removed some obsolete PGIP/PGEclipse material;
Sat, 11 May 2013 18:45:38 +0200
changeset 51932 f196352201d6
parent 51931 7c517c92d315
child 51933 a60c6c90a447
removed some obsolete PGIP/PGEclipse material;
--- a/bin/isabelle-process	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ b/bin/isabelle-process	Sat May 11 18:45:38 2013 +0200
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
   echo "    -S           secure mode -- disallow critical operations"
   echo "    -T ADDR      startup process wrapper, with socket address"
   echo "    -W IN:OUT    startup process wrapper, with input/output fifos"
-  echo "    -X           startup PGIP interaction mode"
   echo "    -e MLTEXT    pass MLTEXT to the ML session"
   echo "    -f           pass 'Session.finish();' to the ML session"
   echo "    -m MODE      add print mode for output"
@@ -64,14 +63,13 @@
-while getopts "IPST:W:Xe:fm:qruw" OPT
+while getopts "IPST:W:e:fm:qruw" OPT
   case "$OPT" in
@@ -89,9 +87,6 @@
-    X)
-      PGIP=true
-      ;;
@@ -226,8 +221,6 @@
   [ -p "${FIFOS[0]}" ] || fail "Bad input fifo: ${FIFOS[0]}"
   [ -p "${FIFOS[1]}" ] || fail "Bad output fifo: ${FIFOS[1]}"
   MLTEXT="$MLTEXT; Isabelle_Process.init_fifos \"${FIFOS[0]}\" \"${FIFOS[1]}\";"
-elif [ -n "$PGIP" ]; then
-  MLTEXT="$MLTEXT; ProofGeneralPgip.init_pgip $ISAR;"
 elif [ -n "$PROOFGENERAL" ]; then
   MLTEXT="$MLTEXT; ProofGeneral.init $ISAR;"
 elif [ "$ISAR" = true ]; then
--- a/lib/ProofGeneral/README	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains a PGIP configuration file "pgip_isar.xml"
-which can be used to configure the behaviour of PGIP-aware interfaces
-communicating in PGIP with Isabelle.  The current version of this file
-is incomplete and experimental, because interfaces that use it are
-still in development.
-Note that Isabelle does not do anything with the configurations
-specified here, it simply passes the file directly on to the interface
-during startup inside an XML message.
-The file which is sent can be overridden at run time by setting the
-variable ISABELLE_PGIPCONFIG to point to an alternative location.
-The file here is valid wrt to the RELAX compact schema in "pgip.rnc".
-See for more details of the
-Proof General Kit project.
-				    -- David Aspinall, Sep 2005.
--- a/lib/ProofGeneral/pgip.rnc	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1063 +0,0 @@
-# RELAX NG Schema for PGIP, the Proof General Interface Protocol                   
-# Authors:  David Aspinall, LFCS, University of Edinburgh       
-#           Christoph Lüth, University of Bremen       
-# Status:   Prototype.
-# For additional commentary, see accompanying commentary document available at
-# Advertised version: 2.0
-# Contents
-# ========
-#  0. Prelude
-#  1. Top-level 
-#  2. Component Control messages
-#  3. Display Commands
-#  4. Prover Configuration
-#  5. Interface Configuration
-#  6. Prover Control
-#  7. Proof script markup and proof control
-# ===============================================================================
-# Note on datatypes.  (see e.g.
-#  token  : any string possibly with spaces, but spaces are normalised/collapsed
-#	    (i.e. tokenised).  Same as XML Schema xs:token
-#  string : any string, whitespaces preserved.  Same as XML Schema xs:string
-#	    (NB: attributes are normalised by XML 1.0 parsers so
-#	     spaces/newlines must be quoted)
-#  text	  : text nodes/mixed content (whitespace may be lost in mixed content)
-# So: attributes should usually be tokens or more restrictive; (sometimes: strings for printing)
-#     element contents may be string (preserving whitespace), token (tokenising), 
-#       or text (which may contain further nodes).
-# ==============================================================================
-# 0. Prelude
-# ==============================================================================
-include "pgml.rnc"                           # include PGML grammar
-name_attr = attribute name { token }         # names are user-level textual identifiers (space-collapsed)
-thyname_attr = attribute thyname { token }   # names for theories (special case of name)
-thmname_attr = attribute thmname { token }   # names for theorems (special case of name)
-datetime_attr = 
-   attribute datetime { xsd:dateTime }       # CCYY-MM-DDHH:MM:SS plus timezone info
-url_attr  = attribute url { xsd:anyURI }     # URLs  (often as "file:///localfilename.extn")
-dir_attr  = attribute dir { string }         # Unix-style directory name (no final slash)
-systemdata_attr  = 
-            attribute systemdata { token }?   # system-specific data (useful for "stateless" RPC)
-objname = token	     # an identifier name (convention: any characters except semi-colon)
-objnames = token     # sequence of names in an attribute: semi-colon separated
-#objnames = string                            # A sequence of objnames
-#termobjname  = string { pattern = "[^;]+;" }  # unfortunately these declarations don't 
-#objnames = objname | (termobjname, objname)
-#objnames = objname+                               #  work with the RNC->DTD tool trang
-# ==============================================================================
-# 1. Top-level Messages/documents
-# ==============================================================================
-start = pgip                                 # Single message
-      | pgips                                # A log of messages between components
-      | displayconfig                        # displayconfig as a standalone element
-      | pgipconfig                           # pgipconfig as a standalone element
-      | pgipdoc                              # A proof script document 
-pgip = element pgip {                        #  A PGIP packet contains:
-   pgip_attrs,                               #   - attributes with header information;
-   (toprovermsg | todisplaymsg |             #   - a message with one of four channel types
-    fromprovermsg | fromdisplaymsg 
-   | internalmsg ) 
-  }
-pgips = element pgips { pgip+ }
-pgip_attrs =
- attribute tag { token }?,                  # message tag, e.g. name of origin component (diagnostic)
- attribute id { token },                    # (unique) session id of this component 
- attribute destid { token }?,               # session id of destination component
- attribute class { pgip_class },            # general categorization of message
- attribute refid { token }?,                # component id this message responds to (usually destid)
- attribute refseq { xsd:positiveInteger }?, # message sequence this message responds to
- attribute seq { xsd:positiveInteger }      # sequence number of this message
-pgip_class = "pg"      # message sent TO proof general broker (e.g. FROM proof assistant).
-           | "pa"      # message sent TO the proof assistant/other component
-           | "pd"      # message sent TO display/front-end components
-toprovermsg =          # Messages sent to the prover (class "pa"):
-   proverconfig        #   query Prover configuration, triggering interface configuration
- | provercontrol       #   control some aspect of Prover
- | improperproofcmd    #   issue a proof command 
- | improperfilecmd     #   issue a file command
- | properproofcmd      #   [ NB: not strictly needed: input PGIP processing not expected ]
- | properfilecmd       #   [ NB: not strictly needed: input PGIP processing not expected ]
- | proofctxt           #   issue a context command
-fromprovermsg =        # Messages from the prover to PG (class "pg"):
-   kitconfig           #   messages to configure the interface 
- | proveroutput        #   output messages from the prover, usually display in interface
- | fileinfomsg         #   information messages concerning file-system access / prover state
-todisplaymsg =         # Messages sent to display components (class "pd"):
-   brokermsg           #   status reports from broker
- | dispmsg             #   display commands
-                       #   - Further, all fromprovermsg can be relayed to display
-fromdisplaymsg =       # Messages sent from display components (class "pg"):
-   dispcmd             #   display messages 
- | brokercontrol       #   messages controlling broker & prover processes
-		       #   - Further, all toprovermsg to be relayed to prover
-# ===========================================================================
-# 2. Component Control
-# ===========================================================================
-# Idea:  - broker knows how to manage some components (inc provers) as child processes,
-#          communicate via pipes.  Configured by a fixed PGIP config file read on startup.
-#        - other components may connect to running broker
-# TODO: - describe startup protocol for component connecting to to running broker dynamically.
-# This is the element contained in the configuration file read by the 
-# broker on startup.
-pgipconfig = element pgipconfig { componentspec* }
-componentspec = 
-   element componentspec {
-      componentid_attr,         # Unique identifier for component class
-      componentname_attr,       # Textual name of component class
-      componenttype,            # Type of component: prover, display, auxiliary
-      startupattrs,		# Describing startup behaviour
-      systemattrs,              # System attributes for component
-      componentconnect          # How to connect to component
-   }
-componentid_attr   = attribute componentid   { token }
-componentname_attr = attribute componentname { token }
-componenttype = element componenttype {
-     provercomponent 
-   | displaycomponent 
- # | filehandlercomponent 
-   | parsercomponent 
-   | othercomponent }
-provercomponent  = element provercomponent { empty }
-displaycomponent = element displaycomponent { attribute active { xsd:boolean}? }
-parsercomponent  = element parsercomponent  { componentid_attr }
-othercomponent   = element othercomponent { empty }
-componentconnect =
-   componentsubprocess | componentsocket | connectbyproxy
-componentsubprocess = 
-   element syscommand { string }
-componentsocket = 
-   (element host { token }, element port { xsd:positiveInteger })
-connectbyproxy = 
-   (element proxy { attribute host { token }    # Host to connect to
-		  , attribute connect { 
-                           "rsh" | "ssh" # Launch proxy via RSH or SSH, needs
-			                 # authentication 
-                         | "server"  # connect to running proxy on given port
-                         }?
-                  , attribute user { token } ? # user to connect as with RSH/SSH
-                  , attribute path { token } ? # path of pgipkit on remote
-		  , attribute port { xsd:positiveInteger } ? # port to connect to running proxy
-		  , componentconnect
-		  })
-# Attributes describing when to start the component.
-startupattrs =
-  attribute startup {		# what to do on broker startup:
-             "boot"   |		# always start this component (default with displays)
-             "manual" |		# start manually (default with provers)
-             "ignore"		# never start this component
-             }?
-# System attributes describing behaviour of component. 
-systemattrs = (
-    attribute timeout { xsd:integer }?  # timeout for communications
-  , attribute sync { xsd:boolean }?     # whether to wait for ready
-  , attribute nestedgoals { xsd:boolean}? # Does prover allow nested goals?
-  )
-# Control commands from display to broker
-brokercontrol = 
-    launchprover		# Launch a new prover
-  | exitprover			# Request to terminate a running prover
-  | restartprover		# Request to restart/reset a running prover
-  | proversquery		# Query about known provers, running provers
-  | shutdownbroker		# Ask broker to exit (should be wary of this!)
-  | brokerstatusquery		# Ask broker for status report
-  | pgipconfig			# Send config to broker
-provername_attr    = attribute provername { provername }
-provername         = token
-proverid_attr     = attribute proverid  { proverid }
-proverid          = token
-launchprover      = element launchprover { componentid_attr }
-exitprover        = element exitprover { proverid_attr }
-restartprover     = element restartprover { proverid_attr }
-proversquery      = element proversavailable { empty }
-brokerstatusquery = element brokerstatusquery { empty } 
-shutdownbroker    = element shutdownbroker { attribute force { xsd:boolean }? } 
-# Control messages from broker to interface
-brokermsg  = 
-    brokerstatus		# response to brokerstatusquery:
-  | proveravailmsg		# announce new prover is available
-  | newprovermsg		# new prover has started 
-  | proverstatemsg		# prover state has changed (busy/ready/exit)
-brokerstatus  = element brokerstatus 
-                       { knownprovers, runningprovers, brokerinformation }
-knownprover   = element knownprover   { componentid_attr, provername }
-runningprover = element runningprover { componentid_attr, proverid_attr, provername }
-knownprovers   = element knownprovers { knownprover* }
-runningprovers = element runningprovers { runningprover* }
-brokerinformation = element brokerinformation { string }
-proveravailmsg  = element proveravailable { provername_attr,
-                                            componentid_attr }
-newprovermsg    = element proverstarted { proverid_attr
-					, componentid_attr
-		                        , provername_attr
-		                        }
-proverstatemsg = element proverstate { 
-                       proverid_attr, provername_attr,
-                       attribute proverstate {proverstate} } 
-proverstate    = ("ready" | "busy" | "exitus")
-# FIXME: This only allows provers to be available which are configured.
-#        In the long run, we want to change configurations while running.
-# ===========================================================================
-# 3. Display Commands
-# ===========================================================================
-# Messages exchanged between broker and display
-dispcmd = dispfilecmd | dispobjcmd  # display commands go from display to broker
-dispmsg = dispfilemsg | dispobjmsg  # display messages go from broker to display
-dispfilecmd = 
-    loadparsefile		# parse and load file
-  | newfilewith			# create new source file with given text
-  | dispopenfile		# open (or create) new file 
-  | savefile			# save opened file
-  | discardfile			# discard changes to opened file
-dispfilemsg =
-    newfile			# announce creation of new file (in response to load/open)
-  | filestatus			# announce change in status of file in broker
-# unique identifier of loaded files
-srcid_attr = attribute srcid { token }
-loadparsefile = element loadparsefile { url_attr, proverid_attr }
-newfilewith   = element newfilewith   { url_attr, proverid_attr, string }
-dispopenfile  = element dispopenfile { url_attr,
-                                       proverid_attr,
-                                       attribute overwrite { xsd:boolean }?}
-savefile      = element savefile { srcid_attr,     
-                                   url_attr? }
-discardfile   = element discardfile { srcid_attr }
-newfile       = element newfile  { proverid_attr, srcid_attr, url_attr }
-filestatus    = element filestatus  { proverid_attr, srcid_attr, newstatus_attr, url_attr?,
-				      datetime_attr} 
-newstatus_attr = attribute newstatus { "saved" | "changed" | "discarded" }
-dispobjcmd =
-    setobjstate			# request of change of state 
-  | editobj			# request edit operation of objects
-  | createobj			# request creation of new objects
-# Suggested May 06: probably add re-load flags instead 
-#  | reloadobjs                  # request relisting of all objects
-  | inputcmd		        # process the command (generated by an input event)
-  | interruptprover		# send interrupt or kill signal to prover
-dispobjmsg = element dispobjmsg { 
-      newobj+			# new objects have been created
-    | delobj+			# objects have been deleted
-    | replaceobjs		# objects are being replaced
-    | objectstate+		# objects have changed state
-    }
-newobj = element newobj {
-	    proverid_attr,
-            srcid_attr, 
-	    objid_attr, 
-            attribute objposition { objid } ?,
-            objtype_attr ?,
-            attribute objparent { objid }?,
-            attribute objstate { objstate },
-	    # FIXME: would like to include metainfo here
-            # as (properscriptcmd, metainfo*) | unparseable
-            (properscriptcmd | unparseable) }
-replaceobjs = element replaceobjs {
-	                srcid_attr,
-	                attribute replacedfrom { objid }? ,
-			attribute replacedto { objid }?,
-                        delobj*,    # actually, either of delobj or 
-                        newobj* }   # newobj can be empty but not both.
-delobj = element delobj   { proverid_attr, srcid_attr, objid_attr }
-objectstate = element objstate
-                       { proverid_attr, srcid_attr, objid_attr,
-                         attribute newstate {objstate} }
-setobjstate = element setobjstate
-                  {  objid_attr, attribute newstate {objstate} }
-editobj = element editobj { srcid_attr ?,
-	                    attribute editfrom { objid }?,
-                            attribute editto   { objid }?,
-                            string }
-createobj = element createobj { srcid_attr ?, 
-                                attribute objposition { objid }?, 
-                                string }
-# Suggested May 06: probably add re-load flags instead 
-# reloadobjs = element reloadobjs { srcid_attr }
-inputcmd       = element inputcmd { improper_attr, string }
-improper_attr  = attribute improper { xsd:boolean }
-interruptprover = element interruptprover 
-                          { interruptlevel_attr, proverid_attr }
-interruptlevel_attr  = attribute interruptlevel { "interrupt" | "stop" | "kill" }
-objid_attr = attribute objid { objid } 
-objid      = token 
-objstate = 
-  ( "unparseable" | "parsed" | "being_processed" | "processed" | "outdated" )
-# ==============================================================================
-#  4. Prover Configuration
-# ==============================================================================
-proverconfig =      
-   askpgip			# what version of PGIP do you support?
- | askpgml			# what version of PGML do you support?
- | askconfig			# tell me about objects and operations
- | askprefs			# what preference settings do you offer?
- | setpref			# please set this preference value 
- | getpref			# please tell me this preference value
-prefcat_attr = attribute prefcategory { token }   # e.g. "expert", "internal", etc.
-                                                      # could be used for tabs in dialog
-askpgip   = element askpgip   { empty }
-askpgml   = element askpgml   { empty }
-askconfig = element askconfig { empty }
-askprefs  = element askprefs  { prefcat_attr? }
-setpref   = element setpref   { name_attr, prefcat_attr?, pgipvalue }
-getpref   = element getpref   { name_attr, prefcat_attr? }
-# ==============================================================================
-#  5. Interface Configuration
-# ==============================================================================
-kitconfig =        
-    usespgip			# I support PGIP, version ..
-  | usespgml			# I support PGML, version ..
-  | pgmlconfig			# configure PGML symbols
-  | proverinfo			# Report assistant information
-  | hasprefs			# I have preference settings ...
-  | prefval			# the current value of a preference is
-  | displayconfig		# configure the following object types and operations
-  | setids			# inform the interface about some known objects
-  | addids			# add some known identifiers
-  | delids			# retract some known identifers
-  | idvalue			# display the value of some identifier
-  | menuadd			# add a menu entry
-  | menudel			# remove a menu entry
-# version reporting
-version_attr  = attribute version { token }
-usespgml = element usespgml  { version_attr }
-usespgip = element usespgip  { version_attr 
-	                     , activecompspec
-			     }
-# These data from the component spec which an active component can override, or which
-# components initiating contact with the broker (e.g. incoming socket connections).
-# There are some restrictions: if we start a tool, the componentid and the type must be the
-# same as initially specified.
-activecompspec =  ( componentid_attr?   # unique identifier of component class
-	          , componentname_attr? # Textual name of this component (overrides initial spec)
-		  , componenttype?      # Type of component
-		  , systemattrs         # system attributes
-		  , acceptedpgipelems?  # list of accepted elements
-		  )
-acceptedpgipelems = element acceptedpgipelems { singlepgipelem* }
-singlepgipelem    = element pgipelem { 
-   attribute async { xsd:boolean }?,  # true if this command supported asynchronously (deflt false)
-				      # (otherwise part of usual ready/sync stream)
-   attribute attributes { text }?,    # comma-separated list of supported optional attribute names
-				      # useful for: times attribute
-   text }                             # the unadorned name of the PGIP element (*not* an element)
-# PGML configuration
-pgmlconfig = element pgmlconfig { pgmlconfigure+ }
-# Types for config settings: corresponding data values should conform to canonical
-# representation for corresponding XML Schema 1.0 Datatypes.  
-# In detail:
-#  pgipnull   = empty
-#  pgipbool   = xsd:boolean = true | false
-#  pgipint    = xsd:integer = (-)?(0-9)+     (canonical: no leading zeroes)
-#  pgipstring = string  =  <any non-empty character sequence>
-#  pgipchoice = cf xs:choice  = type1 | type2 | ... | typen
-pgiptype   = pgipnull | pgipbool | pgipint | pgipstring | pgipchoice | pgipconst
-pgipnull   = element pgipnull { descr_attr?, empty }
-pgipbool   = element pgipbool { descr_attr?, empty }
-pgipint    = element pgipint  { min_attr?, max_attr?, descr_attr?, empty }
-min_attr   = attribute min { xsd:integer }
-max_attr   = attribute max { xsd:integer }
-pgipstring = element pgipstring { descr_attr?, empty }
-pgipconst  = element pgipconst { name_attr, descr_attr? } 
-      # FIXME: Temporary fix because Isabelle does it wrong -- should be empty }
-pgipchoice = element pgipchoice { pgiptype+ }
-# Notes on pgipchoice:
-# 1. Choices must not be nested (i.e. must not contain other choices)
-# 2. The description attributes for pgipbool, pgipint, pgipstring and pgipconst
-#    are for use with pgipchoice: they can be used as a user-visible label
-#    when representing the choice to the user (e.g. in a pull-down menu).
-# 3. A pgipchoice should have an unambiguous representation as a string. That means
-#    all constants in the choice must have different names, and a choice must not
-#    contain more than one each of pgipint, pgipstring and pgipbool.
-pgipvalue  = string
-icon  = element icon { xsd:base64Binary }  # image data for an icon
-# The default value of a preference as a string (using the unambiguous
-# conversion to string mentioned above). A string value will always be quoted
-# to distinguish it from constants or integers.
-default_attr = attribute default { token }
-# Description of a choice.  If multi-line, first line is short tip.
-descr_attr   = attribute descr { string }
-# icons for preference recommended size: 32x32 
-# top level preferences: may be used in dialog for preference setting
-# object preferences: may be used as an "emblem" to decorate 
-# object icon (boolean preferences with default false, only)
-haspref = element haspref  { 
-   name_attr, descr_attr?, 
-   default_attr?, icon?,
-   pgiptype
-hasprefs = element hasprefs { prefcat_attr?, haspref* }
-prefval = element prefval { name_attr, pgipvalue } 
-# menu items (incomplete, FIXME)
-path_attr = attribute path { token }
-menuadd  = element menuadd  { path_attr?, name_attr?, opn_attr? }
-menudel  = element menudel  { path_attr?, name_attr? }
-opn_attr = attribute operation { token }
-# Display configuration information: 
-# basic prover information, lexical structure of files, 
-# an icon for the prover, help documents, and the 
-# objects, types, and operations for building proof commands.
-# NB: the following object types have a fixed interpretation 
-# in PGIP:
-#        "identifier":   an identifier in the identifier syntax
-#           "comment":   an arbitrary sequence of characters
-#	    "theorem":   a theorem name or text
-#	    "theory" :   a theory name or text
-#	    "file" :     a file name
-displayconfig =
-  element displayconfig { 
-     welcomemsg?, icon?, helpdoc*, lexicalstructure*,
-     objtype*, opn* }
-objtype = element objtype { name_attr, descr_attr?, icon?,  contains*, hasprefs?  }
-objtype_attr = attribute objtype { token }           # the name of an objtype
-contains = element contains { objtype_attr, empty }  #  a container for other objtypes
-opn = element opn { 
-   name_attr, 
-   descr_attr?,
-   inputform?,	  # FIXME: can maybe remove this?
-   opsrc*,	  # FIXME: incompat change wanted: have list of source elts, not spaces
-   optrg, 
-   opcmd, 
-   improper_attr? }
-opsrc = 
-   element opsrc {	  
-      name_attr?,         # %name as an alternative to %number
-      selnumber_attr?,    # explicit number for %number, the nth item selected
-      prompt_attr?,	  # prompt in form or tooltip in template
-      listwithsep_attr?,  # list of args of this type with given separator
-      list { token* } }   # source types: a space separated list
-			  # FIXME incompat change wanted: just have one source here
-			  # FIXME: need to add optional pgiptype
-listwithsep_attr =  attribute listwithsep { token }
-selnumber_attr =    attribute selnumber { xsd:positiveInteger }
-prompt_attr =       attribute prompt { string }
-optrg = 
-   element optrg { token }?           # single target type, empty for proof command
-opcmd = 
-   element opcmd { string }           # prover command, with printf-style "%1"-args
-					   #  (whitespace preserved here: literal text)
-# interactive operations - require some input
-inputform = element inputform { field+ }  
-# a field has a PGIP config type (int, string, bool, choice( and a name; under that
-# name, it will be substituted into the command Ex. field name=number opcmd="rtac %1 %number"
-field = element field { 
-   name_attr, pgiptype,
-   element prompt { string }
-# identifier tables: these list known items of particular objtype.
-# Might be used for completion or menu selection, and inspection.
-# May have a nested structure (but objtypes do not).
-setids  = element setids { idtable* }   # (with an empty idtable, clear table)
-addids  = element addids { idtable* }
-delids  = element delids { idtable* }
-# give value of some identifier (response to showid; same values returned)
-idvalue = element idvalue               
-   {  thyname_attr?, name_attr, objtype_attr, pgmltext }
-idtable    = element idtable { context_attr?, objtype_attr, identifier* }
-identifier = element identifier { token }
-context_attr = attribute context { token } # parent identifier (context) 
-# prover information: 
-# name, instance (e.g. in case of major parameter of invocation);
-# description, version, homepage,  welcome message, docs available
-proverinfo = element proverinfo 
-   { name_attr, version_attr?, instance_attr?,
-     descr_attr?, url_attr?, filenameextns_attr?, 
-## TEMP: these elements are duplicated in displayconfig, as they're
-## moving there.  
-      welcomemsg?, icon?, helpdoc*, lexicalstructure* }
-instance_attr = attribute instance { token }
-welcomemsg = element welcomemsg { string }
-# helpdoc: advertise availability of some documentation, given a canonical
-# name, textual description, and URL or viewdoc argument.
-helpdoc = element helpdoc { name_attr, descr_attr, url_attr?, token } # token string is arg to "viewdoc"
-filenameextns_attr = attribute filenameextns { xsd:NMTOKENS } # space-separated extensions sans "."
-# lexical structure of proof texts
-lexicalstructure = 
-   element lexicalstructure {
-      keyword*,
-      stringdelimiter*,
-      escapecharacter?,
-      commentdelimiter*,
-      identifiersyntax?
-   }
-keyword = element keyword {
-   attribute word { token },
-   shorthelp?,
-   longhelp? }
-shorthelp = element shorthelp { string }   # one-line (tooltip style) help 
-longhelp  = element longhelp { string }    # multi-line help
-stringdelimiter = element stringdelimiter { token }  # should be a single char
-# The escape character is used to escape strings and other special characters - in most languages it is \
-escapecharacter = element escapecharacter { token }  # should be a single char
-commentdelimiter = element commentdelimiter { 
-   attribute start { token },
-   attribute end { token }?,
-   empty
-  }
-# syntax for ids: id = initial allowed*  or id = allowed+ if initial empty
-identifiersyntax = element identifiersyntax { 
-   attribute initialchars { token }?,
-   attribute allowedchars { token }
-# ==============================================================================
-# 6. Prover Control
-# ==============================================================================
-provercontrol = 
-   proverinit			# reset prover to its initial state
- | proverexit			# exit prover
- | startquiet			# stop prover sending proof state displays, non-urgent messages
- | stopquiet			# turn on normal proof state & message displays
- | pgmlsymbolson		# activate use of symbols in PGML output (input always understood)
- | pgmlsymbolsoff		# deactivate use of symbols in PGML output
- | setproverflag		# set/clear a standard control flag (supersedes above)
-proverinit     = element proverinit { empty }  
-proverexit     = element proverexit { empty }
-startquiet     = element startquiet { empty }      # DEPRECATED 
-stopquiet      = element stopquiet  { empty }      # DEPRECATED 
-pgmlsymbolson  = element pgmlsymbolson { empty }   # DEPRECATED
-pgmlsymbolsoff = element pgmlsymbolsoff { empty }  # DEPRECATED
-setproverflag  = element setproverflag { flagname_attr, 
-					 attribute value { xsd:boolean } }
-flagname_attr  = 
-   attribute flagname { "quiet" 
-		      | "pgmlsymbols" 
-		      | "metainfo:thmdeps" 
-		      }
-# General prover output/responses
-# Prover output has an otional proverid_attribute. This is set by the broker when relaying 
-# prover output to displays. When producing output, provers can and should not set this
-# attribute. 
-proveroutput =
-   ready			# prover is ready for input
- | cleardisplay			# prover requests a display area to be cleared
- | proofstate			# prover outputs the proof state
- | normalresponse		# prover outputs some display
- | errorresponse		# prover indicates an error/warning/debug condition, with message
- | scriptinsert			# some text to insert literally into the proof script
- | metainforesponse		# prover outputs some other meta-information to interface
- | parseresult			# results of a <parsescript> request (see later)
-ready = element ready { empty }
-displayarea = "status"		# a status line
-	    | "message"		# the message area (e.g. response buffer, perhaps swapped into view)
-            | "display"		# the main display area (e.g. goals buffer, usually persistent)
-	    | token		# prover-specified window name
-cleardisplay = 
-   element cleardisplay {
-      proverid_attr?,
-      attribute area { 
-         displayarea | "all" } }           
-proofstate = 
-  element proofstate { proverid_attr?, pgml }
-messagecategory =		# attribution of message
-   "internal"			#  - internal debug message (interface should usually hide)
- | "information"		#  - user-level debug/info message (interface may hide)
- | "tracing"			#  - user-level "tracing" message (possibly voluminous)
-normalresponse =                           
-  element normalresponse { 
-    proverid_attr?,				    # if no proverid, assume message is from broker
-    attribute area { displayarea },
-    attribute messagecategory { messagecategory }?, # optional extra category (e.g. tracing/debug)
-    attribute urgent { xsd:boolean }?,              # message should be brought to users attention
-    pgmltext 
-## Error messages:  these are different from ordinary messages in that
-## they indicate an error condition in the prover, with a notion
-## of fatality and (optionally) a location.  The interface may collect these
-## messages in a log, display in a modal dialog, or in the specified
-## display area if one is given
-## Error responses are also taken to indicate failure of a command to be processed, but only in
-## the special case of a response with fatality "fatal".  If any errorresponse with
-## fatality=fatal is sent before <ready/>, the PGIP command which triggered the message is
-## considered to have failed.  If the command is a scripting command, it will not be added to
-## the successfully processed part of the document.  A "nonfatal" error also indicates some
-## serious problem with the sent command, but it is not considered to have failed.  This is the
-## ordinary response for
-errorresponse = 
-   element errorresponse { 
-     proverid_attr?,				   #  ... as above ...
-     attribute area { displayarea }?,
-     attribute fatality { fatality },
-     location_attrs,
-     pgmltext
-  }
-fatality =	  # degree of error conditions:
-   "info"	  #  - info message
- | "warning"      #  - warning message
- | "nonfatal"     #  - error message, recovered and state updated
- | "fatal"        #  - error message, command has failed
- | "panic"        #  - shutdown condition, component exits (interface may show message)
- | "log"          #  - system-level log message (interface does not show message; written to log file)
- | "debug"        #  - system-level debug message (interface may show message; written to log file)
-# attributes describing a file location (for error messages, etc)
-location_attrs = 
-     attribute location_descr    { string }?,
-     attribute location_url      { xsd:anyURI }?,
-     attribute locationline      { xsd:positiveInteger }?,
-     attribute locationcolumn    { xsd:positiveInteger }?,
-     attribute locationcharacter { xsd:positiveInteger }?,
-     attribute locationlength    { xsd:positiveInteger }?
-# instruction to insert some literal text into the document
-scriptinsert = element scriptinsert { proverid_attr?, metavarid_attr?, string }
-# metainformation is an extensible place to put system-specific information
-value = element value { name_attr?, text }        # generic value holder [ deprecated: use metainfo ]
-metainfo = element metainfo { name_attr?, text }  # generic info holder
-metainforesponse = 
-   element metainforesponse { 
-      proverid_attr?,
-      attribute infotype { token },      # categorization of data
-      (value | metainfo)* }              # data values/text
-# ==============================================================================
-# 7. Proof script markup and proof control 
-# ==============================================================================
-# properproofcmds are purely markup on native proof script (plain) text
-properproofcmd =
-    opengoal        # open a goal in ambient context
-  | proofstep       # a specific proof command (perhaps configured via opcmd) 
-  | closegoal       # complete & close current open proof (succeeds iff proven, may close nested pf)
-  | giveupgoal      # close current open proof, retaining attempt in script (Isar oops)
-  | postponegoal    # close current open proof, record as proof obl'n  (Isar sorry)  
-  | comment         # a proof script comment; text probably ignored by prover 
-  | doccomment      # a proof script document comment; text maybe processed by prover 
-  | whitespace      # a whitespace comment; text ignored by prover
-  | spuriouscmd     # command ignored for undo, e.g. "print x", could be pruned from script
-  | badcmd          # a command which should not be stored in the script (e.g. an improperproofcmd)
-  | litcomment      # a PGIP literate comment (never passed to prover)
-  | pragma	    # a document generating instruction (never passed to prover)
-# improperproofcmds are commands which are never stored in the script
-improperproofcmd =
-    dostep        # issue a properproofcmd (without passing in markup)
-  | undostep      # undo the last proof step issued in currently open goal 
-  | redostep      # redo the last undone step issued in currently open goal (optionally supported)
-  | abortgoal     # give up on current open proof, close proof state, discard history
-  | forget        # forget a theorem (or named target), outdating dependent theorems
-  | restoregoal   # re-open previously postponed proof, outdating dependent theorems
-# In future we may allow input to contain markup; for now it is treated uniformly as plain text.
-opengoal     = element opengoal     { display_attr?, thmname_attr?, string } # FIXME: add objprefval
-proofstep    = element proofstep    { display_attr?, name_attr?, objtype_attr?, string }
-closegoal    = element closegoal    { display_attr?, string }
-giveupgoal   = element giveupgoal   { display_attr?, string }
-postponegoal = element postponegoal { display_attr?, string }
-comment      = element comment      { display_attr?, string }
-doccomment   = element doccomment   { display_attr?, string }
-whitespace   = element whitespace   { display_attr?, string }
-display_attr = attribute nodisplay { xsd:boolean }  # whether to display in documentation
-spuriouscmd  = element spuriouscmd { string }  # no semantic effect (e.g. print)
-badcmd       = element badcmd { string }       # illegal in script (e.g. undo)
-nonscripting = element nonscripting { string } # non-scripting text (different doc type)
-litcomment  = element litcomment { format_attr?, (text | directive)* }
-directive   = element directive { (proofctxt,pgml) }
-format_attr = attribute format { token }
-pragma       = showhidecode | setformat
-showhidecode = element showcode { attribute show { xsd:boolean } }
-setformat    = element setformat { format_attr }
-dostep       = element dostep { string }
-undostep     = element undostep { times_attr? }
-redostep     = element redostep { times_attr? }
-abortgoal    = element abortgoal { empty }
-forget       = element forget { thyname_attr?, name_attr?, objtype_attr? }
-restoregoal  = element restoregoal { thmname_attr }
-times_attr   = attribute times { xsd:positiveInteger }
-# empty objprefval element is used for object prefs in script markup 
-objprefval = element objprefval { name_attr, val_attr, empty }
-val_attr   = attribute value { token }
-# =======================================================
-# Inspecting the proof context, etc.
-# NB: ids/refs/parent: work in progress, liable to change.
-proofctxt =
-    askids         # tell me about identifiers (given objtype in a theory)
-  | askrefs        # tell me about dependencies (references) of an identifier
-#  | askparent      # tell me the container for some identifier
-  | showid         # print the value of some object
-  | askguise       # tell me about the current state of the prover
-  | parsescript    # parse a raw proof script into proofcmds
-  | showproofstate # (re)display proof state (empty if outside a proof)
-  | showctxt       # show proof context
-  | searchtheorems # search for theorems (prover-specific arguments)  
-  | setlinewidth   # set line width for printing
-  | viewdoc        # request some on-line help (prover-specific arg)
-askids = element askids  { thyname_attr?, objtype_attr? }
-	# Note that thyname_attr is *required* for certain objtypes (e.g. theorem).
-	# This is because otherwise the list is enormous.
-	# Perhaps we should make thyname_attr obligatory? 
-	# With a blank entry (i.e. thyname="") allowed for listing theories, or for when 
-	# you really do want to see everything (could be a shell-style glob)
-# askids:    container -> identifiers contained within
-# askparent: identifier + type + context -> container
-# askrers:   identifier + type + context -> identifiers which are referenced 
-askrefs = element askrefs { url_attr?, thyname_attr?, objtype_attr?, name_attr? }
-# TODO: maybe include guises here as indication of reference point.  
-# setrefs in reply to askrefs only really needs identifiers, but it's nice to
-# support voluntary information too.
-setrefs = element setrefs { url_attr?, thyname_attr?, objtype_attr?, name_attr?, idtable*, fileurl* }
-fileurl = element fileurl { url_attr }
-# telldeps = element telldeps { thyname_attr?, objtype_attr, name_attr?, identifier* }
-# Idea: for a theory dependency we return a single file (URL), the containing file.
-#       for a file dependency we return urls of parent files,
-#       for theorem dependency we return theory
-#       for term dependency we return definition (point in file)
-showid = element showid  { thyname_attr?, objtype_attr, name_attr }
-askguise = element askguise { empty }
-showproofstate = element showproofstate { empty }
-showctxt       = element showctxt { empty }
-searchtheorems = element searchtheorems { string }
-setlinewidth   = element setlinewidth { xsd:positiveInteger }
-viewdoc        = element viewdoc { token }
-# =======================================================
-# Proof script documents and parsing proof scripts
-# A PGIP document is a sequence of script commands, each of which
-# may have meta information attached.
-properscriptcmdmetainfo = properscriptcmd, metainfo*
-pgipdoc = element pgipdoc { properscriptcmdmetainfo* }
-# NB: parsing needs only be supported for "proper" proof commands,
-# which may appear in proof texts.  The groupdelimiters are purely
-# markup hints to the interface for display structure on concrete syntax.
-# The location attributes can be used by the prover in <parsescript> to
-# generate error messages for particular locations; they can be used 
-# in <parseresult> to pass position information back to the display,
-# particularly in the case of (re-)parsing only part of a file.
-# The parsing component MUST return the same location attributes
-# (and system data attribute) that was passed in.
-parsescript = element parsescript
-                 { location_attrs, systemdata_attr, string }
-parseresult = element parseresult { location_attrs, systemdata_attr,
-				    singleparseresult* }
-# Really we'd like parsing to return properscriptcmdmetainfo as a single
-# result (and similarly for newobj).  
-# Unfortunately, although this is an XML-transparent extension, it
-# messes up the Haskell schema-fixed code rather extensively, so for
-# now we just treat metainfo at the same level as the other results,
-# although it should only appear following a properscriptcmd.
-singleparseresult  = properscriptcmd | metainfo | unparseable | errorresponse
-unparseable = element unparseable { string }
-properscriptcmd = properproofcmd | properfilecmd | groupdelimiter
-groupdelimiter = openblock | closeblock
-openblock  = element openblock { 
-   name_attr?, objtype_attr?, 
-   metavarid_attr?, positionid_attr?,
-   fold_attr?, indent_attr? }
-closeblock = element closeblock { empty }
-metavarid_attr  = attribute metavarid { token }
-positionid_attr = attribute positionid { token }
-fold_attr       = attribute fold { xsd:boolean }
-indent_attr     = attribute indent { xsd:integer }
-# =======================================================
-# Theory/file handling
-properfilecmd =     # (NB: properfilecmds are purely markup on proof script text)
-    opentheory      # begin construction of a new theory.  
-  | theoryitem      # a step in a theory (e.g. declaration/definition of type/constant).
-  | closetheory     # complete construction of the currently open theory
-improperfilecmd = 
-    doitem	    # issue a proper file command (without passing in markup)
-  | undoitem	    # undo last step (or named item) in theory construction
-  | redoitem	    # redo last step (or named item) in theory construction (optionally supported)
-  | aborttheory     # abort currently open theory
-  | retracttheory   # retract a named theory
-  | openfile        # signal a file is being opened for constructing a proof text interactively
-  | closefile       # close the currently open file, suggesting it has been processed
-  | abortfile       # unlock a file, suggesting it hasn't been processed
-  | loadfile        # load (i.e. process directly) a file possibly containing theory definition(s)
-  | retractfile     # retract a given file (including all contained theories) 
-  | changecwd       # change prover's working directory (or load path) for files
-  | systemcmd       # system (other) command, parsed internally
-fileinfomsg = 
-   informfileloaded       # prover informs interface a particular file is loaded
- | informfileretracted    # prover informs interface a particular file is outdated
- | informguise		  # prover informs interface about current state
-opentheory    = element opentheory    { thyname_attr, parentnames_attr?, string }
-closetheory   = element closetheory   { string }
-theoryitem    = element theoryitem    { name_attr?, objtype_attr?, string } # FIXME: add objprefval
-doitem        = element doitem        { string } 
-undoitem      = element undoitem      { name_attr?, objtype_attr?, times_attr? } 
-redoitem      = element redoitem      { name_attr?, objtype_attr?, times_attr? } 
-aborttheory   = element aborttheory   { empty }
-retracttheory = element retracttheory { thyname_attr }
-parentnames_attr = attribute parentnames { objnames }
-# Below, url_attr will often be a file URL.  We assume for now that
-# the prover and interface are running on same filesystem.
-openfile      = element openfile  { url_attr }	    # notify begin reading from given file
-closefile     = element closefile { empty }	    # notify currently open file is complete
-abortfile     = element abortfile { empty }	    # notify currently open file is discarded
-loadfile      = element loadfile  { url_attr }	    # ask prover to read file directly
-retractfile   = element retractfile { url_attr }    # ask prover to retract file
-changecwd     = element changecwd { url_attr }	    # ask prover to change current working dir
-# this one not yet implemented, but would be handy.  Perhaps could be 
-# locatethy/locatefile instead.
-#locateobj     = element locateobj { name_attr, objtype_attr } # ask prover for file defining obj
-informfileloaded    = element informfileloaded    { completed_attr?, 
-						    url_attr }  # prover indicates a processed file
-informfileretracted = element informfileretracted { completed_attr?, 
-						    url_attr }  # prover indicates an undone file
-informfileoutdated = element informfileoutdated { completed_attr?, 
-						    url_attr }  # prover indicates an outdated file
-informfilelocation  = element informfilelocation  { url_attr }  # response to locateobj
-completed_attr = attribute completed { xsd:boolean }  # false if not completed (absent=>true)
-						      # (the prover is requesting a lock)
-informguise = 
-   element informguise {
-      element guisefile { url_attr }?,
-      element guisetheory { thyname_attr }?,
-      element guiseproof { thmname_attr?, proofpos_attr? }?
-   }
-proofpos_attr = attribute proofpos { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }
-systemcmd     = element systemcmd     { string }	# "shell escape", arbitrary prover command!
-# ==============================================================================
-# 8. Internal messages: only used between communicating brokers.
-# ==============================================================================
-internalmsg  = launchcomp | stopcomp | registercomp | compstatus
-launchcomp   = element launchcomponent { componentspec }
-	               # request to start an instance of this component remotely
-stopcomp     = element stopcomponent { attribute sessionid { token } }
-                       # request to stop component with this session id remotely
-registercomp = element registercomponent { activecompspec } 
-                       # component has been started successfully
-compstatus   = element componentstatus { componentstatus_attr    # status
-	                               , componentid_attr?       # component id (for failure)
-	                               , element text { string }?  # user-visible error message
-				       , element info { string }?  # Additional info for log files.
-				       }	
-                       # component status: failed to start, or exited
-componentstatus_attr = attribute status { ("fail"   # component failed to start
- 		                          |"exit"  # component exited
-					  )}	
-# Local variables:
-# fill-column: 95
-# End:
-# ==============================================================================
-# end of `pgip.rnc'.
--- a/lib/ProofGeneral/pgip_isar.xml	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Title:      Pure/pgip_isar.xml
-     Author:     David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh
-     Author:     Christoph Lüth, University of Bremen
-This file contains the configuration messages which configure 
-PGIP interfaces for Isabelle/Isar, in particular, explaining
-internal types of objects and operations available on them.
-See for more details.
-This file is a contributed part of the Isabelle Distribution.
-STATUS: incomplete and experimental.
-  <welcomemsg>Welcome to Isabelle/Isar 2007.</welcomemsg>
-  <!-- Icon for Isabelle interface -->
-  <icon>
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-    EUWdOO4gimIx+A/pRoFAWyKheQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
-  </icon>
-  <helpdoc name="Isabelle/HOL Tutorial" 
-	   descr="A gentle introduction to Isabelle/HOL"
-           url=""
-  >tutorial</helpdoc>
-  <helpdoc name="Isabelle HOL Logic Reference" 
-	   descr="The Isabelle HOL Logic in detail"
-           url=""
-  >logics-HOL</helpdoc>
-  <helpdoc name="Isar Tutorial" 
-	   descr="An Introduction to the Isar proof language"
-           url=""
-  >isar-overview</helpdoc>
-  <helpdoc name="Isabelle/Isar Reference" 
-	   descr="Reference Manual for Isabelle/Isar"
-           url=""
-  >isar-ref</helpdoc>
-  <helpdoc name="Isabelle Reference manual"
-	   descr="Reference Manual for Isabelle"
-           url=""
-  >ref</helpdoc>
-  <helpdoc 
-           name="Isabelle System manual"
-           descr="System Manual: interfaces, output, building logics."
-           url=""
-  >system</helpdoc>
-  <!-- Example lexicalstructure element.  This is incomplete and the
-   keywords need to be filled dynamically -->
-  <lexicalstructure>
-    <keyword word="begin"><shorthelp>Begin theory or proof</shorthelp></keyword>
-    <keyword word="end"><shorthelp>End theory or proof</shorthelp></keyword>
-    <stringdelimiter>"</stringdelimiter>
-    <commentdelimiter start="(*" end="*)"/>
-    <commentdelimiter start="--"/>
-    <identifiersyntax initialchars="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
-		      allowedchars="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345689_'"/>
-  </lexicalstructure>
-  <!-- objtypes -->
-  <objtype name="toplevel" descr="top-level context (PGIP internal)">
-    <contains objtype="theory"/>
-  </objtype>
-  <objtype name="theory" descr="Isabelle theory">
-    <contains objtype="theorem"/>
-    <contains objtype="theory"/>
-  </objtype>
-  <objtype name="theorem" descr="Isabelle theorem">
-    <contains objtype="theorem-proof"/>
-    <hasprefs prefcategory="Theorem attributes">
-      <haspref name="thm-kind" descr="Theorem kind">
-	<pgipchoice>
-	  <pgipconst name="theorem" descr="Theorem"/>
-	  <pgipconst name="lemma" descr="Lemma"/>
-	  <pgipconst name="corollary" descr="Corollary"/>
-	</pgipchoice>
-      </haspref>
-      <haspref name="thm-simp" descr="Include in simplifier set">
-	<pgipbool/>
-      </haspref>
-      <haspref name="thm-intro" descr="Flag as introduction rule">
-	<pgipbool/>
-      </haspref>
-      <haspref name="thm-elim" descr="Flag as elimination rule">
-	<pgipbool/>
-      </haspref>
-      <haspref name="thm-dest" descr="Flag as destruction rule">
-	<pgipbool/>
-      </haspref>
-    </hasprefs>
-  </objtype>
-  <objtype name="theorem-proof" descr="Isabelle proof">
-  </objtype>
-  <objtype name="term"      descr="Isabelle term">
-    <icon>
-      R0lGODlhJgAgAIQAAP////r6+uDg4Nra2tnZ2fn5+WFhYUJCQkFBQWBgYMnO
-      91xq6K208wsg3XiD7OTm+0FR5CY54Pb29t3d3dfX119fX/T09NbW1tjY2AAA
-      LyHA6YTI5I8IWLVo0Gjtlqpar9istqRYLBTbMIDRaDDEW7IZrVWf2VYGw1F2
-      yBkP+KnM77/1Jm6AcWV/gyeChyiJioGFjYiPkCWMkyKVlpiTmpBqEJYlEWUR
-    </icon>
-  </objtype>
-  <objtype name="type"      descr="Isabelle type">
-    <icon>
-      R0lGODlhJgAgAIQAAP////r6+uDg4Nra2tnZ2fn5+WFhYUJCQkFBQWBgYOTm
-      +62080FR5Asg3SY54Fxq6MnO95Kc73iD7Pb29t3d3dfX119fX/T09NbW1tjY
-      +QQBCgAfACwAAAAAJgAgAAAFsyAgjmRpnqgYCAPhvnAsz7BQAIJxIHzv/8Cg
-      LyHA6YTI5I8IWLVo0Gjtlqpar9istqRYeL9exbaqYDTOaPRijFI40vDGmm16
-      NB74NwOPh9C5DWIidn9VERIkb4UpEYIiZ4tZkJFWEA0MlFYLd5lVmw+dKZ8k
-      fqEim4GnoKYAlndiDIisAG9ppawSaauzALkNsrzBwsPEIxMUFRVSyzQ2AAMW
-      StJJTNDT10BMFwMYGczfUwAhADs=
-    </icon>
-  </objtype>
-  <objtype name="thmset"    descr="Set of Isabelle theorems">
-    <contains objtype="theorem"/>
-  </objtype>
-<!-- possible objtypes not yet supported:
-  <objtype name="method"    descr="Isar method or proof step"></objtype>
-  <!-- object operations -->
-  <opn name="theory" descr="make a theory">
-    <opsrc name="name">identifier</opsrc>
-    <opsrc name="imports" listwithsep=" ">theory</opsrc>
-    <optrg>theory</optrg>
-    <opcmd>theory %name imports %imports begin
-  </opn>
-  <opn name="open lemma">
-    <inputform>
-      <field name="name"><pgipstring/><prompt>Input a name:</prompt></field>
-      <field name="term"><pgipstring/><prompt>Input a term:</prompt></field>
-      <field name="attributes">
-	<pgipchoice>
-	<pgipconst name="" descr="none"></pgipconst>
-	<pgipconst name="[simp]" descr="use in global simplifier context"></pgipconst>
-	</pgipchoice>
-	<prompt>Attributes:</prompt></field>
-    </inputform>
-    <opsrc></opsrc>
-    <opcmd>lemma %attributes %name : "%term"
-  </opn>
-  <opn name="add to simpset">
-    <opsrc>theorem</opsrc>
-    <optrg></optrg>
-    <opcmd>declare %1 [simp]</opcmd>
-  </opn>
-  <opn name="remove from simpset">
-    <opsrc>theorem</opsrc>
-    <optrg></optrg>
-    <opcmd>declare %1 [simp del]</opcmd>
-  </opn>
-  <opn name="instantiate" descr="instantiate variable in theorem">
-    <opsrc>theorem</opsrc>
-    <opsrc>term</opsrc>
-    <optrg>theorem</optrg>
-    <opcmd>%1 [OF %2]</opcmd>
-  </opn>
-  <!-- interactive operations -->
-  <!-- da: this isn't really a good example.  
-       Isar doesn't have cterms, the "term" command just checks & prints
-       a term in the current context. -->
-  <opn name="checkterm">
-    <inputform>
-      <field name="term"><pgipstring/><prompt>Input a term:</prompt></field>
-    </inputform>
-    <opsrc></opsrc>
-    <optrg>term</optrg>
-    <opcmd>term %term</opcmd>
-  </opn>
-  <!-- proof operations -->
-  <opn name="applyrule">
-    <opsrc>ruleset</opsrc>
-    <opcmd>apply (rule %1)</opcmd>
-  </opn>
-  <opn name="applyerule">
-    <opsrc>ruleset</opsrc>
-    <opcmd>apply (erule %1)</opcmd>
-  </opn>
-  <opn name="applydrule">
-    <opsrc>ruleset</opsrc>
-    <opcmd>apply (drule %1)</opcmd>
-  </opn>
-  <!-- introduce new goal -->
-  <!-- [FIXME: ideally need to generalise substitution for options? in pgipchoice] -->
--- a/lib/ProofGeneral/pgml.rnc	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# RELAX NG Schema for PGML, the Proof General Markup Language
-# Authors:  David Aspinall, LFCS, University of Edinburgh       
-#           Christoph Lueth, University of Bremen       
-# Status:  Complete, prototype.
-# For additional commentary, see accompanying commentary document
-# (available at
-# Advertised version: 1.0
-pgml_version_attr = attribute version { xsd:NMTOKEN }
-pgml =
-  element pgml {
-    pgml_version_attr?,
-    (statedisplay | termdisplay | information | warning | error)*
-  }
-termitem      = action | nonactionitem
-nonactionitem = term | pgmltype | atom | sym
-pgml_mixed    = text | termitem | statepart 
-pgml_name_attr = attribute name { text }
-kind_attr = attribute kind { text }
-systemid_attr = attribute systemid { text }
-statedisplay =
-  element statedisplay {
-    pgml_name_attr?, kind_attr?, systemid_attr?,
-    pgml_mixed*
-  }
-pgmltext    = element pgmltext { (text | termitem)* }
-information = element information { pgml_name_attr?, kind_attr?, pgmltext }
-warning     = element warning     { pgml_name_attr?, kind_attr?, pgmltext }
-error       = element error       { pgml_name_attr?, kind_attr?, pgmltext }
-statepart   = element statepart   { pgml_name_attr?, kind_attr?, pgmltext }
-termdisplay = element termdisplay { pgml_name_attr?, kind_attr?, pgmltext }
-pos_attr    = attribute pos { text }
-term        = element term { pos_attr?, kind_attr?, pgmltext }
-# maybe combine this with term and add extra attr to term?
-pgmltype    = element type { kind_attr?, pgmltext }
-action      = element action { kind_attr?, (text | nonactionitem)* }
-fullname_attr = attribute fullname { text }
-atom = element atom { kind_attr?, fullname_attr?, text }
-## Symbols
-## Element sym can be rendered in three alternative ways, 
-## in descending preference order:
-## 1) the PGML symbol given by the name attribute
-## 2) the text content of the SYM element, if non-empty
-## 3) one of the previously configured text alternatives advertised
-##    by the component who produced this output.
-symname_attr = attribute name { token }        # names must be [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+
-sym          = element sym { symname_attr, text }
-pgmlconfigure = symconfig              # inform symbol support (I/O) for given sym
-textalt = attribute alt { text }       # text alternative for given sym
-symconfig = element symconfig { symname_attr, textalt* }
--- a/lib/ProofGeneral/schemas.xml	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<locatingRules xmlns="">
-  <uri resource="pgip_isar.xml" uri="pgip.rnc"/>
-  <uri resource="pgip_isar.xml" typeId="RELAX NG"/>
--- a/lib/Tools/mkproject	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Author: David Aspinall
-# DESCRIPTION: prepare a session directory for PG-Eclipse
-PRG="$(basename "$0")"
-function usage()
-  echo
-  echo "Usage: isabelle $PRG NAME"
-  echo
-  echo "  Prepare a session directory for PG-Eclipse."
-  exit 1
-if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then
-  NAME="$1"; shift
-  usage
-"$ISABELLE_TOOL" mkdir -b -q "$NAME"
-( cd document; "$ISABELLE_TOOL" latex -o sty; )
--- a/src/Doc/System/Basics.thy	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/System/Basics.thy	Sat May 11 18:45:38 2013 +0200
@@ -383,7 +383,6 @@
     -S           secure mode -- disallow critical operations
     -T ADDR      startup process wrapper, with socket address
     -W IN:OUT    startup process wrapper, with input/output fifos
-    -X           startup PGIP interaction mode
     -e MLTEXT    pass MLTEXT to the ML session
     -f           pass 'Session.finish();' to the ML session
     -m MODE      add print mode for output
@@ -456,8 +455,7 @@
   \medskip The @{verbatim "-I"} option makes Isabelle enter Isar
   interaction mode on startup, instead of the primitive ML top-level.
   The @{verbatim "-P"} option configures the top-level loop for
-  interaction with the Proof General user interface, and the
-  @{verbatim "-X"} option enables XML-based PGIP communication.
+  interaction with the Proof General user interface.
   \medskip The @{verbatim "-T"} or @{verbatim "-W"} option makes
   Isabelle enter a special process wrapper for interaction via
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/TODO	Sat May 11 18:16:17 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- Complete pgip_types:  add PGML and objtypes
- Complete pgip_markup: provide markup abstraction for parsing.ML
- cleanups: signatures & structures, concrete types in XML attrs, etc.
- further tests in pgip_tests.ML