--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/printer.ML Wed Apr 06 16:15:57 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/printer.ML Wed Apr 06 17:00:40 2011 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
val show_question_marks_raw: Config.raw
val show_question_marks: bool Config.T
val pretty_priority: int Config.T
- val apply_trans: 'a -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) list -> 'b -> 'c
signature PRINTER =
@@ -36,11 +35,11 @@
val merge_prtabs: prtabs -> prtabs -> prtabs
val pretty_term_ast: {extern_class: string -> xstring, extern_type: string -> xstring,
extern_const: string -> xstring} -> Proof.context -> bool -> prtabs ->
- (string -> (Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) list) ->
+ (string -> Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) ->
(string -> (Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T) option) -> Ast.ast -> Pretty.T list
val pretty_typ_ast: {extern_class: string -> xstring, extern_type: string -> xstring} ->
Proof.context -> bool -> prtabs ->
- (string -> (Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) list) ->
+ (string -> Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) ->
(string -> (Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T) option) -> Ast.ast -> Pretty.T list
@@ -161,12 +160,6 @@
(** pretty term or typ asts **)
-fun apply_trans ctxt fns args =
- let
- fun app_first [] = raise Match
- | app_first (f :: fs) = f ctxt args handle Match => app_first fs;
- in app_first fns end;
fun is_chain [Block (_, pr)] = is_chain pr
| is_chain [Arg _] = true
| is_chain _ = false;
@@ -264,7 +257,7 @@
(case tokentrT a args of
SOME prt => [prt]
- | NONE => astT (apply_trans ctxt (trf a) args, p) handle Match => prnt ([], tabs))
+ | NONE => astT (trf a ctxt args, p) handle Match => prnt ([], tabs))
and tokentrT a [Ast.Variable x] = token_trans a x
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML Wed Apr 06 16:15:57 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML Wed Apr 06 17:00:40 2011 +0200
@@ -120,8 +120,10 @@
val parse: Proof.context -> syntax -> string -> Lexicon.token list -> Parser.parsetree list
val parse_ast_translation: syntax -> string -> (Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) option
val parse_translation: syntax -> string -> (Proof.context -> term list -> term) option
- val print_translation: syntax -> string -> (Proof.context -> typ -> term list -> term) list
- val print_ast_translation: syntax -> string -> (Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) list
+ val print_translation: syntax -> string ->
+ Proof.context -> typ -> term list -> term (*exception Match*)
+ val print_ast_translation: syntax -> string ->
+ Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast (*exception Match*)
val token_translation: syntax -> string list ->
string -> (Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T) option
type mode
@@ -421,7 +423,19 @@
(* print (ast) translations *)
-fun lookup_tr' tab c = map fst (Symtab.lookup_list tab c);
+fun apply_tr' tab c ctxt T args =
+ let
+ val fns = map fst (Symtab.lookup_list tab c);
+ fun app_first [] = raise Match
+ | app_first (f :: fs) = f ctxt T args handle Match => app_first fs;
+ in app_first fns end;
+fun apply_ast_tr' tab c ctxt args =
+ let
+ val fns = map fst (Symtab.lookup_list tab c);
+ fun app_first [] = raise Match
+ | app_first (f :: fs) = f ctxt args handle Match => app_first fs;
+ in app_first fns end;
fun update_tr'tab trfuns = fold_rev (Symtab.update_list Syn_Ext.eq_trfun) trfuns;
fun remove_tr'tab trfuns = fold (Symtab.remove_list Syn_Ext.eq_trfun) trfuns;
@@ -507,8 +521,8 @@
fun parse_ast_translation (Syntax ({parse_ast_trtab, ...}, _)) = lookup_tr parse_ast_trtab;
fun parse_translation (Syntax ({parse_trtab, ...}, _)) = lookup_tr parse_trtab;
-fun print_translation (Syntax ({print_trtab, ...}, _)) = lookup_tr' print_trtab;
-fun print_ast_translation (Syntax ({print_ast_trtab, ...}, _)) = lookup_tr' print_ast_trtab;
+fun print_translation (Syntax ({print_trtab, ...}, _)) = apply_tr' print_trtab;
+fun print_ast_translation (Syntax ({print_ast_trtab, ...}, _)) = apply_ast_tr' print_ast_trtab;
fun token_translation (Syntax ({tokentrtab, ...}, _)) = lookup_tokentr tokentrtab;
type mode = string * bool;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax_phases.ML Wed Apr 06 16:15:57 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax_phases.ML Wed Apr 06 17:00:40 2011 +0200
@@ -443,8 +443,6 @@
(* sort_to_ast and typ_to_ast *)
-fun apply_typed x fs = map (fn f => fn ctxt => f ctxt x) fs;
fun ast_of_termT ctxt trf tm =
val ctxt' = Config.put show_sorts false ctxt;
@@ -456,9 +454,8 @@
(Const (a, _), args) => trans a args
| (f, args) => Ast.Appl (map ast_of (f :: args)))
| ast_of t = simple_ast_of ctxt t
- and trans a args =
- ast_of (Syntax.apply_trans ctxt' (apply_typed dummyT (trf a)) args)
- handle Match => Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant a) (map ast_of args);
+ and trans a args = ast_of (trf a ctxt' dummyT args)
+ handle Match => Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant a) (map ast_of args);
in ast_of tm end;
fun sort_to_ast ctxt trf S = ast_of_termT ctxt trf (term_of_sort S);
@@ -535,9 +532,8 @@
else trans c T ts
| (t, ts) => Ast.mk_appl (simple_ast_of ctxt t) (map ast_of ts))
- and trans a T args =
- ast_of (Syntax.apply_trans ctxt (apply_typed T (trf a)) args)
- handle Match => Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant a) (map ast_of args)
+ and trans a T args = ast_of (trf a ctxt T args)
+ handle Match => Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant a) (map ast_of args)
and constrain t T =
if show_types andalso T <> dummyT then
@@ -564,7 +560,7 @@
val tr' = Syntax.print_translation syn;
val ast_tr' = Syntax.print_ast_translation syn;
val tokentr = Syntax.token_translation syn (print_mode_value ());
- val {print_ruletab, tokentrtab, prtabs, ...} = Syntax.rep_syntax syn;
+ val {print_ruletab, prtabs, ...} = Syntax.rep_syntax syn;
t_to_ast ctxt tr' t
|> Ast.normalize ctxt (Symtab.lookup_list print_ruletab)