output for document commands like 'section', 'text' is defined in user-space, as part of the command transaction;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML Tue Nov 23 12:29:09 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML Tue Nov 23 16:06:09 2021 +0100
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
Fact of string option * thm list |
Attribute of morphism -> attribute |
Declaration of declaration |
- Files of file Exn.result list
+ Files of file Exn.result list |
+ Output of XML.body option
val pos_of: T -> Position.T
val adjust_offsets: (int -> int option) -> T -> T
val eof: T
@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@
val file_source: file -> Input.source
val get_files: T -> file Exn.result list
val put_files: file Exn.result list -> T -> T
+ val get_output: T -> XML.body option
+ val put_output: XML.body -> T -> T
val get_value: T -> value option
val reports_of_value: T -> Position.report list
val name_value: name_value -> value
@@ -197,7 +200,8 @@
Fact of string option * thm list | (*optional name for dynamic fact, i.e. fact "variable"*)
Attribute of morphism -> attribute |
Declaration of declaration |
- Files of file Exn.result list;
+ Files of file Exn.result list |
+ Output of XML.body option;
type src = T list;
@@ -411,6 +415,15 @@
| put_files _ tok = raise Fail ("Cannot put inlined files here" ^ Position.here (pos_of tok));
+(* document output *)
+fun get_output (Token (_, _, Value (SOME (Output output)))) = output
+ | get_output _ = NONE;
+fun put_output output (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (Output (SOME output))))
+ | put_output _ tok = raise Fail ("Cannot put document output here" ^ Position.here (pos_of tok));
(* access values *)
fun get_value (Token (_, _, Value v)) = v
@@ -491,7 +504,8 @@
| Fact (a, ths) => Fact (a, Morphism.fact phi ths)
| Attribute att => Attribute (Morphism.transform phi att)
| Declaration decl => Declaration (Morphism.transform phi decl)
- | Files _ => v));
+ | Files _ => v
+ | Output _ => v));
(* static binding *)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Tue Nov 23 12:29:09 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Tue Nov 23 16:06:09 2021 +0100
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
val is_skipped_proof: state -> bool
val level: state -> int
val previous_theory_of: state -> theory option
+ val output_of: state -> Latex.text option
val context_of: state -> Proof.context
val generic_theory_of: state -> generic_theory
val theory_of: state -> theory
@@ -139,20 +140,20 @@
fun node_presentation node =
(node, cases_node init_presentation Context.proof_of Proof.context_of node);
datatype state =
- State of node_presentation * theory option;
- (*current node with presentation context, previous theory*)
+ State of node_presentation * (theory option * Latex.text option);
+ (*current node with presentation context, previous theory, document output*)
fun node_of (State ((node, _), _)) = node;
-fun previous_theory_of (State (_, prev_thy)) = prev_thy;
+fun previous_theory_of (State (_, (prev_thy, _))) = prev_thy;
+fun output_of (State (_, (_, output))) = output;
-fun init_toplevel () = State (node_presentation Toplevel, NONE);
-fun theory_toplevel thy = State (node_presentation (Theory (Context.Theory thy)), NONE);
+fun init_toplevel () = State (node_presentation Toplevel, (NONE, NONE));
+fun theory_toplevel thy = State (node_presentation (Theory (Context.Theory thy)), (NONE, NONE));
val prev_theory = Config.declare_int ("prev_theory", Position.none) (K 0);
fun get_prev_theory thy = Config.get_global thy prev_theory;
-fun set_prev_theory (State (_, SOME prev_thy)) (Theory gthy) =
+fun set_prev_theory (State (_, (SOME prev_thy, _))) (Theory gthy) =
val put = Config.put_global prev_theory (Context.theory_identifier prev_thy);
val gthy' = gthy |> Context.mapping put (Local_Theory.raw_theory put);
@@ -204,10 +205,10 @@
Proof (prf, _) => Proof_Node.position prf
| _ => ~1);
-fun is_end_theory (State ((Toplevel, _), SOME _)) = true
+fun is_end_theory (State ((Toplevel, _), (SOME _, _))) = true
| is_end_theory _ = false;
-fun end_theory _ (State ((Toplevel, _), SOME thy)) = thy
+fun end_theory _ (State ((Toplevel, _), (SOME thy, _))) = thy
| end_theory pos _ = error ("Malformed theory" ^ Position.here pos);
@@ -223,11 +224,11 @@
fun presentation_context (state as State (current, _)) =
presentation_context0 state
- |> Presentation_State.put (SOME (State (current, NONE)));
+ |> Presentation_State.put (SOME (State (current, (NONE, NONE))));
fun presentation_state ctxt =
(case Presentation_State.get ctxt of
- NONE => State (node_presentation (Theory (Context.Proof ctxt)), NONE)
+ NONE => State (node_presentation (Theory (Context.Proof ctxt)), (NONE, NONE))
| SOME state => state);
@@ -286,28 +287,29 @@
exception FAILURE of state * exn;
+fun apply_presentation g (st as State (node, (prev_thy, _))) =
+ State (node, (prev_thy, g st));
fun apply f g node =
val node_pr = node_presentation node;
val context = cases_proper_node I (Context.Proof o Proof.context_of) node;
- fun state_error e node_pr' = (State (node_pr', get_theory node), e);
+ fun make_state node_pr' = State (node_pr', (get_theory node, NONE));
- val (result, err) =
- node
- |> Runtime.controlled_execution (SOME context) f
- |> state_error NONE
- handle exn => state_error (SOME exn) node_pr;
+ val (st', err) =
+ (Runtime.controlled_execution (SOME context) (f #> make_state #> apply_presentation g) node,
+ NONE) handle exn => (make_state node_pr, SOME exn);
(case err of
- NONE => tap g result
- | SOME exn => raise FAILURE (result, exn))
+ NONE => st'
+ | SOME exn => raise FAILURE (st', exn))
fun apply_tr int trans state =
(case (trans, node_of state) of
(Init f, Toplevel) =>
Runtime.controlled_execution NONE (fn () =>
- State (node_presentation (Theory (Context.Theory (f ()))), NONE)) ()
+ State (node_presentation (Theory (Context.Theory (f ()))), (NONE, NONE))) ()
| (Exit, node as Theory (Context.Theory thy)) =>
val State ((node', pr_ctxt), _) =
@@ -315,11 +317,15 @@
(fn _ =>
(Theory (Context.Theory (tap Thm.expose_theory (Theory.end_theory thy)))))
- (K ());
- in State ((Toplevel, pr_ctxt), get_theory node') end
+ no_presentation;
+ in State ((Toplevel, pr_ctxt), (get_theory node', NONE)) end
| (Keep f, node) =>
Runtime.controlled_execution (try generic_theory_of state)
- (fn () => (f int state; State (node_presentation node, previous_theory_of state))) ()
+ (fn () =>
+ let
+ val prev_thy = previous_theory_of state;
+ val state' = State (node_presentation node, (prev_thy, NONE));
+ in apply_presentation (fn st => f int st) state' end) ()
| (Transaction _, Toplevel) => raise UNDEF
| (Transaction (f, g), node) => apply (fn x => f int x) g (set_prev_theory state node)
| _ => raise UNDEF);
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/document_output.ML Tue Nov 23 12:29:09 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/document_output.ML Tue Nov 23 16:06:09 2021 +0100
@@ -207,9 +207,8 @@
datatype token =
| Token of Token.T
- | Heading of Markup.T * Input.source
- | Body of Markup.T * Input.source
- | Raw of Input.source;
+ | Markup of Markup.T * Latex.text
+ | Raw of Latex.text;
fun token_with pred (Token tok) = pred tok
| token_with _ _ = false;
@@ -223,16 +222,14 @@
(case tok of
Ignore => []
| Token tok => output_token ctxt tok
- | Heading (markup, source) => [XML.Elem (markup, output_document ctxt {markdown = false} source)]
- | Body (markup, source) => [XML.Elem (markup, output_document ctxt {markdown = true} source)]
- | Raw source =>
- Latex.string "%\n" @ output_document ctxt {markdown = true} source @ Latex.string "\n");
+ | Markup (markup, output) => [XML.Elem (markup, output)]
+ | Raw output => Latex.enclose_text "%\n" "\n" output);
fun mk_heading (kind, pos) source =
- Heading (Markup.latex_heading kind |> Position.markup pos, source);
+ Markup (Markup.latex_heading kind |> Position.markup pos, source);
fun mk_body (kind, pos) source =
- Body (Markup.latex_body kind |> Position.markup pos, source);
+ Markup (Markup.latex_body kind |> Position.markup pos, source);
(* command spans *)
@@ -374,8 +371,30 @@
(* present_thy *)
+type segment =
+ {span: Command_Span.span, command: Toplevel.transition,
+ prev_state: Toplevel.state, state: Toplevel.state};
+fun command_output output tok =
+ if Token.is_command tok then SOME (Token.put_output output tok) else NONE;
+fun segment_content (segment: segment) =
+ let val toks = Command_Span.content (#span segment) in
+ (case Toplevel.output_of (#state segment) of
+ NONE => toks
+ | SOME output => map_filter (command_output output) toks)
+ end;
+fun output_command is_kind =
+ Scan.some (fn tok =>
+ let val kind = Token.content_of tok in
+ if Token.is_command tok andalso is_kind kind andalso is_some (Token.get_output tok)
+ then SOME ((kind, Token.pos_of tok), the (Token.get_output tok))
+ else NONE
+ end);
val markup_true = "\\isamarkuptrue%\n";
val markup_false = "\\isamarkupfalse%\n";
@@ -395,10 +414,6 @@
-type segment =
- {span: Command_Span.span, command: Toplevel.transition,
- prev_state: Toplevel.state, state: Toplevel.state};
fun present_thy options thy (segments: segment list) =
val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords thy;
@@ -410,16 +425,8 @@
>> (fn d => (NONE, (Ignore, ("", d))));
fun markup pred mk flag = Scan.peek (fn d =>
- Document_Source.improper |--
- Scan.one (fn tok => Token.is_command tok andalso pred keywords (Token.content_of tok)) --
- (Document_Source.annotation |--
- Parse.!!!! ((Document_Source.improper -- locale -- Document_Source.improper) |--
- Parse.document_source --| Document_Source.improper_end))
- >> (fn (tok, source) =>
- let
- val kind = Token.content_of tok;
- val pos' = Token.pos_of tok;
- in (SOME (kind, pos'), (mk (kind, pos') source, (flag, d))) end));
+ Document_Source.improper |-- output_command (pred keywords) --| Document_Source.improper_end
+ >> (fn (kind, body) => (SOME kind, (mk kind body, (flag, d)))));
val command = Scan.peek (fn d =>
Scan.optional (Scan.one Token.is_command_modifier ::: Document_Source.improper) [] --
@@ -468,7 +475,7 @@
make_span (the cmd) (toks1 @ (tok2 :: (toks3 @ the_default [] tok4))));
val spans = segments
- |> maps (Command_Span.content o #span)
+ |> maps segment_content
|> drop_suffix Token.is_space
|> Source.of_list
|> Source.source' 0 Token.stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk tokens >> flat))