renamed "Find" to "Query", with more general operations;
Tue, 06 May 2014 16:57:17 +0200
changeset 56879 ee2b61f37ad9
parent 56878 a5d082a85124
child 56880 f8c1d2583699
renamed "Find" to "Query", with more general operations;
--- a/NEWS	Tue May 06 16:41:24 2014 +0200
+++ b/NEWS	Tue May 06 16:57:17 2014 +0200
@@ -112,8 +112,10 @@
 * Document panel: simplied interaction where every single mouse click
 (re)opens document via desktop environment or as jEdit buffer.
-* Find panel: support for 'find_consts' in addition to
+* More general "Query" panel supersedes "Find" panel, with GUI access
+to commands 'find_theorems' and 'find_consts', as well as print
+operations for the context.  Minor incompatibility in keyboard
+shortcuts etc.: replace action isabelle-find by isabelle-query.
 * Option "jedit_print_mode" (see also "Plugin Options / Isabelle /
 General") allows to specify additional print modes for the prover
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/lib/Tools/jedit	Tue May 06 16:41:24 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/lib/Tools/jedit	Tue May 06 16:57:17 2014 +0200
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
-  "src/find_dockable.scala"
@@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
+  "src/query_dockable.scala"
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/Isabelle.props	Tue May 06 16:41:24 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/Isabelle.props	Tue May 06 16:57:17 2014 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ \
   isabelle-documentation \
-  isabelle-find \
   isabelle-monitor \
   isabelle-output \
   isabelle-protocol \
+  isabelle-query \
   isabelle-raw-output \
   isabelle-simplifier-trace \
   isabelle-sledgehammer \
@@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
 isabelle-documentation.label=Documentation panel
-isabelle-find.label=Find panel
 isabelle-graphview.label=Graphview panel
 isabelle-info.label=Info panel
@@ -56,6 +54,8 @@
 isabelle-protocol.label=Protocol panel
+isabelle-query.label=Query panel
 isabelle-raw-output.label=Raw Output panel
 isabelle-raw-output.title=Raw Output
 isabelle-simplifier-trace.label=Simplifier Trace panel
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/dockables.xml	Tue May 06 16:41:24 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/dockables.xml	Tue May 06 16:57:17 2014 +0200
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
 	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-documentation" MOVABLE="TRUE">
 		new isabelle.jedit.Documentation_Dockable(view, position);
-	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-find" MOVABLE="TRUE">
-		new isabelle.jedit.Find_Dockable(view, position);
 	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-info" MOVABLE="TRUE">
 		new isabelle.jedit.Info_Dockable(view, position);
@@ -23,6 +20,9 @@
 	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-protocol" MOVABLE="TRUE">
 		new isabelle.jedit.Protocol_Dockable(view, position);
+	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-query" MOVABLE="TRUE">
+		new isabelle.jedit.Query_Dockable(view, position);
 	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-raw-output" MOVABLE="TRUE">
 		new isabelle.jedit.Raw_Output_Dockable(view, position);
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/find_dockable.scala	Tue May 06 16:41:24 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/find_dockable.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Dockable window for "find" dialog.
-package isabelle.jedit
-import isabelle._
-import java.awt.event.{ComponentEvent, ComponentAdapter, KeyEvent}
-import javax.swing.{JComponent, JTextField}
-import scala.swing.{Button, Component, TextField, CheckBox, Label, ListView,
-  ComboBox, TabbedPane, BorderPanel}
-import scala.swing.event.{SelectionChanged, ButtonClicked, Key, KeyPressed}
-import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
-object Find_Dockable
-  private abstract class Operation(view: View)
-  {
-    val pretty_text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)
-    def query_operation: Query_Operation[View]
-    def query: JComponent
-    def select: Unit
-    def page: TabbedPane.Page
-  }
-class Find_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position)
-  /* common GUI components */
-  private var zoom_factor = 100
-  private val zoom =
-    new GUI.Zoom_Box(factor => if (zoom_factor != factor) { zoom_factor = factor; handle_resize() })
-    {
-      tooltip = "Zoom factor for output font size"
-    }
-  private def make_query(property: String, tooltip: String, apply_query: () => Unit): JTextField =
-    new Completion_Popup.History_Text_Field(property)
-    {
-      override def processKeyEvent(evt: KeyEvent)
-      {
-        if (evt.getID == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && evt.getKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) apply_query()
-        super.processKeyEvent(evt)
-      }
-      { val max = getPreferredSize; max.width = Integer.MAX_VALUE; setMaximumSize(max) }
-      setColumns(40)
-      setToolTipText(tooltip)
-      setFont(GUI.imitate_font(Font_Info.main_family(), getFont, 1.2))
-    }
-  /* consume status */
-  def consume_status(process_indicator: Process_Indicator, status: Query_Operation.Status.Value)
-  {
-    status match {
-      case Query_Operation.Status.WAITING =>
-        process_indicator.update("Waiting for evaluation of context ...", 5)
-      case Query_Operation.Status.RUNNING =>
-        process_indicator.update("Running find operation ...", 15)
-      case Query_Operation.Status.FINISHED =>
-        process_indicator.update(null, 0)
-    }
-  }
-  /* find theorems */
-  private val find_theorems = new Find_Dockable.Operation(view)
-  {
-    /* query */
-    private val process_indicator = new Process_Indicator
-    val query_operation =
-      new Query_Operation(PIDE.editor, view, "find_theorems",
-        consume_status(process_indicator, _),
-        (snapshot, results, body) =>
-          pretty_text_area.update(snapshot, results, Pretty.separate(body)))
-    private def apply_query()
-    {
-      query_operation.apply_query(List(limit.text, allow_dups.selected.toString, query.getText))
-    }
-    private val query_label = new Label("Search criteria:") {
-      tooltip =
-        GUI.tooltip_lines(
-          "Search criteria for find operation, e.g.\n\"_ = _\" \"op +\" name: Group -name: monoid")
-    }
-    val query = make_query("isabelle-find-theorems", query_label.tooltip, apply_query _)
-    /* GUI page */
-    private val limit = new TextField("find_theorems_limit").toString, 5) {
-      tooltip = "Limit of displayed results"
-      verifier = (s: String) =>
-        s match { case Properties.Value.Int(x) => x >= 0 case _ => false }
-      listenTo(keys)
-      reactions += { case KeyPressed(_, Key.Enter, 0, _) => apply_query() }
-    }
-    private val allow_dups = new CheckBox("Duplicates") {
-      tooltip = "Show all versions of matching theorems"
-      selected = false
-    }
-    private val apply_button = new Button("Apply") {
-      tooltip = "Find theorems meeting specified criteria"
-      reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => apply_query() }
-    }
-    private val control_panel =
-      new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Right)(
-        query_label, Component.wrap(query), limit, allow_dups,
-        process_indicator.component, apply_button)
-    def select { control_panel.contents += zoom }
-    val page =
-      new TabbedPane.Page("Theorems", new BorderPanel {
-        add(control_panel, BorderPanel.Position.North)
-        add(Component.wrap(pretty_text_area), BorderPanel.Position.Center)
-      }, apply_button.tooltip)
-  }
-  /* find consts */
-  private val find_consts = new Find_Dockable.Operation(view)
-  {
-    /* query */
-    private val process_indicator = new Process_Indicator
-    val query_operation =
-      new Query_Operation(PIDE.editor, view, "find_consts",
-        consume_status(process_indicator, _),
-        (snapshot, results, body) =>
-          pretty_text_area.update(snapshot, results, Pretty.separate(body)))
-    private def apply_query()
-    {
-      query_operation.apply_query(List(query.getText))
-    }
-    private val query_label = new Label("Search criteria:") {
-      tooltip = GUI.tooltip_lines("Name / type patterns for constants")
-    }
-    val query = make_query("isabelle-find-consts", query_label.tooltip, apply_query _)
-    /* GUI page */
-    private val apply_button = new Button("Apply") {
-      tooltip = "Find constants by name / type patterns"
-      reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => apply_query() }
-    }
-    private val control_panel =
-      new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Right)(
-        query_label, Component.wrap(query), process_indicator.component, apply_button)
-    def select { control_panel.contents += zoom }
-    val page =
-      new TabbedPane.Page("Constants", new BorderPanel {
-        add(control_panel, BorderPanel.Position.North)
-        add(Component.wrap(pretty_text_area), BorderPanel.Position.Center)
-      }, apply_button.tooltip)
-  }
-  /* print operation */
-  private val print_operation = new Find_Dockable.Operation(view)
-  {
-    /* query */
-    val query_operation =
-      new Query_Operation(PIDE.editor, view, "print_operation", _ => (),
-        (snapshot, results, body) =>
-          pretty_text_area.update(snapshot, results, Pretty.separate(body)))
-    private def apply_query()
-    {
-      query_operation.apply_query(List(_selector.selection.item))
-    }
-    private val query_label = new Label("Print:")
-    def query: JComponent = _selector.peer.asInstanceOf[JComponent]
-    /* items */
-    case class Item(name: String, description: String)
-    class Renderer(old_renderer: ListView.Renderer[String], items: List[Item])
-      extends ListView.Renderer[String]
-    {
-      def componentFor(list: ListView[_],
-        selected: Boolean, focused: Boolean, item: String, index: Int) =
-      {
-        val component = old_renderer.componentFor(list, selected, focused, item, index)
-        try { component.tooltip = items(index).description }
-        catch { case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => }
-        component
-      }
-    }
-    private var _selector_item: Option[String] = None
-    private var _selector = new ComboBox[String](Nil)
-    private def set_selector()
-    {
-      val items = Print_Operation.print_operations(PIDE.session).map(p => Item(p._1, p._2))
-      _selector =
-        new ComboBox( {
-          _selector_item.foreach(item => selection.item = item)
-          listenTo(selection)
-          reactions += {
-            case SelectionChanged(_) =>
-              _selector_item = Some(selection.item)
-              apply_query()
-          }
-        }
-      _selector.renderer = new Renderer(_selector.renderer, items)
-    }
-    set_selector()
-    /* GUI page */
-    private val apply_button = new Button("Apply") {
-      tooltip = "Apply to current context"
-      reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => apply_query() }
-    }
-    private val control_panel = new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Right)()
-    def select
-    {
-      set_selector()
-      control_panel.contents.clear
-      control_panel.contents ++= List(query_label, _selector, apply_button, zoom)
-    }
-    val page =
-      new TabbedPane.Page("Print ...", new BorderPanel {
-        add(control_panel, BorderPanel.Position.North)
-        add(Component.wrap(pretty_text_area), BorderPanel.Position.Center)
-      }, "Print information from context")
-  }
-  /* operations */
-  private val operations = List(find_theorems, find_consts, print_operation)
-  private val operations_pane = new TabbedPane
-  {
-    pages ++=
-    listenTo(selection)
-    reactions += { case SelectionChanged(_) => select_operation() }
-  }
-  private def get_operation(): Option[Find_Dockable.Operation] =
-    try { Some(operations(operations_pane.selection.index)) }
-    catch { case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => None }
-  private def select_operation() {
-    for (op <- get_operation()) {; op.query.requestFocus }
-    operations_pane.revalidate
-  }
-  override def focusOnDefaultComponent { for (op <- get_operation()) op.query.requestFocus }
-  select_operation()
-  set_content(operations_pane)
-  /* resize */
-  private def handle_resize(): Unit =
-    Swing_Thread.require {
-      for (op <- operations) {
-        op.pretty_text_area.resize(
-          Font_Info.main(PIDE.options.real("jedit_font_scale") * zoom_factor / 100))
-      }
-    }
-  private val delay_resize =
-    Swing_Thread.delay_first(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_update_delay")) { handle_resize() }
-  addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter {
-    override def componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }
-  })
-  /* main */
-  private val main =
-    Session.Consumer[Session.Global_Options](getClass.getName) {
-      case _: Session.Global_Options => Swing_Thread.later { handle_resize() }
-    }
-  override def init()
-  {
-    PIDE.session.global_options += main
-    handle_resize()
-    operations.foreach(op => op.query_operation.activate())
-  }
-  override def exit()
-  {
-    operations.foreach(op => op.query_operation.deactivate())
-    PIDE.session.global_options -= main
-    delay_resize.revoke()
-  }
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/isabelle.scala	Tue May 06 16:41:24 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/isabelle.scala	Tue May 06 16:57:17 2014 +0200
@@ -78,12 +78,6 @@
       case _ => None
-  def find_dockable(view: View): Option[Find_Dockable] =
-    wm(view).getDockableWindow("isabelle-find") match {
-      case dockable: Find_Dockable => Some(dockable)
-      case _ => None
-    }
   def monitor_dockable(view: View): Option[Monitor_Dockable] =
     wm(view).getDockableWindow("isabelle-monitor") match {
       case dockable: Monitor_Dockable => Some(dockable)
@@ -102,6 +96,12 @@
       case _ => None
+  def query_dockable(view: View): Option[Query_Dockable] =
+    wm(view).getDockableWindow("isabelle-query") match {
+      case dockable: Query_Dockable => Some(dockable)
+      case _ => None
+    }
   def raw_output_dockable(view: View): Option[Raw_Output_Dockable] =
     wm(view).getDockableWindow("isabelle-raw-output") match {
       case dockable: Raw_Output_Dockable => Some(dockable)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jEdit.props	Tue May 06 16:41:24 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jEdit.props	Tue May 06 16:57:17 2014 +0200
@@ -184,10 +184,10 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/query_dockable.scala	Tue May 06 16:57:17 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/query_dockable.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Dockable window for query operations.
+package isabelle.jedit
+import isabelle._
+import java.awt.event.{ComponentEvent, ComponentAdapter, KeyEvent}
+import javax.swing.{JComponent, JTextField}
+import scala.swing.{Button, Component, TextField, CheckBox, Label, ListView,
+  ComboBox, TabbedPane, BorderPanel}
+import scala.swing.event.{SelectionChanged, ButtonClicked, Key, KeyPressed}
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
+object Query_Dockable
+  private abstract class Operation(view: View)
+  {
+    val pretty_text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)
+    def query_operation: Query_Operation[View]
+    def query: JComponent
+    def select: Unit
+    def page: TabbedPane.Page
+  }
+class Query_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position)
+  /* common GUI components */
+  private var zoom_factor = 100
+  private val zoom =
+    new GUI.Zoom_Box(factor => if (zoom_factor != factor) { zoom_factor = factor; handle_resize() })
+    {
+      tooltip = "Zoom factor for output font size"
+    }
+  private def make_query(property: String, tooltip: String, apply_query: () => Unit): JTextField =
+    new Completion_Popup.History_Text_Field(property)
+    {
+      override def processKeyEvent(evt: KeyEvent)
+      {
+        if (evt.getID == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && evt.getKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) apply_query()
+        super.processKeyEvent(evt)
+      }
+      { val max = getPreferredSize; max.width = Integer.MAX_VALUE; setMaximumSize(max) }
+      setColumns(40)
+      setToolTipText(tooltip)
+      setFont(GUI.imitate_font(Font_Info.main_family(), getFont, 1.2))
+    }
+  /* consume status */
+  def consume_status(process_indicator: Process_Indicator, status: Query_Operation.Status.Value)
+  {
+    status match {
+      case Query_Operation.Status.WAITING =>
+        process_indicator.update("Waiting for evaluation of context ...", 5)
+      case Query_Operation.Status.RUNNING =>
+        process_indicator.update("Running find operation ...", 15)
+      case Query_Operation.Status.FINISHED =>
+        process_indicator.update(null, 0)
+    }
+  }
+  /* find theorems */
+  private val find_theorems = new Query_Dockable.Operation(view)
+  {
+    /* query */
+    private val process_indicator = new Process_Indicator
+    val query_operation =
+      new Query_Operation(PIDE.editor, view, "find_theorems",
+        consume_status(process_indicator, _),
+        (snapshot, results, body) =>
+          pretty_text_area.update(snapshot, results, Pretty.separate(body)))
+    private def apply_query()
+    {
+      query_operation.apply_query(List(limit.text, allow_dups.selected.toString, query.getText))
+    }
+    private val query_label = new Label("Search criteria:") {
+      tooltip =
+        GUI.tooltip_lines(
+          "Search criteria for find operation, e.g.\n\"_ = _\" \"op +\" name: Group -name: monoid")
+    }
+    val query = make_query("isabelle-find-theorems", query_label.tooltip, apply_query _)
+    /* GUI page */
+    private val limit = new TextField("find_theorems_limit").toString, 5) {
+      tooltip = "Limit of displayed results"
+      verifier = (s: String) =>
+        s match { case Properties.Value.Int(x) => x >= 0 case _ => false }
+      listenTo(keys)
+      reactions += { case KeyPressed(_, Key.Enter, 0, _) => apply_query() }
+    }
+    private val allow_dups = new CheckBox("Duplicates") {
+      tooltip = "Show all versions of matching theorems"
+      selected = false
+    }
+    private val apply_button = new Button("Apply") {
+      tooltip = "Find theorems meeting specified criteria"
+      reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => apply_query() }
+    }
+    private val control_panel =
+      new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Right)(
+        query_label, Component.wrap(query), limit, allow_dups,
+        process_indicator.component, apply_button)
+    def select { control_panel.contents += zoom }
+    val page =
+      new TabbedPane.Page("Find Theorems", new BorderPanel {
+        add(control_panel, BorderPanel.Position.North)
+        add(Component.wrap(pretty_text_area), BorderPanel.Position.Center)
+      }, apply_button.tooltip)
+  }
+  /* find consts */
+  private val find_consts = new Query_Dockable.Operation(view)
+  {
+    /* query */
+    private val process_indicator = new Process_Indicator
+    val query_operation =
+      new Query_Operation(PIDE.editor, view, "find_consts",
+        consume_status(process_indicator, _),
+        (snapshot, results, body) =>
+          pretty_text_area.update(snapshot, results, Pretty.separate(body)))
+    private def apply_query()
+    {
+      query_operation.apply_query(List(query.getText))
+    }
+    private val query_label = new Label("Search criteria:") {
+      tooltip = GUI.tooltip_lines("Name / type patterns for constants")
+    }
+    val query = make_query("isabelle-find-consts", query_label.tooltip, apply_query _)
+    /* GUI page */
+    private val apply_button = new Button("Apply") {
+      tooltip = "Find constants by name / type patterns"
+      reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => apply_query() }
+    }
+    private val control_panel =
+      new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Right)(
+        query_label, Component.wrap(query), process_indicator.component, apply_button)
+    def select { control_panel.contents += zoom }
+    val page =
+      new TabbedPane.Page("Find Constants", new BorderPanel {
+        add(control_panel, BorderPanel.Position.North)
+        add(Component.wrap(pretty_text_area), BorderPanel.Position.Center)
+      }, apply_button.tooltip)
+  }
+  /* print operation */
+  private val print_operation = new Query_Dockable.Operation(view)
+  {
+    /* query */
+    val query_operation =
+      new Query_Operation(PIDE.editor, view, "print_operation", _ => (),
+        (snapshot, results, body) =>
+          pretty_text_area.update(snapshot, results, Pretty.separate(body)))
+    private def apply_query()
+    {
+      query_operation.apply_query(List(_selector.selection.item))
+    }
+    private val query_label = new Label("Print:")
+    def query: JComponent = _selector.peer.asInstanceOf[JComponent]
+    /* items */
+    case class Item(name: String, description: String)
+    class Renderer(old_renderer: ListView.Renderer[String], items: List[Item])
+      extends ListView.Renderer[String]
+    {
+      def componentFor(list: ListView[_],
+        selected: Boolean, focused: Boolean, item: String, index: Int) =
+      {
+        val component = old_renderer.componentFor(list, selected, focused, item, index)
+        try { component.tooltip = items(index).description }
+        catch { case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => }
+        component
+      }
+    }
+    private var _selector_item: Option[String] = None
+    private var _selector = new ComboBox[String](Nil)
+    private def set_selector()
+    {
+      val items = Print_Operation.print_operations(PIDE.session).map(p => Item(p._1, p._2))
+      _selector =
+        new ComboBox( {
+          _selector_item.foreach(item => selection.item = item)
+          listenTo(selection)
+          reactions += {
+            case SelectionChanged(_) =>
+              _selector_item = Some(selection.item)
+              apply_query()
+          }
+        }
+      _selector.renderer = new Renderer(_selector.renderer, items)
+    }
+    set_selector()
+    /* GUI page */
+    private val apply_button = new Button("Apply") {
+      tooltip = "Apply to current context"
+      reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => apply_query() }
+    }
+    private val control_panel = new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Right)()
+    def select
+    {
+      set_selector()
+      control_panel.contents.clear
+      control_panel.contents ++= List(query_label, _selector, apply_button, zoom)
+    }
+    val page =
+      new TabbedPane.Page("Print Context", new BorderPanel {
+        add(control_panel, BorderPanel.Position.North)
+        add(Component.wrap(pretty_text_area), BorderPanel.Position.Center)
+      }, "Print information from context")
+  }
+  /* operations */
+  private val operations = List(find_theorems, find_consts, print_operation)
+  private val operations_pane = new TabbedPane
+  {
+    pages ++=
+    listenTo(selection)
+    reactions += { case SelectionChanged(_) => select_operation() }
+  }
+  private def get_operation(): Option[Query_Dockable.Operation] =
+    try { Some(operations(operations_pane.selection.index)) }
+    catch { case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => None }
+  private def select_operation() {
+    for (op <- get_operation()) {; op.query.requestFocus }
+    operations_pane.revalidate
+  }
+  override def focusOnDefaultComponent { for (op <- get_operation()) op.query.requestFocus }
+  select_operation()
+  set_content(operations_pane)
+  /* resize */
+  private def handle_resize(): Unit =
+    Swing_Thread.require {
+      for (op <- operations) {
+        op.pretty_text_area.resize(
+          Font_Info.main(PIDE.options.real("jedit_font_scale") * zoom_factor / 100))
+      }
+    }
+  private val delay_resize =
+    Swing_Thread.delay_first(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_update_delay")) { handle_resize() }
+  addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter {
+    override def componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }
+  })
+  /* main */
+  private val main =
+    Session.Consumer[Session.Global_Options](getClass.getName) {
+      case _: Session.Global_Options => Swing_Thread.later { handle_resize() }
+    }
+  override def init()
+  {
+    PIDE.session.global_options += main
+    handle_resize()
+    operations.foreach(op => op.query_operation.activate())
+  }
+  override def exit()
+  {
+    operations.foreach(op => op.query_operation.deactivate())
+    PIDE.session.global_options -= main
+    delay_resize.revoke()
+  }