--- a/src/Tools/code/code_target.ML Thu Mar 27 19:04:41 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/code/code_target.ML Thu Mar 27 19:04:42 2008 +0100
@@ -1737,6 +1737,23 @@
+fun ocaml_char c =
+ let
+ fun chr i =
+ let
+ val xs = string_of_int i;
+ val ys = replicate_string (3 - length (explode xs)) "0";
+ in "\\" ^ ys ^ xs end;
+ val i = ord c;
+ val s = if i < 32 orelse i = 34 orelse i = 39 orelse i = 92 orelse i > 126
+ then chr i else c
+ in s end;
+fun haskell_char c =
+ let
+ val s = ML_Syntax.print_char c;
+ in if s = "'" then "\\'" else s end;
val pretty : (string * {
pretty_char: string -> string,
pretty_string: string -> string,
@@ -1745,19 +1762,14 @@
infix_cons: int * string
}) list = [
("SML", { pretty_char = prefix "#" o quote o ML_Syntax.print_char,
- pretty_string = ML_Syntax.print_string,
+ pretty_string = quote o translate_string ML_Syntax.print_char,
pretty_numeral = fn unbounded => fn k =>
if unbounded then "(" ^ string_of_int k ^ " : IntInf.int)"
else string_of_int k,
pretty_list = Pretty.enum "," "[" "]",
infix_cons = (7, "::")}),
- ("OCaml", { pretty_char = fn c => enclose "'" "'"
- (let val i = ord c
- in if i < 32 orelse i = 39 orelse i = 92
- then prefix "\\" (string_of_int i)
- else c
- end),
- pretty_string = ML_Syntax.print_string,
+ ("OCaml", { pretty_char = enclose "'" "'" o ocaml_char,
+ pretty_string = quote o translate_string ocaml_char,
pretty_numeral = fn unbounded => fn k => if k >= 0 then
if unbounded then
"(Big_int.big_int_of_int " ^ string_of_int k ^ ")"
@@ -1769,13 +1781,8 @@
else (enclose "(" ")" o prefix "-" o string_of_int o op ~) k,
pretty_list = Pretty.enum ";" "[" "]",
infix_cons = (6, "::")}),
- ("Haskell", { pretty_char = fn c => enclose "'" "'"
- (let val i = ord c
- in if i < 32 orelse i = 39 orelse i = 92
- then Library.prefix "\\" (string_of_int i)
- else c
- end),
- pretty_string = ML_Syntax.print_string,
+ ("Haskell", { pretty_char = enclose "'" "'" o haskell_char,
+ pretty_string = quote o translate_string haskell_char,
pretty_numeral = fn unbounded => fn k => if k >= 0 then string_of_int k
else enclose "(" ")" (signed_string_of_int k),
pretty_list = Pretty.enum "," "[" "]",
@@ -1813,9 +1820,9 @@
val mk_string = #pretty_string pretty_ops;
fun pretty pr vars fxy [(t1, _), (t2, _)] =
case Option.map (cons t1) (implode_list c_nil c_cons t2)
- of SOME ts => case implode_string c_char c_nibbles mk_char mk_string ts
+ of SOME ts => (case implode_string c_char c_nibbles mk_char mk_string ts
of SOME p => p
- | NONE => mk_list (map (pr vars NOBR) ts)
+ | NONE => mk_list (map (pr vars NOBR) ts))
| NONE => default_list (#infix_cons pretty_ops) (pr vars) fxy t1 t2;
in (2, pretty) end;