WWW_Find component: find_theorems via web browser
Fri, 20 Nov 2009 18:36:44 +1100
changeset 33817 f6a4da31f2f1
parent 33816 e08c9f755fca
child 33818 aa00c583f594
WWW_Find component: find_theorems via web browser
--- a/etc/components	Fri Nov 20 10:40:30 2009 +0100
+++ b/etc/components	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #misc components
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/IsaMakefile	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# IsaMakefile for WWW_Find
+# Provides static compile check for ML files only.
+LOG = $(OUT)/log
+LOGFILE = $(LOG)/Pure-WWW_Find.gz
+all: test
+test: $(LOGFILE)
+$(LOGFILE): echo.ML find_theorems.ML html_unicode.ML \
+  http_status.ML http_util.ML mime.ML scgi_req.ML scgi_server.ML \
+  socket_util.ML unicode_symbols.ML xhtml.ML ROOT.ML
+	cd ..; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir Pure WWW_Find
+	rm -f $(LOGFILE)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/ROOT.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if String.isPrefix "polyml" ml_system
+  (use "unicode_symbols.ML";
+  use "html_unicode.ML";
+  use "mime.ML";
+  use "http_status.ML";
+  use "http_util.ML";
+  use "xhtml.ML";
+  use "socket_util.ML";
+  use "scgi_req.ML";
+  use "scgi_server.ML";
+  use "echo.ML";
+  use "find_theorems.ML")
+else ()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/doc/README	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+  lighttpd
+  polyml (other ML systems untested)
+Quick setup
+*  install lighttpd if necessary
+   (and optionally disable automatic startup on default www port)
+Quick instructions
+* start the server with:
+    isabelle wwwfind start
+  (add -l for logging from ML)
+* connect (by default) on port 8000:
+    http://localhost:8000/isabelle/find_theorems
+* test with the echo server:
+    http://localhost:8000/isabelle/echo
+* check the status with:
+    isabelle wwwfind status
+* stop the server with:
+    isabelle wwwfind stop
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/doc/design.tex	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+% $Id$
+% vim:nojs: tw=76 sw=4 sts=4 fo=awn fdm=marker
+% 20090406 T. Bourke
+%	Original document.
+\documentclass[a4paper,draft]{article} % XXX
+% Preamble
+\bibliographystyle{abbrv} % alpha
+\title{Isabelle find\_theorems on the web}
+\author{T. Bourke\thanks{NICTA}}
+\special{!/pdfmark where
+ {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse
+ [ /Author   (T. Bourke, NICTA)
+   /Title    (IsabelleWWW: find_theorems
+	      ($Date: 2008-10-03 16:09:02 +1000 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) $))
+   /Subject  (Web interface to find_theorems)
+   /Keywords (isabelle, sml, http, www)
+   /DOCINFO pdfmark}
+% Title page and abstract
+The Isabelle find\_theorems command processes queries against a theory 
+database and returns a list of matching theorems.
+It is usually given from the Proof General or command-line interface.
+This document describes a web server implementation.
+Two design alternatives are presented and an overview of an implementation 
+of one is described.
+This document describes the design and implementation of a web interface for 
+the Isabelle find\_theorems command.
+The design requirements and their consequences are detailed in \refsec{req}.
+Two architectures were considered: \begin{enumerate}
+\item \emph{one process}: integrate a web server into Isabelle.
+\item \emph{two processes}: run Isabelle as a web server module.
+A brief evaluation of the one process architecture is presented in 
+An implementation of the two process is presented in \refsec{twoproc}.
+\section{Design requirements}\label{sec:req}
+The main requirements are:\begin{enumerate}
+\item The system will allow users to search for theorems from a web browser.
+\item It will allow queries across disparate Isabelle theories.
+\item It will, at a minimum, handle theories from the L4.verified project.
+\item It will run on a secure network.
+\item There will be at most ten simultaneous users.
+Several \emph{a priori} choices are fixed:\begin{enumerate}
+\item The search will run against an Isabelle heap.
+\item A single heap will be built from the theories to be searched.
+\item The system must be persistent, for two reasons: \begin{enumerate}
+    \item Isabelle is slow to start against large heaps.
+    \item Later enhancements may require tracking states at the server.
+\section{Evaluation: Isabelle web server}\label{sec:oneproc}
+The advantage of integrating a web server into Isabelle is that the 
+find\_theorems service could be provided by a single process, which, in 
+principle, would simplify administration.
+Implementing even a simple \ac{HTTP} service from scratch is an unacceptable 
+cost and fraught with potential problems and limitations.
+It is preferable to adapt an existing system.
+As Isabelle is written in \ac{SML}, only \ac{HTTP} services also written in 
+\ac{SML} can realistically be considered.
+In principle Isabelle compiles on both Poly/ML and \ac{SML/NJ}, but in 
+practice the former is faster, more widely used, and better supported.
+In particular, the L4.verified project does not build effectively on 
+This further limits the potential to adapt an existing system.
+There are three \ac{SML} web server projects:\\
+SMLServer &
+    \url{http://www.smlserver.org}\\
+FoxNet web server &
+    \url{http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fox/}\\
+Swerve web server &
+    \url{http://mlton.org/Swerve}
+Unfortunately, none of these projects is suitable.
+The SMLServer is an Apache web server plugin.
+It runs \ac{SML} programs that generate dynamic web pages.
+SMLServer is based on the MLKit compiler.
+It is unlikely that Isabelle and the l4.verified heaps could be compiled in 
+MLKit, at least not without significant effort.
+The FoxNet web server was developed as part of the Fox project at \ac{CMU}.
+The source is not readily available.
+The Swerve web server is part of an unpublished book on systems programming 
+in \ac{SML}.
+The source code is available and it is readily patched to run under the 
+latest version of SML/NJ (110.67).
+Adapting it to Poly/ML would require non-trivial effort because it is based 
+on \ac{CML}, whose implementation on SML/NJ makes use of continuations 
+\section{Implementation: Isabelle web module}\label{sec:twoproc}
+The description of the two process solution is divided into two subsections.
+The first contains an overview of the architecture and web server specifics.
+The second contains a summary of an \ac{SML} implementation of the web 
+module in Isabelle.
+\subsection{Architecture and web server}\label{sec:oneproc:arch}
+    \rput(0,0){\psframe(-.8,-.6)(.8,.6)}%
+    \rput(0,0){\parbox{4.3em}{\centering{#1}}}}
+    \newpsstyle{conn}{arrows=->}%
+    %
+    \rput(-2.2,3.3){\component{web server}}%
+    \rput( 2.2,3.3){\component{web module}}%
+    \rput(-2.2,0.7){\component{web client}}%
+    \rput(-4.2,3.4){%
+	\psellipse(0,-.2)(.4,.2)%
+	\psframe[linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=white]%
+		(-.4,-.2)(.4,.1)%
+	\psellipse(0,.1)(.4,.2)%
+	\psline(-.38,-.2)(-.38,.1)\psline(.38,-.2)(.38,.1)%
+    }%
+    \psline[style=conn,arrows=<->](-3.0,3.3)(-3.8,3.3)%
+    %
+    \rput[rB](3.3,2.15){server}%
+    \psline[linestyle=dashed](-4.8,2)(3.3,2)%
+    \rput[rt](3.3,1.90){network}%
+    %
+    \rput[B](0.0,3.55){\psframebox*{module protocol}}%
+    \psline[style=conn](-1.4,3.4)(1.4,3.4)%
+    \psline[style=conn](1.4,3.2)(-1.4,3.2)%
+    %
+    \rput[B]{90}(-2.4,2.0){\psframebox*{\ac{HTTP}}}%
+    \psline[style=conn](-2.1,2.7)(-2.1,1.3)%
+    \psline[style=conn](-2.3,1.3)(-2.3,2.7)%
+\caption{Overview of web module architecture\label{fig:modulearch}}
+An overview of a simple web server architecture is presented in 
+A \emph{web client} requests a \ac{URL} from a \emph{web server} over 
+The web server processes the request by fetching static elements from its 
+local file system and communicating with \emph{web modules} to dynamically 
+generate other elements.
+The elements are sent back across the network to the web client.
+The web server communicates with web modules over a \emph{module protocol}, 
+which dictates a means of passing requests and receiving responses.
+There are several common module protocols.
+In the \ac{CGI}, the web server executes processes to service dynamic 
+Request details are placed in environment variables and sent on the standard 
+input channels of processes, responses are read from the standard output 
+channels of processes and transmitted back to web clients.
+The chief disadvantage of \ac{CGI} is that it creates a new process for 
+every request.
+Fast \ac{CGI} web modules, on the other hand, run persistently in a loop.
+They receive and respond to web server requests over a duplex socket.
+The Fast \ac{CGI} protocol is quite complicated.
+There are, however, alternatives like \ac{SCGI} that are easier for web 
+modules to support.
+This is important when programming in \ac{SML} because both the number of 
+developers and available libraries are small.
+An \ac{SCGI} web module listens on a socket for requests from a web server.
+Requests are sent as stream of bytes.
+The first part of the request is a null-delimited sequence of name and value 
+The second part is unparsed text sent from the web client.
+The web module responds by sending text, usually \ac{HTTP} headers followed 
+by \ac{HTML} data, back over the socket.
+The whole protocol can be described in two 
+Both the Apache and Lighttpd web servers support the \ac{SCGI} protocol.
+Lighttpd was chosen because it seemed to be small, fast, and easy to 
+Two settings are required to connect lighttpd to an \ac{SCGI} web module: 
+server.modules = ( "mod_scgi" )
+scgi.server = ("/isabelle" => ((
+		  "host" => "",
+		  "port" => 64000,
+		  "check-local" => "disable")))
+In this example, the \texttt{scgi.server} entry directs the web server to 
+pass all \acp{URL} beginning with \texttt{/isabelle} to the web module 
+listening on port \texttt{64000}.
+\subsection{Implementation in \acs{SML}}\label{sec:oneproc:impl}
+\textbf{Module}	     &	\textbf{Description}\\\hline
+Mime		     &	Rudimentary support for mime types.\\
+HttpStatus	     &	\ac{HTTP} header status codes.\\
+HttpUtil	     &	Produce \ac{HTTP} headers and parse query strings.\\
+Xhtml		     &	Rudimentary support for generating \ac{HTML}.\\
+SocketUtil	     &	Routines from The Standard ML Basis Library
+			book.\footnote{Chapter 10, Gansner and Reppy, 
+			Cambridge University Press.}\\
+\textbf{ScgiReq}     &	Parse \ac{SCGI} requests.\\
+\textbf{ScgiServer}  &	\ac{SCGI} server event loop and dispatch.\\
+\textbf{FindTheorems}&	\ac{HTML} interface to find\_theorems.
+\caption{Web module implementation\label{tab:moduleimpl}}
+The find\_theorems web module is implemented in \ac{SML}.
+It uses elements of the Pure library in Isabelle.
+The program comprises the nine modules shown in \reftab{moduleimpl}.
+The three most important ones are shown in bold: ScgiReq, ScgiServer, and 
+ScgiReq implements the client-side of the \ac{SCGI} protocol.
+It maps a binary input stream into a request data type.
+ScgiServer is a generic, multi-threaded \ac{SCGI} request dispatcher.
+It accepts \ac{SCGI} requests on a designated socket, selects an appropriate 
+handler from an internal list, and calls the handler in a new thread.
+FindTheorems registers a handler with ScgiServer.
+It parses \ac{SCGI}/\ac{HTTP} requests, calls the Isabelle find\_theorems 
+function, and returns the results as \ac{HTML}.
+The \ac{HTML} generation of individual theorems is handled by the \ac{HTML} 
+print mode of Isabelle, but the form fields and page structure were manually 
+The module is built by using a \texttt{ROOT.ML} file inside a heap that 
+contains the theories to be searched.
+The server is started by calling \texttt{ScgiServer.server}.
+Scripts have been created to automate this process.
+\subsection{Handling symbols}\label{sec:unicode}
+Isabelle theorems are usually written in mathematical notation.
+Internally, however, Isabelle only manipulates \acs{ASCII} strings.
+Symbols are encoded by strings that begin with a backslash and contain a 
+symbol name between angle braces, for example, the symbol~$\longrightarrow$ 
+The existing Thy/Html module in the Isabelle Pure theory converts many of 
+these symbols to \ac{HTML} entities.
+Custom routines are required to convert the missing symbols to \ac{HTML} 
+\emph{numeric character references}, which are the Unicode codepoints of 
+symbols printed in decimal between \verb+&#+ and \verb+;+.
+Further, other routines were required for converting \acs{UTF-8} encoded 
+strings sent from web browsers into Isabelle's symbol encoding.
+Isabelle is distributed with a text file that maps Isabelle symbols to 
+Unicode codepoints.
+A module was written to parse this file into symbol tables that map back and 
+forth between Isabelle symbols and Unicode codepoints, and also between 
+Isabelle \acs{ASCII} abbreviations (like \verb+-->+ for $\longrightarrow$) 
+and Unicode codepoints.
+The conversion from Isabelle symbols to \ac{HTML} numeric character 
+references is handled by a new printing mode, which is based in large part 
+on the existing \ac{HTML} printing mode.
+The new mode is used in combination with the existing \texttt{xsymbol} mode, 
+to ensure that Isabelle symbols are used instead of \acs{ASCII} 
+The conversion from \acs{UTF-8} is handled by a custom routine.
+Additionally, there is a JavaScript routine that converts from Isabelle 
+symbol encodings to \acs{UTF-8}, so that users can conveniently view 
+manually-entered or pasted mathematical characters in the web browser 
+\begin{acronym}[SML/NJ] % longest acronym here
+    \acro{ASCII}{American Standard Code for Information Interchange}
+    \acro{CGI}{Common Gateway Interface}
+    \acro{CML}{Concurrent ML}
+    \acro{CMU}{Carnegie Mellon University}
+    \acro{HTML}{Hyper Text Markup Language}
+    \acro{HTTP}{Hyper Text Transfer Protocol}
+    \acro{ML}{Meta Language}
+    \acro{SCGI}{Simple CGI}
+    \acro{SML}{Standard ML}
+    \acro{SML/NJ}{Standard ML of New Jersey}
+    \acro{URL}{Universal Resource Locator}
+    \acro{UTF-8}{8-bit Unicode Transformation Format}
+    \acro{WWW}{World Wide Web}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/echo.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(*  Title:      echo.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+    Install simple echo server.
+fun echo (req, content, send) =
+  (send (ScgiReq.show req);
+   send "--payload-----\n";
+   send (Byte.bytesToString content);
+   send "\n--------------\n")
+val () = ScgiServer.register ("echo", SOME Mime.plain, echo);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/etc/settings	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# the path to lighttpd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/find_theorems.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+(*  Title:      find_theorems.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+    Simple find_theorems server
+val default_limit = 20;
+val thy_names = sort string_ord (ThyInfo.get_names ());
+val find_theorems_url = "find_theorems";
+fun is_sorry thm =
+  Thm.proof_of thm
+  |> Proofterm.approximate_proof_body
+  |> Proofterm.all_oracles_of
+  |> exists (fn (x, _) => x = "Pure.skip_proof");
+local open Xhtml in
+fun find_theorems_form thy_name (query, limit, withdups) =
+  let
+    val query_input =
+      input (id "query", {
+        name = "query",
+        itype = TextInput { value = query, maxlength = NONE }});
+    val max_results = divele noid
+      [
+        label (noid, { for = "limit" }, "Max. results:"),
+        input (id "limit",
+          { name = "limit",
+            itype = TextInput { value = SOME (Int.toString limit),
+                                maxlength = NONE }})
+      ];
+    val theories = divele noid
+      [
+        label (noid, { for = "theory" }, "Search in:"),
+        select (id "theory", { name = "theory", value = SOME thy_name })
+               thy_names
+      ];
+    val with_dups = divele noid
+      [
+        label (noid, { for = "withdups" }, "Allow duplicates:"),
+        input (id "withdups",
+          { name = "withdups",
+            itype = Checkbox { checked = withdups, value = SOME "true" }})
+      ];
+    val help = divele (class "help")
+      [ a { href="/pasting_help.html", text="(pasting from proof general)" } ];
+  in
+    form (id "findtheorems", { method = "post", action = "/isabelle/find_theorems" })
+      [tag "fieldset" []
+        [tag "legend" [] [text "find_theorems"],
+         (add_script (OnKeyPress, "encodequery(this)")
+          o add_script (OnChange, "encodequery(this)")
+          o add_script (OnMouseUp, "encodequery(this)")) query_input,
+         divele (class "settings") [ max_results, theories, with_dups, help ],
+         divele (class "mainbuttons")
+           [ reset_button (id "reset"), submit_button (id "submit") ]
+        ]
+      ]
+  end;
+fun html_header thy_name args =
+  html { lang = "en" } [
+    head { title = "Find Theorems: results", stylesheet_href = "/basic.css" }
+         [script (noid, { script_type="text/javascript",
+                          src="/find_theorems.js" })],
+    add_script (OnLoad, "encodequery(document.getElementById('query'))")
+      (body noid [
+          h (noid, 1, "Theory " ^ thy_name),
+          find_theorems_form thy_name args,
+          divele noid []
+         ])
+  ];
+fun html_error msg = p ((class "error"), msg);
+val find_theorems_table =
+  table (class "findtheorems")
+    [
+      thead noid [tr [th (noid, "name"), th (noid, "theorem")]],
+      tbody noid []
+    ];
+fun show_criterion (b, c) =
+  let
+    fun prfx s = let
+        val (c, v) = if b then ("criterion", s) else ("ncriterion", "-" ^ s);
+      in span (class c, v) end;
+    fun prfxwith s = let
+        val (c, v) =
+          if b
+          then ("criterion", "with " ^ s)
+          else ("ncriterion", "without " ^ s);
+      in span (class c, v) end;
+  in
+    (case c of
+      Find_Theorems.Name name => prfx ("name: " ^ quote name)
+    | Find_Theorems.Intro => prfx "intro"
+    | Find_Theorems.IntroIff => prfx "introiff"
+    | Find_Theorems.Elim => prfx "elim"
+    | Find_Theorems.Dest => prfx "dest"
+    | Find_Theorems.Solves => prfx "solves"
+    | Find_Theorems.Simp pat => prfx ("simp: \"" ^ pat ^ "\"")
+    | Find_Theorems.Pattern pat => prfx ("\"" ^ pat ^ "\""))
+  end;
+fun find_theorems_summary (othmslen, thmslen, query, args) =
+  let
+    val args =
+      (case othmslen of
+         NONE => args
+       | SOME l => Symtab.update ("limit", Int.toString l) args)
+    val qargs = HttpUtil.make_query_string args;
+    val num_found_text =
+      (case othmslen of
+         NONE => text (Int.toString thmslen)
+       | SOME l =>
+           a { href = find_theorems_url ^
+               (if qargs = "" then "" else "?" ^ qargs),
+           text = Int.toString l })
+    val found = [text "found ", num_found_text, text " theorems"] : tag list;
+    val displayed =
+      if is_some othmslen
+      then " (" ^ Int.toString thmslen ^ " displayed)"
+      else "";
+    fun show_search c = tr [ td' noid [show_criterion c] ];
+  in
+    table (class "findtheoremsquery")
+    (* [ tr [ th (noid, "searched for:") ] ]
+       @ map show_search query @ *)
+      [ tr [ th' noid (found @ [text (displayed ^ ":")]) ] ]
+  end
+fun sorry_class thm = if is_sorry thm then class "sorried" else noid;
+fun html_thm ctxt (n, (thmref, thm)) =
+  let
+    val string_of_thm =
+      Output.output o Pretty.setmp_margin_CRITICAL 100 Pretty.string_of o
+        setmp_CRITICAL show_question_marks false (Display.pretty_thm ctxt);
+  in
+    tag' "tr" (class ("row" ^ Int.toString (n mod 2)))
+      [
+        tag' "td" (class "name")
+          [span' (sorry_class thm)
+             [raw_text (Facts.string_of_ref thmref)]
+          ],
+        tag' "td" (class "thm") [pre noid (string_of_thm thm)]
+      ]
+  end;
+structure P = OuterParse
+      and K = OuterKeyword
+      and FT = Find_Theorems;
+val criterion =
+  P.reserved "name" |-- P.!!! (P.$$$ ":" |-- P.xname) >> Find_Theorems.Name ||
+  P.reserved "intro" >> K Find_Theorems.Intro ||
+  P.reserved "elim" >> K Find_Theorems.Elim ||
+  P.reserved "dest" >> K Find_Theorems.Dest ||
+  P.reserved "solves" >> K Find_Theorems.Solves ||
+  P.reserved "simp" |-- P.!!! (P.$$$ ":" |-- P.term) >> Find_Theorems.Simp ||
+  P.term >> Find_Theorems.Pattern;
+val parse_query =
+  Scan.repeat (((Scan.option P.minus >> is_none) -- criterion));
+fun app_index f xs = fold_index (fn x => K (f x)) xs ();
+fun find_theorems (req as ScgiReq.Req {request_method, query_string, ...},
+                   content, send) =
+  let
+    val arg_data =
+      (case request_method of
+         ScgiReq.Get => query_string
+       | ScgiReq.Post =>
+          content
+          |> Byte.bytesToString
+          |> HttpUtil.parse_query_string
+       | ScgiReq.Head => raise Fail "Cannot handle Head requests.");
+    val args = Symtab.lookup arg_data;
+    val query = the_default "" (args "query");
+    fun get_query () =
+      query
+      |> (fn s => s ^ ";")
+      |> OuterSyntax.scan Position.start
+      |> filter OuterLex.is_proper
+      |> Scan.error parse_query
+      |> fst;
+    val limit =
+      args "limit"
+      |> Option.mapPartial Int.fromString
+      |> the_default default_limit;
+    val thy_name =
+      args "theory"
+      |> the_default "Main";
+    val with_dups = is_some (args "with_dups");
+    fun do_find () =
+      let
+        val ctxt = ProofContext.init (theory thy_name);
+        val query = get_query ();
+        val (othmslen, thms) = apsnd rev
+          (Find_Theorems.find_theorems ctxt NONE (SOME limit) with_dups query);
+        val thmslen = length thms;
+        fun thm_row args = Xhtml.write send (html_thm ctxt args);
+      in
+        Xhtml.write send
+          (find_theorems_summary (othmslen, thmslen, query, arg_data));
+        if null thms then ()
+        else (Xhtml.write_open send find_theorems_table;
+              HTML_Unicode.print_mode (app_index thm_row) thms;
+              Xhtml.write_close send find_theorems_table)
+      end;
+    val header = (html_header thy_name (args "query", limit, with_dups));
+  in
+    send Xhtml.doctype_xhtml1_0_strict;
+    Xhtml.write_open send header;
+    if query = "" then ()
+    else
+      do_find ()
+        handle
+          ERROR msg => Xhtml.write send (html_error msg)
+        | e => Xhtml.write send (html_error ("Server error: " ^ exnMessage e));
+    Xhtml.write_close send header
+  end;
+val () = show_question_marks := false;
+val () = ScgiServer.register (find_theorems_url, SOME Mime.html, find_theorems);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/html_unicode.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+(*  Title:      html_unicode.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+                Based on Pure/Thy/html.ML
+                by Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
+HTML presentation elements that use unicode code points.
+signature HTML_UNICODE =
+  val print_mode: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+structure HTML_Unicode: HTML_UNICODE =
+(** HTML print modes **)
+(* mode *)
+val htmlunicodeN = "HTMLUnicode";
+fun print_mode f x = PrintMode.with_modes [htmlunicodeN, Symbol.xsymbolsN] f x;
+(* symbol output *)
+  val sym_width_lookup = Symtab.make
+   [("\<spacespace>", 2),
+    ("\<Longleftarrow>", 2),
+    ("\<longleftarrow>", 2),
+    ("\<Longrightarrow>", 2),
+    ("\<longrightarrow>", 2),
+    ("\<longleftrightarrow>", 2),
+    ("\<^bsub>", 0),
+    ("\<^esub>", 0),
+    ("\<^bsup>", 0),
+    ("\<^esup>", 0)];
+  fun sym_width s =
+    (case Symtab.lookup sym_width_lookup s of
+       NONE => 1
+     | SOME w => w);
+  fun output_sym s =
+    if Symbol.is_raw s then (1, Symbol.decode_raw s)
+    else
+      (case UnicodeSymbols.symbol_to_unicode s of
+         SOME x => (sym_width s, "&#" ^ Int.toString x ^ ";") (* numeric entities *)
+         (* SOME x => (sym_width s, UnicodeSymbols.utf8 [x])     (* utf-8 *) *)
+       | NONE => (size s, XML.text s));
+  fun output_sub s = apsnd (enclose "<sub>" "</sub>") (output_sym s);
+  fun output_sup s = apsnd (enclose "<sup>" "</sup>") (output_sym s);
+  fun output_loc s = apsnd (enclose "<span class=\"loc\">" "</span>") (output_sym s);
+  fun output_syms ("\<^sub>" :: s :: ss) = output_sub s :: output_syms ss
+    | output_syms ("\<^isub>" :: s :: ss) = output_sub s :: output_syms ss
+    | output_syms ("\<^sup>" :: s :: ss) = output_sup s :: output_syms ss
+    | output_syms ("\<^isup>" :: s :: ss) = output_sup s :: output_syms ss
+    | output_syms ("\<^loc>" :: s :: ss) = output_loc s :: output_syms ss
+    | output_syms (s :: ss) = output_sym s :: output_syms ss
+    | output_syms [] = [];
+  fun output_width str =
+    if not (exists_string (fn s => s = "\\" orelse s = "<" orelse s = ">" orelse s = "&") str)
+    then Output.default_output str
+    else
+      let val (syms, width) = fold_map (fn (w, s) => fn width => (s, w + width))
+        (output_syms (Symbol.explode str)) 0
+      in (implode syms, width) end;
+val output = #1 o output_width;
+val _ = Output.add_mode htmlunicodeN output_width Symbol.encode_raw;
+(* common markup *)
+fun span s = ("<span class=" ^ quote (XML.text s) ^ ">", "</span>");
+val _ = Markup.add_mode htmlunicodeN (fn (name, _) => span name);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/http_status.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+(*  Title:      http_status.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+HTTP status codes and reasons.
+signature HTTP_STATUS =
+  type t
+  val to_status_code : t -> int
+  val to_reason : t -> string
+  val from_status_code : int -> t option
+  val continue : t
+  val switching_protocols : t
+  val ok : t
+  val created : t
+  val accepted : t
+  val non_authoritative_information : t
+  val no_content : t
+  val reset_content : t
+  val partial_content : t
+  val multiple_choices : t
+  val moved_permanently : t
+  val found : t
+  val see_other : t
+  val not_modified : t
+  val use_proxy : t
+  val temporary_redirect : t
+  val bad_request : t
+  val unauthorized : t
+  val payment_required : t
+  val forbidden : t
+  val not_found : t
+  val method_not_allowed : t
+  val not_acceptable : t
+  val proxy_authentication_required : t
+  val request_timeout : t
+  val conflict : t
+  val gone : t
+  val length_required : t
+  val precondition_failed : t
+  val request_entity_too_large : t
+  val request_uri_too_long : t
+  val unsupported_media_type : t
+  val requested_range_not_satisfiable : t
+  val expectation_failed : t
+  val internal_server_error : t
+  val not_implemented : t
+  val bad_gateway : t
+  val service_unavailable : t
+  val gateway_timeout : t
+  val http_version_not_supported : t
+structure HttpStatus : HTTP_STATUS =
+type t = int
+val int_status_map = Inttab.make
+  [(100, "Continue"),
+   (101, "Switching Protocols"),
+   (200, "OK"),
+   (201, "Created"),
+   (202, "Accepted"),
+   (203, "Non-Authoritative Information"),
+   (204, "No Content"),
+   (205, "Reset Content"),
+   (206, "Partial Content"),
+   (300, "Multiple Choices"),
+   (301, "Moved Permanently"),
+   (302, "Found"),
+   (303, "See Other"),
+   (304, "Not Modified"),
+   (305, "Use Proxy"),
+   (307, "Temporary Redirect"),
+   (400, "Bad Request"),
+   (401, "Unauthorized"),
+   (402, "Payment Required"),
+   (403, "Forbidden"),
+   (404, "Not Found"),
+   (405, "Method Not Allowed"),
+   (406, "Not Acceptable"),
+   (407, "Proxy Authentication Required"),
+   (408, "Request Timeout"),
+   (409, "Conflict"),
+   (410, "Gone"),
+   (411, "Length Required"),
+   (412, "Precondition Failed"),
+   (413, "Request Entity Too Large"),
+   (414, "Request URI Too Long"),
+   (415, "Unsupported Media Type"),
+   (416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"),
+   (417, "Expectation Failed"),
+   (500, "Internal Server Error"),
+   (501, "Not Implemented"),
+   (502, "Bad Gateway"),
+   (503, "Service Unavailable"),
+   (504, "Gateway Timeout"),
+   (505, "HTTP Version Not Supported")];
+fun from_status_code i =
+  if is_some (Inttab.lookup int_status_map i)
+  then SOME i
+  else NONE;
+val to_reason = the o Inttab.lookup int_status_map;
+val to_status_code = I;
+val continue = 100;
+val switching_protocols = 101;
+val ok = 200;
+val created = 201;
+val accepted = 202;
+val non_authoritative_information = 203;
+val no_content = 204;
+val reset_content = 205;
+val partial_content = 206;
+val multiple_choices = 300;
+val moved_permanently = 301;
+val found = 302;
+val see_other = 303;
+val not_modified = 304;
+val use_proxy = 305;
+val temporary_redirect = 307;
+val bad_request = 400;
+val unauthorized = 401;
+val payment_required = 402;
+val forbidden = 403;
+val not_found = 404;
+val method_not_allowed = 405;
+val not_acceptable = 406;
+val proxy_authentication_required = 407;
+val request_timeout = 408;
+val conflict = 409;
+val gone = 410;
+val length_required = 411;
+val precondition_failed = 412;
+val request_entity_too_large = 413;
+val request_uri_too_long = 414;
+val unsupported_media_type = 415;
+val requested_range_not_satisfiable = 416;
+val expectation_failed = 417;
+val internal_server_error = 500;
+val not_implemented = 501;
+val bad_gateway = 502;
+val service_unavailable = 503;
+val gateway_timeout = 504;
+val http_version_not_supported = 505;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/http_util.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(*  Title:      http_util.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+Rudimentary utility functions for HTTP.
+signature HTTP_UTIL =
+  val crlf : string
+  val reply_header : HttpStatus.t * Mime.t option * (string * string) list -> string
+  val parse_query_string : string -> string Symtab.table
+  val make_query_string : string Symtab.table -> string
+structure HttpUtil : HTTP_UTIL =
+val crlf = "\r\n";
+fun make_header_field (name, value) = concat [name, ": ", value, crlf];
+fun reply_header (status, content_type, extra_fields) =
+  let
+    val code = (Int.toString o HttpStatus.to_status_code) status;
+    val reason = HttpStatus.to_reason status;
+    val show_content_type = pair "Content-Type" o Mime.show_type;
+  in
+  concat
+    (map make_header_field
+      (("Status", concat [code, " ", reason])
+       :: (the_list o Option.map show_content_type) content_type
+       @ extra_fields)
+    @ [crlf])
+  end;
+val split_fields = Substring.splitl (fn c => c <> #"=")
+                   #> apsnd (Substring.triml 1);
+fun decode_url s =
+  let
+    fun to_char c =
+      Substring.triml 1 c
+      |> Int.scan StringCvt.HEX Substring.getc
+      |> the
+      |> fst
+      |> Char.chr
+      |> String.str
+      |> Substring.full
+      handle Option => c;
+    fun f (done, s) =
+      let
+        val (pre, post) = Substring.splitl (Char.notContains "+%") s;
+      in
+        if Substring.isEmpty post
+        then (Substring.concat o rev) (pre::done)
+        else
+          if Substring.first post = SOME #"+"
+            (* Substring.isPrefix "+" post *)(* seg fault in Poly/ML 5.1 *)
+          then f (Substring.full " "::pre::done, Substring.triml 1 post)
+          else let
+            val (c, rest) = Substring.splitAt (post, 3)
+                            handle Subscript =>
+                              (Substring.full "%25", Substring.triml 1 post);
+          in f (to_char c::pre::done, rest) end
+      end;
+  in f ([], s) end;
+val parse_query_string =
+  Substring.full
+  #> Substring.tokens (Char.contains "&;")
+  #> map split_fields
+  #> map (pairself (UnicodeSymbols.utf8_to_symbols o decode_url))
+  #> distinct ((op =) o pairself fst)
+  #> Symtab.make;
+fun to_entity #" " = "+"
+  | to_entity c =
+      if Char.isAlphaNum c orelse Char.contains ".-~_" c
+      then String.str c
+      else "%" ^ Int.fmt StringCvt.HEX (Char.ord c);
+val encode_url = Substring.translate to_entity o Substring.full;
+fun join_pairs (n, v) = encode_url n ^ "=" ^ encode_url v;
+val make_query_string =
+  Symtab.dest
+  #> map join_pairs
+  #> String.concatWith "&";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/lib/Tools/wwwfind	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Author: Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+#         Based on scripts by Makarius Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+# DESCRIPTION: run find theorems web server
+PRG=$(basename "$0")
+function usage()
+  echo
+  echo "Usage: $ISABELLE_TOOL $PRG [Command] [Options] [HEAP]"
+  echo
+  echo "  Command must be one of:"
+  echo "    start        start lighttpd and isabelle"
+  echo "    stop         stop lighttpd and isabelle"
+  echo "    status       show www and scgi port statuses"
+  echo
+  echo "  Options are:"
+  echo "    -l		 make log file"
+  echo "    -c           specify lighttpd config file"
+  echo "                 (default: $WWWCONFIG)"
+  echo
+  echo "  Provide a web interface to find_theorems against the given HEAP"
+  echo
+  exit 1
+function fail()
+  echo "$1" >&2
+  exit 2
+function kill_by_port () {
+  IPADDR='[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*'
+  PID=$(netstat -nltp 2>/dev/null \
+        | sed -ne "s#^.*${IPADDR}:$1 *${IPADDR}:.*LISTEN *\([0-9]*\)/.*#\1#p")
+  if [ "$PID" != "" ]; then
+    kill -9 $PID
+  fi
+function show_socket_status () {
+  netstat -latp 2>/dev/null | grep ":$1 "
+## process command line
+case "$1" in
+  start|stop|status)
+    COMMAND="$1"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    usage
+    ;;
+# options
+while getopts "lc:" OPT
+  NO_OPTS=""
+  case "$OPT" in
+    l)
+      LOGFILE=true
+      ;;
+    c)
+      ;;
+    \?)
+      usage
+      ;;
+  esac
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+# args
+if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then
+  INPUT="$1"
+  shift
+[ -x "$LIGHTTPD" ] || fail "lighttpd not found at $LIGHTTPD"
+if [ -n "$USER_CONFIG" ]; then
+  TMP=$(mktemp "/tmp/lighttpd.conf.$$.XXX")
+  echo "server.document-root = \"$WWWFINDDIR/www\"" > "$TMP"
+  cat "$WWWCONFIG" >> "$TMP"
+## main
+WWWPORT=`sed -e 's/[ 	]*//g' -ne 's/server.port=\([0-9][0-9]*\),\?/\1/p' "$WWWCONFIG"`
+SCGIPORT=`sed -e 's/[ 	]*//g' -ne 's/"port"=>\([0-9][0-9]*\),\?/\1/p' "$WWWCONFIG"`
+MLSTARTSERVER="ScgiServer.server' 10 \"/\" $SCGIPORT;"
+case "$COMMAND" in
+  start)
+    if [ "$LOGFILE" = true ]; then
+      (cd "$WWWFINDDIR"; \
+       nohup "$ISABELLE_PROCESS" -r -u -e "$MLSTARTSERVER" "$INPUT") &
+    else
+      (cd "$WWWFINDDIR"; \
+       nohup "$ISABELLE_PROCESS" -r -u -e "$MLSTARTSERVER" \
+         "$INPUT" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null) &
+    fi
+    ;;
+  stop)
+    kill_by_port $SCGIPORT
+    kill_by_port $WWWPORT
+    ;;
+  status)
+    show_socket_status $WWWPORT
+    show_socket_status $SCGIPORT
+    ;;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/lighttpd.conf	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+server.port = 8000
+# debug.log-request-header = "enable"
+# debug.log-file-not-found = "enable"
+# debug.log-request-handling = "enable"
+# debug.log-response-header = "enable"
+mimetype.assign = (
+  ".html"   => "text/html; charset=UTF-8",
+  ".css"    => "text/css; charset=UTF-8",
+server.modules = ( "mod_scgi" )
+scgi.server = ("/isabelle" => ((
+		      "host" => "",
+		      "port" => 64000,
+		      "check-local" => "disable"
+		)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/mime.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(*  Title:      mime_types.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+Rudimentary support for mime_types.
+signature MIME =
+  datatype t = Type of {
+      main : string,
+      sub : string, 
+      params : (string * string) list
+    }
+  val plain : t
+  val html : t
+  val parse_type : string -> t option
+  val show_type : t -> string
+structure Mime: MIME =
+datatype t = Type of {
+    main : string,
+    sub : string, 
+    params : (string * string) list
+  };
+val strip =
+  Substring.dropl Char.isSpace
+  #> Substring.dropr Char.isSpace;
+val split_fields =
+  Substring.splitl (fn c => c <> #"=")
+  #> apsnd (Substring.triml 1)
+  #> pairself (Substring.string o strip);
+fun show_param (n, v) = concat ["; ", n, "=", v];
+fun show_type (Type {main, sub, params}) =
+      concat ([main, "/", sub] @ map show_param params);
+fun parse_type s =
+  (case Substring.fields (Char.contains "/;") (Substring.full s) of
+     t::s::ps => SOME (Type { main = (Substring.string o strip) t,
+                              sub = (Substring.string o strip) s,
+                              params = map split_fields ps })
+   | _ => NONE);
+val plain = the (parse_type "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
+val html = the (parse_type "text/html; charset=utf-8");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/scgi_req.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(*  Title:      parse_scgi_req.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+Parses an SCGI (Simple Common Gateway Interface) header.
+See: http://python.ca/scgi/protocol.txt
+signature SCGI_REQ =
+  exception InvalidReq of string
+  datatype req_method = Get | Head | Post
+  datatype t = Req of {
+      path_info : string,
+      path_translated : string,
+      script_name : string,
+      request_method : req_method,
+      query_string : string Symtab.table,
+      content_type : Mime.t option,
+      environment : Word8VectorSlice.slice Symtab.table
+    }
+  val parse : BinIO.instream ->  t * (BinIO.instream * int)
+  val test : string -> unit
+  val show : t -> string
+structure ScgiReq : SCGI_REQ =
+exception InvalidReq of string;
+datatype req_method = Get | Head | Post;
+datatype t = Req of {
+    path_info : string,
+    path_translated : string,
+    script_name : string,
+    request_method : req_method,
+    query_string : string Symtab.table,
+    content_type : Mime.t option,
+    environment : Word8VectorSlice.slice Symtab.table
+  };
+fun parse_req_method "POST" = Post
+  | parse_req_method "HEAD" = Head
+  | parse_req_method _ = Get;
+fun show_req_method Get = "Get"
+  | show_req_method Post = "Post"
+  | show_req_method Head = "Head";
+fun find_nulls (idx, 0wx00, idxs) = idx::idxs
+  | find_nulls (_, _, idxs) = idxs;
+fun read_net_string fin =
+  let
+    fun read_size (_, NONE) = raise InvalidReq "Bad netstring length."
+      | read_size (t, SOME 0wx3a) = t
+      | read_size (t, SOME d) =
+          let
+            val n = (Word8.toInt d) - 0x30;
+          in
+            if n >=0 andalso n <= 9
+            then read_size (t * 10 + n, BinIO.input1 fin)
+            else read_size (t, NONE)
+          end;
+    val size = read_size (0, BinIO.input1 fin);
+    val payload = BinIO.inputN (fin, size);
+  in
+    (case (Word8Vector.length payload = size, BinIO.input1 fin) of
+       (true, SOME 0wx2c) => payload
+     | _ => raise InvalidReq "Bad netstring.")
+  end;
+fun split_fields vec =
+  let
+    val nulls = ~1 :: (Word8Vector.foldri find_nulls [] vec);
+    fun pr NONE = "NONE"
+      | pr (SOME i) = "SOME " ^ Int.toString i;
+    fun hd_diff (i1::i2::_) = SOME (i2 - i1 - 1)
+      | hd_diff _ = NONE;
+    fun slice [] = []
+      | slice (idxs as idx::idxs') =
+          Word8VectorSlice.slice (vec, idx + 1, hd_diff idxs) :: slice idxs';
+    fun make_pairs (x::y::xys) = (Byte.unpackStringVec x, y) :: make_pairs xys
+      | make_pairs _ = [];
+  in make_pairs (slice nulls) end;
+fun parse fin =
+  let
+    val raw_fields = read_net_string fin;
+    val fields = split_fields raw_fields;
+    val env = Symtab.make fields;
+    fun field name =
+      (case Symtab.lookup env name of
+         NONE => ""
+       | SOME wv => Byte.unpackStringVec wv);
+    val content_length =
+      (the o Int.fromString o field) "CONTENT_LENGTH"
+      handle _ => raise InvalidReq "Bad CONTENT_LENGTH";
+    val req = Req {
+        path_info = field "PATH_INFO",
+        path_translated = field "PATH_TRANSLATED",
+        script_name = field "SCRIPT_NAME",
+        request_method = (parse_req_method o field) "REQUEST_METHOD",
+        query_string = (HttpUtil.parse_query_string o field) "QUERY_STRING",
+        content_type = (Mime.parse_type o field) "CONTENT_TYPE",
+        environment = env
+      }
+   in (req, (fin, content_length)) end; 
+fun show (Req {path_info, path_translated, script_name,
+               request_method, query_string, content_type, environment}) =
+  let
+    fun show_symtab to_string table = let
+        fun show (n, v) r = ["\t", n, " = \"", to_string v, "\"\n"] @ r;
+      in Symtab.fold show table [] end;
+  in
+    concat
+      (["path_info: \"", path_info, "\"\n",
+        "path_translated: \"", path_translated, "\"\n",
+        "script_name: \"", script_name, "\"\n",
+        "request_method: \"", show_req_method request_method, "\"\n",
+        "query_string:\n"]
+       @
+       show_symtab I query_string
+       @
+       ["content_type: ",
+          (the_default "" o Option.map Mime.show_type) content_type, "\n",
+        "environment:\n"]
+       @
+       show_symtab Byte.unpackStringVec environment)
+  end;
+fun test path =
+  let
+    val fin = BinIO.openIn path;
+    val (req, cs) = parse fin;
+    val () = TextIO.print (show req);
+    val () =
+      BinIO.inputN cs
+      |> Word8VectorSlice.full
+      |> Byte.unpackStringVec
+      |> TextIO.print;
+  in BinIO.closeIn fin end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/scgi_server.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+(*  Title:      scgi_echo.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+Simple SCGI server.
+signature SCGI_SERVER =
+  val max_threads : int Unsynchronized.ref
+  type handler = ScgiReq.t * Word8Vector.vector * (string -> unit) -> unit
+  val register : (string * Mime.t option * handler) -> unit
+  val server : string -> int -> unit
+  val server' : int -> string -> int -> unit (* keeps trying for port *)
+structure ScgiServer : SCGI_SERVER =
+val max_threads = Unsynchronized.ref 5;
+type handler = ScgiReq.t * Word8Vector.vector * (string -> unit) -> unit;
+val servers = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.empty : (Mime.t option * handler) Symtab.table);
+fun register (name, mime, f) =
+  Unsynchronized.change servers (Symtab.update_new (name, (mime, f)));
+fun lookup name = Symtab.lookup (!servers) name;
+fun dump_handlers () = (
+    tracing("  with handlers:");
+    app (fn (x, _) => tracing ("    - " ^ x)) (Symtab.dest (!servers)))
+fun server server_prefix port =
+  let
+    val passive_sock = SocketUtil.init_server_socket (SOME "localhost") port;
+    val thread_wait = ConditionVar.conditionVar ();
+    val thread_wait_mutex = Mutex.mutex ();
+    local
+    val threads = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : Thread.thread list);
+    fun purge () = Unsynchronized.change threads (filter Thread.isActive);
+    in
+    fun add_thread th = Unsynchronized.change threads (cons th);
+    fun launch_thread threadf =
+      (purge ();
+       if length (!threads) < (!max_threads) then ()
+       else (tracing ("Waiting for a free thread...");
+             ConditionVar.wait (thread_wait, thread_wait_mutex));
+       add_thread
+         (Thread.fork
+            (fn () => exception_trace threadf,
+             [Thread.EnableBroadcastInterrupt true,
+              Thread.InterruptState
+              Thread.InterruptAsynchOnce])))
+    end;
+    fun loop () =
+      let
+        val (sock, _)= Socket.accept passive_sock;
+        val (sin, sout) = SocketUtil.make_streams sock;
+        fun send msg = BinIO.output (sout, Byte.stringToBytes msg);
+        fun send_log msg = (tracing msg; send msg);
+        fun get_content (st, 0) = Word8Vector.fromList []
+          | get_content x = BinIO.inputN x;
+        fun do_req () =
+          let
+            val (req as ScgiReq.Req {path_info, request_method, ...},
+                 content_is) =
+              ScgiReq.parse sin
+              handle ScgiReq.InvalidReq s =>
+                (send
+                   (HttpUtil.reply_header (HttpStatus.bad_request, NONE, []));
+                 raise Fail ("Invalid request: " ^ s));
+            val () = tracing ("request: " ^ path_info);
+          in
+            (case lookup (unprefix server_prefix path_info) of
+               NONE => send (HttpUtil.reply_header (HttpStatus.not_found, NONE, []))
+             | SOME (NONE, f) => f (req, get_content content_is, send)
+             | SOME (t, f) =>
+                (send (HttpUtil.reply_header (HttpStatus.ok, t, []));
+                 if request_method = ScgiReq.Head then ()
+                 else f (req, get_content content_is, send)))
+          end;
+        fun thread_req () =
+          (do_req () handle e => (warning (exnMessage e));
+           BinIO.closeOut sout handle e => warning (exnMessage e);
+           BinIO.closeIn sin handle e => warning (exnMessage e);
+           Socket.close sock handle e => warning (exnMessage e);
+           tracing ("request done.");
+           ConditionVar.signal thread_wait);
+      in
+        launch_thread thread_req;
+        loop ()
+      end;
+  in
+    tracing ("SCGI server started.");
+    dump_handlers ();
+    loop ();
+    Socket.close passive_sock
+  end;
+val delay = 5;
+fun server' 0 server_prefix port = (warning "Giving up."; exit 1)
+  | server' countdown server_prefix port =
+      server server_prefix port
+        handle OS.SysErr ("bind failed", _) =>
+          (warning ("Could not acquire port "
+                    ^ Int.toString port ^ ". Trying again in "
+                    ^ Int.toString delay ^ " seconds...");
+           OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds delay);
+           server' (countdown - 1) server_prefix port);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/socket_util.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(*  Title:      socket_util.ML
+    Author:     Emden R. Gansner and John H. Reppy
+                SML Basis Library, section 10
+Routines for working with sockets.
+signature SOCKET_UTIL =
+  val init_server_socket : string option -> int ->
+                           Socket.passive INetSock.stream_sock
+  val make_streams : Socket.active INetSock.stream_sock
+                     -> BinIO.instream * BinIO.outstream
+structure SocketUtil =
+fun init_server_socket hosto port =
+  let
+    val sock = INetSock.TCP.socket ();
+    val addr =
+      (case hosto of
+         NONE => INetSock.any port
+       | SOME host =>
+           NetHostDB.getByName host
+           |> the
+           |> NetHostDB.addr
+           |> rpair port
+           |> INetSock.toAddr
+           handle Option => raise Fail ("Cannot resolve hostname: " ^ host));
+  in
+    Socket.bind (sock, addr);
+    Socket.listen (sock, 5);
+    sock
+  end;
+fun make_streams sock =
+  let
+    val (haddr, port) = INetSock.fromAddr (Socket.Ctl.getSockName sock);
+    val sock_name =
+      String.concat [ NetHostDB.toString haddr, ":", Int.toString port ];
+    val rd =
+      BinPrimIO.RD {
+        name = sock_name,
+        chunkSize = Socket.Ctl.getRCVBUF sock,
+        readVec = SOME (fn sz => Socket.recvVec (sock, sz)),
+        readArr = SOME (fn buffer => Socket.recvArr (sock, buffer)),
+        readVecNB = NONE,
+        readArrNB = NONE,
+        block = NONE,
+        canInput = NONE,
+        avail = fn () => NONE,
+        getPos = NONE,
+        setPos = NONE,
+        endPos = NONE,
+        verifyPos = NONE,
+        close = fn () => Socket.close sock,
+        ioDesc = NONE
+      };
+    val wr =
+      BinPrimIO.WR {
+        name = sock_name,
+        chunkSize = Socket.Ctl.getSNDBUF sock,
+        writeVec = SOME (fn buffer => Socket.sendVec (sock, buffer)),
+        writeArr = SOME (fn buffer => Socket.sendArr (sock, buffer)),
+        writeVecNB = NONE,
+        writeArrNB = NONE,
+        block = NONE,
+        canOutput = NONE,
+        getPos = NONE,
+        setPos = NONE,
+        endPos = NONE,
+        verifyPos = NONE,
+        close = fn () => Socket.close sock,
+        ioDesc = NONE
+      };
+    val in_strm =
+      BinIO.mkInstream (
+        BinIO.StreamIO.mkInstream (rd, Word8Vector.fromList []));
+    val out_strm =
+      BinIO.mkOutstream (
+        BinIO.StreamIO.mkOutstream (wr, IO.BLOCK_BUF));
+    in (in_strm, out_strm) end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/unicode_symbols.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/unicode_symbols.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+Parse the etc/symbols file.
+signature UNICODE_SYMBOLS =
+val symbol_to_unicode : string -> int option
+val abbrev_to_unicode : string -> int option
+val unicode_to_symbol : int -> string option
+val unicode_to_abbrev : int -> string option
+val utf8_to_symbols   : string -> string
+val utf8              : int list -> string
+structure UnicodeSymbols (*: UNICODE_SYMBOLS*) =
+local (* Lexer *)
+open Basic_Symbol_Pos
+val keywords =
+  Scan.make_lexicon (map Symbol.explode ["code", "font", "abbrev", ":"]);
+datatype token_kind =
+  Symbol | AsciiSymbol | Keyword | Name | Code | Space | Comment | EOF;
+datatype token = Token of token_kind * string * Position.range;
+fun token kind ss = Token (kind, Symbol_Pos.content ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss);
+fun mk_eof pos = Token (EOF, "", (pos, Position.none));
+fun str_of_token (Token (_, s, _)) = s;
+fun pos_of_token (Token (_, _, (pos, _))) = pos;
+fun int_of_code (Token (Code, s, _)) = #value (Lexicon.read_xnum s)
+  | int_of_code _ = error "internal error in UnicodeSymbols.int_of_code"
+fun is_proper (Token (Space, _, _)) = false
+  | is_proper (Token (Comment, _, _)) = false
+  | is_proper _ = true;
+fun is_keyword kw (Token (Keyword, kw', _)) = (kw = kw')
+  | is_keyword _ _ = false;
+fun is_ascii_sym (Token (AsciiSymbol, _, _)) = true
+  | is_ascii_sym _ = false;
+fun is_hex_code (Token (Code, _, _)) = true
+  | is_hex_code _ = false;
+fun is_symbol (Token (Symbol, _, _)) = true
+  | is_symbol _ = false;
+fun is_name (Token (Name, _, _)) = true
+  | is_name _ = false;
+fun is_eof (Token (EOF, _, _)) = true
+  | is_eof _ = false;
+fun end_position_of (Token (_, _, (_, epos))) = epos;
+val is_space = symbol #> (fn s => Symbol.is_blank s andalso s <> "\n");
+val scan_space =
+  (Scan.many1 is_space @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "\n") []
+   ||
+   Scan.many is_space @@@ ($$$ "\n")) >> token Space;
+val scan_code = Lexicon.scan_hex #>> token Code;
+val scan_ascii_symbol = Scan.one
+  ((fn x => Symbol.is_ascii x andalso
+      not (Symbol.is_ascii_letter x
+           orelse Symbol.is_ascii_digit x
+           orelse Symbol.is_ascii_blank x)) o symbol)
+  -- Scan.many (not o Symbol.is_ascii_blank o symbol)
+  >> (token AsciiSymbol o op ::);
+fun not_contains xs c = not ((symbol c) mem_string (explode xs));
+val scan_comment =
+  $$$ "#" |-- (Scan.many (not_contains "\n") @@@ ($$$ "\n"))
+  >> token Comment;
+fun tokenize syms =
+  let
+    val scanner =
+      Scan.one (Symbol.is_symbolic o symbol) >> (token Symbol o single) ||
+      scan_comment ||
+      scan_space ||
+      scan_code ||
+      Scan.literal keywords >> token Keyword ||
+      scan_ascii_symbol ||
+      Lexicon.scan_id >> token Name;
+    val scan_token = Symbol_Pos.!!! "Lexical error" (Scan.bulk scanner);
+  in
+    (case Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol_Pos.stopper scan_token) syms of
+      (toks, []) => toks
+    | (_, ss) => error ("Lexical error at: " ^ Symbol_Pos.content ss
+                        ^ Position.str_of (#1 (Symbol_Pos.range ss))))
+  end;
+val stopper =
+  Scan.stopper
+    (fn [] => mk_eof Position.none
+      | toks => mk_eof (end_position_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
+local (* Parser *)
+structure P = OuterParse;
+fun $$$ kw = Scan.one (is_keyword kw) >> str_of_token;
+val hex_code = Scan.one is_hex_code >> int_of_code;
+val ascii_sym = Scan.one is_ascii_sym >> str_of_token;
+val symbol = Scan.one is_symbol >> (fn t => (str_of_token t, pos_of_token t));
+val name = Scan.one is_name >> str_of_token;
+val unicode = $$$ "code" -- $$$ ":" |-- hex_code;
+val font = Scan.option ($$$ "font" -- $$$ ":" |-- name);
+val abbr = Scan.option ($$$ "abbrev" -- $$$ ":"
+                        |-- (ascii_sym || $$$ ":" || name));
+val line = (symbol -- unicode --| font -- abbr) >> P.triple1;
+val symbols_path =
+  [getenv "ISABELLE_HOME", "etc", "symbols"]
+  |> map Path.explode
+  |> Path.appends;
+local (* build tables *)
+fun add_entries ((fromsym, fromabbr, tosym, toabbr), ((sym, pos), uni, oabbr)) =
+  (case oabbr of
+     NONE =>
+       (Symtab.update_new (sym, uni) fromsym,
+        fromabbr,
+        Inttab.update (uni, sym) tosym,
+        toabbr)
+   | SOME abbr =>
+       (Symtab.update_new (sym, uni) fromsym,
+        Symtab.update_new (abbr, uni) fromabbr,
+        Inttab.update (uni, sym) tosym,
+        Inttab.update (uni, abbr) toabbr))
+  handle Symtab.DUP sym => error ("Duplicate at" ^ Position.str_of pos)
+       | Inttab.DUP sym => error ("Duplicate code at" ^ Position.str_of pos);
+fun read_symbols path =
+  let
+    val parsed_lines =
+      File.read path
+      |> (fn x => Symbol_Pos.explode (x, Position.file (Path.implode path)))
+      |> tokenize
+      |> filter is_proper
+      |> Scan.finite stopper (Scan.repeat line)
+      |> fst;
+  in
+    Library.foldl add_entries
+      ((Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty, Inttab.empty, Inttab.empty),
+       parsed_lines)
+  end;
+val (fromsym, fromabbr, tosym, toabbr) = read_symbols symbols_path;
+val symbol_to_unicode = Symtab.lookup fromsym;
+val abbrev_to_unicode = Symtab.lookup fromabbr;
+val unicode_to_symbol = Inttab.lookup tosym;
+val unicode_to_abbrev = Inttab.lookup toabbr;
+fun utf8_to_symbols utf8str =
+  let
+    val get_next =
+      Substring.getc
+      #> Option.map (apfst Byte.charToByte);
+    val wstr = String.str o Byte.byteToChar;
+    val replacement_char = "\<questiondown>";
+    fun word_to_symbol w =
+      (case (unicode_to_symbol o Word32.toInt) w of
+         NONE => "?"
+       | SOME s => s);
+    fun andb32 (w1, w2) =
+      Word8.andb(w1, w2)
+      |> Word8.toLarge
+      |> Word32.fromLarge;
+    fun read_next (ss, 0, c) = (word_to_symbol c, ss)
+      | read_next (ss, n, c) =
+          (case get_next ss of
+             NONE => (replacement_char, ss)
+           | SOME (w, ss') =>
+               if Word8.andb (w, 0wxc0) <> 0wx80
+               then (replacement_char, ss')
+               else
+                 let
+                   val w' = (Word8.andb (w, 0wx3f));
+                   val bw = (Word32.fromLarge o Word8.toLarge) w';
+                   val c' = Word32.<< (c, 0wx6);
+                 in read_next (ss', n - 1, Word32.orb (c', bw)) end);
+    fun do_char (w, ss) =
+      if Word8.andb (w, 0wx80) = 0wx00
+      then (wstr w, ss)
+      else if Word8.andb (w, 0wx60) = 0wx40
+      then read_next (ss, 1, andb32 (w, 0wx1f))
+      else if Word8.andb (w, 0wxf0) = 0wxe0
+      then read_next (ss, 2, andb32 (w, 0wx0f))
+      else if Word8.andb (w, 0wxf8) = 0wxf0
+      then read_next (ss, 3, andb32 (w, 0wx07))
+      else (replacement_char, ss);
+    fun read (rs, ss) =
+      (case Option.map do_char (get_next ss) of
+         NONE => (implode o rev) rs
+       | SOME (s, ss') => read (s::rs, ss'));
+  in read ([], Substring.full utf8str) end;
+fun consec n =
+  fn w => (
+    Word32.>> (w, Word.fromInt (n * 6))
+    |> (curry Word32.andb) 0wx3f
+    |> (curry Word32.orb) 0wx80
+    |> Word8.fromLargeWord o Word32.toLargeWord);
+fun stamp n =
+  fn w => (
+    Word32.>> (w, Word.fromInt (n * 6))
+    |> (curry Word32.andb) (Word32.>> (0wx000000ff, Word.fromInt (n + 2)))
+    |> (curry Word32.orb) (Word32.<< (0wxffffffff, Word.fromInt (7 - n)))
+    |> Word8.fromLargeWord o Word32.toLargeWord);
+fun to_utf8_bytes i =
+  if i <= 0x007f
+  then [Word8.fromInt i]
+  else let
+    val w = Word32.fromInt i;
+  in
+    if i < 0x07ff
+    then [stamp 1 w, consec 0 w]
+    else if i < 0xffff
+    then [stamp 2 w, consec 1 w, consec 0 w]
+    else if i < 0x10ffff
+    then [stamp 3 w, consec 2 w, consec 1 w, consec 0 w]
+    else []
+  end;
+fun utf8 is =
+  map to_utf8_bytes is
+  |> flat
+  |> Word8Vector.fromList
+  |> Byte.bytesToString;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/www/basic.css	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+body {
+    font-family: sans-serif;
+    background-color: white;
+p.error {
+    font-weight: bold;
+    color: #ff0000;
+p.info {
+    font-style: italic;
+input#query {
+    width: 100%;
+legend {
+    padding : 0.5em;
+    font-weight: bold;
+label {
+    width: 8em;
+    float: left;
+fieldset {
+    padding: 0 1em 1em 1em;
+div.settings {
+    padding-top: 2em;
+    float: left;
+div.settings label {
+    font-style: italic;
+div.settings div {
+    padding-top: 1ex;
+div.mainbuttons {
+    margin-top: 8.5ex;
+    float: right
+div.mainbuttons #reset {
+    margin-right: 5em;
+table.findtheorems {
+    width: 100%;
+    padding-top: 1em;
+    padding-bottom: 2em;
+table.findtheorems tr.row0 { background-color: white; }
+table.findtheorems tr.row1 { background-color: #f5f5f5; }
+table.findtheorems tbody tr:hover { background-color: #dcdcdc; }
+table.findtheorems td {
+    vertical-align: top;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+    padding-bottom: 1em;
+table.findtheorems td.name {
+    font-size: small;
+    font-style: italic;
+    padding-right: 1em;
+table.findtheorems td.thm {
+    vertical-align: top;
+    font-size: small;
+table.findtheorems td.thm pre {
+    margin: 0em;
+table.findtheorems th {
+    text-align: left;
+    padding-bottom: 1ex;
+table.findtheoremsquery th {
+    font-weight: normal;
+    text-align: left;
+    padding-top: 1em;
+span.class { color: #ff0000 }
+span.tfree { color: #9370d8 }
+span.tvar { color: #9370d8 }
+span.free { color: #add8e6 }
+span.bound { color: #008400 }
+span.var { color: #00008b }
+span.xstr { color: #000000 }
+span.sorried:after { content: " [!]"; }
+div.help a {
+    font-size: xx-small;
+    color: #d3d3d3;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/www/find_theorems.js	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+/* $Id$
+ * Author: Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+ */
+var utf8 = new Object();
+utf8['\\<supseteq>'] = 'โŠ‡';
+utf8['\\<KK>'] = '๐”Ž';
+utf8['\\<up>'] = 'โ†‘';
+utf8['\\<otimes>'] = 'โŠ—';
+utf8['\\<aa>'] = '๐”ž';
+utf8['\\<dagger>'] = 'โ€ ';
+utf8['\\<frown>'] = 'โŒข';
+utf8['\\<guillemotleft>'] = 'ยซ';
+utf8['\\<qq>'] = '๐”ฎ';
+utf8['\\<X>'] = '๐’ณ';
+utf8['\\<triangleright>'] = 'โ–น';
+utf8['\\<guillemotright>'] = 'ยป';
+utf8['\\<nu>'] = 'ฮฝ';
+utf8['\\<sim>'] = 'โˆผ';
+utf8['\\<rightharpoondown>'] = 'โ‡';
+utf8['\\<p>'] = '๐—‰';
+utf8['\\<Up>'] = 'โ‡‘';
+utf8['\\<triangleq>'] = 'โ‰œ';
+utf8['\\<nine>'] = '๐Ÿต';
+utf8['\\<preceq>'] = 'โ‰ผ';
+utf8['\\<nabla>'] = 'โˆ‡';
+utf8['\\<FF>'] = '๐”‰';
+utf8['\\<Im>'] = 'โ„‘';
+utf8['\\<VV>'] = '๐”™';
+utf8['\\<spacespace>'] = 'โฃ';
+utf8['\\<and>'] = 'โˆง';
+utf8['\\<mapsto>'] = 'โ†ฆ';
+utf8['\\<ll>'] = '๐”ฉ';
+utf8['\\<F>'] = 'โ„ฑ';
+utf8['\\<degree>'] = 'ยฐ';
+utf8['\\<beta>'] = 'ฮฒ';
+utf8['\\<Colon>'] = 'โˆท';
+utf8['\\<bool>'] = '๐”น';
+utf8['\\<e>'] = '๐–พ';
+utf8['\\<lozenge>'] = 'โ—Š';
+utf8['\\<u>'] = '๐—Ž';
+utf8['\\<sharp>'] = 'โ™ฏ';
+utf8['\\<Longleftrightarrow>'] = 'โŸบ';
+utf8['\\<Otimes>'] = 'โจ‚';
+utf8['\\<EE>'] = '๐”ˆ';
+utf8['\\<I>'] = 'โ„';
+utf8['\\<UU>'] = '๐”˜';
+utf8['\\<exclamdown>'] = 'ยก';
+utf8['\\<dots>'] = 'โ€ฆ';
+utf8['\\<N>'] = '๐’ฉ';
+utf8['\\<kk>'] = '๐”จ';
+utf8['\\<plusminus>'] = 'ยฑ';
+utf8['\\<E>'] = 'โ„ฐ';
+utf8['\\<triangle>'] = 'โ–ณ';
+utf8['\\<eta>'] = 'ฮท';
+utf8['\\<triangleleft>'] = 'โ—ƒ';
+utf8['\\<chi>'] = 'ฯ‡';
+utf8['\\<z>'] = '๐—“';
+utf8['\\<hungarumlaut>'] = 'ห';
+utf8['\\<partial>'] = 'โˆ‚';
+utf8['\\<three>'] = '๐Ÿฏ';
+utf8['\\<lesssim>'] = 'โ‰ฒ';
+utf8['\\<subset>'] = 'โŠ‚';
+utf8['\\<H>'] = 'โ„‹';
+utf8['\\<leftarrow>'] = 'โ†';
+utf8['\\<PP>'] = '๐”“';
+utf8['\\<sqsupseteq>'] = 'โŠ’';
+utf8['\\<R>'] = 'โ„›';
+utf8['\\<bowtie>'] = 'โจ';
+utf8['\\<C>'] = '๐’ž';
+utf8['\\<ddagger>'] = 'โ€ก';
+utf8['\\<ff>'] = '๐”ฃ';
+utf8['\\<turnstile>'] = 'โŠข';
+utf8['\\<bar>'] = 'ยฆ';
+utf8['\\<propto>'] = 'โˆ';
+utf8['\\<S>'] = '๐’ฎ';
+utf8['\\<vv>'] = '๐”ณ';
+utf8['\\<lhd>'] = 'โŠฒ';
+utf8['\\<paragraph>'] = 'ยถ';
+utf8['\\<mu>'] = 'ฮผ';
+utf8['\\<rightharpoonup>'] = 'โ‡€';
+utf8['\\<Inter>'] = 'โ‹‚';
+utf8['\\<o>'] = '๐—ˆ';
+utf8['\\<asymp>'] = 'โ‰';
+utf8['\\<Leftarrow>'] = 'โ‡';
+utf8['\\<Sqinter>'] = 'โจ…';
+utf8['\\<eight>'] = '๐Ÿด';
+utf8['\\<succeq>'] = 'โ‰ฝ';
+utf8['\\<forall>'] = 'โˆ€';
+utf8['\\<complex>'] = 'โ„‚';
+utf8['\\<GG>'] = '๐”Š';
+utf8['\\<Coprod>'] = 'โˆ';
+utf8['\\<L>'] = 'โ„’';
+utf8['\\<WW>'] = '๐”š';
+utf8['\\<leadsto>'] = 'โ†';
+utf8['\\<D>'] = '๐’Ÿ';
+utf8['\\<angle>'] = 'โˆ ';
+utf8['\\<section>'] = 'ยง';
+utf8['\\<TTurnstile>'] = 'โŠซ';
+utf8['\\<mm>'] = '๐”ช';
+utf8['\\<T>'] = '๐’ฏ';
+utf8['\\<alpha>'] = 'ฮฑ';
+utf8['\\<leftharpoondown>'] = 'โ†ฝ';
+utf8['\\<rho>'] = 'ฯ';
+utf8['\\<wrong>'] = 'โ‰€';
+utf8['\\<l>'] = '๐—…';
+utf8['\\<doteq>'] = 'โ‰';
+utf8['\\<times>'] = 'ร—';
+utf8['\\<noteq>'] = 'โ‰ ';
+utf8['\\<rangle>'] = 'โŸฉ';
+utf8['\\<div>'] = 'รท';
+utf8['\\<Longrightarrow>'] = 'โŸน';
+utf8['\\<BB>'] = '๐”…';
+utf8['\\<sqsupset>'] = 'โŠ';
+utf8['\\<rightarrow>'] = 'โ†’';
+utf8['\\<real>'] = 'โ„';
+utf8['\\<hh>'] = '๐”ฅ';
+utf8['\\<Phi>'] = 'ฮฆ';
+utf8['\\<integral>'] = 'โˆซ';
+utf8['\\<CC>'] = 'โ„ญ';
+utf8['\\<euro>'] = 'โ‚ฌ';
+utf8['\\<xx>'] = '๐”ต';
+utf8['\\<Y>'] = '๐’ด';
+utf8['\\<zeta>'] = 'ฮถ';
+utf8['\\<longleftarrow>'] = 'โŸต';
+utf8['\\<a>'] = '๐–บ';
+utf8['\\<onequarter>'] = 'ยผ';
+utf8['\\<And>'] = 'โ‹€';
+utf8['\\<downharpoonright>'] = 'โ‡‚';
+utf8['\\<phi>'] = 'ฯ†';
+utf8['\\<q>'] = '๐—Š';
+utf8['\\<Rightarrow>'] = 'โ‡’';
+utf8['\\<clubsuit>'] = 'โ™ฃ';
+utf8['\\<ggreater>'] = 'โ‰ซ';
+utf8['\\<two>'] = '๐Ÿฎ';
+utf8['\\<succ>'] = 'โ‰ป';
+utf8['\\<AA>'] = '๐”„';
+utf8['\\<lparr>'] = 'โฆ‡';
+utf8['\\<Squnion>'] = 'โจ†';
+utf8['\\<HH>'] = 'โ„Œ';
+utf8['\\<sqsubseteq>'] = 'โŠ‘';
+utf8['\\<QQ>'] = '๐””';
+utf8['\\<setminus>'] = 'โˆ–';
+utf8['\\<Lambda>'] = 'ฮ›';
+utf8['\\<Re>'] = 'โ„œ';
+utf8['\\<J>'] = '๐’ฅ';
+utf8['\\<gg>'] = '๐”ค';
+utf8['\\<hyphen>'] = 'ยญ';
+utf8['\\<B>'] = 'โ„ฌ';
+utf8['\\<Z>'] = '๐’ต';
+utf8['\\<ww>'] = '๐”ด';
+utf8['\\<lambda>'] = 'ฮป';
+utf8['\\<onehalf>'] = 'ยฝ';
+utf8['\\<f>'] = '๐–ฟ';
+utf8['\\<Or>'] = 'โ‹';
+utf8['\\<v>'] = '๐—';
+utf8['\\<natural>'] = 'โ™ฎ';
+utf8['\\<seven>'] = '๐Ÿณ';
+utf8['\\<Oplus>'] = 'โจ';
+utf8['\\<subseteq>'] = 'โŠ†';
+utf8['\\<rfloor>'] = 'โŒ‹';
+utf8['\\<LL>'] = '๐”';
+utf8['\\<Sum>'] = 'โˆ‘';
+utf8['\\<ominus>'] = 'โŠ–';
+utf8['\\<bb>'] = '๐”Ÿ';
+utf8['\\<Pi>'] = 'ฮ ';
+utf8['\\<cent>'] = 'ยข';
+utf8['\\<diamond>'] = 'โ—‡';
+utf8['\\<mho>'] = 'โ„ง';
+utf8['\\<O>'] = '๐’ช';
+utf8['\\<rr>'] = '๐”ฏ';
+utf8['\\<twosuperior>'] = 'ยฒ';
+utf8['\\<leftharpoonup>'] = 'โ†ผ';
+utf8['\\<pi>'] = 'ฯ€';
+utf8['\\<k>'] = '๐—„';
+utf8['\\<star>'] = 'โ‹†';
+utf8['\\<rightleftharpoons>'] = 'โ‡Œ';
+utf8['\\<equiv>'] = 'โ‰ก';
+utf8['\\<langle>'] = 'โŸจ';
+utf8['\\<Longleftarrow>'] = 'โŸธ';
+utf8['\\<nexists>'] = 'โˆ„';
+utf8['\\<Odot>'] = 'โจ€';
+utf8['\\<lfloor>'] = 'โŒŠ';
+utf8['\\<sqsubset>'] = 'โŠ';
+utf8['\\<SS>'] = '๐”–';
+utf8['\\<box>'] = 'โ–ก';
+utf8['\\<index>'] = 'ฤฑ';
+utf8['\\<pounds>'] = 'ยฃ';
+utf8['\\<Upsilon>'] = 'ฮฅ';
+utf8['\\<ii>'] = '๐”ฆ';
+utf8['\\<hookleftarrow>'] = 'โ†ฉ';
+utf8['\\<P>'] = '๐’ซ';
+utf8['\\<threesuperior>'] = 'ยณ';
+utf8['\\<epsilon>'] = 'ฮต';
+utf8['\\<yy>'] = '๐”ถ';
+utf8['\\<h>'] = '๐—';
+utf8['\\<upsilon>'] = 'ฯ…';
+utf8['\\<x>'] = '๐—‘';
+utf8['\\<not>'] = 'ยฌ';
+utf8['\\<le>'] = 'โ‰ค';
+utf8['\\<one>'] = '๐Ÿญ';
+utf8['\\<cdots>'] = 'โ‹ฏ';
+utf8['\\<some>'] = 'ฯต';
+utf8['\\<Prod>'] = 'โˆ';
+utf8['\\<NN>'] = '๐”‘';
+utf8['\\<squnion>'] = 'โŠ”';
+utf8['\\<dd>'] = '๐”ก';
+utf8['\\<top>'] = 'โŠค';
+utf8['\\<dieresis>'] = 'ยจ';
+utf8['\\<tt>'] = '๐”ฑ';
+utf8['\\<U>'] = '๐’ฐ';
+utf8['\\<unlhd>'] = 'โŠด';
+utf8['\\<cedilla>'] = 'ยธ';
+utf8['\\<kappa>'] = 'ฮบ';
+utf8['\\<amalg>'] = 'โจฟ';
+utf8['\\<restriction>'] = 'โ†พ';
+utf8['\\<struct>'] = 'โ‹„';
+utf8['\\<m>'] = '๐—†';
+utf8['\\<six>'] = '๐Ÿฒ';
+utf8['\\<midarrow>'] = 'โ”€';
+utf8['\\<lbrace>'] = 'โฆƒ';
+utf8['\\<lessapprox>'] = 'โช…';
+utf8['\\<MM>'] = '๐”';
+utf8['\\<down>'] = 'โ†“';
+utf8['\\<oplus>'] = 'โŠ•';
+utf8['\\<wp>'] = 'โ„˜';
+utf8['\\<surd>'] = 'โˆš';
+utf8['\\<cc>'] = '๐” ';
+utf8['\\<bottom>'] = 'โŠฅ';
+utf8['\\<copyright>'] = 'ยฉ';
+utf8['\\<ZZ>'] = 'โ„จ';
+utf8['\\<union>'] = 'โˆช';
+utf8['\\<V>'] = '๐’ฑ';
+utf8['\\<ss>'] = '๐”ฐ';
+utf8['\\<unrhd>'] = 'โŠต';
+utf8['\\<onesuperior>'] = 'ยน';
+utf8['\\<b>'] = '๐–ป';
+utf8['\\<downharpoonleft>'] = 'โ‡ƒ';
+utf8['\\<cdot>'] = 'โ‹…';
+utf8['\\<r>'] = '๐—‹';
+utf8['\\<Midarrow>'] = 'โ•';
+utf8['\\<Down>'] = 'โ‡“';
+utf8['\\<diamondsuit>'] = 'โ™ข';
+utf8['\\<rbrakk>'] = 'โŸง';
+utf8['\\<lless>'] = 'โ‰ช';
+utf8['\\<longleftrightarrow>'] = 'โŸท';
+utf8['\\<prec>'] = 'โ‰บ';
+utf8['\\<emptyset>'] = 'โˆ…';
+utf8['\\<rparr>'] = 'โฆˆ';
+utf8['\\<Delta>'] = 'ฮ”';
+utf8['\\<XX>'] = '๐”›';
+utf8['\\<parallel>'] = 'โˆฅ';
+utf8['\\<K>'] = '๐’ฆ';
+utf8['\\<nn>'] = '๐”ซ';
+utf8['\\<registered>'] = 'ยฎ';
+utf8['\\<M>'] = 'โ„ณ';
+utf8['\\<delta>'] = 'ฮด';
+utf8['\\<threequarters>'] = 'ยพ';
+utf8['\\<g>'] = '๐—€';
+utf8['\\<cong>'] = 'โ‰…';
+utf8['\\<tau>'] = 'ฯ„';
+utf8['\\<w>'] = '๐—';
+utf8['\\<ge>'] = 'โ‰ฅ';
+utf8['\\<flat>'] = 'โ™ญ';
+utf8['\\<zero>'] = '๐Ÿฌ';
+utf8['\\<Uplus>'] = 'โจ„';
+utf8['\\<longmapsto>'] = 'โŸผ';
+utf8['\\<supset>'] = 'โŠƒ';
+utf8['\\<in>'] = 'โˆˆ';
+utf8['\\<sqinter>'] = 'โŠ“';
+utf8['\\<OO>'] = '๐”’';
+utf8['\\<updown>'] = 'โ†•';
+utf8['\\<circ>'] = 'โˆ˜';
+utf8['\\<rat>'] = 'โ„š';
+utf8['\\<stileturn>'] = 'โŠฃ';
+utf8['\\<ee>'] = '๐”ข';
+utf8['\\<Omega>'] = 'ฮฉ';
+utf8['\\<or>'] = 'โˆจ';
+utf8['\\<inverse>'] = 'ยฏ';
+utf8['\\<rhd>'] = 'โŠณ';
+utf8['\\<uu>'] = '๐”ฒ';
+utf8['\\<iota>'] = 'ฮน';
+utf8['\\<d>'] = '๐–ฝ';
+utf8['\\<questiondown>'] = 'ยฟ';
+utf8['\\<Union>'] = 'โ‹ƒ';
+utf8['\\<omega>'] = 'ฯ‰';
+utf8['\\<approx>'] = 'โ‰ˆ';
+utf8['\\<t>'] = '๐—';
+utf8['\\<Updown>'] = 'โ‡•';
+utf8['\\<spadesuit>'] = 'โ™ ';
+utf8['\\<five>'] = '๐Ÿฑ';
+utf8['\\<exists>'] = 'โˆƒ';
+utf8['\\<rceil>'] = 'โŒ‰';
+utf8['\\<JJ>'] = '๐”';
+utf8['\\<minusplus>'] = 'โˆ“';
+utf8['\\<nat>'] = 'โ„•';
+utf8['\\<oslash>'] = 'โŠ˜';
+utf8['\\<A>'] = '๐’œ';
+utf8['\\<Xi>'] = 'ฮž';
+utf8['\\<currency>'] = 'ยค';
+utf8['\\<Turnstile>'] = 'โŠจ';
+utf8['\\<hookrightarrow>'] = 'โ†ช';
+utf8['\\<pp>'] = '๐”ญ';
+utf8['\\<Q>'] = '๐’ฌ';
+utf8['\\<aleph>'] = 'โ„ต';
+utf8['\\<acute>'] = 'ยด';
+utf8['\\<xi>'] = 'ฮพ';
+utf8['\\<simeq>'] = 'โ‰ƒ';
+utf8['\\<i>'] = '๐—‚';
+utf8['\\<Join>'] = 'โ‹ˆ';
+utf8['\\<y>'] = '๐—’';
+utf8['\\<lbrakk>'] = 'โŸฆ';
+utf8['\\<greatersim>'] = 'โ‰ณ';
+utf8['\\<greaterapprox>'] = 'โช†';
+utf8['\\<longrightarrow>'] = 'โŸถ';
+utf8['\\<lceil>'] = 'โŒˆ';
+utf8['\\<Gamma>'] = 'ฮ“';
+utf8['\\<odot>'] = 'โŠ™';
+utf8['\\<YY>'] = '๐”œ';
+utf8['\\<infinity>'] = 'โˆž';
+utf8['\\<Sigma>'] = 'ฮฃ';
+utf8['\\<yen>'] = 'ยฅ';
+utf8['\\<int>'] = 'โ„ค';
+utf8['\\<tturnstile>'] = 'โŠฉ';
+utf8['\\<oo>'] = '๐”ฌ';
+utf8['\\<ointegral>'] = 'โˆฎ';
+utf8['\\<gamma>'] = 'ฮณ';
+utf8['\\<upharpoonleft>'] = 'โ†ฟ';
+utf8['\\<sigma>'] = 'ฯƒ';
+utf8['\\<n>'] = '๐—‡';
+utf8['\\<rbrace>'] = 'โฆ„';
+utf8['\\<DD>'] = '๐”‡';
+utf8['\\<notin>'] = 'โˆ‰';
+utf8['\\<j>'] = '๐—ƒ';
+utf8['\\<uplus>'] = 'โŠŽ';
+utf8['\\<leftrightarrow>'] = 'โ†”';
+utf8['\\<TT>'] = '๐”—';
+utf8['\\<bullet>'] = 'โˆ™';
+utf8['\\<Theta>'] = 'ฮ˜';
+utf8['\\<smile>'] = 'โŒฃ';
+utf8['\\<G>'] = '๐’ข';
+utf8['\\<jj>'] = '๐”ง';
+utf8['\\<inter>'] = 'โˆฉ';
+utf8['\\<Psi>'] = 'ฮจ';
+utf8['\\<ordfeminine>'] = 'ยช';
+utf8['\\<W>'] = '๐’ฒ';
+utf8['\\<zz>'] = '๐”ท';
+utf8['\\<theta>'] = 'ฮธ';
+utf8['\\<ordmasculine>'] = 'ยบ';
+utf8['\\<c>'] = '๐–ผ';
+utf8['\\<psi>'] = 'ฯˆ';
+utf8['\\<s>'] = '๐—Œ';
+utf8['\\<Leftrightarrow>'] = 'โ‡”';
+utf8['\\<heartsuit>'] = 'โ™ก';
+utf8['\\<four>'] = '๐Ÿฐ';
+var re_xsymbol = /\\<.*?>/g;
+function encodequery(ele) {
+  var text = ele.value;
+  var otext = text;
+  var pos = getCaret(ele);
+  xsymbols = text.match(re_xsymbol);
+  for (i in xsymbols) {
+    var repl = utf8[xsymbols[i]];
+    if (repl) {
+	text = text.replace(xsymbols[i], repl, "g");
+    }
+  }
+  if (text != otext) {
+    ele.value = text;
+    if (pos != -1) {
+      pos = pos - (otext.length - text.length);
+      setCaret(ele, pos);
+    }
+  }
+/* from: http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74982 */
+function getCaret(obj) {
+  var pos = -1;
+  if (document.selection) { // IE
+    obj.focus ();
+    var sel = document.selection.createRange();
+    var sellen = document.selection.createRange().text.length;
+    sel.moveStart ('character', -obj.value.length);
+    pos = sel.text.length - sellen;
+  } else if (obj.selectionStart || obj.selectionStart == '0') { // Gecko
+    pos = obj.selectionStart;
+  }
+  return pos;
+/* from: http://parentnode.org/javascript/working-with-the-cursor-position/ */
+function setCaret(obj, pos) {
+  if (obj.createTextRange) {
+      var range = obj.createTextRange();
+      range.move("character", pos);
+      range.select();
+  } else if (obj.selectionStart) {
+      obj.focus();
+      obj.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/www/pasting_help.html	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  <head>
+    <title>Find Theorems: help pasting from ProofGeneral</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/basic.css"/>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>Pasting theory text from Proof General</h1>
+    <ol>
+      <li>Select the text using the keyboard (<code>C-SPC</code>, 
+      <code>arrow keys</code>).</li>
+      <li>Choose <code>X-Symbol</code>/<code>Other 
+        Commands</code>/<code>Copy Encoded</code>.</li>
+      <li>Paste into the web browser (<code>C-v</code>).</li>
+    </ol>
+    <a href="/isabelle/find_theorems">Return to find_theorems</a>
+  </body>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/xhtml.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+(*  Title:      xhtml.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+Rudimentary XHTML construction.
+signature XHTML =
+  type attribute
+  type common_atts = { id : string option,
+                       class : string option };
+  val noid : common_atts;
+  val id : string -> common_atts;
+  val class : string -> common_atts;
+  type tag
+  val doctype_xhtml1_0_strict: string;
+  val att: string -> string -> attribute
+  val bool_att: string * bool -> attribute list
+  val tag: string -> attribute list -> tag list -> tag
+  val tag': string -> common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val text: string -> tag
+  val raw_text: string -> tag
+  val add_attributes: attribute list -> tag -> tag
+  val append: tag -> tag list -> tag
+  val show: tag -> string list
+  val write: (string -> unit) -> tag -> unit
+  val write_open: (string -> unit) -> tag -> unit
+  val write_close: (string -> unit) -> tag -> unit
+  val html: { lang : string } -> tag list -> tag
+  val head: { title : string, stylesheet_href : string } -> tag list -> tag
+  val body: common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val divele: common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val span: common_atts * string -> tag
+  val span': common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val pre: common_atts -> string -> tag
+  val table: common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val thead: common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val tbody: common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val tr: tag list -> tag
+  val th: common_atts * string -> tag
+  val th': common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val td: common_atts * string -> tag
+  val td': common_atts -> tag list -> tag
+  val td'': common_atts * { colspan : int option, rowspan : int option }
+           -> tag list -> tag
+  val p: common_atts * string -> tag
+  val p': common_atts * tag list -> tag
+  val h: common_atts * int * string -> tag
+  val strong: string -> tag
+  val em: string -> tag
+  val a: { href : string, text : string } -> tag
+  val ul: common_atts * tag list -> tag
+  val ol: common_atts * tag list -> tag
+  val dl: common_atts * (string * tag) list -> tag
+  val alternate_class: { class0 : string, class1 : string }
+                      -> tag list -> tag list
+  val form: common_atts * { method : string, action : string }
+            -> tag list -> tag
+  datatype input_type =
+      TextInput of { value: string option, maxlength: int option }
+    | Password of int option
+    | Checkbox of { checked : bool, value : string option }
+    | Radio of { checked : bool, value : string option }
+    | Submit
+    | Reset
+    | Hidden
+    | Image of { src : string, alt : string }
+    | File of { accept : string }
+    | Button;
+  val input: common_atts * { name : string, itype : input_type } -> tag
+  val select: common_atts * { name : string, value : string option }
+              -> string list -> tag
+  val label: common_atts * { for: string } * string -> tag
+  val reset_button: common_atts -> tag
+  val submit_button: common_atts -> tag
+  datatype event =
+    (* global *)
+      OnClick
+    | OnDblClick
+    | OnMouseDown
+    | OnMouseUp
+    | OnMouseOver
+    | OnMouseMove
+    | OnMouseOut
+    | OnKeyPress
+    | OnKeyDown
+    | OnKeyUp
+      (* anchor/label/input/select/textarea/button/area *)
+    | OnFocus
+    | OnBlur
+      (* form *)
+    | OnSubmit
+    | OnReset
+      (* input/textarea *)
+    | OnSelect
+      (* input/select/textarea *)
+    | OnChange
+      (* body *)
+    | OnLoad
+    | OnUnload;
+  val script: common_atts * { script_type: string, src: string } -> tag
+  val add_script: event * string -> tag -> tag
+structure Xhtml : XHTML =
+type attribute = string * string;
+type common_atts = {
+    id : string option,
+    class : string option
+  };
+val noid = { id = NONE, class = NONE };
+fun id s = { id = SOME s, class = NONE };
+fun class s = { id = NONE, class = SOME s };
+fun from_common { id = NONE,   class = NONE } = []
+  | from_common { id = SOME i, class = NONE } = [("id", i)]
+  | from_common { id = NONE,   class = SOME c } = [("class", c)]
+  | from_common { id = SOME i, class = SOME c } = [("id", i), ("class", c)];
+val update_atts =
+  AList.join (op = : string * string -> bool) (fn _ => snd);
+datatype tag = Tag of (string * attribute list * tag list)
+             | Text of string
+             | RawText of string;
+fun is_text (Tag _) = false
+  | is_text (Text _) = true
+  | is_text (RawText _) = true;
+fun is_tag (Tag _) = true
+  | is_tag (Text _) = false
+  | is_tag (RawText _) = false;
+val att = pair;
+fun bool_att (nm, true) = [(nm, nm)]
+  | bool_att (nm, false) = [];
+fun tag name atts inner = Tag (name, atts, inner);
+fun tag' name common_atts inner = Tag (name, from_common common_atts, inner);
+fun text t = Text t;
+fun raw_text t = RawText t;
+fun add_attributes atts' (Tag (nm, atts, inner)) =
+      Tag (nm, update_atts (atts, atts'), inner)
+  | add_attributes _ t = t;
+fun append (Tag (nm, atts, inner)) inner' = Tag (nm, atts, inner @ inner')
+  | append _ _ = raise Fail "cannot append to a text element";
+fun show_att (n, v) = concat [" ", n, "=\"", XML.text v, "\""];
+fun show_text (Text t) = XML.text t
+  | show_text (RawText t) = t
+  | show_text _ = raise Fail "Bad call to show_text.";
+fun show (Text t) = [XML.text t]
+  | show (RawText t) = [t]
+  | show (Tag (nm, atts, inner)) =
+  (["<", nm] @ map show_att atts
+   @
+   (if length inner = 0
+    then ["/>"]
+    else List.concat (
+      [[">"]]
+      @
+      map show inner
+      @
+      [["</", nm, ">"]]
+  )));
+fun write pr =
+  let
+    fun f (Text t) = (pr o XML.text) t
+      | f (RawText t) = pr t
+      | f (Tag (nm, atts, inner)) = (
+          pr "<";
+          pr nm;
+          app (pr o show_att) atts;
+          if length inner = 0
+          then pr "/>"
+          else (
+            pr ">";
+            app f inner;
+            pr ("</" ^ nm ^ ">")
+          ))
+  in f end;
+(* Print all opening tags down into the tree until a branch of degree > 1 is
+   found, in which case print everything before the last tag, which is then
+   opened. *)
+fun write_open pr =
+  let
+    fun f (Text t) = (pr o XML.text) t
+      | f (RawText t) = pr t
+      | f (Tag (nm, atts, [])) =
+          (pr "<"; pr nm; app (pr o show_att) atts; pr ">")
+      | f (Tag (nm, atts, xs)) =
+           (pr "<"; pr nm; app (pr o show_att) atts; pr ">";
+            (case take_suffix is_text xs of
+               ([], _) => ()
+             | (b, _) =>
+                 let val (xs, x) = split_last b;
+                 in app (write pr) xs; f x end));
+  in f end;
+(* Print matching closing tags for write_open. *)
+fun write_close pr =
+  let
+    fun close nm = pr ("</" ^ nm ^ ">");
+    val pr_text = app (pr o show_text);
+    fun f (Text t) = ()
+      | f (RawText t) = ()
+      | f (Tag (nm, _, [])) = close nm
+      | f (Tag (nm, _, xs)) =
+           (case take_suffix is_text xs of
+              ([], text) => pr_text text
+            | (b, text) =>
+                let val (xs, x) = split_last b;
+                in f x; close nm; pr_text text end);
+  in f end;
+fun html { lang } tags = Tag ("html",
+                              [("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"),
+                               ("xml:lang", lang)],
+                              tags);
+fun head { title, stylesheet_href } inner = let
+    val link =
+      Tag ("link",
+        [("rel", "stylesheet"),
+         ("type", "text/css"),
+         ("href", stylesheet_href)], []);
+    val title = Tag ("title", [], [Text title]);
+    val charset = Tag ("meta",
+        [("http-equiv", "Content-type"),
+         ("content", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")], []);
+  in Tag ("head", [], link::title::charset::inner) end;
+fun body common_atts tags = Tag ("body", from_common common_atts, tags);
+fun divele common_atts tags = Tag ("div", from_common common_atts, tags);
+fun span (common_atts, t) = Tag ("span", from_common common_atts, [Text t]);
+fun span' common_atts tags = Tag ("span", from_common common_atts, tags);
+fun pre common_atts rt = Tag ("pre", from_common common_atts, [RawText rt]);
+fun ostr_att (nm, NONE) = []
+  | ostr_att (nm, SOME s) = [(nm, s)];
+val oint_att = ostr_att o apsnd (Option.map Int.toString);
+val table = tag' "table";
+val thead = tag' "thead";
+val tbody = tag' "tbody";
+val tr = tag "tr" [];
+fun th (common_atts, t) = Tag ("th", from_common common_atts, [Text t]);
+fun th' common_atts tags = Tag ("th", from_common common_atts, tags);
+fun td (common_atts, t) = Tag ("td", from_common common_atts, [Text t]);
+fun td' common_atts tags = Tag ("td", from_common common_atts, tags);
+fun td'' (common_atts, { colspan, rowspan }) tags =
+  Tag ("td",
+    from_common common_atts
+    @ oint_att ("colspan", colspan)
+    @ oint_att ("rowspan", rowspan),
+    tags);
+fun p (common_atts, t) = Tag ("p", from_common common_atts, [Text t]);
+fun p' (common_atts, tags) = Tag ("p", from_common common_atts, tags);
+fun h (common_atts, i, text) =
+  Tag ("h" ^ Int.toString i, from_common common_atts, [Text text]);
+fun strong t = Tag ("strong", [], [Text t]);
+fun em t = Tag ("em", [], [Text t]);
+fun a { href, text } = Tag ("a", [("href", href)], [Text text]);
+fun to_li tag = Tag ("li", [], [tag]);
+fun ul (common_atts, lis) = Tag ("ul", from_common common_atts, map to_li lis);
+fun ol (common_atts, lis) = Tag ("ol", from_common common_atts, map to_li lis);
+fun to_dtdd (nm, tag) = [Tag ("dt", [], [Text nm]),
+                         Tag ("dd", [], [tag])];
+fun dl (common_atts, dtdds) =
+  Tag ("dl", from_common common_atts, (List.concat o map to_dtdd) dtdds);
+fun alternate_class { class0, class1 } rows = let
+    fun f ((true, xs), x) = (false, add_attributes [("class", class0)] x :: xs)
+      | f ((false, xs), x) = (true, add_attributes [("class", class1)] x :: xs);
+  in Library.foldl f ((true, []), rows) |> snd |> rev end;
+fun form (common_atts as { id, ... }, { method, action }) tags =
+  Tag ("form",
+    [("method", method),
+     ("action", action)]
+    @ from_common common_atts, tags);
+datatype input_type =
+    TextInput of { value: string option, maxlength: int option }
+  | Password of int option
+  | Checkbox of { checked : bool, value : string option }
+  | Radio of { checked : bool, value : string option }
+  | Submit
+  | Reset
+  | Hidden
+  | Image of { src : string, alt : string }
+  | File of { accept : string }
+  | Button;
+fun from_checked { checked = false, value = NONE }   = []
+  | from_checked { checked = true,  value = NONE }   = [("checked", "checked")]
+  | from_checked { checked = false, value = SOME v } = [("value", v)]
+  | from_checked { checked = true,  value = SOME v } =
+      [("checked", "checked"), ("value", v)];
+fun input_atts (TextInput { value, maxlength }) =
+      ("type", "text")
+       :: ostr_att ("value", value)
+        @ oint_att ("maxlength", maxlength)
+  | input_atts (Password NONE) = [("type", "password")]
+  | input_atts (Password (SOME i)) =
+      [("type", "password"), ("maxlength", Int.toString i)]
+  | input_atts (Checkbox checked) =
+      ("type", "checkbox") :: from_checked checked
+  | input_atts (Radio checked) = ("type", "radio") :: from_checked checked
+  | input_atts Submit = [("type", "submit")]
+  | input_atts Reset = [("type", "reset")]
+  | input_atts Hidden = [("type", "hidden")]
+  | input_atts (Image { src, alt }) =
+      [("type", "image"), ("src", src), ("alt", alt)]
+  | input_atts (File { accept }) = [("type", "file"), ("accept", accept)]
+  | input_atts Button = [("type", "button")];
+fun input (common_atts, { name, itype }) =
+  Tag ("input",
+       input_atts itype @ [("name", name)] @ from_common common_atts,
+       []);
+fun reset_button common_atts =
+  Tag ("input", input_atts Reset @ from_common common_atts, []);
+fun submit_button common_atts =
+  Tag ("input", input_atts Submit @ from_common common_atts, []);
+fun select (common_atts, { name, value }) options =
+  let
+    fun is_selected t =
+      (case value of
+         NONE => []
+       | SOME s => if t = s then bool_att ("selected", true) else []);
+    fun to_option t = Tag ("option", is_selected t, [Text t]);
+  in
+    Tag ("select",
+      ("name", name) :: from_common common_atts,
+      map to_option options)
+  end;
+fun label (common_atts, { for }, text) =
+  Tag ("label", ("for", for) :: from_common common_atts, [Text text]);
+datatype event =
+    OnClick
+  | OnDblClick
+  | OnMouseDown
+  | OnMouseUp
+  | OnMouseOver
+  | OnMouseMove
+  | OnMouseOut
+  | OnKeyPress
+  | OnKeyDown
+  | OnKeyUp
+  | OnFocus
+  | OnBlur
+  | OnSubmit
+  | OnReset
+  | OnSelect
+  | OnChange
+  | OnLoad
+  | OnUnload;
+fun event_to_str OnClick = "onclick"
+  | event_to_str OnDblClick = "ondblclick"
+  | event_to_str OnMouseDown = "onmousedown"
+  | event_to_str OnMouseUp = "onmouseup"
+  | event_to_str OnMouseOver = "onmouseover"
+  | event_to_str OnMouseMove = "onmousemove"
+  | event_to_str OnMouseOut = "onmouseout"
+  | event_to_str OnKeyPress = "onkeypress"
+  | event_to_str OnKeyDown = "onkeydown"
+  | event_to_str OnKeyUp = "onkeyup"
+  | event_to_str OnFocus = "onfocus"
+  | event_to_str OnBlur = "onblur"
+  | event_to_str OnSubmit = "onsubmit"
+  | event_to_str OnReset = "onreset"
+  | event_to_str OnSelect = "onselect"
+  | event_to_str OnChange = "onchange"
+  | event_to_str OnLoad = "onload"
+  | event_to_str OnUnload = "onunload";
+fun script (common_atts, {script_type, src}) =
+  Tag ("script",
+    ("type", script_type)
+    :: ("src", src)
+    :: from_common common_atts, [text ""]);
+fun add_script (evty, script) (Tag (name, atts, inner))
+      = Tag (name, AList.update (op =) (event_to_str evty, script) atts, inner)
+  | add_script _ t = t;
+val doctype_xhtml1_0_strict =
+  "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \
+  \\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n";