Theory specifications --- with type-inference, but no internal polymorphism.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/specification.ML Sat Jan 07 23:28:01 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(* Title: Pure/Isar/specification.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Makarius
+Theory specifications --- with type-inference, but no internal
+signature SPECIFICATION =
+ val pretty_consts: theory -> (string * typ) list -> Pretty.T
+ val read_specification:
+ (string * string option * mixfix) list * ((string * Attrib.src list) * string list) list ->
+ Proof.context ->
+ ((string * typ * mixfix) list * ((string * theory attribute list) * term list) list) *
+ Proof.context
+ val cert_specification:
+ (string * typ option * mixfix) list * ((string * theory attribute list) * term list) list ->
+ Proof.context ->
+ ((string * typ * mixfix) list * ((string * theory attribute list) * term list) list) *
+ Proof.context
+ val axiomatize:
+ (string * string option * mixfix) list * ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * string list) list ->
+ theory -> thm list list * theory
+ val axiomatize_i:
+ (string * typ option * mixfix) list * ((bstring * theory attribute list) * term list) list ->
+ theory -> thm list list * theory
+structure Specification: SPECIFICATION =
+(* pretty_consts *)
+fun pretty_const thy (c, T) =
+ Pretty.block [Pretty.str c, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1,
+ Pretty.quote (Sign.pretty_typ thy T)];
+fun pretty_consts thy decls =
+ Pretty.big_list "constants" (map (pretty_const thy) decls);
+(* prepare specification *)
+fun prep_specification prep_typ prep_propp prep_att
+ (raw_params, raw_specs) context =
+ let
+ fun prep_param (x, raw_T, mx) ctxt =
+ let
+ val x' = Syntax.const_name x mx and mx' = Syntax.fix_mixfix x mx;
+ val T = (prep_typ ctxt) raw_T;
+ in ((x', mx'), ProofContext.add_fixes [(x', T, SOME mx')] ctxt) end;
+ val ((xs, mxs), params_ctxt) =
+ context |> fold_map prep_param raw_params |>> split_list;
+ val ((specs, vars), specs_ctxt) =
+ prep_propp (params_ctxt, map (map (rpair ([], [])) o snd) raw_specs)
+ |> swap |>> map (map fst)
+ ||>> fold_map ProofContext.declared_type xs;
+ val params = map2 (fn (x, T) => fn mx => (x, T, mx)) vars mxs;
+ val names = map (fst o fst) raw_specs;
+ val atts = map (map (prep_att (ProofContext.theory_of context)) o snd o fst) raw_specs;
+ in ((params, (names ~~ atts) ~~ specs), specs_ctxt) end;
+fun read_specification x =
+ prep_specification ProofContext.read_typ ProofContext.read_propp Attrib.global_attribute x;
+fun cert_specification x =
+ prep_specification ProofContext.cert_typ ProofContext.cert_propp (K I) x;
+(* axiomatize *)
+fun gen_axiomatize prep args thy =
+ let
+ val ((consts, specs), ctxt) = prep args (ProofContext.init thy);
+ val subst = map (fn (x, T, _) => (Free (x, T), Const (Sign.full_name thy x, T))) consts;
+ val axioms =
+ map (fn ((name, att), ts) => ((name, map (Term.subst_atomic subst) ts), att)) specs;
+ val (thms, thy') =
+ thy
+ |> Theory.add_consts_i consts
+ |> PureThy.add_axiomss_i axioms
+ ||> Theory.add_finals_i false (map snd subst);
+ in Pretty.writeln (pretty_consts thy' (map (dest_Free o fst) subst)); (thms, thy') end;
+val axiomatize = gen_axiomatize read_specification;
+val axiomatize_i = gen_axiomatize cert_specification;