added class_error and exception CLASS_ERROR (supercedes DOMAIN);
Fri, 05 May 2006 21:59:46 +0200
changeset 19578 f93b7637a5e6
parent 19577 fdb3642feb49
child 19579 b802d1804b77
added class_error and exception CLASS_ERROR (supercedes DOMAIN); clarified of_class_derivation; tuned witness_sorts;
--- a/src/Pure/sorts.ML	Fri May 05 21:59:45 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sorts.ML	Fri May 05 21:59:46 2006 +0200
@@ -40,14 +40,15 @@
   val add_class: Pretty.pp -> class * class list -> classes -> classes
   val add_classrel: Pretty.pp -> class * class -> classes -> classes
   val merge_classes: Pretty.pp -> classes * classes -> classes
-  exception DOMAIN of string * class
-  val domain_error: Pretty.pp -> string * class -> 'a
-  val mg_domain: classes * arities -> string -> sort -> sort list  (*exception DOMAIN*)
+  type class_error
+  val class_error: Pretty.pp -> class_error -> 'a
+  exception CLASS_ERROR of class_error
+  val mg_domain: classes * arities -> string -> sort -> sort list   (*exception CLASS_ERROR*)
   val of_sort: classes * arities -> typ * sort -> bool
   val of_sort_derivation: Pretty.pp -> classes * arities ->
     {classrel: 'a * class -> class -> 'a,
      constructor: string -> ('a * class) list list -> class -> 'a,
-     variable: typ -> ('a * class) list} -> typ * sort -> 'a list
+     variable: typ -> ('a * class) list} -> typ * sort -> 'a list   (*exception CLASS_ERROR*)
   val witness_sorts: classes * arities -> string list ->
     sort list -> sort list -> (typ * sort) list
@@ -245,18 +246,25 @@
 (** sorts of types **)
-(* mg_domain *)
+(* errors *)
+datatype class_error = NoClassrel of class * class | NoArity of string * class;
-exception DOMAIN of string * class;
+fun class_error pp (NoClassrel (c1, c2)) =
+      error ("No class relation " ^ Pretty.string_of_classrel pp [c1, c2])
+  | class_error pp (NoArity (a, c)) =
+      error ("No type arity " ^ Pretty.string_of_arity pp (a, [], [c]));
-fun domain_error pp (a, c) =
-  error ("No way to get " ^ Pretty.string_of_arity pp (a, [], [c]));
+exception CLASS_ERROR of class_error;
+(* mg_domain *)
 fun mg_domain (classes, arities) a S =
     fun dom c =
       (case AList.lookup (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list arities a) c of
-        NONE => raise DOMAIN (a, c)
+        NONE => raise CLASS_ERROR (NoArity (a, c))
       | SOME (_, Ss) => Ss);
     fun dom_inter c Ss = (inter_sort classes) (dom c, Ss);
@@ -276,7 +284,7 @@
       | ofS (Type (a, Ts), S) =
           let val Ss = mg_domain (classes, arities) a S in
             ListPair.all ofS (Ts, Ss)
-          end handle DOMAIN _ => false;
+          end handle CLASS_ERROR _ => false;
   in ofS end;
@@ -284,7 +292,13 @@
 fun of_sort_derivation pp (classes, arities) {classrel, constructor, variable} =
-    fun weaken (x, c1) c2 = if c1 = c2 then x else classrel (x, c1) c2;
+    fun weaken_path (x, c1 :: c2 :: cs) = weaken_path (classrel (x, c1) c2, c2 :: cs)
+      | weaken_path (x, _) = x;
+    fun weaken (x, c1) c2 =
+      (case Graph.irreducible_paths classes (c1, c2) of
+        [] => raise CLASS_ERROR (NoClassrel (c1, c2))
+      | cs :: _ => weaken_path (x, cs));
     fun weakens S1 S2 = S2 |> map (fn c2 =>
       (case S1 |> find_first (fn (_, c1) => class_le classes (c1, c2)) of
         SOME d1 => weaken d1 c2
@@ -294,8 +308,7 @@
     fun derive _ [] = []
       | derive (Type (a, Ts)) S =
-            val Ss = mg_domain (classes, arities) a S
-              handle DOMAIN d => domain_error pp d;
+            val Ss = mg_domain (classes, arities) a S;
             val dom = map2 (fn T => fn S => derive T S ~~ S) Ts Ss;
             S |> map (fn c =>
@@ -310,60 +323,46 @@
 (* witness_sorts *)
-fun witness_aux (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts =
+fun witness_sorts (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts =
-    val top_witn = (propT, []);
     fun le S1 S2 = sort_le classes (S1, S2);
     fun get_solved S2 (T, S1) = if le S1 S2 then SOME (T, S2) else NONE;
     fun get_hyp S2 S1 = if le S1 S2 then SOME (TFree ("'hyp", S1), S2) else NONE;
-    fun mg_dom t S = SOME (mg_domain (classes, arities) t S) handle DOMAIN _ => NONE;
+    fun mg_dom t S = SOME (mg_domain (classes, arities) t S) handle CLASS_ERROR _ => NONE;
-    fun witn_sort _ (solved_failed, []) = (solved_failed, SOME top_witn)
-      | witn_sort path ((solved, failed), S) =
-          if exists (le S) failed then ((solved, failed), NONE)
+    fun witn_sort _ [] solved_failed = (SOME (propT, []), solved_failed)
+      | witn_sort path S (solved, failed) =
+          if exists (le S) failed then (NONE, (solved, failed))
             (case get_first (get_solved S) solved of
-              SOME w => ((solved, failed), SOME w)
+              SOME w => (SOME w, (solved, failed))
             | NONE =>
                 (case get_first (get_hyp S) hyps of
-                  SOME w => ((w :: solved, failed), SOME w)
-                | NONE => witn_types path log_types ((solved, failed), S)))
+                  SOME w => (SOME w, (w :: solved, failed))
+                | NONE => witn_types path log_types S (solved, failed)))
-    and witn_sorts path x = foldl_map (witn_sort path) x
+    and witn_sorts path x = fold_map (witn_sort path) x
-    and witn_types _ [] ((solved, failed), S) = ((solved, S :: failed), NONE)
-      | witn_types path (t :: ts) (solved_failed, S) =
+    and witn_types _ [] S (solved, failed) = (NONE, (solved, S :: failed))
+      | witn_types path (t :: ts) S solved_failed =
           (case mg_dom t S of
             SOME SS =>
               (*do not descend into stronger args (achieving termination)*)
               if exists (fn D => le D S orelse exists (le D) path) SS then
-                witn_types path ts (solved_failed, S)
+                witn_types path ts S solved_failed
-                let val ((solved', failed'), ws) = witn_sorts (S :: path) (solved_failed, SS) in
+                let val (ws, (solved', failed')) = witn_sorts (S :: path) SS solved_failed in
                   if forall is_some ws then
                     let val w = (Type (t, map (#1 o the) ws), S)
-                    in ((w :: solved', failed'), SOME w) end
-                  else witn_types path ts ((solved', failed'), S)
+                    in (SOME w, (w :: solved', failed')) end
+                  else witn_types path ts S (solved', failed')
-          | NONE => witn_types path ts (solved_failed, S));
-  in witn_sorts [] (([], []), sorts) end;
-fun str_of_sort [c] = c
-  | str_of_sort cs = enclose "{" "}" (commas cs);
+          | NONE => witn_types path ts S solved_failed);
+    fun double_check TS =
+      if of_sort (classes, arities) TS then TS
+      else sys_error "FIXME Bad sort witness";
-fun witness_sorts (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts =
-  let
-    fun double_check_result NONE = NONE
-      | double_check_result (SOME (T, S)) =
-          if of_sort (classes, arities) (T, S) then SOME (T, S)
-          else sys_error ("Sorts.witness_sorts: bad witness for sort " ^ str_of_sort S);
-  in map_filter double_check_result (#2 (witness_aux (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts)) end;
+  in map_filter ( double_check) (#1 (witn_sorts [] sorts ([], []))) end;