--- a/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/document/prelim.tex Thu Aug 31 17:33:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/document/prelim.tex Thu Aug 31 17:33:55 2006 +0200
@@ -202,10 +202,8 @@
valid theory --- updates on the original are propagated
- \item \verb|Theory.self_ref| and \verb|Theory.deref| convert
- between \verb|theory| and \verb|theory_ref|. As the
- referenced theory evolves monotonically over time, later invocations
- of \verb|Theory.deref| may refer to larger contexts.
+ \item \verb|Theory.self_ref|~\isa{thy} and \verb|Theory.deref|~\isa{thy{\isacharunderscore}ref} convert between \verb|theory| and \verb|theory_ref|. As the referenced theory
+ evolves monotonically over time, later invocations of \verb|Theory.deref| may refer to larger contexts.
@@ -231,12 +229,13 @@
Arbritrary auxiliary context data may be adjoined.}
A proof context is a container for pure data with a back-reference
- to the theory it belongs to. Modifications to draft theories are
- propagated automatically as usual, but there is also an explicit
- \isa{transfer} operation to resynchronize with more substantial
- updates to the underlying theory. The actual context data does not
- require any special bookkeeping, thanks to the lack of destructive
- features.
+ to the theory it belongs to. The \isa{init} operation creates a
+ proof context derived from a given theory. Modifications to draft
+ theories are propagated to the proof context as usual, but there is
+ also an explicit \isa{transfer} operation to force
+ resynchronization with more substantial updates to the underlying
+ theory. The actual context data does not require any special
+ bookkeeping, thanks to the lack of destructive features.
Entities derived in a proof context need to record inherent logical
requirements explicitly, since there is no separate context
@@ -263,7 +262,29 @@
+ \indexmltype{Proof.context}\verb|type Proof.context| \\
+ \indexml{ProofContext.init}\verb|ProofContext.init: theory -> Proof.context| \\
+ \indexml{ProofContext.theory-of}\verb|ProofContext.theory_of: Proof.context -> theory| \\
+ \indexml{ProofContext.transfer}\verb|ProofContext.transfer: theory -> Proof.context -> Proof.context| \\
+ \end{mldecls}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item \verb|Proof.context| represents proof contexts. Elements
+ of this type are essentially pure values, with a sliding reference
+ to the background theory.
+ \item \verb|ProofContext.init|~\isa{thy} produces a proof context
+ derived from \isa{thy}, initializing all data.
+ \item \verb|ProofContext.theory_of|~\isa{ctxt} selects the
+ background theory from \isa{ctxt}.
+ \item \verb|ProofContext.transfer|~\isa{thy\ ctxt} promotes the
+ background theory of \isa{ctxt} to the super theory \isa{thy}.
+ \end{description}%
@@ -279,7 +300,16 @@
+A generic context is the disjoint sum of either a theory or proof
+ context. Occasionally, this simplifies uniform treatment of generic
+ context data, typically extralogical information. Operations on
+ generic contexts include the usual injections, partial selections,
+ and combinators for lifting operations on either component of the
+ disjoint sum.
+ Moreover, there are total operations \isa{theory{\isacharunderscore}of} and \isa{proof{\isacharunderscore}of} to convert a generic context into either kind: a theory
+ can always be selected, while a proof context may have to be
+ constructed by an ad-hoc \isa{init} operation.%
@@ -290,7 +320,25 @@
+ \indexmltype{Context.generic}\verb|type Context.generic| \\
+ \indexml{Context.theory-of}\verb|Context.theory_of: Context.generic -> theory| \\
+ \indexml{Context.proof-of}\verb|Context.proof_of: Context.generic -> Proof.context| \\
+ \end{mldecls}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item \verb|Context.generic| is the direct sum of \verb|theory| and \verb|Proof.context|, with datatype constructors
+ \verb|Context.Theory| and \verb|Context.Proof|.
+ \item \verb|Context.theory_of|~\isa{context} always produces a
+ theory from the generic \isa{context}, using \verb|ProofContext.theory_of| as required.
+ \item \verb|Context.proof_of|~\isa{context} always produces a
+ proof context from the generic \isa{context}, using \verb|ProofContext.init| as required. Note that this re-initializes the
+ context data with each invocation.
+ \end{description}%
@@ -306,7 +354,78 @@
+Both theory and proof contexts manage arbitrary data, which is the
+ main purpose of contexts in the first place. Data can be declared
+ incrementally at compile --- Isabelle/Pure and major object-logics
+ are bootstrapped that way.
+ \paragraph{Theory data} may refer to destructive entities, which are
+ maintained in correspondence to the linear evolution of theory
+ values, or explicit copies.\footnote{Most existing instances of
+ destructive theory data are merely historical relics (e.g.\ the
+ destructive theorem storage, and destructive hints for the
+ Simplifier and Classical rules).} A theory data declaration needs to
+ provide the following information:
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \isa{name{\isacharcolon}\ string} \\
+ \isa{T} & the ML type \\
+ \isa{empty{\isacharcolon}\ T} & initial value \\
+ \isa{copy{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} & refresh impure data \\
+ \isa{extend{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} & re-initialize on import \\
+ \isa{merge{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymtimes}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} & join on import \\
+ \isa{print{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ unit} & diagnostic output \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent The \isa{name} acts as a comment for diagnostic
+ messages; \isa{copy} is just the identity for pure data; \isa{extend} is acts like a unitary version of \isa{merge}, both
+ should also include the functionality of \isa{copy} for impure
+ data.
+ \paragraph{Proof context data} is purely functional. It is declared
+ by providing the following information:
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \isa{name{\isacharcolon}\ string} \\
+ \isa{T} & the ML type \\
+ \isa{init{\isacharcolon}\ theory\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} & produce initial value \\
+ \isa{print{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ unit} & diagnostic output \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent The \isa{init} operation is supposed to produce a pure
+ value from the given background theory. The rest is analogous to
+ (pure) theory data.
+ \paragraph{Generic data} provides a hybrid interface for both kinds.
+ The declaration is essentially the same as for pure theory data,
+ without \isa{copy} (it is always the identity). The \isa{init} operation for proof contexts selects the current data value
+ from the background theory.
+ \bigskip In any case, a data declaration of type \isa{T} results
+ in the following interface:
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \isa{init{\isacharcolon}\ theory\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ theory} \\
+ \isa{get{\isacharcolon}\ context\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} \\
+ \isa{put{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context} \\
+ \isa{map{\isacharcolon}\ {\isacharparenleft}T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context} \\
+ \isa{print{\isacharcolon}\ context\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ unit}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent Here \isa{init} needs to be applied to the current
+ theory context once, in order to register the initial setup. The
+ other operations provide access for the particular kind of context
+ (theory, proof, or generic context). Note that this is a safe
+ interface: there is no other way to access the corresponding data
+ slot within a context. By keeping these operations private, a
+ component may maintain abstract values authentically, without other
+ components interfering.%
--- a/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/prelim.thy Thu Aug 31 17:33:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/prelim.thy Thu Aug 31 17:33:55 2006 +0200
@@ -176,10 +176,11 @@
valid theory --- updates on the original are propagated
- \item @{ML "Theory.self_ref"} and @{ML "Theory.deref"} convert
- between @{ML_type "theory"} and @{ML_type "theory_ref"}. As the
- referenced theory evolves monotonically over time, later invocations
- of @{ML "Theory.deref"} may refer to larger contexts.
+ \item @{ML "Theory.self_ref"}~@{text "thy"} and @{ML
+ "Theory.deref"}~@{text "thy_ref"} convert between @{ML_type
+ "theory"} and @{ML_type "theory_ref"}. As the referenced theory
+ evolves monotonically over time, later invocations of @{ML
+ "Theory.deref"} may refer to larger contexts.
@@ -196,12 +197,13 @@
Arbritrary auxiliary context data may be adjoined.}
A proof context is a container for pure data with a back-reference
- to the theory it belongs to. Modifications to draft theories are
- propagated automatically as usual, but there is also an explicit
- @{text "transfer"} operation to resynchronize with more substantial
- updates to the underlying theory. The actual context data does not
- require any special bookkeeping, thanks to the lack of destructive
- features.
+ to the theory it belongs to. The @{text "init"} operation creates a
+ proof context derived from a given theory. Modifications to draft
+ theories are propagated to the proof context as usual, but there is
+ also an explicit @{text "transfer"} operation to force
+ resynchronization with more substantial updates to the underlying
+ theory. The actual context data does not require any special
+ bookkeeping, thanks to the lack of destructive features.
Entities derived in a proof context need to record inherent logical
requirements explicitly, since there is no separate context
@@ -220,19 +222,153 @@
contexts, cf.\ \secref{isar-proof-state}.
-text %mlref {* FIXME *}
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML_type Proof.context} \\
+ @{index_ML ProofContext.init: "theory -> Proof.context"} \\
+ @{index_ML ProofContext.theory_of: "Proof.context -> theory"} \\
+ @{index_ML ProofContext.transfer: "theory -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\
+ \end{mldecls}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item @{ML_type Proof.context} represents proof contexts. Elements
+ of this type are essentially pure values, with a sliding reference
+ to the background theory.
+ \item @{ML ProofContext.init}~@{text "thy"} produces a proof context
+ derived from @{text "thy"}, initializing all data.
+ \item @{ML ProofContext.theory_of}~@{text "ctxt"} selects the
+ background theory from @{text "ctxt"}.
+ \item @{ML ProofContext.transfer}~@{text "thy ctxt"} promotes the
+ background theory of @{text "ctxt"} to the super theory @{text
+ "thy"}.
+ \end{description}
subsection {* Generic contexts *}
-text FIXME
+text {*
+ A generic context is the disjoint sum of either a theory or proof
+ context. Occasionally, this simplifies uniform treatment of generic
+ context data, typically extralogical information. Operations on
+ generic contexts include the usual injections, partial selections,
+ and combinators for lifting operations on either component of the
+ disjoint sum.
+ Moreover, there are total operations @{text "theory_of"} and @{text
+ "proof_of"} to convert a generic context into either kind: a theory
+ can always be selected, while a proof context may have to be
+ constructed by an ad-hoc @{text "init"} operation.
-text %mlref {* FIXME *}
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML_type Context.generic} \\
+ @{index_ML Context.theory_of: "Context.generic -> theory"} \\
+ @{index_ML Context.proof_of: "Context.generic -> Proof.context"} \\
+ \end{mldecls}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item @{ML_type Context.generic} is the direct sum of @{ML_type
+ "theory"} and @{ML_type "Proof.context"}, with datatype constructors
+ @{ML "Context.Theory"} and @{ML "Context.Proof"}.
+ \item @{ML Context.theory_of}~@{text "context"} always produces a
+ theory from the generic @{text "context"}, using @{ML
+ "ProofContext.theory_of"} as required.
+ \item @{ML Context.proof_of}~@{text "context"} always produces a
+ proof context from the generic @{text "context"}, using @{ML
+ "ProofContext.init"} as required. Note that this re-initializes the
+ context data with each invocation.
+ \end{description}
subsection {* Context data *}
text {*
+ Both theory and proof contexts manage arbitrary data, which is the
+ main purpose of contexts in the first place. Data can be declared
+ incrementally at compile --- Isabelle/Pure and major object-logics
+ are bootstrapped that way.
+ \paragraph{Theory data} may refer to destructive entities, which are
+ maintained in correspondence to the linear evolution of theory
+ values, or explicit copies.\footnote{Most existing instances of
+ destructive theory data are merely historical relics (e.g.\ the
+ destructive theorem storage, and destructive hints for the
+ Simplifier and Classical rules).} A theory data declaration needs to
+ provide the following information:
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ @{text "name: string"} \\
+ @{text "T"} & the ML type \\
+ @{text "empty: T"} & initial value \\
+ @{text "copy: T \<rightarrow> T"} & refresh impure data \\
+ @{text "extend: T \<rightarrow> T"} & re-initialize on import \\
+ @{text "merge: T \<times> T \<rightarrow> T"} & join on import \\
+ @{text "print: T \<rightarrow> unit"} & diagnostic output \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent The @{text "name"} acts as a comment for diagnostic
+ messages; @{text "copy"} is just the identity for pure data; @{text
+ "extend"} is acts like a unitary version of @{text "merge"}, both
+ should also include the functionality of @{text "copy"} for impure
+ data.
+ \paragraph{Proof context data} is purely functional. It is declared
+ by providing the following information:
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ @{text "name: string"} \\
+ @{text "T"} & the ML type \\
+ @{text "init: theory \<rightarrow> T"} & produce initial value \\
+ @{text "print: T \<rightarrow> unit"} & diagnostic output \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent The @{text "init"} operation is supposed to produce a pure
+ value from the given background theory. The rest is analogous to
+ (pure) theory data.
+ \paragraph{Generic data} provides a hybrid interface for both kinds.
+ The declaration is essentially the same as for pure theory data,
+ without @{text "copy"} (it is always the identity). The @{text
+ "init"} operation for proof contexts selects the current data value
+ from the background theory.
+ \bigskip In any case, a data declaration of type @{text "T"} results
+ in the following interface:
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ @{text "init: theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
+ @{text "get: context \<rightarrow> T"} \\
+ @{text "put: T \<rightarrow> context \<rightarrow> context"} \\
+ @{text "map: (T \<rightarrow> T) \<rightarrow> context \<rightarrow> context"} \\
+ @{text "print: context \<rightarrow> unit"}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent Here @{text "init"} needs to be applied to the current
+ theory context once, in order to register the initial setup. The
+ other operations provide access for the particular kind of context
+ (theory, proof, or generic context). Note that this is a safe
+ interface: there is no other way to access the corresponding data
+ slot within a context. By keeping these operations private, a
+ component may maintain abstract values authentically, without other
+ components interfering.