge = Graph.merge eq_pred_data;
-(* queries *)
-fun lookup_pred_data ctxt name =
-  Option.map rep_pred_data (try (Graph.get_node (PredData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt))) name)
-fun the_pred_data ctxt name = case lookup_pred_data ctxt name
- of NONE => error ("No such predicate " ^ quote name)  
-  | SOME data => data;
-val is_registered = is_some oo lookup_pred_data
-val all_preds_of = Graph.keys o PredData.get o ProofContext.theory_of
-val intros_of = map snd o #intros oo the_pred_data
-val names_of = map fst o #intros oo the_pred_data
-fun the_elim_of ctxt name = case #elim (the_pred_data ctxt name)
- of NONE => error ("No elimination rule for predicate " ^ quote name)
-  | SOME thm => thm
-val has_elim = is_some o #elim oo the_pred_data
-fun function_names_of compilation ctxt name =
-  case AList.lookup (op =) (#function_names (the_pred_data ctxt name)) compilation of
-    NONE => error ("No " ^ string_of_compilation compilation
-      ^ " functions defined for predicate " ^ quote name)
-  | SOME fun_names => fun_names
-fun function_name_of compilation ctxt name mode =
-  case AList.lookup eq_mode
-    (function_names_of compilation ctxt name) mode of
-    NONE => error ("No " ^ string_of_compilation compilation
-      ^ " function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^ " of predicate " ^ quote name)
-  | SOME function_name => function_name
-fun modes_of compilation ctxt name = map fst (function_names_of compilation ctxt name)
-fun all_modes_of compilation ctxt =
-  map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try (modes_of compilation ctxt) name))
-    (all_preds_of ctxt)
-val all_random_modes_of = all_modes_of Random
-fun defined_functions compilation ctxt name = case lookup_pred_data ctxt name of
-    NONE => false
-  | SOME data => AList.defined (op =) (#function_names data) compilation
-fun needs_random ctxt s m =
-  member (op =) (#needs_random (the_pred_data ctxt s)) m
-fun lookup_predfun_data ctxt name mode =
-  Option.map rep_predfun_data
-    (AList.lookup (op =) (#predfun_data (the_pred_data ctxt name)) mode)
-fun the_predfun_data ctxt name mode =
-  case lookup_predfun_data ctxt name mode of
-    NONE => error ("No function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^
-      " of predicate " ^ name)
-  | SOME data => data;
-val predfun_definition_of = #definition ooo the_predfun_data
-val predfun_intro_of = #intro ooo the_predfun_data
-val predfun_elim_of = #elim ooo the_predfun_data
-val predfun_neg_intro_of = #neg_intro ooo the_predfun_data
-val intros_graph_of =
-  Graph.map (K (map snd o #intros o rep_pred_data)) o PredData.get o ProofContext.theory_of
 (* diagnostic display functions *)
 fun print_modes options modes =
@@ -342,19 +154,6 @@
     val _ = tracing (cat_lines (map print_pred pred_mode_table))
   in () end;
-fun string_of_prem ctxt (Prem t) =
-    (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t) ^ "(premise)"
-  | string_of_prem ctxt (Negprem t) =
-    (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (HOLogic.mk_not t)) ^ "(negative premise)"
-  | string_of_prem ctxt (Sidecond t) =
-    (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t) ^ "(sidecondition)"
-  | string_of_prem ctxt _ = raise Fail "string_of_prem: unexpected input"
-fun string_of_clause ctxt pred (ts, prems) =
-  (space_implode " --> "
-  (map (string_of_prem ctxt) prems)) ^ " --> " ^ pred ^ " "
-   ^ (space_implode " " (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts))
 fun print_compiled_terms options ctxt =
   if show_compilation options then
     print_pred_mode_table (fn _ => fn _ => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt)
@@ -585,13 +384,6 @@
     val cases = map mk_case intros
   in Logic.list_implies (assm :: cases, prop) end;
-fun dest_conjunct_prem th =
-  case HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of th) of
-    (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ t $ t') =>
-      dest_conjunct_prem (th RS @{thm conjunct1})
-        @ dest_conjunct_prem (th RS @{thm conjunct2})
-    | _ => [th]
 fun prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (pre_cases_rule, nparams)) cases_rule =
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
@@ -755,58 +547,6 @@
     PredData.map (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data set))
-(* registration of alternative function names *)
-structure Alt_Compilations_Data = Theory_Data
-  type T = (mode * (compilation_funs -> typ -> term)) list Symtab.table;
-  val empty = Symtab.empty;
-  val extend = I;
-  fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (K true) data;
-fun alternative_compilation_of_global thy pred_name mode =
-  AList.lookup eq_mode (Symtab.lookup_list (Alt_Compilations_Data.get thy) pred_name) mode
-fun alternative_compilation_of ctxt pred_name mode =
-  AList.lookup eq_mode
-    (Symtab.lookup_list (Alt_Compilations_Data.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) pred_name) mode
-fun force_modes_and_compilations pred_name compilations =
-  let
-    (* thm refl is a dummy thm *)
-    val modes = map fst compilations
-    val (needs_random, non_random_modes) = pairself (map fst)
-      (List.partition (fn (m, (fun_name, random)) => random) compilations)
-    val non_random_dummys = map (rpair "dummy") non_random_modes
-    val all_dummys = map (rpair "dummy") modes
-    val dummy_function_names = map (rpair all_dummys) Predicate_Compile_Aux.random_compilations
-      @ map (rpair non_random_dummys) Predicate_Compile_Aux.non_random_compilations
-    val alt_compilations = map (apsnd fst) compilations
-  in
-    PredData.map (Graph.new_node
-      (pred_name, mk_pred_data ((([], SOME @{thm refl}), true), (dummy_function_names, ([], needs_random)))))
-    #> Alt_Compilations_Data.map (Symtab.insert (K false) (pred_name, alt_compilations))
-  end
-fun functional_compilation fun_name mode compfuns T =
-  let
-    val (inpTs, outpTs) = split_map_modeT (fn _ => fn T => (SOME T, NONE))
-      mode (binder_types T)
-    val bs = map (pair "x") inpTs
-    val bounds = map Bound (rev (0 upto (length bs) - 1))
-    val f = Const (fun_name, inpTs ---> HOLogic.mk_tupleT outpTs)
-  in list_abs (bs, mk_single compfuns (list_comb (f, bounds))) end
-fun register_alternative_function pred_name mode fun_name =
-  Alt_Compilations_Data.map (Symtab.insert_list (eq_pair eq_mode (K false))
-    (pred_name, (mode, functional_compilation fun_name mode)))
-fun force_modes_and_functions pred_name fun_names =
-  force_modes_and_compilations pred_name
-    (map (fn (mode, (fun_name, random)) => (mode, (functional_compilation fun_name mode, random)))
-    fun_names)
 (* compilation modifiers *)
 structure Comp_Mod =
@@ -1133,524 +873,6 @@
     | Neg_Generator_DSeq => pos_generator_dseq_comp_modifiers
     | c => comp_modifiers)
-(** mode analysis **)
-type mode_analysis_options =
-  {use_generators : bool,
-  reorder_premises : bool,
-  infer_pos_and_neg_modes : bool}
-fun is_constrt thy =
-  let
-    val cnstrs = flat (maps
-      (map (fn (_, (Tname, _, cs)) => map (apsnd (rpair Tname o length)) cs) o #descr o snd)
-      (Symtab.dest (Datatype.get_all thy)));
-    fun check t = (case strip_comb t of
-        (Free _, []) => true
-      | (Const (s, T), ts) => (case (AList.lookup (op =) cnstrs s, body_type T) of
-            (SOME (i, Tname), Type (Tname', _)) =>
-              length ts = i andalso Tname = Tname' andalso forall check ts
-          | _ => false)
-      | _ => false)
-  in check end;
-(*** check if a type is an equality type (i.e. doesn't contain fun)
-  FIXME this is only an approximation ***)
-fun is_eqT (Type (s, Ts)) = s <> "fun" andalso forall is_eqT Ts
-  | is_eqT _ = true;
-fun term_vs tm = fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) => cons x | _ => I) tm [];
-val terms_vs = distinct (op =) o maps term_vs;
-(** collect all Frees in a term (with duplicates!) **)
-fun term_vTs tm =
-  fold_aterms (fn Free xT => cons xT | _ => I) tm [];
-fun subsets i j =
-  if i <= j then
-    let
-      fun merge xs [] = xs
-        | merge [] ys = ys
-        | merge (x::xs) (y::ys) = if length x >= length y then x::merge xs (y::ys)
-            else y::merge (x::xs) ys;
-      val is = subsets (i+1) j
-    in merge (map (fn ks => i::ks) is) is end
-  else [[]];
-fun print_failed_mode options thy modes p (pol, m) rs is =
-  if show_mode_inference options then
-    let
-      val _ = tracing ("Clauses " ^ commas (map (fn i => string_of_int (i + 1)) is) ^ " of " ^
-        p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m)
-    in () end
-  else ()
-fun error_of p (pol, m) is =
-  "  Clauses " ^ commas (map (fn i => string_of_int (i + 1)) is) ^ " of " ^
-        p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m
-fun is_all_input mode =
-  let
-    fun is_all_input' (Fun _) = true
-      | is_all_input' (Pair (m1, m2)) = is_all_input' m1 andalso is_all_input' m2
-      | is_all_input' Input = true
-      | is_all_input' Output = false
-  in
-    forall is_all_input' (strip_fun_mode mode)
-  end
-fun all_input_of T =
-  let
-    val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
-    fun input_of (Type (@{type_name Product_Type.prod}, [T1, T2])) = Pair (input_of T1, input_of T2)
-      | input_of _ = Input
-  in
-    if U = HOLogic.boolT then
-      fold_rev (curry Fun) (map input_of Ts) Bool
-    else
-      raise Fail "all_input_of: not a predicate"
-  end
-fun find_least ord xs =
-  let
-    fun find' x y = (case y of NONE => SOME x | SOME y' => if ord (x, y') = LESS then SOME x else y) 
-  in
-    fold find' xs NONE
-  end
-fun term_vs tm = fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) => cons x | _ => I) tm [];
-val terms_vs = distinct (op =) o maps term_vs;
-fun input_mode T =
-  let
-    val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
-  in
-    fold_rev (curry Fun) (map (K Input) Ts) Input
-  end
-fun output_mode T =
-  let
-    val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
-  in
-    fold_rev (curry Fun) (map (K Output) Ts) Output
-  end
-fun is_invertible_function ctxt (Const (f, _)) = is_constr ctxt f
-  | is_invertible_function ctxt _ = false
-fun non_invertible_subterms ctxt (t as Free _) = []
-  | non_invertible_subterms ctxt t = 
-  let
-    val (f, args) = strip_comb t
-  in
-    if is_invertible_function ctxt f then
-      maps (non_invertible_subterms ctxt) args
-    else
-      [t]
-  end
-fun collect_non_invertible_subterms ctxt (f as Free _) (names, eqs) = (f, (names, eqs))
-  | collect_non_invertible_subterms ctxt t (names, eqs) =
-    case (strip_comb t) of (f, args) =>
-      if is_invertible_function ctxt f then
-          let
-            val (args', (names', eqs')) =
-              fold_map (collect_non_invertible_subterms ctxt) args (names, eqs)
-          in
-            (list_comb (f, args'), (names', eqs'))
-          end
-        else
-          let
-            val s = Name.variant names "x"
-            val v = Free (s, fastype_of t)
-          in
-            (v, (s :: names, HOLogic.mk_eq (v, t) :: eqs))
-          end
-  if is_constrt thy t then (t, (names, eqs)) else
-    let
-      val s = Name.variant names "x"
-      val v = Free (s, fastype_of t)
-    in (v, (s::names, HOLogic.mk_eq (v, t)::eqs)) end;
-fun is_possible_output ctxt vs t =
-  forall
-    (fn t => is_eqT (fastype_of t) andalso forall (member (op =) vs) (term_vs t))
-      (non_invertible_subterms ctxt t)
-  andalso
-    (forall (is_eqT o snd)
-      (inter (fn ((f', _), f) => f = f') vs (Term.add_frees t [])))
-fun vars_of_destructable_term ctxt (Free (x, _)) = [x]
-  | vars_of_destructable_term ctxt t =
-  let
-    val (f, args) = strip_comb t
-  in
-    if is_invertible_function ctxt f then
-      maps (vars_of_destructable_term ctxt) args
-    else
-      []
-  end
-fun is_constructable vs t = forall (member (op =) vs) (term_vs t)
-fun missing_vars vs t = subtract (op =) vs (term_vs t)
-fun output_terms (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2, Mode_Pair (d1, d2)) =
-    output_terms (t1, d1)  @ output_terms (t2, d2)
-  | output_terms (t1 $ t2, Mode_App (d1, d2)) =
-    output_terms (t1, d1)  @ output_terms (t2, d2)
-  | output_terms (t, Term Output) = [t]
-  | output_terms _ = []
-fun lookup_mode modes (Const (s, T)) =
-   (case (AList.lookup (op =) modes s) of
-      SOME ms => SOME (map (fn m => (Context m, [])) ms)
-    | NONE => NONE)
-  | lookup_mode modes (Free (x, _)) =
-    (case (AList.lookup (op =) modes x) of
-      SOME ms => SOME (map (fn m => (Context m , [])) ms)
-    | NONE => NONE)
-fun derivations_of (ctxt : Proof.context) modes vs (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2) (Pair (m1, m2)) =
-    map_product
-      (fn (m1, mvars1) => fn (m2, mvars2) => (Mode_Pair (m1, m2), union (op =) mvars1 mvars2))
-        (derivations_of ctxt modes vs t1 m1) (derivations_of ctxt modes vs t2 m2)
-  | derivations_of ctxt modes vs t (m as Fun _) =
-    (*let
-      val (p, args) = strip_comb t
-    in
-      (case lookup_mode modes p of
-        SOME ms => map_filter (fn (Context m, []) => let
-          val ms = strip_fun_mode m
-          val (argms, restms) = chop (length args) ms
-          val m' = fold_rev (curry Fun) restms Bool
-        in
-          if forall (fn m => eq_mode (Input, m)) argms andalso eq_mode (m', mode) then
-            SOME (fold (curry Mode_App) (map Term argms) (Context m), missing_vars vs t)
-          else NONE
-        end) ms
-      | NONE => (if is_all_input mode then [(Context mode, [])] else []))
-    end*)
-    (case try (all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs) t  of
-      SOME derivs =>
-        filter (fn (d, mvars) => eq_mode (mode_of d, m) andalso null (output_terms (t, d))) derivs
-    | NONE => (if is_all_input m then [(Context m, [])] else []))
-  | derivations_of ctxt modes vs t m =
-    if eq_mode (m, Input) then
-      [(Term Input, missing_vars vs t)]
-    else if eq_mode (m, Output) then
-      (if is_possible_output ctxt vs t then [(Term Output, [])] else [])
-    else []
-and all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2) =
-  let
-    val derivs1 = all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs t1
-    val derivs2 = all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs t2
-  in
-    map_product
-      (fn (m1, mvars1) => fn (m2, mvars2) => (Mode_Pair (m1, m2), union (op =) mvars1 mvars2))
-        derivs1 derivs2
-  end
-  | all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs (t1 $ t2) =
-  let
-    val derivs1 = all_derivations_of ctxt modes vs t1
-  in
-    maps (fn (d1, mvars1) =>
-      case mode_of d1 of
-        Fun (m', _) => map (fn (d2, mvars2) =>
-          (Mode_App (d1, d2), union (op =) mvars1 mvars2)) (derivations_of ctxt modes vs t2 m')
-        | _ => raise Fail "all_derivations_of: derivation has an unexpected non-functional mode") derivs1
-  end
-  | all_derivations_of _ modes vs (Const (s, T)) = the (lookup_mode modes (Const (s, T)))
-  | all_derivations_of _ modes vs (Free (x, T)) = the (lookup_mode modes (Free (x, T)))
-  | all_derivations_of _ modes vs _ = raise Fail "all_derivations_of: unexpected term"
-fun rev_option_ord ord (NONE, NONE) = EQUAL
-  | rev_option_ord ord (NONE, SOME _) = GREATER
-  | rev_option_ord ord (SOME _, NONE) = LESS
-  | rev_option_ord ord (SOME x, SOME y) = ord (x, y)
-fun random_mode_in_deriv modes t deriv =
-  case try dest_Const (fst (strip_comb t)) of
-    SOME (s, _) =>
-      (case AList.lookup (op =) modes s of
-        SOME ms =>
-          (case AList.lookup (op =) (map (fn ((p, m), r) => (m, r)) ms) (head_mode_of deriv) of
-            SOME r => r
-          | NONE => false)
-      | NONE => false)
-  | NONE => false
-fun number_of_output_positions mode =
-  let
-    val args = strip_fun_mode mode
-    fun contains_output (Fun _) = false
-      | contains_output Input = false
-      | contains_output Output = true
-      | contains_output (Pair (m1, m2)) = contains_output m1 orelse contains_output m2
-  in
-    length (filter contains_output args)
-  end
-fun lex_ord ord1 ord2 (x, x') =
-  case ord1 (x, x') of
-    EQUAL => ord2 (x, x')
-  | ord => ord
-fun lexl_ord [] (x, x') = EQUAL
-  | lexl_ord (ord :: ords') (x, x') =
-    case ord (x, x') of
-      EQUAL => lexl_ord ords' (x, x')
-    | ord => ord
-fun deriv_ord' ctxt pol pred modes t1 t2 ((deriv1, mvars1), (deriv2, mvars2)) =
-  let
-    (* prefer functional modes if it is a function *)
-    fun fun_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
-      let
-        fun is_functional t mode =
-          case try (fst o dest_Const o fst o strip_comb) t of
-            NONE => false
-          | SOME c => is_some (alternative_compilation_of ctxt c mode)
-      in
-        case (is_functional t1 (head_mode_of deriv1), is_functional t2 (head_mode_of deriv2)) of
-          (true, true) => EQUAL
-        | (true, false) => LESS
-        | (false, true) => GREATER
-        | (false, false) => EQUAL
-      end
-    (* prefer modes without requirement for generating random values *)
-    fun mvars_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
-      int_ord (length mvars1, length mvars2)
-    (* prefer non-random modes *)
-    fun random_mode_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
-      int_ord (if random_mode_in_deriv modes t1 deriv1 then 1 else 0,
-               if random_mode_in_deriv modes t2 deriv2 then 1 else 0)
-    (* prefer modes with more input and less output *)
-    fun output_mode_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
-      int_ord (number_of_output_positions (head_mode_of deriv1),
-        number_of_output_positions (head_mode_of deriv2))
-    (* prefer recursive calls *)
-    fun is_rec_premise t =
-      case fst (strip_comb t) of Const (c, T) => c = pred | _ => false
-    fun recursive_ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2)) =
-      int_ord (if is_rec_premise t1 then 0 else 1,
-        if is_rec_premise t2 then 0 else 1)
-    val ord = lexl_ord [mvars_ord, fun_ord, random_mode_ord, output_mode_ord, recursive_ord]
-  in
-    ord ((t1, deriv1, mvars1), (t2, deriv2, mvars2))
-  end
-fun deriv_ord ctxt pol pred modes t = deriv_ord' ctxt pol pred modes t t
-fun premise_ord thy pol pred modes ((prem1, a1), (prem2, a2)) =
-  rev_option_ord (deriv_ord' thy pol pred modes (dest_indprem prem1) (dest_indprem prem2)) (a1, a2)
-fun print_mode_list modes =
-  tracing ("modes: " ^ (commas (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^
-    commas (map (fn (m, r) => string_of_mode m ^ (if r then " random " else " not ")) ms)) modes)))
-fun select_mode_prem (mode_analysis_options : mode_analysis_options) (ctxt : Proof.context) pred
-  pol (modes, (pos_modes, neg_modes)) vs ps =
-  let
-    fun choose_mode_of_prem (Prem t) =
-          find_least (deriv_ord ctxt pol pred modes t) (all_derivations_of ctxt pos_modes vs t)
-      | choose_mode_of_prem (Sidecond t) = SOME (Context Bool, missing_vars vs t)
-      | choose_mode_of_prem (Negprem t) = find_least (deriv_ord ctxt (not pol) pred modes t)
-          (filter (fn (d, missing_vars) => is_all_input (head_mode_of d))
-             (all_derivations_of ctxt neg_modes vs t))
-      | choose_mode_of_prem p = raise Fail ("choose_mode_of_prem: unexpected premise " ^ string_of_prem ctxt p)
-  in
-    if #reorder_premises mode_analysis_options then
-      find_least (premise_ord ctxt pol pred modes) (ps ~~ map choose_mode_of_prem ps)
-    else
-      SOME (hd ps, choose_mode_of_prem (hd ps))
-  end
-fun check_mode_clause' (mode_analysis_options : mode_analysis_options) ctxt pred param_vs (modes :
-  (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list) ((pol, mode) : bool * mode) (ts, ps) =
-  let
-    val vTs = distinct (op =) (fold Term.add_frees (map dest_indprem ps) (fold Term.add_frees ts []))
-    val modes' = modes @ (param_vs ~~ map (fn x => [((true, x), false), ((false, x), false)]) (ho_arg_modes_of mode))
-    fun retrieve_modes_of_pol pol = map (fn (s, ms) =>
-      (s, map_filter (fn ((p, m), r) => if p = pol then SOME m else NONE | _ => NONE) ms))
-    val (pos_modes', neg_modes') =
-      if #infer_pos_and_neg_modes mode_analysis_options then
-        (retrieve_modes_of_pol pol modes', retrieve_modes_of_pol (not pol) modes')
-      else
-        let
-          val modes = map (fn (s, ms) => (s, map (fn ((p, m), r) => m) ms)) modes'
-        in (modes, modes) end
-    val (in_ts, out_ts) = split_mode mode ts
-    val in_vs = union (op =) param_vs (maps (vars_of_destructable_term ctxt) in_ts)
-    val out_vs = terms_vs out_ts
-    fun known_vs_after p vs = (case p of
-        Prem t => union (op =) vs (term_vs t)
-      | Sidecond t => union (op =) vs (term_vs t)
-      | Negprem t => union (op =) vs (term_vs t)
-      | _ => raise Fail "unexpected premise")
-    fun check_mode_prems acc_ps rnd vs [] = SOME (acc_ps, vs, rnd)
-      | check_mode_prems acc_ps rnd vs ps =
-        (case
-          (select_mode_prem mode_analysis_options ctxt pred pol (modes', (pos_modes', neg_modes')) vs ps) of
-          SOME (p, SOME (deriv, [])) => check_mode_prems ((p, deriv) :: acc_ps) rnd
-            (known_vs_after p vs) (filter_out (equal p) ps)
-        | SOME (p, SOME (deriv, missing_vars)) =>
-          if #use_generators mode_analysis_options andalso pol then
-            check_mode_prems ((p, deriv) :: (map
-              (fn v => (Generator (v, the (AList.lookup (op =) vTs v)), Term Output))
-                (distinct (op =) missing_vars))
-                @ acc_ps) true (known_vs_after p vs) (filter_out (equal p) ps)
-          else NONE
-        | SOME (p, NONE) => NONE
-        | NONE => NONE)
-  in
-    case check_mode_prems [] false in_vs ps of
-      NONE => NONE
-    | SOME (acc_ps, vs, rnd) =>
-      if forall (is_constructable vs) (in_ts @ out_ts) then
-        SOME (ts, rev acc_ps, rnd)
-      else
-        if #use_generators mode_analysis_options andalso pol then
-          let
-             val generators = map
-              (fn v => (Generator (v, the (AList.lookup (op =) vTs v)), Term Output))
-                (subtract (op =) vs (terms_vs (in_ts @ out_ts)))
-          in
-            SOME (ts, rev (generators @ acc_ps), true)
-          end
-        else
-          NONE
-  end
-datatype result = Success of bool | Error of string
-fun check_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options options thy param_vs clauses modes (p, (ms : ((bool * mode) * bool) list)) =
-  let
-    fun split xs =
-      let
-        fun split' [] (ys, zs) = (rev ys, rev zs)
-          | split' ((m, Error z) :: xs) (ys, zs) = split' xs (ys, z :: zs)
-          | split' (((m : bool * mode), Success rnd) :: xs) (ys, zs) = split' xs ((m, rnd) :: ys, zs)
-       in
-         split' xs ([], [])
-       end
-    val rs = these (AList.lookup (op =) clauses p)
-    fun check_mode m =
-      let
-        val res = Output.cond_timeit false "work part of check_mode for one mode" (fn _ => 
-          map (check_mode_clause' mode_analysis_options thy p param_vs modes m) rs)
-      in
-        Output.cond_timeit false "aux part of check_mode for one mode" (fn _ => 
-        case find_indices is_none res of
-          [] => Success (exists (fn SOME (_, _, true) => true | _ => false) res)
-        | is => (print_failed_mode options thy modes p m rs is; Error (error_of p m is)))
-      end
-    val _ = if show_mode_inference options then
-        tracing ("checking " ^ string_of_int (length ms) ^ " modes ...")
-      else ()
-    val res = Output.cond_timeit false "check_mode" (fn _ => map (fn (m, _) => (m, check_mode m)) ms)
-    val (ms', errors) = split res
-  in
-    ((p, (ms' : ((bool * mode) * bool) list)), errors)
-  end;
-fun get_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options thy param_vs clauses modes (p, ms) =
-  let
-    val rs = these (AList.lookup (op =) clauses p)
-  in
-    (p, map (fn (m, rnd) =>
-      (m, map
-        ((fn (ts, ps, rnd) => (ts, ps)) o the o
-          check_mode_clause' mode_analysis_options thy p param_vs modes m) rs)) ms)
-  end;
-fun fixp f (x : (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list) =
-  let val y = f x
-  in if x = y then x else fixp f y end;
-fun fixp_with_state f (x : (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list, state) =
-  let
-    val (y, state') = f (x, state)
-  in
-    if x = y then (y, state') else fixp_with_state f (y, state')
-  end
-fun string_of_ext_mode ((pol, mode), rnd) =
-  string_of_mode mode ^ "(" ^ (if pol then "pos" else "neg") ^ ", "
-  ^ (if rnd then "rnd" else "nornd") ^ ")"
-fun print_extra_modes options modes =
-  if show_mode_inference options then
-    tracing ("Modes of inferred predicates: " ^
-      cat_lines (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^ commas (map string_of_ext_mode ms)) modes))
-  else ()
-fun infer_modes mode_analysis_options options (lookup_mode, lookup_neg_mode, needs_random) ctxt
-  preds all_modes param_vs clauses =
-  let
-    fun appair f (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (f x1 y1, f x2 y2)
-    fun add_needs_random s (false, m) = ((false, m), false)
-      | add_needs_random s (true, m) = ((true, m), needs_random s m)
-    fun add_polarity_and_random_bit s b ms = map (fn m => add_needs_random s (b, m)) ms
-    val prednames = map fst preds
-    (* extramodes contains all modes of all constants, should we only use the necessary ones
-       - what is the impact on performance? *)
-    fun predname_of (Prem t) =
-        (case try dest_Const (fst (strip_comb t)) of SOME (c, _) => insert (op =) c | NONE => I)
-      | predname_of (Negprem t) =
-        (case try dest_Const (fst (strip_comb t)) of SOME (c, _) => insert (op =) c | NONE => I)
-      | predname_of _ = I
-    val relevant_prednames = fold (fn (_, clauses') =>
-      fold (fn (_, ps) => fold Term.add_const_names (map dest_indprem ps)) clauses') clauses []
-      |> filter_out (fn name => member (op =) prednames name)
-    val extra_modes =
-      if #infer_pos_and_neg_modes mode_analysis_options then
-        let
-          val pos_extra_modes =
-            map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try lookup_mode name))
-            relevant_prednames
-          val neg_extra_modes =
-            map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try lookup_neg_mode name))
-              relevant_prednames
-        in
-          map (fn (s, ms) => (s, (add_polarity_and_random_bit s true ms)
-                @ add_polarity_and_random_bit s false (the (AList.lookup (op =) neg_extra_modes s))))
-            pos_extra_modes
-        end
-      else
-        map (fn (s, ms) => (s, (add_polarity_and_random_bit s true ms)))
-          (map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try lookup_mode name))
-            relevant_prednames)
-    val _ = print_extra_modes options extra_modes
-    val start_modes =
-      if #infer_pos_and_neg_modes mode_analysis_options then
-        map (fn (s, ms) => (s, map (fn m => ((true, m), false)) ms @
-          (map (fn m => ((false, m), false)) ms))) all_modes
-      else
-        map (fn (s, ms) => (s, map (fn m => ((true, m), false)) ms)) all_modes
-    fun iteration modes = map
-      (check_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options options ctxt param_vs clauses
-        (modes @ extra_modes)) modes
-    val ((modes : (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list), errors) =
-      Output.cond_timeit false "Fixpount computation of mode analysis" (fn () =>
-      if show_invalid_clauses options then
-        fixp_with_state (fn (modes, errors) =>
-          let
-            val (modes', new_errors) = split_list (iteration modes)
-          in (modes', errors @ flat new_errors) end) (start_modes, [])
-        else
-          (fixp (fn modes => map fst (iteration modes)) start_modes, []))
-    val moded_clauses = map (get_modes_pred' mode_analysis_options ctxt param_vs clauses
-      (modes @ extra_modes)) modes
-    val need_random = fold (fn (s, ms) => if member (op =) (map fst preds) s then
-      cons (s, (map_filter (fn ((true, m), true) => SOME m | _ => NONE) ms)) else I)
-      modes []
-  in
-    ((moded_clauses, need_random), errors)
-  end;
 (* term construction *)
 fun mk_v (names, vs) s T = (case AList.lookup (op =) vs s of
@@ -2088,11 +1310,6 @@
       (HOLogic.mk_eq (list_comb (fun_const, in_ts @ additional_arguments), compilation))
-(** special setup for simpset **)
-val HOL_basic_ss' = HOL_basic_ss addsimps (@{thms HOL.simp_thms} @ [@{thm Pair_eq}])
-  setSolver (mk_solver "all_tac_solver" (fn _ => fn _ => all_tac))
-  setSolver (mk_solver "True_solver" (fn _ => rtac @{thm TrueI}))
 (* Definition of executable functions and their intro and elim rules *)
 fun print_arities arities = tracing ("Arities:\n" ^
@@ -2256,483 +1473,6 @@
     |> fold create_definition modes
-(* Proving equivalence of term *)
-fun is_Type (Type _) = true
-  | is_Type _ = false
-(* returns true if t is an application of an datatype constructor *)
-(* which then consequently would be splitted *)
-(* else false *)
-fun is_constructor thy t =
-  if (is_Type (fastype_of t)) then
-    (case Datatype.get_info thy ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t) of
-      NONE => false
-    | SOME info => (let
-      val constr_consts = maps (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) => map fst constrs) (#descr info)
-      val (c, _) = strip_comb t
-      in (case c of
-        Const (name, _) => member (op =) constr_consts name
-        | _ => false) end))
-  else false
-(* MAJOR FIXME:  prove_params should be simple
- - different form of introrule for parameters ? *)
-fun prove_param options ctxt nargs t deriv =
-  let
-    val  (f, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t)
-    val mode = head_mode_of deriv
-    val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
-    val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
-    val f_tac = case f of
-      Const (name, T) => simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps 
-         [@{thm eval_pred}, predfun_definition_of ctxt name mode,
-         @{thm split_eta}, @{thm split_beta}, @{thm fst_conv},
-         @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm pair_collapse}, @{thm Product_Type.split_conv}]) 1
-    | Free _ =>
-      Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS (fn {context = ctxt, params = params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
-        let
-          val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
-        in
-          MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac
-            (map (fn th => th RS @{thm sym} RS @{thm eq_reflection}) prems') 1
-        end) ctxt 1
-    | Abs _ => raise Fail "prove_param: No valid parameter term"
-  in
-    REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm ext} 1)
-    THEN print_tac options "prove_param"
-    THEN f_tac 
-    THEN print_tac options "after prove_param"
-    THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
-    THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param options ctxt nargs) ho_args param_derivations))
-    THEN REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm refl} 1)
-  end
-fun prove_expr options ctxt nargs (premposition : int) (t, deriv) =
-  case strip_comb t of
-    (Const (name, T), args) =>
-      let
-        val mode = head_mode_of deriv
-        val introrule = predfun_intro_of ctxt name mode
-        val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
-        val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
-      in
-        print_tac options "before intro rule:"
-        THEN rtac introrule 1
-        THEN print_tac options "after intro rule"
-        (* for the right assumption in first position *)
-        THEN rotate_tac premposition 1
-        THEN atac 1
-        THEN print_tac options "parameter goal"
-        (* work with parameter arguments *)
-        THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param options ctxt nargs) ho_args param_derivations))
-        THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
-      end
-  | (Free _, _) =>
-    print_tac options "proving parameter call.."
-    THEN Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS (fn {context = ctxt, params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
-        let
-          val param_prem = nth prems premposition
-          val (param, _) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of param_prem))
-          val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
-          fun param_rewrite prem =
-            param = snd (HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of prem)))
-          val SOME rew_eq = find_first param_rewrite prems'
-          val param_prem' = MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule
-            (map (fn th => th RS @{thm eq_reflection})
-              [rew_eq RS @{thm sym}, @{thm split_beta}, @{thm fst_conv}, @{thm snd_conv}])
-            param_prem
-        in
-          rtac param_prem' 1
-        end) ctxt 1
-    THEN print_tac options "after prove parameter call"
-fun SOLVED tac st = FILTER (fn st' => nprems_of st' = nprems_of st - 1) tac st;
-fun SOLVEDALL tac st = FILTER (fn st' => nprems_of st' = 0) tac st
-fun check_format ctxt st =
-  let
-    val concl' = Logic.strip_assums_concl (hd (prems_of st))
-    val concl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop concl'
-    val expr = fst (strip_comb (fst (PredicateCompFuns.dest_Eval concl)))
-    fun valid_expr (Const (@{const_name Predicate.bind}, _)) = true
-      | valid_expr (Const (@{const_name Predicate.single}, _)) = true
-      | valid_expr _ = false
-  in
-    if valid_expr expr then
-      ((*tracing "expression is valid";*) Seq.single st)
-    else
-      ((*tracing "expression is not valid";*) Seq.empty) (* error "check_format: wrong format" *)
-  end
-fun prove_match options ctxt nargs out_ts =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-    val eval_if_P =
-      @{lemma "P ==> Predicate.eval x z ==> Predicate.eval (if P then x else y) z" by simp} 
-    fun get_case_rewrite t =
-      if (is_constructor thy t) then let
-        val case_rewrites = (#case_rewrites (Datatype.the_info thy
-          ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t)))
-        in fold (union Thm.eq_thm) (case_rewrites :: map get_case_rewrite (snd (strip_comb t))) [] end
-      else []
-    val simprules = insert Thm.eq_thm @{thm "unit.cases"} (insert Thm.eq_thm @{thm "prod.cases"}
-      (fold (union Thm.eq_thm) (map get_case_rewrite out_ts) []))
-  (* replace TRY by determining if it necessary - are there equations when calling compile match? *)
-  in
-     (* make this simpset better! *)
-    asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss' addsimps simprules) 1
-    THEN print_tac options "after prove_match:"
-           (rtac eval_if_P 1
-           THEN (SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt, params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
-             (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm conjI} 1
-             THEN (SOLVED (asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1))))
-             THEN print_tac options "if condition to be solved:"
-             THEN asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1
-             THEN TRY (
-                let
-                  val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
-                in
-                  MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac
-                    (map (fn th => th RS @{thm sym} RS @{thm eq_reflection}) prems') 1
-                end
-             THEN REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm refl} 1))
-             THEN print_tac options "after if simp; in SUBPROOF") ctxt 1))))
-    THEN print_tac options "after if simplification"
-  end;
-(* corresponds to compile_fun -- maybe call that also compile_sidecond? *)
-fun prove_sidecond ctxt t =
-  let
-    fun preds_of t nameTs = case strip_comb t of 
-      (f as Const (name, T), args) =>
-        if is_registered ctxt name then (name, T) :: nameTs
-          else fold preds_of args nameTs
-      | _ => nameTs
-    val preds = preds_of t []
-    val defs = map
-      (fn (pred, T) => predfun_definition_of ctxt pred
-        (all_input_of T))
-        preds
-  in 
-    simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps
-      (@{thms HOL.simp_thms} @ (@{thm eval_pred} :: defs))) 1 
-    (* need better control here! *)
-  end
-fun prove_clause options ctxt nargs mode (_, clauses) (ts, moded_ps) =
-  let
-    val (in_ts, clause_out_ts) = split_mode mode ts;
-    fun prove_prems out_ts [] =
-      (prove_match options ctxt nargs out_ts)
-      THEN print_tac options "before simplifying assumptions"
-      THEN asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1
-      THEN print_tac options "before single intro rule"
-      THEN Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS
-             (fn {context = ctxt, params = params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
-              let
-                val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
-              in
-                MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac
-                  (map (fn th => th RS @{thm sym} RS @{thm eq_reflection}) prems') 1
-              end) ctxt 1
-      THEN (rtac (if null clause_out_ts then @{thm singleI_unit} else @{thm singleI}) 1)
-    | prove_prems out_ts ((p, deriv) :: ps) =
-      let
-        val premposition = (find_index (equal p) clauses) + nargs
-        val mode = head_mode_of deriv
-        val rest_tac =
-          rtac @{thm bindI} 1
-          THEN (case p of Prem t =>
-            let
-              val (_, us) = strip_comb t
-              val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode us
-              val rec_tac = prove_prems out_ts''' ps
-            in
-              print_tac options "before clause:"
-              (*THEN asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1*)
-              THEN print_tac options "before prove_expr:"
-              THEN prove_expr options ctxt nargs premposition (t, deriv)
-              THEN print_tac options "after prove_expr:"
-              THEN rec_tac
-            end
-          | Negprem t =>
-            let
-              val (t, args) = strip_comb t
-              val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode args
-              val rec_tac = prove_prems out_ts''' ps
-              val name = (case strip_comb t of (Const (c, _), _) => SOME c | _ => NONE)
-              val neg_intro_rule =
-                Option.map (fn name =>
-                  the (predfun_neg_intro_of ctxt name mode)) name
-              val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
-              val params = ho_args_of mode args
-            in
-              print_tac options "before prove_neg_expr:"
-              THEN full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps
-                [@{thm split_eta}, @{thm split_beta}, @{thm fst_conv},
-                 @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm pair_collapse}, @{thm Product_Type.split_conv}]) 1
-              THEN (if (is_some name) then
-                  print_tac options "before applying not introduction rule"
-                  THEN Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS
-                    (fn {context = ctxt, params = params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
-                      rtac (the neg_intro_rule) 1
-                      THEN rtac (nth prems premposition) 1) ctxt 1
-                  THEN print_tac options "after applying not introduction rule"
-                  THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param options ctxt nargs) params param_derivations))
-                  THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
-                else
-                  rtac @{thm not_predI'} 1
-                  (* test: *)
-                  THEN dtac @{thm sym} 1
-                  THEN asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1)
-                  THEN simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1
-              THEN rec_tac
-            end
-          | Sidecond t =>
-           rtac @{thm if_predI} 1
-           THEN print_tac options "before sidecond:"
-           THEN prove_sidecond ctxt t
-           THEN print_tac options "after sidecond:"
-           THEN prove_prems [] ps)
-      in (prove_match options ctxt nargs out_ts)
-          THEN rest_tac
-      end;
-    val prems_tac = prove_prems in_ts moded_ps
-  in
-    print_tac options "Proving clause..."
-    THEN rtac @{thm bindI} 1
-    THEN rtac @{thm singleI} 1
-    THEN prems_tac
-  end;
-fun select_sup 1 1 = []
-  | select_sup _ 1 = [rtac @{thm supI1}]
-  | select_sup n i = (rtac @{thm supI2})::(select_sup (n - 1) (i - 1));
-fun prove_one_direction options ctxt clauses preds pred mode moded_clauses =
-  let
-    val T = the (AList.lookup (op =) preds pred)
-    val nargs = length (binder_types T)
-    val pred_case_rule = the_elim_of ctxt pred
-  in
-    REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm "split_paired_all"}))
-    THEN print_tac options "before applying elim rule"
-    THEN etac (predfun_elim_of ctxt pred mode) 1
-    THEN etac pred_case_rule 1
-    THEN print_tac options "after applying elim rule"
-    THEN (EVERY (map
-           (fn i => EVERY' (select_sup (length moded_clauses) i) i) 
-             (1 upto (length moded_clauses))))
-    THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_clause options ctxt nargs mode) clauses moded_clauses))
-    THEN print_tac options "proved one direction"
-  end;
-(** Proof in the other direction **)
-fun prove_match2 options ctxt out_ts =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-    fun split_term_tac (Free _) = all_tac
-      | split_term_tac t =
-        if (is_constructor thy t) then
-          let
-            val info = Datatype.the_info thy ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t)
-            val num_of_constrs = length (#case_rewrites info)
-            val (_, ts) = strip_comb t
-          in
-            print_tac options ("Term " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t) ^ 
-              "splitting with rules \n" ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt (#split_asm info))
-            THEN TRY ((Splitter.split_asm_tac [#split_asm info] 1)
-              THEN (print_tac options "after splitting with split_asm rules")
-            (* THEN (Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1)
-              THEN (DETERM (TRY (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1)))*)
-              THEN (REPEAT_DETERM_N (num_of_constrs - 1)
-                (etac @{thm botE} 1 ORELSE etac @{thm botE} 2)))
-            THEN (assert_tac (Max_number_of_subgoals 2))
-            THEN (EVERY (map split_term_tac ts))
-          end
-      else all_tac
-  in
-    split_term_tac (HOLogic.mk_tuple out_ts)
-    THEN (DETERM (TRY ((Splitter.split_asm_tac [@{thm "split_if_asm"}] 1)
-    THEN (etac @{thm botE} 2))))
-  end
-(* VERY LARGE SIMILIRATIY to function prove_param 
--- join both functions
-(* TODO: remove function *)
-fun prove_param2 options ctxt t deriv =
-  let
-    val (f, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t)
-    val mode = head_mode_of deriv
-    val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
-    val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
-    val f_tac = case f of
-        Const (name, T) => full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps 
-           (@{thm eval_pred}::(predfun_definition_of ctxt name mode)
-           :: @{thm "Product_Type.split_conv"}::[])) 1
-      | Free _ => all_tac
-      | _ => error "prove_param2: illegal parameter term"
-  in
-    print_tac options "before simplification in prove_args:"
-    THEN f_tac
-    THEN print_tac options "after simplification in prove_args"
-    THEN EVERY (map2 (prove_param2 options ctxt) ho_args param_derivations)
-  end
-fun prove_expr2 options ctxt (t, deriv) = 
-  (case strip_comb t of
-      (Const (name, T), args) =>
-        let
-          val mode = head_mode_of deriv
-          val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
-          val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
-        in
-          etac @{thm bindE} 1
-          THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm "split_paired_all"})))
-          THEN print_tac options "prove_expr2-before"
-          THEN etac (predfun_elim_of ctxt name mode) 1
-          THEN print_tac options "prove_expr2"
-          THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param2 options ctxt) ho_args param_derivations))
-          THEN print_tac options "finished prove_expr2"
-        end
-      | _ => etac @{thm bindE} 1)
-fun prove_sidecond2 options ctxt t = let
-  fun preds_of t nameTs = case strip_comb t of 
-    (f as Const (name, T), args) =>
-      if is_registered ctxt name then (name, T) :: nameTs
-        else fold preds_of args nameTs
-    | _ => nameTs
-  val preds = preds_of t []
-  val defs = map
-    (fn (pred, T) => predfun_definition_of ctxt pred 
-      (all_input_of T))
-      preds
-  in
-   (* only simplify the one assumption *)
-   full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss' addsimps @{thm eval_pred} :: defs) 1 
-   (* need better control here! *)
-   THEN print_tac options "after sidecond2 simplification"
-   end
-fun prove_clause2 options ctxt pred mode (ts, ps) i =
-  let
-    val pred_intro_rule = nth (intros_of ctxt pred) (i - 1)
-    val (in_ts, clause_out_ts) = split_mode mode ts;
-    val split_ss = HOL_basic_ss' addsimps [@{thm split_eta}, @{thm split_beta},
-      @{thm fst_conv}, @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm pair_collapse}]
-    fun prove_prems2 out_ts [] =
-      print_tac options "before prove_match2 - last call:"
-      THEN prove_match2 options ctxt out_ts
-      THEN print_tac options "after prove_match2 - last call:"
-      THEN (etac @{thm singleE} 1)
-      THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
-      THEN (asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1)
-      THEN TRY (
-        (REPEAT_DETERM (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
-        THEN (asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1)
-        THEN SOLVED (print_tac options "state before applying intro rule:"
-        THEN (rtac pred_intro_rule
-        (* How to handle equality correctly? *)
-        THEN_ALL_NEW (K (print_tac options "state before assumption matching")
-        THEN' (atac ORELSE' ((CHANGED o asm_full_simp_tac split_ss) THEN' (TRY o atac)))
-          THEN' (K (print_tac options "state after pre-simplification:"))
-        THEN' (K (print_tac options "state after assumption matching:")))) 1))
-    | prove_prems2 out_ts ((p, deriv) :: ps) =
-      let
-        val mode = head_mode_of deriv
-        val rest_tac = (case p of
-          Prem t =>
-          let
-            val (_, us) = strip_comb t
-            val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode us
-            val rec_tac = prove_prems2 out_ts''' ps
-          in
-            (prove_expr2 options ctxt (t, deriv)) THEN rec_tac
-          end
-        | Negprem t =>
-          let
-            val (_, args) = strip_comb t
-            val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode args
-            val rec_tac = prove_prems2 out_ts''' ps
-            val name = (case strip_comb t of (Const (c, _), _) => SOME c | _ => NONE)
-            val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
-            val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
-          in
-            print_tac options "before neg prem 2"
-            THEN etac @{thm bindE} 1
-            THEN (if is_some name then
-                full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps
-                  [predfun_definition_of ctxt (the name) mode]) 1
-                THEN etac @{thm not_predE} 1
-                THEN simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1
-                THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param2 options ctxt) ho_args param_derivations))
-              else
-                etac @{thm not_predE'} 1)
-            THEN rec_tac
-          end 
-        | Sidecond t =>
-          etac @{thm bindE} 1
-          THEN etac @{thm if_predE} 1
-          THEN prove_sidecond2 options ctxt t
-          THEN prove_prems2 [] ps)
-      in print_tac options "before prove_match2:"
-         THEN prove_match2 options ctxt out_ts
-         THEN print_tac options "after prove_match2:"
-         THEN rest_tac
-      end;
-    val prems_tac = prove_prems2 in_ts ps 
-  in
-    print_tac options "starting prove_clause2"
-    THEN etac @{thm bindE} 1
-    THEN (etac @{thm singleE'} 1)
-    THEN (TRY (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
-    THEN print_tac options "after singleE':"
-    THEN prems_tac
-  end;
-fun prove_other_direction options ctxt pred mode moded_clauses =
-  let
-    fun prove_clause clause i =
-      (if i < length moded_clauses then etac @{thm supE} 1 else all_tac)
-      THEN (prove_clause2 options ctxt pred mode clause i)
-  in
-    (DETERM (TRY (rtac @{thm unit.induct} 1)))
-     THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm split_paired_all})))
-     THEN (rtac (predfun_intro_of ctxt pred mode) 1)
-     THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm refl} 2))
-     THEN (if null moded_clauses then
-         etac @{thm botE} 1
-       else EVERY (map2 prove_clause moded_clauses (1 upto (length moded_clauses))))
-  end;
-(** proof procedure **)
-fun prove_pred options thy clauses preds pred (pol, mode) (moded_clauses, compiled_term) =
-  let
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
-    val clauses = case AList.lookup (op =) clauses pred of SOME rs => rs | NONE => []
-  in
-    Goal.prove ctxt (Term.add_free_names compiled_term []) [] compiled_term
-      (if not (skip_proof options) then
-        (fn _ =>
-        rtac @{thm pred_iffI} 1
-        THEN print_tac options "after pred_iffI"
-        THEN prove_one_direction options ctxt clauses preds pred mode moded_clauses
-        THEN print_tac options "proved one direction"
-        THEN prove_other_direction options ctxt pred mode moded_clauses
-        THEN print_tac options "proved other direction")
-      else (fn _ => Skip_Proof.cheat_tac thy))
-  end;
 (* composition of mode inference, definition, compilation and proof *)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_proof.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_proof.ML
+    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
+Proof procedure for the compiler from predicates specified by intro/elim rules to equations.
+  type indprem = Predicate_Compile_Aux.indprem;
+  type mode = Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode
+  val prove_pred : Predicate_Compile_Aux.options -> theory
+    -> (string * (term list * indprem list) list) list
+    -> (string * typ) list -> string -> bool * mode
+    -> (term list * (indprem * Mode_Inference.mode_derivation) list) list * term
+    -> Thm.thm
+structure Predicate_Compile_Proof : PREDICATE_COMPILE_PROOF =
+open Predicate_Compile_Aux;
+open Core_Data;
+open Mode_Inference;
+(* debug stuff *)
+fun print_tac options s = 
+  if show_proof_trace options then Tactical.print_tac s else Seq.single;
+(** auxiliary **)
+fun assert b = if not b then raise Fail "Assertion failed" else warning "Assertion holds"
+datatype assertion = Max_number_of_subgoals of int
+fun assert_tac (Max_number_of_subgoals i) st =
+  if (nprems_of st <= i) then Seq.single st
+  else raise Fail ("assert_tac: Numbers of subgoals mismatch at goal state :"
+    ^ "\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks
+      (Goal_Display.pretty_goals_without_context st)));
+(** special setup for simpset **)
+val HOL_basic_ss' = HOL_basic_ss addsimps (@{thms HOL.simp_thms} @ [@{thm Pair_eq}])
+  setSolver (mk_solver "all_tac_solver" (fn _ => fn _ => all_tac))
+  setSolver (mk_solver "True_solver" (fn _ => rtac @{thm TrueI}))
+(* auxillary functions *)
+fun is_Type (Type _) = true
+  | is_Type _ = false
+(* returns true if t is an application of an datatype constructor *)
+(* which then consequently would be splitted *)
+(* else false *)
+fun is_constructor thy t =
+  if (is_Type (fastype_of t)) then
+    (case Datatype.get_info thy ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t) of
+      NONE => false
+    | SOME info => (let
+      val constr_consts = maps (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) => map fst constrs) (#descr info)
+      val (c, _) = strip_comb t
+      in (case c of
+        Const (name, _) => member (op =) constr_consts name
+        | _ => false) end))
+  else false
+(* MAJOR FIXME:  prove_params should be simple
+ - different form of introrule for parameters ? *)
+fun prove_param options ctxt nargs t deriv =
+  let
+    val  (f, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t)
+    val mode = head_mode_of deriv
+    val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
+    val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
+    val f_tac = case f of
+      Const (name, T) => simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps 
+         [@{thm eval_pred}, predfun_definition_of ctxt name mode,
+         @{thm split_eta}, @{thm split_beta}, @{thm fst_conv},
+         @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm pair_collapse}, @{thm Product_Type.split_conv}]) 1
+    | Free _ =>
+      Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS (fn {context = ctxt, params = params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
+        let
+          val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
+        in
+          MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac
+            (map (fn th => th RS @{thm sym} RS @{thm eq_reflection}) prems') 1
+        end) ctxt 1
+    | Abs _ => raise Fail "prove_param: No valid parameter term"
+  in
+    REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm ext} 1)
+    THEN print_tac options "prove_param"
+    THEN f_tac 
+    THEN print_tac options "after prove_param"
+    THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
+    THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param options ctxt nargs) ho_args param_derivations))
+    THEN REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm refl} 1)
+  end
+fun prove_expr options ctxt nargs (premposition : int) (t, deriv) =
+  case strip_comb t of
+    (Const (name, T), args) =>
+      let
+        val mode = head_mode_of deriv
+        val introrule = predfun_intro_of ctxt name mode
+        val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
+        val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
+      in
+        print_tac options "before intro rule:"
+        THEN rtac introrule 1
+        THEN print_tac options "after intro rule"
+        (* for the right assumption in first position *)
+        THEN rotate_tac premposition 1
+        THEN atac 1
+        THEN print_tac options "parameter goal"
+        (* work with parameter arguments *)
+        THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param options ctxt nargs) ho_args param_derivations))
+        THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
+      end
+  | (Free _, _) =>
+    print_tac options "proving parameter call.."
+    THEN Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS (fn {context = ctxt, params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
+        let
+          val param_prem = nth prems premposition
+          val (param, _) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of param_prem))
+          val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
+          fun param_rewrite prem =
+            param = snd (HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of prem)))
+          val SOME rew_eq = find_first param_rewrite prems'
+          val param_prem' = MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule
+            (map (fn th => th RS @{thm eq_reflection})
+              [rew_eq RS @{thm sym}, @{thm split_beta}, @{thm fst_conv}, @{thm snd_conv}])
+            param_prem
+        in
+          rtac param_prem' 1
+        end) ctxt 1
+    THEN print_tac options "after prove parameter call"
+fun SOLVED tac st = FILTER (fn st' => nprems_of st' = nprems_of st - 1) tac st;
+fun SOLVEDALL tac st = FILTER (fn st' => nprems_of st' = 0) tac st
+fun check_format ctxt st =
+  let
+    val concl' = Logic.strip_assums_concl (hd (prems_of st))
+    val concl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop concl'
+    val expr = fst (strip_comb (fst (PredicateCompFuns.dest_Eval concl)))
+    fun valid_expr (Const (@{const_name Predicate.bind}, _)) = true
+      | valid_expr (Const (@{const_name Predicate.single}, _)) = true
+      | valid_expr _ = false
+  in
+    if valid_expr expr then
+      ((*tracing "expression is valid";*) Seq.single st)
+    else
+      ((*tracing "expression is not valid";*) Seq.empty) (* error "check_format: wrong format" *)
+  end
+fun prove_match options ctxt nargs out_ts =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val eval_if_P =
+      @{lemma "P ==> Predicate.eval x z ==> Predicate.eval (if P then x else y) z" by simp} 
+    fun get_case_rewrite t =
+      if (is_constructor thy t) then let
+        val case_rewrites = (#case_rewrites (Datatype.the_info thy
+          ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t)))
+        in fold (union Thm.eq_thm) (case_rewrites :: map get_case_rewrite (snd (strip_comb t))) [] end
+      else []
+    val simprules = insert Thm.eq_thm @{thm "unit.cases"} (insert Thm.eq_thm @{thm "prod.cases"}
+      (fold (union Thm.eq_thm) (map get_case_rewrite out_ts) []))
+  (* replace TRY by determining if it necessary - are there equations when calling compile match? *)
+  in
+     (* make this simpset better! *)
+    asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss' addsimps simprules) 1
+    THEN print_tac options "after prove_match:"
+           (rtac eval_if_P 1
+           THEN (SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt, params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
+             (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm conjI} 1
+             THEN (SOLVED (asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1))))
+             THEN print_tac options "if condition to be solved:"
+             THEN asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1
+             THEN TRY (
+                let
+                  val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
+                in
+                  MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac
+                    (map (fn th => th RS @{thm sym} RS @{thm eq_reflection}) prems') 1
+                end
+             THEN REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm refl} 1))
+             THEN print_tac options "after if simp; in SUBPROOF") ctxt 1))))
+    THEN print_tac options "after if simplification"
+  end;
+(* corresponds to compile_fun -- maybe call that also compile_sidecond? *)
+fun prove_sidecond ctxt t =
+  let
+    fun preds_of t nameTs = case strip_comb t of 
+      (f as Const (name, T), args) =>
+        if is_registered ctxt name then (name, T) :: nameTs
+          else fold preds_of args nameTs
+      | _ => nameTs
+    val preds = preds_of t []
+    val defs = map
+      (fn (pred, T) => predfun_definition_of ctxt pred
+        (all_input_of T))
+        preds
+  in 
+    simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps
+      (@{thms HOL.simp_thms} @ (@{thm eval_pred} :: defs))) 1 
+    (* need better control here! *)
+  end
+fun prove_clause options ctxt nargs mode (_, clauses) (ts, moded_ps) =
+  let
+    val (in_ts, clause_out_ts) = split_mode mode ts;
+    fun prove_prems out_ts [] =
+      (prove_match options ctxt nargs out_ts)
+      THEN print_tac options "before simplifying assumptions"
+      THEN asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1
+      THEN print_tac options "before single intro rule"
+      THEN Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS
+             (fn {context = ctxt, params = params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
+              let
+                val prems' = maps dest_conjunct_prem (take nargs prems)
+              in
+                MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac
+                  (map (fn th => th RS @{thm sym} RS @{thm eq_reflection}) prems') 1
+              end) ctxt 1
+      THEN (rtac (if null clause_out_ts then @{thm singleI_unit} else @{thm singleI}) 1)
+    | prove_prems out_ts ((p, deriv) :: ps) =
+      let
+        val premposition = (find_index (equal p) clauses) + nargs
+        val mode = head_mode_of deriv
+        val rest_tac =
+          rtac @{thm bindI} 1
+          THEN (case p of Prem t =>
+            let
+              val (_, us) = strip_comb t
+              val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode us
+              val rec_tac = prove_prems out_ts''' ps
+            in
+              print_tac options "before clause:"
+              (*THEN asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1*)
+              THEN print_tac options "before prove_expr:"
+              THEN prove_expr options ctxt nargs premposition (t, deriv)
+              THEN print_tac options "after prove_expr:"
+              THEN rec_tac
+            end
+          | Negprem t =>
+            let
+              val (t, args) = strip_comb t
+              val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode args
+              val rec_tac = prove_prems out_ts''' ps
+              val name = (case strip_comb t of (Const (c, _), _) => SOME c | _ => NONE)
+              val neg_intro_rule =
+                Option.map (fn name =>
+                  the (predfun_neg_intro_of ctxt name mode)) name
+              val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
+              val params = ho_args_of mode args
+            in
+              print_tac options "before prove_neg_expr:"
+              THEN full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps
+                [@{thm split_eta}, @{thm split_beta}, @{thm fst_conv},
+                 @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm pair_collapse}, @{thm Product_Type.split_conv}]) 1
+              THEN (if (is_some name) then
+                  print_tac options "before applying not introduction rule"
+                  THEN Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS
+                    (fn {context = ctxt, params = params, prems, asms, concl, schematics} =>
+                      rtac (the neg_intro_rule) 1
+                      THEN rtac (nth prems premposition) 1) ctxt 1
+                  THEN print_tac options "after applying not introduction rule"
+                  THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param options ctxt nargs) params param_derivations))
+                  THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
+                else
+                  rtac @{thm not_predI'} 1
+                  (* test: *)
+                  THEN dtac @{thm sym} 1
+                  THEN asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1)
+                  THEN simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1
+              THEN rec_tac
+            end
+          | Sidecond t =>
+           rtac @{thm if_predI} 1
+           THEN print_tac options "before sidecond:"
+           THEN prove_sidecond ctxt t
+           THEN print_tac options "after sidecond:"
+           THEN prove_prems [] ps)
+      in (prove_match options ctxt nargs out_ts)
+          THEN rest_tac
+      end;
+    val prems_tac = prove_prems in_ts moded_ps
+  in
+    print_tac options "Proving clause..."
+    THEN rtac @{thm bindI} 1
+    THEN rtac @{thm singleI} 1
+    THEN prems_tac
+  end;
+fun select_sup 1 1 = []
+  | select_sup _ 1 = [rtac @{thm supI1}]
+  | select_sup n i = (rtac @{thm supI2})::(select_sup (n - 1) (i - 1));
+fun prove_one_direction options ctxt clauses preds pred mode moded_clauses =
+  let
+    val T = the (AList.lookup (op =) preds pred)
+    val nargs = length (binder_types T)
+    val pred_case_rule = the_elim_of ctxt pred
+  in
+    REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm "split_paired_all"}))
+    THEN print_tac options "before applying elim rule"
+    THEN etac (predfun_elim_of ctxt pred mode) 1
+    THEN etac pred_case_rule 1
+    THEN print_tac options "after applying elim rule"
+    THEN (EVERY (map
+           (fn i => EVERY' (select_sup (length moded_clauses) i) i) 
+             (1 upto (length moded_clauses))))
+    THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_clause options ctxt nargs mode) clauses moded_clauses))
+    THEN print_tac options "proved one direction"
+  end;
+(** Proof in the other direction **)
+fun prove_match2 options ctxt out_ts =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    fun split_term_tac (Free _) = all_tac
+      | split_term_tac t =
+        if (is_constructor thy t) then
+          let
+            val info = Datatype.the_info thy ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t)
+            val num_of_constrs = length (#case_rewrites info)
+            val (_, ts) = strip_comb t
+          in
+            print_tac options ("Term " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t) ^ 
+              "splitting with rules \n" ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt (#split_asm info))
+            THEN TRY ((Splitter.split_asm_tac [#split_asm info] 1)
+              THEN (print_tac options "after splitting with split_asm rules")
+            (* THEN (Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1)
+              THEN (DETERM (TRY (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1)))*)
+              THEN (REPEAT_DETERM_N (num_of_constrs - 1)
+                (etac @{thm botE} 1 ORELSE etac @{thm botE} 2)))
+            THEN (assert_tac (Max_number_of_subgoals 2))
+            THEN (EVERY (map split_term_tac ts))
+          end
+      else all_tac
+  in
+    split_term_tac (HOLogic.mk_tuple out_ts)
+    THEN (DETERM (TRY ((Splitter.split_asm_tac [@{thm "split_if_asm"}] 1)
+    THEN (etac @{thm botE} 2))))
+  end
+(* VERY LARGE SIMILIRATIY to function prove_param 
+-- join both functions
+(* TODO: remove function *)
+fun prove_param2 options ctxt t deriv =
+  let
+    val (f, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t)
+    val mode = head_mode_of deriv
+    val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
+    val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
+    val f_tac = case f of
+        Const (name, T) => full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps 
+           (@{thm eval_pred}::(predfun_definition_of ctxt name mode)
+           :: @{thm "Product_Type.split_conv"}::[])) 1
+      | Free _ => all_tac
+      | _ => error "prove_param2: illegal parameter term"
+  in
+    print_tac options "before simplification in prove_args:"
+    THEN f_tac
+    THEN print_tac options "after simplification in prove_args"
+    THEN EVERY (map2 (prove_param2 options ctxt) ho_args param_derivations)
+  end
+fun prove_expr2 options ctxt (t, deriv) = 
+  (case strip_comb t of
+      (Const (name, T), args) =>
+        let
+          val mode = head_mode_of deriv
+          val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
+          val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
+        in
+          etac @{thm bindE} 1
+          THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm "split_paired_all"})))
+          THEN print_tac options "prove_expr2-before"
+          THEN etac (predfun_elim_of ctxt name mode) 1
+          THEN print_tac options "prove_expr2"
+          THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param2 options ctxt) ho_args param_derivations))
+          THEN print_tac options "finished prove_expr2"
+        end
+      | _ => etac @{thm bindE} 1)
+fun prove_sidecond2 options ctxt t = let
+  fun preds_of t nameTs = case strip_comb t of 
+    (f as Const (name, T), args) =>
+      if is_registered ctxt name then (name, T) :: nameTs
+        else fold preds_of args nameTs
+    | _ => nameTs
+  val preds = preds_of t []
+  val defs = map
+    (fn (pred, T) => predfun_definition_of ctxt pred 
+      (all_input_of T))
+      preds
+  in
+   (* only simplify the one assumption *)
+   full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss' addsimps @{thm eval_pred} :: defs) 1 
+   (* need better control here! *)
+   THEN print_tac options "after sidecond2 simplification"
+   end
+fun prove_clause2 options ctxt pred mode (ts, ps) i =
+  let
+    val pred_intro_rule = nth (intros_of ctxt pred) (i - 1)
+    val (in_ts, clause_out_ts) = split_mode mode ts;
+    val split_ss = HOL_basic_ss' addsimps [@{thm split_eta}, @{thm split_beta},
+      @{thm fst_conv}, @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm pair_collapse}]
+    fun prove_prems2 out_ts [] =
+      print_tac options "before prove_match2 - last call:"
+      THEN prove_match2 options ctxt out_ts
+      THEN print_tac options "after prove_match2 - last call:"
+      THEN (etac @{thm singleE} 1)
+      THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
+      THEN (asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1)
+      THEN TRY (
+        (REPEAT_DETERM (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
+        THEN (asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1)
+        THEN SOLVED (print_tac options "state before applying intro rule:"
+        THEN (rtac pred_intro_rule
+        (* How to handle equality correctly? *)
+        THEN_ALL_NEW (K (print_tac options "state before assumption matching")
+        THEN' (atac ORELSE' ((CHANGED o asm_full_simp_tac split_ss) THEN' (TRY o atac)))
+          THEN' (K (print_tac options "state after pre-simplification:"))
+        THEN' (K (print_tac options "state after assumption matching:")))) 1))
+    | prove_prems2 out_ts ((p, deriv) :: ps) =
+      let
+        val mode = head_mode_of deriv
+        val rest_tac = (case p of
+          Prem t =>
+          let
+            val (_, us) = strip_comb t
+            val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode us
+            val rec_tac = prove_prems2 out_ts''' ps
+          in
+            (prove_expr2 options ctxt (t, deriv)) THEN rec_tac
+          end
+        | Negprem t =>
+          let
+            val (_, args) = strip_comb t
+            val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode args
+            val rec_tac = prove_prems2 out_ts''' ps
+            val name = (case strip_comb t of (Const (c, _), _) => SOME c | _ => NONE)
+            val param_derivations = param_derivations_of deriv
+            val ho_args = ho_args_of mode args
+          in
+            print_tac options "before neg prem 2"
+            THEN etac @{thm bindE} 1
+            THEN (if is_some name then
+                full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps
+                  [predfun_definition_of ctxt (the name) mode]) 1
+                THEN etac @{thm not_predE} 1
+                THEN simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1
+                THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_param2 options ctxt) ho_args param_derivations))
+              else
+                etac @{thm not_predE'} 1)
+            THEN rec_tac
+          end 
+        | Sidecond t =>
+          etac @{thm bindE} 1
+          THEN etac @{thm if_predE} 1
+          THEN prove_sidecond2 options ctxt t
+          THEN prove_prems2 [] ps)
+      in print_tac options "before prove_match2:"
+         THEN prove_match2 options ctxt out_ts
+         THEN print_tac options "after prove_match2:"
+         THEN rest_tac
+      end;
+    val prems_tac = prove_prems2 in_ts ps 
+  in
+    print_tac options "starting prove_clause2"
+    THEN etac @{thm bindE} 1
+    THEN (etac @{thm singleE'} 1)
+    THEN (TRY (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
+    THEN print_tac options "after singleE':"
+    THEN prems_tac
+  end;
+fun prove_other_direction options ctxt pred mode moded_clauses =
+  let
+    fun prove_clause clause i =
+      (if i < length moded_clauses then etac @{thm supE} 1 else all_tac)
+      THEN (prove_clause2 options ctxt pred mode clause i)
+  in
+    (DETERM (TRY (rtac @{thm unit.induct} 1)))
+     THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm split_paired_all})))
+     THEN (rtac (predfun_intro_of ctxt pred mode) 1)
+     THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm refl} 2))
+     THEN (if null moded_clauses then
+         etac @{thm botE} 1
+       else EVERY (map2 prove_clause moded_clauses (1 upto (length moded_clauses))))
+  end;
+(** proof procedure **)
+fun prove_pred options thy clauses preds pred (pol, mode) (moded_clauses, compiled_term) =
+  let
+    val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
+    val clauses = case AList.lookup (op =) clauses pred of SOME rs => rs | NONE => []
+  in
+    Goal.prove ctxt (Term.add_free_names compiled_term []) [] compiled_term
+      (if not (skip_proof options) then
+        (fn _ =>
+        rtac @{thm pred_iffI} 1
+        THEN print_tac options "after pred_iffI"
+        THEN prove_one_direction options ctxt clauses preds pred mode moded_clauses
+        THEN print_tac options "proved one direction"
+        THEN prove_other_direction options ctxt pred mode moded_clauses
+        THEN print_tac options "proved other direction")
+      else (fn _ => Skip_Proof.cheat_tac thy))
+  end;
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