Wed, 15 Sep 2010 12:16:08 +0200
changeset 39389 20db6db55a6b
parent 39386 fcbb3bb3ebe2 (diff)
parent 39388 fdbb2c55ffc2 (current diff)
child 39390 aa3b8787edd7
child 39393 7565c649e7dd
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Wed Sep 15 11:30:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Wed Sep 15 12:16:08 2010 +0200
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@
 fun nice_name (full_name, _) NONE = (full_name, NONE)
   | nice_name (full_name, desired_name) (SOME the_pool) =
-    case Symtab.lookup (fst the_pool) full_name of
+    if String.isPrefix "$" full_name then
+      (full_name, SOME the_pool)
+    else case Symtab.lookup (fst the_pool) full_name of
       SOME nice_name => (nice_name, SOME the_pool)
     | NONE =>
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/code_prolog.ML	Wed Sep 15 11:30:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/code_prolog.ML	Wed Sep 15 12:16:08 2010 +0200
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@
 val preprocess_options = Predicate_Compile_Aux.Options {
   expected_modes = NONE,
-  proposed_modes = NONE,
+  proposed_modes = [],
   proposed_names = [],
   show_steps = false,
   show_intermediate_results = false,
@@ -685,6 +685,7 @@
   show_mode_inference = false,
   show_compilation = false,
   show_caught_failures = false,
+  show_invalid_clauses = false,
   skip_proof = true,
   no_topmost_reordering = false,
   function_flattening = true,
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile.ML	Wed Sep 15 11:30:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile.ML	Wed Sep 15 12:16:08 2010 +0200
@@ -139,16 +139,24 @@
         (Term_Graph.strong_conn gr) thy))
-fun extract_options (((expected_modes, proposed_modes), (compilation, raw_options)), const) =
+datatype proposed_modes = Multiple_Preds of (string * (mode * string option) list) list
+  | Single_Pred of (mode * string option) list
+fun extract_options lthy (((expected_modes, proposed_modes), (compilation, raw_options)), const) =
     fun chk s = member (op =) raw_options s
+    val proposed_modes = case proposed_modes of
+          Single_Pred proposed_modes => [(const, proposed_modes)]
+        | Multiple_Preds proposed_modes => map
+          (apfst (Code.read_const (ProofContext.theory_of lthy))) proposed_modes
     Options {
       expected_modes = (pair const) expected_modes,
-      proposed_modes = (pair const o map fst) proposed_modes,
+      proposed_modes = 
+        map (apsnd (map fst)) proposed_modes,
       proposed_names =
-        the_default [] ( (map_filter
-          (fn (m, NONE) => NONE | (m, SOME name) => SOME ((const, m), name))) proposed_modes),
+        maps (fn (predname, ms) => (map_filter
+          (fn (m, NONE) => NONE | (m, SOME name) => SOME ((predname, m), name))) ms) proposed_modes,
       show_steps = chk "show_steps",
       show_intermediate_results = chk "show_intermediate_results",
       show_proof_trace = chk "show_proof_trace",
@@ -156,6 +164,7 @@
       show_mode_inference = chk "show_mode_inference",
       show_compilation = chk "show_compilation",
       show_caught_failures = false,
+      show_invalid_clauses = chk "show_invalid_clauses",
       skip_proof = chk "skip_proof",
       function_flattening = not (chk "no_function_flattening"),
       specialise = chk "specialise",
@@ -174,7 +183,7 @@
      val const = Code.read_const thy raw_const
      val T = Sign.the_const_type thy const
      val t = Const (const, T)
-     val options = extract_options (((expected_modes, proposed_modes), raw_options), const)
+     val options = extract_options lthy (((expected_modes, proposed_modes), raw_options), const)
     if is_inductify options then
@@ -208,9 +217,13 @@
 val mode_and_opt_proposal = parse_mode_expr --
   Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "as" |-- Parse.xname >> SOME) NONE
 val opt_modes =
   Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- Args.$$$ "modes" |-- Parse.$$$ ":" |--
-    Parse.enum "," mode_and_opt_proposal --| Parse.$$$ ")" >> SOME) NONE
+    (((Parse.enum1 "and" (Parse.xname --| Parse.$$$ ":" --
+        (Parse.enum "," mode_and_opt_proposal))) >> Multiple_Preds)
+      || ((Parse.enum "," mode_and_opt_proposal) >> Single_Pred))
+    --| Parse.$$$ ")") (Multiple_Preds [])
 val opt_expected_modes =
   Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- Args.$$$ "expected_modes" |-- Parse.$$$ ":" |--
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_aux.ML	Wed Sep 15 11:30:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_aux.ML	Wed Sep 15 12:16:08 2010 +0200
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
   (* Different options for compiler *)
   datatype options = Options of {  
     expected_modes : (string * mode list) option,
-    proposed_modes : (string * mode list) option,
+    proposed_modes : (string * mode list) list,
     proposed_names : ((string * mode) * string) list,
     show_steps : bool,
     show_proof_trace : bool,
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
     show_modes : bool,
     show_compilation : bool,
     show_caught_failures : bool,
+    show_invalid_clauses : bool,
     skip_proof : bool,
     no_topmost_reordering : bool,
     function_flattening : bool,
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
     compilation : compilation
   val expected_modes : options -> (string * mode list) option
-  val proposed_modes : options -> (string * mode list) option
+  val proposed_modes : options -> string -> mode list option
   val proposed_names : options -> string -> mode -> string option
   val show_steps : options -> bool
   val show_proof_trace : options -> bool
@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@
   val show_modes : options -> bool
   val show_compilation : options -> bool
   val show_caught_failures : options -> bool
+  val show_invalid_clauses : options -> bool
   val skip_proof : options -> bool
   val no_topmost_reordering : options -> bool
   val function_flattening : options -> bool
@@ -703,7 +705,7 @@
 datatype options = Options of {  
   expected_modes : (string * mode list) option,
-  proposed_modes : (string * mode list) option,
+  proposed_modes : (string * mode list) list,
   proposed_names : ((string * mode) * string) list,
   show_steps : bool,
   show_proof_trace : bool,
@@ -712,6 +714,7 @@
   show_modes : bool,
   show_compilation : bool,
   show_caught_failures : bool,
+  show_invalid_clauses : bool,
   skip_proof : bool,
   no_topmost_reordering : bool,
   function_flattening : bool,
@@ -724,7 +727,7 @@
 fun expected_modes (Options opt) = #expected_modes opt
-fun proposed_modes (Options opt) = #proposed_modes opt
+fun proposed_modes (Options opt) = AList.lookup (op =) (#proposed_modes opt)
 fun proposed_names (Options opt) name mode = AList.lookup (eq_pair (op =) eq_mode)
   (#proposed_names opt) (name, mode)
@@ -735,7 +738,7 @@
 fun show_mode_inference (Options opt) = #show_mode_inference opt
 fun show_compilation (Options opt) = #show_compilation opt
 fun show_caught_failures (Options opt) = #show_caught_failures opt
+fun show_invalid_clauses (Options opt) = #show_invalid_clauses opt
 fun skip_proof (Options opt) = #skip_proof opt
 fun function_flattening (Options opt) = #function_flattening opt
@@ -752,7 +755,7 @@
 val default_options = Options {
   expected_modes = NONE,
-  proposed_modes = NONE,
+  proposed_modes = [],
   proposed_names = [],
   show_steps = false,
   show_intermediate_results = false,
@@ -761,6 +764,7 @@
   show_mode_inference = false,
   show_compilation = false,
   show_caught_failures = false,
+  show_invalid_clauses = false,
   skip_proof = true,
   no_topmost_reordering = false,
   function_flattening = false,
@@ -773,8 +777,8 @@
 val bool_options = ["show_steps", "show_intermediate_results", "show_proof_trace", "show_modes",
-  "show_mode_inference", "show_compilation", "skip_proof", "inductify", "no_function_flattening",
-  "detect_switches", "specialise", "no_topmost_reordering"]
+  "show_mode_inference", "show_compilation", "show_invalid_clauses", "skip_proof", "inductify",
+  "no_function_flattening", "detect_switches", "specialise", "no_topmost_reordering"]
 fun print_step options s =
   if show_steps options then tracing s else ()
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Wed Sep 15 11:30:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Wed Sep 15 12:16:08 2010 +0200
@@ -402,8 +402,8 @@
   | NONE => ()
 fun check_proposed_modes preds options modes errors =
-  case proposed_modes options of
-    SOME (s, ms) => (case AList.lookup (op =) modes s of
+  map (fn (s, _) => case proposed_modes options s of
+    SOME ms => (case AList.lookup (op =) modes s of
       SOME inferred_ms =>
           val preds_without_modes = map fst (filter (null o snd) modes)
@@ -413,15 +413,16 @@
             error ("expected modes were not inferred:\n"
             ^ "  inferred modes for " ^ s ^ ": " ^ commas (map string_of_mode modes')  ^ "\n"
             ^ "  expected modes for " ^ s ^ ": " ^ commas (map string_of_mode ms) ^ "\n"
-            ^ "For the following clauses, the following modes could not be inferred: " ^ "\n"
-            ^ cat_lines errors ^
+            ^ (if show_invalid_clauses options then
+            ("For the following clauses, the following modes could not be inferred: " ^ "\n"
+            ^ cat_lines errors) else "") ^
             (if not (null preds_without_modes) then
               "\n" ^ "No mode inferred for the predicates " ^ commas preds_without_modes
             else ""))
           else ()
       | NONE => ())
-  | NONE => ()
+  | NONE => ()) preds
 (* importing introduction rules *)
@@ -1505,7 +1506,6 @@
 fun infer_modes mode_analysis_options options (lookup_mode, lookup_neg_mode, needs_random) ctxt
   preds all_modes param_vs clauses =
-    val collect_errors = false
     fun appair f (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (f x1 y1, f x2 y2)
     fun add_needs_random s (false, m) = ((false, m), false)
       | add_needs_random s (true, m) = ((true, m), needs_random s m)
@@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@
         (modes @ extra_modes)) modes
     val ((modes : (string * ((bool * mode) * bool) list) list), errors) =
       Output.cond_timeit false "Fixpount computation of mode analysis" (fn () =>
-      if collect_errors then
+      if show_invalid_clauses options then
         fixp_with_state (fn (modes, errors) =>
             val (modes', new_errors) = split_list (iteration modes)
@@ -2702,8 +2702,8 @@
         all_modes_of_typ T
     val all_modes = 
       map (fn (s, T) =>
-        (s, case (proposed_modes options) of
-            SOME (s', ms) => if s = s' then ms else generate_modes s T
+        (s, case proposed_modes options s of
+            SOME ms => ms
           | NONE => generate_modes s T)) preds
     val params =
       case intrs of
@@ -2721,7 +2721,7 @@
           val (p, args) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_imp_concl intr)) 
-          ho_args_of (hd (the (AList.lookup (op =) all_modes (fst (dest_Const p))))) args
+          ho_args_of_typ (snd (dest_Const p)) args
     val param_vs = map (fst o dest_Free) params
     fun add_clause intr clauses =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_quickcheck.ML	Wed Sep 15 11:30:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_quickcheck.ML	Wed Sep 15 12:16:08 2010 +0200
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 val options = Options {
   expected_modes = NONE,
-  proposed_modes = NONE,
+  proposed_modes = [],
   proposed_names = [],
   show_steps = false,
   show_intermediate_results = false,
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
   show_mode_inference = false,
   show_compilation = false,
   show_caught_failures = false,
+  show_invalid_clauses = false, 
   skip_proof = false,
   compilation = Random,
   inductify = true,
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
 val debug_options = Options {
   expected_modes = NONE,
-  proposed_modes = NONE,
+  proposed_modes = [],
   proposed_names = [],
   show_steps = true,
   show_intermediate_results = true,
@@ -98,6 +99,7 @@
   show_mode_inference = true,
   show_compilation = false,
   show_caught_failures = true,
+  show_invalid_clauses = false,
   skip_proof = false,
   compilation = Random,
   inductify = true,
@@ -113,13 +115,15 @@
 fun set_function_flattening b
   (Options { expected_modes = e_m, proposed_modes = p_m, proposed_names = p_n, show_steps = s_s,
     show_intermediate_results = s_ir, show_proof_trace = s_pt, show_modes = s_m,
-    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf, skip_proof = s_p,
+    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf,
+    show_invalid_clauses = s_ic, skip_proof = s_p,
     compilation = c, inductify = i, specialise = sp, detect_switches = ds, function_flattening = f_f, 
     fail_safe_function_flattening = fs_ff, no_higher_order_predicate = no_ho,
     no_topmost_reordering = re}) =
   (Options { expected_modes = e_m, proposed_modes = p_m, proposed_names = p_n, show_steps = s_s,
     show_intermediate_results = s_ir, show_proof_trace = s_pt, show_modes = s_m,
-    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf, skip_proof = s_p,
+    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf,
+    show_invalid_clauses = s_ic, skip_proof = s_p,
     compilation = c, inductify = i, specialise = sp, detect_switches = ds, function_flattening = b,
     fail_safe_function_flattening = fs_ff, no_higher_order_predicate = no_ho,
     no_topmost_reordering = re})
@@ -127,13 +131,15 @@
 fun set_fail_safe_function_flattening b
   (Options { expected_modes = e_m, proposed_modes = p_m, proposed_names = p_n, show_steps = s_s,
     show_intermediate_results = s_ir, show_proof_trace = s_pt, show_modes = s_m,
-    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf, skip_proof = s_p,
+    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf,
+    show_invalid_clauses = s_ic, skip_proof = s_p,
     compilation = c, inductify = i, specialise = sp, detect_switches = ds, function_flattening = f_f, 
     fail_safe_function_flattening = fs_ff, no_higher_order_predicate = no_ho,
     no_topmost_reordering = re}) =
   (Options { expected_modes = e_m, proposed_modes = p_m, proposed_names = p_n, show_steps = s_s,
     show_intermediate_results = s_ir, show_proof_trace = s_pt, show_modes = s_m,
-    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf, skip_proof = s_p,
+    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf,
+    show_invalid_clauses = s_ic, skip_proof = s_p,
     compilation = c, inductify = i, specialise = sp, detect_switches = ds, function_flattening = f_f,
     fail_safe_function_flattening = b, no_higher_order_predicate = no_ho,
     no_topmost_reordering = re})
@@ -141,13 +147,15 @@
 fun set_no_higher_order_predicate ss
   (Options { expected_modes = e_m, proposed_modes = p_m, proposed_names = p_n, show_steps = s_s,
     show_intermediate_results = s_ir, show_proof_trace = s_pt, show_modes = s_m,
-    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf, skip_proof = s_p,
+    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf,
+    show_invalid_clauses = s_ic, skip_proof = s_p,
     compilation = c, inductify = i, specialise = sp, detect_switches = ds, function_flattening = f_f, 
     fail_safe_function_flattening = fs_ff, no_higher_order_predicate = no_ho,
     no_topmost_reordering = re}) =
   (Options { expected_modes = e_m, proposed_modes = p_m, proposed_names = p_n, show_steps = s_s,
     show_intermediate_results = s_ir, show_proof_trace = s_pt, show_modes = s_m,
-    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf, skip_proof = s_p,
+    show_mode_inference = s_mi, show_compilation = s_c, show_caught_failures = s_cf,
+    show_invalid_clauses = s_ic, skip_proof = s_p,
     compilation = c, inductify = i, specialise = sp, detect_switches = ds, function_flattening = f_f,
     fail_safe_function_flattening = fs_ff, no_higher_order_predicate = ss, no_topmost_reordering = re})
--- a/src/Tools/Metis/metis.ML	Wed Sep 15 11:30:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/metis.ML	Wed Sep 15 12:16:08 2010 +0200
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 (* Pointer equality using the run-time system.                               *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun pointerEqual (x : 'a, y : 'a) = PolyML.pointerEq(x,y);
+fun pointerEqual (x : 'a, y : 'a) = pointer_eq (x, y) (* MODIFIED by Jasmin Blanchette *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Timing function applications.                                             *)