Methods rule_tac etc support static (Isar) contexts.
Fri, 29 Aug 2003 15:19:02 +0200
changeset 14174 f3cafd2929d5
parent 14173 a3690aeb79d4
child 14175 dbd16ebaf907
Methods rule_tac etc support static (Isar) contexts.
--- a/src/HOL/Bali/WellForm.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Bali/WellForm.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -1943,7 +1943,7 @@
  (\<exists>T m. t = ArrayT T \<and> G\<turnstile>Array T accessible_in (pid S) \<and>
         accmethd G S Object sig = Some m \<and> accmodi m \<noteq> Private \<and> 
         declrefT emh = ClassT Object \<and> mhead (mthd m) = mhd emh)"
-apply (rule_tac "ref_ty1"="t" in ref_ty_ty.induct [THEN conjunct1])
+apply (rule_tac ref_ty1="t" in ref_ty_ty.induct [THEN conjunct1])
 apply auto
 apply (auto simp add: cmheads_def accObjectmheads_def Objectmheads_def)
 apply (auto  dest!: accmethd_SomeD)
--- a/src/HOL/HoareParallel/RG_Examples.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/HoareParallel/RG_Examples.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
     apply force
    apply force
   apply force
- apply(rule_tac "pre'"="\<lbrace> \<acute>X i mod n = i \<and> (\<forall>j. j<\<acute>X i \<longrightarrow> j mod n = i \<longrightarrow> \<not>P(B!j)) \<and> (\<acute>Y i < n * q \<longrightarrow> P (B!(\<acute>Y i))) \<and> \<acute>X i<\<acute>Y i\<rbrace>" in Conseq)
+ apply(rule_tac pre'="\<lbrace> \<acute>X i mod n = i \<and> (\<forall>j. j<\<acute>X i \<longrightarrow> j mod n = i \<longrightarrow> \<not>P(B!j)) \<and> (\<acute>Y i < n * q \<longrightarrow> P (B!(\<acute>Y i))) \<and> \<acute>X i<\<acute>Y i\<rbrace>" in Conseq)
      apply force
     apply(rule subset_refl)+
  apply(rule Cond)
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
     apply force
    apply force
   apply force
- apply(rule_tac "pre'"="\<lbrace>n<length \<acute>X \<and> n<length \<acute>Y \<and> \<acute>X ! i mod n = i \<and> (\<forall>j. j < \<acute>X ! i \<longrightarrow> j mod n = i \<longrightarrow> \<not> P (B ! j)) \<and> (\<acute>Y ! i < n * q \<longrightarrow> P (B ! (\<acute>Y ! i))) \<and> \<acute>X!i<\<acute>Y!i\<rbrace>" in Conseq)
+ apply(rule_tac pre'="\<lbrace>n<length \<acute>X \<and> n<length \<acute>Y \<and> \<acute>X ! i mod n = i \<and> (\<forall>j. j < \<acute>X ! i \<longrightarrow> j mod n = i \<longrightarrow> \<not> P (B ! j)) \<and> (\<acute>Y ! i < n * q \<longrightarrow> P (B ! (\<acute>Y ! i))) \<and> \<acute>X!i<\<acute>Y!i\<rbrace>" in Conseq)
      apply force
     apply(rule subset_refl)+
  apply(rule Cond)
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/Comp/CorrComp.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/Comp/CorrComp.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
   {G, C, S} \<turnstile> {hp0, os0, lvars0} >- instrs_comb \<rightarrow> {hp2, os2, lvars2}"
 apply (simp only: progression_def)
 apply (intro strip)
-apply (rule_tac "s1.0" = "Norm (hp1, (os1, lvars1, C, S, 
+apply (rule_tac ?s1.0 = "Norm (hp1, (os1, lvars1, C, S, 
                           length pre + length instrs0) # frs)"  
        in exec_all_trans)
 apply (simp only: append_assoc)
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
   \<Longrightarrow> {G, C, S} \<turnstile> {hp, os0, lvars} >- instrs_comb \<rightarrow> {hp2, os2, lvars2}"
 apply (simp only: progression_def jump_fwd_def)
 apply (intro strip)
-apply (rule_tac "s1.0" = "Norm(hp, (os1, lvars, C, S, length pre + length instrs0 + 1) # frs)" in exec_all_trans)
+apply (rule_tac ?s1.0 = "Norm(hp, (os1, lvars, C, S, length pre + length instrs0 + 1) # frs)" in exec_all_trans)
 apply (simp only: append_assoc)
 apply (subgoal_tac "pre @ (instr # instrs0 @ instrs1) @ post = pre @ instr # instrs0 @ (instrs1 @ post)")
 apply blast
@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@
 apply force
 apply (intro strip)
 apply (frule_tac
-  "P1.0" = "wf_mdecl wf_mb G Ca" and
-  "P2.0" = "%(S, (Da, rT, mb)). P Da S (rT, mb)" in map_of_map_prop)
+  ?P1.0 = "wf_mdecl wf_mb G Ca" and
+  ?P2.0 = "%(S, (Da, rT, mb)). P Da S (rT, mb)" in map_of_map_prop)
 apply (force simp: wf_cdecl_def)
 apply clarify
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
 apply (case_tac "v1 = v2")
 (* case v1 = v2 *)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs1.0" = "[LitPush (Bool True)]" in jump_fwd_progression)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs1.0 = "[LitPush (Bool True)]" in jump_fwd_progression)
 apply (auto simp: nat_add_distrib)
 apply (rule progression_one_step) apply simp
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
 apply auto
 apply (rule progression_one_step [THEN HOL.refl [THEN progression_transitive], simplified]) 
 apply auto
-apply (rule_tac "instrs1.0" = "[]" in jump_fwd_progression)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs1.0 = "[]" in jump_fwd_progression)
 apply (auto simp: nat_add_distrib intro: progression_refl)
@@ -522,9 +522,9 @@
 apply (case_tac lvals) apply simp
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp) )
-apply (rule_tac "lvars1.0" = "(prfx @ [default_val (snd a)]) @ lista" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?lvars1.0 = "(prfx @ [default_val (snd a)]) @ lista" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply (case_tac a) apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: compInit_def)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[load_default_val b]" in progression_transitive, simp)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[load_default_val b]" in progression_transitive, simp)
 apply (rule progression_one_step)
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: load_default_val_def)
 apply (rule conjI, simp)+ apply (rule HOL.refl)
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
   E\<turnstile>e::T; gx s' = None; prg E = G \<rbrakk> 
   \<Longrightarrow> G,gh s'\<turnstile>v::\<preceq>T"
 apply (simp add: gh_def)
-apply (rule_tac x3="fst s" and "s3"="snd s"and "x'3"="fst s'"  
+apply (rule_tac x3="fst s" and s3="snd s"and x'3="fst s'"  
   in eval_type_sound [THEN conjunct2 [THEN conjunct1 [THEN mp]], simplified])
 apply assumption+
 apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: surjective_pairing [THEN sym])
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@
 apply (frule raise_if_NoneD)
 apply (frule wtpd_expr_cast)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, simp)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, simp)
 apply blast
 apply (rule progression_one_step)
 apply (simp add: raise_system_xcpt_def  gh_def comp_cast_ok)
@@ -791,8 +791,8 @@
 apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: compExpr_compExprs.simps)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e1" in progression_transitive, simp) apply blast
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e2" in progression_transitive, simp) apply blast
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e1" in progression_transitive, simp) apply blast
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e2" in progression_transitive, simp) apply blast
 apply (case_tac bop)
   (*subcase bop = Eq *)  apply simp apply (rule progression_Eq)
   (*subcase bop = Add *) apply simp apply (rule progression_one_step) apply simp
@@ -814,10 +814,10 @@
 apply (frule wtpd_expr_lass, erule conjE, erule conjE)
 apply (simp add: compExpr_compExprs.simps)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply blast
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[Dup]" in progression_transitive, simp)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[Dup]" in progression_transitive, simp)
 apply (rule progression_one_step)
 apply (simp add: gh_def)
 apply (rule conjI, simp)+ apply simp
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
 apply (frule wtpd_expr_facc)
 apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: compExpr_compExprs.simps)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply blast
 apply (rule progression_one_step)
 apply (simp add: gh_def)
@@ -860,11 +860,11 @@
 apply (simp only: compExpr_compExprs.simps)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e1)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e1)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast (* blast does not seem to work - why? *)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e2)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e2)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[Dup_x1]" and "instrs1.0" = "[Putfield fn T]" in progression_transitive, simp)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[Dup_x1]" and ?instrs1.0 = "[Putfield fn T]" in progression_transitive, simp)
    (* Dup_x1 *)
    apply (rule progression_one_step)
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@
 apply (frule_tac e=e in state_ok_eval) apply (simp (no_asm_simp) only: env_of_jmb_fst) apply simp apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: env_of_jmb_fst)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
 apply fast
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
 apply (intro allI impI)
 apply (frule wtpd_stmt_expr)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
 apply (rule progression_one_step)
 apply simp
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@
 apply (frule_tac st=c1 in state_ok_exec) apply (simp (no_asm_simp) only: env_of_jmb_fst) apply simp apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: env_of_jmb_fst)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compStmt (gmb G CL S) c1)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compStmt (gmb G CL S) c1)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
 apply fast
@@ -950,29 +950,29 @@
 apply (erule exE)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" in progression_transitive, simp (no_asm_simp))
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" in progression_transitive, simp (no_asm_simp))
 apply (rule progression_one_step,  simp)
 apply (rule conjI, rule HOL.refl)+ apply (rule HOL.refl)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
 apply (case_tac b)
  (* case b= True *)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt (gmb G CL S) c1)))]" in progression_transitive, simp)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt (gmb G CL S) c1)))]" in progression_transitive, simp)
 apply (rule progression_one_step) apply simp
 apply (rule conjI, rule HOL.refl)+ apply (rule HOL.refl)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compStmt (gmb G CL S) c1)" in progression_transitive, simp)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compStmt (gmb G CL S) c1)" in progression_transitive, simp)
 apply fast
-apply (rule_tac "instrs1.0" = "[]" in jump_fwd_progression)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs1.0 = "[]" in jump_fwd_progression)
 apply (simp, rule conjI, (rule HOL.refl)+)
 apply simp apply (rule conjI, simp) apply (simp add: nat_add_distrib)
 apply (rule progression_refl)
  (* case b= False *)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs1.0" = "compStmt (gmb G CL S) c2" in jump_fwd_progression)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs1.0 = "compStmt (gmb G CL S) c2" in jump_fwd_progression)
 apply (simp, rule conjI, (rule HOL.refl)+)
 apply (simp, rule conjI, rule HOL.refl, simp add: nat_add_distrib)
 apply fast
@@ -993,14 +993,14 @@
  (* case b= False *)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" in progression_transitive, simp (no_asm_simp))
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" in progression_transitive, simp (no_asm_simp))
 apply (rule progression_one_step)
    apply simp 
    apply (rule conjI, rule HOL.refl)+ apply (rule HOL.refl)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
-apply (rule_tac "instrs1.0" = "[]" in jump_fwd_progression)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs1.0 = "[]" in jump_fwd_progression)
 apply (simp, rule conjI, rule HOL.refl, rule HOL.refl)
 apply (simp, rule conjI, rule HOL.refl, simp add: nat_add_distrib)
 apply (rule progression_refl)
@@ -1028,19 +1028,19 @@
 apply simp
 apply (rule conjI, (rule HOL.refl)+)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" in progression_transitive, simp (no_asm_simp))
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" in progression_transitive, simp (no_asm_simp))
 apply (rule progression_one_step)
    apply simp 
    apply (rule conjI, simp)+ apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "compExpr (gmb G CL S) e" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
 apply (case_tac b)
  (* case b= True *)
 apply simp
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "[Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt (gmb G CL S) c)))]" in progression_transitive, simp)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "[Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt (gmb G CL S) c)))]" in progression_transitive, simp)
 apply (rule progression_one_step) apply simp
 apply (rule conjI, rule HOL.refl)+ apply (rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
@@ -1116,11 +1116,11 @@
 apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: compExpr_compExprs.simps)
   (* evaluate e *)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compExpr (gmb G CL S) e)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
   (* evaluate parameters *)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "compExprs (gmb G CL S) ps" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "compExprs (gmb G CL S) ps" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply fast
   (* invokation *)
@@ -1136,14 +1136,14 @@
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: gis_def gmb_def compMethod_def)
        (* var. initialization *)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "(compInitLvars (pns, lvars, blk, res) lvars)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "(compInitLvars (pns, lvars, blk, res) lvars)" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply (rule_tac C=md in progression_lvar_init, assumption, assumption, assumption)
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp)) (* length pns = length pvs *)
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp)) (* length lvars = length (replicate (length lvars) arbitrary) *)
        (* body statement *)
-apply (rule_tac "instrs0.0" = "compStmt (pns, lvars, blk, res) blk" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
+apply (rule_tac ?instrs0.0 = "compStmt (pns, lvars, blk, res) blk" in progression_transitive, rule HOL.refl)
 apply (subgoal_tac "(pns, lvars, blk, res) = gmb G md (mn, pTs)")
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
 apply (simp only: gh_conv)
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/Comp/CorrCompTp.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/Comp/CorrCompTp.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -1739,14 +1739,14 @@
   apply (rule bc_mt_corresp_zero) apply (simp add: length_compTpExpr) 
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0"="[]" and "bc2.0" = "compExpr jmb expr1" 
-  and "f1.0"=comb_nil and "f2.0" = "compTpExpr jmb G expr1" 
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0="[]" and ?bc2.0 = "compExpr jmb expr1" 
+  and ?f1.0=comb_nil and ?f2.0 = "compTpExpr jmb G expr1" 
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply blast
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr)+
-apply (drule_tac "bc2.0" = "compExpr jmb expr2" and "f2.0" = "compTpExpr jmb G expr2" 
+apply (drule_tac ?bc2.0 = "compExpr jmb expr2" and ?f2.0 = "compTpExpr jmb G expr2" 
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (simp only: compTpExpr_LT_ST)
@@ -1754,10 +1754,10 @@
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0" = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2" 
-    and inst = "Ifcmpeq 3" and "bc3.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False),Goto 2, LitPush (Bool True)]"
-  and "f1.0"="compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2"
-  and "f2.0"="popST 2" and "f3.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> popST 1 \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0 = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2" 
+    and inst = "Ifcmpeq 3" and ?bc3.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False),Goto 2, LitPush (Bool True)]"
+  and ?f1.0="compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2"
+  and ?f2.0="popST 2" and ?f3.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> popST 1 \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_wt_instr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr)+
@@ -1772,12 +1772,12 @@
   apply (case_tac Ta) apply (simp (no_asm_simp)) apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
   apply (rule contracting_popST)		(* contracting (popST 2)  *)
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0" = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2 @ [Ifcmpeq 3]"
-  and "bc2.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" 
-  and "bc3.0" = "[Goto 2, LitPush (Bool True)]" 
-  and "f1.0" = "compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2 \<box> popST 2"
-  and "f2.0" = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]" 
-  and "f3.0" = "popST (Suc 0) \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0 = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2 @ [Ifcmpeq 3]"
+  and ?bc2.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" 
+  and ?bc3.0 = "[Goto 2, LitPush (Bool True)]" 
+  and ?f1.0 = "compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2 \<box> popST 2"
+  and ?f2.0 = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]" 
+  and ?f3.0 = "popST (Suc 0) \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (simp add: compTpExpr_LT_ST_rewr popST_def)
@@ -1787,10 +1787,10 @@
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: start_sttp_resp_def)
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0" = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2 @ [Ifcmpeq 3, LitPush (Bool False)]" 
-    and inst = "Goto 2" and "bc3.0" = "[LitPush (Bool True)]"
-  and "f1.0"="compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2 \<box> popST 2 \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
-  and "f2.0"="popST 1" and "f3.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0 = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2 @ [Ifcmpeq 3, LitPush (Bool False)]" 
+    and inst = "Goto 2" and ?bc3.0 = "[LitPush (Bool True)]"
+  and ?f1.0="compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2 \<box> popST 2 \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
+  and ?f2.0="popST 1" and ?f3.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_wt_instr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr)+
@@ -1804,13 +1804,13 @@
   apply (rule contracting_popST)		(* contracting (popST 1) *)
 apply (drule_tac 
-  "bc1.0" = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2 @ [Ifcmpeq 3, LitPush (Bool False), Goto 2]" 
-  and "bc2.0" = "[LitPush (Bool True)]"
-  and "bc3.0" = "[]"
-  and "f1.0" = "compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2 \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
+  ?bc1.0 = "compExpr jmb expr1 @ compExpr jmb expr2 @ [Ifcmpeq 3, LitPush (Bool False), Goto 2]" 
+  and ?bc2.0 = "[LitPush (Bool True)]"
+  and ?bc3.0 = "[]"
+  and ?f1.0 = "compTpExpr jmb G expr1 \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr2 \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
                 pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> popST (Suc 0)"
-  and "f2.0" = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
-  and "f3.0" = "comb_nil" 
+  and ?f2.0 = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]"
+  and ?f3.0 = "comb_nil" 
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (simp add: compTpExpr_LT_ST_rewr popST_def) 
@@ -1859,8 +1859,8 @@
 apply clarify
 apply (simp (no_asm_use))
 apply (rule bc_mt_corresp_comb) apply (rule HOL.refl, simp (no_asm_simp), blast)
-apply (rule_tac "bc1.0"="[Dup]" and "bc2.0"="[Store (index (pns, lvars, blk, res) vname)]" 
-       and "f1.0"="dupST" and "f2.0"="popST (Suc 0)"
+apply (rule_tac ?bc1.0="[Dup]" and ?bc2.0="[Store (index (pns, lvars, blk, res) vname)]" 
+       and ?f1.0="dupST" and ?f2.0="popST (Suc 0)"
        in bc_mt_corresp_comb) 
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (rule bc_mt_corresp_Dup)
@@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@
   apply (simp only: compTpExpr_LT_ST)
 apply (rule bc_mt_corresp_comb, (rule HOL.refl)+) apply blast
   apply (simp only: compTpExpr_LT_ST)
-apply (rule_tac "bc1.0"="[Dup_x1]" and "bc2.0"="[Putfield vname cname]" in bc_mt_corresp_comb) 
+apply (rule_tac ?bc1.0="[Dup_x1]" and ?bc2.0="[Putfield vname cname]" in bc_mt_corresp_comb) 
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
 apply (rule bc_mt_corresp_Dup_x1)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: dup_x1ST_def)
@@ -2010,24 +2010,24 @@
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpStmt length_compTpExpr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0"="[]" and "bc2.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" 
-  and "bc3.0"="compExpr jmb expr @ Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1))) #
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0="[]" and ?bc2.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" 
+  and ?bc3.0="compExpr jmb expr @ Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1))) #
             compStmt jmb stmt1 @ Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2))) #
             compStmt jmb stmt2" 
-  and "f1.0"=comb_nil and "f2.0" = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]" 
-  and "f3.0"="compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt1 \<box>
+  and ?f1.0=comb_nil and ?f2.0 = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]" 
+  and ?f3.0="compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt1 \<box>
             nochangeST \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (rule_tac T="(PrimT Boolean)" in bc_mt_corresp_LitPush)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: start_sttp_resp_def)+
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0"="[LitPush (Bool False)]" and "bc2.0" = "compExpr jmb expr"
-  and "bc3.0"="Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1))) #
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0="[LitPush (Bool False)]" and ?bc2.0 = "compExpr jmb expr"
+  and ?bc3.0="Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1))) #
             compStmt jmb stmt1 @ Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2))) #
             compStmt jmb stmt2" 
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean]" and "f2.0" = "compTpExpr jmb G expr"
-  and "f3.0"="popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt1 \<box>
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean]" and ?f2.0 = "compTpExpr jmb G expr"
+  and ?f3.0="popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt1 \<box>
             nochangeST \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
@@ -2036,12 +2036,12 @@
       apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr" 
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr" 
     and inst = "Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1)))" 
-  and "bc3.0" = "compStmt jmb stmt1 @ Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2))) #
+  and ?bc3.0 = "compStmt jmb stmt1 @ Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2))) #
             compStmt jmb stmt2"
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr" and "f2.0" = "popST 2"
-  and "f3.0"="compTpStmt jmb G stmt1 \<box> nochangeST \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr" and ?f2.0 = "popST 2"
+  and ?f3.0="compTpStmt jmb G stmt1 \<box> nochangeST \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_wt_instr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr)+
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: start_sttp_resp_comb)
@@ -2079,13 +2079,13 @@
   apply (rule contracting_popST)
 apply (drule_tac 
-  "bc1.0"="[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ 
+  ?bc1.0="[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ 
            [Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1)))] " 
-  and "bc2.0" = "compStmt jmb stmt1"
-  and "bc3.0"="Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2))) # compStmt jmb stmt2"
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2" 
-  and "f2.0" = "compTpStmt jmb G stmt1"
-  and "f3.0"="nochangeST \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
+  and ?bc2.0 = "compStmt jmb stmt1"
+  and ?bc3.0="Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2))) # compStmt jmb stmt2"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2" 
+  and ?f2.0 = "compTpStmt jmb G stmt1"
+  and ?f3.0="nochangeST \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: pushST_def popST_def compTpExpr_LT_ST)
@@ -2094,13 +2094,13 @@
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr)+
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ [Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1)))] @ compStmt jmb stmt1" 
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ [Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1)))] @ compStmt jmb stmt1" 
     and inst = "Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2)))"
-  and "bc3.0" = "compStmt jmb stmt2"
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
+  and ?bc3.0 = "compStmt jmb stmt2"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
               compTpStmt jmb G stmt1" 
-  and "f2.0" = "nochangeST"
-  and "f3.0"="compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
+  and ?f2.0 = "nochangeST"
+  and ?f3.0="compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_wt_instr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr length_compTpStmt)+
   apply (intro strip)
@@ -2120,15 +2120,15 @@
 apply (drule_tac 
-  "bc1.0"= "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ 
+  ?bc1.0= "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ 
             [Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt1)))] @ 
             compStmt jmb stmt1 @ [Goto (1 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt2)))]"
-  and "bc2.0" = "compStmt jmb stmt2"
-  and "bc3.0"="[]"
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
+  and ?bc2.0 = "compStmt jmb stmt2"
+  and ?bc3.0="[]"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
               compTpStmt jmb G stmt1 \<box> nochangeST"
-  and "f2.0" = "compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
-  and "f3.0"="comb_nil"
+  and ?f2.0 = "compTpStmt jmb G stmt2"
+  and ?f3.0="comb_nil"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: pushST_def popST_def nochangeST_def compTpExpr_LT_ST)
@@ -2152,23 +2152,23 @@
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpStmt length_compTpExpr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0"="[]" and "bc2.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" 
-  and "bc3.0"="compExpr jmb expr @ Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt))) #
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0="[]" and ?bc2.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)]" 
+  and ?bc3.0="compExpr jmb expr @ Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt))) #
             compStmt jmb stmt @ 
             [Goto (-2 + (- int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)) - int (length (compExpr jmb expr))))]" 
-  and "f1.0"=comb_nil and "f2.0" = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]" 
-  and "f3.0"="compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt \<box> nochangeST"
+  and ?f1.0=comb_nil and ?f2.0 = "pushST [PrimT Boolean]" 
+  and ?f3.0="compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt \<box> nochangeST"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (rule_tac T="(PrimT Boolean)" in bc_mt_corresp_LitPush)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: start_sttp_resp_def)+
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0"="[LitPush (Bool False)]" and "bc2.0" = "compExpr jmb expr"
-  and "bc3.0"="Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt))) #
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0="[LitPush (Bool False)]" and ?bc2.0 = "compExpr jmb expr"
+  and ?bc3.0="Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt))) #
             compStmt jmb stmt @ 
             [Goto (-2 + (- int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)) - int (length (compExpr jmb expr))))]" 
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean]" and "f2.0" = "compTpExpr jmb G expr"
-  and "f3.0"="popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt \<box> nochangeST"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean]" and ?f2.0 = "compTpExpr jmb G expr"
+  and ?f3.0="popST 2 \<box> compTpStmt jmb G stmt \<box> nochangeST"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp)  add: pushST_def)
@@ -2176,12 +2176,12 @@
       apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr" 
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr" 
     and inst = "Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)))" 
-  and "bc3.0" = "compStmt jmb stmt @ 
+  and ?bc3.0 = "compStmt jmb stmt @ 
        [Goto (-2 + (- int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)) - int (length (compExpr jmb expr))))]"
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr" and "f2.0" = "popST 2"
-  and "f3.0"="compTpStmt jmb G stmt \<box> nochangeST"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr" and ?f2.0 = "popST 2"
+  and ?f3.0="compTpStmt jmb G stmt \<box> nochangeST"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_wt_instr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr)+
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: start_sttp_resp_comb)
@@ -2219,13 +2219,13 @@
   apply (rule contracting_popST)
 apply (drule_tac 
-  "bc1.0"="[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ 
+  ?bc1.0="[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ 
            [Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)))] " 
-  and "bc2.0" = "compStmt jmb stmt"
-  and "bc3.0"="[Goto (-2 + (- int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)) - int (length (compExpr jmb expr))))]"
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2" 
-  and "f2.0" = "compTpStmt jmb G stmt"
-  and "f3.0"="nochangeST"
+  and ?bc2.0 = "compStmt jmb stmt"
+  and ?bc3.0="[Goto (-2 + (- int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)) - int (length (compExpr jmb expr))))]"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2" 
+  and ?f2.0 = "compTpStmt jmb G stmt"
+  and ?f3.0="nochangeST"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_inside)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp))+
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: pushST_def popST_def compTpExpr_LT_ST)
@@ -2234,13 +2234,13 @@
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr)+
-apply (drule_tac "bc1.0" = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ [Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)))] @ compStmt jmb stmt" 
+apply (drule_tac ?bc1.0 = "[LitPush (Bool False)] @ compExpr jmb expr @ [Ifcmpeq (2 + int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)))] @ compStmt jmb stmt" 
     and inst = "Goto (-2 + (- int (length (compStmt jmb stmt)) - int (length (compExpr jmb expr))))"
-  and "bc3.0" = "[]"
-  and "f1.0"="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
+  and ?bc3.0 = "[]"
+  and ?f1.0="pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> compTpExpr jmb G expr \<box> popST 2 \<box> 
               compTpStmt jmb G stmt" 
-  and "f2.0" = "nochangeST"
-  and "f3.0"="comb_nil"
+  and ?f2.0 = "nochangeST"
+  and ?f3.0="comb_nil"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb_wt_instr)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: length_compTpExpr length_compTpStmt)+ 
   apply (intro strip)
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@
   is_type G ty \<rbrakk>
   \<Longrightarrow> bc_mt_corresp bc f (ST, LT) (comp G) rT mxr (length bc)"
 apply (simp add: compInit_def compTpInit_def split_beta)
-apply (rule_tac "bc1.0"="[load_default_val ty]" and "bc2.0"="[Store (index jmb vn)]" 
+apply (rule_tac ?bc1.0="[load_default_val ty]" and ?bc2.0="[Store (index jmb vn)]" 
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb) 
   apply simp+
   apply (simp add: load_default_val_def)
@@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@
 apply (drule_tac x="lvars_pre @ [a]" in spec)
 apply (drule_tac x="lvars0" in spec)
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: compInitLvars_def)
-apply (rule_tac "bc1.0"="compInit jmb a" and "bc2.0"="compInitLvars jmb list"
+apply (rule_tac ?bc1.0="compInit jmb a" and ?bc2.0="compInitLvars jmb list"
   in bc_mt_corresp_comb)
 apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: compInitLvars_def)+
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/Conform.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/Conform.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@
 lemma defval_conf [rule_format (no_asm)]: 
   "is_type G T --> G,h\<turnstile>default_val T::\<preceq>T"
 apply (unfold conf_def)
-apply (rule_tac "y" = "T" in ty.exhaust)
+apply (rule_tac y = "T" in ty.exhaust)
 apply  (erule ssubst)
-apply  (rule_tac "y" = "prim_ty" in prim_ty.exhaust)
+apply  (rule_tac y = "prim_ty" in prim_ty.exhaust)
 apply    (auto simp add: widen.null)
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
 lemma non_np_objD' [rule_format (no_asm)]: 
   "a' \<noteq> Null ==> wf_prog wf_mb G ==> G,h\<turnstile>a'::\<preceq>RefT t --> 
   (\<exists>a C fs. a' = Addr a \<and>  h a = Some (C,fs) \<and>  G\<turnstile>Class C\<preceq>RefT t)"
-apply(rule_tac "y" = "t" in ref_ty.exhaust)
+apply(rule_tac y = "t" in ref_ty.exhaust)
  apply (fast dest: conf_NullTD)
 apply (fast dest: non_np_objD)
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/State.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/State.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 apply(simp add: Pair_fst_snd_eq Eps_split)
 apply(rule someI)
 apply(rule disjI2)
-apply(rule_tac "r" = "snd (?a,Some (Addr (XcptRef OutOfMemory)))" in trans)
+apply(rule_tac r = "snd (?a,Some (Addr (XcptRef OutOfMemory)))" in trans)
 apply auto
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/WellForm.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/WellForm.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
   apply (assumption)
  apply (assumption)
 apply (clarify)
-apply (erule_tac "x" = "Da" in allE)
+apply (erule_tac x = "Da" in allE)
 apply (clarsimp)
  apply (simp add: map_of_map)
  apply (clarify)
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
   apply (assumption)
  apply (assumption)
 apply (clarify)
-apply (erule_tac "x" = "Da" in allE)
+apply (erule_tac x = "Da" in allE)
 apply (clarsimp)
  apply (simp add: map_of_map)
  apply (clarify)
--- a/src/HOL/NanoJava/Equivalence.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/NanoJava/Equivalence.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 lemma Loop_sound_lemma [rule_format (no_asm)]: 
 "\<forall>s t. s -c-n\<rightarrow> t \<longrightarrow> P s \<and> s<x> \<noteq> Null \<longrightarrow> P t \<Longrightarrow> 
   (s -c0-n0\<rightarrow> t \<longrightarrow> P s \<longrightarrow> c0 = While (x) c \<longrightarrow> n0 = n \<longrightarrow> P t \<and> t<x> = Null)"
-apply (rule_tac "P2.1"="%s e v n t. True" in exec_eval.induct [THEN conjunct1])
+apply (rule_tac ?P2.1="%s e v n t. True" in exec_eval.induct [THEN conjunct1])
 apply clarsimp+
--- a/src/HOL/NumberTheory/EulerFermat.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/NumberTheory/EulerFermat.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
    apply (rule_tac [2] m = m in zcong_zless_imp_eq)
        apply (auto intro: Bnor_mem_zle Bnor_mem_zg zcong_trans
 	 order_less_imp_le norR_mem_unique_aux simp add: zcong_sym)
-  apply (rule_tac "x" = b in exI, safe)
+  apply (rule_tac x = b in exI, safe)
   apply (rule Bnor_mem_if)
     apply (case_tac [2] "b = 0")
      apply (auto intro: order_less_le [THEN iffD2])
--- a/src/HOL/NumberTheory/IntPrimes.thy	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/NumberTheory/IntPrimes.thy	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
 lemma zcong_zmod: "[a = b] (mod m) = [a mod m = b mod m] (mod m)"
   apply (unfold zcong_def)
   apply (rule_tac t = "a - b" in ssubst)
-  apply (rule_tac "m" = m in zcong_zmod_aux)
+  apply (rule_tac m = m in zcong_zmod_aux)
   apply (rule trans)
    apply (rule_tac [2] k = m and m = "a div m - b div m" in zdvd_reduce)
   apply (simp add: zadd_commute)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package.ML	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package.ML	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
-fun gen_induct_tac (varss, opt_rule) i state =
+fun gen_induct_tac inst_tac (varss, opt_rule) i state =
     val (_, _, Bi, _) = Thm.dest_state (state, i);
     val {sign, ...} = Thm.rep_thm state;
@@ -203,33 +203,39 @@
     val concls = HOLogic.dest_concls (Thm.concl_of rule);
     val insts = flat (map prep_inst (concls ~~ varss)) handle LIST _ =>
       error (rule_name ^ " has different numbers of variables");
-  in occs_in_prems (Tactic.res_inst_tac insts rule) (map #2 insts) i state end;
+  in occs_in_prems (inst_tac insts rule) (map #2 insts) i state end;
-fun induct_tac s = gen_induct_tac (map (Library.single o Some) (Syntax.read_idents s), None);
+fun induct_tac s =
+  gen_induct_tac Tactic.res_inst_tac
+    (map (Library.single o Some) (Syntax.read_idents s), None);
 fun induct_thm_tac th s =
-  gen_induct_tac ([map Some (Syntax.read_idents s)], Some th);
+  gen_induct_tac Tactic.res_inst_tac
+    ([map Some (Syntax.read_idents s)], Some th);
 (* generic case tactic for datatypes *)
-fun case_inst_tac t rule i state =
+fun case_inst_tac inst_tac t rule i state =
     val _ $ Var (ixn, _) $ _ = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
       (hd (Logic.strip_assums_hyp (hd (Thm.prems_of rule))));
     val exh_vname = implode (tl (explode (Syntax.string_of_vname ixn)));
-  in Tactic.res_inst_tac [(exh_vname, t)] rule i state end;
+  in inst_tac [(exh_vname, t)] rule i state end;
-fun gen_case_tac (t, Some rule) i state = case_inst_tac t rule i state
-  | gen_case_tac (t, None) i state =
+fun gen_case_tac inst_tac (t, Some rule) i state =
+      case_inst_tac inst_tac t rule i state
+  | gen_case_tac inst_tac (t, None) i state =
       let val tn = infer_tname state i t in
-        if tn = HOLogic.boolN then Tactic.res_inst_tac [("P", t)] case_split_thm i state
-        else case_inst_tac t (#exhaustion (datatype_info_sg_err (Thm.sign_of_thm state) tn)) i state
+        if tn = HOLogic.boolN then inst_tac [("P", t)] case_split_thm i state
+        else case_inst_tac inst_tac t
+               (#exhaustion (datatype_info_sg_err (Thm.sign_of_thm state) tn))
+               i state
-fun case_tac t = gen_case_tac (t, None);
+fun case_tac t = gen_case_tac Tactic.res_inst_tac (t, None);
@@ -242,13 +248,23 @@
 val varss = Args.and_list (Scan.repeat (Scan.unless rule_spec (Scan.lift Args.name_dummy)));
+fun mk_ixn (vars, s) = (fst (Term.dest_Var (Syntax.read_var ("?" ^ vars))), s)
+  handle _ => error (vars ^ " not a variable name");
+fun inst_tac ctxt sinsts =
+  Method.bires_inst_tac false ctxt (map mk_ixn sinsts);
+fun induct_meth ctxt (varss, opt_rule) =
+  gen_induct_tac (inst_tac ctxt) (varss, opt_rule);
+fun case_meth ctxt (varss, opt_rule) =
+  gen_case_tac (inst_tac ctxt) (varss, opt_rule);
 val tactic_emulations =
- [("induct_tac", Method.goal_args' (varss -- opt_rule) gen_induct_tac,
-    "induct_tac emulation (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("case_tac", Method.goal_args' (Scan.lift -- opt_rule) gen_case_tac,
-    "case_tac emulation (dynamic instantiation!)")];
+ [("induct_tac", Method.goal_args_ctxt' (varss -- opt_rule) induct_meth,
+    "induct_tac emulation (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("case_tac", Method.goal_args_ctxt' (Scan.lift -- opt_rule) case_meth,
+    "case_tac emulation (dynamic instantiation)")];
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/args.ML	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/args.ML	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -142,14 +142,23 @@ (fn Arg (k, (x, _)) => k = Keyword andalso OuterLex.is_sid x) >> val_of;
 fun kind f = (K true) :--
-  (fn Arg (Ident, (x, _)) =>
+  ((fn Arg (Ident, (x, _)) =>
     (case f x of Some y => Scan.succeed y | _ =>
-  | _ => >> #2;
+  | _ =>
+(* o (fn (t as Arg (i, (s, _))) =>
+  (warning (
+    (case i of Ident => "Ident: " | String => "String: "
+            | Keyword => "Keyword: " | EOF => "EOF: ")
+    ^ s); t)) *) ) >> #2;
 val nat = kind Syntax.read_nat;
 val int = Scan.optional ($$$ "-" >> K ~1) 1 -- nat >> op *;
-val var = kind (apsome #1 o try Term.dest_Var o Syntax.read_var);
+(* Read variable name.  Leading `?' may be omitted if name contains no dot. *)
+val var = kind (apsome #1 o
+      (fn s => (Some (Term.dest_Var (Syntax.read_var s)))
+         handle _ => (Some (Term.dest_Var (Syntax.read_var ("?" ^ s))))
+         handle _ => None));
 (* enumerations *)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   val frule: int -> thm list -> Proof.method
   val this: Proof.method
   val assumption: Proof.context -> Proof.method
-  val impose_hyps_tac: Proof.context -> tactic
+  val bires_inst_tac: bool -> Proof.context -> (indexname * string) list -> thm -> int -> tactic
   val set_tactic: (Proof.context -> thm list -> tactic) -> unit
   val tactic: string -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
   exception METHOD_FAIL of (string * Position.T) * exn
@@ -111,6 +111,10 @@
     -> Args.src -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
   val goal_args': (Proof.context * Args.T list -> 'a * (Proof.context * Args.T list))
     -> ('a -> int -> tactic) -> Args.src -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
+  val goal_args_ctxt: (Args.T list -> 'a * Args.T list) -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> int -> tactic)
+    -> Args.src -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
+  val goal_args_ctxt': (Proof.context * Args.T list -> 'a * (Proof.context * Args.T list))
+    -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> int -> tactic) -> Args.src -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
   val setup: (theory -> theory) list
@@ -322,23 +326,149 @@
 (* res_inst_tac etc. *)
-(*robustify instantiation by imposing (part of) the present static context*)
-val impose_hyps_tac =
-  PRIMITIVE o Drule.impose_hyps o flat o map #1 o ProofContext.assumptions_of;
+(* Reimplemented to support both static (Isar) and dynamic (proof state)
+   context.  By Clemens Ballarin. *)
-(*Note: insts refer to the implicit (!!) goal context; use at your own risk*)
-fun gen_res_inst _ tac _ (quant, ([], thms)) =
-      METHOD (fn facts => (quant (insert_tac facts THEN' tac thms)))
-  | gen_res_inst tac _ ctxt (quant, (insts, [thm])) =
-      METHOD (fn facts => (impose_hyps_tac ctxt THEN quant (insert_tac facts THEN' tac insts thm)))
-  | gen_res_inst _ _ _ _ = error "Cannot have instantiations with multiple rules";
+fun bires_inst_tac bires_flag ctxt insts thm =
+  let
+    val sign = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt;
+    (* Separate type and term insts *)
+    fun has_type_var ((x, _), _) = (case Symbol.explode x of
+          "'"::cs => true | cs => false);
+    val Tinsts = filter has_type_var insts;
+    val tinsts = filter_out has_type_var insts;
+    (* Tactic *)
+    fun tac i st =
+      let
+        (* Preprocess state: extract environment information:
+           - variables and their types
+           - type variables and their sorts
+           - parameters and their types *)
+        val (types, sorts) = types_sorts st;
+    (* Process type insts: Tinsts_env *)
+    fun absent xi = error
+	  ("No such variable in theorem: " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi);
+    val (rtypes, rsorts) = types_sorts thm;
+    fun readT (xi, s) =
+        let val S = case rsorts xi of Some S => S | None => absent xi;
+            val T = Sign.read_typ (sign, sorts) s;
+        in if Sign.typ_instance sign (T, TVar (xi, S)) then (xi, T)
+           else error
+             ("Instantiation of " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi ^ " fails")
+        end;
+    val Tinsts_env = map readT Tinsts;
+    (* Preprocess rule: extract vars and their types, apply Tinsts *)
+    fun get_typ xi =
+      (case rtypes xi of
+           Some T => typ_subst_TVars Tinsts_env T
+         | None => absent xi);
+    val (xis, ss) = Library.split_list tinsts;
+    val Ts = map get_typ xis;
+	val (_, _, Bi, _) = dest_state(st,i)
+	val params = Logic.strip_params Bi
+			     (* params of subgoal i as string typ pairs *)
+	val params = rev(Term.rename_wrt_term Bi params)
+						 (* as they are printed *)
+        fun types' (a, ~1) = (case assoc (params, a) of
+                None => types (a, ~1)
+              | some => some)
+          | types' xi = types xi;
+        val used = add_term_tvarnames
+                  (prop_of st $ prop_of thm,[])
+	val (ts, envT) =
+	  ProofContext.read_termTs_env (types', sorts, used) ctxt (ss ~~ Ts);
+	val cenvT = map (apsnd (Thm.ctyp_of sign)) (envT @ Tinsts_env);
+	val cenv =
+	  map
+	    (fn (xi, t) =>
+	      pairself (Thm.cterm_of sign) (Var (xi, fastype_of t), t))
+	    (gen_distinct
+	      (fn ((x1, t1), (x2, t2)) => x1 = x2 andalso t1 aconv t2)
+	      (xis ~~ ts));
+	(* Lift and instantiate rule *)
+	val {maxidx, ...} = rep_thm st;
+	val paramTs = map #2 params
+	and inc = maxidx+1
+	fun liftvar (Var ((a,j), T)) =
+	      Var((a, j+inc), paramTs ---> incr_tvar inc T)
+	  | liftvar t = raise TERM("Variable expected", [t]);
+	fun liftterm t = list_abs_free
+	      (params, Logic.incr_indexes(paramTs,inc) t)
+	fun liftpair (cv,ct) =
+	      (cterm_fun liftvar cv, cterm_fun liftterm ct)
+	fun lifttvar((a,i),ctyp) =
+	    let val {T,sign} = rep_ctyp ctyp
+	    in  ((a,i+inc), ctyp_of sign (incr_tvar inc T)) end
+	val rule = Drule.instantiate
+	      (map lifttvar cenvT, map liftpair cenv)
+	      (lift_rule (st, i) thm)
+      in
+	if i > nprems_of st then no_tac st
+	else st |>
+	  compose_tac (bires_flag, rule, nprems_of thm) i
+      end
+	   handle TERM (msg,_)   => (warning msg; no_tac st)
+		| THM  (msg,_,_) => (warning msg; no_tac st);
+  in
+    tac
+  end;
-val res_inst = gen_res_inst Tactic.res_inst_tac Tactic.resolve_tac;
-val eres_inst = gen_res_inst Tactic.eres_inst_tac Tactic.eresolve_tac;
-val dres_inst = gen_res_inst Tactic.dres_inst_tac Tactic.dresolve_tac;
-val forw_inst = gen_res_inst Tactic.forw_inst_tac Tactic.forward_tac;
-val cut_inst = gen_res_inst Tactic.cut_inst_tac Tactic.cut_rules_tac;
+fun gen_inst _ tac _ (quant, ([], thms)) =
+      METHOD (fn facts => quant (insert_tac facts THEN' tac thms))
+  | gen_inst inst_tac _ ctxt (quant, (insts, [thm])) =
+      METHOD (fn facts =>
+        quant (insert_tac facts THEN' inst_tac ctxt insts thm))
+  | gen_inst _ _ _ _ = error "Cannot have instantiations with multiple rules";
+val res_inst_meth = gen_inst (bires_inst_tac false) Tactic.resolve_tac;
+val eres_inst_meth = gen_inst (bires_inst_tac true) Tactic.eresolve_tac;
+(* Preserve Var indexes of rl; increment revcut_rl instead.
+   Copied from tactic.ML *)
+fun make_elim_preserve rl =
+  let val {maxidx,...} = rep_thm rl
+      fun cvar xi = cterm_of (Theory.sign_of ProtoPure.thy) (Var(xi,propT));
+      val revcut_rl' =
+          instantiate ([],  [(cvar("V",0), cvar("V",maxidx+1)),
+                             (cvar("W",0), cvar("W",maxidx+1))]) revcut_rl
+      val arg = (false, rl, nprems_of rl)
+      val [th] = Seq.list_of (bicompose false arg 1 revcut_rl')
+  in  th  end
+  handle Bind => raise THM("make_elim_preserve", 1, [rl]);
+val cut_inst_meth =
+  gen_inst
+    (fn ctxt => fn insts => fn thm =>
+       bires_inst_tac false ctxt insts (make_elim_preserve thm))
+    Tactic.cut_rules_tac;
+val dres_inst_meth =
+  gen_inst
+    (fn ctxt => fn insts => fn rule =>
+       bires_inst_tac true ctxt insts (make_elim_preserve rule))
+    Tactic.dresolve_tac;
+val forw_inst_meth =
+  gen_inst
+    (fn ctxt => fn insts => fn rule =>
+       bires_inst_tac false ctxt insts (make_elim_preserve rule) THEN'
+       assume_tac)
+    Tactic.forward_tac;
+fun subgoal_tac ctxt sprop =
+  DETERM o bires_inst_tac false ctxt [(("psi", 0), sprop)] cut_rl THEN'
+  SUBGOAL (fn (prop, _) =>
+    let val concl' = Logic.strip_assums_concl prop in
+      if null (term_tvars concl') then ()
+      else warning "Type variables in new subgoal: add a type constraint?";
+      all_tac
+  end);
+fun subgoals_tac ctxt sprops = EVERY' (map (subgoal_tac ctxt) sprops);
+fun thin_tac ctxt s =
+  bires_inst_tac true ctxt [(("V", 0), s)] thin_rl;
 (* simple Prolog interpreter *)
@@ -536,13 +666,23 @@
 fun inst_args f src ctxt = f ctxt (#2 (syntax (Args.goal_spec HEADGOAL -- insts) src ctxt));
+val insts_var =
+  Scan.optional
+    (Args.enum1 "and" (Scan.lift (Args.var -- (Args.$$$ "=" |-- Args.!!! --|
+      Scan.lift (Args.$$$ "in")) [] -- Attrib.local_thmss;
+fun inst_args_var f src ctxt = f ctxt (#2 (syntax (Args.goal_spec HEADGOAL -- insts_var) src ctxt));
 fun goal_args' args tac src ctxt = #2 (syntax (Args.goal_spec HEADGOAL -- args >>
-  (fn (quant, s) => SIMPLE_METHOD' quant (K (impose_hyps_tac ctxt) THEN' tac s))) src ctxt);
+  (fn (quant, s) => SIMPLE_METHOD' quant ( (*K (impose_hyps_tac ctxt) THEN' *) tac s))) src ctxt);
 fun goal_args args tac = goal_args' (Scan.lift args) tac;
+fun goal_args_ctxt' args tac src ctxt =
+  #2 (syntax (Args.goal_spec HEADGOAL -- args >>
+  (fn (quant, s) => SIMPLE_METHOD' quant (tac ctxt s))) src ctxt);
+fun goal_args_ctxt args tac = goal_args_ctxt' (Scan.lift args) tac;
 (** method text **)
@@ -629,8 +769,8 @@
 (* misc tactic emulations *)
-val subgoal_meth = goal_args (Scan.repeat1 Tactic.subgoals_tac;
-val thin_meth = goal_args Tactic.thin_tac;
+val subgoal_meth = goal_args_ctxt (Scan.repeat1 subgoals_tac;
+val thin_meth = goal_args_ctxt thin_tac;
 val rename_meth = goal_args (Scan.repeat1 Tactic.rename_params_tac;
 val rotate_meth = goal_args (Scan.optional 1) Tactic.rotate_tac;
@@ -655,14 +795,14 @@
   ("frule", nat_thms_args frule, "apply rule in forward manner (improper)"),
   ("this", no_args this, "apply current facts as rules"),
   ("assumption", ctxt_args assumption, "proof by assumption, preferring facts"),
-  ("rule_tac", inst_args res_inst, "apply rule (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("erule_tac", inst_args eres_inst, "apply rule in elimination manner (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("drule_tac", inst_args dres_inst, "apply rule in destruct manner (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("frule_tac", inst_args forw_inst, "apply rule in forward manner (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("cut_tac", inst_args cut_inst, "cut rule (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("subgoal_tac", subgoal_meth, "insert subgoal (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("thin_tac", thin_meth, "remove premise (dynamic instantiation!)"),
-  ("rename_tac", rename_meth, "rename parameters of goal (dynamic instantiation!)"),
+  ("rule_tac", inst_args_var res_inst_meth, "apply rule (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("erule_tac", inst_args_var eres_inst_meth, "apply rule in elimination manner (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("drule_tac", inst_args_var dres_inst_meth, "apply rule in destruct manner (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("frule_tac", inst_args_var forw_inst_meth, "apply rule in forward manner (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("cut_tac", inst_args_var cut_inst_meth, "cut rule (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("subgoal_tac", subgoal_meth, "insert subgoal (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("thin_tac", thin_meth, "remove premise (dynamic instantiation)"),
+  ("rename_tac", rename_meth, "rename parameters of goal (dynamic instantiation)"),
   ("rotate_tac", rotate_meth, "rotate assumptions of goal"),
   ("prolog", thms_args prolog, "simple prolog interpreter"),
   ("tactic", simple_args tactic, "ML tactic as proof method")];
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/proof_context.ML	Fri Aug 29 13:18:45 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/proof_context.ML	Fri Aug 29 15:19:02 2003 +0200
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
   val get_skolem: context -> string -> string
   val extern_skolem: context -> term -> term
   val read_termTs: context -> (string * typ) list -> term list * (indexname * typ) list
+  val read_termTs_env: (indexname -> typ option) * (indexname -> sort option) * string list -> context -> (string * typ) list -> term list * (indexname * typ) list
   val read_term: context -> string -> term
   val read_prop: context -> string -> term
   val read_prop_schematic: context -> string -> term
@@ -440,12 +441,15 @@
     raise CONTEXT ("Illegal reference to internal variable: " ^ quote x, ctxt)
   else x;
-fun intern_skolem ctxt =
+fun intern_skolem ctxt env =
+(* env contains names that are not to be internalised *)
     fun intern (t as Free (x, T)) =
-          (case lookup_skolem ctxt (no_skolem false ctxt x) of
-            Some x' => Free (x', T)
-          | None => t)
+          (case env (x, ~1) of
+              Some _ => t
+            | None => (case lookup_skolem ctxt (no_skolem false ctxt x) of
+		  Some x' => Free (x', T)
+		| None => t))
       | intern (t $ u) = intern t $ intern u
       | intern (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, intern t)
       | intern a = a;
@@ -513,7 +517,7 @@
   let val maxidx = Int.max (Term.maxidx_of_typ T, Term.maxidx_of_typ U)
   in #1 (Type.unify (Sign.tsig_of (sign_of ctxt)) (Vartab.empty, maxidx) (T, U)) end;
-fun norm_term (ctxt as Context {binds, ...}) schematic =
+fun norm_term (ctxt as Context {binds, ...}) schematic allow_vars =
     (*raised when norm has no effect on a term, to do sharing instead of copying*)
     exception SAME;
@@ -523,11 +527,12 @@
             Some (Some (u, U)) =>
                 val env = unifyT ctxt (T, U) handle Type.TUNIFY =>
-                  raise TYPE ("norm_term: ill-typed variable assigment", [T, U], [t, u]);
+                  raise TYPE ("norm_term: ill-typed variable assignment", [T, U], [t, u]);
                 val u' = Term.subst_TVars_Vartab env u;
               in norm u' handle SAME => u' end
           | _ =>
             if schematic then raise SAME
+            else if allow_vars then t
             else raise CONTEXT ("Unbound schematic variable: " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi, ctxt))
       | norm (Abs (a, T, body)) =  Abs (a, T, norm body)
       | norm (Abs (_, _, body) $ t) = normh (subst_bound (t, body))
@@ -552,29 +557,59 @@
-fun gen_read read app is_pat dummies schematic (ctxt as Context {defs = (_, _, used, _), ...}) s =
-  (transform_error (read (syn_of ctxt)
-      (sign_of ctxt) (def_type ctxt is_pat, def_sort ctxt, used)) s
-    handle TERM (msg, _) => raise CONTEXT (msg, ctxt)
-    | ERROR_MESSAGE msg => raise CONTEXT (msg, ctxt))
-  |> app (intern_skolem ctxt)
-  |> app (if is_pat then I else norm_term ctxt schematic)
-  |> app (if is_pat then prepare_dummies else if dummies then I else reject_dummies ctxt);
+fun gen_read read app env_opt allow_vars is_pat dummies schematic
+    (ctxt as Context {defs = (_, _, used, _), ...}) s =
+  let
+    (* Use environment of ctxt with the following modification:
+       bindings in env_opt take precedence (needed for rule_tac) *)
+    val types = def_type ctxt is_pat;
+    val types' = case env_opt of
+                     None => types
+                   | Some (env, _, _) =>
+                       (fn ixn => case env ixn of
+                                      None => types ixn
+                                    | some => some);
+    val sorts = def_sort ctxt;
+    val sorts' = case env_opt of
+                     None => sorts
+                   | Some (_, envT, _) =>
+                       (fn ixn => case envT ixn of
+                                      None => sorts ixn
+                                    | some => some);
+    val used' = case env_opt of
+                    None => used
+                  | Some (_, _, used'') => used @ used'';
+  in
+    (transform_error (read (syn_of ctxt)
+	(sign_of ctxt) (types', sorts', used')) s
+      handle TERM (msg, _) => raise CONTEXT (msg, ctxt)
+      | ERROR_MESSAGE msg => raise CONTEXT (msg, ctxt))
+    |> app (intern_skolem ctxt (case env_opt of None => K None | Some (env, _, _) => env))
+    |> app (if is_pat then I else norm_term ctxt schematic allow_vars)
+    |> app (if is_pat then prepare_dummies
+	 else if dummies then I else reject_dummies ctxt)
+  end
-val read_termTs = gen_read (read_def_termTs false) (apfst o map) false false false;
-val read_termT_pats = #1 oo gen_read (read_def_termTs false) (apfst o map) true false false;
+val read_termTs =
+  gen_read (read_def_termTs false) (apfst o map) None false false false false;
+(* For rule_tac:
+   takes extra environment (types, sorts and used type vars) *)
+fun read_termTs_env env =
+  gen_read (read_def_termTs false) (apfst o map) (Some env) true false false false;
+val read_termT_pats =
+  #1 oo gen_read (read_def_termTs false) (apfst o map) None false true false false;
 fun read_term_pats T ctxt pats = read_termT_pats ctxt (map (rpair T) pats);
 val read_prop_pats = read_term_pats propT;
-val read_term = gen_read (read_term_sg true) I false false false;
-val read_term_dummies = gen_read (read_term_sg true) I false true false;
-val read_prop = gen_read (read_prop_sg true) I false false false;
-val read_prop_schematic = gen_read (read_prop_sg true) I false false true;
-val read_terms = gen_read (read_terms_sg true) map false false false;
-val read_props = gen_read (read_props_sg true) map false false;
+val read_term = gen_read (read_term_sg true) I None false false false false;
+val read_term_dummies = gen_read (read_term_sg true) I None false false true false;
+val read_prop = gen_read (read_prop_sg true) I None false false false false;
+val read_prop_schematic =
+  gen_read (read_prop_sg true) I None false false false true;
+val read_terms = gen_read (read_terms_sg true) map None false false false false;
+val read_props = gen_read (read_props_sg true) map None false false false;
@@ -584,7 +619,7 @@
 fun gen_cert cert is_pat schematic ctxt t = t
-  |> (if is_pat then I else norm_term ctxt schematic)
+  |> (if is_pat then I else norm_term ctxt schematic false)
   |> (fn t' => cert (sign_of ctxt) t' handle TERM (msg, _) => raise CONTEXT (msg, ctxt));