Mon, 06 Jun 2005 12:17:59 +0200
changeset 16296 f05c81817ec6
parent 16295 cd7a83dae4f9
child 16297 928e95c867d6
--- a/Admin/website/TODO	Mon Jun 06 11:30:57 2005 +0200
+++ b/Admin/website/TODO	Mon Jun 06 12:17:59 2005 +0200
@@ -1,10 +1,24 @@
 For the next release:
-- integrate into makedist (Florian), deploy on Munich site
+- use "//" paths for alle internal static resources, due to link consistency
+- integrate into makedist-chain (Florian)
+- more concise installation instructions for MaxOS X
+- make preview second section in "overview"
+- centralize scattered project partners informations at "community"
+- move projects from "overview" to "community"
+- reduce prominence of license issue at "overview"
 In the mid-time:
+- clarify relationship of "overview" and "logics":
+    * overview: Isabelle/HOL
+    * logics: Isabelle system
--- a/Admin/website/build/	Mon Jun 06 11:30:57 2005 +0200
+++ b/Admin/website/build/	Mon Jun 06 12:17:59 2005 +0200
@@ -105,11 +105,23 @@
+    def downloadLink(self, handler, **args):
+        target = args[u"target"].encode("latin-1")
+        targetReal = self._pc.absDstPathOf(target)
+        title = args.get(u"title", unicode(posixpath.split(targetReal)[1], 'latin-1'))
+        size = os.stat(targetReal).st_size
+        handler.startElement(u"a", {
+            u"href": target
+        })
+        handler.characters(title)
+        handler.endElement(u"a")
     def downloadCells(self, handler, **args):
         target = args[u"target"].encode("latin-1")
         targetReal = self._pc.absDstPathOf(target)
-        title = args.get(u"title", unicode(posixpath.split(target)[0], 'latin-1'))
+        title = args.get(u"title", unicode(posixpath.split(targetReal)[1], 'latin-1'))
         size = os.stat(targetReal).st_size
         handler.startElement(u"td", {})
         handler.startElement(u"a", {
--- a/Admin/website/dist/download.html	Mon Jun 06 11:30:57 2005 +0200
+++ b/Admin/website/dist/download.html	Mon Jun 06 12:17:59 2005 +0200
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 <html xmlns="">
-    <title>Download</title>
+    <title>Packages</title>
     <?include file="//include/htmlheader.include.html"?>
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
         <p>For the curious we provide a nightly generated
         CVS <a href="">development snapshot</a> of
-        Isabelle.</p>
+        Isabelle. <em>Use at your own risk!</em></p>
         <h2>Past releases</h2>
--- a/Admin/website/dist/installation.html	Mon Jun 06 11:30:57 2005 +0200
+++ b/Admin/website/dist/installation.html	Mon Jun 06 12:17:59 2005 +0200
@@ -15,86 +15,145 @@
     <div class="hr"><hr/></div>
     <div id="content">
-      <h2>Prerequisites</h2>
-      <p>Isabelle runs on common Unix platforms (Linux, Solaris, etc.). 
-         Below we provide also some <a href="#other_platforms">hints</a>
-         on how to use Isabelle on other, not-quite-Unix platforms.</p>
-      <p>
-      The packages available from our <a href="download.html">download page</a>
-      expect the following software to be installed:
-      </p>
-      <ul>
-        <li>bash 1.x or 2.x</li>
-        <li>Perl 5.x</li>
-        <li>optionally, XEmacs 21 or Emacs 21 with mule support (for ProofGeneral)</li>
-        <li>optionally, Java 1.1 or above (for theory graph browsing)</li>
-      </ul>
-      <p>
-      Our download page includes packages for a suitable implementation of Standard ML
-      (<a href="">Poly/ML</a>) and      
-      <a
-      href="">ProofGeneral</a>
-      (please <a
-      href="">register</a>). The
-      Proof General distribution now already includes the <a
-      href="">X-Symbol</a> package, 
-      there is no need to download it separately.
-      </p>
-      <h2>Installation</h2>
+      <h2>General</h2>
-      <p>In fact, there is no
-      installation required. Users may just unpack all required packages within the
-      same directory. The default settings of Isabelle should be reasonable for
-      most circumstances.</p>
-      <p>A typical Linux/x86 site installation of Isabelle/HOL works as follows:</p>
-      <ul>
-        <li>By using GNU <tt class="shellcmd">tar</tt>, the archives are uncompressed and unpacked into the
-            <tt class="shellcmd">/usr/local</tt> directory (this location may be changed to anything
-            appropriate):
-            <ul class="shellcmd">
-                <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf <?value key="distname"?>.tar.gz</li>
-                <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf ProofGeneral.tar.gz</li>
-                <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf polyml_base.tar.gz</li>
-                <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf polyml_x86-linux.tar.gz</li>
-                <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf HOL_x86-linux.tar.gz</li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-          Users may now invoke Isabelle without further ado, e.g. run the main
-          executable <tt class="shellcmd">/usr/local/Isabelle/bin/Isabelle</tt> to launch the Proof
-          General interface for Isabelle/Isar. Note that there is a separate option in
-          the Proof General <em>Options</em> menu to enable X-Symbol.
-        </li>
-        <li>If Emacs appears to hang when the prover process is started, see the
-            <a href="">ProofGeneral FAQ</a> for
-            advice.
-        </li>
-      </ul>
+        <p>
+            Isabelle runs on common Unix platforms.
+            For Linux and Solaris, we provide ready-to-install bundles;
+            for other Unices, Isabelle has to be built from scratch.
+            We provide also some hints on how to use Isabelle on other, not-quite-Unix platforms.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            A usable Isabelle system consists of the following components:
+        </p>
+        <ul>
+            <li>a suitable Standard ML environment</li>
+            <li>the Isabelle system itself, including the desired object logic(s)
+            (e.&nbsp;g. HOL)</li>
+            <li>the ProofGeneral user interface</li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>Optionally, theory graph browsing may be used if a Java JRE 1.1 or above
+        is installed.</p>
+        <p>For operating-system-specific instructions:</p>
+        <ul>
+            <li><a href="#install_linux">Linux (x86)</a></li>
+            <li><a href="#install_solaris">Solaris (sparc)</a></li>
+            <li><a href="#install_darwin">MacOS X / Darwin</a></li>
+            <li><a href="#install_cygwin">Windows / Cygwin</a></li>
+        </ul>
+      <h2 id="#install_linux">Linux</h2>
+        <p>Commonly, an installation of Isabelle could work as follows:</p>
+        <ul>
+            <li>Ensure that your system has a running XEmacs 21 or Emacs 21
+                with mule support (for ProofGeneral)</li>
+            <li>Get the packages for <a href="">Poly/ML</a>,
+                <a href="">ProofGeneral</a> (including
+                the Emacs <a href="">X-Symbol</a> package)
+                and Isabelle,
+                either from our <a href="download.html">package page</a> or from the
+                links below. When you download ProofGeneral, please
+                <a href="">register</a></li>
+            <li>Likewise download the compiled image(s) of you desired object logic(s)</li>
+            <li>Unpack the archives to an appropriate location, e.&nbsp;g.
+                <tt class="shellcmd">/usr/local</tt>:
+                <ul class="shellcmd">
+                    <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/Isabelle2004.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/contrib/ProofGeneral.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/contrib/polyml_base.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/contrib/polyml_x86-linux.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>tar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/HOL_x86-linux.tar.gz"?></li>
+                </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>Under most circumstances, the default settings of Isabelle should be reasonable for
+                invoking Isabelle/ProofGeneral without further ado:
+                <ul class="shellcmd">
+                    <li>/usr/local/Isabelle/bin/Isabelle</li>
+                </ul>
+                Note that there is a separate option in
+                the Proof General <em>Options</em> menu to enable X-Symbol.
+            </li>
+            <li>If Emacs appears to hang when the prover process is started, see the
+                <a href="">ProofGeneral FAQ</a> for
+                advice.
+            </li>
+        </ul>
-      <p>For more information, see the file <a href="//dist/packages/Isabelle/INSTALL">INSTALL</a> included in
-      <?value key="distname"?>.tar.gz.</p>
+        <p>For more information, see the file <a href="//dist/packages/Isabelle/INSTALL">INSTALL</a>.</p>
+      <h2 id="#install_solaris">Solaris</h2>
+        <p>Before you start, ensure the following for your system:</p>
+        <ul>
+            <li>running XEmacs 21 or Emacs 21
+                with mule support (for ProofGeneral)</li>
+            <li>GNU bash 2.x</li>
+            <li>perl 5.x</li>
+            <li>GNU tar 1.13 or higher</li>
+            <li>GNU gzip 1.3 or higher</li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>Then, an installation on Solaris is analogous to Linux:</p>
-      <h2 id="other_platforms">Other platforms</h2>
-      <p>Although Isabelle is natively designed for Unix environments,
-      it may also run under similar, Unix-like platforms. The
-      following installation instructions are hints contributed by
-      Isabelle users.  Please feel free to contact us for any suggestions,
-      corrections or improvements.</p>
-      <ul>
-        <li><a href="installation_notes_macosx.html">Installation notes for Mac OS
-        X</a></li>
-        <li><a href="installation_notes_cygwin.html">Installation notes for
-        Cygwin/Windows</a></li>
-      </ul>
+        <ul>
+            <li>Get the packages for <a href="">Poly/ML</a>,
+                <a href="">ProofGeneral</a> (including
+                the Emacs <a href="">X-Symbol</a> package)
+                and Isabelle,
+                either from our <a href="download.html">package page</a> or from the
+                links below. When you download ProofGeneral, please
+                <a href="">register</a></li>
+            <li>Likewise download the compiled image(s) of you desired object logic(s)</li>
+            <li>Unpack the archives to an appropriate location, e.&nbsp;g.
+                <tt class="shellcmd">/usr/local</tt>:
+                <ul class="shellcmd">
+                    <li>gtar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/Isabelle2004.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>gtar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/contrib/ProofGeneral.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>gtar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/contrib/polyml_base.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>gtar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/contrib/polyml_sparc-solaris.tar.gz"?></li>
+                    <li>gtar -C /usr/local -xzf <?downloadLink target="//dist/packages/HOL_sparc-solaris.tar.gz"?></li>
+                </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>Under most circumstances, the default settings of Isabelle should be reasonable for
+                invoking Isabelle/ProofGeneral without further ado:
+                <ul class="shellcmd">
+                    <li>/usr/local/Isabelle/bin/Isabelle</li>
+                </ul>
+                Note that there is a separate option in
+                the Proof General <em>Options</em> menu to enable X-Symbol.
+            </li>
+            <li>If Emacs appears to hang when the prover process is started, see the
+                <a href="">ProofGeneral FAQ</a> for
+                advice.
+            </li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>For more information, see the file <a href="//dist/packages/Isabelle/INSTALL">INSTALL</a>.</p>
+      <h2 id="#install_darwin">MaxOS / Darwin</h2>
+        <p>See <a href="installation_notes_macosx.html">Installation notes for MacOS X</a>.</p>
+        <p>Those
+            installation instructions are hints contributed by
+            Isabelle users.  Please feel free to contact us for any suggestions,
+            corrections or improvements.</p>
+        <p>Ready-to-install bundles are available from our <a href="download.html">package page</a>.</p>
+      <h2 id="#install_cygwin">Windows / Cygwin</h2>
+        <p>See <a href="installation_notes_cygwin.html">Installation notes for
+        Cygwin/Windows</a>.</p>
+        <p>Those
+            installation instructions are hints contributed by
+            Isabelle users.  Please feel free to contact us for any suggestions,
+            corrections or improvements.</p>
     <div class="hr"><hr/></div>
--- a/Admin/website/include/navigation_dist.include.html	Mon Jun 06 11:30:57 2005 +0200
+++ b/Admin/website/include/navigation_dist.include.html	Mon Jun 06 12:17:59 2005 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
         <?navitem target="index.html"           title="Mirrors"          ?>
         <?navitem target="installation.html"    title="Installation"     ?>
-        <?navitem target="download.html"        title="Download"         ?>
+        <?navitem target="download.html"        title="Packages"         ?>
         <?navitem target="documentation.html"   title="Documentation"    ?>
         <?navitem target="others.html"          title="Other links"      ?>
--- a/Admin/website/index.html	Mon Jun 06 11:30:57 2005 +0200
+++ b/Admin/website/index.html	Mon Jun 06 12:17:59 2005 +0200
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@
          <p>New features in the upcoming Isabelle 2005 will include</p>
                 <li>New commands for instantiating locales</li>
-                <li>New command for finding matching rewrite rules</li>
-                <li>Finding theorems by term patterns</li>
+                <li>New command for finding theorems (by term patterns, as intro/elim/simp rules, etc.)</li>
                 <li>New automatic transitivity reasoner</li>
                 <li>New command for ad-hoc theory viewing and printing</li>
                 <li>Much extended and improved theory of finite sets</li>
--- a/Admin/website/overview.html	Mon Jun 06 11:30:57 2005 +0200
+++ b/Admin/website/overview.html	Mon Jun 06 12:17:59 2005 +0200
@@ -35,13 +35,20 @@
       (University of Cambridge, UK) and Tobias Nipkow (Technical
       University of Munich, Germany).</p>
-      <h2>What Isabelle offers</h2>
+      <h2>Preview on Isabelle</h2>
-        <a href="//img/isabelle_pg_screenshot_big.png">
+        <a href="//media/">
             <img class="left" src="//img/isabelle_pg_screenshot_small.png" alt="Sreenshot "
                 width="250" height="277" />
+        <p>Here is a <a href="//media/">hyperlinked preview</a> demonstrating
+        Isabelle and ProofGeneral, in <a href="">QuickTime
+        format</a>, and also as a <a href="//media/pg_preview.pdf">non-hyperlinked preview</a> in PDF.</p>
+        <br clear="all"/>
+      <h2>What Isabelle offers</h2>
       <p>Isabelle provides excellent notational support: new notations
       can be introduced, using normal mathematical symbols. Proofs can
       be written in a structured notation based upon traditional proof
@@ -75,17 +82,11 @@
       eases the task of writing and maintaining proof scripts.</p>
       <br clear="all" />
-      <h2>Preview</h2>
-      <p>We provide a <a href="media/">hyperlinked preview</a> demonstrating
-      Isabelle and ProofGeneral, in <a href="">QuickTime
-      format</a>, and also as a <a href="media/pg_preview.pdf">non-hyperlinked preview</a> in PDF.</p>
       <p>Ample <a href="dist/documentation.html">documentation</a> is available
       about using Isabelle and its inner concepts, including a
       <a href="">Tutorial</a> published by
       <p>There is an (incomplete) list of past and present <a href=