--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_satallax.ML Thu Oct 08 16:07:10 2020 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_satallax.ML
- Author: Mathias Fleury, ENS Rennes
- Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-Satallax proof parser and transformation for Sledgehammer.
-signature ATP_SATALLAX =
- val atp_proof_of_tstplike_proof : string -> string ATP_Proof.atp_problem -> string ->
- string ATP_Proof.atp_proof
-structure ATP_Satallax : ATP_SATALLAX =
-open ATP_Proof
-open ATP_Util
-open ATP_Problem
-(*Undocumented format:
-thf (number, plain | Axiom | ..., inference(rule, [status(thm), assumptions ([hypotheses list]),
-detailed_rule(discharge,used_hypothese_list) *], used_hypotheses_list, premises))
-(seen by tab_mat)
-Also seen -- but we can ignore it:
-"tab_inh (a) __11." meaning that the type a is inhabited usueful of variable eigen__11,
-fun parse_satallax_tstp_information x =
- ((Symbol.scan_ascii_id || ($$ "$" |-- Symbol.scan_ascii_id))
- -- Scan.option ( $$ "("
- |-- (Scan.option (Symbol.scan_ascii_id --| $$ ",")
- -- ((Scan.option (($$ "[" |-- (Scan.option ((scan_general_id
- -- Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- scan_general_id)) >> op ::) --| $$ "]"))
- || (scan_general_id) >> (fn x => SOME [x]))
- >> (fn (SOME x) => x | NONE => NONE)) --| $$ ")"))
- || (skip_term >> K (NONE, NONE)))) x
-fun parse_prem x =
- ((Symbol.scan_ascii_id || scan_general_id) --| Scan.option ($$ ":" -- skip_term)) x
-fun parse_prems x =
- (($$ "[" |-- parse_prem -- Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_prem) --| $$ "]")
- >> op ::) x
-fun parse_tstp_satallax_extra_arguments x =
- ($$ "," |-- scan_general_id -- (($$ "(" |-- Symbol.scan_ascii_id --| $$ "," )
- -- ($$ "[" |-- Scan.option ((parse_satallax_tstp_information
- -- Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_satallax_tstp_information)) >> op ::)
- --| $$ "]") --
- (Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_prems) [] -- Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_prems) []
- >> (fn (x, []) => x | (_, x) => x))
- --| $$ ")")) x
-val dummy_satallax_step = ((("~1", "tab_inh"), AAtom (ATerm(("False", []), []))), NONE)
-fun parse_tstp_thf0_satallax_line x =
- (((Scan.this_string tptp_thf
- -- $$ "(") |-- scan_general_id --| $$ "," -- Symbol.scan_ascii_id --| $$ ","
- -- parse_hol_formula -- Scan.option parse_tstp_satallax_extra_arguments --| $$ ")" --| $$ ".")
- || (Scan.this_string "tab_inh" |-- skip_term --| $$ ".")
- >> K dummy_satallax_step) x
-datatype satallax_step = Satallax_Step of {
- id: string,
- role: string,
- theorem: (string, string, (string, string ATP_Problem.atp_type) ATP_Problem.atp_term, string)
- ATP_Problem.atp_formula,
- assumptions: string list,
- rule: string,
- used_assumptions: string list,
- detailed_eigen: string,
- generated_goal_assumptions: (string * string list) list}
-fun mk_satallax_step id role theorem assumptions rule used_assumptions
- generated_goal_assumptions detailed_eigen =
- Satallax_Step {id = id, role = role, theorem = theorem, assumptions = assumptions, rule = rule,
- used_assumptions = used_assumptions, generated_goal_assumptions = generated_goal_assumptions,
- detailed_eigen = detailed_eigen}
-fun get_assumptions (("assumptions", SOME (_ , assumptions)) :: _) =
- the_default [] assumptions
- | get_assumptions (_ :: l) = get_assumptions l
- | get_assumptions [] = []
-fun get_detailled_eigen ((_, SOME (SOME "eigenvar" , var)) :: _) =
- hd (the_default [""] var)
- | get_detailled_eigen (_ :: l) = get_detailled_eigen l
- | get_detailled_eigen [] = ""
-fun seperate_dependices dependencies =
- let
- fun sep_dep [] used_assumptions new_goals generated_assumptions _ =
- (used_assumptions, new_goals, generated_assumptions)
- | sep_dep (x :: l) used_assumptions new_goals generated_assumptions state =
- if hd (raw_explode x) = "h" orelse Int.fromString x = NONE then
- if state = 0 then
- sep_dep l (x :: used_assumptions) new_goals generated_assumptions state
- else
- sep_dep l used_assumptions new_goals (x :: generated_assumptions) 3
- else
- if state = 1 orelse state = 0 then
- sep_dep l used_assumptions (x :: new_goals) generated_assumptions 1
- else
- raise Fail ("incorrect Satallax proof: " ^ \<^make_string> l)
- in
- sep_dep dependencies [] [] [] 0
- end
-fun create_grouped_goal_assumption rule new_goals generated_assumptions =
- let
- val number_of_new_goals = length new_goals
- val number_of_new_assms = length generated_assumptions
- in
- if number_of_new_goals = number_of_new_assms then
- new_goals ~~ (map single generated_assumptions)
- else if 2 * number_of_new_goals = number_of_new_assms then
- let
- fun group_by_pair (new_goal :: new_goals) (assumpt1 :: assumpt2 :: generated_assumptions) =
- (new_goal, [assumpt1, assumpt2]) :: group_by_pair new_goals generated_assumptions
- | group_by_pair [] [] = []
- in
- group_by_pair new_goals generated_assumptions
- end
- else
- raise Fail ("the rule " ^ rule ^" is not supported in the reconstruction")
- end
-fun to_satallax_step (((id, role), formula), (SOME (_,((rule, l), used_rules)))) =
- let
- val (used_assumptions, new_goals, generated_assumptions) = seperate_dependices used_rules
- in
- mk_satallax_step id role formula (get_assumptions (the_default [] l)) rule used_assumptions
- (create_grouped_goal_assumption rule new_goals generated_assumptions)
- (get_detailled_eigen (the_default [] l))
- end
- | to_satallax_step (((id, role), formula), NONE) =
- mk_satallax_step id role formula [] "assumption" [] [] ""
-fun is_assumption (Satallax_Step {role, ...}) = role = "assumption" orelse role = "axiom" orelse
- role = "negated_conjecture" orelse role = "conjecture"
-fun seperate_assumptions_and_steps l =
- let
- fun seperate_assumption [] l l' = (l, l')
- | seperate_assumption (step :: steps) l l' =
- if is_assumption step then
- seperate_assumption steps (step :: l) l'
- else
- seperate_assumption steps l (step :: l')
- in
- seperate_assumption l [] []
- end
-datatype satallax_proof_graph =
- Linear_Part of {node: satallax_step, succs: satallax_proof_graph list} |
- Tree_Part of {node: satallax_step, deps: satallax_proof_graph list}
-fun find_proof_step ((x as Satallax_Step {id, ...}) :: l) h =
- if h = id then x else find_proof_step l h
- | find_proof_step [] h = raise Fail ("not_found: " ^ \<^make_string> h ^ " (probably a parsing \
- \error)")
-fun remove_not_not (x as ATerm ((op1, _), [ATerm ((op2, _), [th])])) =
- if op1 = op2 andalso op1 = tptp_not then th else x
- | remove_not_not th = th
-fun tptp_term_equal (ATerm((op1, _), l1), ATerm((op2, _), l2)) = op1 = op2 andalso
- fold2 (fn t1 => fn t2 => fn c => c andalso t1 = t2) l1 l2 true
- | tptp_term_equal (_, _) = false
-val dummy_true_aterm = ATerm (("$true", [dummy_atype]), [])
-fun find_assumptions_to_inline ths (assm :: assms) to_inline no_inline =
- (case List.find (curry (op =) assm o fst) no_inline of
- SOME _ => find_assumptions_to_inline ths assms to_inline no_inline
- | NONE =>
- (case List.find (curry (op =) assm o fst) to_inline of
- NONE => find_assumptions_to_inline ths assms to_inline no_inline
- | SOME (_, th) =>
- let
- val simplified_ths_with_inlined_asms =
- (case List.partition (curry tptp_term_equal th o remove_not_not) ths of
- ([], ths) => ATerm ((tptp_not, [dummy_atype]), [th]) :: ths
- | (_, _) => [])
- in
- find_assumptions_to_inline simplified_ths_with_inlined_asms assms to_inline no_inline
- end))
- | find_assumptions_to_inline ths [] _ _ = ths
-fun inline_if_needed_and_simplify th assms to_inline no_inline =
- (case find_assumptions_to_inline [th] assms to_inline no_inline of
- [] => dummy_true_aterm
- | l => foldl1 (fn (a, b) =>
- (case b of
- ATerm (("$false", _), _) => a
- | ATerm (("~", _ ), [ATerm (("$true", _), _)]) => a
- | _ => ATerm ((tptp_or, [dummy_atype]), [a, b]))) l)
-fun get_conclusion (Satallax_Step {theorem = AAtom theorem, ...}) = theorem
-fun add_assumptions new_used_assumptions (Satallax_Step {id, role, theorem, assumptions,
- rule, generated_goal_assumptions, used_assumptions, detailed_eigen}) =
- mk_satallax_step id role theorem assumptions rule (new_used_assumptions @ used_assumptions)
- generated_goal_assumptions detailed_eigen
-fun set_rule new_rule (Satallax_Step {id, role, theorem, assumptions,
- generated_goal_assumptions, used_assumptions, detailed_eigen, ...}) =
- mk_satallax_step id role theorem assumptions new_rule used_assumptions
- generated_goal_assumptions detailed_eigen
-fun add_detailled_eigen eigen (Satallax_Step {id, role, theorem, assumptions,
- rule, generated_goal_assumptions, used_assumptions, detailed_eigen}) =
- mk_satallax_step id role theorem assumptions rule used_assumptions
- generated_goal_assumptions (if detailed_eigen <> "" then detailed_eigen else eigen)
-fun transform_inline_assumption hypotheses_step proof_sketch =
- let
- fun inline_in_step (Linear_Part {node as Satallax_Step {generated_goal_assumptions,
- used_assumptions, rule, detailed_eigen, ...}, succs}) =
- if generated_goal_assumptions = [] then
- Linear_Part {node = node, succs = []}
- else
- let
- (*one single goal is created, two hypothesis can be created, for the "and" rule:
- (A /\ B) create two hypotheses A, and B.*)
- fun set_hypotheses_as_goal [hypothesis] succs =
- Linear_Part {node = add_detailled_eigen detailed_eigen
- (set_rule rule (add_assumptions used_assumptions
- (find_proof_step hypotheses_step hypothesis))),
- succs = map inline_in_step succs}
- | set_hypotheses_as_goal (hypothesis :: new_goal_hypotheses) succs =
- Linear_Part {node = set_rule rule (add_assumptions used_assumptions
- (find_proof_step hypotheses_step hypothesis)),
- succs = [set_hypotheses_as_goal new_goal_hypotheses succs]}
- in
- set_hypotheses_as_goal (snd (hd generated_goal_assumptions)) succs
- end
- | inline_in_step (Tree_Part {node = node, deps}) =
- Tree_Part {node = node, deps = map inline_in_step deps}
- fun inline_contradictory_assumptions (Linear_Part {node as Satallax_Step{id, theorem, ...},
- succs}) (to_inline, no_inline) =
- let
- val (succs, inliner) = fold_map inline_contradictory_assumptions succs
- (to_inline, (id, theorem) :: no_inline)
- in
- (Linear_Part {node = node, succs = succs}, inliner)
- end
- | inline_contradictory_assumptions (Tree_Part {node = Satallax_Step {id, role,
- theorem = AAtom theorem, assumptions, rule, generated_goal_assumptions,
- used_assumptions, detailed_eigen}, deps}) (to_inline, no_inline) =
- let
- val (dep', (to_inline', no_inline')) = fold_map inline_contradictory_assumptions deps
- (to_inline, no_inline)
- val to_inline'' =
- map (fn s => (s, get_conclusion (find_proof_step hypotheses_step s)))
- (filter (fn s => (nth_string s 0 = "h") andalso List.find (curry (op =) s o fst)
- no_inline' = NONE) (used_assumptions @ (map snd generated_goal_assumptions |> flat)))
- @ to_inline'
- val node' = Satallax_Step {id = id, role = role, theorem =
- AAtom (inline_if_needed_and_simplify theorem assumptions to_inline'' no_inline'),
- assumptions = assumptions, rule = rule,
- generated_goal_assumptions = generated_goal_assumptions, detailed_eigen = detailed_eigen,
- used_assumptions =
- filter (fn s => List.find (curry (op =) s o fst) to_inline'' = NONE)
- used_assumptions}
- in
- (Tree_Part {node = node', deps = dep'}, (to_inline'', no_inline'))
- end
- in
- fst (inline_contradictory_assumptions (inline_in_step proof_sketch) ([], []))
- end
-fun correct_dependencies (Linear_Part {node, succs}) =
- Linear_Part {node = node, succs = map correct_dependencies succs}
- | correct_dependencies (Tree_Part {node, deps}) =
- let
- val new_used_assumptions =
- map (fn Linear_Part {node = (Satallax_Step{id, ...}), ...} => id
- | Tree_Part {node = (Satallax_Step{id, ...}), ...} => id) deps
- in
- Tree_Part {node = add_assumptions new_used_assumptions node,
- deps = map correct_dependencies deps}
- end
-fun create_satallax_proof_graph (hypotheses_step, proof_sketch) =
- let
- fun create_step (step as Satallax_Step {generated_goal_assumptions, ...}) =
- Linear_Part {node = step,
- succs = map (create_step o (find_proof_step (hypotheses_step @ proof_sketch)))
- (map fst generated_goal_assumptions)}
- fun reverted_discharged_steps is_branched (Linear_Part {node as
- Satallax_Step {generated_goal_assumptions, ...}, succs}) =
- if is_branched orelse length generated_goal_assumptions > 1 then
- Tree_Part {node = node, deps = map (reverted_discharged_steps true) succs}
- else
- Linear_Part {node = node, succs = map (reverted_discharged_steps is_branched) succs}
- val proof_with_correct_sense =
- correct_dependencies (reverted_discharged_steps false
- (create_step (find_proof_step proof_sketch "0" )))
- in
- transform_inline_assumption hypotheses_step proof_with_correct_sense
- end
-val satallax_known_rules = ["eq_ind", "eq_trans2", "eq_trans3", "eq_neg_neg_id", "eq_true",
- "eq_and_nor", "eq_or_nand", "eq_or_imp", "eq_and_imp", "eq_imp_or", "eq_iff", "eq_sym_eq",
- "eq_forall_nexists", "eq_exists_nforall", "eq_leib1", "eq_leib2", "eq_leib3", "eq_leib4",
- "eq_eta", "SinhE", "eq_forall_Seps", "eq_SPi_Seps", "eq_exists_Seps"]
-val is_special_satallax_rule = member (op =) satallax_known_rules
-fun terms_to_upper_case var (AAbs (((var', ty), b), ts)) =
- let
- val bdy = terms_to_upper_case var b
- val ts' = map (terms_to_upper_case var) ts
- in
- AAbs (((((var = var' ? String.implode o (map Char.toUpper) o String.explode) var'), ty),
- bdy), ts')
- end
- | terms_to_upper_case var (ATerm ((var', ty), ts)) =
- ATerm ((((var = var' ? String.implode o (map Char.toUpper) o String.explode) var'),
- ty), map (terms_to_upper_case var) ts)
-fun add_quantifier_in_tree_part var_rule_to_add assumption_to_add
- (Linear_Part {node as Satallax_Step {detailed_eigen, rule, ...} , succs}) =
- Linear_Part {node = node, succs = map (add_quantifier_in_tree_part
- ((detailed_eigen <> "" ? cons (detailed_eigen, rule)) var_rule_to_add) assumption_to_add)
- succs}
- | add_quantifier_in_tree_part var_rule_to_add assumption_to_add
- (Tree_Part {node = Satallax_Step {rule, detailed_eigen, id, role, theorem = AAtom th,
- assumptions, used_assumptions, generated_goal_assumptions}, deps}) =
- let
- val theorem' = fold (fn v => fn body => terms_to_upper_case (fst v) body) var_rule_to_add th
- fun add_quantified_var (var, rule) = fn body =>
- let
- val quant = if rule = "tab_ex" then tptp_ho_exists else tptp_ho_forall
- val upperVar = (String.implode o (map Char.toUpper) o String.explode) var
- val quant_bdy = if rule = "tab_ex"
- then ATerm ((quant, []), [AAbs (((upperVar, dummy_atype), body), []) ]) else body
- in
- quant_bdy
- end
- val theorem'' = fold add_quantified_var var_rule_to_add theorem'
- val node' = mk_satallax_step id role (AAtom theorem'') assumptions rule
- (used_assumptions @ (filter (curry (op <=) (the (Int.fromString id)) o size)
- assumption_to_add)) generated_goal_assumptions detailed_eigen
- in
- if detailed_eigen <> "" then
- Tree_Part {node = node',
- deps = map (add_quantifier_in_tree_part ((detailed_eigen, rule) :: var_rule_to_add)
- (used_assumptions @ assumption_to_add)) deps}
- else
- Tree_Part {node = node',
- deps = map (add_quantifier_in_tree_part var_rule_to_add assumption_to_add) deps}
- end
-fun transform_to_standard_atp_step already_transformed proof =
- let
- fun create_fact_step id =
- ((id, [id]), Axiom, AAtom (ATerm((id, []), [])), "", [])
- fun transform_one_step already_transformed (Satallax_Step {id, theorem, used_assumptions, role,
- rule, ...}) =
- let
- val role' = role_of_tptp_string role
- val new_transformed = filter
- (fn s => size s >= 4 andalso not (is_special_satallax_rule s) andalso not
- (member (op =) already_transformed s)) used_assumptions
- in
- (map create_fact_step new_transformed
- @ [((id, []), if role' = Unknown then Plain else role', theorem, rule,
- map (fn s => (s, [])) (filter_out is_special_satallax_rule used_assumptions))],
- new_transformed @ already_transformed)
- end
- fun transform_steps (Linear_Part {node, succs}) already_transformed =
- transform_one_step already_transformed node
- ||> (fold_map transform_steps succs)
- ||> apfst flat
- |> (fn (a, (b, transformed)) => (a @ b, transformed))
- | transform_steps (Tree_Part {node, deps}) already_transformed =
- fold_map transform_steps deps already_transformed
- |>> flat
- ||> (fn transformed => transform_one_step transformed node)
- |> (fn (a, (b, transformed)) => (a @ b, transformed))
- in
- fst (transform_steps proof already_transformed)
- end
-fun remove_unused_dependency steps =
- let
- fun find_all_ids [] = []
- | find_all_ids (((id, _), _, _, _, _) :: steps) = id :: find_all_ids steps
- fun keep_only_used used_ids steps =
- let
- fun remove_unused (((id, ids), role, theorem, rule, deps) :: steps) =
- (((id, ids), role, theorem, rule, filter (member (op =) used_ids o fst) deps) :: steps)
- | remove_unused [] = []
- in
- remove_unused steps
- end
- in
- keep_only_used (find_all_ids steps) steps
- end
-fun parse_proof local_name problem =
- strip_spaces_except_between_idents
- #> raw_explode
- #>
- (if local_name <> satallaxN then
- (Scan.error (!! (fn _ => raise UNRECOGNIZED_ATP_PROOF ())
- (Scan.finite Symbol.stopper (Scan.repeats1 (parse_line local_name problem))))
- #> fst)
- else
- (Scan.error (!! (fn _ => raise UNRECOGNIZED_ATP_PROOF ())
- (Scan.finite Symbol.stopper (Scan.repeat1 parse_tstp_thf0_satallax_line)))
- #> fst
- #> rev
- #> map to_satallax_step
- #> seperate_assumptions_and_steps
- #> create_satallax_proof_graph
- #> add_quantifier_in_tree_part [] []
- #> transform_to_standard_atp_step []
- #> remove_unused_dependency))
-fun atp_proof_of_tstplike_proof _ _ "" = []
- | atp_proof_of_tstplike_proof local_prover problem tstp =
- (case core_of_agsyhol_proof tstp of
- SOME facts => facts |> map (core_inference agsyhol_core_rule)
- | NONE =>
- tstp ^ "$" (* the $ sign acts as a sentinel (FIXME: needed?) *)
- |> parse_proof local_prover problem
- |> local_prover = vampireN ? perhaps (try (sort (vampire_step_name_ord o apply2 #1)))
- |> local_prover = zipperpositionN ? rev)