--- a/src/Pure/drule.ML Tue Oct 16 22:59:30 2001 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/drule.ML Tue Oct 16 23:00:21 2001 +0200
@@ -96,26 +96,25 @@
val corollaryK : string
val internalK : string
val kind_internal : 'a attribute
- val has_internal : tag list -> bool
+ val has_internal : tag list -> bool
val close_derivation : thm -> thm
val compose_single : thm * int * thm -> thm
- val add_rules : thm list -> thm list -> thm list
- val del_rules : thm list -> thm list -> thm list
- val merge_rules : thm list * thm list -> thm list
- val norm_hhf_eq : thm
+ val add_rules : thm list -> thm list -> thm list
+ val del_rules : thm list -> thm list -> thm list
+ val merge_rules : thm list * thm list -> thm list
+ val norm_hhf_eq : thm
val triv_goal : thm
val rev_triv_goal : thm
+ val implies_intr_goals: cterm list -> thm -> thm
val freeze_all : thm -> thm
val mk_triv_goal : cterm -> thm
- val mk_cgoal : cterm -> cterm
- val assume_goal : cterm -> thm
val tvars_of_terms : term list -> (indexname * sort) list
val vars_of_terms : term list -> (indexname * typ) list
val tvars_of : thm -> (indexname * sort) list
val vars_of : thm -> (indexname * typ) list
val unvarifyT : thm -> thm
val unvarify : thm -> thm
- val tvars_intr_list : string list -> thm -> thm
+ val tvars_intr_list : string list -> thm -> thm
structure Drule: DRULE =
@@ -313,7 +312,7 @@
(*Specialization over a list of cterms*)
fun forall_elim_list cts th = foldr (uncurry forall_elim) (rev cts, th);
-(* maps [A1,...,An], B to [| A1;...;An |] ==> B *)
+(* maps A1,...,An |- B to [| A1;...;An |] ==> B *)
fun implies_intr_list cAs th = foldr (uncurry implies_intr) (cAs,th);
(* maps [| A1;...;An |] ==> B and [A1,...,An] to B *)
@@ -392,7 +391,7 @@
Any remaining trailing positions are left unchanged. *)
val rearrange_prems = let
fun rearr new [] thm = thm
- | rearr new (p::ps) thm = rearr (new+1)
+ | rearr new (p::ps) thm = rearr (new+1)
(map (fn q => if new<=q andalso q<p then q+1 else q) ps)
(permute_prems (new+1) (new-p) (permute_prems new (p-new) thm))
in rearr 0 end;
@@ -752,6 +751,10 @@
val mk_cgoal = Thm.capply (Thm.cterm_of proto_sign Logic.goal_const);
fun assume_goal ct = Thm.assume (mk_cgoal ct) RS rev_triv_goal;
+fun implies_intr_goals cprops thm =
+ implies_elim_list (implies_intr_list cprops thm) (map assume_goal cprops)
+ |> implies_intr_list (map mk_cgoal cprops);
(** variations on instantiate **)