Fri, 07 May 2004 20:33:14 +0200
changeset 14718 f52f2cf2d137
parent 14717 7d8d4c9b36fd
child 14719 d1157ff6ffcb
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML	Fri May 07 20:32:50 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML	Fri May 07 20:33:14 2004 +0200
@@ -195,8 +195,9 @@
 val OF_local = syntax (local_thmss >> apply);
-(* where: named instantiations *)
-(*        permits instantiation of type and term variables *)
+(* where *)
+(*named instantiations; permits instantiation of type and term variables*)
 fun read_instantiate _ [] _ thm = thm
   | read_instantiate context_of insts x thm =
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@
         fun has_type_var ((x, _), _) = (case Symbol.explode x of
              "'"::cs => true | cs => false);
         val (Tinst, tinsts) = take_prefix has_type_var insts;
-	val _ = if exists has_type_var tinsts
+        val _ = if exists has_type_var tinsts
               then error
                 "Type instantiations must occur before term instantiations."
               else ();
@@ -218,20 +219,20 @@
         val tinsts = filter_out has_type_var insts;
         (* Type instantiations first *)
-	(* Process type insts: Tinsts_env *)
-	fun absent xi = error
-	      ("No such type variable in theorem: " ^
+        (* Process type insts: Tinsts_env *)
+        fun absent xi = error
+              ("No such type variable in theorem: " ^
                Syntax.string_of_vname xi);
-	val (rtypes, rsorts) = types_sorts thm;
-	fun readT (xi, s) =
-	    let val S = case rsorts xi of Some S => S | None => absent xi;
-		val T = ProofContext.read_typ ctxt s;
-	    in if Sign.typ_instance sign (T, TVar (xi, S)) then (xi, T)
-	       else error
-		 ("Instantiation of " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi ^ " fails")
-	    end;
-	val Tinsts_env = map readT Tinsts;
-	val cenvT = map (apsnd (Thm.ctyp_of sign)) (Tinsts_env);
+        val (rtypes, rsorts) = types_sorts thm;
+        fun readT (xi, s) =
+            let val S = case rsorts xi of Some S => S | None => absent xi;
+                val T = ProofContext.read_typ ctxt s;
+            in if Sign.typ_instance sign (T, TVar (xi, S)) then (xi, T)
+               else error
+                 ("Instantiation of " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi ^ " fails")
+            end;
+        val Tinsts_env = map readT Tinsts;
+        val cenvT = map (apsnd (Thm.ctyp_of sign)) (Tinsts_env);
         val thm' = Thm.instantiate (cenvT, []) thm;
            (* Instantiate, but don't normalise: *)
            (* this happens after term insts anyway. *)
@@ -247,11 +248,13 @@
         val Ts = map get_typ xs;
         val used = add_term_tvarnames (prop_of thm',[])
-        (* Names of TVars occuring in thm'.  read_termTs ensures
+        (* Names of TVars occuring in thm'.  read_def_termTs ensures
            that new TVars introduced when reading the instantiation string
            are distinct from those occuring in the theorem. *)
-        val (ts, envT) = ProofContext.read_termTs used ctxt (ss ~~ Ts);
+        val (ts, envT) =
+          ProofContext.read_termTs ctxt (K false) (K None) (K None) used (ss ~~ Ts);
         val cenvT = map (apsnd (Thm.ctyp_of sign)) envT;
         val cenv =
           map (fn (xi, t) => pairself (Thm.cterm_of sign) (Var (xi, fastype_of t), t))
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Fri May 07 20:32:50 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Fri May 07 20:33:14 2004 +0200
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@
 (* res_inst_tac etc. *)
-(* Reimplemented to support both static (Isar) and dynamic (proof state)
-   context.  By Clemens Ballarin. *)
+(*Reimplemented to support both static (Isar) and dynamic (proof state)
+  context.  By Clemens Ballarin.*)
 fun bires_inst_tac bires_flag ctxt insts thm =
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
         val (types, sorts) = types_sorts st;
     (* Process type insts: Tinsts_env *)
     fun absent xi = error
-	  ("No such variable in theorem: " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi);
+          ("No such variable in theorem: " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi);
     val (rtypes, rsorts) = types_sorts thm;
     fun readT (xi, s) =
         let val S = case rsorts xi of Some S => S | None => absent xi;
@@ -364,52 +364,52 @@
          | None => absent xi);
     val (xis, ss) = Library.split_list tinsts;
     val Ts = map get_typ xis;
-	val (_, _, Bi, _) = dest_state(st,i)
-	val params = Logic.strip_params Bi
-			     (* params of subgoal i as string typ pairs *)
-	val params = rev(Term.rename_wrt_term Bi params)
-			   (* as they are printed: bound variables with *)
+        val (_, _, Bi, _) = dest_state(st,i)
+        val params = Logic.strip_params Bi
+                             (* params of subgoal i as string typ pairs *)
+        val params = rev(Term.rename_wrt_term Bi params)
+                           (* as they are printed: bound variables with *)
                            (* the same name are renamed during printing *)
         fun types' (a, ~1) = (case assoc (params, a) of
                 None => types (a, ~1)
               | some => some)
           | types' xi = types xi;
-        val used = add_term_tvarnames
-                  (prop_of st $ prop_of thm,[])
-	val (ts, envT) =
-	  ProofContext.read_termTs_env (types', sorts, used) ctxt (ss ~~ Ts);
-	val cenvT = map (apsnd (Thm.ctyp_of sign)) (envT @ Tinsts_env);
-	val cenv =
-	  map
-	    (fn (xi, t) =>
-	      pairself (Thm.cterm_of sign) (Var (xi, fastype_of t), t))
-	    (gen_distinct
-	      (fn ((x1, t1), (x2, t2)) => x1 = x2 andalso t1 aconv t2)
-	      (xis ~~ ts));
-	(* Lift and instantiate rule *)
-	val {maxidx, ...} = rep_thm st;
-	val paramTs = map #2 params
-	and inc = maxidx+1
-	fun liftvar (Var ((a,j), T)) =
-	      Var((a, j+inc), paramTs ---> incr_tvar inc T)
-	  | liftvar t = raise TERM("Variable expected", [t]);
-	fun liftterm t = list_abs_free
-	      (params, Logic.incr_indexes(paramTs,inc) t)
-	fun liftpair (cv,ct) =
-	      (cterm_fun liftvar cv, cterm_fun liftterm ct)
-	fun lifttvar((a,i),ctyp) =
-	    let val {T,sign} = rep_ctyp ctyp
-	    in  ((a,i+inc), ctyp_of sign (incr_tvar inc T)) end
-	val rule = Drule.instantiate
-	      (map lifttvar cenvT, map liftpair cenv)
-	      (lift_rule (st, i) thm)
+        fun internal x = is_some (types' (x, ~1));
+        val used = Term.add_term_tvarnames (Thm.prop_of st $ Thm.prop_of thm, []);
+        val (ts, envT) =
+          ProofContext.read_termTs_schematic ctxt internal types' sorts used (ss ~~ Ts);
+        val cenvT = map (apsnd (Thm.ctyp_of sign)) (envT @ Tinsts_env);
+        val cenv =
+          map
+            (fn (xi, t) =>
+              pairself (Thm.cterm_of sign) (Var (xi, fastype_of t), t))
+            (gen_distinct
+              (fn ((x1, t1), (x2, t2)) => x1 = x2 andalso t1 aconv t2)
+              (xis ~~ ts));
+        (* Lift and instantiate rule *)
+        val {maxidx, ...} = rep_thm st;
+        val paramTs = map #2 params
+        and inc = maxidx+1
+        fun liftvar (Var ((a,j), T)) =
+              Var((a, j+inc), paramTs ---> incr_tvar inc T)
+          | liftvar t = raise TERM("Variable expected", [t]);
+        fun liftterm t = list_abs_free
+              (params, Logic.incr_indexes(paramTs,inc) t)
+        fun liftpair (cv,ct) =
+              (cterm_fun liftvar cv, cterm_fun liftterm ct)
+        fun lifttvar((a,i),ctyp) =
+            let val {T,sign} = rep_ctyp ctyp
+            in  ((a,i+inc), ctyp_of sign (incr_tvar inc T)) end
+        val rule = Drule.instantiate
+              (map lifttvar cenvT, map liftpair cenv)
+              (lift_rule (st, i) thm)
-	if i > nprems_of st then no_tac st
-	else st |>
-	  compose_tac (bires_flag, rule, nprems_of thm) i
+        if i > nprems_of st then no_tac st
+        else st |>
+          compose_tac (bires_flag, rule, nprems_of thm) i
-	   handle TERM (msg,_)   => (warning msg; no_tac st)
-		| THM  (msg,_,_) => (warning msg; no_tac st);
+           handle TERM (msg,_)   => (warning msg; no_tac st)
+                | THM  (msg,_,_) => (warning msg; no_tac st);
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
       METHOD (fn facts =>
         quant (insert_tac facts THEN' inst_tac ctxt insts thm))
   | gen_inst _ _ _ _ = error "Cannot have instantiations with multiple rules";
 val res_inst_meth = gen_inst (bires_inst_tac false) Tactic.resolve_tac;
 val eres_inst_meth = gen_inst (bires_inst_tac true) Tactic.eresolve_tac;
@@ -471,6 +471,7 @@
 fun thin_tac ctxt s =
   bires_inst_tac true ctxt [(("V", 0), s)] thin_rl;
 (* simple Prolog interpreter *)
 fun prolog_tac rules facts =
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
 fun goal_args_ctxt args tac = goal_args_ctxt' (Scan.lift args) tac;
 (** method text **)
 (* datatype text *)