--- a/src/Pure/Isar/code.ML Tue Nov 06 13:12:53 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/code.ML Tue Nov 06 13:12:55 2007 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Abstract executable content of theory. Management of data dependent on
-executable content.
+executable content. Cache assumes non-concurrent processing of a singly theory.
signature CODE =
@@ -78,9 +78,37 @@
structure Code : PRIVATE_CODE =
-(** preliminaries **)
+(** code attributes **)
+structure CodeAttr = TheoryDataFun (
+ type T = (string * (Args.T list -> attribute * Args.T list)) list;
+ val empty = [];
+ val copy = I;
+ val extend = I;
+ fun merge _ = AList.merge (op =) (K true);
-(* certificate theorems *)
+fun add_attribute (attr as (name, _)) =
+ let
+ fun add_parser ("", parser) attrs = attrs @ [("", parser)]
+ | add_parser (name, parser) attrs = (name, Args.$$$ name |-- parser) :: attrs;
+ fun error "" = error ("Code attribute already declared")
+ | error name = error ("Code attribute " ^ name ^ " already declared")
+ in CodeAttr.map (fn attrs => if AList.defined (op =) attrs name
+ then error name else add_parser attr attrs)
+ end;
+val _ =
+ let
+ val code_attr = Attrib.syntax (Scan.peek (fn context =>
+ List.foldr op || Scan.fail (map snd (CodeAttr.get (Context.theory_of context)))));
+ in
+ Context.add_setup (Attrib.add_attributes
+ [("code", code_attr, "declare theorems for code generation")])
+ end;
+(** certificate theorems **)
fun string_of_lthms r = case Susp.peek r
of SOME thms => (map string_of_thm o rev) thms
@@ -97,27 +125,8 @@
val thy_ref = Theory.check_thy thy;
in Susp.delay (fn () => (f (Theory.deref thy_ref) o Susp.force) r) end;
-fun merge' _ ([], []) = (false, [])
- | merge' _ ([], ys) = (true, ys)
- | merge' eq (xs, ys) = fold_rev
- (fn y => fn (t, xs) => (t orelse not (member eq xs y), insert eq y xs)) ys (false, xs);
-fun merge_alist eq_key eq (xys as (xs, ys)) =
- if eq_list (eq_pair eq_key eq) (xs, ys)
- then (false, xs)
- else (true, AList.merge eq_key eq xys);
-val merge_thms = merge' Thm.eq_thm_prop;
-fun merge_lthms (r1, r2) =
- if Susp.same (r1, r2)
- then (false, r1)
- else case Susp.peek r1
- of SOME [] => (true, r2)
- | _ => case Susp.peek r2
- of SOME [] => (true, r1)
- | _ => (apsnd (Susp.delay o K)) (merge_thms (Susp.force r1, Susp.force r2));
+(** logical and syntactical specification of executable code **)
(* pairs of (selected, deleted) defining equations *)
@@ -152,108 +161,72 @@
fun pretty_sdthms ctxt (sels, _) = pretty_lthms ctxt sels;
-fun merge_sdthms ((sels1, dels1), (sels2, dels2)) =
+(* fundamental melting operations *)
+fun melt _ ([], []) = (false, [])
+ | melt _ ([], ys) = (true, ys)
+ | melt eq (xs, ys) = fold_rev
+ (fn y => fn (t, xs) => (t orelse not (member eq xs y), insert eq y xs)) ys (false, xs);
+fun melt_alist eq_key eq (xys as (xs, ys)) =
+ if eq_list (eq_pair eq_key eq) (xs, ys)
+ then (false, xs)
+ else (true, AList.merge eq_key eq xys);
+val melt_thms = melt Thm.eq_thm_prop;
+fun melt_lthms (r1, r2) =
+ if Susp.same (r1, r2)
+ then (false, r1)
+ else case Susp.peek r1
+ of SOME [] => (true, r2)
+ | _ => case Susp.peek r2
+ of SOME [] => (true, r1)
+ | _ => (apsnd (Susp.delay o K)) (melt_thms (Susp.force r1, Susp.force r2));
+fun melt_sdthms ((sels1, dels1), (sels2, dels2)) =
- val (dels_t, dels) = merge_thms (dels1, dels2);
+ val (dels_t, dels) = melt_thms (dels1, dels2);
in if dels_t
then let
- val (_, sels) = merge_thms
+ val (_, sels) = melt_thms
(subtract Thm.eq_thm_prop dels2 (Susp.force sels1), Susp.force sels2);
- val (_, dels) = merge_thms
+ val (_, dels) = melt_thms
(subtract Thm.eq_thm_prop (Susp.force sels2) dels1, dels2);
in (true, ((Susp.delay o K) sels, dels)) end
else let
- val (sels_t, sels) = merge_lthms (sels1, sels2);
+ val (sels_t, sels) = melt_lthms (sels1, sels2);
in (sels_t, (sels, dels)) end
-(* code attributes *)
-structure CodeAttr = TheoryDataFun (
- type T = (string * (Args.T list -> attribute * Args.T list)) list;
- val empty = [];
- val copy = I;
- val extend = I;
- fun merge _ = AList.merge (op =) (K true);
-fun add_attribute (attr as (name, _)) =
- let
- fun add_parser ("", parser) attrs = attrs @ [("", parser)]
- | add_parser (name, parser) attrs = (name, Args.$$$ name |-- parser) :: attrs;
- fun error "" = error ("Code attribute already declared")
- | error name = error ("Code attribute " ^ name ^ " already declared")
- in CodeAttr.map (fn attrs => if AList.defined (op =) attrs name
- then error name else add_parser attr attrs)
- end;
-val _ =
- let
- val code_attr = Attrib.syntax (Scan.peek (fn context =>
- List.foldr op || Scan.fail (map snd (CodeAttr.get (Context.theory_of context)))));
- in
- Context.add_setup (Attrib.add_attributes
- [("code", code_attr, "declare theorems for code generation")])
- end;
-(** exeuctable content **)
+(* specification data *)
-datatype thmproc = Preproc of {
- inlines: thm list,
- inline_procs: (string * (serial * (theory -> cterm list -> thm list))) list,
- preprocs: (string * (serial * (theory -> thm list -> thm list))) list,
- posts: thm list
-fun mk_thmproc (((inlines, inline_procs), preprocs), posts) =
- Preproc { inlines = inlines, inline_procs = inline_procs, preprocs = preprocs,
- posts = posts };
-fun map_thmproc f (Preproc { inlines, inline_procs, preprocs, posts }) =
- mk_thmproc (f (((inlines, inline_procs), preprocs), posts));
-fun merge_thmproc (Preproc { inlines = inlines1, inline_procs = inline_procs1,
- preprocs = preprocs1, posts = posts1 },
- Preproc { inlines = inlines2, inline_procs = inline_procs2,
- preprocs = preprocs2, posts= posts2 }) =
- let
- val (touched1, inlines) = merge_thms (inlines1, inlines2);
- val (touched2, inline_procs) = merge_alist (op =) (eq_fst (op =)) (inline_procs1, inline_procs2);
- val (touched3, preprocs) = merge_alist (op =) (eq_fst (op =)) (preprocs1, preprocs2);
- val (_, posts) = merge_thms (posts1, posts2);
- in (touched1 orelse touched2 orelse touched3,
- mk_thmproc (((inlines, inline_procs), preprocs), posts)) end;
-fun join_func_thms (tabs as (tab1, tab2)) =
+fun melt_funcs tabs =
- val cs1 = Symtab.keys tab1;
- val cs2 = Symtab.keys tab2;
- val cs' = filter (member (op =) cs2) cs1;
- val cs'' = subtract (op =) cs' cs1 @ subtract (op =) cs' cs2;
- val cs''' = ref [] : string list ref;
- fun merge c x = let val (touched, thms') = merge_sdthms x in
- (if touched then cs''' := cons c (!cs''') else (); thms') end;
- in (cs'' @ !cs''', Symtab.join merge tabs) end;
+ val tab' = Symtab.join (fn _ => fn ((_, a), (_, b)) => melt_sdthms (a, b)) tabs;
+ val touched = Symtab.fold (fn (c, (true, _)) => insert (op =) c | _ => I) tab' [];
+ in (touched, tab') end;
val eq_string = op = : string * string -> bool;
fun eq_dtyp ((vs1, cs1), (vs2, cs2)) =
gen_eq_set (eq_pair eq_string (gen_eq_set eq_string)) (vs1, vs2)
andalso gen_eq_set (eq_fst eq_string) (cs1, cs2);
-fun merge_dtyps (tabs as (tab1, tab2)) =
+fun melt_dtyps (tabs as (tab1, tab2)) =
val tycos1 = Symtab.keys tab1;
val tycos2 = Symtab.keys tab2;
val tycos' = filter (member eq_string tycos2) tycos1;
- val new_types = not (gen_eq_set (op =) (tycos1, tycos2));
- val diff_types = not (gen_eq_set (eq_pair (op =) eq_dtyp)
+ val touched = not (gen_eq_set (op =) (tycos1, tycos2)
+ andalso gen_eq_set (eq_pair (op =) eq_dtyp)
(AList.make (the o Symtab.lookup tab1) tycos',
AList.make (the o Symtab.lookup tab2) tycos'));
fun join _ (cos as (_, cos2)) = if eq_dtyp cos
then raise Symtab.SAME else cos2;
- in ((new_types, diff_types), Symtab.join join tabs) end;
+ in (touched, Symtab.join join tabs) end;
-fun merge_cases ((cases1, undefs1), (cases2, undefs2)) =
+fun melt_cases ((cases1, undefs1), (cases2, undefs2)) =
val touched1 = subtract (op =) (Symtab.keys cases1) (Symtab.keys cases2)
@ subtract (op =) (Symtab.keys cases2) (Symtab.keys cases1);
@@ -266,7 +239,7 @@
datatype spec = Spec of {
- funcs: sdthms Symtab.table,
+ funcs: (bool * sdthms) Symtab.table,
dtyps: ((string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list) Symtab.table,
cases: (int * string list) Symtab.table * unit Symtab.table
@@ -275,16 +248,43 @@
Spec { funcs = funcs, dtyps = dtyps, cases = cases };
fun map_spec f (Spec { funcs = funcs, dtyps = dtyps, cases = cases }) =
mk_spec (f (funcs, (dtyps, cases)));
-fun merge_spec (Spec { funcs = funcs1, dtyps = dtyps1, cases = cases1 },
+fun melt_spec (Spec { funcs = funcs1, dtyps = dtyps1, cases = cases1 },
Spec { funcs = funcs2, dtyps = dtyps2, cases = cases2 }) =
- val (touched_cs, funcs) = join_func_thms (funcs1, funcs2);
- val ((new_types, diff_types), dtyps) = merge_dtyps (dtyps1, dtyps2);
- val (touched_cases, cases) = merge_cases (cases1, cases2);
- val touched = if new_types orelse diff_types then NONE else
- SOME (fold (insert (op =)) touched_cases touched_cs);
+ val (touched_funcs, funcs) = melt_funcs (funcs1, funcs2);
+ val (touched_dtyps, dtyps) = melt_dtyps (dtyps1, dtyps2);
+ val (touched_cases, cases) = melt_cases (cases1, cases2);
+ val touched = if touched_dtyps then NONE else
+ SOME (fold (insert (op =)) touched_cases touched_funcs);
in (touched, mk_spec (funcs, (dtyps, cases))) end;
+(* pre- and postprocessor *)
+datatype thmproc = Thmproc of {
+ inlines: thm list,
+ inline_procs: (string * (serial * (theory -> cterm list -> thm list))) list,
+ preprocs: (string * (serial * (theory -> thm list -> thm list))) list,
+ posts: thm list
+fun mk_thmproc (((inlines, inline_procs), preprocs), posts) =
+ Thmproc { inlines = inlines, inline_procs = inline_procs, preprocs = preprocs,
+ posts = posts };
+fun map_thmproc f (Thmproc { inlines, inline_procs, preprocs, posts }) =
+ mk_thmproc (f (((inlines, inline_procs), preprocs), posts));
+fun melt_thmproc (Thmproc { inlines = inlines1, inline_procs = inline_procs1,
+ preprocs = preprocs1, posts = posts1 },
+ Thmproc { inlines = inlines2, inline_procs = inline_procs2,
+ preprocs = preprocs2, posts= posts2 }) =
+ let
+ val (touched1, inlines) = melt_thms (inlines1, inlines2);
+ val (touched2, inline_procs) = melt_alist (op =) (eq_fst (op =)) (inline_procs1, inline_procs2);
+ val (touched3, preprocs) = melt_alist (op =) (eq_fst (op =)) (preprocs1, preprocs2);
+ val (_, posts) = melt_thms (posts1, posts2);
+ in (touched1 orelse touched2 orelse touched3,
+ mk_thmproc (((inlines, inline_procs), preprocs), posts)) end;
datatype exec = Exec of {
thmproc: thmproc,
spec: spec
@@ -294,17 +294,17 @@
Exec { thmproc = thmproc, spec = spec };
fun map_exec f (Exec { thmproc = thmproc, spec = spec }) =
mk_exec (f (thmproc, spec));
-fun merge_exec (Exec { thmproc = thmproc1, spec = spec1 },
+fun melt_exec (Exec { thmproc = thmproc1, spec = spec1 },
Exec { thmproc = thmproc2, spec = spec2 }) =
- val (touched', thmproc) = merge_thmproc (thmproc1, thmproc2);
- val (touched_cs, spec) = merge_spec (spec1, spec2);
+ val (touched', thmproc) = melt_thmproc (thmproc1, thmproc2);
+ val (touched_cs, spec) = melt_spec (spec1, spec2);
val touched = if touched' then NONE else touched_cs;
in (touched, mk_exec (thmproc, spec)) end;
val empty_exec = mk_exec (mk_thmproc ((([], []), []), []),
mk_spec (Symtab.empty, (Symtab.empty, (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty))));
-fun the_thmproc (Exec { thmproc = Preproc x, ...}) = x;
+fun the_thmproc (Exec { thmproc = Thmproc x, ...}) = x;
fun the_spec (Exec { spec = Spec x, ...}) = x;
val the_funcs = #funcs o the_spec;
val the_dtyps = #dtyps o the_spec;
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
end; (*local*)
-(* theory store *)
+(** theory store **)
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
val extend = copy;
fun merge pp ((exec1, data1), (exec2, data2)) =
- val (touched, exec) = merge_exec (exec1, exec2);
+ val (touched, exec) = melt_exec (exec1, exec2);
val data1' = invoke_purge_all NONE touched (! data1);
val data2' = invoke_purge_all NONE touched (! data2);
val data = invoke_merge_all pp (data1', data2');
@@ -452,6 +452,7 @@
val preprocs = (map fst o #preprocs o the_thmproc) exec;
val funs = the_funcs exec
|> Symtab.dest
+ |> (map o apsnd) snd
|> (map o apfst) (CodeUnit.string_of_const thy)
|> sort (string_ord o pairself fst);
val dtyps = the_dtyps exec
@@ -549,7 +550,7 @@
val funcs = classparams
|> map (fn c => Class.inst_const thy (c, tyco))
|> map (Symtab.lookup ((the_funcs o the_exec) thy))
- |> (map o Option.map) (Susp.force o fst)
+ |> (map o Option.map) (Susp.force o fst o snd)
|> maps these
|> map (Thm.transfer thy)
fun sorts_of [Type (_, tys)] = map (snd o dest_TVar) tys
@@ -710,7 +711,7 @@
else ();
(map_exec_purge (SOME [c]) o map_funcs) (Symtab.map_default
- (c, (Susp.value [], [])) (add_thm func)) thy
+ (c, (false, (Susp.value [], []))) (apsnd (add_thm func))) thy
fun add_liberal_func thm thy =
@@ -722,7 +723,7 @@
then thy
else map_exec_purge (SOME [c]) (map_funcs
- (c, (Susp.value [], [])) (add_thm func))) thy
+ (c, (false, (Susp.value [], []))) (apsnd (add_thm func)))) thy
| NONE => thy;
@@ -735,7 +736,7 @@
then thy
else map_exec_purge (SOME [c]) (map_funcs
- (c, (Susp.value [], [])) (add_thm func))) thy
+ (c, (false, (Susp.value [], []))) (apsnd (add_thm func)))) thy
| NONE => thy;
@@ -744,7 +745,7 @@
of SOME func => let
val c = const_of_func thy func;
in map_exec_purge (SOME [c]) (map_funcs
- (Symtab.map_entry c (del_thm func))) thy
+ (Symtab.map_entry c (apsnd (del_thm func)))) thy
| NONE => thy;
@@ -754,8 +755,9 @@
(*FIXME must check compatibility with sort algebra;
alas, naive checking results in non-termination!*)
- map_exec_purge (SOME [const]) (map_funcs (Symtab.map_default (const, (Susp.value [], []))
- (add_lthms lthms'))) thy
+ map_exec_purge (SOME [const])
+ (map_funcs (Symtab.map_default (const, (false, (Susp.value [], [])))
+ (apsnd (add_lthms lthms')))) thy
val add_default_func_attr = Attrib.internal (fn _ => Thm.declaration_attribute
@@ -925,7 +927,7 @@
fun get_funcs thy const =
Symtab.lookup ((the_funcs o the_exec) thy) const
- |> Option.map (Susp.force o fst)
+ |> Option.map (Susp.force o fst o snd)
|> these
|> map (Thm.transfer thy);