Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:50:42 +0200
changeset 37898 eb89d0ac75fb
parent 37897 c5ad6fec3470 (current diff)
parent 37875 496d723516e6 (diff)
child 37899 527cedd71356
--- a/Admin/Benchmarks/HOL-datatype/ROOT.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/Admin/Benchmarks/HOL-datatype/ROOT.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 Unsynchronized.set timing;
 warning "\nset quick_and_dirty\n"; Unsynchronized.set quick_and_dirty; time_use_thy tests;
+use_thys tests;
 warning "\nreset quick_and_dirty\n"; Unsynchronized.reset quick_and_dirty; ThyInfo.remove_thy tests; time_use_thy tests; Thy_Info.remove_thy tests;
+use_thys tests;
--- a/Admin/isatest/isatest-makeall	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/Admin/isatest/isatest-makeall	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
-    macbroy23)
+    macbroy28)
         MFLAGS="-k -j 2"
--- a/Admin/isatest/isatest-makedist	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/Admin/isatest/isatest-makedist	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 sleep 15
 $SSH macbroy22 "$MAKEALL $HOME/settings/at-poly"
 sleep 15
-$SSH macbroy23 "$MAKEALL -l HOL HOL-Library $HOME/settings/at-sml-dev-e"
+$SSH macbroy28 "$MAKEALL -l HOL HOL-Library $HOME/settings/at-sml-dev-e"
 sleep 15
 $SSH macbroy24 "$MAKEALL $HOME/settings/at64-poly"
 sleep 15
--- a/NEWS	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/NEWS	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -103,6 +103,15 @@
   similar to inductive_cases.
+*** ML ***
+* ML antiquotations @{theory} and @{theory_ref} refer to named
+theories from the ancestry of the current context, not any accidental
+theory loader state as before.  Potential INCOMPATIBILITY, subtle
+change in semantics.
 New in Isabelle2009-2 (June 2010)
--- a/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/Integration.thy	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/Integration.thy	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -360,9 +360,9 @@
 text %mlref {*
-  @{index_ML theory: "string -> theory"} \\
   @{index_ML use_thy: "string -> unit"} \\
   @{index_ML use_thys: "string list -> unit"} \\
+  @{index_ML Thy_Info.get_theory: "string -> theory"} \\
   @{index_ML Thy_Info.touch_thy: "string -> unit"} \\
   @{index_ML Thy_Info.remove_thy: "string -> unit"} \\[1ex]
   @{index_ML Thy_Info.begin_theory}@{verbatim ": ... -> bool -> theory"} \\
@@ -374,10 +374,6 @@
-  \item @{ML theory}~@{text A} retrieves the theory value presently
-  associated with name @{text A}.  Note that the result might be
-  outdated.
   \item @{ML use_thy}~@{text A} ensures that theory @{text A} is fully
   up-to-date wrt.\ the external file store, reloading outdated
   ancestors as required.  In batch mode, the simultaneous @{ML
@@ -390,6 +386,10 @@
   intrinsic parallelism can be exploited by the system, to speedup
+  \item @{ML Thy_Info.get_theory}~@{text A} retrieves the theory value
+  presently associated with name @{text A}.  Note that the result
+  might be outdated.
   \item @{ML Thy_Info.touch_thy}~@{text A} performs and @{text outdate} action
   on theory @{text A} and all descendants.
--- a/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/document/Integration.tex	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/document/Integration.tex	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -433,9 +433,9 @@
-  \indexdef{}{ML}{theory}\verb|theory: string -> theory| \\
   \indexdef{}{ML}{use\_thy}\verb|use_thy: string -> unit| \\
   \indexdef{}{ML}{use\_thys}\verb|use_thys: string list -> unit| \\
+  \indexdef{}{ML}{Thy\_Info.get\_theory}\verb|Thy_Info.get_theory: string -> theory| \\
   \indexdef{}{ML}{Thy\_Info.touch\_thy}\verb|Thy_Info.touch_thy: string -> unit| \\
   \indexdef{}{ML}{Thy\_Info.remove\_thy}\verb|Thy_Info.remove_thy: string -> unit| \\[1ex]
   \indexdef{}{ML}{Thy\_Info.begin\_theory}\verb|Thy_Info.begin_theory|\verb|: ... -> bool -> theory| \\
@@ -447,10 +447,6 @@
-  \item \verb|theory|~\isa{A} retrieves the theory value presently
-  associated with name \isa{A}.  Note that the result might be
-  outdated.
   \item \verb|use_thy|~\isa{A} ensures that theory \isa{A} is fully
   up-to-date wrt.\ the external file store, reloading outdated
   ancestors as required.  In batch mode, the simultaneous \verb|use_thys| should be used exclusively.
@@ -462,6 +458,10 @@
   intrinsic parallelism can be exploited by the system, to speedup
+  \item \verb|Thy_Info.get_theory|~\isa{A} retrieves the theory value
+  presently associated with name \isa{A}.  Note that the result
+  might be outdated.
   \item \verb|Thy_Info.touch_thy|~\isa{A} performs and \isa{outdate} action
   on theory \isa{A} and all descendants.
--- a/src/HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -466,13 +466,11 @@
 fun innocent_varname s = Syntax.is_identifier s andalso not (String.isPrefix "u_" s)
-val check_name_thy = theory "Main"
 fun valid_boundvarname s =
-  can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global check_name_thy ("SOME "^s^". True")) ();
+  can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global @{theory Main} ("SOME "^s^". True")) ();
 fun valid_varname s =
-  can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global check_name_thy s) ();
+  can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global @{theory Main} s) ();
 fun protect_varname s =
     if innocent_varname s andalso valid_varname s then s else
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -1036,21 +1036,17 @@
 HOL-Matrix: HOL $(LOG)/HOL-Matrix.gz
-$(LOG)/HOL-Matrix.gz: $(OUT)/HOL					\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy			\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML				\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML				\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am.ML					\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML					\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML					\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML					\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML Matrix/ComputeFloat.thy	\
-  Matrix/ComputeHOL.thy Matrix/ComputeNumeral.thy Tools/float_arith.ML	\
-  Matrix/Matrix.thy Matrix/SparseMatrix.thy Matrix/LP.thy		\
-  Matrix/document/root.tex Matrix/ROOT.ML Matrix/Cplex.thy		\
+$(LOG)/HOL-Matrix.gz: $(OUT)/HOL Matrix/ComputeFloat.thy		\
+  Matrix/ComputeHOL.thy Matrix/ComputeNumeral.thy			\
+  Matrix/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am.ML	\
+  Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML	\
+  Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML				\
+  Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML Matrix/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	\
+  Matrix/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML Matrix/Cplex.thy			\
   Matrix/CplexMatrixConverter.ML Matrix/Cplex_tools.ML			\
-  Matrix/FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.ML Matrix/fspmlp.ML			\
-  Matrix/matrixlp.ML
+  Matrix/FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.ML Matrix/LP.thy Matrix/Matrix.thy	\
+  Matrix/ROOT.ML Matrix/SparseMatrix.thy Matrix/document/root.tex	\
+  Matrix/fspmlp.ML Matrix/matrixlp.ML Tools/float_arith.ML
 	@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -g true $(OUT)/HOL Matrix
--- a/src/HOL/Matrix/ComputeHOL.thy	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/ComputeHOL.thy	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 theory ComputeHOL
-imports Complex_Main "~~/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle"
+imports Complex_Main "Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle"
 lemma Trueprop_eq_eq: "Trueprop X == (X == True)" by (simp add: atomize_eq)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy
+    Author:     Steven Obua, TU Munich
+Steven Obua's evaluator.
+theory Compute_Oracle imports HOL
+uses "am.ML" "am_compiler.ML" "am_interpreter.ML" "am_ghc.ML" "am_sml.ML" "report.ML" "compute.ML" "linker.ML"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term | Computed of term
+datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
+datatype guard = Guard of term * term
+type program
+exception Compile of string;
+(* The de-Bruijn index 0 occurring on the right hand side refers to the LAST pattern variable, when traversing the pattern from left to right,
+   1 to the second last, and so on. *)
+val compile : pattern list -> (int -> int option) -> (guard list * pattern * term) list -> program
+val discard : program -> unit
+exception Run of string;
+val run : program -> term -> term
+(* Utilities *)
+val check_freevars : int -> term -> bool
+val forall_consts : (int -> bool) -> term -> bool
+val closed : term -> bool
+val erase_Computed : term -> term
+structure AbstractMachine : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = 
+datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term | Computed of term
+datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
+datatype guard = Guard of term * term
+type program = unit
+exception Compile of string;
+fun erase_Computed (Computed t) = erase_Computed t
+  | erase_Computed (App (t1, t2)) = App (erase_Computed t1, erase_Computed t2)
+  | erase_Computed (Abs t) = Abs (erase_Computed t)
+  | erase_Computed t = t
+(*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
+  check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
+fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
+  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
+  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
+  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
+  | check_freevars free (Computed t) = check_freevars free t
+fun forall_consts pred (Const c) = pred c
+  | forall_consts pred (Var x) = true
+  | forall_consts pred (App (u,v)) = forall_consts pred u 
+                                     andalso forall_consts pred v
+  | forall_consts pred (Abs m) = forall_consts pred m
+  | forall_consts pred (Computed t) = forall_consts pred t
+fun closed t = check_freevars 0 t
+fun compile _ = raise Compile "abstract machine stub"
+fun discard _ = raise Compile "abstract machine stub"
+exception Run of string;
+fun run p t = raise Run "abstract machine stub"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+signature COMPILING_AM = 
+  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit
+  val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
+  val list_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+structure AM_Compiler : COMPILING_AM = struct
+val list_nth = List.nth;
+val list_map = map;
+open AbstractMachine;
+val compiled_rewriter = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(term -> term)Option.option)
+fun set_compiled_rewriter r = (compiled_rewriter := SOME r)
+type program = (term -> term)
+fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
+  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
+      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
+fun print_rule (p, t) = 
+    let
+        fun str x = Int.toString x
+        fun print_pattern n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
+          | print_pattern n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, "c"^(str c))
+          | print_pattern n (PConst (c, args)) = 
+            let
+                val h = print_pattern n (PConst (c,[]))
+            in
+                print_pattern_list h args
+            end
+        and print_pattern_list r [] = r
+          | print_pattern_list (n, p) (t::ts) = 
+            let
+                val (n, t) = print_pattern n t
+            in
+                print_pattern_list (n, "App ("^p^", "^t^")") ts
+            end
+        val (n, pattern) = print_pattern 0 p
+        val pattern =
+            if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank pattern then "(" ^ pattern ^")"
+            else pattern
+        fun print_term d (Var x) = (*if x < d then "Var "^(str x) else "x"^(str (n-(x-d)-1))*)
+              "Var " ^ str x
+          | print_term d (Const c) = "c" ^ str c
+          | print_term d (App (a,b)) = "App (" ^ print_term d a ^ ", " ^ print_term d b ^ ")"
+          | print_term d (Abs c) = "Abs (" ^ print_term (d + 1) c ^ ")"
+          | print_term d (Computed c) = print_term d c
+        fun listvars n = if n = 0 then "x0" else "x"^(str n)^", "^(listvars (n-1))
+        val term = print_term 0 t
+        val term =
+            if n > 0 then "Closure (["^(listvars (n-1))^"], "^term^")"
+            else "Closure ([], "^term^")"
+    in
+        "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, "^pattern^") = Continue (false, stack, "^term^")"
+    end
+fun constants_of PVar = []
+  | constants_of (PConst (c, ps)) = c :: maps constants_of ps
+fun constants_of_term (Var _) = []
+  | constants_of_term (Abs m) = constants_of_term m
+  | constants_of_term (App (a,b)) = (constants_of_term a)@(constants_of_term b)
+  | constants_of_term (Const c) = [c]
+  | constants_of_term (Computed c) = constants_of_term c
+fun load_rules sname name prog = 
+    let
+        val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
+        fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
+        fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
+        fun writelist [] = ()
+          | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
+        fun str i = Int.toString i
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "structure "^name^" = struct",
+                "",
+                "datatype term = Dummy | App of term * term | Abs of term | Var of int | Const of int | Closure of term list * term"]
+        val constants = distinct (op =) (maps (fn (p, r) => ((constants_of p)@(constants_of_term r))) prog)
+        val _ = map (fn x => write (" | c"^(str x))) constants
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "",
+                "datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of term * stack | SAppR of term * stack | SAbs of stack",
+                "",
+                "type state = bool * stack * term",
+                "",
+                "datatype loopstate = Continue of state | Stop of stack * term",
+                "",
+                "fun proj_C (Continue s) = s",
+                "  | proj_C _ = raise Match",
+                "",
+                "fun proj_S (Stop s) = s",
+                "  | proj_S _ = raise Match",
+                "",
+                "fun cont (Continue _) = true",
+                "  | cont _ = false",
+                "",
+                "fun do_reduction reduce p =",
+                "    let",
+                "       val s = Unsynchronized.ref (Continue p)",
+                "       val _ = while cont (!s) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)))",
+                "   in",
+                "       proj_S (!s)",
+                "   end",
+                ""]
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "fun weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, App (a, b))) = Continue (false, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))",
+                "  | weak_reduce (false, SAppL (b, stack), Closure (e, Abs m)) = Continue (false, stack, Closure (b::e, m))",
+                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, c as Closure (e, Abs m)) = Continue (true, stack, c)",
+                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, Var n)) = Continue (false, stack, case "^sname^".list_nth (e, n) of Dummy => Var n | r => r)",
+                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, c)) = Continue (false, stack, c)"]
+        val _ = writelist (map print_rule prog)
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, clos) = Continue (true, stack, clos)",
+                "  | weak_reduce (true, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (false, stack, App (a,b))",
+                "  | weak_reduce (true, s as (SAppL (b, stack)), a) = Continue (false, SAppR (a, stack), b)",
+                "  | weak_reduce (true, stack, c) = Stop (stack, c)",
+                "",
+                "fun strong_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, Abs m)) =",
+                "    let",
+                "        val (stack', wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, SEmpty, Closure (Dummy::e, m))",
+                "    in",
+                "        case stack' of",
+                "            SEmpty => Continue (false, SAbs stack, wnf)",
+                "          | _ => raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in strong: weak failed\")",
+                "    end",              
+                "  | strong_reduce (false, stack, clos as (App (u, v))) = Continue (false, SAppL (v, stack), u)",
+                "  | strong_reduce (false, stack, clos) = Continue (true, stack, clos)",
+                "  | strong_reduce (true, SAbs stack, m) = Continue (false, stack, Abs m)",
+                "  | strong_reduce (true, SAppL (b, stack), a) = Continue (false, SAppR (a, stack), b)",
+                "  | strong_reduce (true, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (true, stack, App (a, b))",
+                "  | strong_reduce (true, stack, clos) = Stop (stack, clos)",
+                ""]
+        val ic = "(case c of "^(implode (map (fn c => (str c)^" => c"^(str c)^" | ") constants))^" _ => Const c)"                                                       
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "fun importTerm ("^sname^".Var x) = Var x",
+                "  | importTerm ("^sname^".Const c) =  "^ic,
+                "  | importTerm ("^sname^".App (a, b)) = App (importTerm a, importTerm b)",
+                "  | importTerm ("^sname^".Abs m) = Abs (importTerm m)",
+                ""]
+        fun ec c = "  | exportTerm c"^(str c)^" = "^sname^".Const "^(str c)
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "fun exportTerm (Var x) = "^sname^".Var x",
+                "  | exportTerm (Const c) = "^sname^".Const c",
+                "  | exportTerm (App (a,b)) = "^sname^".App (exportTerm a, exportTerm b)",
+                "  | exportTerm (Abs m) = "^sname^".Abs (exportTerm m)",
+                "  | exportTerm (Closure (closlist, clos)) = raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error, cannot export Closure\")",
+                "  | exportTerm Dummy = raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error, cannot export Dummy\")"]
+        val _ = writelist (map ec constants)
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "",
+                "fun rewrite t = ",
+                "    let",
+                "      val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, SEmpty, Closure ([], importTerm t))",
+                "    in",
+                "      case stack of ",
+                "           SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, SEmpty, wnf) of",
+                "                          (SEmpty, snf) => exportTerm snf",
+                "                        | _ => raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in rewrite: strong failed\"))",
+                "         | _ => (raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in rewrite: weak failed\"))",
+                "    end",
+                "",
+                "val _ = "^sname^".set_compiled_rewriter rewrite",
+                "",
+                "end;"]
+    in
+        compiled_rewriter := NONE;      
+        use_text ML_Env.local_context (1, "") false (!buffer);
+        case !compiled_rewriter of 
+            NONE => raise (Compile "cannot communicate with compiled function")
+          | SOME r => (compiled_rewriter := NONE; r)
+    end 
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
+    let
+        val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
+        val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
+        fun check (p, r) = if check_freevars (count_patternvars p) r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
+        val _ = map (fn (p, r) => 
+                  (check (p, r); 
+                   case p of PVar => raise (Compile "pattern is just a variable") | _ => ())) eqs
+    in
+        load_rules "AM_Compiler" "AM_compiled_code" eqs
+    end 
+fun run prog t = (prog t)
+fun discard p = ()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+structure AM_GHC : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = struct
+open AbstractMachine;
+type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table)
+fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
+  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
+      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
+fun update_arity arity code a = 
+    (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
+         NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
+       | SOME (a': int) => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
+(* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
+fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
+  | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
+fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
+  | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
+  | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
+  | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
+fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
+fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
+  | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
+  | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
+  | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
+fun rep n x = if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
+fun adjust_rules rules =
+    let
+        val arity = fold (fn (p, t) => fn arity => collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity)) rules Inttab.empty
+        fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
+        fun adjust_pattern PVar = PVar
+          | adjust_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else C
+        fun adjust_rule (PVar, t) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
+          | adjust_rule (rule as (p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
+            let
+                val _ = if not (check_freevars (count_patternvars p) t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side") else () 
+                val args = map adjust_pattern args              
+                val len = length args
+                val arity = arity_of c
+                fun lift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
+                  | lift level n (Const c) = Const c
+                  | lift level n (App (a,b)) = App (lift level n a, lift level n b)
+                  | lift level n (Abs b) = Abs (lift (level+1) n b)
+                val lift = lift 0
+                fun adjust_term n t = if n=0 then t else adjust_term (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1))) 
+            in
+                if len = arity then
+                    rule
+                else if arity >= len then  
+                    (PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) (lift (arity-len) t))
+                else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
+            end
+    in
+        (arity, map adjust_rule rules)
+    end             
+fun print_term arity_of n =
+    fun str x = string_of_int x
+    fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
+    fun print_apps d f [] = f
+      | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d ("app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
+    and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
+      | print_call d (Const c) args = 
+        (case arity_of c of 
+             NONE => print_apps d ("Const "^(str c)) args 
+           | SOME a =>
+             let
+                 val len = length args
+             in
+                 if a <= len then 
+                     let
+                         val s = "c"^(str c)^(implode (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, a))))
+                     in
+                         print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
+                     end
+                 else 
+                     let
+                         fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
+                         fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
+                         fun append_args [] t = t
+                           | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
+                     in
+                         print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
+                     end
+             end)
+      | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
+    and print_term d (Var x) = if x < d then "b"^(str (d-x-1)) else "x"^(str (n-(x-d)-1))
+      | print_term d (Abs c) = "Abs (\\b"^(str d)^" -> "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
+      | print_term d t = print_call d t []
+    print_term 0 
+fun print_rule arity_of (p, t) = 
+    let 
+        fun str x = Int.toString x                  
+        fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
+          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c))
+          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
+            let
+                val (n,s) = print_pattern_list (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)) args
+            in
+                (n, if top then s else "("^s^")")
+            end
+        and print_pattern_list r [] = r
+          | print_pattern_list (n, p) (t::ts) = 
+            let
+                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
+            in
+                print_pattern_list (n, p^" "^t) ts
+            end
+        val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
+    in
+        pattern^" = "^(print_term arity_of n t) 
+    end
+fun group_rules rules =
+    let
+        fun add_rule (r as (PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
+            let
+                val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
+            in
+                Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
+            end
+          | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
+    in
+        fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
+    end
+fun haskell_prog name rules = 
+    let
+        val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
+        fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
+        fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
+        fun writelist [] = ()
+          | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
+        fun str i = Int.toString i
+        val (arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
+        val rules = group_rules rules
+        val constants = Inttab.keys arity
+        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
+        fun rep_str s n = implode (rep n s)
+        fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
+        fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
+        fun make_show c = 
+            let
+                val args = section (the (arity_of c))
+            in
+                "  show ("^(indexed "C" c)^(implode (map (indexed " a") args))^") = "
+                ^"\""^(indexed "C" c)^"\""^(implode (map (fn a => "++(show "^(indexed "a" a)^")") args))
+            end
+        fun default_case c = 
+            let
+                val args = implode (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
+            in
+                (indexed "c" c)^args^" = "^(indexed "C" c)^args
+            end
+        val _ = writelist [        
+                "module "^name^" where",
+                "",
+                "data Term = Const Integer | App Term Term | Abs (Term -> Term)",
+                "         "^(implode (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(rep_str " Term" (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
+                "",
+                "instance Show Term where"]
+        val _ = writelist (map make_show constants)
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "  show (Const c) = \"c\"++(show c)",
+                "  show (App a b) = \"A\"++(show a)++(show b)",
+                "  show (Abs _) = \"L\"",
+                ""]
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "app (Abs a) b = a b",
+                "app a b = App a b",
+                "",
+                "calc s c = writeFile s (show c)",
+                ""]
+        fun list_group c = (writelist (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
+                                           NONE => [default_case c, ""] 
+                                         | SOME (rs as ((PConst (_, []), _)::rs')) => 
+                                           if not (null rs') then raise Compile "multiple declaration of constant"
+                                           else (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [""]
+                                         | SOME rs => (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [default_case c, ""]))
+        val _ = map list_group constants
+    in
+        (arity, !buffer)
+    end
+val guid_counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+fun get_guid () = 
+    let
+        val c = !guid_counter
+        val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
+    in
+        (LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
+    end
+fun tmp_file s = Path.implode (Path.expand (File.tmp_path (Path.make [s])));
+fun wrap s = "\""^s^"\""
+fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
+val ghc = Unsynchronized.ref (case getenv "GHC_PATH" of "" => "ghc" | s => s)
+fun fileExists name = ((OS.FileSys.fileSize name; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false)
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
+    let
+        val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
+        val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
+        val guid = get_guid ()
+        val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
+        val (arity, source) = haskell_prog module eqs
+        val module_file = tmp_file (module^".hs")
+        val object_file = tmp_file (module^".o")
+        val _ = writeTextFile module_file source
+        val _ = bash ((!ghc)^" -c "^module_file)
+        val _ = if not (fileExists object_file) then raise Compile ("Failure compiling haskell code (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')") else ()
+    in
+        (guid, module_file, arity)      
+    end
+fun readResultFile name = (Path.explode name) 
+fun parse_result arity_of result =
+    let
+        val result = String.explode result
+        fun shift NONE x = SOME x
+          | shift (SOME y) x = SOME (y*10 + x)
+        fun parse_int' x (#"0"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 0) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"1"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 1) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"2"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 2) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"3"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 3) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"4"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 4) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"5"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 5) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"6"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 6) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"7"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 7) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"8"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 8) rest
+          | parse_int' x (#"9"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 9) rest
+          | parse_int' x rest = (x, rest)
+        fun parse_int rest = parse_int' NONE rest
+        fun parse (#"C"::rest) = 
+            (case parse_int rest of 
+                 (SOME c, rest) => 
+                 let
+                     val (args, rest) = parse_list (the (arity_of c)) rest
+                     fun app_args [] t = t
+                       | app_args (x::xs) t = app_args xs (App (t, x))
+                 in
+                     (app_args args (Const c), rest)
+                 end                 
+               | (NONE, rest) => raise Run "parse C")
+          | parse (#"c"::rest) = 
+            (case parse_int rest of
+                 (SOME c, rest) => (Const c, rest)
+               | _ => raise Run "parse c")
+          | parse (#"A"::rest) = 
+            let
+                val (a, rest) = parse rest
+                val (b, rest) = parse rest
+            in
+                (App (a,b), rest)
+            end
+          | parse (#"L"::rest) = raise Run "there may be no abstraction in the result"
+          | parse _ = raise Run "invalid result"
+        and parse_list n rest = 
+            if n = 0 then 
+                ([], rest) 
+            else 
+                let 
+                    val (x, rest) = parse rest
+                    val (xs, rest) = parse_list (n-1) rest
+                in
+                    (x::xs, rest)
+                end
+        val (parsed, rest) = parse result
+        fun is_blank (#" "::rest) = is_blank rest
+          | is_blank (#"\n"::rest) = is_blank rest
+          | is_blank [] = true
+          | is_blank _ = false
+    in
+        if is_blank rest then parsed else raise Run "non-blank suffix in result file"   
+    end
+fun run (guid, module_file, arity) t = 
+    let
+        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
+        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c                   
+        val callguid = get_guid()
+        val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
+        val call = module^"_Call_"^callguid
+        val result_file = tmp_file (module^"_Result_"^callguid^".txt")
+        val call_file = tmp_file (call^".hs")
+        val term = print_term arity_of 0 t
+        val call_source = "module "^call^" where\n\nimport "^module^"\n\ncall = "^module^".calc \""^result_file^"\" ("^term^")"
+        val _ = writeTextFile call_file call_source
+        val _ = bash ((!ghc)^" -e \""^call^".call\" "^module_file^" "^call_file)
+        val result = readResultFile result_file handle IO.Io _ => raise Run ("Failure running haskell compiler (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')")
+        val t' = parse_result arity_of result
+        val _ = OS.FileSys.remove call_file
+        val _ = OS.FileSys.remove result_file
+    in
+        t'
+    end
+fun discard _ = ()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+signature AM_BARRAS = 
+  val max_reductions : int option Unsynchronized.ref
+structure AM_Interpreter : AM_BARRAS = struct
+open AbstractMachine;
+datatype closure = CDummy | CVar of int | CConst of int
+                 | CApp of closure * closure | CAbs of closure
+                 | Closure of (closure list) * closure
+structure prog_struct = Table(type key = int*int val ord = prod_ord int_ord int_ord);
+datatype program = Program of ((pattern * closure * (closure*closure) list) list) prog_struct.table
+datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of closure * stack | SAppR of closure * stack | SAbs of stack
+fun clos_of_term (Var x) = CVar x
+  | clos_of_term (Const c) = CConst c
+  | clos_of_term (App (u, v)) = CApp (clos_of_term u, clos_of_term v)
+  | clos_of_term (Abs u) = CAbs (clos_of_term u)
+  | clos_of_term (Computed t) = clos_of_term t
+fun term_of_clos (CVar x) = Var x
+  | term_of_clos (CConst c) = Const c
+  | term_of_clos (CApp (u, v)) = App (term_of_clos u, term_of_clos v)
+  | term_of_clos (CAbs u) = Abs (term_of_clos u)
+  | term_of_clos (Closure (e, u)) = raise (Run "internal error: closure in normalized term found")
+  | term_of_clos CDummy = raise (Run "internal error: dummy in normalized term found")
+fun resolve_closure closures (CVar x) = (case List.nth (closures, x) of CDummy => CVar x | r => r)
+  | resolve_closure closures (CConst c) = CConst c
+  | resolve_closure closures (CApp (u, v)) = CApp (resolve_closure closures u, resolve_closure closures v)
+  | resolve_closure closures (CAbs u) = CAbs (resolve_closure (CDummy::closures) u)
+  | resolve_closure closures (CDummy) = raise (Run "internal error: resolve_closure applied to CDummy")
+  | resolve_closure closures (Closure (e, u)) = resolve_closure e u
+fun resolve_closure' c = resolve_closure [] c
+fun resolve_stack tm SEmpty = tm
+  | resolve_stack tm (SAppL (c, s)) = resolve_stack (CApp (tm, resolve_closure' c)) s
+  | resolve_stack tm (SAppR (c, s)) = resolve_stack (CApp (resolve_closure' c, tm)) s
+  | resolve_stack tm (SAbs s) = resolve_stack (CAbs tm) s
+fun resolve (stack, closure) = 
+    let
+        val _ = writeln "start resolving"
+        val t = resolve_stack (resolve_closure' closure) stack
+        val _ = writeln "finished resolving"
+    in
+        t
+    end
+fun strip_closure args (CApp (a,b)) = strip_closure (b::args) a
+  | strip_closure args x = (x, args)
+fun len_head_of_closure n (CApp (a,b)) = len_head_of_closure (n+1) a
+  | len_head_of_closure n x = (n, x)
+(* earlier occurrence of PVar corresponds to higher de Bruijn index *)
+fun pattern_match args PVar clos = SOME (clos::args)
+  | pattern_match args (PConst (c, patterns)) clos =
+    let
+        val (f, closargs) = strip_closure [] clos
+    in
+        case f of
+            CConst d =>
+            if c = d then
+                pattern_match_list args patterns closargs
+            else
+                NONE
+          | _ => NONE
+    end
+and pattern_match_list args [] [] = SOME args
+  | pattern_match_list args (p::ps) (c::cs) =
+    (case pattern_match args p c of
+        NONE => NONE
+      | SOME args => pattern_match_list args ps cs)
+  | pattern_match_list _ _ _ = NONE
+fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
+  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) = List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
+fun pattern_key (PConst (c, ps)) = (c, length ps)
+  | pattern_key _ = raise (Compile "pattern reduces to variable")
+(*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
+  check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
+fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
+  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
+  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
+  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
+  | check_freevars free (Computed t) = check_freevars free t
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs =
+    let
+        fun check p r = if check_freevars p r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
+        fun check_guard p (Guard (a,b)) = (check p a; check p b) 
+        fun clos_of_guard (Guard (a,b)) = (clos_of_term a, clos_of_term b)
+        val eqs = map (fn (guards, p, r) => let val pcount = count_patternvars p val _ = map (check_guard pcount) (guards) val _ = check pcount r in 
+                                              (pattern_key p, (p, clos_of_term r, map clos_of_guard guards)) end) eqs
+        fun merge (k, a) table = prog_struct.update (k, case prog_struct.lookup table k of NONE => [a] | SOME l => a::l) table
+        val p = fold merge eqs prog_struct.empty 
+    in
+        Program p
+    end
+type state = bool * program * stack * closure
+datatype loopstate = Continue of state | Stop of stack * closure
+fun proj_C (Continue s) = s
+  | proj_C _ = raise Match
+exception InterruptedExecution of stack * closure
+fun proj_S (Stop s) = s
+  | proj_S (Continue (_,_,s,c)) = (s,c)
+fun cont (Continue _) = true
+  | cont _ = false
+val max_reductions = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE : int option)
+fun do_reduction reduce p =
+    let
+        val s = Unsynchronized.ref (Continue p)
+        val counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+        val _ = case !max_reductions of 
+                    NONE => while cont (!s) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)))
+                  | SOME m => while cont (!s) andalso (!counter < m) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)); counter := (!counter) + 1)
+    in
+        case !max_reductions of
+            SOME m => if !counter >= m then raise InterruptedExecution (proj_S (!s)) else proj_S (!s)
+          | NONE => proj_S (!s)
+    end
+fun match_rules prog n [] clos = NONE
+  | match_rules prog n ((p,eq,guards)::rs) clos =
+    case pattern_match [] p clos of
+        NONE => match_rules prog (n+1) rs clos
+      | SOME args => if forall (guard_checks prog args) guards then SOME (Closure (args, eq)) else match_rules prog (n+1) rs clos
+and guard_checks prog args (a,b) = (simp prog (Closure (args, a)) = simp prog (Closure (args, b)))
+and match_closure (p as (Program prog)) clos =
+    case len_head_of_closure 0 clos of
+        (len, CConst c) =>
+        (case prog_struct.lookup prog (c, len) of
+            NONE => NONE
+          | SOME rules => match_rules p 0 rules clos)
+      | _ => NONE
+and weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CApp (a, b))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, SAppL (b, stack), Closure (e, CAbs m)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, Closure (b::e, m))
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CVar n)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, case List.nth (e, n) of CDummy => CVar n | r => r)
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, c as CConst _)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, c)
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos) =
+    (case match_closure prog clos of
+         NONE => Continue (true, prog, stack, clos)
+       | SOME r => Continue (false, prog, stack, r))
+  | weak_reduce (true, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (false, prog, stack, CApp (a,b))
+  | weak_reduce (true, prog, s as (SAppL (b, stack)), a) = Continue (false, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b)
+  | weak_reduce (true, prog, stack, c) = Stop (stack, c)
+and strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CAbs m)) =
+    (let
+         val (stack', wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure (CDummy::e, m))
+     in
+         case stack' of
+             SEmpty => Continue (false, prog, SAbs stack, wnf)
+           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in strong: weak failed")
+     end handle InterruptedExecution state => raise InterruptedExecution (stack, resolve state))
+  | strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos as (CApp (u, v))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (v, stack), u)
+  | strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos) = Continue (true, prog, stack, clos)
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAbs stack, m) = Continue (false, prog, stack, CAbs m)
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAppL (b, stack), a) = Continue (false, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b)
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (true, prog, stack, CApp (a, b))
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, stack, clos) = Stop (stack, clos)
+and simp prog t =
+    (let
+         val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, t)
+     in
+         case stack of
+             SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, wnf) of
+                            (SEmpty, snf) => snf
+                          | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: strong failed"))
+           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: weak failed")
+     end handle InterruptedExecution state => resolve state)
+fun run prog t =
+    (let
+         val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure ([], clos_of_term t))
+     in
+         case stack of
+             SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, wnf) of
+                            (SEmpty, snf) => term_of_clos snf
+                          | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: strong failed"))
+           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: weak failed")
+     end handle InterruptedExecution state => term_of_clos (resolve state))
+fun discard p = ()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+TODO: "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern": In a lot of
+cases it CAN be used, and these cases should be handled
+properly; right now, all cases raise an exception. 
+signature AM_SML = 
+  val save_result : (string * term) -> unit
+  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit                                   
+  val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
+  val dump_output : (string option) Unsynchronized.ref 
+structure AM_SML : AM_SML = struct
+open AbstractMachine;
+val dump_output = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE: string option)
+type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table) * (int Inttab.table) * (term Inttab.table) * (term -> term)
+val saved_result = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(string*term)option)
+fun save_result r = (saved_result := SOME r)
+fun clear_result () = (saved_result := NONE)
+val list_nth = List.nth
+(*fun list_nth (l,n) = (writeln (makestring ("list_nth", (length l,n))); List.nth (l,n))*)
+val compiled_rewriter = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(term -> term)Option.option)
+fun set_compiled_rewriter r = (compiled_rewriter := SOME r)
+fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
+  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
+      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
+fun update_arity arity code a = 
+    (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
+         NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
+       | SOME (a': int) => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
+(* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
+fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
+  | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
+(* We also need to find out the maximal toplevel arity of each function constant *)
+fun collect_pattern_toplevel_arity PVar arity = raise Compile "internal error: collect_pattern_toplevel_arity"
+  | collect_pattern_toplevel_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = update_arity arity c (length args)
+fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
+  | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
+  | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
+  | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
+fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
+fun collect_guard_arity (Guard (a,b)) arity  = collect_term_arity b (collect_term_arity a arity)
+fun rep n x = if n < 0 then raise Compile "internal error: rep" else if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
+fun beta (Const c) = Const c
+  | beta (Var i) = Var i
+  | beta (App (Abs m, b)) = beta (unlift 0 (subst 0 m (lift 0 b)))
+  | beta (App (a, b)) = 
+    (case beta a of
+         Abs m => beta (App (Abs m, b))
+       | a => App (a, beta b))
+  | beta (Abs m) = Abs (beta m)
+  | beta (Computed t) = Computed t
+and subst x (Const c) t = Const c
+  | subst x (Var i) t = if i = x then t else Var i
+  | subst x (App (a,b)) t = App (subst x a t, subst x b t)
+  | subst x (Abs m) t = Abs (subst (x+1) m (lift 0 t))
+and lift level (Const c) = Const c
+  | lift level (App (a,b)) = App (lift level a, lift level b)
+  | lift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i+1)
+  | lift level (Abs m) = Abs (lift (level + 1) m)
+and unlift level (Const c) = Const c
+  | unlift level (App (a, b)) = App (unlift level a, unlift level b)
+  | unlift level (Abs m) = Abs (unlift (level+1) m)
+  | unlift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i-1)
+fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
+  | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
+  | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
+  | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
+fun subst_const (c, t) (Const c') = if c = c' then t else Const c'
+  | subst_const _ (Var i) = Var i
+  | subst_const ct (App (a, b)) = App (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)
+  | subst_const ct (Abs m) = Abs (subst_const ct m)
+(* Remove all rules that are just parameterless rewrites. This is necessary because SML does not allow functions with no parameters. *)
+fun inline_rules rules =
+    let
+        fun term_contains_const c (App (a, b)) = term_contains_const c a orelse term_contains_const c b
+          | term_contains_const c (Abs m) = term_contains_const c m
+          | term_contains_const c (Var i) = false
+          | term_contains_const c (Const c') = (c = c')
+        fun find_rewrite [] = NONE
+          | find_rewrite ((prems, PConst (c, []), r) :: _) = 
+            if check_freevars 0 r then 
+                if term_contains_const c r then 
+                    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite is caught in cycle"
+                else if not (null prems) then
+                    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite may not be guarded"
+                else
+                    SOME (c, r) 
+            else raise Compile "unbound variable on right hand side or guards of rule"
+          | find_rewrite (_ :: rules) = find_rewrite rules
+        fun remove_rewrite (c,r) [] = []
+          | remove_rewrite (cr as (c,r)) ((rule as (prems', PConst (c', args), r'))::rules) = 
+            (if c = c' then 
+                 if null args andalso r = r' andalso null (prems') then 
+                     remove_rewrite cr rules 
+                 else raise Compile "incompatible parameterless rewrites found"
+             else
+                 rule :: (remove_rewrite cr rules))
+          | remove_rewrite cr (r::rs) = r::(remove_rewrite cr rs)
+        fun pattern_contains_const c (PConst (c', args)) = (c = c' orelse exists (pattern_contains_const c) args)
+          | pattern_contains_const c (PVar) = false
+        fun inline_rewrite (ct as (c, _)) (prems, p, r) = 
+            if pattern_contains_const c p then 
+                raise Compile "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern"
+            else (map (fn (Guard (a,b)) => Guard (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)) prems, p, subst_const ct r)
+        fun inline inlined rules =
+            (case find_rewrite rules of 
+                 NONE => (Inttab.make inlined, rules)
+               | SOME ct => 
+                 let
+                     val rules = map (inline_rewrite ct) (remove_rewrite ct rules)
+                     val inlined =  ct :: (map (fn (c', r) => (c', subst_const ct r)) inlined)
+                 in
+                     inline inlined rules
+                 end)           
+    in
+        inline [] rules         
+    end
+   Calculate the arity, the toplevel_arity, and adjust rules so that all toplevel pattern constants have maximal arity.
+   Also beta reduce the adjusted right hand side of a rule.   
+fun adjust_rules rules = 
+    let
+        val arity = fold (fn (prems, p, t) => fn arity => fold collect_guard_arity prems (collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity))) rules Inttab.empty
+        val toplevel_arity = fold (fn (_, p, t) => fn arity => collect_pattern_toplevel_arity p arity) rules Inttab.empty
+        fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
+        fun toplevel_arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c)
+        fun test_pattern PVar = ()
+          | test_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else (map test_pattern args; ())
+        fun adjust_rule (_, PVar, _) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
+          | adjust_rule (_, PConst (_, []), _) = raise Compile ("cannot deal with rewrites that take no parameters")
+          | adjust_rule (rule as (prems, p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
+            let
+                val patternvars_counted = count_patternvars p
+                fun check_fv t = check_freevars patternvars_counted t
+                val _ = if not (check_fv t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side of rule") else () 
+                val _ = if not (forall (fn (Guard (a,b)) => check_fv a andalso check_fv b) prems) then raise Compile ("unbound variables in guards") else () 
+                val _ = map test_pattern args           
+                val len = length args
+                val arity = arity_of c
+                val lift = nlift 0
+                fun addapps_tm n t = if n=0 then t else addapps_tm (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
+                fun adjust_term n t = addapps_tm n (lift n t)
+                fun adjust_guard n (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (lift n a, lift n b)
+            in
+                if len = arity then
+                    rule
+                else if arity >= len then  
+                    (map (adjust_guard (arity-len)) prems, PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) t)
+                else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
+            end
+        fun beta_rule (prems, p, t) = ((prems, p, beta t) handle Match => raise Compile "beta_rule")
+    in
+        (arity, toplevel_arity, map (beta_rule o adjust_rule) rules)
+    end             
+fun print_term module arity_of toplevel_arity_of pattern_var_count pattern_lazy_var_count =
+    fun str x = string_of_int x
+    fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
+    val module_prefix = (case module of NONE => "" | SOME s => s^".")                                                                                     
+    fun print_apps d f [] = f
+      | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d (module_prefix^"app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
+    and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
+      | print_call d (Const c) args = 
+        (case arity_of c of 
+             NONE => print_apps d (module_prefix^"Const "^(str c)) args 
+           | SOME 0 => module_prefix^"C"^(str c)
+           | SOME a =>
+             let
+                 val len = length args
+             in
+                 if a <= len then 
+                     let
+                         val strict_a = (case toplevel_arity_of c of SOME sa => sa | NONE => a)
+                         val _ = if strict_a > a then raise Compile "strict" else ()
+                         val s = module_prefix^"c"^(str c)^(implode (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, strict_a))))
+                         val s = s^(implode (map (fn t => " (fn () => "^print_term d t^")") (List.drop (List.take (args, a), strict_a))))
+                     in
+                         print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
+                     end
+                 else 
+                     let
+                         fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n - 1)))
+                         fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
+                         fun append_args [] t = t
+                           | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
+                     in
+                         print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
+                     end
+             end)
+      | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
+    and print_term d (Var x) = 
+        if x < d then 
+            "b"^(str (d-x-1)) 
+        else 
+            let
+                val n = pattern_var_count - (x-d) - 1
+                val x = "x"^(str n)
+            in
+                if n < pattern_var_count - pattern_lazy_var_count then 
+                    x
+                else 
+                    "("^x^" ())"
+            end                                                         
+      | print_term d (Abs c) = module_prefix^"Abs (fn b"^(str d)^" => "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
+      | print_term d t = print_call d t []
+    print_term 0 
+fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
+fun print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of (guards, p, t) = 
+    let 
+        fun str x = Int.toString x                  
+        fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
+          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else ""))
+          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
+            let
+                val f = (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")
+                val (n, s) = print_pattern_list 0 top (n, f) args
+            in
+                (n, s)
+            end
+        and print_pattern_list' counter top (n,p) [] = if top then (n,p) else (n,p^")")
+          | print_pattern_list' counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
+            let
+                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
+            in
+                print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^", "^t) ts
+            end 
+        and print_pattern_list counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
+            let
+                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
+            in
+                print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^" ("^t) ts
+            end
+        val c = (case p of PConst (c, _) => c | _ => raise Match)
+        val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
+        val lazy_vars = the (arity_of c) - the (toplevel_arity_of c)
+        fun print_tm tm = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of n lazy_vars tm
+        fun print_guard (Guard (a,b)) = "term_eq ("^(print_tm a)^") ("^(print_tm b)^")"
+        val else_branch = "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str (gnum+1))^(implode (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))
+        fun print_guards t [] = print_tm t
+          | print_guards t (g::gs) = "if ("^(print_guard g)^")"^(implode (map (fn g => " andalso ("^(print_guard g)^")") gs))^" then ("^(print_tm t)^") else "^else_branch
+    in
+        (if null guards then gnum else gnum+1, pattern^" = "^(print_guards t guards))
+    end
+fun group_rules rules =
+    let
+        fun add_rule (r as (_, PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
+            let
+                val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
+            in
+                Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
+            end
+          | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
+    in
+        fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
+    end
+fun sml_prog name code rules = 
+    let
+        val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
+        fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
+        fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
+        fun writelist [] = ()
+          | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
+        fun str i = Int.toString i
+        val (inlinetab, rules) = inline_rules rules
+        val (arity, toplevel_arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
+        val rules = group_rules rules
+        val constants = Inttab.keys arity
+        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
+        fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
+        fun rep_str s n = implode (rep n s)
+        fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
+        fun string_of_tuple [] = ""
+          | string_of_tuple (x::xs) = "("^x^(implode (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
+        fun string_of_args [] = ""
+          | string_of_args (x::xs) = x^(implode (map (fn s => " "^s) xs))
+        fun default_case gnum c = 
+            let
+                val leftargs = implode (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
+                val rightargs = section (the (arity_of c))
+                val strict_args = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => the (arity_of c) | SOME sa => sa)
+                val xs = map (fn n => if n < strict_args then "x"^(str n) else "x"^(str n)^"()") rightargs
+                val right = (indexed "C" c)^" "^(string_of_tuple xs)
+                val message = "(\"unresolved lazy call: " ^ string_of_int c ^ "\")"
+                val right = if strict_args < the (arity_of c) then "raise AM_SML.Run "^message else right               
+            in
+                (indexed "c" c)^(if gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")^leftargs^" = "^right
+            end
+        fun eval_rules c = 
+            let
+                val arity = the (arity_of c)
+                val strict_arity = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => arity | SOME sa => sa)
+                fun eval_rule n = 
+                    let
+                        val sc = string_of_int c
+                        val left = fold (fn i => fn s => "AbstractMachine.App ("^s^(indexed ", x" i)^")") (section n) ("AbstractMachine.Const "^sc)
+                        fun arg i = 
+                            let
+                                val x = indexed "x" i
+                                val x = if i < n then "(eval bounds "^x^")" else x
+                                val x = if i < strict_arity then x else "(fn () => "^x^")"
+                            in
+                                x
+                            end
+                        val right = "c"^sc^" "^(string_of_args (map arg (section arity)))
+                        val right = fold_rev (fn i => fn s => "Abs (fn "^(indexed "x" i)^" => "^s^")") (List.drop (section arity, n)) right             
+                        val right = if arity > 0 then right else "C"^sc
+                    in
+                        "  | eval bounds ("^left^") = "^right
+                    end
+            in
+                map eval_rule (rev (section (arity + 1)))
+            end
+        fun convert_computed_rules (c: int) : string list = 
+            let
+                val arity = the (arity_of c)
+                fun eval_rule () = 
+                    let
+                        val sc = string_of_int c
+                        val left = fold (fn i => fn s => "AbstractMachine.App ("^s^(indexed ", x" i)^")") (section arity) ("AbstractMachine.Const "^sc)
+                        fun arg i = "(convert_computed "^(indexed "x" i)^")" 
+                        val right = "C"^sc^" "^(string_of_tuple (map arg (section arity)))              
+                        val right = if arity > 0 then right else "C"^sc
+                    in
+                        "  | convert_computed ("^left^") = "^right
+                    end
+            in
+                [eval_rule ()]
+            end
+        fun mk_constr_type_args n = if n > 0 then " of Term "^(rep_str " * Term" (n-1)) else ""
+        val _ = writelist [                   
+                "structure "^name^" = struct",
+                "",
+                "datatype Term = Const of int | App of Term * Term | Abs of (Term -> Term)",
+                "         "^(implode (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(mk_constr_type_args (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
+                ""]
+        fun make_constr c argprefix = "(C"^(str c)^" "^(string_of_tuple (map (fn i => argprefix^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))^")"
+        fun make_term_eq c = "  | term_eq "^(make_constr c "a")^" "^(make_constr c "b")^" = "^
+                             (case the (arity_of c) of 
+                                  0 => "true"
+                                | n => 
+                                  let 
+                                      val eqs = map (fn i => "term_eq a"^(str i)^" b"^(str i)) (section n)
+                                      val (eq, eqs) = (List.hd eqs, map (fn s => " andalso "^s) ( eqs))
+                                  in
+                                      eq^(implode eqs)
+                                  end)
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "fun term_eq (Const c1) (Const c2) = (c1 = c2)",
+                "  | term_eq (App (a1,a2)) (App (b1,b2)) = term_eq a1 b1 andalso term_eq a2 b2"]
+        val _ = writelist (map make_term_eq constants)          
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "  | term_eq _ _ = false",
+                "" 
+                ] 
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "fun app (Abs a) b = a b",
+                "  | app a b = App (a, b)",
+                ""]     
+        fun defcase gnum c = (case arity_of c of NONE => [] | SOME a => if a > 0 then [default_case gnum c] else [])
+        fun writefundecl [] = () 
+          | writefundecl (x::xs) = writelist ((("and "^x)::(map (fn s => "  | "^s) xs)))
+        fun list_group c = (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
+                                NONE => [defcase 0 c]
+                              | SOME rs => 
+                                let
+                                    val rs = 
+                                        fold
+                                            (fn r => 
+                                             fn rs =>
+                                                let 
+                                                    val (gnum, l, rs) = 
+                                                        (case rs of 
+                                                             [] => (0, [], []) 
+                                                           | (gnum, l)::rs => (gnum, l, rs))
+                                                    val (gnum', r) = print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of r 
+                                                in 
+                                                    if gnum' = gnum then 
+                                                        (gnum, r::l)::rs
+                                                    else
+                                                        let
+                                                            val args = implode (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c))))
+                                                            fun gnumc g = if g > 0 then "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str g)^args else "c"^(str c)^args
+                                                            val s = gnumc (gnum) ^ " = " ^ gnumc (gnum') 
+                                                        in
+                                                            (gnum', [])::(gnum, s::r::l)::rs
+                                                        end
+                                                end)
+                                        rs []
+                                    val rs = (case rs of [] => [(0,defcase 0 c)] | (gnum,l)::rs => (gnum, (defcase gnum c)@l)::rs)
+                                in
+                                    rev (map (fn z => rev (snd z)) rs)
+                                end)
+        val _ = map (fn z => (map writefundecl z; writeln "")) (map list_group constants)
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "fun convert (Const i) = AM_SML.Const i",
+                "  | convert (App (a, b)) = AM_SML.App (convert a, convert b)",
+                "  | convert (Abs _) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no abstraction in result allowed\""]  
+        fun make_convert c = 
+            let
+                val args = map (indexed "a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
+                val leftargs = 
+                    case args of
+                        [] => ""
+                      | (x::xs) => "("^x^(implode (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
+                val args = map (indexed "convert a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
+                val right = fold (fn x => fn s => "AM_SML.App ("^s^", "^x^")") args ("AM_SML.Const "^(str c))
+            in
+                "  | convert (C"^(str c)^" "^leftargs^") = "^right
+            end                 
+        val _ = writelist (map make_convert constants)
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "",
+                "fun convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Abs b) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no abstraction in convert_computed allowed\"",
+                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Var i) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no bound variables in convert_computed allowed\""]
+        val _ = map (writelist o convert_computed_rules) constants
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Const c) = Const c",
+                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = App (convert_computed a, convert_computed b)",
+                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Computed a) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no nesting in convert_computed allowed\""] 
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "",
+                "fun eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = Abs (fn b => eval (b::bounds) m)",
+                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Var i) = AM_SML.list_nth (bounds, i)"]
+        val _ = map (writelist o eval_rules) constants
+        val _ = writelist [
+                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = app (eval bounds a) (eval bounds b)",
+                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Const c) = Const c",
+                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Computed t) = convert_computed t"]                
+        val _ = writelist [             
+                "",
+                "fun export term = AM_SML.save_result (\""^code^"\", convert term)",
+                "",
+                "val _ = AM_SML.set_compiled_rewriter (fn t => (convert (eval [] t)))",
+                "",
+                "end"]
+    in
+        (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, !buffer)
+    end
+val guid_counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+fun get_guid () = 
+    let
+        val c = !guid_counter
+        val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
+    in
+        (LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
+    end
+fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
+fun use_source src = use_text ML_Env.local_context (1, "") false src
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
+    let
+        val guid = get_guid ()
+        val code = Real.toString (random ())
+        val module = "AMSML_"^guid
+        val (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, source) = sml_prog module code eqs
+        val _ = case !dump_output of NONE => () | SOME p => writeTextFile p source
+        val _ = compiled_rewriter := NONE
+        val _ = use_source source
+    in
+        case !compiled_rewriter of 
+            NONE => raise Compile "broken link to compiled function"
+          | SOME f => (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, f)
+    end
+fun run' (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
+    let 
+        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
+        fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
+          | inline (Var i) = Var i
+          | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
+          | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
+        val t = beta (inline t)
+        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c                   
+        fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
+        val term = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of 0 0 t 
+        val source = "local open "^module^" in val _ = export ("^term^") end"
+        val _ = writeTextFile "Gencode_call.ML" source
+        val _ = clear_result ()
+        val _ = use_source source
+    in
+        case !saved_result of 
+            NONE => raise Run "broken link to compiled code"
+          | SOME (code', t) => (clear_result (); if code' = code then t else raise Run "link to compiled code was hijacked")
+    end         
+fun run (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
+    let 
+        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
+        fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
+          | inline (Var i) = Var i
+          | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
+          | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
+          | inline (Computed t) = Computed t
+    in
+        compiled_fun (beta (inline t))
+    end 
+fun discard p = ()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+signature COMPUTE = sig
+    type computer
+    type theorem
+    type naming = int -> string
+    datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML
+    (* Functions designated with a ! in front of them actually update the computer parameter *)
+    exception Make of string
+    val make : machine -> theory -> thm list -> computer
+    val make_with_cache : machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> computer
+    val theory_of : computer -> theory
+    val hyps_of : computer -> term list
+    val shyps_of : computer -> sort list
+    (* ! *) val update : computer -> thm list -> unit
+    (* ! *) val update_with_cache : computer -> term list -> thm list -> unit
+    (* ! *) val discard : computer -> unit
+    (* ! *) val set_naming : computer -> naming -> unit
+    val naming_of : computer -> naming
+    exception Compute of string    
+    val simplify : computer -> theorem -> thm 
+    val rewrite : computer -> cterm -> thm 
+    val make_theorem : computer -> thm -> string list -> theorem
+    (* ! *) val instantiate : computer -> (string * cterm) list -> theorem -> theorem
+    (* ! *) val evaluate_prem : computer -> int -> theorem -> theorem
+    (* ! *) val modus_ponens : computer -> int -> thm -> theorem -> theorem
+structure Compute :> COMPUTE = struct
+open Report;
+datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML      
+(* Terms are mapped to integer codes *)
+structure Encode :> 
+    type encoding
+    val empty : encoding
+    val insert : term -> encoding -> int * encoding
+    val lookup_code : term -> encoding -> int option
+    val lookup_term : int -> encoding -> term option                                    
+    val remove_code : int -> encoding -> encoding
+    val remove_term : term -> encoding -> encoding
+    val fold : ((term * int) -> 'a -> 'a) -> encoding -> 'a -> 'a                                                      
+type encoding = int * (int Termtab.table) * (term Inttab.table)
+val empty = (0, Termtab.empty, Inttab.empty)
+fun insert t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
+    (case Termtab.lookup term2int t of
+         NONE => (count, (count+1, Termtab.update_new (t, count) term2int, Inttab.update_new (count, t) int2term))
+       | SOME code => (code, e))
+fun lookup_code t (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.lookup term2int t
+fun lookup_term c (_, _, int2term) = Inttab.lookup int2term c
+fun remove_code c (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
+    (case lookup_term c e of NONE => e | SOME t => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
+fun remove_term t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
+    (case lookup_code t e of NONE => e | SOME c => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
+fun fold f (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.fold f term2int
+exception Make of string;
+exception Compute of string;
+    fun make_constant t ty encoding = 
+        let 
+            val (code, encoding) = Encode.insert t encoding 
+        in 
+            (encoding, AbstractMachine.Const code)
+        end
+fun remove_types encoding t =
+    case t of 
+        Var (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
+      | Free (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
+      | Const (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
+      | Abs (_, ty, t') => 
+        let val (encoding, t'') = remove_types encoding t' in
+            (encoding, AbstractMachine.Abs t'')
+        end
+      | a $ b => 
+        let
+            val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding a
+            val (encoding, b) = remove_types encoding b
+        in
+            (encoding, AbstractMachine.App (a,b))
+        end
+      | Bound b => (encoding, AbstractMachine.Var b)
+    fun type_of (Free (_, ty)) = ty
+      | type_of (Const (_, ty)) = ty
+      | type_of (Var (_, ty)) = ty
+      | type_of _ = sys_error "infer_types: type_of error"
+fun infer_types naming encoding =
+    let
+        fun infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Var v) = (Bound v, List.nth (bounds, v))
+          | infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Const code) = 
+            let
+                val c = the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding)
+            in
+                (c, type_of c)
+            end
+          | infer_types level bounds _ (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = 
+            let
+                val (a, aty) = infer_types level bounds NONE a
+                val (adom, arange) =
+                    case aty of
+                        Type ("fun", [dom, range]) => (dom, range)
+                      | _ => sys_error "infer_types: function type expected"
+                val (b, bty) = infer_types level bounds (SOME adom) b
+            in
+                (a $ b, arange)
+            end
+          | infer_types level bounds (SOME (ty as Type ("fun", [dom, range]))) (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
+            let
+                val (m, _) = infer_types (level+1) (dom::bounds) (SOME range) m
+            in
+                (Abs (naming level, dom, m), ty)
+            end
+          | infer_types _ _ NONE (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = sys_error "infer_types: cannot infer type of abstraction"
+        fun infer ty term =
+            let
+                val (term', _) = infer_types 0 [] (SOME ty) term
+            in
+                term'
+            end
+    in
+        infer
+    end
+datatype prog = 
+         ProgBarras of AM_Interpreter.program 
+       | ProgBarrasC of AM_Compiler.program
+       | ProgHaskell of AM_GHC.program
+       | ProgSML of AM_SML.program
+fun machine_of_prog (ProgBarras _) = BARRAS
+  | machine_of_prog (ProgBarrasC _) = BARRAS_COMPILED
+  | machine_of_prog (ProgHaskell _) = HASKELL
+  | machine_of_prog (ProgSML _) = SML
+type naming = int -> string
+fun default_naming i = "v_" ^ Int.toString i
+datatype computer = Computer of
+  (theory_ref * Encode.encoding * term list * unit Sorttab.table * prog * unit Unsynchronized.ref * naming)
+    option Unsynchronized.ref
+fun theory_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (rthy,_,_,_,_,_,_)))) = Theory.deref rthy
+fun hyps_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,hyps,_,_,_,_)))) = hyps
+fun shyps_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,shyptable,_,_,_)))) = Sorttab.keys (shyptable)
+fun shyptab_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,shyptable,_,_,_)))) = shyptable
+fun stamp_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,_,stamp,_)))) = stamp
+fun prog_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,prog,_,_)))) = prog
+fun encoding_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,encoding,_,_,_,_,_)))) = encoding
+fun set_encoding (Computer (r as Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (p1,encoding,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)))) encoding' = 
+    (r := SOME (p1,encoding',p2,p3,p4,p5,p6))
+fun naming_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,_,_,n)))) = n
+fun set_naming (Computer (r as Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,naming)))) naming'= 
+    (r := SOME (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,naming'))
+fun ref_of (Computer r) = r
+datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
+fun thm2cthm th = 
+    let
+        val {hyps, prop, tpairs, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
+        val _ = if not (null tpairs) then raise Make "theorems may not contain tpairs" else ()
+    in
+        ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
+    end
+fun make_internal machine thy stamp encoding cache_pattern_terms raw_ths =
+    let
+        fun transfer (x:thm) = Thm.transfer thy x
+        val ths = map (thm2cthm o Thm.strip_shyps o transfer) raw_ths
+        fun make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Abs _) =
+            raise (Make "no lambda abstractions allowed in pattern")
+          | make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) =
+            raise (Make "no bound variables allowed in pattern")
+          | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.Const code) =
+            (case the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding) of
+                 Var _ => ((n+1, Inttab.update_new (code, n) vars, AbstractMachine.PVar)
+                           handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise (Make "no duplicate variable in pattern allowed"))
+               | _ => (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (code, [])))
+          | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
+            let
+                val (n, vars, pa) = make_pattern encoding n vars a
+                val (n, vars, pb) = make_pattern encoding n vars b
+            in
+                case pa of
+                    AbstractMachine.PVar =>
+                    raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
+                  | AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args) =>
+                    (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args@[pb]))
+            end
+        fun thm2rule (encoding, hyptable, shyptable) th =
+            let
+                val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = th
+                val hyptable = fold (fn h => Termtab.update (h, ())) hyps hyptable
+                val shyptable = fold (fn sh => Sorttab.update (sh, ())) shyps shyptable
+                val (prems, prop) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems prop, Logic.strip_imp_concl prop)
+                val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals prop
+                  handle TERM _ => raise (Make "theorems must be meta-level equations (with optional guards)")
+                val a = Envir.eta_contract a
+                val b = Envir.eta_contract b
+                val prems = map Envir.eta_contract prems
+                val (encoding, left) = remove_types encoding a     
+                val (encoding, right) = remove_types encoding b  
+                fun remove_types_of_guard encoding g = 
+                    (let
+                         val (t1, t2) = Logic.dest_equals g 
+                         val (encoding, t1) = remove_types encoding t1
+                         val (encoding, t2) = remove_types encoding t2
+                     in
+                         (encoding, AbstractMachine.Guard (t1, t2))
+                     end handle TERM _ => raise (Make "guards must be meta-level equations"))
+                val (encoding, prems) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (encoding, ps) => let val (e, p) = remove_types_of_guard encoding p in (e, p::ps) end) prems (encoding, [])
+                (* Principally, a check should be made here to see if the (meta-) hyps contain any of the variables of the rule.
+                   As it is, all variables of the rule are schematic, and there are no schematic variables in meta-hyps, therefore
+                   this check can be left out. *)
+                val (vcount, vars, pattern) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty left
+                val _ = (case pattern of
+                             AbstractMachine.PVar =>
+                             raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
+                         (*  | AbstractMachine.PConst (_, []) => 
+                             (print th; raise (Make "no parameter rewrite found"))*)
+                           | _ => ())
+                (* finally, provide a function for renaming the
+                   pattern bound variables on the right hand side *)
+                fun rename level vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) = var
+                  | rename level vars (c as AbstractMachine.Const code) =
+                    (case Inttab.lookup vars code of 
+                         NONE => c 
+                       | SOME n => AbstractMachine.Var (vcount-n-1+level))
+                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
+                    AbstractMachine.App (rename level vars a, rename level vars b)
+                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
+                    AbstractMachine.Abs (rename (level+1) vars m)
+                fun rename_guard (AbstractMachine.Guard (a,b)) = 
+                    AbstractMachine.Guard (rename 0 vars a, rename 0 vars b)
+            in
+                ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), (map rename_guard prems, pattern, rename 0 vars right))
+            end
+        val ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), rules) =
+          fold_rev (fn th => fn (encoding_hyptable, rules) =>
+            let
+              val (encoding_hyptable, rule) = thm2rule encoding_hyptable th
+            in (encoding_hyptable, rule::rules) end)
+          ths ((encoding, Termtab.empty, Sorttab.empty), [])
+        fun make_cache_pattern t (encoding, cache_patterns) =
+            let
+                val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding t
+                val (_,_,p) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty a
+            in
+                (encoding, p::cache_patterns)
+            end
+        val (encoding, cache_patterns) = fold_rev make_cache_pattern cache_pattern_terms (encoding, [])
+        fun arity (Type ("fun", [a,b])) = 1 + arity b
+          | arity _ = 0
+        fun make_arity (Const (s, _), i) tab = 
+            (Inttab.update (i, arity (Sign.the_const_type thy s)) tab handle TYPE _ => tab)
+          | make_arity _ tab = tab
+        val const_arity_tab = Encode.fold make_arity encoding Inttab.empty
+        fun const_arity x = Inttab.lookup const_arity_tab x 
+        val prog = 
+            case machine of 
+                BARRAS => ProgBarras (AM_Interpreter.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
+              | BARRAS_COMPILED => ProgBarrasC (AM_Compiler.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
+              | HASKELL => ProgHaskell (AM_GHC.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
+              | SML => ProgSML (AM_SML.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
+        fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
+        val shyptable = fold Sorttab.delete (filter has_witness (Sorttab.keys (shyptable))) shyptable
+    in (Theory.check_thy thy, encoding, Termtab.keys hyptable, shyptable, prog, stamp, default_naming) end
+fun make_with_cache machine thy cache_patterns raw_thms =
+  Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (make_internal machine thy (Unsynchronized.ref ()) Encode.empty cache_patterns raw_thms)))
+fun make machine thy raw_thms = make_with_cache machine thy [] raw_thms
+fun update_with_cache computer cache_patterns raw_thms =
+    let 
+        val c = make_internal (machine_of_prog (prog_of computer)) (theory_of computer) (stamp_of computer) 
+                              (encoding_of computer) cache_patterns raw_thms
+        val _ = (ref_of computer) := SOME c     
+    in
+        ()
+    end
+fun update computer raw_thms = update_with_cache computer [] raw_thms
+fun discard computer =
+    let
+        val _ = 
+            case prog_of computer of
+                ProgBarras p => AM_Interpreter.discard p
+              | ProgBarrasC p => AM_Compiler.discard p
+              | ProgHaskell p => AM_GHC.discard p
+              | ProgSML p => AM_SML.discard p
+        val _ = (ref_of computer) := NONE
+    in
+        ()
+    end 
+fun runprog (ProgBarras p) = p
+  | runprog (ProgBarrasC p) = p
+  | runprog (ProgHaskell p) = p
+  | runprog (ProgSML p) = p    
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An oracle for exporting theorems; must only be accessible from inside this structure! *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun merge_hyps hyps1 hyps2 = 
+    fun add hyps tab = fold (fn h => fn tab => Termtab.update (h, ()) tab) hyps tab
+    Termtab.keys (add hyps2 (add hyps1 Termtab.empty))
+fun add_shyps shyps tab = fold (fn h => fn tab => Sorttab.update (h, ()) tab) shyps tab
+fun merge_shyps shyps1 shyps2 = Sorttab.keys (add_shyps shyps2 (add_shyps shyps1 Sorttab.empty))
+val (_, export_oracle) = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result
+  (Thm.add_oracle ( "compute", fn (thy, hyps, shyps, prop) =>
+    let
+        val shyptab = add_shyps shyps Sorttab.empty
+        fun delete s shyptab = Sorttab.delete s shyptab handle Sorttab.UNDEF _ => shyptab
+        fun delete_term t shyptab = fold delete (Sorts.insert_term t []) shyptab
+        fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
+        val shyptab = fold Sorttab.delete (filter has_witness (Sorttab.keys (shyptab))) shyptab
+        val shyps = if Sorttab.is_empty shyptab then [] else Sorttab.keys (fold delete_term (prop::hyps) shyptab)
+        val _ =
+          if not (null shyps) then
+            raise Compute ("dangling sort hypotheses: " ^
+              commas (map (Syntax.string_of_sort_global thy) shyps))
+          else ()
+    in
+        Thm.cterm_of thy (fold_rev (fn hyp => fn p => Logic.mk_implies (hyp, p)) hyps prop)
+    end)));
+fun export_thm thy hyps shyps prop =
+    let
+        val th = export_oracle (thy, hyps, shyps, prop)
+        val hyps = map (fn h => Thm.assume (cterm_of thy h)) hyps
+    in
+        fold (fn h => fn p => Thm.implies_elim p h) hyps th 
+    end
+(* --------- Rewrite ----------- *)
+fun rewrite computer ct =
+    let
+        val thy = Thm.theory_of_cterm ct
+        val {t=t',T=ty,...} = rep_cterm ct
+        val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of computer) thy
+        val naming = naming_of computer
+        val (encoding, t) = remove_types (encoding_of computer) t'
+        (*val _ = if (!print_encoding) then writeln (makestring ("encoding: ",Encode.fold (fn x => fn s => x::s) encoding [])) else ()*)
+        val t = runprog (prog_of computer) t
+        val t = infer_types naming encoding ty t
+        val eq = Logic.mk_equals (t', t)
+    in
+        export_thm thy (hyps_of computer) (Sorttab.keys (shyptab_of computer)) eq
+    end
+(* --------- Simplify ------------ *)
+datatype prem = EqPrem of AbstractMachine.term * AbstractMachine.term * Term.typ * int 
+              | Prem of AbstractMachine.term
+datatype theorem = Theorem of theory_ref * unit Unsynchronized.ref * (int * typ) Symtab.table * (AbstractMachine.term option) Inttab.table  
+               * prem list * AbstractMachine.term * term list * sort list
+exception ParamSimplify of computer * theorem
+fun make_theorem computer th vars =
+    val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of computer) (theory_of_thm th)
+    val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = thm2cthm th 
+    val encoding = encoding_of computer
+    (* variables in the theorem are identified upfront *)
+    fun collect_vars (Abs (_, _, t)) tab = collect_vars t tab
+      | collect_vars (a $ b) tab = collect_vars b (collect_vars a tab)
+      | collect_vars (Const _) tab = tab
+      | collect_vars (Free _) tab = tab
+      | collect_vars (Var ((s, i), ty)) tab = 
+            if List.find (fn x => x=s) vars = NONE then 
+                tab
+            else                
+                (case Symtab.lookup tab s of
+                     SOME ((s',i'),ty') => 
+                     if s' <> s orelse i' <> i orelse ty <> ty' then 
+                         raise Compute ("make_theorem: variable name '"^s^"' is not unique")
+                     else 
+                         tab
+                   | NONE => Symtab.update (s, ((s, i), ty)) tab)
+    val vartab = collect_vars prop Symtab.empty 
+    fun encodevar (s, t as (_, ty)) (encoding, tab) = 
+        let
+            val (x, encoding) = Encode.insert (Var t) encoding
+        in
+            (encoding, Symtab.update (s, (x, ty)) tab)
+        end
+    val (encoding, vartab) = Symtab.fold encodevar vartab (encoding, Symtab.empty)                                                     
+    val varsubst = Inttab.make (map (fn (s, (x, _)) => (x, NONE)) (Symtab.dest vartab))
+    (* make the premises and the conclusion *)
+    fun mk_prem encoding t = 
+        (let
+             val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals t
+             val ty = type_of a
+             val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding a
+             val (encoding, b) = remove_types encoding b
+             val (eq, encoding) = Encode.insert (Const ("==", ty --> ty --> @{typ "prop"})) encoding 
+         in
+             (encoding, EqPrem (a, b, ty, eq))
+         end handle TERM _ => let val (encoding, t) = remove_types encoding t in (encoding, Prem t) end)
+    val (encoding, prems) = 
+        (fold_rev (fn t => fn (encoding, l) => 
+            case mk_prem encoding t  of 
+                (encoding, t) => (encoding, t::l)) (Logic.strip_imp_prems prop) (encoding, []))
+    val (encoding, concl) = remove_types encoding (Logic.strip_imp_concl prop)
+    val _ = set_encoding computer encoding
+    Theorem (Theory.check_thy (theory_of_thm th), stamp_of computer, vartab, varsubst, 
+             prems, concl, hyps, shyps)
+fun theory_of_theorem (Theorem (rthy,_,_,_,_,_,_,_)) = Theory.deref rthy
+fun update_theory thy (Theorem (_,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)) =
+    Theorem (Theory.check_thy thy,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)
+fun stamp_of_theorem (Theorem (_,s, _, _, _, _, _, _)) = s     
+fun vartab_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,vt,_,_,_,_,_)) = vt
+fun varsubst_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,vs,_,_,_,_)) = vs 
+fun update_varsubst vs (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,_,p3,p4,p5,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,vs,p3,p4,p5,p6)
+fun prems_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,prems,_,_,_)) = prems
+fun update_prems prems (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,_,p4,p5,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,prems,p4,p5,p6)
+fun concl_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,concl,_,_)) = concl
+fun hyps_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,_,hyps,_)) = hyps
+fun update_hyps hyps (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,_,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,hyps,p6)
+fun shyps_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,shyps)) = shyps
+fun update_shyps shyps (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,_)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,shyps)
+fun check_compatible computer th s = 
+    if stamp_of computer <> stamp_of_theorem th then
+        raise Compute (s^": computer and theorem are incompatible")
+    else ()
+fun instantiate computer insts th =
+    val _ = check_compatible computer th
+    val thy = theory_of computer
+    val vartab = vartab_of_theorem th
+    fun rewrite computer t =
+    let  
+        val naming = naming_of computer
+        val (encoding, t) = remove_types (encoding_of computer) t
+        val t = runprog (prog_of computer) t
+        val _ = set_encoding computer encoding
+    in
+        t
+    end
+    fun assert_varfree vs t = 
+        if AbstractMachine.forall_consts (fn x => Inttab.lookup vs x = NONE) t then
+            ()
+        else
+            raise Compute "instantiate: assert_varfree failed"
+    fun assert_closed t =
+        if AbstractMachine.closed t then
+            ()
+        else 
+            raise Compute "instantiate: not a closed term"
+    fun compute_inst (s, ct) vs =
+        let
+            val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of_cterm ct) thy
+            val ty = typ_of (ctyp_of_term ct) 
+        in          
+            (case Symtab.lookup vartab s of 
+                 NONE => raise Compute ("instantiate: variable '"^s^"' not found in theorem")
+               | SOME (x, ty') => 
+                 (case Inttab.lookup vs x of 
+                      SOME (SOME _) => raise Compute ("instantiate: variable '"^s^"' has already been instantiated")
+                    | SOME NONE => 
+                      if ty <> ty' then 
+                          raise Compute ("instantiate: wrong type for variable '"^s^"'")
+                      else
+                          let
+                              val t = rewrite computer (term_of ct)
+                              val _ = assert_varfree vs t 
+                              val _ = assert_closed t
+                          in
+                              Inttab.update (x, SOME t) vs
+                          end
+                    | NONE => raise Compute "instantiate: internal error"))
+        end
+    val vs = fold compute_inst insts (varsubst_of_theorem th)
+    update_varsubst vs th
+fun match_aterms subst =
+    let 
+        exception no_match
+        open AbstractMachine
+        fun match subst (b as (Const c)) a = 
+            if a = b then subst
+            else 
+                (case Inttab.lookup subst c of 
+                     SOME (SOME a') => if a=a' then subst else raise no_match
+                   | SOME NONE => if AbstractMachine.closed a then 
+                                      Inttab.update (c, SOME a) subst 
+                                  else raise no_match
+                   | NONE => raise no_match)
+          | match subst (b as (Var _)) a = if a=b then subst else raise no_match
+          | match subst (App (u, v)) (App (u', v')) = match (match subst u u') v v'
+          | match subst (Abs u) (Abs u') = match subst u u'
+          | match subst _ _ = raise no_match
+    in
+        fn b => fn a => (SOME (match subst b a) handle no_match => NONE)
+    end
+fun apply_subst vars_allowed subst =
+    let
+        open AbstractMachine
+        fun app (t as (Const c)) = 
+            (case Inttab.lookup subst c of 
+                 NONE => t 
+               | SOME (SOME t) => Computed t
+               | SOME NONE => if vars_allowed then t else raise Compute "apply_subst: no vars allowed")
+          | app (t as (Var _)) = t
+          | app (App (u, v)) = App (app u, app v)
+          | app (Abs m) = Abs (app m)
+    in
+        app
+    end
+fun splicein n l L = List.take (L, n) @ l @ List.drop (L, n+1)
+fun evaluate_prem computer prem_no th =
+    val _ = check_compatible computer th
+    val prems = prems_of_theorem th
+    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
+    fun run vars_allowed t = 
+        runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst vars_allowed varsubst t)
+    case List.nth (prems, prem_no) of
+        Prem _ => raise Compute "evaluate_prem: no equality premise"
+      | EqPrem (a, b, ty, _) =>         
+        let
+            val a' = run false a
+            val b' = run true b
+        in
+            case match_aterms varsubst b' a' of
+                NONE => 
+                let
+                    fun mk s = Syntax.string_of_term_global Pure.thy
+                      (infer_types (naming_of computer) (encoding_of computer) ty s)
+                    val left = "computed left side: "^(mk a')
+                    val right = "computed right side: "^(mk b')
+                in
+                    raise Compute ("evaluate_prem: cannot assign computed left to right hand side\n"^left^"\n"^right^"\n")
+                end
+              | SOME varsubst => 
+                update_prems (splicein prem_no [] prems) (update_varsubst varsubst th)
+        end
+fun prem2term (Prem t) = t
+  | prem2term (EqPrem (a,b,_,eq)) = 
+    AbstractMachine.App (AbstractMachine.App (AbstractMachine.Const eq, a), b)
+fun modus_ponens computer prem_no th' th = 
+    val _ = check_compatible computer th
+    val thy = 
+        let
+            val thy1 = theory_of_theorem th
+            val thy2 = theory_of_thm th'
+        in
+            if Theory.subthy (thy1, thy2) then thy2 
+            else if Theory.subthy (thy2, thy1) then thy1 else
+            raise Compute "modus_ponens: theorems are not compatible with each other"
+        end 
+    val th' = make_theorem computer th' []
+    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
+    fun run vars_allowed t =
+        runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst vars_allowed varsubst t)
+    val prems = prems_of_theorem th
+    val prem = run true (prem2term (List.nth (prems, prem_no)))
+    val concl = run false (concl_of_theorem th')    
+    case match_aterms varsubst prem concl of
+        NONE => raise Compute "modus_ponens: conclusion does not match premise"
+      | SOME varsubst =>
+        let
+            val th = update_varsubst varsubst th
+            val th = update_prems (splicein prem_no (prems_of_theorem th') prems) th
+            val th = update_hyps (merge_hyps (hyps_of_theorem th) (hyps_of_theorem th')) th
+            val th = update_shyps (merge_shyps (shyps_of_theorem th) (shyps_of_theorem th')) th
+        in
+            update_theory thy th
+        end
+fun simplify computer th =
+    val _ = check_compatible computer th
+    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
+    val encoding = encoding_of computer
+    val naming = naming_of computer
+    fun infer t = infer_types naming encoding @{typ "prop"} t
+    fun run t = infer (runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst true varsubst t))
+    fun runprem p = run (prem2term p)
+    val prop = Logic.list_implies (map runprem (prems_of_theorem th), run (concl_of_theorem th))
+    val hyps = merge_hyps (hyps_of computer) (hyps_of_theorem th)
+    val shyps = merge_shyps (shyps_of_theorem th) (Sorttab.keys (shyptab_of computer))
+    export_thm (theory_of_theorem th) hyps shyps prop
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+This module solves the problem that the computing oracle does not
+instantiate polymorphic rules. By going through the PCompute
+interface, all possible instantiations are resolved by compiling new
+programs, if necessary. The obvious disadvantage of this approach is
+that in the worst case for each new term to be rewritten, a new
+program may be compiled.
+   Given constants/frees c_1::t_1, c_2::t_2, ...., c_n::t_n,
+   and constants/frees d_1::d_1, d_2::s_2, ..., d_m::s_m
+   Find all substitutions S such that
+   a) the domain of S is tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
+   b) there are indices i_1, ..., i_k, and j_1, ..., j_k with
+      1. S (c_i_1::t_i_1) = d_j_1::s_j_1, ..., S (c_i_k::t_i_k) = d_j_k::s_j_k
+      2. tvars (t_i_1, ..., t_i_k) = tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
+signature LINKER =
+    exception Link of string
+    datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
+    val constant_of : term -> constant
+    type instances
+    type subst = Type.tyenv
+    val empty : constant list -> instances
+    val typ_of_constant : constant -> typ
+    val add_instances : theory -> instances -> constant list -> subst list * instances
+    val substs_of : instances -> subst list
+    val is_polymorphic : constant -> bool
+    val distinct_constants : constant list -> constant list
+    val collect_consts : term list -> constant list
+structure Linker : LINKER = struct
+exception Link of string;
+type subst = Type.tyenv
+datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
+fun constant_of (Const (name, ty)) = Constant (false, name, ty)
+  | constant_of (Free (name, ty)) = Constant (true, name, ty)
+  | constant_of _ = raise Link "constant_of"
+fun bool_ord (x,y) = if x then (if y then EQUAL else GREATER) else (if y then LESS else EQUAL)
+fun constant_ord (Constant (x1,x2,x3), Constant (y1,y2,y3)) = (prod_ord (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) Term_Ord.typ_ord) (((x1,x2),x3), ((y1,y2),y3))
+fun constant_modty_ord (Constant (x1,x2,_), Constant (y1,y2,_)) = (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) ((x1,x2), (y1,y2))
+structure Consttab = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_ord);
+structure ConsttabModTy = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_modty_ord);
+fun typ_of_constant (Constant (_, _, ty)) = ty
+val empty_subst = (Vartab.empty : Type.tyenv)
+fun merge_subst (A:Type.tyenv) (B:Type.tyenv) =
+    SOME (Vartab.fold (fn (v, t) =>
+                       fn tab =>
+                          (case Vartab.lookup tab v of
+                               NONE => Vartab.update (v, t) tab
+                             | SOME t' => if t = t' then tab else raise Type.TYPE_MATCH)) A B)
+    handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
+fun subst_ord (A:Type.tyenv, B:Type.tyenv) =
+    (list_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.fast_indexname_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord))) (Vartab.dest A, Vartab.dest B)
+structure Substtab = Table(type key = Type.tyenv val ord = subst_ord);
+fun substtab_union c = Substtab.fold Substtab.update c
+fun substtab_unions [] = Substtab.empty
+  | substtab_unions [c] = c
+  | substtab_unions (c::cs) = substtab_union c (substtab_unions cs)
+datatype instances = Instances of unit ConsttabModTy.table * Type.tyenv Consttab.table Consttab.table * constant list list * unit Substtab.table
+fun is_polymorphic (Constant (_, _, ty)) = not (null (Term.add_tvarsT ty []))
+fun distinct_constants cs =
+    Consttab.keys (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ())) cs Consttab.empty)
+fun empty cs =
+    let
+        val cs = distinct_constants (filter is_polymorphic cs)
+        val old_cs = cs
+(*      fun collect_tvars ty tab = fold (fn v => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar v, ()) tab) (OldTerm.typ_tvars ty) tab
+        val tvars_count = length (Typtab.keys (fold (fn c => fn tab => collect_tvars (typ_of_constant c) tab) cs Typtab.empty))
+        fun tvars_of ty = collect_tvars ty Typtab.empty
+        val cs = map (fn c => (c, tvars_of (typ_of_constant c))) cs
+        fun tyunion A B =
+            Typtab.fold
+                (fn (v,()) => fn tab => Typtab.update (v, case Typtab.lookup tab v of NONE => 1 | SOME n => n+1) tab)
+                A B
+        fun is_essential A B =
+            Typtab.fold
+            (fn (v, ()) => fn essential => essential orelse (case Typtab.lookup B v of NONE => raise Link "is_essential" | SOME n => n=1))
+            A false
+        fun add_minimal (c', tvs') (tvs, cs) =
+            let
+                val tvs = tyunion tvs' tvs
+                val cs = (c', tvs')::cs
+            in
+                if forall (fn (c',tvs') => is_essential tvs' tvs) cs then
+                    SOME (tvs, cs)
+                else
+                    NONE
+            end
+        fun is_spanning (tvs, _) = (length (Typtab.keys tvs) = tvars_count)
+        fun generate_minimal_subsets subsets [] = subsets
+          | generate_minimal_subsets subsets (c::cs) =
+            let
+                val subsets' = map_filter (add_minimal c) subsets
+            in
+                generate_minimal_subsets (subsets@subsets') cs
+            end*)
+        val minimal_subsets = [old_cs] (*map (fn (tvs, cs) => map fst cs) (filter is_spanning (generate_minimal_subsets [(Typtab.empty, [])] cs))*)
+        val constants = Consttab.keys (fold (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ()))) minimal_subsets Consttab.empty)
+    in
+        Instances (
+        fold (fn c => fn tab => ConsttabModTy.update (c, ()) tab) constants ConsttabModTy.empty,
+        Consttab.make (map (fn c => (c, Consttab.empty : Type.tyenv Consttab.table)) constants),
+        minimal_subsets, Substtab.empty)
+    end
+fun calc ctab substtab [] = substtab
+  | calc ctab substtab (c::cs) =
+    let
+        val csubsts = map snd (Consttab.dest (the (Consttab.lookup ctab c)))
+        fun merge_substs substtab subst =
+            Substtab.fold (fn (s,_) =>
+                           fn tab =>
+                              (case merge_subst subst s of NONE => tab | SOME s => Substtab.update (s, ()) tab))
+                          substtab Substtab.empty
+        val substtab = substtab_unions (map (merge_substs substtab) csubsts)
+    in
+        calc ctab substtab cs
+    end
+fun calc_substs ctab (cs:constant list) = calc ctab (Substtab.update (empty_subst, ()) Substtab.empty) cs
+fun add_instances thy (Instances (cfilter, ctab,minsets,substs)) cs =
+    let
+(*      val _ = writeln (makestring ("add_instances: ", length_cs, length cs, length (Consttab.keys ctab)))*)
+        fun calc_instantiations (constant as Constant (free, name, ty)) instantiations =
+            Consttab.fold (fn (constant' as Constant (free', name', ty'), insttab) =>
+                           fn instantiations =>
+                              if free <> free' orelse name <> name' then
+                                  instantiations
+                              else case Consttab.lookup insttab constant of
+                                       SOME _ => instantiations
+                                     | NONE => ((constant', (constant, Sign.typ_match thy (ty', ty) empty_subst))::instantiations
+                                                handle TYPE_MATCH => instantiations))
+                          ctab instantiations
+        val instantiations = fold calc_instantiations cs []
+        (*val _ = writeln ("instantiations = "^(makestring (length instantiations)))*)
+        fun update_ctab (constant', entry) ctab =
+            (case Consttab.lookup ctab constant' of
+                 NONE => raise Link "internal error: update_ctab"
+               | SOME tab => Consttab.update (constant', Consttab.update entry tab) ctab)
+        val ctab = fold update_ctab instantiations ctab
+        val new_substs = fold (fn minset => fn substs => substtab_union (calc_substs ctab minset) substs)
+                              minsets Substtab.empty
+        val (added_substs, substs) =
+            Substtab.fold (fn (ns, _) =>
+                           fn (added, substtab) =>
+                              (case Substtab.lookup substs ns of
+                                   NONE => (ns::added, Substtab.update (ns, ()) substtab)
+                                 | SOME () => (added, substtab)))
+                          new_substs ([], substs)
+    in
+        (added_substs, Instances (cfilter, ctab, minsets, substs))
+    end
+fun substs_of (Instances (_,_,_,substs)) = Substtab.keys substs
+fun eq_to_meta th = (@{thm HOL.eq_reflection} OF [th] handle THM _ => th)
+fun collect (Var x) tab = tab
+  | collect (Bound _) tab = tab
+  | collect (a $ b) tab = collect b (collect a tab)
+  | collect (Abs (_, _, body)) tab = collect body tab
+  | collect t tab = Consttab.update (constant_of t, ()) tab
+  fun collect_consts tms = Consttab.keys (fold collect tms Consttab.empty)
+signature PCOMPUTE =
+    type pcomputer
+    val make : Compute.machine -> theory -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
+    val make_with_cache : Compute.machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
+    val add_instances : pcomputer -> Linker.constant list -> bool 
+    val add_instances' : pcomputer -> term list -> bool
+    val rewrite : pcomputer -> cterm list -> thm list
+    val simplify : pcomputer -> Compute.theorem -> thm
+    val make_theorem : pcomputer -> thm -> string list -> Compute.theorem
+    val instantiate : pcomputer -> (string * cterm) list -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
+    val evaluate_prem : pcomputer -> int -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
+    val modus_ponens : pcomputer -> int -> thm -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem 
+structure PCompute : PCOMPUTE = struct
+exception PCompute of string
+datatype theorem = MonoThm of thm | PolyThm of thm * Linker.instances * thm list
+datatype pattern = MonoPattern of term | PolyPattern of term * Linker.instances * term list
+datatype pcomputer =
+  PComputer of theory_ref * * theorem list Unsynchronized.ref *
+    pattern list Unsynchronized.ref 
+(*fun collect_consts (Var x) = []
+  | collect_consts (Bound _) = []
+  | collect_consts (a $ b) = (collect_consts a)@(collect_consts b)
+  | collect_consts (Abs (_, _, body)) = collect_consts body
+  | collect_consts t = [Linker.constant_of t]*)
+fun computer_of (PComputer (_,computer,_,_)) = computer
+fun collect_consts_of_thm th = 
+    let
+        val th = prop_of th
+        val (prems, th) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems th, Logic.strip_imp_concl th)
+        val (left, right) = Logic.dest_equals th
+    in
+        (Linker.collect_consts [left], Linker.collect_consts (right::prems))
+    end
+fun create_theorem th =
+    val (left, right) = collect_consts_of_thm th
+    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic left
+    val tytab = fold (fn p => fn tab => fold (fn n => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar n, ()) tab) (OldTerm.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant p)) tab) polycs Typtab.empty
+    fun check_const (c::cs) cs' =
+        let
+            val tvars = OldTerm.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant c)
+            val wrong = fold (fn n => fn wrong => wrong orelse is_none (Typtab.lookup tytab (TVar n))) tvars false
+        in
+            if wrong then raise PCompute "right hand side of theorem contains type variables which do not occur on the left hand side"
+            else
+                if null (tvars) then
+                    check_const cs (c::cs')
+                else
+                    check_const cs cs'
+        end
+      | check_const [] cs' = cs'
+    val monocs = check_const right []
+    if null (polycs) then
+        (monocs, MonoThm th)
+    else
+        (monocs, PolyThm (th, Linker.empty polycs, []))
+fun create_pattern pat = 
+    val cs = Linker.collect_consts [pat]
+    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic cs
+    if null (polycs) then
+        MonoPattern pat
+    else
+        PolyPattern (pat, Linker.empty polycs, [])
+fun create_computer machine thy pats ths =
+    let
+        fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
+          | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
+        fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
+          | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
+        val ths = fold_rev add ths []
+        val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
+    in
+        Compute.make_with_cache machine thy pats ths
+    end
+fun update_computer computer pats ths = 
+    let
+        fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
+          | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
+        fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
+          | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
+        val ths = fold_rev add ths []
+        val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
+    in
+        Compute.update_with_cache computer pats ths
+    end
+fun conv_subst thy (subst : Type.tyenv) =
+    map (fn (iname, (sort, ty)) => (ctyp_of thy (TVar (iname, sort)), ctyp_of thy ty)) (Vartab.dest subst)
+fun add_monos thy monocs pats ths =
+    let
+        val changed = Unsynchronized.ref false
+        fun add monocs (th as (MonoThm _)) = ([], th)
+          | add monocs (PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths)) =
+            let
+                val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
+                val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
+                val newths = map (fn subst => Thm.instantiate (conv_subst thy subst, []) th) newsubsts
+(*              val _ = if not (null newths) then (print ("added new theorems: ", newths); ()) else ()*)
+                val newmonos = fold (fn th => fn monos => (snd (collect_consts_of_thm th))@monos) newths []
+            in
+                (newmonos, PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths@newths))
+            end
+        fun addpats monocs (pat as (MonoPattern _)) = pat
+          | addpats monocs (PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats)) =
+            let
+                val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
+                val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
+                val newpats = map (fn subst => Envir.subst_term_types subst p) newsubsts
+            in
+                PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats@newpats)
+            end 
+        fun step monocs ths =
+            fold_rev (fn th =>
+                      fn (newmonos, ths) =>
+                         let 
+                             val (newmonos', th') = add monocs th 
+                         in
+                             (newmonos'@newmonos, th'::ths)
+                         end)
+                     ths ([], [])
+        fun loop monocs pats ths =
+            let 
+                val (monocs', ths') = step monocs ths 
+                val pats' = map (addpats monocs) pats
+            in
+                if null (monocs') then
+                    (pats', ths')
+                else
+                    loop monocs' pats' ths'
+            end
+        val result = loop monocs pats ths
+    in
+        (!changed, result)
+    end
+datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
+fun thm2cthm th =
+    let
+        val {hyps, prop, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
+    in
+        ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
+    end
+val cthm_ord' = prod_ord (prod_ord (list_ord Term_Ord.term_ord) (list_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord)) Term_Ord.term_ord
+fun cthm_ord (ComputeThm (h1, sh1, p1), ComputeThm (h2, sh2, p2)) = cthm_ord' (((h1,sh1), p1), ((h2, sh2), p2))
+structure CThmtab = Table(type key = cthm val ord = cthm_ord)
+fun remove_duplicates ths =
+    let
+        val counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+        val tab = Unsynchronized.ref (CThmtab.empty : unit CThmtab.table)
+        val thstab = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.empty : thm Inttab.table)
+        fun update th =
+            let
+                val key = thm2cthm th
+            in
+                case CThmtab.lookup (!tab) key of
+                    NONE => ((tab := CThmtab.update_new (key, ()) (!tab)); thstab := Inttab.update_new (!counter, th) (!thstab); counter := !counter + 1)
+                  | _ => ()
+            end
+        val _ = map update ths
+    in
+        map snd (Inttab.dest (!thstab))
+    end
+fun make_with_cache machine thy pats ths cs =
+    let
+        val ths = remove_duplicates ths
+        val (monocs, ths) = fold_rev (fn th => 
+                                      fn (monocs, ths) => 
+                                         let val (m, t) = create_theorem th in 
+                                             (m@monocs, t::ths)
+                                         end)
+                                     ths (cs, [])
+        val pats = map create_pattern pats
+        val (_, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy monocs pats ths
+        val computer = create_computer machine thy pats ths
+    in
+        PComputer (Theory.check_thy thy, computer, Unsynchronized.ref ths, Unsynchronized.ref pats)
+    end
+fun make machine thy ths cs = make_with_cache machine thy [] ths cs
+fun add_instances (PComputer (thyref, computer, rths, rpats)) cs = 
+    let
+        val thy = Theory.deref thyref
+        val (changed, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy cs (!rpats) (!rths)
+    in
+        if changed then
+            (update_computer computer pats ths;
+             rths := ths;
+             rpats := pats;
+             true)
+        else
+            false
+    end
+fun add_instances' pc ts = add_instances pc (Linker.collect_consts ts)
+fun rewrite pc cts =
+    let
+        val _ = add_instances' pc (map term_of cts)
+        val computer = (computer_of pc)
+    in
+        map (fn ct => Compute.rewrite computer ct) cts
+    end
+fun simplify pc th = Compute.simplify (computer_of pc) th
+fun make_theorem pc th vars = 
+    let
+        val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th]
+    in
+        Compute.make_theorem (computer_of pc) th vars
+    end
+fun instantiate pc insts th = 
+    let
+        val _ = add_instances' pc (map (term_of o snd) insts)
+    in
+        Compute.instantiate (computer_of pc) insts th
+    end
+fun evaluate_prem pc prem_no th = Compute.evaluate_prem (computer_of pc) prem_no th
+fun modus_ponens pc prem_no th' th =
+    let
+        val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th']
+    in
+        Compute.modus_ponens (computer_of pc) prem_no th' th
+    end    
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/report.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+structure Report =
+    val report_depth = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+    fun space n = if n <= 0 then "" else (space (n-1))^" "
+    fun report_space () = space (!report_depth)
+fun timeit f =
+    let
+        val t1 = start_timing ()
+        val x = f ()
+        val t2 = #message (end_timing t1)
+        val _ = writeln ((report_space ()) ^ "--> "^t2)
+    in
+        x       
+    end
+fun report s f = 
+    val _ = writeln ((report_space ())^s)
+    val _ = report_depth := !report_depth + 1
+    val x = timeit f
+    val _ = report_depth := !report_depth - 1
+    x
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/HOL/Mutabelle/mutabelle.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mutabelle/mutabelle.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 (*helper function in order to properly print a term*)
-fun prt x = Pretty.writeln (Syntax.pretty_term_global (theory "Main") x);
+fun prt x = Pretty.writeln (Syntax.pretty_term_global @{theory Main} x);
 (*possibility to print a given term for debugging purposes*)
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
 (*mutate origTerm iter times by only exchanging subterms*)
 fun mutate_exc origTerm commutatives iter =
- mutate 0 origTerm (theory "Main") commutatives [] iter;
+ mutate 0 origTerm @{theory Main} commutatives [] iter;
 (*mutate origTerm iter times by only inserting signature functions*)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_set.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_set.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 (**** simplify {(x1, ..., xn). (x1, ..., xn) : S} to S ****)
 val collect_mem_simproc =
-  Simplifier.simproc (theory "Set") "Collect_mem" ["Collect t"] (fn thy => fn ss =>
+  Simplifier.simproc @{theory Set} "Collect_mem" ["Collect t"] (fn thy => fn ss =>
     fn S as Const (@{const_name Collect}, Type ("fun", [_, T])) $ t =>
          let val (u, _, ps) = HOLogic.strip_psplits t
          in case u of
--- a/src/HOL/Typedef.thy	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Typedef.thy	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 ML {*
-structure HOL = struct val thy = theory "HOL" end;
+structure HOL = struct val thy = @{theory HOL} end;
 *}  -- "belongs to theory HOL"
 locale type_definition =
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
   val is_worker: unit -> bool
   val worker_task: unit -> Task_Queue.task option
   val worker_group: unit -> option
+  val worker_subgroup: unit ->
   type 'a future
   val task_of: 'a future -> task
   val group_of: 'a future -> group
@@ -83,8 +84,7 @@
 val is_worker = is_some o thread_data;
 val worker_task = #1 o thread_data;
 val worker_group = #2 o thread_data;
-fun new_group () = Task_Queue.new_group (worker_group ());
+fun worker_subgroup () = Task_Queue.new_group (worker_group ());
 (* datatype future *)
@@ -106,9 +106,13 @@
 fun assign_result group result res =
-    val _ = Single_Assignment.assign result res;
+    val _ = Single_Assignment.assign result res
+      handle exn as Fail _ =>
+        (case Single_Assignment.peek result of
+          SOME (Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt) => raise Exn.Interrupt
+        | _ => reraise exn);
     val ok =
-      (case res of
+      (case the (Single_Assignment.peek result) of
         Exn.Exn exn => (Task_Queue.cancel_group group exn; false)
       | Exn.Result _ => true);
   in ok end;
@@ -384,7 +388,7 @@
     val group =
       (case opt_group of
-        NONE => new_group ()
+        NONE => worker_subgroup ()
       | SOME group => group);
     val (result, job) = future_job group e;
     val task = SYNCHRONIZED "enqueue" (fn () =>
@@ -409,7 +413,7 @@
 fun get_result x =
   (case peek x of
-    NONE => Exn.Exn (SYS_ERROR "unfinished future")
+    NONE => Exn.Exn (Fail "Unfinished future")
   | SOME (exn as Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt) =>
       (case Exn.flatten_list (Task_Queue.group_status (group_of x)) of
         [] => exn
@@ -481,11 +485,12 @@
 fun promise_group group : 'a future =
     val result = Single_Assignment.var "promise" : 'a result;
-    val task = SYNCHRONIZED "enqueue" (fn () =>
-      Unsynchronized.change_result queue (Task_Queue.enqueue_passive group));
+    fun abort () = assign_result group result (Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt) handle Fail _ => true;
+    val task = SYNCHRONIZED "enqueue_passive" (fn () =>
+      Unsynchronized.change_result queue (Task_Queue.enqueue_passive group abort));
   in Future {promised = true, task = task, group = group, result = result} end;
-fun promise () = promise_group (new_group ());
+fun promise () = promise_group (worker_subgroup ());
 fun fulfill_result (Future {promised, task, group, result}) res =
@@ -509,8 +514,10 @@
   else interruptible f x;
 (*cancel: present and future group members will be interrupted eventually*)
-fun cancel_group group =
-  SYNCHRONIZED "cancel" (fn () => if cancel_now group then () else cancel_later group);
+fun cancel_group group = SYNCHRONIZED "cancel" (fn () =>
+ (if cancel_now group then () else cancel_later group;
+  signal work_available; scheduler_check ()));
 fun cancel x = cancel_group (group_of x);
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/par_list.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/par_list.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 fun raw_map f xs =
   if Multithreading.enabled () andalso not (Multithreading.self_critical ()) then
-    let val group = Task_Queue.new_group (Future.worker_group ())
-    in Future.join_results (map (fn x => Future.fork_group group (fn () => f x)) xs) end
+    let val shared_group = Task_Queue.new_group (Future.worker_group ())
+    in Future.join_results (map (fn x => Future.fork_group shared_group (fn () => f x)) xs) end
   else map (Exn.capture f) xs;
 fun map f xs = Exn.release_first (raw_map f xs);
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/task_queue.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/task_queue.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   val status: queue -> {ready: int, pending: int, running: int, passive: int}
   val cancel: queue -> group -> bool
   val cancel_all: queue -> group list
-  val enqueue_passive: group -> queue -> task * queue
+  val enqueue_passive: group -> (unit -> bool) -> queue -> task * queue
   val enqueue: group -> task list -> int -> (bool -> bool) -> queue -> (task * bool) * queue
   val extend: task -> (bool -> bool) -> queue -> queue option
   val dequeue: Thread.thread -> queue -> (task * group * (bool -> bool) list) option * queue
@@ -88,8 +88,6 @@
   not (null (Synchronized.value status)) orelse
     (case parent of NONE => false | SOME group => is_canceled group);
-fun is_ready deps group = null deps orelse is_canceled group;
 fun group_status (Group {parent, status, ...}) =
   Synchronized.value status @
     (case parent of NONE => [] | SOME group => group_status group);
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@
 datatype job =
   Job of (bool -> bool) list |
   Running of Thread.thread |
-  Passive;
+  Passive of unit -> bool;
 type jobs = (group * job) Task_Graph.T;
@@ -135,9 +133,21 @@
 val empty = make_queue Inttab.empty Task_Graph.empty;
+(* job status *)
+fun ready_job task ((group, Job list), ([], _)) = SOME (task, group, rev list)
+  | ready_job task ((group, Passive abort), ([], _)) =
+      if is_canceled group then SOME (task, group, [fn _ => abort ()])
+      else NONE
+  | ready_job _ _ = NONE;
+fun active_job (_, Job _) = SOME ()
+  | active_job (_, Running _) = SOME ()
+  | active_job (group, Passive _) = if is_canceled group then SOME () else NONE;
 fun all_passive (Queue {jobs, ...}) =
-  Task_Graph.get_first
-    ((fn Job _ => SOME () | Running _ => SOME () | Passive => NONE) o #2 o #1 o #2) jobs |> is_none;
+  is_none (Task_Graph.get_first (active_job o #1 o #2) jobs);
 (* queue status *)
@@ -145,11 +155,11 @@
 fun status (Queue {jobs, ...}) =
     val (x, y, z, w) =
-      Task_Graph.fold (fn (_, ((group, job), (deps, _))) => fn (x, y, z, w) =>
+      Task_Graph.fold (fn (_, ((_, job), (deps, _))) => fn (x, y, z, w) =>
           (case job of
-            Job _ => if is_ready deps group then (x + 1, y, z, w) else (x, y + 1, z, w)
+            Job _ => if null deps then (x + 1, y, z, w) else (x, y + 1, z, w)
           | Running _ => (x, y, z + 1, w)
-          | Passive => (x, y, z, w + 1)))
+          | Passive _ => (x, y, z, w + 1)))
         jobs (0, 0, 0, 0);
   in {ready = x, pending = y, running = z, passive = w} end;
@@ -165,7 +175,7 @@
     val _ = Simple_Thread.interrupt running;
   in null running end;
-fun cancel_all (Queue {groups, jobs}) =
+fun cancel_all (Queue {jobs, ...}) =
     fun cancel_job (group, job) (groups, running) =
       (cancel_group group Exn.Interrupt;
@@ -179,12 +189,12 @@
 (* enqueue *)
-fun enqueue_passive group (Queue {groups, jobs}) =
+fun enqueue_passive group abort (Queue {groups, jobs}) =
     val task = new_task NONE;
     val groups' = groups
       |> fold (fn gid => Inttab.cons_list (gid, task)) (group_ancestry group);
-    val jobs' = jobs |> Task_Graph.new_node (task, (group, Passive));
+    val jobs' = jobs |> Task_Graph.new_node (task, (group, Passive abort));
   in (task, make_queue groups' jobs') end;
 fun enqueue group deps pri job (Queue {groups, jobs}) =
@@ -208,17 +218,11 @@
 (* dequeue *)
 fun dequeue thread (queue as Queue {groups, jobs}) =
-  let
-    fun ready (task, ((group, Job list), (deps, _))) =
-          if is_ready deps group then SOME (task, group, rev list) else NONE
-      | ready _ = NONE;
-  in
-    (case Task_Graph.get_first ready jobs of
-      NONE => (NONE, queue)
-    | SOME (result as (task, _, _)) =>
-        let val jobs' = set_job task (Running thread) jobs
-        in (SOME result, make_queue groups jobs') end)
-  end;
+  (case Task_Graph.get_first (uncurry ready_job) jobs of
+    NONE => (NONE, queue)
+  | SOME (result as (task, _, _)) =>
+      let val jobs' = set_job task (Running thread) jobs
+      in (SOME result, make_queue groups jobs') end);
 (* dequeue_towards -- adhoc dependencies *)
@@ -228,13 +232,7 @@
 fun dequeue_towards thread deps (queue as Queue {groups, jobs}) =
-    fun ready task =
-      (case Task_Graph.get_node jobs task of
-        (group, Job list) =>
-          if is_ready (get_deps jobs task) group
-          then SOME (task, group, rev list)
-          else NONE
-      | _ => NONE);
+    fun ready task = ready_job task (Task_Graph.get_entry jobs task);
     val tasks = filter (can (Task_Graph.get_node jobs)) deps;
     fun result (res as (task, _, _)) =
       let val jobs' = set_job task (Running thread) jobs
--- a/src/Pure/General/graph.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/graph.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
   val minimals: 'a T -> key list
   val maximals: 'a T -> key list
   val subgraph: (key -> bool) -> 'a T -> 'a T
+  val get_entry: 'a T -> key -> 'a * (key list * key list)            (*exception UNDEF*)
   val map_nodes: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a T -> 'b T
   val get_node: 'a T -> key -> 'a                                     (*exception UNDEF*)
   val map_node: key -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a T -> 'a T
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -408,14 +408,16 @@
 val thy_deps = Toplevel.unknown_theory o Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
     val thy = Toplevel.theory_of state;
+    val thy_session = Present.session_name thy;
     val all_thys = sort Thy_Info.thy_ord (thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy);
     val gr = all_thys |> map (fn node =>
         val name = Context.theory_name node;
         val parents = map Context.theory_name (Theory.parents_of node);
-        val dir = Present.session_name node;
-        val unfold = not (Thy_Info.known_thy name andalso Thy_Info.is_finished name);
-      in {name = name, ID = name, parents = parents, dir = dir, unfold = unfold, path = ""} end);
+        val session = Present.session_name node;
+        val unfold = (session = thy_session);
+      in {name = name, ID = name, parents = parents, dir = session, unfold = unfold, path = ""} end);
   in Present.display_graph gr end);
 val class_deps = Toplevel.unknown_theory o Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
@@ -432,7 +434,8 @@
   in Present.display_graph gr end);
 fun thm_deps args = Toplevel.unknown_theory o Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
-  Thm_Deps.thm_deps (Proof.get_thmss_cmd (Toplevel.enter_proof_body state) args));
+  Thm_Deps.thm_deps (Toplevel.theory_of state)
+    (Proof.get_thmss_cmd (Toplevel.enter_proof_body state) args));
 (* find unused theorems *)
@@ -442,12 +445,13 @@
     val thy = Toplevel.theory_of state;
     val ctxt = Toplevel.context_of state;
     fun pretty_thm (a, th) = ProofContext.pretty_fact ctxt (a, [th]);
+    val get_theory = Context.get_theory thy;
       (case opt_range of
         NONE => (Theory.parents_of thy, [thy])
-      | SOME (xs, NONE) => (map Thy_Info.get_theory xs, [thy])
-      | SOME (xs, SOME ys) => (map Thy_Info.get_theory xs, map Thy_Info.get_theory ys))
+      | SOME (xs, NONE) => (map get_theory xs, [thy])
+      | SOME (xs, SOME ys) => (map get_theory xs, map get_theory ys))
     |> map pretty_thm |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@
       val old_execution = ! execution;
       val _ = Future.cancel old_execution;
-      val new_execution = Future.fork (fn () =>
-       (Future.join_result old_execution;
+      val new_execution = Future.fork_pri 1 (fn () =>
+       (uninterruptible (K Future.join_result) old_execution;
         fold_entries no_id (fn (_, {state, ...}) => fn () => force_state state) document ()));
     in execution := new_execution end);
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command "axioms" "state arbitrary propositions (axiomatic!)" Keyword.thy_decl
     (Scan.repeat1 Parse_Spec.spec >>
-      (Toplevel.theory o
-        (Isar_Cmd.add_axioms o
-          tap (fn _ => legacy_feature "Old 'axioms' command -- use 'axiomatization' instead"))));
+      (fn spec => Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
+        (legacy_feature "Old 'axioms' command -- use 'axiomatization' instead";
+          Isar_Cmd.add_axioms spec thy))));
 val opt_unchecked_overloaded =
   Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- Parse.!!!
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command "use" "ML text from file" (Keyword.tag_ml Keyword.thy_decl)
     (Parse.path >>
-      (fn path => Toplevel.generic_theory (Thy_Info.exec_file false path #> propagate_env)));
+      (fn path => Toplevel.generic_theory (Thy_Info.exec_file path #> propagate_env)));
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command "ML" "ML text within theory or local theory"
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   type isar
   val isar: bool -> isar
   val prepare_command: Position.T -> string -> Toplevel.transition
-  val load_thy: string -> Position.T -> string list -> bool -> unit -> unit
+  val load_thy: string -> Position.T -> string list -> unit -> unit
 structure Outer_Syntax: OUTER_SYNTAX =
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
   (case cmd name of
     SOME (Command {int_only, parse, ...}) =>
       Parse.!!! (Scan.prompt (name ^ "# ") (Parse.tags |-- parse >> pair int_only))
-  | NONE => sys_error ("no parser for outer syntax command " ^ quote name));
+  | NONE => raise Fail ("No parser for outer syntax command " ^ quote name));
@@ -268,9 +268,10 @@
 (* load_thy *)
-fun load_thy name pos text time =
+fun load_thy name pos text =
     val (lexs, commands) = get_syntax ();
+    val time = ! Output.timing;
     val _ = Present.init_theory name;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
   val enter_proof_body: state -> Proof.state
   val print_state_context: state -> unit
   val print_state: bool -> state -> unit
+  val pretty_abstract: state -> Pretty.T
   val quiet: bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val debug: bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val interact: bool Unsynchronized.ref
@@ -212,6 +213,8 @@
   | SOME (SkipProof (d, _)) => [Pretty.str ("skipped proof: depth " ^ string_of_int d)])
   |> Pretty.markup_chunks Markup.state |> Pretty.writeln;
+fun pretty_abstract state = Pretty.str ("<Isar " ^ str_of_state state ^ ">");
 (** toplevel transitions **)
@@ -564,8 +567,7 @@
 fun async_state (tr as Transition {print, ...}) st =
   if print then
-      (Future.fork_group (Task_Queue.new_group (Future.worker_group ()))
-        (fn () =>
+      (Future.fork (fn () =>
           setmp_thread_position tr (fn () => (fn () => print_state false st)) ()))
   else ();
@@ -630,11 +632,14 @@
         SOME name => Exn.capture (fn () => Thy_Load.check_name thy_name name) ()
       | NONE => Exn.Result ()) of
     Exn.Result () =>
-      (case transition false tr st of
-        SOME (st', NONE) => (status tr Markup.finished; async_state tr st'; SOME st')
-      | SOME (_, SOME (exn as Exn.Interrupt, _)) => reraise exn
-      | SOME (_, SOME exn_info) => (error_msg tr exn_info; status tr Markup.failed; NONE)
-      | NONE => (error_msg tr (TERMINATE, at_command tr); status tr Markup.failed; NONE))
+      let val int = is_some (init_of tr) in
+        (case transition int tr st of
+          SOME (st', NONE) =>
+            (status tr Markup.finished; if int then () else async_state tr st'; SOME st')
+        | SOME (_, SOME (exn as Exn.Interrupt, _)) => reraise exn
+        | SOME (_, SOME exn_info) => (error_msg tr exn_info; status tr Markup.failed; NONE)
+        | NONE => (error_msg tr (TERMINATE, at_command tr); status tr Markup.failed; NONE))
+      end
   | Exn.Exn exn => (error_msg tr (exn, at_command tr); status tr Markup.failed; NONE));
@@ -699,7 +704,7 @@
         val states =
           (case States.get (presentation_context_of st'') of
-            NONE => sys_error ("No future states for " ^ name_of tr ^ Position.str_of (pos_of tr))
+            NONE => raise Fail ("No future states for " ^ name_of tr ^ Position.str_of (pos_of tr))
           | SOME states => states);
         val result = Lazy.lazy
           (fn () => (tr, st') :: (body_trs ~~ Future.join states) @ [(end_tr, st'')]);
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquote.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquote.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -64,12 +64,14 @@
     >> (fn name => ML_Syntax.atomic (ML_Syntax.make_binding name)));
 val _ = value "theory"
-  (Scan.lift >> (fn name => "Thy_Info.get_theory " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string name)
+  (Scan.lift >> (fn name =>
+    "Context.get_theory (ML_Context.the_global_context ()) " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string name)
   || Scan.succeed "ML_Context.the_global_context ()");
 val _ = value "theory_ref"
   (Scan.lift >> (fn name =>
-    "Theory.check_thy (Thy_Info.theory " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string name ^ ")")
+    "Theory.check_thy (Context.get_theory (ML_Context.the_global_context ()) " ^
+      ML_Syntax.print_string name ^ ")")
   || Scan.succeed "Theory.check_thy (ML_Context.the_global_context ())");
 val _ = value "context" (Scan.succeed "ML_Context.the_local_context ()");
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -162,6 +162,12 @@
     if (range.hasNext) Some( else None
+  def proper_command_at(i: Int): Option[Command] =
+    command_at(i) match {
+      case Some((command, _)) => commands.reverse_iterator(command).find(cmd => !cmd.is_ignored)
+      case None => None
+    }
   /* command state assignment */
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
   |> command Keyword.prf_script       proofstep;
 val _ = subset (op =) (Keyword.kinds, Symtab.keys command_keywords)
-  orelse sys_error "Incomplete coverage of command keywords";
+  orelse raise Fail "Incomplete coverage of command keywords";
 fun parse_command "sorry" text = [D.Postponegoal {text = text}, D.Closeblock {}]
   | parse_command name text =
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
         isarcmd ("undos_proof " ^ Int.toString times)
-fun redostep _ = sys_error "redo unavailable"
+fun redostep _ = raise Fail "redo unavailable"
 fun abortgoal _ = isarcmd "kill" (* was: ProofGeneral.kill_proof *)
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@
       | SOME (Lexicon.Token (_, _, (_, end_pos))) => end_pos);
     val r =
       (case earley prods tags chains start (toks @ [Lexicon.mk_eof end_pos]) of
-        [] => raise Fail "no parse trees"
+        [] => raise Fail "Inner syntax: no parse trees"
       | pts => pts);
   in r end;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/printer.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/printer.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
         Ast.mk_appl (simple_ast_of f) (map simple_ast_of args)
   | simple_ast_of (Bound i) = Ast.Variable ("B." ^ string_of_int i)
-  | simple_ast_of (Abs _) = sys_error "simple_ast_of: Abs";
+  | simple_ast_of (Abs _) = raise Fail "simple_ast_of: Abs";
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
         (case xsyms_to_syms xsymbs of
           (symbs, []) => SOME (const, (symbs, nargs symbs, pri))
-        | _ => sys_error "xprod_to_fmt: unbalanced blocks")
+        | _ => raise Fail "Unbalanced pretty-printing blocks")
--- a/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
   /* events */
   case object Global_Settings
+  case object Perspective
   /* managed entities */
@@ -32,12 +33,25 @@
 class Session(system: Isabelle_System)
+  /* real time parameters */  // FIXME properties or settings (!?)
+  // user input (e.g. text edits, cursor movement)
+  val input_delay = 300
+  // prover output (markup, common messages)
+  val output_delay = 100
+  // GUI layout updates
+  val update_delay = 500
   /* pervasive event buses */
   val global_settings = new Event_Bus[Session.Global_Settings.type]
   val raw_results = new Event_Bus[Isabelle_Process.Result]
   val raw_output = new Event_Bus[Isabelle_Process.Result]
   val commands_changed = new Event_Bus[Command_Set]
+  val perspective = new Event_Bus[Session.Perspective.type]
   /* unique ids */
@@ -263,7 +277,7 @@
       val now = currentTime
       flush_time match {
-        case None => flush_time = Some(now + 100)   // FIXME output_delay property
+        case None => flush_time = Some(now + output_delay)
         case Some(time) => if (now >= time) flush()
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thm_deps.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thm_deps.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 signature THM_DEPS =
-  val thm_deps: thm list -> unit
+  val thm_deps: theory -> thm list -> unit
   val unused_thms: theory list * theory list -> (string * thm) list
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 (* thm_deps *)
-fun thm_deps thms =
+fun thm_deps thy thms =
     fun add_dep ("", _, _) = I
       | add_dep (name, _, PBody {thms = thms', ...}) =
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
             val session =
               (case prefix of
                 a :: _ =>
-                  (case Thy_Info.lookup_theory a of
+                  (case try (Context.get_theory thy) a of
                     SOME thy =>
                       (case Present.session_name thy of
                         "" => []
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
   val if_known_thy: (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
   val lookup_theory: string -> theory option
   val get_theory: string -> theory
-  val the_theory: string -> theory -> theory
   val is_finished: string -> bool
   val master_directory: string -> Path.T
   val loaded_files: string -> Path.T list
@@ -27,13 +26,11 @@
   val remove_thy: string -> unit
   val kill_thy: string -> unit
   val provide_file: Path.T -> string -> unit
-  val load_file: bool -> Path.T -> unit
-  val exec_file: bool -> Path.T -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val load_file: Path.T -> unit
+  val exec_file: Path.T -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val use: string -> unit
-  val time_use: string -> unit
   val use_thys: string list -> unit
   val use_thy: string -> unit
-  val time_use_thy: string -> unit
   val begin_theory: string -> string list -> (Path.T * bool) list -> bool -> theory
   val end_theory: theory -> unit
   val register_thy: string -> unit
@@ -176,10 +173,6 @@
     SOME theory => theory
   | _ => error (loader_msg "undefined theory entry for" [name]));
-fun the_theory name thy =
-  if Context.theory_name thy = name then thy
-  else get_theory name;
 (** thy operations **)
@@ -311,8 +304,8 @@
     | NONE => error ("Could not find file " ^ quote (Path.implode path)))
-fun load_file time path =
-  if time then
+fun load_file path =
+  if ! Output.timing then
     let val name = Path.implode path in
       timeit (fn () =>
        (priority ("\n**** Starting file " ^ quote name ^ " ****");
@@ -321,10 +314,9 @@
   else run_file path;
-fun exec_file time path = ML_Context.exec (fn () => load_file time path);
+fun exec_file path = ML_Context.exec (fn () => load_file path);
-val use = load_file false o Path.explode;
-val time_use = load_file true o Path.explode;
+val use = load_file o Path.explode;
@@ -334,7 +326,7 @@
 fun required_by _ [] = ""
   | required_by s initiators = s ^ "(required by " ^ show_path (rev initiators) ^ ")";
-fun load_thy time upd_time initiators name =
+fun load_thy upd_time initiators name =
     val _ = priority ("Loading theory " ^ quote name ^ required_by " " initiators);
     val (pos, text, _) =
@@ -346,7 +338,7 @@
     val _ = CRITICAL (fn () =>
       change_deps name ( (fn {master, text, parents, files, ...} =>
         make_deps upd_time master text parents files)));
-    val after_load = Outer_Syntax.load_thy name pos text (time orelse ! Output.timing);
+    val after_load = Outer_Syntax.load_thy name pos text;
     val _ =
       CRITICAL (fn () =>
        (change_deps name
@@ -463,9 +455,9 @@
-fun require_thys time initiators dir strs tasks =
-      fold_map (require_thy time initiators dir) strs tasks |>> forall I
-and require_thy time initiators dir str tasks =
+fun require_thys initiators dir strs tasks =
+      fold_map (require_thy initiators dir) strs tasks |>> forall I
+and require_thy initiators dir str tasks =
     val path = Path.expand (Path.explode str);
     val name = Path.implode (Path.base path);
@@ -483,8 +475,7 @@
           val parent_names = map base_name parents;
           val (parents_current, tasks_graph') =
-            require_thys time (name :: initiators)
-              (Path.append dir (master_dir' deps)) parents tasks;
+            require_thys (name :: initiators) (Path.append dir (master_dir' deps)) parents tasks;
           val all_current = current andalso parents_current;
           val _ = if not all_current andalso known_thy name then outdate_thy name else ();
@@ -496,7 +487,7 @@
           val upd_time = serial ();
           val tasks_graph'' = tasks_graph' |> new_deps name parent_names
            (if all_current then Finished
-            else Task (fn () => load_thy time upd_time initiators name));
+            else Task (fn () => load_thy upd_time initiators name));
         in (all_current, tasks_graph'') end)
@@ -505,25 +496,16 @@
 (* use_thy etc. *)
+fun use_thys_dir dir arg =
+  schedule_tasks (snd (require_thys [] dir arg Graph.empty));
-fun gen_use_thy' req dir arg =
-  schedule_tasks (snd (req [] dir arg Graph.empty));
+val use_thys = use_thys_dir Path.current;
-fun gen_use_thy req str =
-  let val name = base_name str in
-    check_unfinished warning name;
-    gen_use_thy' req Path.current str
-  end;
-val use_thys_dir = gen_use_thy' (require_thys false);
-val use_thys = use_thys_dir Path.current;
-val use_thy = gen_use_thy (require_thy false);
-val time_use_thy = gen_use_thy (require_thy true);
+fun use_thy str =
+  let
+    val name = base_name str;
+    val _ = check_unfinished warning name;
+  in use_thys [str] end;
 (* begin / end theory *)
@@ -550,7 +532,7 @@
     val uses_now = map_filter (fn (x, true) => SOME x | _ => NONE) uses;
     val theory'' =
-      fold (fn x => Context.theory_map (exec_file false x) o Theory.checkpoint) uses_now theory';
+      fold (fn x => Context.theory_map (exec_file x) o Theory.checkpoint) uses_now theory';
   in theory'' end;
 fun end_theory theory =
--- a/src/Pure/context.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/context.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
   val string_of_thy: theory -> string
   val pretty_abbrev_thy: theory -> Pretty.T
   val str_of_thy: theory -> string
+  val get_theory: theory -> string -> theory
+  val this_theory: theory -> string -> theory
   val deref: theory_ref -> theory
   val check_thy: theory -> theory_ref
   val eq_thy: theory * theory -> bool
@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@
 fun invoke f k =
   (case Datatab.lookup (! kinds) k of
     SOME kind => f kind
-  | NONE => sys_error "Invalid theory data identifier");
+  | NONE => raise Fail "Invalid theory data identifier");
@@ -244,6 +246,18 @@
 val str_of_thy = Pretty.str_of o pretty_abbrev_thy;
+fun get_theory thy name =
+  if theory_name thy <> name then
+    (case find_first (fn thy' => theory_name thy' = name) (ancestors_of thy) of
+      SOME thy' => thy'
+    | NONE => error ("Unknown ancestor theory " ^ quote name))
+  else if #stage (history_of thy) = finished then thy
+  else error ("Unfinished theory " ^ quote name);
+fun this_theory thy name =
+  if theory_name thy = name then thy
+  else get_theory thy name;
 (* theory references *)
@@ -459,7 +473,7 @@
 fun invoke_init k =
   (case Datatab.lookup (! kinds) k of
     SOME init => init
-  | NONE => sys_error "Invalid proof data identifier");
+  | NONE => raise Fail "Invalid proof data identifier");
 fun init_data thy =' (fn k => fn _ => invoke_init k thy) (! kinds);
--- a/src/Pure/library.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/library.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -1000,21 +1000,23 @@
 (*Partition a list into buckets  [ bi, b(i+1), ..., bj ]
    putting x in bk if p(k)(x) holds.  Preserve order of elements if possible.*)
 fun partition_list p i j =
-  let fun part k xs =
-            if k>j then
-              (case xs of [] => []
-                         | _ => raise Fail "partition_list")
-            else
-            let val (ns, rest) = List.partition (p k) xs;
-            in  ns :: part(k+1)rest  end
-  in  part (i: int) end;
+  let
+    fun part (k: int) xs =
+      if k > j then
+        (case xs of
+          [] => []
+        | _ => raise Fail "partition_list")
+      else
+        let val (ns, rest) = List.partition (p k) xs
+        in ns :: part (k + 1) rest end;
+  in part (i: int) end;
-fun partition_eq (eq:'a * 'a -> bool) =
+fun partition_eq (eq: 'a * 'a -> bool) =
     fun part [] = []
       | part (x :: ys) =
           let val (xs, xs') = List.partition (fn y => eq (x, y)) ys
-          in (x::xs)::(part xs') end
+          in (x :: xs) :: part xs' end;
   in part end;
--- a/src/Pure/pure_setup.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/pure_setup.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 (* the Pure theories *)
-val theory = Thy_Info.get_theory;
 Context.>> (Context.map_theory
  (Outer_Syntax.process_file (Path.explode "Pure.thy") #>
@@ -18,7 +16,9 @@
 (* ML toplevel pretty printing *)
-toplevel_pp ["String", "string"] "ML_Syntax.pretty_string";
+if String.isPrefix "smlnj" ml_system then ()
+else toplevel_pp ["String", "string"] "ML_Syntax.pretty_string";
 toplevel_pp ["Pretty", "T"] "(fn _: Pretty.T => Pretty.str \"<pretty>\")";
 toplevel_pp ["Task_Queue", "task"] "Pretty.str o Task_Queue.str_of_task";
 toplevel_pp ["Task_Queue", "group"] "Pretty.str o Task_Queue.str_of_group";
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 toplevel_pp ["Syntax", "ast"] "Syntax.pretty_ast";
 toplevel_pp ["Path", "T"] "Pretty.str o quote o Path.implode";
 toplevel_pp ["File", "ident"] "Pretty.str o quote o File.rep_ident";
+toplevel_pp ["Proof", "state"] "(fn _: Proof.state => Pretty.str \"<Proof.state>\")";
+toplevel_pp ["Toplevel", "state"] "Toplevel.pretty_abstract";
 if ml_system = "polyml-5.3.0"
 then use "ML-Systems/install_pp_polyml-5.3.ML"
@@ -52,8 +54,6 @@
 fun use name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.use name);
 fun use_thys name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.use_thys name);
 fun use_thy name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.use_thy name);
-fun time_use name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.time_use name);
-fun time_use_thy name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.time_use_thy name);
 (* misc *)
--- a/src/Pure/term_ord.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/term_ord.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   | atoms_ord (Free (x, _), Free (y, _)) = fast_string_ord (x, y)
   | atoms_ord (Var (xi, _), Var (yj, _)) = fast_indexname_ord (xi, yj)
   | atoms_ord (Bound i, Bound j) = int_ord (i, j)
-  | atoms_ord _ = sys_error "atoms_ord";
+  | atoms_ord _ = raise Fail "atoms_ord";
 fun types_ord (Abs (_, T, t), Abs (_, U, u)) =
       (case typ_ord (T, U) of EQUAL => types_ord (t, u) | ord => ord)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
   | types_ord (Free (_, T), Free (_, U)) = typ_ord (T, U)
   | types_ord (Var (_, T), Var (_, U)) = typ_ord (T, U)
   | types_ord (Bound _, Bound _) = EQUAL
-  | types_ord _ = sys_error "types_ord";
+  | types_ord _ = raise Fail "types_ord";
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@
 fun shell_command thyname cmd = Toplevel.program (fn _ =>
   (use_thy thyname; case Token.stopper (Parse.!!! code_exprP)
     ((filter Token.is_proper o Outer_Syntax.scan Position.none) cmd)
-   of SOME f => (writeln "Now generating code..."; f (theory thyname))
+   of SOME f => (writeln "Now generating code..."; f (Thy_Info.get_theory thyname))
     | NONE => error ("Bad directive " ^ quote cmd)))
   handle Runtime.TOPLEVEL_ERROR => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@
     fun consts_of_select thy' = filter (belongs_here thy') (consts_of thy');
     fun read_const_expr "*" = ([], consts_of thy)
       | read_const_expr s = if String.isSuffix ".*" s
-          then ([], consts_of_select (Thy_Info.the_theory (unsuffix ".*" s) thy))
+          then ([], consts_of_select (Context.this_theory thy (unsuffix ".*" s)))
           else ([Code.read_const thy s], []);
   in pairself flat o split_list o map read_const_expr end;
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy
-    Author:     Steven Obua, TU Munich
-Steven Obua's evaluator.
-theory Compute_Oracle imports Pure
-uses "am.ML" "am_compiler.ML" "am_interpreter.ML" "am_ghc.ML" "am_sml.ML" "report.ML" "compute.ML" "linker.ML"
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term | Computed of term
-datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
-datatype guard = Guard of term * term
-type program
-exception Compile of string;
-(* The de-Bruijn index 0 occurring on the right hand side refers to the LAST pattern variable, when traversing the pattern from left to right,
-   1 to the second last, and so on. *)
-val compile : pattern list -> (int -> int option) -> (guard list * pattern * term) list -> program
-val discard : program -> unit
-exception Run of string;
-val run : program -> term -> term
-(* Utilities *)
-val check_freevars : int -> term -> bool
-val forall_consts : (int -> bool) -> term -> bool
-val closed : term -> bool
-val erase_Computed : term -> term
-structure AbstractMachine : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = 
-datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term | Computed of term
-datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
-datatype guard = Guard of term * term
-type program = unit
-exception Compile of string;
-fun erase_Computed (Computed t) = erase_Computed t
-  | erase_Computed (App (t1, t2)) = App (erase_Computed t1, erase_Computed t2)
-  | erase_Computed (Abs t) = Abs (erase_Computed t)
-  | erase_Computed t = t
-(*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
-  check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
-fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
-  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
-  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
-  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
-  | check_freevars free (Computed t) = check_freevars free t
-fun forall_consts pred (Const c) = pred c
-  | forall_consts pred (Var x) = true
-  | forall_consts pred (App (u,v)) = forall_consts pred u 
-                                     andalso forall_consts pred v
-  | forall_consts pred (Abs m) = forall_consts pred m
-  | forall_consts pred (Computed t) = forall_consts pred t
-fun closed t = check_freevars 0 t
-fun compile _ = raise Compile "abstract machine stub"
-fun discard _ = raise Compile "abstract machine stub"
-exception Run of string;
-fun run p t = raise Run "abstract machine stub"
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-signature COMPILING_AM = 
-  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit
-  val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
-  val list_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
-structure AM_Compiler : COMPILING_AM = struct
-val list_nth = List.nth;
-val list_map = map;
-open AbstractMachine;
-val compiled_rewriter = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(term -> term)Option.option)
-fun set_compiled_rewriter r = (compiled_rewriter := SOME r)
-type program = (term -> term)
-fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
-  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
-      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
-fun print_rule (p, t) = 
-    let
-        fun str x = Int.toString x
-        fun print_pattern n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
-          | print_pattern n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, "c"^(str c))
-          | print_pattern n (PConst (c, args)) = 
-            let
-                val h = print_pattern n (PConst (c,[]))
-            in
-                print_pattern_list h args
-            end
-        and print_pattern_list r [] = r
-          | print_pattern_list (n, p) (t::ts) = 
-            let
-                val (n, t) = print_pattern n t
-            in
-                print_pattern_list (n, "App ("^p^", "^t^")") ts
-            end
-        val (n, pattern) = print_pattern 0 p
-        val pattern =
-            if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank pattern then "(" ^ pattern ^")"
-            else pattern
-        fun print_term d (Var x) = (*if x < d then "Var "^(str x) else "x"^(str (n-(x-d)-1))*)
-              "Var " ^ str x
-          | print_term d (Const c) = "c" ^ str c
-          | print_term d (App (a,b)) = "App (" ^ print_term d a ^ ", " ^ print_term d b ^ ")"
-          | print_term d (Abs c) = "Abs (" ^ print_term (d + 1) c ^ ")"
-          | print_term d (Computed c) = print_term d c
-        fun listvars n = if n = 0 then "x0" else "x"^(str n)^", "^(listvars (n-1))
-        val term = print_term 0 t
-        val term =
-            if n > 0 then "Closure (["^(listvars (n-1))^"], "^term^")"
-            else "Closure ([], "^term^")"
-    in
-        "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, "^pattern^") = Continue (false, stack, "^term^")"
-    end
-fun constants_of PVar = []
-  | constants_of (PConst (c, ps)) = c :: maps constants_of ps
-fun constants_of_term (Var _) = []
-  | constants_of_term (Abs m) = constants_of_term m
-  | constants_of_term (App (a,b)) = (constants_of_term a)@(constants_of_term b)
-  | constants_of_term (Const c) = [c]
-  | constants_of_term (Computed c) = constants_of_term c
-fun load_rules sname name prog = 
-    let
-        val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
-        fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
-        fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
-        fun writelist [] = ()
-          | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
-        fun str i = Int.toString i
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "structure "^name^" = struct",
-                "",
-                "datatype term = Dummy | App of term * term | Abs of term | Var of int | Const of int | Closure of term list * term"]
-        val constants = distinct (op =) (maps (fn (p, r) => ((constants_of p)@(constants_of_term r))) prog)
-        val _ = map (fn x => write (" | c"^(str x))) constants
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "",
-                "datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of term * stack | SAppR of term * stack | SAbs of stack",
-                "",
-                "type state = bool * stack * term",
-                "",
-                "datatype loopstate = Continue of state | Stop of stack * term",
-                "",
-                "fun proj_C (Continue s) = s",
-                "  | proj_C _ = raise Match",
-                "",
-                "fun proj_S (Stop s) = s",
-                "  | proj_S _ = raise Match",
-                "",
-                "fun cont (Continue _) = true",
-                "  | cont _ = false",
-                "",
-                "fun do_reduction reduce p =",
-                "    let",
-                "       val s = Unsynchronized.ref (Continue p)",
-                "       val _ = while cont (!s) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)))",
-                "   in",
-                "       proj_S (!s)",
-                "   end",
-                ""]
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, App (a, b))) = Continue (false, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))",
-                "  | weak_reduce (false, SAppL (b, stack), Closure (e, Abs m)) = Continue (false, stack, Closure (b::e, m))",
-                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, c as Closure (e, Abs m)) = Continue (true, stack, c)",
-                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, Var n)) = Continue (false, stack, case "^sname^".list_nth (e, n) of Dummy => Var n | r => r)",
-                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, c)) = Continue (false, stack, c)"]
-        val _ = writelist (map print_rule prog)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  | weak_reduce (false, stack, clos) = Continue (true, stack, clos)",
-                "  | weak_reduce (true, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (false, stack, App (a,b))",
-                "  | weak_reduce (true, s as (SAppL (b, stack)), a) = Continue (false, SAppR (a, stack), b)",
-                "  | weak_reduce (true, stack, c) = Stop (stack, c)",
-                "",
-                "fun strong_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, Abs m)) =",
-                "    let",
-                "        val (stack', wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, SEmpty, Closure (Dummy::e, m))",
-                "    in",
-                "        case stack' of",
-                "            SEmpty => Continue (false, SAbs stack, wnf)",
-                "          | _ => raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in strong: weak failed\")",
-                "    end",              
-                "  | strong_reduce (false, stack, clos as (App (u, v))) = Continue (false, SAppL (v, stack), u)",
-                "  | strong_reduce (false, stack, clos) = Continue (true, stack, clos)",
-                "  | strong_reduce (true, SAbs stack, m) = Continue (false, stack, Abs m)",
-                "  | strong_reduce (true, SAppL (b, stack), a) = Continue (false, SAppR (a, stack), b)",
-                "  | strong_reduce (true, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (true, stack, App (a, b))",
-                "  | strong_reduce (true, stack, clos) = Stop (stack, clos)",
-                ""]
-        val ic = "(case c of "^(implode (map (fn c => (str c)^" => c"^(str c)^" | ") constants))^" _ => Const c)"                                                       
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun importTerm ("^sname^".Var x) = Var x",
-                "  | importTerm ("^sname^".Const c) =  "^ic,
-                "  | importTerm ("^sname^".App (a, b)) = App (importTerm a, importTerm b)",
-                "  | importTerm ("^sname^".Abs m) = Abs (importTerm m)",
-                ""]
-        fun ec c = "  | exportTerm c"^(str c)^" = "^sname^".Const "^(str c)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun exportTerm (Var x) = "^sname^".Var x",
-                "  | exportTerm (Const c) = "^sname^".Const c",
-                "  | exportTerm (App (a,b)) = "^sname^".App (exportTerm a, exportTerm b)",
-                "  | exportTerm (Abs m) = "^sname^".Abs (exportTerm m)",
-                "  | exportTerm (Closure (closlist, clos)) = raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error, cannot export Closure\")",
-                "  | exportTerm Dummy = raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error, cannot export Dummy\")"]
-        val _ = writelist (map ec constants)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "",
-                "fun rewrite t = ",
-                "    let",
-                "      val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, SEmpty, Closure ([], importTerm t))",
-                "    in",
-                "      case stack of ",
-                "           SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, SEmpty, wnf) of",
-                "                          (SEmpty, snf) => exportTerm snf",
-                "                        | _ => raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in rewrite: strong failed\"))",
-                "         | _ => (raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in rewrite: weak failed\"))",
-                "    end",
-                "",
-                "val _ = "^sname^".set_compiled_rewriter rewrite",
-                "",
-                "end;"]
-    in
-        compiled_rewriter := NONE;      
-        use_text ML_Env.local_context (1, "") false (!buffer);
-        case !compiled_rewriter of 
-            NONE => raise (Compile "cannot communicate with compiled function")
-          | SOME r => (compiled_rewriter := NONE; r)
-    end 
-fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
-    let
-        val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
-        val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
-        fun check (p, r) = if check_freevars (count_patternvars p) r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
-        val _ = map (fn (p, r) => 
-                  (check (p, r); 
-                   case p of PVar => raise (Compile "pattern is just a variable") | _ => ())) eqs
-    in
-        load_rules "AM_Compiler" "AM_compiled_code" eqs
-    end 
-fun run prog t = (prog t)
-fun discard p = ()
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-structure AM_GHC : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = struct
-open AbstractMachine;
-type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table)
-fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
-  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
-      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
-fun update_arity arity code a = 
-    (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
-         NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
-       | SOME (a': int) => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
-(* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
-fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
-  | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
-fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
-  | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
-  | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
-  | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
-fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
-fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
-  | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
-  | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
-  | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
-fun rep n x = if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
-fun adjust_rules rules =
-    let
-        val arity = fold (fn (p, t) => fn arity => collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity)) rules Inttab.empty
-        fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
-        fun adjust_pattern PVar = PVar
-          | adjust_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else C
-        fun adjust_rule (PVar, t) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
-          | adjust_rule (rule as (p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
-            let
-                val _ = if not (check_freevars (count_patternvars p) t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side") else () 
-                val args = map adjust_pattern args              
-                val len = length args
-                val arity = arity_of c
-                fun lift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
-                  | lift level n (Const c) = Const c
-                  | lift level n (App (a,b)) = App (lift level n a, lift level n b)
-                  | lift level n (Abs b) = Abs (lift (level+1) n b)
-                val lift = lift 0
-                fun adjust_term n t = if n=0 then t else adjust_term (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1))) 
-            in
-                if len = arity then
-                    rule
-                else if arity >= len then  
-                    (PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) (lift (arity-len) t))
-                else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
-            end
-    in
-        (arity, map adjust_rule rules)
-    end             
-fun print_term arity_of n =
-    fun str x = string_of_int x
-    fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
-    fun print_apps d f [] = f
-      | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d ("app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
-    and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
-      | print_call d (Const c) args = 
-        (case arity_of c of 
-             NONE => print_apps d ("Const "^(str c)) args 
-           | SOME a =>
-             let
-                 val len = length args
-             in
-                 if a <= len then 
-                     let
-                         val s = "c"^(str c)^(implode (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, a))))
-                     in
-                         print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
-                     end
-                 else 
-                     let
-                         fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
-                         fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
-                         fun append_args [] t = t
-                           | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
-                     in
-                         print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
-                     end
-             end)
-      | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
-    and print_term d (Var x) = if x < d then "b"^(str (d-x-1)) else "x"^(str (n-(x-d)-1))
-      | print_term d (Abs c) = "Abs (\\b"^(str d)^" -> "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
-      | print_term d t = print_call d t []
-    print_term 0 
-fun print_rule arity_of (p, t) = 
-    let 
-        fun str x = Int.toString x                  
-        fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
-          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c))
-          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
-            let
-                val (n,s) = print_pattern_list (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)) args
-            in
-                (n, if top then s else "("^s^")")
-            end
-        and print_pattern_list r [] = r
-          | print_pattern_list (n, p) (t::ts) = 
-            let
-                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
-            in
-                print_pattern_list (n, p^" "^t) ts
-            end
-        val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
-    in
-        pattern^" = "^(print_term arity_of n t) 
-    end
-fun group_rules rules =
-    let
-        fun add_rule (r as (PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
-            let
-                val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
-            in
-                Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
-            end
-          | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
-    in
-        fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
-    end
-fun haskell_prog name rules = 
-    let
-        val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
-        fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
-        fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
-        fun writelist [] = ()
-          | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
-        fun str i = Int.toString i
-        val (arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
-        val rules = group_rules rules
-        val constants = Inttab.keys arity
-        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
-        fun rep_str s n = implode (rep n s)
-        fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
-        fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
-        fun make_show c = 
-            let
-                val args = section (the (arity_of c))
-            in
-                "  show ("^(indexed "C" c)^(implode (map (indexed " a") args))^") = "
-                ^"\""^(indexed "C" c)^"\""^(implode (map (fn a => "++(show "^(indexed "a" a)^")") args))
-            end
-        fun default_case c = 
-            let
-                val args = implode (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
-            in
-                (indexed "c" c)^args^" = "^(indexed "C" c)^args
-            end
-        val _ = writelist [        
-                "module "^name^" where",
-                "",
-                "data Term = Const Integer | App Term Term | Abs (Term -> Term)",
-                "         "^(implode (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(rep_str " Term" (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
-                "",
-                "instance Show Term where"]
-        val _ = writelist (map make_show constants)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  show (Const c) = \"c\"++(show c)",
-                "  show (App a b) = \"A\"++(show a)++(show b)",
-                "  show (Abs _) = \"L\"",
-                ""]
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "app (Abs a) b = a b",
-                "app a b = App a b",
-                "",
-                "calc s c = writeFile s (show c)",
-                ""]
-        fun list_group c = (writelist (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
-                                           NONE => [default_case c, ""] 
-                                         | SOME (rs as ((PConst (_, []), _)::rs')) => 
-                                           if not (null rs') then raise Compile "multiple declaration of constant"
-                                           else (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [""]
-                                         | SOME rs => (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [default_case c, ""]))
-        val _ = map list_group constants
-    in
-        (arity, !buffer)
-    end
-val guid_counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-fun get_guid () = 
-    let
-        val c = !guid_counter
-        val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
-    in
-        (LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
-    end
-fun tmp_file s = Path.implode (Path.expand (File.tmp_path (Path.make [s])));
-fun wrap s = "\""^s^"\""
-fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
-val ghc = Unsynchronized.ref (case getenv "GHC_PATH" of "" => "ghc" | s => s)
-fun fileExists name = ((OS.FileSys.fileSize name; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false)
-fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
-    let
-        val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
-        val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
-        val guid = get_guid ()
-        val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
-        val (arity, source) = haskell_prog module eqs
-        val module_file = tmp_file (module^".hs")
-        val object_file = tmp_file (module^".o")
-        val _ = writeTextFile module_file source
-        val _ = bash ((!ghc)^" -c "^module_file)
-        val _ = if not (fileExists object_file) then raise Compile ("Failure compiling haskell code (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')") else ()
-    in
-        (guid, module_file, arity)      
-    end
-fun readResultFile name = (Path.explode name) 
-fun parse_result arity_of result =
-    let
-        val result = String.explode result
-        fun shift NONE x = SOME x
-          | shift (SOME y) x = SOME (y*10 + x)
-        fun parse_int' x (#"0"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 0) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"1"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 1) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"2"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 2) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"3"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 3) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"4"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 4) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"5"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 5) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"6"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 6) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"7"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 7) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"8"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 8) rest
-          | parse_int' x (#"9"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 9) rest
-          | parse_int' x rest = (x, rest)
-        fun parse_int rest = parse_int' NONE rest
-        fun parse (#"C"::rest) = 
-            (case parse_int rest of 
-                 (SOME c, rest) => 
-                 let
-                     val (args, rest) = parse_list (the (arity_of c)) rest
-                     fun app_args [] t = t
-                       | app_args (x::xs) t = app_args xs (App (t, x))
-                 in
-                     (app_args args (Const c), rest)
-                 end                 
-               | (NONE, rest) => raise Run "parse C")
-          | parse (#"c"::rest) = 
-            (case parse_int rest of
-                 (SOME c, rest) => (Const c, rest)
-               | _ => raise Run "parse c")
-          | parse (#"A"::rest) = 
-            let
-                val (a, rest) = parse rest
-                val (b, rest) = parse rest
-            in
-                (App (a,b), rest)
-            end
-          | parse (#"L"::rest) = raise Run "there may be no abstraction in the result"
-          | parse _ = raise Run "invalid result"
-        and parse_list n rest = 
-            if n = 0 then 
-                ([], rest) 
-            else 
-                let 
-                    val (x, rest) = parse rest
-                    val (xs, rest) = parse_list (n-1) rest
-                in
-                    (x::xs, rest)
-                end
-        val (parsed, rest) = parse result
-        fun is_blank (#" "::rest) = is_blank rest
-          | is_blank (#"\n"::rest) = is_blank rest
-          | is_blank [] = true
-          | is_blank _ = false
-    in
-        if is_blank rest then parsed else raise Run "non-blank suffix in result file"   
-    end
-fun run (guid, module_file, arity) t = 
-    let
-        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
-        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c                   
-        val callguid = get_guid()
-        val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
-        val call = module^"_Call_"^callguid
-        val result_file = tmp_file (module^"_Result_"^callguid^".txt")
-        val call_file = tmp_file (call^".hs")
-        val term = print_term arity_of 0 t
-        val call_source = "module "^call^" where\n\nimport "^module^"\n\ncall = "^module^".calc \""^result_file^"\" ("^term^")"
-        val _ = writeTextFile call_file call_source
-        val _ = bash ((!ghc)^" -e \""^call^".call\" "^module_file^" "^call_file)
-        val result = readResultFile result_file handle IO.Io _ => raise Run ("Failure running haskell compiler (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')")
-        val t' = parse_result arity_of result
-        val _ = OS.FileSys.remove call_file
-        val _ = OS.FileSys.remove result_file
-    in
-        t'
-    end
-fun discard _ = ()
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-signature AM_BARRAS = 
-  val max_reductions : int option Unsynchronized.ref
-structure AM_Interpreter : AM_BARRAS = struct
-open AbstractMachine;
-datatype closure = CDummy | CVar of int | CConst of int
-                 | CApp of closure * closure | CAbs of closure
-                 | Closure of (closure list) * closure
-structure prog_struct = Table(type key = int*int val ord = prod_ord int_ord int_ord);
-datatype program = Program of ((pattern * closure * (closure*closure) list) list) prog_struct.table
-datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of closure * stack | SAppR of closure * stack | SAbs of stack
-fun clos_of_term (Var x) = CVar x
-  | clos_of_term (Const c) = CConst c
-  | clos_of_term (App (u, v)) = CApp (clos_of_term u, clos_of_term v)
-  | clos_of_term (Abs u) = CAbs (clos_of_term u)
-  | clos_of_term (Computed t) = clos_of_term t
-fun term_of_clos (CVar x) = Var x
-  | term_of_clos (CConst c) = Const c
-  | term_of_clos (CApp (u, v)) = App (term_of_clos u, term_of_clos v)
-  | term_of_clos (CAbs u) = Abs (term_of_clos u)
-  | term_of_clos (Closure (e, u)) = raise (Run "internal error: closure in normalized term found")
-  | term_of_clos CDummy = raise (Run "internal error: dummy in normalized term found")
-fun resolve_closure closures (CVar x) = (case List.nth (closures, x) of CDummy => CVar x | r => r)
-  | resolve_closure closures (CConst c) = CConst c
-  | resolve_closure closures (CApp (u, v)) = CApp (resolve_closure closures u, resolve_closure closures v)
-  | resolve_closure closures (CAbs u) = CAbs (resolve_closure (CDummy::closures) u)
-  | resolve_closure closures (CDummy) = raise (Run "internal error: resolve_closure applied to CDummy")
-  | resolve_closure closures (Closure (e, u)) = resolve_closure e u
-fun resolve_closure' c = resolve_closure [] c
-fun resolve_stack tm SEmpty = tm
-  | resolve_stack tm (SAppL (c, s)) = resolve_stack (CApp (tm, resolve_closure' c)) s
-  | resolve_stack tm (SAppR (c, s)) = resolve_stack (CApp (resolve_closure' c, tm)) s
-  | resolve_stack tm (SAbs s) = resolve_stack (CAbs tm) s
-fun resolve (stack, closure) = 
-    let
-        val _ = writeln "start resolving"
-        val t = resolve_stack (resolve_closure' closure) stack
-        val _ = writeln "finished resolving"
-    in
-        t
-    end
-fun strip_closure args (CApp (a,b)) = strip_closure (b::args) a
-  | strip_closure args x = (x, args)
-fun len_head_of_closure n (CApp (a,b)) = len_head_of_closure (n+1) a
-  | len_head_of_closure n x = (n, x)
-(* earlier occurrence of PVar corresponds to higher de Bruijn index *)
-fun pattern_match args PVar clos = SOME (clos::args)
-  | pattern_match args (PConst (c, patterns)) clos =
-    let
-        val (f, closargs) = strip_closure [] clos
-    in
-        case f of
-            CConst d =>
-            if c = d then
-                pattern_match_list args patterns closargs
-            else
-                NONE
-          | _ => NONE
-    end
-and pattern_match_list args [] [] = SOME args
-  | pattern_match_list args (p::ps) (c::cs) =
-    (case pattern_match args p c of
-        NONE => NONE
-      | SOME args => pattern_match_list args ps cs)
-  | pattern_match_list _ _ _ = NONE
-fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
-  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) = List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
-fun pattern_key (PConst (c, ps)) = (c, length ps)
-  | pattern_key _ = raise (Compile "pattern reduces to variable")
-(*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
-  check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
-fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
-  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
-  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
-  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
-  | check_freevars free (Computed t) = check_freevars free t
-fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs =
-    let
-        fun check p r = if check_freevars p r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
-        fun check_guard p (Guard (a,b)) = (check p a; check p b) 
-        fun clos_of_guard (Guard (a,b)) = (clos_of_term a, clos_of_term b)
-        val eqs = map (fn (guards, p, r) => let val pcount = count_patternvars p val _ = map (check_guard pcount) (guards) val _ = check pcount r in 
-                                              (pattern_key p, (p, clos_of_term r, map clos_of_guard guards)) end) eqs
-        fun merge (k, a) table = prog_struct.update (k, case prog_struct.lookup table k of NONE => [a] | SOME l => a::l) table
-        val p = fold merge eqs prog_struct.empty 
-    in
-        Program p
-    end
-type state = bool * program * stack * closure
-datatype loopstate = Continue of state | Stop of stack * closure
-fun proj_C (Continue s) = s
-  | proj_C _ = raise Match
-exception InterruptedExecution of stack * closure
-fun proj_S (Stop s) = s
-  | proj_S (Continue (_,_,s,c)) = (s,c)
-fun cont (Continue _) = true
-  | cont _ = false
-val max_reductions = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE : int option)
-fun do_reduction reduce p =
-    let
-        val s = Unsynchronized.ref (Continue p)
-        val counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-        val _ = case !max_reductions of 
-                    NONE => while cont (!s) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)))
-                  | SOME m => while cont (!s) andalso (!counter < m) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)); counter := (!counter) + 1)
-    in
-        case !max_reductions of
-            SOME m => if !counter >= m then raise InterruptedExecution (proj_S (!s)) else proj_S (!s)
-          | NONE => proj_S (!s)
-    end
-fun match_rules prog n [] clos = NONE
-  | match_rules prog n ((p,eq,guards)::rs) clos =
-    case pattern_match [] p clos of
-        NONE => match_rules prog (n+1) rs clos
-      | SOME args => if forall (guard_checks prog args) guards then SOME (Closure (args, eq)) else match_rules prog (n+1) rs clos
-and guard_checks prog args (a,b) = (simp prog (Closure (args, a)) = simp prog (Closure (args, b)))
-and match_closure (p as (Program prog)) clos =
-    case len_head_of_closure 0 clos of
-        (len, CConst c) =>
-        (case prog_struct.lookup prog (c, len) of
-            NONE => NONE
-          | SOME rules => match_rules p 0 rules clos)
-      | _ => NONE
-and weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CApp (a, b))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))
-  | weak_reduce (false, prog, SAppL (b, stack), Closure (e, CAbs m)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, Closure (b::e, m))
-  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CVar n)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, case List.nth (e, n) of CDummy => CVar n | r => r)
-  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, c as CConst _)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, c)
-  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos) =
-    (case match_closure prog clos of
-         NONE => Continue (true, prog, stack, clos)
-       | SOME r => Continue (false, prog, stack, r))
-  | weak_reduce (true, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (false, prog, stack, CApp (a,b))
-  | weak_reduce (true, prog, s as (SAppL (b, stack)), a) = Continue (false, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b)
-  | weak_reduce (true, prog, stack, c) = Stop (stack, c)
-and strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CAbs m)) =
-    (let
-         val (stack', wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure (CDummy::e, m))
-     in
-         case stack' of
-             SEmpty => Continue (false, prog, SAbs stack, wnf)
-           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in strong: weak failed")
-     end handle InterruptedExecution state => raise InterruptedExecution (stack, resolve state))
-  | strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos as (CApp (u, v))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (v, stack), u)
-  | strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos) = Continue (true, prog, stack, clos)
-  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAbs stack, m) = Continue (false, prog, stack, CAbs m)
-  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAppL (b, stack), a) = Continue (false, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b)
-  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (true, prog, stack, CApp (a, b))
-  | strong_reduce (true, prog, stack, clos) = Stop (stack, clos)
-and simp prog t =
-    (let
-         val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, t)
-     in
-         case stack of
-             SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, wnf) of
-                            (SEmpty, snf) => snf
-                          | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: strong failed"))
-           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: weak failed")
-     end handle InterruptedExecution state => resolve state)
-fun run prog t =
-    (let
-         val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure ([], clos_of_term t))
-     in
-         case stack of
-             SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, wnf) of
-                            (SEmpty, snf) => term_of_clos snf
-                          | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: strong failed"))
-           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: weak failed")
-     end handle InterruptedExecution state => term_of_clos (resolve state))
-fun discard p = ()
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-TODO: "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern": In a lot of
-cases it CAN be used, and these cases should be handled
-properly; right now, all cases raise an exception. 
-signature AM_SML = 
-  val save_result : (string * term) -> unit
-  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit                                   
-  val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
-  val dump_output : (string option) Unsynchronized.ref 
-structure AM_SML : AM_SML = struct
-open AbstractMachine;
-val dump_output = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE: string option)
-type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table) * (int Inttab.table) * (term Inttab.table) * (term -> term)
-val saved_result = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(string*term)option)
-fun save_result r = (saved_result := SOME r)
-fun clear_result () = (saved_result := NONE)
-val list_nth = List.nth
-(*fun list_nth (l,n) = (writeln (makestring ("list_nth", (length l,n))); List.nth (l,n))*)
-val compiled_rewriter = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(term -> term)Option.option)
-fun set_compiled_rewriter r = (compiled_rewriter := SOME r)
-fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
-  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
-      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
-fun update_arity arity code a = 
-    (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
-         NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
-       | SOME (a': int) => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
-(* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
-fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
-  | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
-(* We also need to find out the maximal toplevel arity of each function constant *)
-fun collect_pattern_toplevel_arity PVar arity = raise Compile "internal error: collect_pattern_toplevel_arity"
-  | collect_pattern_toplevel_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = update_arity arity c (length args)
-fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
-  | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
-  | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
-  | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
-fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
-fun collect_guard_arity (Guard (a,b)) arity  = collect_term_arity b (collect_term_arity a arity)
-fun rep n x = if n < 0 then raise Compile "internal error: rep" else if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
-fun beta (Const c) = Const c
-  | beta (Var i) = Var i
-  | beta (App (Abs m, b)) = beta (unlift 0 (subst 0 m (lift 0 b)))
-  | beta (App (a, b)) = 
-    (case beta a of
-         Abs m => beta (App (Abs m, b))
-       | a => App (a, beta b))
-  | beta (Abs m) = Abs (beta m)
-  | beta (Computed t) = Computed t
-and subst x (Const c) t = Const c
-  | subst x (Var i) t = if i = x then t else Var i
-  | subst x (App (a,b)) t = App (subst x a t, subst x b t)
-  | subst x (Abs m) t = Abs (subst (x+1) m (lift 0 t))
-and lift level (Const c) = Const c
-  | lift level (App (a,b)) = App (lift level a, lift level b)
-  | lift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i+1)
-  | lift level (Abs m) = Abs (lift (level + 1) m)
-and unlift level (Const c) = Const c
-  | unlift level (App (a, b)) = App (unlift level a, unlift level b)
-  | unlift level (Abs m) = Abs (unlift (level+1) m)
-  | unlift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i-1)
-fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
-  | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
-  | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
-  | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
-fun subst_const (c, t) (Const c') = if c = c' then t else Const c'
-  | subst_const _ (Var i) = Var i
-  | subst_const ct (App (a, b)) = App (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)
-  | subst_const ct (Abs m) = Abs (subst_const ct m)
-(* Remove all rules that are just parameterless rewrites. This is necessary because SML does not allow functions with no parameters. *)
-fun inline_rules rules =
-    let
-        fun term_contains_const c (App (a, b)) = term_contains_const c a orelse term_contains_const c b
-          | term_contains_const c (Abs m) = term_contains_const c m
-          | term_contains_const c (Var i) = false
-          | term_contains_const c (Const c') = (c = c')
-        fun find_rewrite [] = NONE
-          | find_rewrite ((prems, PConst (c, []), r) :: _) = 
-            if check_freevars 0 r then 
-                if term_contains_const c r then 
-                    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite is caught in cycle"
-                else if not (null prems) then
-                    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite may not be guarded"
-                else
-                    SOME (c, r) 
-            else raise Compile "unbound variable on right hand side or guards of rule"
-          | find_rewrite (_ :: rules) = find_rewrite rules
-        fun remove_rewrite (c,r) [] = []
-          | remove_rewrite (cr as (c,r)) ((rule as (prems', PConst (c', args), r'))::rules) = 
-            (if c = c' then 
-                 if null args andalso r = r' andalso null (prems') then 
-                     remove_rewrite cr rules 
-                 else raise Compile "incompatible parameterless rewrites found"
-             else
-                 rule :: (remove_rewrite cr rules))
-          | remove_rewrite cr (r::rs) = r::(remove_rewrite cr rs)
-        fun pattern_contains_const c (PConst (c', args)) = (c = c' orelse exists (pattern_contains_const c) args)
-          | pattern_contains_const c (PVar) = false
-        fun inline_rewrite (ct as (c, _)) (prems, p, r) = 
-            if pattern_contains_const c p then 
-                raise Compile "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern"
-            else (map (fn (Guard (a,b)) => Guard (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)) prems, p, subst_const ct r)
-        fun inline inlined rules =
-            (case find_rewrite rules of 
-                 NONE => (Inttab.make inlined, rules)
-               | SOME ct => 
-                 let
-                     val rules = map (inline_rewrite ct) (remove_rewrite ct rules)
-                     val inlined =  ct :: (map (fn (c', r) => (c', subst_const ct r)) inlined)
-                 in
-                     inline inlined rules
-                 end)           
-    in
-        inline [] rules         
-    end
-   Calculate the arity, the toplevel_arity, and adjust rules so that all toplevel pattern constants have maximal arity.
-   Also beta reduce the adjusted right hand side of a rule.   
-fun adjust_rules rules = 
-    let
-        val arity = fold (fn (prems, p, t) => fn arity => fold collect_guard_arity prems (collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity))) rules Inttab.empty
-        val toplevel_arity = fold (fn (_, p, t) => fn arity => collect_pattern_toplevel_arity p arity) rules Inttab.empty
-        fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
-        fun toplevel_arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c)
-        fun test_pattern PVar = ()
-          | test_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else (map test_pattern args; ())
-        fun adjust_rule (_, PVar, _) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
-          | adjust_rule (_, PConst (_, []), _) = raise Compile ("cannot deal with rewrites that take no parameters")
-          | adjust_rule (rule as (prems, p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
-            let
-                val patternvars_counted = count_patternvars p
-                fun check_fv t = check_freevars patternvars_counted t
-                val _ = if not (check_fv t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side of rule") else () 
-                val _ = if not (forall (fn (Guard (a,b)) => check_fv a andalso check_fv b) prems) then raise Compile ("unbound variables in guards") else () 
-                val _ = map test_pattern args           
-                val len = length args
-                val arity = arity_of c
-                val lift = nlift 0
-                fun addapps_tm n t = if n=0 then t else addapps_tm (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
-                fun adjust_term n t = addapps_tm n (lift n t)
-                fun adjust_guard n (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (lift n a, lift n b)
-            in
-                if len = arity then
-                    rule
-                else if arity >= len then  
-                    (map (adjust_guard (arity-len)) prems, PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) t)
-                else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
-            end
-        fun beta_rule (prems, p, t) = ((prems, p, beta t) handle Match => raise Compile "beta_rule")
-    in
-        (arity, toplevel_arity, map (beta_rule o adjust_rule) rules)
-    end             
-fun print_term module arity_of toplevel_arity_of pattern_var_count pattern_lazy_var_count =
-    fun str x = string_of_int x
-    fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
-    val module_prefix = (case module of NONE => "" | SOME s => s^".")                                                                                     
-    fun print_apps d f [] = f
-      | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d (module_prefix^"app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
-    and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
-      | print_call d (Const c) args = 
-        (case arity_of c of 
-             NONE => print_apps d (module_prefix^"Const "^(str c)) args 
-           | SOME 0 => module_prefix^"C"^(str c)
-           | SOME a =>
-             let
-                 val len = length args
-             in
-                 if a <= len then 
-                     let
-                         val strict_a = (case toplevel_arity_of c of SOME sa => sa | NONE => a)
-                         val _ = if strict_a > a then raise Compile "strict" else ()
-                         val s = module_prefix^"c"^(str c)^(implode (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, strict_a))))
-                         val s = s^(implode (map (fn t => " (fn () => "^print_term d t^")") (List.drop (List.take (args, a), strict_a))))
-                     in
-                         print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
-                     end
-                 else 
-                     let
-                         fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n - 1)))
-                         fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
-                         fun append_args [] t = t
-                           | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
-                     in
-                         print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
-                     end
-             end)
-      | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
-    and print_term d (Var x) = 
-        if x < d then 
-            "b"^(str (d-x-1)) 
-        else 
-            let
-                val n = pattern_var_count - (x-d) - 1
-                val x = "x"^(str n)
-            in
-                if n < pattern_var_count - pattern_lazy_var_count then 
-                    x
-                else 
-                    "("^x^" ())"
-            end                                                         
-      | print_term d (Abs c) = module_prefix^"Abs (fn b"^(str d)^" => "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
-      | print_term d t = print_call d t []
-    print_term 0 
-fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
-fun print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of (guards, p, t) = 
-    let 
-        fun str x = Int.toString x                  
-        fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
-          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else ""))
-          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
-            let
-                val f = (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")
-                val (n, s) = print_pattern_list 0 top (n, f) args
-            in
-                (n, s)
-            end
-        and print_pattern_list' counter top (n,p) [] = if top then (n,p) else (n,p^")")
-          | print_pattern_list' counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
-            let
-                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
-            in
-                print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^", "^t) ts
-            end 
-        and print_pattern_list counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
-            let
-                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
-            in
-                print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^" ("^t) ts
-            end
-        val c = (case p of PConst (c, _) => c | _ => raise Match)
-        val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
-        val lazy_vars = the (arity_of c) - the (toplevel_arity_of c)
-        fun print_tm tm = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of n lazy_vars tm
-        fun print_guard (Guard (a,b)) = "term_eq ("^(print_tm a)^") ("^(print_tm b)^")"
-        val else_branch = "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str (gnum+1))^(implode (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))
-        fun print_guards t [] = print_tm t
-          | print_guards t (g::gs) = "if ("^(print_guard g)^")"^(implode (map (fn g => " andalso ("^(print_guard g)^")") gs))^" then ("^(print_tm t)^") else "^else_branch
-    in
-        (if null guards then gnum else gnum+1, pattern^" = "^(print_guards t guards))
-    end
-fun group_rules rules =
-    let
-        fun add_rule (r as (_, PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
-            let
-                val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
-            in
-                Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
-            end
-          | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
-    in
-        fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
-    end
-fun sml_prog name code rules = 
-    let
-        val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
-        fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
-        fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
-        fun writelist [] = ()
-          | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
-        fun str i = Int.toString i
-        val (inlinetab, rules) = inline_rules rules
-        val (arity, toplevel_arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
-        val rules = group_rules rules
-        val constants = Inttab.keys arity
-        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
-        fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
-        fun rep_str s n = implode (rep n s)
-        fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
-        fun string_of_tuple [] = ""
-          | string_of_tuple (x::xs) = "("^x^(implode (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
-        fun string_of_args [] = ""
-          | string_of_args (x::xs) = x^(implode (map (fn s => " "^s) xs))
-        fun default_case gnum c = 
-            let
-                val leftargs = implode (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
-                val rightargs = section (the (arity_of c))
-                val strict_args = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => the (arity_of c) | SOME sa => sa)
-                val xs = map (fn n => if n < strict_args then "x"^(str n) else "x"^(str n)^"()") rightargs
-                val right = (indexed "C" c)^" "^(string_of_tuple xs)
-                val message = "(\"unresolved lazy call: " ^ string_of_int c ^ "\")"
-                val right = if strict_args < the (arity_of c) then "raise AM_SML.Run "^message else right               
-            in
-                (indexed "c" c)^(if gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")^leftargs^" = "^right
-            end
-        fun eval_rules c = 
-            let
-                val arity = the (arity_of c)
-                val strict_arity = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => arity | SOME sa => sa)
-                fun eval_rule n = 
-                    let
-                        val sc = string_of_int c
-                        val left = fold (fn i => fn s => "AbstractMachine.App ("^s^(indexed ", x" i)^")") (section n) ("AbstractMachine.Const "^sc)
-                        fun arg i = 
-                            let
-                                val x = indexed "x" i
-                                val x = if i < n then "(eval bounds "^x^")" else x
-                                val x = if i < strict_arity then x else "(fn () => "^x^")"
-                            in
-                                x
-                            end
-                        val right = "c"^sc^" "^(string_of_args (map arg (section arity)))
-                        val right = fold_rev (fn i => fn s => "Abs (fn "^(indexed "x" i)^" => "^s^")") (List.drop (section arity, n)) right             
-                        val right = if arity > 0 then right else "C"^sc
-                    in
-                        "  | eval bounds ("^left^") = "^right
-                    end
-            in
-                map eval_rule (rev (section (arity + 1)))
-            end
-        fun convert_computed_rules (c: int) : string list = 
-            let
-                val arity = the (arity_of c)
-                fun eval_rule () = 
-                    let
-                        val sc = string_of_int c
-                        val left = fold (fn i => fn s => "AbstractMachine.App ("^s^(indexed ", x" i)^")") (section arity) ("AbstractMachine.Const "^sc)
-                        fun arg i = "(convert_computed "^(indexed "x" i)^")" 
-                        val right = "C"^sc^" "^(string_of_tuple (map arg (section arity)))              
-                        val right = if arity > 0 then right else "C"^sc
-                    in
-                        "  | convert_computed ("^left^") = "^right
-                    end
-            in
-                [eval_rule ()]
-            end
-        fun mk_constr_type_args n = if n > 0 then " of Term "^(rep_str " * Term" (n-1)) else ""
-        val _ = writelist [                   
-                "structure "^name^" = struct",
-                "",
-                "datatype Term = Const of int | App of Term * Term | Abs of (Term -> Term)",
-                "         "^(implode (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(mk_constr_type_args (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
-                ""]
-        fun make_constr c argprefix = "(C"^(str c)^" "^(string_of_tuple (map (fn i => argprefix^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))^")"
-        fun make_term_eq c = "  | term_eq "^(make_constr c "a")^" "^(make_constr c "b")^" = "^
-                             (case the (arity_of c) of 
-                                  0 => "true"
-                                | n => 
-                                  let 
-                                      val eqs = map (fn i => "term_eq a"^(str i)^" b"^(str i)) (section n)
-                                      val (eq, eqs) = (List.hd eqs, map (fn s => " andalso "^s) ( eqs))
-                                  in
-                                      eq^(implode eqs)
-                                  end)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun term_eq (Const c1) (Const c2) = (c1 = c2)",
-                "  | term_eq (App (a1,a2)) (App (b1,b2)) = term_eq a1 b1 andalso term_eq a2 b2"]
-        val _ = writelist (map make_term_eq constants)          
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  | term_eq _ _ = false",
-                "" 
-                ] 
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun app (Abs a) b = a b",
-                "  | app a b = App (a, b)",
-                ""]     
-        fun defcase gnum c = (case arity_of c of NONE => [] | SOME a => if a > 0 then [default_case gnum c] else [])
-        fun writefundecl [] = () 
-          | writefundecl (x::xs) = writelist ((("and "^x)::(map (fn s => "  | "^s) xs)))
-        fun list_group c = (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
-                                NONE => [defcase 0 c]
-                              | SOME rs => 
-                                let
-                                    val rs = 
-                                        fold
-                                            (fn r => 
-                                             fn rs =>
-                                                let 
-                                                    val (gnum, l, rs) = 
-                                                        (case rs of 
-                                                             [] => (0, [], []) 
-                                                           | (gnum, l)::rs => (gnum, l, rs))
-                                                    val (gnum', r) = print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of r 
-                                                in 
-                                                    if gnum' = gnum then 
-                                                        (gnum, r::l)::rs
-                                                    else
-                                                        let
-                                                            val args = implode (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c))))
-                                                            fun gnumc g = if g > 0 then "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str g)^args else "c"^(str c)^args
-                                                            val s = gnumc (gnum) ^ " = " ^ gnumc (gnum') 
-                                                        in
-                                                            (gnum', [])::(gnum, s::r::l)::rs
-                                                        end
-                                                end)
-                                        rs []
-                                    val rs = (case rs of [] => [(0,defcase 0 c)] | (gnum,l)::rs => (gnum, (defcase gnum c)@l)::rs)
-                                in
-                                    rev (map (fn z => rev (snd z)) rs)
-                                end)
-        val _ = map (fn z => (map writefundecl z; writeln "")) (map list_group constants)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun convert (Const i) = AM_SML.Const i",
-                "  | convert (App (a, b)) = AM_SML.App (convert a, convert b)",
-                "  | convert (Abs _) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no abstraction in result allowed\""]  
-        fun make_convert c = 
-            let
-                val args = map (indexed "a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
-                val leftargs = 
-                    case args of
-                        [] => ""
-                      | (x::xs) => "("^x^(implode (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
-                val args = map (indexed "convert a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
-                val right = fold (fn x => fn s => "AM_SML.App ("^s^", "^x^")") args ("AM_SML.Const "^(str c))
-            in
-                "  | convert (C"^(str c)^" "^leftargs^") = "^right
-            end                 
-        val _ = writelist (map make_convert constants)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "",
-                "fun convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Abs b) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no abstraction in convert_computed allowed\"",
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Var i) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no bound variables in convert_computed allowed\""]
-        val _ = map (writelist o convert_computed_rules) constants
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Const c) = Const c",
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = App (convert_computed a, convert_computed b)",
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Computed a) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no nesting in convert_computed allowed\""] 
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "",
-                "fun eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = Abs (fn b => eval (b::bounds) m)",
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Var i) = AM_SML.list_nth (bounds, i)"]
-        val _ = map (writelist o eval_rules) constants
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = app (eval bounds a) (eval bounds b)",
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Const c) = Const c",
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Computed t) = convert_computed t"]                
-        val _ = writelist [             
-                "",
-                "fun export term = AM_SML.save_result (\""^code^"\", convert term)",
-                "",
-                "val _ = AM_SML.set_compiled_rewriter (fn t => (convert (eval [] t)))",
-                "",
-                "end"]
-    in
-        (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, !buffer)
-    end
-val guid_counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-fun get_guid () = 
-    let
-        val c = !guid_counter
-        val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
-    in
-        (LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
-    end
-fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
-fun use_source src = use_text ML_Env.local_context (1, "") false src
-fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
-    let
-        val guid = get_guid ()
-        val code = Real.toString (random ())
-        val module = "AMSML_"^guid
-        val (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, source) = sml_prog module code eqs
-        val _ = case !dump_output of NONE => () | SOME p => writeTextFile p source
-        val _ = compiled_rewriter := NONE
-        val _ = use_source source
-    in
-        case !compiled_rewriter of 
-            NONE => raise Compile "broken link to compiled function"
-          | SOME f => (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, f)
-    end
-fun run' (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
-    let 
-        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
-        fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
-          | inline (Var i) = Var i
-          | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
-          | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
-        val t = beta (inline t)
-        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c                   
-        fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
-        val term = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of 0 0 t 
-        val source = "local open "^module^" in val _ = export ("^term^") end"
-        val _ = writeTextFile "Gencode_call.ML" source
-        val _ = clear_result ()
-        val _ = use_source source
-    in
-        case !saved_result of 
-            NONE => raise Run "broken link to compiled code"
-          | SOME (code', t) => (clear_result (); if code' = code then t else raise Run "link to compiled code was hijacked")
-    end         
-fun run (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
-    let 
-        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
-        fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
-          | inline (Var i) = Var i
-          | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
-          | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
-          | inline (Computed t) = Computed t
-    in
-        compiled_fun (beta (inline t))
-    end 
-fun discard p = ()
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-signature COMPUTE = sig
-    type computer
-    type theorem
-    type naming = int -> string
-    datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML
-    (* Functions designated with a ! in front of them actually update the computer parameter *)
-    exception Make of string
-    val make : machine -> theory -> thm list -> computer
-    val make_with_cache : machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> computer
-    val theory_of : computer -> theory
-    val hyps_of : computer -> term list
-    val shyps_of : computer -> sort list
-    (* ! *) val update : computer -> thm list -> unit
-    (* ! *) val update_with_cache : computer -> term list -> thm list -> unit
-    (* ! *) val discard : computer -> unit
-    (* ! *) val set_naming : computer -> naming -> unit
-    val naming_of : computer -> naming
-    exception Compute of string    
-    val simplify : computer -> theorem -> thm 
-    val rewrite : computer -> cterm -> thm 
-    val make_theorem : computer -> thm -> string list -> theorem
-    (* ! *) val instantiate : computer -> (string * cterm) list -> theorem -> theorem
-    (* ! *) val evaluate_prem : computer -> int -> theorem -> theorem
-    (* ! *) val modus_ponens : computer -> int -> thm -> theorem -> theorem
-structure Compute :> COMPUTE = struct
-open Report;
-datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML      
-(* Terms are mapped to integer codes *)
-structure Encode :> 
-    type encoding
-    val empty : encoding
-    val insert : term -> encoding -> int * encoding
-    val lookup_code : term -> encoding -> int option
-    val lookup_term : int -> encoding -> term option                                    
-    val remove_code : int -> encoding -> encoding
-    val remove_term : term -> encoding -> encoding
-    val fold : ((term * int) -> 'a -> 'a) -> encoding -> 'a -> 'a                                                      
-type encoding = int * (int Termtab.table) * (term Inttab.table)
-val empty = (0, Termtab.empty, Inttab.empty)
-fun insert t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
-    (case Termtab.lookup term2int t of
-         NONE => (count, (count+1, Termtab.update_new (t, count) term2int, Inttab.update_new (count, t) int2term))
-       | SOME code => (code, e))
-fun lookup_code t (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.lookup term2int t
-fun lookup_term c (_, _, int2term) = Inttab.lookup int2term c
-fun remove_code c (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
-    (case lookup_term c e of NONE => e | SOME t => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
-fun remove_term t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
-    (case lookup_code t e of NONE => e | SOME c => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
-fun fold f (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.fold f term2int
-exception Make of string;
-exception Compute of string;
-    fun make_constant t ty encoding = 
-        let 
-            val (code, encoding) = Encode.insert t encoding 
-        in 
-            (encoding, AbstractMachine.Const code)
-        end
-fun remove_types encoding t =
-    case t of 
-        Var (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
-      | Free (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
-      | Const (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
-      | Abs (_, ty, t') => 
-        let val (encoding, t'') = remove_types encoding t' in
-            (encoding, AbstractMachine.Abs t'')
-        end
-      | a $ b => 
-        let
-            val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding a
-            val (encoding, b) = remove_types encoding b
-        in
-            (encoding, AbstractMachine.App (a,b))
-        end
-      | Bound b => (encoding, AbstractMachine.Var b)
-    fun type_of (Free (_, ty)) = ty
-      | type_of (Const (_, ty)) = ty
-      | type_of (Var (_, ty)) = ty
-      | type_of _ = sys_error "infer_types: type_of error"
-fun infer_types naming encoding =
-    let
-        fun infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Var v) = (Bound v, List.nth (bounds, v))
-          | infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Const code) = 
-            let
-                val c = the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding)
-            in
-                (c, type_of c)
-            end
-          | infer_types level bounds _ (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = 
-            let
-                val (a, aty) = infer_types level bounds NONE a
-                val (adom, arange) =
-                    case aty of
-                        Type ("fun", [dom, range]) => (dom, range)
-                      | _ => sys_error "infer_types: function type expected"
-                val (b, bty) = infer_types level bounds (SOME adom) b
-            in
-                (a $ b, arange)
-            end
-          | infer_types level bounds (SOME (ty as Type ("fun", [dom, range]))) (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
-            let
-                val (m, _) = infer_types (level+1) (dom::bounds) (SOME range) m
-            in
-                (Abs (naming level, dom, m), ty)
-            end
-          | infer_types _ _ NONE (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = sys_error "infer_types: cannot infer type of abstraction"
-        fun infer ty term =
-            let
-                val (term', _) = infer_types 0 [] (SOME ty) term
-            in
-                term'
-            end
-    in
-        infer
-    end
-datatype prog = 
-         ProgBarras of AM_Interpreter.program 
-       | ProgBarrasC of AM_Compiler.program
-       | ProgHaskell of AM_GHC.program
-       | ProgSML of AM_SML.program
-fun machine_of_prog (ProgBarras _) = BARRAS
-  | machine_of_prog (ProgBarrasC _) = BARRAS_COMPILED
-  | machine_of_prog (ProgHaskell _) = HASKELL
-  | machine_of_prog (ProgSML _) = SML
-type naming = int -> string
-fun default_naming i = "v_" ^ Int.toString i
-datatype computer = Computer of
-  (theory_ref * Encode.encoding * term list * unit Sorttab.table * prog * unit Unsynchronized.ref * naming)
-    option Unsynchronized.ref
-fun theory_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (rthy,_,_,_,_,_,_)))) = Theory.deref rthy
-fun hyps_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,hyps,_,_,_,_)))) = hyps
-fun shyps_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,shyptable,_,_,_)))) = Sorttab.keys (shyptable)
-fun shyptab_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,shyptable,_,_,_)))) = shyptable
-fun stamp_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,_,stamp,_)))) = stamp
-fun prog_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,prog,_,_)))) = prog
-fun encoding_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,encoding,_,_,_,_,_)))) = encoding
-fun set_encoding (Computer (r as Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (p1,encoding,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)))) encoding' = 
-    (r := SOME (p1,encoding',p2,p3,p4,p5,p6))
-fun naming_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,_,_,n)))) = n
-fun set_naming (Computer (r as Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,naming)))) naming'= 
-    (r := SOME (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,naming'))
-fun ref_of (Computer r) = r
-datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
-fun thm2cthm th = 
-    let
-        val {hyps, prop, tpairs, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
-        val _ = if not (null tpairs) then raise Make "theorems may not contain tpairs" else ()
-    in
-        ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
-    end
-fun make_internal machine thy stamp encoding cache_pattern_terms raw_ths =
-    let
-        fun transfer (x:thm) = Thm.transfer thy x
-        val ths = map (thm2cthm o Thm.strip_shyps o transfer) raw_ths
-        fun make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Abs _) =
-            raise (Make "no lambda abstractions allowed in pattern")
-          | make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) =
-            raise (Make "no bound variables allowed in pattern")
-          | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.Const code) =
-            (case the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding) of
-                 Var _ => ((n+1, Inttab.update_new (code, n) vars, AbstractMachine.PVar)
-                           handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise (Make "no duplicate variable in pattern allowed"))
-               | _ => (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (code, [])))
-          | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-            let
-                val (n, vars, pa) = make_pattern encoding n vars a
-                val (n, vars, pb) = make_pattern encoding n vars b
-            in
-                case pa of
-                    AbstractMachine.PVar =>
-                    raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
-                  | AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args) =>
-                    (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args@[pb]))
-            end
-        fun thm2rule (encoding, hyptable, shyptable) th =
-            let
-                val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = th
-                val hyptable = fold (fn h => Termtab.update (h, ())) hyps hyptable
-                val shyptable = fold (fn sh => Sorttab.update (sh, ())) shyps shyptable
-                val (prems, prop) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems prop, Logic.strip_imp_concl prop)
-                val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals prop
-                  handle TERM _ => raise (Make "theorems must be meta-level equations (with optional guards)")
-                val a = Envir.eta_contract a
-                val b = Envir.eta_contract b
-                val prems = map Envir.eta_contract prems
-                val (encoding, left) = remove_types encoding a     
-                val (encoding, right) = remove_types encoding b  
-                fun remove_types_of_guard encoding g = 
-                    (let
-                         val (t1, t2) = Logic.dest_equals g 
-                         val (encoding, t1) = remove_types encoding t1
-                         val (encoding, t2) = remove_types encoding t2
-                     in
-                         (encoding, AbstractMachine.Guard (t1, t2))
-                     end handle TERM _ => raise (Make "guards must be meta-level equations"))
-                val (encoding, prems) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (encoding, ps) => let val (e, p) = remove_types_of_guard encoding p in (e, p::ps) end) prems (encoding, [])
-                (* Principally, a check should be made here to see if the (meta-) hyps contain any of the variables of the rule.
-                   As it is, all variables of the rule are schematic, and there are no schematic variables in meta-hyps, therefore
-                   this check can be left out. *)
-                val (vcount, vars, pattern) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty left
-                val _ = (case pattern of
-                             AbstractMachine.PVar =>
-                             raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
-                         (*  | AbstractMachine.PConst (_, []) => 
-                             (print th; raise (Make "no parameter rewrite found"))*)
-                           | _ => ())
-                (* finally, provide a function for renaming the
-                   pattern bound variables on the right hand side *)
-                fun rename level vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) = var
-                  | rename level vars (c as AbstractMachine.Const code) =
-                    (case Inttab.lookup vars code of 
-                         NONE => c 
-                       | SOME n => AbstractMachine.Var (vcount-n-1+level))
-                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-                    AbstractMachine.App (rename level vars a, rename level vars b)
-                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
-                    AbstractMachine.Abs (rename (level+1) vars m)
-                fun rename_guard (AbstractMachine.Guard (a,b)) = 
-                    AbstractMachine.Guard (rename 0 vars a, rename 0 vars b)
-            in
-                ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), (map rename_guard prems, pattern, rename 0 vars right))
-            end
-        val ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), rules) =
-          fold_rev (fn th => fn (encoding_hyptable, rules) =>
-            let
-              val (encoding_hyptable, rule) = thm2rule encoding_hyptable th
-            in (encoding_hyptable, rule::rules) end)
-          ths ((encoding, Termtab.empty, Sorttab.empty), [])
-        fun make_cache_pattern t (encoding, cache_patterns) =
-            let
-                val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding t
-                val (_,_,p) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty a
-            in
-                (encoding, p::cache_patterns)
-            end
-        val (encoding, cache_patterns) = fold_rev make_cache_pattern cache_pattern_terms (encoding, [])
-        fun arity (Type ("fun", [a,b])) = 1 + arity b
-          | arity _ = 0
-        fun make_arity (Const (s, _), i) tab = 
-            (Inttab.update (i, arity (Sign.the_const_type thy s)) tab handle TYPE _ => tab)
-          | make_arity _ tab = tab
-        val const_arity_tab = Encode.fold make_arity encoding Inttab.empty
-        fun const_arity x = Inttab.lookup const_arity_tab x 
-        val prog = 
-            case machine of 
-                BARRAS => ProgBarras (AM_Interpreter.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-              | BARRAS_COMPILED => ProgBarrasC (AM_Compiler.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-              | HASKELL => ProgHaskell (AM_GHC.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-              | SML => ProgSML (AM_SML.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-        fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
-        val shyptable = fold Sorttab.delete (filter has_witness (Sorttab.keys (shyptable))) shyptable
-    in (Theory.check_thy thy, encoding, Termtab.keys hyptable, shyptable, prog, stamp, default_naming) end
-fun make_with_cache machine thy cache_patterns raw_thms =
-  Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (make_internal machine thy (Unsynchronized.ref ()) Encode.empty cache_patterns raw_thms)))
-fun make machine thy raw_thms = make_with_cache machine thy [] raw_thms
-fun update_with_cache computer cache_patterns raw_thms =
-    let 
-        val c = make_internal (machine_of_prog (prog_of computer)) (theory_of computer) (stamp_of computer) 
-                              (encoding_of computer) cache_patterns raw_thms
-        val _ = (ref_of computer) := SOME c     
-    in
-        ()
-    end
-fun update computer raw_thms = update_with_cache computer [] raw_thms
-fun discard computer =
-    let
-        val _ = 
-            case prog_of computer of
-                ProgBarras p => AM_Interpreter.discard p
-              | ProgBarrasC p => AM_Compiler.discard p
-              | ProgHaskell p => AM_GHC.discard p
-              | ProgSML p => AM_SML.discard p
-        val _ = (ref_of computer) := NONE
-    in
-        ()
-    end 
-fun runprog (ProgBarras p) = p
-  | runprog (ProgBarrasC p) = p
-  | runprog (ProgHaskell p) = p
-  | runprog (ProgSML p) = p    
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* An oracle for exporting theorems; must only be accessible from inside this structure! *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun merge_hyps hyps1 hyps2 = 
-    fun add hyps tab = fold (fn h => fn tab => Termtab.update (h, ()) tab) hyps tab
-    Termtab.keys (add hyps2 (add hyps1 Termtab.empty))
-fun add_shyps shyps tab = fold (fn h => fn tab => Sorttab.update (h, ()) tab) shyps tab
-fun merge_shyps shyps1 shyps2 = Sorttab.keys (add_shyps shyps2 (add_shyps shyps1 Sorttab.empty))
-val (_, export_oracle) = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result
-  (Thm.add_oracle ( "compute", fn (thy, hyps, shyps, prop) =>
-    let
-        val shyptab = add_shyps shyps Sorttab.empty
-        fun delete s shyptab = Sorttab.delete s shyptab handle Sorttab.UNDEF _ => shyptab
-        fun delete_term t shyptab = fold delete (Sorts.insert_term t []) shyptab
-        fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
-        val shyptab = fold Sorttab.delete (filter has_witness (Sorttab.keys (shyptab))) shyptab
-        val shyps = if Sorttab.is_empty shyptab then [] else Sorttab.keys (fold delete_term (prop::hyps) shyptab)
-        val _ =
-          if not (null shyps) then
-            raise Compute ("dangling sort hypotheses: " ^
-              commas (map (Syntax.string_of_sort_global thy) shyps))
-          else ()
-    in
-        Thm.cterm_of thy (fold_rev (fn hyp => fn p => Logic.mk_implies (hyp, p)) hyps prop)
-    end)));
-fun export_thm thy hyps shyps prop =
-    let
-        val th = export_oracle (thy, hyps, shyps, prop)
-        val hyps = map (fn h => Thm.assume (cterm_of thy h)) hyps
-    in
-        fold (fn h => fn p => Thm.implies_elim p h) hyps th 
-    end
-(* --------- Rewrite ----------- *)
-fun rewrite computer ct =
-    let
-        val thy = Thm.theory_of_cterm ct
-        val {t=t',T=ty,...} = rep_cterm ct
-        val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of computer) thy
-        val naming = naming_of computer
-        val (encoding, t) = remove_types (encoding_of computer) t'
-        (*val _ = if (!print_encoding) then writeln (makestring ("encoding: ",Encode.fold (fn x => fn s => x::s) encoding [])) else ()*)
-        val t = runprog (prog_of computer) t
-        val t = infer_types naming encoding ty t
-        val eq = Logic.mk_equals (t', t)
-    in
-        export_thm thy (hyps_of computer) (Sorttab.keys (shyptab_of computer)) eq
-    end
-(* --------- Simplify ------------ *)
-datatype prem = EqPrem of AbstractMachine.term * AbstractMachine.term * Term.typ * int 
-              | Prem of AbstractMachine.term
-datatype theorem = Theorem of theory_ref * unit Unsynchronized.ref * (int * typ) Symtab.table * (AbstractMachine.term option) Inttab.table  
-               * prem list * AbstractMachine.term * term list * sort list
-exception ParamSimplify of computer * theorem
-fun make_theorem computer th vars =
-    val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of computer) (theory_of_thm th)
-    val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = thm2cthm th 
-    val encoding = encoding_of computer
-    (* variables in the theorem are identified upfront *)
-    fun collect_vars (Abs (_, _, t)) tab = collect_vars t tab
-      | collect_vars (a $ b) tab = collect_vars b (collect_vars a tab)
-      | collect_vars (Const _) tab = tab
-      | collect_vars (Free _) tab = tab
-      | collect_vars (Var ((s, i), ty)) tab = 
-            if List.find (fn x => x=s) vars = NONE then 
-                tab
-            else                
-                (case Symtab.lookup tab s of
-                     SOME ((s',i'),ty') => 
-                     if s' <> s orelse i' <> i orelse ty <> ty' then 
-                         raise Compute ("make_theorem: variable name '"^s^"' is not unique")
-                     else 
-                         tab
-                   | NONE => Symtab.update (s, ((s, i), ty)) tab)
-    val vartab = collect_vars prop Symtab.empty 
-    fun encodevar (s, t as (_, ty)) (encoding, tab) = 
-        let
-            val (x, encoding) = Encode.insert (Var t) encoding
-        in
-            (encoding, Symtab.update (s, (x, ty)) tab)
-        end
-    val (encoding, vartab) = Symtab.fold encodevar vartab (encoding, Symtab.empty)                                                     
-    val varsubst = Inttab.make (map (fn (s, (x, _)) => (x, NONE)) (Symtab.dest vartab))
-    (* make the premises and the conclusion *)
-    fun mk_prem encoding t = 
-        (let
-             val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals t
-             val ty = type_of a
-             val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding a
-             val (encoding, b) = remove_types encoding b
-             val (eq, encoding) = Encode.insert (Const ("==", ty --> ty --> @{typ "prop"})) encoding 
-         in
-             (encoding, EqPrem (a, b, ty, eq))
-         end handle TERM _ => let val (encoding, t) = remove_types encoding t in (encoding, Prem t) end)
-    val (encoding, prems) = 
-        (fold_rev (fn t => fn (encoding, l) => 
-            case mk_prem encoding t  of 
-                (encoding, t) => (encoding, t::l)) (Logic.strip_imp_prems prop) (encoding, []))
-    val (encoding, concl) = remove_types encoding (Logic.strip_imp_concl prop)
-    val _ = set_encoding computer encoding
-    Theorem (Theory.check_thy (theory_of_thm th), stamp_of computer, vartab, varsubst, 
-             prems, concl, hyps, shyps)
-fun theory_of_theorem (Theorem (rthy,_,_,_,_,_,_,_)) = Theory.deref rthy
-fun update_theory thy (Theorem (_,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)) =
-    Theorem (Theory.check_thy thy,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)
-fun stamp_of_theorem (Theorem (_,s, _, _, _, _, _, _)) = s     
-fun vartab_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,vt,_,_,_,_,_)) = vt
-fun varsubst_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,vs,_,_,_,_)) = vs 
-fun update_varsubst vs (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,_,p3,p4,p5,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,vs,p3,p4,p5,p6)
-fun prems_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,prems,_,_,_)) = prems
-fun update_prems prems (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,_,p4,p5,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,prems,p4,p5,p6)
-fun concl_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,concl,_,_)) = concl
-fun hyps_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,_,hyps,_)) = hyps
-fun update_hyps hyps (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,_,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,hyps,p6)
-fun shyps_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,shyps)) = shyps
-fun update_shyps shyps (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,_)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,shyps)
-fun check_compatible computer th s = 
-    if stamp_of computer <> stamp_of_theorem th then
-        raise Compute (s^": computer and theorem are incompatible")
-    else ()
-fun instantiate computer insts th =
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val thy = theory_of computer
-    val vartab = vartab_of_theorem th
-    fun rewrite computer t =
-    let  
-        val naming = naming_of computer
-        val (encoding, t) = remove_types (encoding_of computer) t
-        val t = runprog (prog_of computer) t
-        val _ = set_encoding computer encoding
-    in
-        t
-    end
-    fun assert_varfree vs t = 
-        if AbstractMachine.forall_consts (fn x => Inttab.lookup vs x = NONE) t then
-            ()
-        else
-            raise Compute "instantiate: assert_varfree failed"
-    fun assert_closed t =
-        if AbstractMachine.closed t then
-            ()
-        else 
-            raise Compute "instantiate: not a closed term"
-    fun compute_inst (s, ct) vs =
-        let
-            val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of_cterm ct) thy
-            val ty = typ_of (ctyp_of_term ct) 
-        in          
-            (case Symtab.lookup vartab s of 
-                 NONE => raise Compute ("instantiate: variable '"^s^"' not found in theorem")
-               | SOME (x, ty') => 
-                 (case Inttab.lookup vs x of 
-                      SOME (SOME _) => raise Compute ("instantiate: variable '"^s^"' has already been instantiated")
-                    | SOME NONE => 
-                      if ty <> ty' then 
-                          raise Compute ("instantiate: wrong type for variable '"^s^"'")
-                      else
-                          let
-                              val t = rewrite computer (term_of ct)
-                              val _ = assert_varfree vs t 
-                              val _ = assert_closed t
-                          in
-                              Inttab.update (x, SOME t) vs
-                          end
-                    | NONE => raise Compute "instantiate: internal error"))
-        end
-    val vs = fold compute_inst insts (varsubst_of_theorem th)
-    update_varsubst vs th
-fun match_aterms subst =
-    let 
-        exception no_match
-        open AbstractMachine
-        fun match subst (b as (Const c)) a = 
-            if a = b then subst
-            else 
-                (case Inttab.lookup subst c of 
-                     SOME (SOME a') => if a=a' then subst else raise no_match
-                   | SOME NONE => if AbstractMachine.closed a then 
-                                      Inttab.update (c, SOME a) subst 
-                                  else raise no_match
-                   | NONE => raise no_match)
-          | match subst (b as (Var _)) a = if a=b then subst else raise no_match
-          | match subst (App (u, v)) (App (u', v')) = match (match subst u u') v v'
-          | match subst (Abs u) (Abs u') = match subst u u'
-          | match subst _ _ = raise no_match
-    in
-        fn b => fn a => (SOME (match subst b a) handle no_match => NONE)
-    end
-fun apply_subst vars_allowed subst =
-    let
-        open AbstractMachine
-        fun app (t as (Const c)) = 
-            (case Inttab.lookup subst c of 
-                 NONE => t 
-               | SOME (SOME t) => Computed t
-               | SOME NONE => if vars_allowed then t else raise Compute "apply_subst: no vars allowed")
-          | app (t as (Var _)) = t
-          | app (App (u, v)) = App (app u, app v)
-          | app (Abs m) = Abs (app m)
-    in
-        app
-    end
-fun splicein n l L = List.take (L, n) @ l @ List.drop (L, n+1)
-fun evaluate_prem computer prem_no th =
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val prems = prems_of_theorem th
-    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
-    fun run vars_allowed t = 
-        runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst vars_allowed varsubst t)
-    case List.nth (prems, prem_no) of
-        Prem _ => raise Compute "evaluate_prem: no equality premise"
-      | EqPrem (a, b, ty, _) =>         
-        let
-            val a' = run false a
-            val b' = run true b
-        in
-            case match_aterms varsubst b' a' of
-                NONE => 
-                let
-                    fun mk s = Syntax.string_of_term_global Pure.thy
-                      (infer_types (naming_of computer) (encoding_of computer) ty s)
-                    val left = "computed left side: "^(mk a')
-                    val right = "computed right side: "^(mk b')
-                in
-                    raise Compute ("evaluate_prem: cannot assign computed left to right hand side\n"^left^"\n"^right^"\n")
-                end
-              | SOME varsubst => 
-                update_prems (splicein prem_no [] prems) (update_varsubst varsubst th)
-        end
-fun prem2term (Prem t) = t
-  | prem2term (EqPrem (a,b,_,eq)) = 
-    AbstractMachine.App (AbstractMachine.App (AbstractMachine.Const eq, a), b)
-fun modus_ponens computer prem_no th' th = 
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val thy = 
-        let
-            val thy1 = theory_of_theorem th
-            val thy2 = theory_of_thm th'
-        in
-            if Theory.subthy (thy1, thy2) then thy2 
-            else if Theory.subthy (thy2, thy1) then thy1 else
-            raise Compute "modus_ponens: theorems are not compatible with each other"
-        end 
-    val th' = make_theorem computer th' []
-    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
-    fun run vars_allowed t =
-        runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst vars_allowed varsubst t)
-    val prems = prems_of_theorem th
-    val prem = run true (prem2term (List.nth (prems, prem_no)))
-    val concl = run false (concl_of_theorem th')    
-    case match_aterms varsubst prem concl of
-        NONE => raise Compute "modus_ponens: conclusion does not match premise"
-      | SOME varsubst =>
-        let
-            val th = update_varsubst varsubst th
-            val th = update_prems (splicein prem_no (prems_of_theorem th') prems) th
-            val th = update_hyps (merge_hyps (hyps_of_theorem th) (hyps_of_theorem th')) th
-            val th = update_shyps (merge_shyps (shyps_of_theorem th) (shyps_of_theorem th')) th
-        in
-            update_theory thy th
-        end
-fun simplify computer th =
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
-    val encoding = encoding_of computer
-    val naming = naming_of computer
-    fun infer t = infer_types naming encoding @{typ "prop"} t
-    fun run t = infer (runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst true varsubst t))
-    fun runprem p = run (prem2term p)
-    val prop = Logic.list_implies (map runprem (prems_of_theorem th), run (concl_of_theorem th))
-    val hyps = merge_hyps (hyps_of computer) (hyps_of_theorem th)
-    val shyps = merge_shyps (shyps_of_theorem th) (Sorttab.keys (shyptab_of computer))
-    export_thm (theory_of_theorem th) hyps shyps prop
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-This module solves the problem that the computing oracle does not
-instantiate polymorphic rules. By going through the PCompute
-interface, all possible instantiations are resolved by compiling new
-programs, if necessary. The obvious disadvantage of this approach is
-that in the worst case for each new term to be rewritten, a new
-program may be compiled.
-   Given constants/frees c_1::t_1, c_2::t_2, ...., c_n::t_n,
-   and constants/frees d_1::d_1, d_2::s_2, ..., d_m::s_m
-   Find all substitutions S such that
-   a) the domain of S is tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
-   b) there are indices i_1, ..., i_k, and j_1, ..., j_k with
-      1. S (c_i_1::t_i_1) = d_j_1::s_j_1, ..., S (c_i_k::t_i_k) = d_j_k::s_j_k
-      2. tvars (t_i_1, ..., t_i_k) = tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
-signature LINKER =
-    exception Link of string
-    datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
-    val constant_of : term -> constant
-    type instances
-    type subst = Type.tyenv
-    val empty : constant list -> instances
-    val typ_of_constant : constant -> typ
-    val add_instances : theory -> instances -> constant list -> subst list * instances
-    val substs_of : instances -> subst list
-    val is_polymorphic : constant -> bool
-    val distinct_constants : constant list -> constant list
-    val collect_consts : term list -> constant list
-structure Linker : LINKER = struct
-exception Link of string;
-type subst = Type.tyenv
-datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
-fun constant_of (Const (name, ty)) = Constant (false, name, ty)
-  | constant_of (Free (name, ty)) = Constant (true, name, ty)
-  | constant_of _ = raise Link "constant_of"
-fun bool_ord (x,y) = if x then (if y then EQUAL else GREATER) else (if y then LESS else EQUAL)
-fun constant_ord (Constant (x1,x2,x3), Constant (y1,y2,y3)) = (prod_ord (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) Term_Ord.typ_ord) (((x1,x2),x3), ((y1,y2),y3))
-fun constant_modty_ord (Constant (x1,x2,_), Constant (y1,y2,_)) = (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) ((x1,x2), (y1,y2))
-structure Consttab = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_ord);
-structure ConsttabModTy = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_modty_ord);
-fun typ_of_constant (Constant (_, _, ty)) = ty
-val empty_subst = (Vartab.empty : Type.tyenv)
-fun merge_subst (A:Type.tyenv) (B:Type.tyenv) =
-    SOME (Vartab.fold (fn (v, t) =>
-                       fn tab =>
-                          (case Vartab.lookup tab v of
-                               NONE => Vartab.update (v, t) tab
-                             | SOME t' => if t = t' then tab else raise Type.TYPE_MATCH)) A B)
-    handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
-fun subst_ord (A:Type.tyenv, B:Type.tyenv) =
-    (list_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.fast_indexname_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord))) (Vartab.dest A, Vartab.dest B)
-structure Substtab = Table(type key = Type.tyenv val ord = subst_ord);
-fun substtab_union c = Substtab.fold Substtab.update c
-fun substtab_unions [] = Substtab.empty
-  | substtab_unions [c] = c
-  | substtab_unions (c::cs) = substtab_union c (substtab_unions cs)
-datatype instances = Instances of unit ConsttabModTy.table * Type.tyenv Consttab.table Consttab.table * constant list list * unit Substtab.table
-fun is_polymorphic (Constant (_, _, ty)) = not (null (Term.add_tvarsT ty []))
-fun distinct_constants cs =
-    Consttab.keys (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ())) cs Consttab.empty)
-fun empty cs =
-    let
-        val cs = distinct_constants (filter is_polymorphic cs)
-        val old_cs = cs
-(*      fun collect_tvars ty tab = fold (fn v => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar v, ()) tab) (OldTerm.typ_tvars ty) tab
-        val tvars_count = length (Typtab.keys (fold (fn c => fn tab => collect_tvars (typ_of_constant c) tab) cs Typtab.empty))
-        fun tvars_of ty = collect_tvars ty Typtab.empty
-        val cs = map (fn c => (c, tvars_of (typ_of_constant c))) cs
-        fun tyunion A B =
-            Typtab.fold
-                (fn (v,()) => fn tab => Typtab.update (v, case Typtab.lookup tab v of NONE => 1 | SOME n => n+1) tab)
-                A B
-        fun is_essential A B =
-            Typtab.fold
-            (fn (v, ()) => fn essential => essential orelse (case Typtab.lookup B v of NONE => raise Link "is_essential" | SOME n => n=1))
-            A false
-        fun add_minimal (c', tvs') (tvs, cs) =
-            let
-                val tvs = tyunion tvs' tvs
-                val cs = (c', tvs')::cs
-            in
-                if forall (fn (c',tvs') => is_essential tvs' tvs) cs then
-                    SOME (tvs, cs)
-                else
-                    NONE
-            end
-        fun is_spanning (tvs, _) = (length (Typtab.keys tvs) = tvars_count)
-        fun generate_minimal_subsets subsets [] = subsets
-          | generate_minimal_subsets subsets (c::cs) =
-            let
-                val subsets' = map_filter (add_minimal c) subsets
-            in
-                generate_minimal_subsets (subsets@subsets') cs
-            end*)
-        val minimal_subsets = [old_cs] (*map (fn (tvs, cs) => map fst cs) (filter is_spanning (generate_minimal_subsets [(Typtab.empty, [])] cs))*)
-        val constants = Consttab.keys (fold (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ()))) minimal_subsets Consttab.empty)
-    in
-        Instances (
-        fold (fn c => fn tab => ConsttabModTy.update (c, ()) tab) constants ConsttabModTy.empty,
-        Consttab.make (map (fn c => (c, Consttab.empty : Type.tyenv Consttab.table)) constants),
-        minimal_subsets, Substtab.empty)
-    end
-fun calc ctab substtab [] = substtab
-  | calc ctab substtab (c::cs) =
-    let
-        val csubsts = map snd (Consttab.dest (the (Consttab.lookup ctab c)))
-        fun merge_substs substtab subst =
-            Substtab.fold (fn (s,_) =>
-                           fn tab =>
-                              (case merge_subst subst s of NONE => tab | SOME s => Substtab.update (s, ()) tab))
-                          substtab Substtab.empty
-        val substtab = substtab_unions (map (merge_substs substtab) csubsts)
-    in
-        calc ctab substtab cs
-    end
-fun calc_substs ctab (cs:constant list) = calc ctab (Substtab.update (empty_subst, ()) Substtab.empty) cs
-fun add_instances thy (Instances (cfilter, ctab,minsets,substs)) cs =
-    let
-(*      val _ = writeln (makestring ("add_instances: ", length_cs, length cs, length (Consttab.keys ctab)))*)
-        fun calc_instantiations (constant as Constant (free, name, ty)) instantiations =
-            Consttab.fold (fn (constant' as Constant (free', name', ty'), insttab) =>
-                           fn instantiations =>
-                              if free <> free' orelse name <> name' then
-                                  instantiations
-                              else case Consttab.lookup insttab constant of
-                                       SOME _ => instantiations
-                                     | NONE => ((constant', (constant, Sign.typ_match thy (ty', ty) empty_subst))::instantiations
-                                                handle TYPE_MATCH => instantiations))
-                          ctab instantiations
-        val instantiations = fold calc_instantiations cs []
-        (*val _ = writeln ("instantiations = "^(makestring (length instantiations)))*)
-        fun update_ctab (constant', entry) ctab =
-            (case Consttab.lookup ctab constant' of
-                 NONE => raise Link "internal error: update_ctab"
-               | SOME tab => Consttab.update (constant', Consttab.update entry tab) ctab)
-        val ctab = fold update_ctab instantiations ctab
-        val new_substs = fold (fn minset => fn substs => substtab_union (calc_substs ctab minset) substs)
-                              minsets Substtab.empty
-        val (added_substs, substs) =
-            Substtab.fold (fn (ns, _) =>
-                           fn (added, substtab) =>
-                              (case Substtab.lookup substs ns of
-                                   NONE => (ns::added, Substtab.update (ns, ()) substtab)
-                                 | SOME () => (added, substtab)))
-                          new_substs ([], substs)
-    in
-        (added_substs, Instances (cfilter, ctab, minsets, substs))
-    end
-fun substs_of (Instances (_,_,_,substs)) = Substtab.keys substs
-    fun get_thm thmname = PureThy.get_thm (theory "Main") thmname
-    val eq_th = get_thm "HOL.eq_reflection"
-  fun eq_to_meta th = (eq_th OF [th] handle THM _ => th)
-fun collect (Var x) tab = tab
-  | collect (Bound _) tab = tab
-  | collect (a $ b) tab = collect b (collect a tab)
-  | collect (Abs (_, _, body)) tab = collect body tab
-  | collect t tab = Consttab.update (constant_of t, ()) tab
-  fun collect_consts tms = Consttab.keys (fold collect tms Consttab.empty)
-signature PCOMPUTE =
-    type pcomputer
-    val make : Compute.machine -> theory -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
-    val make_with_cache : Compute.machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
-    val add_instances : pcomputer -> Linker.constant list -> bool 
-    val add_instances' : pcomputer -> term list -> bool
-    val rewrite : pcomputer -> cterm list -> thm list
-    val simplify : pcomputer -> Compute.theorem -> thm
-    val make_theorem : pcomputer -> thm -> string list -> Compute.theorem
-    val instantiate : pcomputer -> (string * cterm) list -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
-    val evaluate_prem : pcomputer -> int -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
-    val modus_ponens : pcomputer -> int -> thm -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem 
-structure PCompute : PCOMPUTE = struct
-exception PCompute of string
-datatype theorem = MonoThm of thm | PolyThm of thm * Linker.instances * thm list
-datatype pattern = MonoPattern of term | PolyPattern of term * Linker.instances * term list
-datatype pcomputer =
-  PComputer of theory_ref * * theorem list Unsynchronized.ref *
-    pattern list Unsynchronized.ref 
-(*fun collect_consts (Var x) = []
-  | collect_consts (Bound _) = []
-  | collect_consts (a $ b) = (collect_consts a)@(collect_consts b)
-  | collect_consts (Abs (_, _, body)) = collect_consts body
-  | collect_consts t = [Linker.constant_of t]*)
-fun computer_of (PComputer (_,computer,_,_)) = computer
-fun collect_consts_of_thm th = 
-    let
-        val th = prop_of th
-        val (prems, th) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems th, Logic.strip_imp_concl th)
-        val (left, right) = Logic.dest_equals th
-    in
-        (Linker.collect_consts [left], Linker.collect_consts (right::prems))
-    end
-fun create_theorem th =
-    val (left, right) = collect_consts_of_thm th
-    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic left
-    val tytab = fold (fn p => fn tab => fold (fn n => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar n, ()) tab) (OldTerm.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant p)) tab) polycs Typtab.empty
-    fun check_const (c::cs) cs' =
-        let
-            val tvars = OldTerm.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant c)
-            val wrong = fold (fn n => fn wrong => wrong orelse is_none (Typtab.lookup tytab (TVar n))) tvars false
-        in
-            if wrong then raise PCompute "right hand side of theorem contains type variables which do not occur on the left hand side"
-            else
-                if null (tvars) then
-                    check_const cs (c::cs')
-                else
-                    check_const cs cs'
-        end
-      | check_const [] cs' = cs'
-    val monocs = check_const right []
-    if null (polycs) then
-        (monocs, MonoThm th)
-    else
-        (monocs, PolyThm (th, Linker.empty polycs, []))
-fun create_pattern pat = 
-    val cs = Linker.collect_consts [pat]
-    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic cs
-    if null (polycs) then
-        MonoPattern pat
-    else
-        PolyPattern (pat, Linker.empty polycs, [])
-fun create_computer machine thy pats ths =
-    let
-        fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
-          | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
-        fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
-          | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
-        val ths = fold_rev add ths []
-        val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
-    in
-        Compute.make_with_cache machine thy pats ths
-    end
-fun update_computer computer pats ths = 
-    let
-        fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
-          | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
-        fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
-          | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
-        val ths = fold_rev add ths []
-        val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
-    in
-        Compute.update_with_cache computer pats ths
-    end
-fun conv_subst thy (subst : Type.tyenv) =
-    map (fn (iname, (sort, ty)) => (ctyp_of thy (TVar (iname, sort)), ctyp_of thy ty)) (Vartab.dest subst)
-fun add_monos thy monocs pats ths =
-    let
-        val changed = Unsynchronized.ref false
-        fun add monocs (th as (MonoThm _)) = ([], th)
-          | add monocs (PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths)) =
-            let
-                val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
-                val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
-                val newths = map (fn subst => Thm.instantiate (conv_subst thy subst, []) th) newsubsts
-(*              val _ = if not (null newths) then (print ("added new theorems: ", newths); ()) else ()*)
-                val newmonos = fold (fn th => fn monos => (snd (collect_consts_of_thm th))@monos) newths []
-            in
-                (newmonos, PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths@newths))
-            end
-        fun addpats monocs (pat as (MonoPattern _)) = pat
-          | addpats monocs (PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats)) =
-            let
-                val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
-                val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
-                val newpats = map (fn subst => Envir.subst_term_types subst p) newsubsts
-            in
-                PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats@newpats)
-            end 
-        fun step monocs ths =
-            fold_rev (fn th =>
-                      fn (newmonos, ths) =>
-                         let 
-                             val (newmonos', th') = add monocs th 
-                         in
-                             (newmonos'@newmonos, th'::ths)
-                         end)
-                     ths ([], [])
-        fun loop monocs pats ths =
-            let 
-                val (monocs', ths') = step monocs ths 
-                val pats' = map (addpats monocs) pats
-            in
-                if null (monocs') then
-                    (pats', ths')
-                else
-                    loop monocs' pats' ths'
-            end
-        val result = loop monocs pats ths
-    in
-        (!changed, result)
-    end
-datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
-fun thm2cthm th =
-    let
-        val {hyps, prop, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
-    in
-        ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
-    end
-val cthm_ord' = prod_ord (prod_ord (list_ord Term_Ord.term_ord) (list_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord)) Term_Ord.term_ord
-fun cthm_ord (ComputeThm (h1, sh1, p1), ComputeThm (h2, sh2, p2)) = cthm_ord' (((h1,sh1), p1), ((h2, sh2), p2))
-structure CThmtab = Table(type key = cthm val ord = cthm_ord)
-fun remove_duplicates ths =
-    let
-        val counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-        val tab = Unsynchronized.ref (CThmtab.empty : unit CThmtab.table)
-        val thstab = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.empty : thm Inttab.table)
-        fun update th =
-            let
-                val key = thm2cthm th
-            in
-                case CThmtab.lookup (!tab) key of
-                    NONE => ((tab := CThmtab.update_new (key, ()) (!tab)); thstab := Inttab.update_new (!counter, th) (!thstab); counter := !counter + 1)
-                  | _ => ()
-            end
-        val _ = map update ths
-    in
-        map snd (Inttab.dest (!thstab))
-    end
-fun make_with_cache machine thy pats ths cs =
-    let
-        val ths = remove_duplicates ths
-        val (monocs, ths) = fold_rev (fn th => 
-                                      fn (monocs, ths) => 
-                                         let val (m, t) = create_theorem th in 
-                                             (m@monocs, t::ths)
-                                         end)
-                                     ths (cs, [])
-        val pats = map create_pattern pats
-        val (_, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy monocs pats ths
-        val computer = create_computer machine thy pats ths
-    in
-        PComputer (Theory.check_thy thy, computer, Unsynchronized.ref ths, Unsynchronized.ref pats)
-    end
-fun make machine thy ths cs = make_with_cache machine thy [] ths cs
-fun add_instances (PComputer (thyref, computer, rths, rpats)) cs = 
-    let
-        val thy = Theory.deref thyref
-        val (changed, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy cs (!rpats) (!rths)
-    in
-        if changed then
-            (update_computer computer pats ths;
-             rths := ths;
-             rpats := pats;
-             true)
-        else
-            false
-    end
-fun add_instances' pc ts = add_instances pc (Linker.collect_consts ts)
-fun rewrite pc cts =
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc (map term_of cts)
-        val computer = (computer_of pc)
-    in
-        map (fn ct => Compute.rewrite computer ct) cts
-    end
-fun simplify pc th = Compute.simplify (computer_of pc) th
-fun make_theorem pc th vars = 
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th]
-    in
-        Compute.make_theorem (computer_of pc) th vars
-    end
-fun instantiate pc insts th = 
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc (map (term_of o snd) insts)
-    in
-        Compute.instantiate (computer_of pc) insts th
-    end
-fun evaluate_prem pc prem_no th = Compute.evaluate_prem (computer_of pc) prem_no th
-fun modus_ponens pc prem_no th' th =
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th']
-    in
-        Compute.modus_ponens (computer_of pc) prem_no th' th
-    end    
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/report.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-structure Report =
-    val report_depth = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-    fun space n = if n <= 0 then "" else (space (n-1))^" "
-    fun report_space () = space (!report_depth)
-fun timeit f =
-    let
-        val t1 = start_timing ()
-        val x = f ()
-        val t2 = #message (end_timing t1)
-        val _ = writeln ((report_space ()) ^ "--> "^t2)
-    in
-        x       
-    end
-fun report s f = 
-    val _ = writeln ((report_space ())^s)
-    val _ = report_depth := !report_depth + 1
-    val x = timeit f
-    val _ = report_depth := !report_depth - 1
-    x
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/Tools/WWW_Find/find_theorems.ML	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/find_theorems.ML	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
     fun do_find () =
-        val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global (theory thy_name);
+        val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global (Thy_Info.get_theory thy_name);
         val query = get_query ();
         val (othmslen, thms) = apsnd rev
           (Find_Theorems.find_theorems ctxt NONE (SOME limit) with_dups query);
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/README	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/README	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -44,14 +44,19 @@
   e.g. between the editor and the Console plugin, which is a standard
   swing text box.  Similar for search boxes etc.
+- ToggleButton selected state is not rendered if window focus is lost,
+  which is probably a genuine feature of the Apple look-and-feel.
 - Anti-aliasing does not really work as well as for Linux or Windows.
   (General Apple/Swing problem?)
 - Font.createFont mangles the font family of non-regular fonts,
   e.g. bold.  IsabelleText font files need to be installed manually.
-- ToggleButton selected state is not rendered if window focus is lost,
-  which is probably a genuine feature of the Apple look-and-feel.
+- Missing glyphs are collected from other fonts (like Emacs, Firefox).
+  This is actually an advantage over the Oracle/Sun JVM on Windows or
+  Linux, but probably also the deeper reason for the other oddities of
+  Apple font management.
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_model.scala	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_model.scala	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   private val edits_buffer = new mutable.ListBuffer[Text_Edit]   // owned by Swing thread
-  private val edits_delay = Swing_Thread.delay_last(300) {  // FIXME input_delay property
+  private val edits_delay = Swing_Thread.delay_last(session.input_delay) {
     if (!edits_buffer.isEmpty) {
       val new_change = current_change().edit(session, edits_buffer.toList)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -211,23 +211,14 @@
   /* caret handling */
-  def selected_command: Option[Command] =
-    model.recent_document().command_at(text_area.getCaretPosition) match {
-      case Some((command, _)) => Some(command)
-      case None => None
-    }
+  def selected_command(): Option[Command] =
+    model.recent_document().proper_command_at(text_area.getCaretPosition)
-  private val caret_listener = new CaretListener
-  {
-    private var last_selected_command: Option[Command] = None
-    override def caretUpdate(e: CaretEvent)
-    {
-      val selected = selected_command
-      if (selected != last_selected_command) {
-        last_selected_command = selected
-        if (selected.isDefined) session.indicate_command_change(selected.get)
-      }
+  private val caret_listener = new CaretListener {
+    private val delay = Swing_Thread.delay_last(session.input_delay) {
+      session.perspective.event(Session.Perspective)
+    override def caretUpdate(e: CaretEvent) { delay() }
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/output_dockable.scala	Wed Jul 21 09:46:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/output_dockable.scala	Wed Jul 21 16:50:42 2010 +0200
@@ -46,20 +46,21 @@
-  private def handle_caret()
-  {
+  private def handle_perspective(): Boolean = {
       Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
-        case Some(doc_view) => current_command = doc_view.selected_command
-        case None =>
+        case Some(doc_view) =>
+          val cmd = doc_view.selected_command()
+          if (current_command == cmd) false
+          else { current_command = cmd; true }
+        case None => false
-  }
   private def handle_update(restriction: Option[Set[Command]] = None)
   { {
-      if (follow_caret) handle_caret()
+      if (follow_caret) handle_perspective()
       Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
         case Some(doc_view) =>
           current_command match {
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
       react {
         case Session.Global_Settings => handle_resize()
         case Command_Set(changed) => handle_update(Some(changed))
+        case Session.Perspective => if (follow_caret && handle_perspective()) handle_update()
         case bad => System.err.println("Output_Dockable: ignoring bad message " + bad)
@@ -94,21 +96,23 @@
   override def init()
+    Isabelle.session.global_settings += main_actor
     Isabelle.session.commands_changed += main_actor
-    Isabelle.session.global_settings += main_actor
+    Isabelle.session.perspective += main_actor
   override def exit()
+    Isabelle.session.global_settings -= main_actor
     Isabelle.session.commands_changed -= main_actor
-    Isabelle.session.global_settings -= main_actor
+    Isabelle.session.perspective -= main_actor
   /* resize */
   addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter {
-    val delay = Swing_Thread.delay_last(500) { handle_resize() }  // FIXME update_delay property
+    val delay = Swing_Thread.delay_last(Isabelle.session.update_delay) { handle_resize() }
     override def componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) { delay() }
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@
   auto_update.tooltip = "Indicate automatic update following cursor movement"
   private val update = new Button("Update") {
-    reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => handle_caret(); handle_update() }
+    reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => handle_perspective(); handle_update() }
   update.tooltip = "Update display according to the command at cursor position"