2013-12-27 haftmann tuned proofs and declarations
2013-12-27 haftmann prefer target-style syntaxx for sublocale
2013-12-26 haftmann prefer ephemeral interpretation over interpretation in proof contexts;
2013-12-25 haftmann self-contained formulation of subclass command, avoiding hard-wired Named_Target.init
2013-12-25 haftmann ephemeral interpretation also formally works on theory level
2013-12-25 haftmann abolished slightly odd global lattice interpretation for min/max
2013-12-25 haftmann prefer more canonical names for lemmas on min/max
2013-12-25 haftmann explicit distributivity facts on min/max
2013-12-25 haftmann postponed min/max lemmas until abstract lattice is available
2013-12-25 haftmann tuned structure of min/max lemmas
2013-12-25 haftmann prefer abstract simp rule
2013-12-25 haftmann more lemmas on abstract lattices
2013-12-24 haftmann tuning and augmentation of min/max lemmas;
2013-12-24 haftmann more general induction rule;
2013-12-23 haftmann convenient printing of polynomial values
2013-12-23 haftmann prefer "Bits" as theory name for abstract bit operations, similar to "Orderings", "Lattices", "Groups" etc.
2013-12-23 haftmann prefer Y_of_X over X_to_Y;
2013-12-23 panny merge
2013-12-23 panny prevent ambiguity when mutual recursion maps a datatype to itself, which yielded wrong definitions in some cases (e.g. nat)
2013-12-23 haftmann NEWS
2013-12-23 haftmann dropped redundant lemma
2013-12-23 haftmann syntactically tuned
2013-12-23 haftmann prefer plain bool over dedicated type for binary digits
2013-12-23 nipkow tuned
2013-12-21 blanchet compile + reduce problem size by a notch
2013-12-21 blanchet generate exhaust from nchotomy
2013-12-21 blanchet made tactic work with theorems with multiple assumptions
2013-12-21 blanchet renamed 'exhaust' to 'nchotomy' since it's expressed in the object logic (cf. datatype package)
2013-12-18 traytel express weak pullback property of bnfs only in terms of the relator
2013-12-20 nipkow merged
2013-12-20 nipkow tuned
2013-12-20 blanchet reconstruct SPASS-Pirate steps of the form 'x ~= C x' (or more complicated)
2013-12-20 blanchet tuning whitespace
2013-12-20 blanchet recognize datatype reasoning in SPASS-Pirate
2013-12-20 blanchet note manually proved exclusiveness property
2013-12-20 blanchet note exhaust proof obligation
2013-12-20 blanchet compile
2013-12-19 blanchet implemented 'exhaustive' option in tactic
2013-12-19 blanchet tuning
2013-12-19 blanchet tuning
2013-12-19 blanchet tuning 'case' expressions
2013-12-19 blanchet don't do 'isar_try0' if preplaying is off
2013-12-19 blanchet more data structure refactoring
2013-12-19 blanchet data structure rationalization
2013-12-19 blanchet tuning
2013-12-19 blanchet refactored preplaying outcome data structure
2013-12-19 blanchet distinguish not preplayed & timed out
2013-12-19 blanchet pick up tfree/tvar type from SPASS-Pirate proof
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