--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/Alloc.ML Sun Jun 13 13:56:12 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Alloc.ML Sun Jun 13 13:57:31 1999 +0200
@@ -1,1 +1,155 @@
+(* Title: HOL/UNITY/Alloc
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Copyright 1998 University of Cambridge
+Specification of Chandy and Charpentier's Allocator
Addsimps [sub_def];
+Goalw [sysOfAlloc_def] "inj sysOfAlloc";
+by (rtac injI 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "inj_sysOfAlloc";
+Goalw [sysOfAlloc_def] "surj sysOfAlloc";
+by (res_inst_tac [("f", "%s. ((| allocGiv = allocGiv s, \
+\ allocAsk = allocAsk s, \
+\ allocRel = allocRel s |), \
+\ client s)")] surjI 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "surj_sysOfAlloc";
+AddIffs [inj_sysOfAlloc, surj_sysOfAlloc];
+Open_locale "System";
+val Alloc = thm "Alloc";
+val Client = thm "Client";
+val Network = thm "Network";
+val System_def = thm "System_def";
+AddIffs [finite_lessThan];
+(*could move to PPROD.ML, but function "sub" is needed there*)
+Goal "lift_set i {s. P (f s)} = {s. P (f (sub i s))}";
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [lift_set_def]) 1);
+qed "lift_set_sub";
+Goal "lift_set i {s. P (f s)} = {s. P (f (s i))}";
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [lift_set_def]) 1);
+qed "lift_set_sub2";
+Goalw [Increasing_def]
+ "[| i: I; finite I |] \
+\ ==> ((PPI x:I. F) : Increasing (f o sub i)) = (F : Increasing f)";
+by (subgoal_tac "ALL z. {s. z <= (f o sub i) s} = lift_set i {s. z <= f s}" 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [lift_set_sub]) 2);
+by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [PFUN_Stable]) 1);
+qed "PFUN_Increasing";
+(*left-to-right inclusion holds even if I is empty*)
+Goalw [inj_on_def]
+ "[| inj_on f C; ALL i:I. B i <= C; j:I |] \
+\ ==> f `` (INT i:I. B i) = (INT i:I. f `` B i)";
+by (Blast_tac 1);
+qed "inj_on_image_INT";
+Goal "lift_prog i `` Increasing f <= Increasing (f o sub i)";
+by (asm_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [Increasing_def,
+ inj_lift_prog RS inj_on_image_INT]) 1);
+by (dres_inst_tac [("x","z")] spec 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [lift_set_sub2 RS sym,
+ lift_prog_Stable_eq]) 1);
+qed "image_lift_prog_Increasing";
+Goal "i < Nclients ==> \
+\ lift_prog i Client : range (lift_prog i) guar Increasing (rel o sub i)";
+Goal "i < Nclients ==> System : Increasing (sub i o allocRel)";
+by (cut_facts_tac [Client] 1);
+by (full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [System_def,
+ client_spec_def, client_increasing_def,
+ guarantees_Int_right]) 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (dtac lift_prog_guarantees 1);
+by (dtac (UNIV_I RSN (2, guaranteesD)) 1);
+by (dtac (lessThan_iff RS iffD2 RS PFUN_Increasing RS iffD2) 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [read_instantiate [("f1","rel"),("I1","lessThan Nclients")] (PFUN_Increasing RS sym)]) 1);
+Goal "System : system_spec";
+by (full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [alloc_spec_def, alloc_safety_def, System_def]) 1);
+(*partial system...*)
+Goal "[| Alloc : alloc_spec; Network : network_spec |] \
+\ ==> (extend sysOfAlloc Alloc) Join Network : system_spec";
+(*partial system...*)
+Goal "[| Client : client_spec; Network : network_spec |] \
+\ ==> (extend sysOfClient (PPI x: lessThan Nclients. Client)) \
+\ Join Network : system_spec";
+Goal "[| Alloc : alloc_spec; Client : client_spec; \
+\ Network : network_spec |] \
+\ ==> (extend sysOfAlloc Alloc) \
+\ Join (extend sysOfClient (PPI x: lessThan Nclients. Client)) \
+\ Join Network : system_spec";
+by (full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [system_spec_def, system_safety_def]) 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [client_spec_def, client_increasing_def,
+ guarantees_Int_right]) 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (dtac (UNIV_I RSN (2, guaranteesD)) 1);
+by (full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [network_spec_def, network_rel_def]) 1);
+by (subgoal_tac "" 1);
+by (full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [alloc_spec_def, alloc_safety_def]) 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (Simp_tac 1);
+(*Generalized version allowing different clients*)
+Goal "[| Alloc : alloc_spec; \
+\ Client : (lessThan Nclients) funcset client_spec; \
+\ Network : network_spec |] \
+\ ==> (extend sysOfAlloc Alloc) \
+\ Join (extend sysOfClient (PPROD (lessThan Nclients) Client)) \
+\ Join Network : system_spec";