--- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML Fri Aug 03 22:33:07 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML Fri Aug 03 22:33:09 2007 +0200
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
val init_theory: string -> unit
val verbatim_source: string -> (unit -> Symbol.symbol list) -> unit
val theory_output: string -> string -> unit
- val begin_theory: Path.T -> (Path.T * bool) list -> theory -> theory
+ val begin_theory: int -> Path.T -> (Path.T * bool) list -> theory -> theory
val add_hook: (string -> (string * thm list) list -> unit) -> unit
val results: string -> (string * thm list) list -> unit
val theorem: string -> thm -> unit
@@ -114,25 +114,25 @@
(*retrieve graph data from initial collection of theories*)
-fun init_graph remote_path curr_sess = map (fn thy =>
+fun init_graph remote_path curr_sess = rev o map (fn thy =>
val name = Context.theory_name thy;
val {name = sess_name, session, is_local} = get_info thy;
val path' = Path.append (Path.make session) (html_path name);
- in
- {name = name, ID = ID_of session name, dir = sess_name,
- path =
- if null session then "" else
- if is_some remote_path andalso not is_local then
- Url.implode (Url.append (the remote_path) (Url.File
- (Path.append (Path.make session) (html_path name))))
- else Path.implode (Path.append (mk_rel_path curr_sess session) (html_path name)),
- unfold = false,
- parents = map ID_of_thy (Theory.parents_of thy)}
- end);
+ val entry =
+ {name = name, ID = ID_of session name, dir = sess_name,
+ path =
+ if null session then "" else
+ if is_some remote_path andalso not is_local then
+ Url.implode (Url.append (the remote_path) (Url.File
+ (Path.append (Path.make session) (html_path name))))
+ else Path.implode (Path.append (mk_rel_path curr_sess session) (html_path name)),
+ unfold = false,
+ parents = map ID_of_thy (Theory.parents_of thy)};
+ in (0, entry) end);
-fun ins_graph_entry (entry as {ID, ...}) (gr: graph_node list) =
- filter_out (fn entry' => #ID entry' = ID) gr @ [entry];
+fun ins_graph_entry (i, entry as {ID, ...}) (gr: (int * graph_node) list) =
+ (i, entry) :: filter_out (fn (_, entry') => #ID entry' = ID) gr;
@@ -154,16 +154,16 @@
(* type browser_info *)
type browser_info = {theories: theory_info Symtab.table, files: (Path.T * string) list,
- tex_index: Buffer.T, html_index: Buffer.T, graph: graph_node list};
+ tex_index: (int * string) list, html_index: (int * string) list, graph: (int * graph_node) list};
fun make_browser_info (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =
{theories = theories, files = files, tex_index = tex_index, html_index = html_index,
graph = graph}: browser_info;
-val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, []);
+val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], [], [], []);
fun init_browser_info remote_path curr_sess thys = make_browser_info
- (Symtab.empty, [], Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, init_graph remote_path curr_sess thys);
+ (Symtab.empty, [], [], [], init_graph remote_path curr_sess thys);
fun map_browser_info f {theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph} =
make_browser_info (f (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph));
@@ -195,15 +195,15 @@
fun add_tex_index txt =
change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
- (theories, files, Buffer.add txt tex_index, html_index, graph));
+ (theories, files, txt :: tex_index, html_index, graph));
fun add_html_index txt =
change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
- (theories, files, tex_index, Buffer.add txt html_index, graph));
+ (theories, files, tex_index, txt :: html_index, graph));
-fun add_graph_entry e =
+fun add_graph_entry entry =
change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
- (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, ins_graph_entry e graph));
+ (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, ins_graph_entry entry graph));
fun add_tex_source name txt =
if ! suppress_tex_source then ()
@@ -266,10 +266,10 @@
session_entries (get_entries dir) ^ HTML.end_index
|> File.write (Path.append dir index_path);
-fun update_index dir name =
+fun update_index dir name = CRITICAL (fn () =>
(case try get_entries dir of
NONE => warning ("Browser info: cannot access session index of " ^ quote (Path.implode dir))
- | SOME es => (put_entries ((remove (op =) name es) @ [name]) dir; create_index dir));
+ | SOME es => (put_entries ((remove (op =) name es) @ [name]) dir; create_index dir)));
(* document versions *)
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
session_info := SOME (make_session_info (name, parent_name, session_name, path, html_prefix,
info, doc, doc_graph, documents, doc_prefix1, doc_prefix2, remote_path, verbose, readme));
browser_info := init_browser_info remote_path path thys;
- add_html_index index_text
+ add_html_index (0, index_text)
@@ -364,11 +364,14 @@
(* finish session -- output all generated text *)
+fun sorted_index index = map snd (sort (int_ord o pairself fst) (rev index));
+fun index_buffer index = Buffer.add (implode (sorted_index index)) Buffer.empty;
fun write_tex src name path =
Buffer.write (Path.append path (tex_path name)) src;
fun write_tex_index tex_index path =
- write_tex (Buffer.add Latex.tex_trailer tex_index) doc_indexN path;
+ write_tex (index_buffer tex_index |> Buffer.add Latex.tex_trailer) doc_indexN path;
fun finish () = CRITICAL (fn () =>
@@ -383,9 +386,10 @@
fun finish_html (a, {html, ...}: theory_info) =
Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix (html_path a)) (Buffer.add HTML.end_theory html);
+ val sorted_graph = sorted_index graph;
val opt_graphs =
if doc_graph andalso (is_some doc_prefix1 orelse is_some doc_prefix2) then
- SOME (isatool_browser graph)
+ SOME (isatool_browser sorted_graph)
else NONE;
fun prepare_sources cp path =
@@ -400,12 +404,12 @@
if info then
(File.mkdir (Path.append html_prefix session_path);
- Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix pre_index_path) html_index;
+ Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix pre_index_path) (index_buffer html_index);
File.write (Path.append html_prefix session_entries_path) "";
create_index html_prefix;
if length path > 1 then update_index parent_html_prefix name else ();
(case readme of NONE => () | SOME path => File.copy path html_prefix);
- write_graph graph (Path.append html_prefix graph_path);
+ write_graph sorted_graph (Path.append html_prefix graph_path);
File.copy (Path.explode "~~/lib/browser/GraphBrowser.jar") html_prefix;
List.app (fn (a, txt) => File.write (Path.append html_prefix (Path.basic a)) txt)
(HTML.applet_pages name (Url.File index_path, name));
@@ -456,7 +460,7 @@
else Url.File (Path.append (mk_rel_path curr_session session) (html_path name)));
in (link, name) end;
-fun begin_theory dir orig_files thy =
+fun begin_theory update_time dir orig_files thy =
with_session thy (fn {name = sess_name, session, path, html_prefix, remote_path, ...} =>
val name = Context.theory_name thy;
@@ -493,12 +497,11 @@
{name = name, ID = ID_of path name, dir = sess_name, unfold = true,
path = Path.implode (html_path name),
parents = map ID_of_thy parents};
change_theory_info name prep_html_source;
- add_graph_entry entry;
- add_html_index (HTML.theory_entry (Url.File (html_path name), name));
- add_tex_index (Latex.theory_entry name);
+ add_graph_entry (update_time, entry);
+ add_html_index (update_time, HTML.theory_entry (Url.File (html_path name), name));
+ add_tex_index (update_time, Latex.theory_entry name);
BrowserInfoData.put {name = sess_name, session = path, is_local = is_some remote_path} thy
@@ -524,17 +527,17 @@
fun drafts doc_format src_paths =
- fun prep_draft (tex_index, path) =
+ fun prep_draft path i =
val base = Path.base path;
val name =
(case Path.implode (#1 (Path.split_ext base)) of "" => gensym "DUMMY" | s => s);
if File.exists path then
- (Buffer.add (Latex.theory_entry name) tex_index, (name, base, File.read path))
+ (((name, base, File.read path), (i, Latex.theory_entry name)), i + 1)
else error ("Bad file: " ^ quote (Path.implode path))
- val (tex_index, srcs) = foldl_map prep_draft (Buffer.empty, src_paths);
+ val (srcs, tex_index) = split_list (fst (fold_map prep_draft src_paths 0));
val doc_path = File.tmp_path document_path;
val result_path = Path.append doc_path Path.parent;