--- a/src/Pure/Thy/browser_info.ML Thu Mar 11 12:33:34 1999 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/browser_info.ML Thu Mar 11 12:34:10 1999 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
- href parent theories (this vs. ancestor session!?);
- - include 'README';
- usedir: exclude arrow gifs;
- symlink ".parent", ".top" (URLs!?);
@@ -113,10 +112,14 @@
{name = name, parent = parent, session = session, path = path,
html_prefix = html_prefix, graph_prefix = graph_prefix}: session_info;
+(* state *)
val session_info = ref (None: session_info option);
-fun in_context f = f (PureThy.get_name (Context.the_context ()));
-fun conditional f = (case ! session_info of None => () | Some info => f info);
+fun with_session f = (case ! session_info of None => () | Some info => f info);
+fun with_context f = f (PureThy.get_name (Context.the_context ()));
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@
fun update_index dir name =
(case try get_entries dir of
- None => ()
+ None => warning ("Browser info: cannot access session index in " ^ quote (Path.pack dir))
| Some es => (put_entries ((es \ name) @ [name]) dir; create_index dir));
@@ -150,32 +153,43 @@
fun name_of_session elems = space_implode "/" ("Isabelle" :: elems);
+fun could_copy inpath outpath =
+ if File.exists inpath then (File.copy inpath outpath; true)
+ else false;
fun init false _ _ = (browser_info := empty_browser_info; session_info := None)
| init true path name =
- val parent_name = name_of_session (path \ name);
+ val parent_name = name_of_session (take (length path - 1, path));
val session_name = name_of_session path;
val sess_prefix = Path.make path;
val out_path = Path.expand output_path;
val html_prefix = Path.append out_path sess_prefix;
val graph_prefix = Path.appends [out_path, Path.unpack "graph/data", sess_prefix];
+ val _ = (File.mkdir html_prefix; File.mkdir graph_prefix);
+ fun prep_readme readme =
+ let val readme_path = Path.basic readme in
+ if could_copy readme_path (Path.append html_prefix readme_path) then Some readme_path
+ else None
+ end;
+ val opt_readme =
+ (case prep_readme "README.html" of None => prep_readme "README" | some => some);
+ val index_text = HTML.begin_index (Path.append Path.parent index_path, parent_name)
+ (index_path, session_name) opt_readme;
- File.mkdir html_prefix;
- File.mkdir graph_prefix;
File.mkdir (Path.append html_prefix session_path);
File.write (Path.append html_prefix session_entries_path) "";
session_info := Some (make_session_info (name, parent_name, session_name, path,
html_prefix, graph_prefix));
browser_info := empty_browser_info;
- add_index (* FIXME 'README' *)
- (HTML.begin_index (Path.append Path.parent index_path, parent_name) (index_path, session_name) None)
+ add_index index_text
(* finish session *)
-fun finish () = conditional (fn {html_prefix, graph_prefix, name, ...} =>
+fun finish () = with_session (fn {name, html_prefix, graph_prefix, ...} =>
val {theories, index} = ! browser_info;
@@ -194,42 +208,45 @@
(* theory elements *)
-fun theory_source name src = conditional (fn _ =>
+fun theory_source name src = with_session (fn _ =>
(init_theory_info name empty_theory_info; add_source name (HTML.source src)));
(* FIXME clean *)
-fun begin_theory name parents orig_files = conditional (fn {session, html_prefix, ...} =>
+fun begin_theory name parents orig_files = with_session (fn {session, html_prefix, ...} =>
val ml_path = ThyLoad.ml_path name;
val files = orig_files @ (* FIXME improve!? *)
(if is_some (ThyLoad.check_file ml_path) then [(ml_path, true)] else []);
- val files_html = map (fn (p, loadit) => ((p, html_ext p), loadit)) files;
- fun prep_file raw_path =
+ fun prep_file (raw_path, loadit) =
(case ThyLoad.check_file raw_path of
Some (path, _) =>
- let val base = Path.base path in
- File.write (Path.append html_prefix (html_ext base))
- (HTML.ml_file base (File.read path))
+ let
+ val base = Path.base path;
+ val base_html = html_ext base;
+ in
+ File.write (Path.append html_prefix base_html) (HTML.ml_file base (File.read path));
+ (Some base_html, raw_path, loadit)
- | None => warning ("Browser info: expected to find ML file" ^ quote (Path.pack raw_path)));
+ | None => (warning ("Browser info: expected to find ML file" ^ quote (Path.pack raw_path));
+ (None, raw_path, loadit)));
+ val files_html = map prep_file files;
fun prep_source (source, html, graph) =
let val txt =
HTML.begin_theory (index_path, session) name parents files_html (Buffer.content source)
- in (Buffer.empty, Buffer.add txt html, graph) end;
+ in (Buffer.empty, Buffer.add txt html, graph) end;
- seq (prep_file o #1) files;
change_theory_info name prep_source;
add_index (HTML.theory_entry (html_path name, name))
fun end_theory _ = ();
-fun theorem name thm = conditional (fn _ => in_context add_html (HTML.theorem name thm));
-fun section s = conditional (fn _ => in_context add_html (HTML.section s));
+fun theorem name thm = with_session (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.theorem name thm));
+fun section s = with_session (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.section s));