more on "Futures";
Mon, 23 Jun 2014 12:54:48 +0200
changeset 57350 fc4d65afdf13
parent 57349 4817154180d6
child 57351 29691e2dde9a
more on "Futures"; removed obsolete comments;
--- a/src/Doc/Implementation/ML.thy	Mon Jun 23 12:20:20 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Implementation/ML.thy	Mon Jun 23 12:54:48 2014 +0200
@@ -2157,17 +2157,27 @@
 text {*
   Futures help to organize parallel execution in a value-oriented manner, with
   @{text fork}~/ @{text join} as the main pair of operations, and some further
-  variants. Unlike lazy values, futures are evaluated strictly and
-  spontaneously on separate worker threads. Futures may be canceled, which
-  leads to interrupts on running evaluation attempts, and forces structurally
-  related futures to fail for all time. Exceptions between related futures are
-  propagated as well, and turned into parallel exceptions (see above).
+  variants; see also \cite{Wenzel:2009,Wenzel:2013:ITP}. Unlike lazy values,
+  futures are evaluated strictly and spontaneously on separate worker threads.
+  Futures may be canceled, which leads to interrupts on running evaluation
+  attempts, and forces structurally related futures to fail for all time;
+  already finished futures remain unchanged. Exceptions between related
+  futures are propagated as well, and turned into parallel exceptions (see
+  above).
   Technically, a future is a single-assignment variable together with a
   \emph{task} that serves administrative purposes, notably within the
   \emph{task queue} where new futures are registered for eventual evaluation
   and the worker threads retrieve their work.
+  The pool of worker threads is limited, in correlation with the number of
+  physical cores on the machine. Note that allocation of runtime resources may
+  be distorted either if workers yield CPU time (e.g.\ via system sleep or
+  wait operations), or if non-worker threads contend for significant runtime
+  resources independently. There is a limited number of replacement worker
+  threads that get activated in certain explicit wait conditions, after a
+  timeout.
   \medskip Each future task belongs to some \emph{task group}, which
   represents the hierarchic structure of related tasks, together with the
   exception status a that point. By default, the task group of a newly created
@@ -2179,7 +2189,9 @@
   Regular program exceptions are treated likewise: failure of the evaluation
   of some future task affects its own group and all sub-groups. Given a
   particular task group, its \emph{group status} cumulates all relevant
-  exceptions according to its position within the group hierarchy.
+  exceptions according to its position within the group hierarchy. Interrupted
+  tasks that lack regular result information, will pick up parallel exceptions
+  from the cumulative group status.
   \medskip A \emph{passive future} or \emph{promise} is a future with slightly
   different evaluation policies: there is only a single-assignment variable
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Mon Jun 23 12:20:20 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Mon Jun 23 12:54:48 2014 +0200
@@ -1,42 +1,7 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Concurrent/future.ML
     Author:     Makarius
-Value-oriented parallelism via futures and promises.  See also
-  * Futures are similar to delayed evaluation, i.e. delay/force is
-    generalized to fork/join.  The idea is to model parallel
-    value-oriented computations (not communicating processes).
-  * Forked futures are evaluated spontaneously by a farm of worker
-    threads in the background; join resynchronizes the computation and
-    delivers results (values or exceptions).
-  * The pool of worker threads is limited, usually in correlation with
-    the number of physical cores on the machine.  Note that allocation
-    of runtime resources may be distorted either if workers yield CPU
-    time (e.g. via system sleep or wait operations), or if non-worker
-    threads contend for significant runtime resources independently.
-    There is a limited number of replacement worker threads that get
-    activated in certain explicit wait conditions.
-  * Future tasks are organized in groups, which are block-structured.
-    When forking a new new task, the default is to open an individual
-    subgroup, unless some common group is specified explicitly.
-    Failure of one group member causes peer and subgroup members to be
-    interrupted eventually.  Interrupted tasks that lack regular
-    result information, will pick up parallel exceptions from the
-    cumulative group context (as Par_Exn).
-  * Future task groups may be canceled: present and future group
-    members will be interrupted eventually.
-  * Promised "passive" futures are fulfilled by external means.  There
-    is no associated evaluation task, but other futures can depend on
-    them via regular join operations.
+Value-oriented parallel execution via futures and promises.
 signature FUTURE =
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.scala	Mon Jun 23 12:20:20 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.scala	Mon Jun 23 12:54:48 2014 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     Module:     PIDE
     Author:     Makarius
-Value-oriented parallelism via futures and promises in Scala -- with
+Value-oriented parallel execution via futures and promises in Scala -- with
 signatures as in Isabelle/ML.