--- a/src/Tools/nbe.ML Thu Jan 17 21:56:33 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/nbe.ML Fri Jan 18 08:30:12 2008 +0100
@@ -12,17 +12,19 @@
datatype Univ =
Const of string * Univ list (*named (uninterpreted) constants*)
- | Free of string * Univ list
- | DFree of string (*free (uninterpreted) dictionary parameters*)
+ | Free of string * Univ list (*free (uninterpreted) variables*)
+ | DFree of string * int (*free (uninterpreted) dictionary parameters*)
| BVar of int * Univ list
| Abs of (int * (Univ list -> Univ)) * Univ list;
- val free: string -> Univ (*free (uninterpreted) variables*)
- val app: Univ -> Univ -> Univ (*explicit application*)
+ val apps: Univ -> Univ list -> Univ (*explicit applications*)
val abs: int -> (Univ list -> Univ) -> Univ
- (*abstractions as closures*)
+ (*abstractions as closures*)
val univs_ref: (unit -> Univ list -> Univ list) option ref
+ val norm_invoke: theory -> CodeThingol.code -> term
+ -> CodeThingol.typscheme * CodeThingol.iterm -> string list -> thm
val trace: bool ref
val setup: theory -> theory
@@ -58,20 +60,23 @@
datatype Univ =
Const of string * Univ list (*named (uninterpreted) constants*)
| Free of string * Univ list (*free variables*)
- | DFree of string (*free (uninterpreted) dictionary parameters*)
+ | DFree of string * int (*free (uninterpreted) dictionary parameters*)
| BVar of int * Univ list (*bound named variables*)
| Abs of (int * (Univ list -> Univ)) * Univ list
(*abstractions as closures*);
(* constructor functions *)
-fun free v = Free (v, []);
fun abs n f = Abs ((n, f), []);
-fun app (Abs ((1, f), xs)) x = f (x :: xs)
- | app (Abs ((n, f), xs)) x = Abs ((n - 1, f), x :: xs)
- | app (Const (name, args)) x = Const (name, x :: args)
- | app (Free (name, args)) x = Free (name, x :: args)
- | app (BVar (name, args)) x = BVar (name, x :: args);
+fun apps (Abs ((n, f), xs)) ys = let val k = n - length ys in
+ if k = 0 then f (ys @ xs)
+ else if k < 0 then
+ let val (zs, ws) = chop (~ k) ys
+ in apps (f (ws @ xs)) zs end
+ else Abs ((k, f), ys @ xs) end (*note: reverse convention also for apps!*)
+ | apps (Const (name, xs)) ys = Const (name, ys @ xs)
+ | apps (Free (name, xs)) ys = Free (name, ys @ xs)
+ | apps (BVar (name, xs)) ys = BVar (name, ys @ xs);
(* universe graph *)
@@ -114,29 +119,27 @@
val prefix = "Nbe.";
val name_const = prefix ^ "Const";
- val name_free = prefix ^ "free";
- val name_dfree = prefix ^ "DFree";
val name_abs = prefix ^ "abs";
- val name_app = prefix ^ "app";
- val name_lookup_fun = prefix ^ "lookup_fun";
+ val name_apps = prefix ^ "apps";
-fun nbe_const c ts =
- name_const `$` ("(" ^ ML_Syntax.print_string c ^ ", " ^ ml_list ts ^ ")");
-fun nbe_fun c = "c_" ^ translate_string (fn "." => "_" | c => c) c;
-fun nbe_free v = name_free `$` ML_Syntax.print_string v;
-fun nbe_dfree v = name_dfree `$` ML_Syntax.print_string v;
+fun nbe_fun' c = "c_" ^ translate_string (fn "." => "_" | c => c) c;
+val nbe_fun = nbe_fun'; (*FIXME!*)
fun nbe_dict v n = "d_" ^ v ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n;
fun nbe_bound v = "v_" ^ v;
+val nbe_value = "";
-fun nbe_apps e es =
- Library.foldr (fn (s, e) => name_app `$$` [e, s]) (es, e);
+(*note: these three are the "turning spots" where proper argument order is established!*)
+fun nbe_apps t [] = t
+ | nbe_apps t ts = name_apps `$$` [t, ml_list (rev ts)];
+fun nbe_apps_local c ts = nbe_fun c `$` ml_list (rev ts);
+fun nbe_apps_constr c ts =
+ name_const `$` ("(" ^ ML_Syntax.print_string c ^ ", " ^ ml_list (rev ts) ^ ")");
fun nbe_abss 0 f = f `$` ml_list []
| nbe_abss n f = name_abs `$$` [string_of_int n, f];
-val nbe_value = "value";
open BasicCodeThingol;
@@ -154,26 +157,31 @@
(* code generation *)
-fun assemble_idict (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
- nbe_apps (nbe_fun inst) ((maps o map) assemble_idict dss)
- | assemble_idict (DictVar (supers, (v, (n, _)))) =
- fold_rev (fn super => nbe_apps (nbe_fun super) o single) supers (nbe_dict v n);
+datatype const_kind = Local of int | Global | Constr;
-fun assemble_iterm is_fun num_args =
+fun assemble_constapp kind c dss ts =
+ let
+ val ts' = (maps o map) (assemble_idict kind) dss @ ts;
+ in case kind c
+ of Local n => if n <= length ts'
+ then let val (ts1, ts2) = chop n ts'
+ in nbe_apps (nbe_apps_local c ts1) ts2
+ end else nbe_apps (nbe_abss n (nbe_fun c)) ts'
+ | Global => nbe_apps (nbe_fun c) ts'
+ | Constr => nbe_apps_constr c ts'
+ end
+and assemble_idict kind (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
+ assemble_constapp kind inst dss []
+ | assemble_idict kind (DictVar (supers, (v, (n, _)))) =
+ fold_rev (fn super => assemble_constapp kind super [] o single) supers (nbe_dict v n);
+fun assemble_iterm kind =
fun of_iterm t =
val (t', ts) = CodeThingol.unfold_app t
- in of_iapp t' (fold (cons o of_iterm) ts []) end
- and of_iconst c ts = case num_args c
- of SOME n => if n <= length ts
- then let val (args2, args1) = chop (length ts - n) ts
- in nbe_apps (nbe_fun c `$` ml_list args1) args2
- end else nbe_const c ts
- | NONE => if is_fun c then nbe_apps (nbe_fun c) ts
- else nbe_const c ts
- and of_iapp (IConst (c, (dss, _))) ts = of_iconst c
- (ts @ rev ((maps o map) assemble_idict dss))
+ in of_iapp t' (fold_rev (cons o of_iterm) ts []) end
+ and of_iapp (IConst (c, (dss, _))) ts = assemble_constapp kind c dss ts
| of_iapp (IVar v) ts = nbe_apps (nbe_bound v) ts
| of_iapp ((v, _) `|-> t) ts =
nbe_apps (nbe_abss 1 (ml_abs (ml_list [nbe_bound v]) (of_iterm t))) ts
@@ -182,17 +190,16 @@
@ [("_", of_iterm t0)])) ts
in of_iterm end;
-fun assemble_fun gr num_args (c, (vs, eqns)) =
+fun assemble_eqns kind (c, (vs, eqns)) =
- val assemble_arg = assemble_iterm (K false) (K NONE);
- val assemble_rhs = assemble_iterm (is_some o Graph.get_node gr) num_args;
- val dict_params = maps (fn (v, sort) => map_index (nbe_dict v o fst) sort) vs
- |> rev;
+ val dict_args = maps (fn (v, sort) => map_index (nbe_dict v o fst) sort) vs;
+ val assemble_arg = assemble_iterm (K Constr);
+ val assemble_rhs = assemble_iterm kind;
fun assemble_eqn (args, rhs) =
- ([ml_list (map assemble_arg (rev args) @ dict_params)], assemble_rhs rhs);
- val default_params = map nbe_bound (Name.invent_list [] "a" ((the o num_args) c));
- val default_eqn = ([ml_list default_params], nbe_const c default_params);
- in map assemble_eqn eqns @ [default_eqn] end;
+ ([ml_list (rev (dict_args @ map assemble_arg args))], assemble_rhs rhs);
+ val default_args = dict_args @ map nbe_bound (Name.invent_list [] "a" ((length o fst o hd) eqns));
+ val default_eqn = ([ml_list (rev default_args)], nbe_apps_constr c default_args);
+ in (nbe_fun' c, map assemble_eqn eqns @ [default_eqn]) end;
fun assemble_eqnss gr deps [] = ([], ("", []))
| assemble_eqnss gr deps eqnss =
@@ -200,10 +207,13 @@
val cs = map fst eqnss;
val num_args = cs ~~ map (fn (_, (vs, (args, rhs) :: _)) =>
length (maps snd vs) + length args) eqnss;
+ fun kind c = case AList.lookup (op =) num_args c
+ of SOME n => Local n
+ | NONE => if (is_some o Option.join o try (Graph.get_node gr)) c
+ then Global else Constr;
val deps' = filter (is_some o Option.join o try (Graph.get_node gr)) deps;
- val bind_deps = ml_list (map nbe_fun deps');
- val bind_locals = ml_fundefs (map nbe_fun cs ~~ map
- (assemble_fun gr (AList.lookup (op =) num_args)) eqnss);
+ val bind_deps = ml_list (map nbe_fun' deps');
+ val bind_locals = ml_fundefs (map (assemble_eqns kind) eqnss);
val result = ml_list (map (fn (c, n) => nbe_abss n (nbe_fun c)) num_args);
val arg_deps = map (the o Graph.get_node gr) deps';
in (cs, (ml_abs bind_deps (ml_Let [bind_locals] result), arg_deps)) end;
@@ -263,25 +273,17 @@
Graph.imm_succs code name)) names);
in fold_rev add_stmts (Graph.strong_conn code) end;
-fun assemble_eval gr deps ((vs, ty), t) =
- let
- val frees = CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames (insert (op =)) t [];
- val deps' = filter (is_some o Option.join o try (Graph.get_node gr)) deps;
- val bind_deps = ml_list (map nbe_fun deps');
- val dict_params = maps (fn (v, sort) => map_index (nbe_dict v o fst) sort) vs
- |> rev;
- val bind_value = ml_fundefs [(nbe_value,
- [([ml_list (map nbe_bound frees @ dict_params)],
- assemble_iterm (is_some o Graph.get_node gr) (K NONE) t)])];
- val result = ml_list [nbe_value `$` ml_list
- (map nbe_free frees @ map nbe_dfree dict_params)];
- val arg_deps = map (the o Graph.get_node gr) deps';
- in (ml_abs bind_deps (ml_Let [bind_value] result), arg_deps) end;
-fun eval_term gr deps t' =
- let
- val (s, args) = assemble_eval gr deps t';
- in the_single (compile s args) end;
+fun eval_term gr deps ((vs, ty), t) =
+ let
+ val frees = CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames (insert (op =)) t []
+ val frees' = map (fn v => Free (v, [])) frees;
+ val dict_frees = maps (fn (v, sort) => map_index (curry DFree v o fst) sort) vs;
+ in
+ (nbe_value, (vs, [(map IVar frees, t)]))
+ |> singleton (compile_eqnss gr deps)
+ |> snd
+ |> (fn t => apps t (rev (dict_frees @ frees')))
+ end;
(** evaluation **)
@@ -315,7 +317,7 @@
of_apps bounds (Bound (bounds - name - 1), ts) typidx
| of_univ bounds (t as Abs _) typidx =
- |> of_univ (bounds + 1) (app t (BVar (bounds, [])))
+ |> of_univ (bounds + 1) (apps t [BVar (bounds, [])])
|-> (fn t' => pair (Term.Abs ("u", dummyT, t')))
in of_univ 0 t 0 |> fst end;