--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML Fri Apr 06 10:37:46 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML Fri Apr 06 13:50:07 2012 +0200
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
type state
val init_state: state
val define_command: command_id -> string -> string -> state -> state
+ val discontinue_execution: state -> unit
val cancel_execution: state -> Future.task list
- val update_perspective: version_id -> version_id -> string -> command_id list -> state -> state
+ val execute: version_id -> state -> state
val update: version_id -> version_id -> edit list -> state ->
((command_id * exec_id option) list * (string * command_id option) list) * state
- val execute: version_id -> state -> state
val remove_versions: version_id list -> state -> state
val state: unit -> state
val change_state: (state -> state) -> unit
@@ -62,17 +62,16 @@
type perspective = (command_id -> bool) * command_id option; (*visible commands, last*)
structure Entries = Linear_Set(type key = command_id val ord = int_ord);
-type exec = exec_id * (Toplevel.state * unit lazy) lazy; (*eval/print process*)
-val no_print = Lazy.value ();
-val no_exec = (no_id, Lazy.value (Toplevel.toplevel, no_print));
+type exec = (Toplevel.state * unit lazy) Command.memo; (*eval/print process*)
+val no_exec = Command.memo_value (Toplevel.toplevel, Lazy.value ());
abstype node = Node of
{touched: bool,
header: node_header,
perspective: perspective,
- entries: exec option Entries.T, (*command entries with excecutions*)
+ entries: (exec_id * exec) option Entries.T, (*command entries with excecutions*)
last_exec: command_id option, (*last command with exec state assignment*)
- result: Toplevel.state lazy}
+ result: exec}
and version = Version of node Graph.T (*development graph wrt. static imports*)
@@ -88,11 +87,10 @@
val no_header = Exn.Exn (ERROR "Bad theory header");
val no_perspective = make_perspective [];
-val no_result = Lazy.value Toplevel.toplevel;
-val empty_node = make_node (false, no_header, no_perspective, Entries.empty, NONE, no_result);
+val empty_node = make_node (false, no_header, no_perspective, Entries.empty, NONE, no_exec);
val clear_node = map_node (fn (_, header, _, _, _, _) =>
- (false, header, no_perspective, Entries.empty, NONE, no_result));
+ (false, header, no_perspective, Entries.empty, NONE, no_exec));
(* basic components *)
@@ -112,6 +110,10 @@
map_node (fn (touched, header, _, entries, last_exec, result) =>
(touched, header, make_perspective ids, entries, last_exec, result));
+val visible_command = #1 o get_perspective;
+val visible_last = #2 o get_perspective;
+val visible_node = is_some o visible_last
fun map_entries f =
map_node (fn (touched, header, perspective, entries, last_exec, result) =>
(touched, header, perspective, f entries, last_exec, result));
@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@
map_node (fn (touched, header, perspective, entries, _, result) =>
(touched, header, perspective, entries, last_exec, result));
-fun get_theory pos (Node {result, ...}) = Toplevel.end_theory pos (Lazy.force result);
+fun get_result (Node {result, ...}) = result;
fun set_result result =
map_node (fn (touched, header, perspective, entries, last_exec, _) =>
(touched, header, perspective, entries, last_exec, result));
@@ -160,8 +162,8 @@
NONE => err_undef "command entry" id
| SOME (exec, _) => exec);
-fun the_default_entry node (SOME id) = (id, (the_default no_exec (the_entry node id)))
- | the_default_entry _ NONE = (no_id, no_exec);
+fun the_default_entry node (SOME id) = (id, (the_default (no_id, no_exec) (the_entry node id)))
+ | the_default_entry _ NONE = (no_id, (no_id, no_exec));
fun update_entry id exec =
map_entries (Entries.update (id, exec));
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@
fold (fn desc =>
update_node desc
(set_touched true #>
- desc <> name ? (map_entries (reset_after NONE) #> set_result no_result)))
+ desc <> name ? (map_entries (reset_after NONE) #> set_result no_exec)))
(Graph.all_succs nodes [name]) nodes;
@@ -228,7 +230,7 @@
in Graph.map_node name (set_header header'') nodes3 end
|> touch_node name
| Perspective perspective =>
- update_node name (set_perspective perspective) nodes);
+ update_node name (set_perspective perspective #> set_touched true) nodes);
@@ -239,12 +241,12 @@
-(** global state -- document structure and execution process **)
+(** document state -- content structure and execution process **)
abstype state = State of
{versions: version Inttab.table, (*version_id -> document content*)
- commands: (string * Token.T list lazy) Inttab.table, (*command_id -> name * span*)
- execution: version_id * Future.group} (*current execution process*)
+ commands: (string * Token.T list lazy) Inttab.table, (*command_id -> named span*)
+ execution: version_id * Future.group * bool Unsynchronized.ref} (*current execution process*)
fun make_state (versions, commands, execution) =
@@ -254,7 +256,8 @@
make_state (f (versions, commands, execution));
val init_state =
- make_state (Inttab.make [(no_id, empty_version)], Inttab.empty, (no_id, Future.new_group NONE));
+ make_state (Inttab.make [(no_id, empty_version)], Inttab.empty,
+ (no_id, Future.new_group NONE, Unsynchronized.ref false));
(* document versions *)
@@ -276,18 +279,10 @@
(* commands *)
-fun parse_command id text =
- Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only id)
- (fn () =>
- let
- val toks = Thy_Syntax.parse_tokens (#1 (Outer_Syntax.get_syntax ())) (Position.id id) text;
- val _ = Output.status (Markup.markup_only Isabelle_Markup.parsed);
- in toks end) ();
fun define_command (id: command_id) name text =
map_state (fn (versions, commands, execution) =>
- val span = Lazy.lazy (fn () => parse_command (print_id id) text);
+ val span = Lazy.lazy (fn () => Command.parse_command (print_id id) text);
val commands' =
Inttab.update_new (id, (name, span)) commands
handle Inttab.DUP dup => err_dup "command" dup;
@@ -301,85 +296,99 @@
(* document execution *)
-fun cancel_execution (State {execution, ...}) = Future.cancel_group (#2 execution);
-(* toplevel transactions *)
-fun timing tr t =
- if Timing.is_relevant t then Toplevel.status tr (Isabelle_Markup.timing t) else ();
-fun proof_status tr st =
- (case try Toplevel.proof_of st of
- SOME prf => Toplevel.status tr (Proof.status_markup prf)
- | NONE => ());
-fun print_state tr st =
- (Lazy.lazy o Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr)
- (fn () => Toplevel.print_state false st);
-fun run int tr st =
- (case Toplevel.transition int tr st of
- SOME (st', NONE) => ([], SOME st')
- | SOME (_, SOME (exn, _)) => (ML_Compiler.exn_messages exn, NONE)
- | NONE => ([(serial (), ML_Compiler.exn_message Runtime.TERMINATE)], NONE));
+fun discontinue_execution (State {execution = (_, _, running), ...}) = running := false;
-fun run_command tr st =
- let
- val is_init = Toplevel.is_init tr;
- val is_proof = Keyword.is_proof (Toplevel.name_of tr);
- val _ = Multithreading.interrupted ();
- val _ = Toplevel.status tr Isabelle_Markup.forked;
- val start = Timing.start ();
- val (errs, result) = run (is_init orelse is_proof) (Toplevel.set_print false tr) st;
- val _ = timing tr (Timing.result start);
- val _ = Toplevel.status tr Isabelle_Markup.joined;
- val _ = List.app (Toplevel.error_msg tr) errs;
- in
- (case result of
- NONE =>
- let
- val _ = if null errs then Exn.interrupt () else ();
- val _ = Toplevel.status tr Isabelle_Markup.failed;
- in (st, no_print) end
- | SOME st' =>
- let
- val _ = Toplevel.status tr Isabelle_Markup.finished;
- val _ = proof_status tr st';
- val do_print =
- not is_init andalso
- (Toplevel.print_of tr orelse (is_proof andalso Toplevel.is_proof st'));
- in (st', if do_print then print_state tr st' else no_print) end)
- end;
+fun cancel_execution (State {execution = (_, group, _), ...}) = Future.cancel_group group;
+(** execute **)
-(** update **)
+fun finished_theory node =
+ (case Exn.capture Command.memo_result (get_result node) of
+ Exn.Res (st, _) => can (Toplevel.end_theory Position.none) st
+ | _ => false);
-(* perspective *)
+fun execute version_id state =
+ state |> map_state (fn (versions, commands, _) =>
+ let
+ val version = the_version state version_id;
-fun update_perspective (old_id: version_id) (new_id: version_id) name perspective state =
- let
- val old_version = the_version state old_id;
- val _ = Time.now (); (* FIXME odd workaround for polyml-5.4.0/x86_64 -- needed? *)
- val new_version = edit_nodes (name, Perspective perspective) old_version;
- in define_version new_id new_version state end;
+ fun run node command_id exec =
+ let
+ val (_, print) = Command.memo_eval exec;
+ val _ =
+ if visible_command node command_id
+ then ignore (Lazy.future Future.default_params print)
+ else ();
+ in () end;
+ val group = Future.new_group NONE;
+ val running = Unsynchronized.ref true;
+ val _ =
+ nodes_of version |> Graph.schedule
+ (fn deps => fn (name, node) =>
+ if not (visible_node node) andalso finished_theory node then
+ Future.value ()
+ else
+ (singleton o Future.forks)
+ {name = "theory:" ^ name, group = SOME (Future.new_group (SOME group)),
+ deps = map (Future.task_of o #2) deps, pri = 1, interrupts = false}
+ (fn () =>
+ iterate_entries (fn ((_, id), opt_exec) => fn () =>
+ (case opt_exec of
+ SOME (_, exec) => if ! running then SOME (run node id exec) else NONE
+ | NONE => NONE)) node ()));
+ in (versions, commands, (version_id, group, running)) end);
-(* edits *)
+(** edits **)
+(* update *)
+fun make_required nodes =
+ let
+ val all_visible =
+ Graph.fold (fn (a, (node, _)) => visible_node node ? cons a) nodes []
+ |> Graph.all_preds nodes
+ |> map (rpair ()) |> Symtab.make;
+ val required =
+ Symtab.fold (fn (a, ()) =>
+ exists (Symtab.defined all_visible) (Graph.immediate_succs nodes a) ?
+ Symtab.update (a, ())) all_visible Symtab.empty;
+ in Symtab.defined required end;
+fun init_theory deps node =
+ let
+ (* FIXME provide files via Scala layer, not master_dir *)
+ val (dir, header) = Exn.release (get_header node);
+ val master_dir =
+ (case Url.explode dir of
+ Url.File path => path
+ | _ => Path.current);
+ val parents =
+ #imports header |> map (fn import =>
+ (case Thy_Info.lookup_theory import of (* FIXME more robust!? *)
+ SOME thy => thy
+ | NONE =>
+ Toplevel.end_theory (Position.file_only import)
+ (fst (Command.memo_eval (* FIXME memo_result !?! *)
+ (get_result (snd (Future.join (the (AList.lookup (op =) deps import)))))))));
+ in Thy_Load.begin_theory master_dir header parents end;
+fun check_theory nodes name =
+ is_some (Thy_Info.lookup_theory name) orelse (* FIXME more robust!? *)
+ is_some (Exn.get_res (get_header (get_node nodes name)));
fun last_common state last_visible node0 node =
fun update_flags prev (visible, initial) =
@@ -390,11 +399,17 @@
NONE => true
| SOME id => not (Keyword.is_theory_begin (#1 (the_command state id))));
in (visible', initial') end;
- fun get_common ((prev, id), exec) (found, (_, flags)) =
+ fun get_common ((prev, id), opt_exec) (found, (_, flags)) =
if found then NONE
let val found' =
- is_none exec orelse op <> (pairself (Option.map #1) (exec, lookup_entry node0 id));
+ (case opt_exec of
+ NONE => true
+ | SOME (exec_id, exec) =>
+ not (Command.memo_stable exec) orelse
+ (case lookup_entry node0 id of
+ NONE => true
+ | SOME (exec_id0, _) => exec_id <> exec_id0));
in SOME (found', (prev, update_flags prev flags)) end;
val (found, (common, flags)) =
iterate_entries get_common node (false, (NONE, (true, true)));
@@ -424,41 +439,12 @@
#1 (Outer_Syntax.read_span (#2 (Outer_Syntax.get_syntax ())) span)
|> modify_init
|> Toplevel.put_id exec_id'_string);
- val exec' = snd (snd command_exec) |> Lazy.map (fn (st, _) => run_command (tr ()) st);
+ val exec' = Command.memo (fn () =>
+ let val (st, _) = Command.memo_eval (snd (snd command_exec)); (* FIXME memo_result !?! *)
+ in Command.run_command (tr ()) st end);
val command_exec' = (command_id', (exec_id', exec'));
in SOME (command_exec' :: execs, command_exec', init') end;
-fun make_required nodes =
- let
- val all_visible =
- Graph.fold (fn (a, (node, _)) => is_some (#2 (get_perspective node)) ? cons a) nodes []
- |> Graph.all_preds nodes;
- val required =
- fold (fn a => exists (fn b => Graph.is_edge nodes (a, b)) all_visible ? Symtab.update (a, ()))
- all_visible Symtab.empty;
- in Symtab.defined required end;
-fun check_theory nodes name =
- is_some (Thy_Info.lookup_theory name) orelse (* FIXME more robust!? *)
- is_some (Exn.get_res (get_header (get_node nodes name)));
-fun init_theory deps node =
- let
- (* FIXME provide files via Scala layer, not master_dir *)
- val (dir, header) = Exn.release (get_header node);
- val master_dir =
- (case Url.explode dir of
- Url.File path => path
- | _ => Path.current);
- val parents =
- #imports header |> map (fn import =>
- (case Thy_Info.lookup_theory import of (* FIXME more robust!? *)
- SOME thy => thy
- | NONE =>
- get_theory (Position.file_only import)
- (snd (Future.join (the (AList.lookup (op =) deps import))))));
- in Thy_Load.begin_theory master_dir header parents end;
fun update (old_id: version_id) (new_id: version_id) edits state =
@@ -473,9 +459,7 @@
val updated =
nodes |> Graph.schedule
(fn deps => fn (name, node) =>
- if not (is_touched node orelse is_required name)
- then Future.value (([], [], []), node)
- else
+ if is_touched node orelse is_required name andalso not (finished_theory node) then
val node0 = node_of old_version name;
fun init () = init_theory deps node;
@@ -488,7 +472,7 @@
(fn () =>
val required = is_required name;
- val last_visible = #2 (get_perspective node);
+ val last_visible = visible_last node;
val (common, (visible, initial)) = last_common state last_visible node0 node;
val common_command_exec = the_default_entry node common;
@@ -509,8 +493,8 @@
val last_exec = if command_id = no_id then NONE else SOME command_id;
val result =
- if is_some (after_entry node last_exec) then no_result
- else Lazy.map #1 exec;
+ if is_some (after_entry node last_exec) then no_exec
+ else exec;
val node' = node
|> fold reset_entry no_execs
@@ -519,7 +503,8 @@
|> set_result result
|> set_touched false;
in ((no_execs, execs, [(name, node')]), node') end)
- end)
+ end
+ else Future.value (([], [], []), node))
|> Future.joins |> map #1;
val command_execs =
@@ -535,36 +520,6 @@
-(* execute *)
-fun execute version_id state =
- state |> map_state (fn (versions, commands, _) =>
- let
- val version = the_version state version_id;
- fun force_exec _ _ NONE = ()
- | force_exec node command_id (SOME (_, exec)) =
- let
- val (_, print) = Lazy.force exec;
- val _ =
- if #1 (get_perspective node) command_id
- then ignore (Lazy.future Future.default_params print)
- else ();
- in () end;
- val group = Future.new_group NONE;
- val _ =
- nodes_of version |> Graph.schedule
- (fn deps => fn (name, node) =>
- (singleton o Future.forks)
- {name = "theory:" ^ name, group = SOME (Future.new_group (SOME group)),
- deps = map (Future.task_of o #2) deps, pri = 1, interrupts = false}
- (iterate_entries (fn ((_, id), exec) => fn () =>
- SOME (force_exec node id exec)) node));
- in (versions, commands, (version_id, group)) end);
(* remove versions *)
fun remove_versions ids state = state |> map_state (fn (versions, _, execution) =>