--- a/lib/Tools/mkdir Mon Jun 20 22:13:53 2005 +0200
+++ b/lib/Tools/mkdir Mon Jun 20 22:13:55 2005 +0200
@@ -197,9 +197,6 @@
# document directory
-#set by configure
if [ -e document ]; then
echo "keeping $PREFIX/document" >&2
@@ -207,38 +204,36 @@
mkdir document || fail "Bad directory: $PREFIX/document"
[ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "creating $PREFIX/document/root.tex" >&2
- TITLE=$(echo "$NAME" | tr _ -)
- # a hack to extract the current user name
- PERLLINE='@pw = getpwnam("'$USER'"); $uname = $pw[6];
- $uname =~ tr/_/-/; $uname =~ s/^[^\\]*\\//g; $uname =~ s/,S[0-9\-]+$//g; print $uname;'
- # the perl "getpwnam" function extracts a data entry
- # from /etc/passwd; the first tr is to replace some characters
- # undigestible for tex; the two regexp substs eliminate the
- # windows domain-specific noise as found in /etc/passwd using cygwin
+ TITLE=$(echo "$NAME" | tr _ - | tr -d '\\')
+ AUTHOR=$(echo "By $USER" | tr _ - | tr -d '\\')
cat >document/root.tex <<EOF
-% further packages required for unusual symbols (see also isabellesym.sty)
-% use only when needed
-%\usepackage{amssymb} % for \<leadsto>, \<box>, \<diamond>,
- % \<sqsupset>, \<mho>, \<Join>,
- % \<lhd>, \<lesssim>, \<greatersim>,
- % \<lessapprox>, \<greaterapprox>,
- % \<triangleq>, \<yen>, \<lozenge>
-%\usepackage[greek,english]{babel} % greek for \<euro>,
- % english for \<guillemotleft>,
- % \<guillemotright>
- % default language = last
-%\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % for \<onesuperior>, \<onequarter>,
- % \<twosuperior>, \<onehalf>,
- % \<threesuperior>, \<threequarters>,
- % \<degree>
-%\usepackage[only,bigsqcap]{stmaryrd} % for \<Sqinter>
-%\usepackage{eufrak} % for \<AA> ... \<ZZ>, \<aa> ... \<zz>
- % (only needed if amssymb not used)
-%\usepackage{textcomp} % for \<cent>, \<currency>
+% further packages required for unusual symbols (see also
+% isabellesym.sty), use only when needed
+ %for \<leadsto>, \<box>, \<diamond>, \<sqsupset>, \<mho>, \<Join>,
+ %\<lhd>, \<lesssim>, \<greatersim>, \<lessapprox>, \<greaterapprox>,
+ %\<triangleq>, \<yen>, \<lozenge>
+ %option greek for \<euro>
+ %option english (default language) for \<guillemotleft>, \<guillemotright>
+ %for \<onesuperior>, \<onequarter>, \<twosuperior>, \<onehalf>,
+ %\<threesuperior>, \<threequarters>, \<degree>
+ %for \<Sqinter>
+ %for \<AA> ... \<ZZ>, \<aa> ... \<zz> (also included in amssymb)
+ %for \<cent>, \<currency>
% this should be the last package used