2010-07-20 wenzelm edit_document: join parent execution in synchronous/uninterruptible mode, to prevent spurious interrupts when cascaded executions run into each other;
2010-07-20 wenzelm back to more strict dependencies, even for canceled groups (reverting parts of 02936e77a07c);
2010-07-20 wenzelm export Graph.get_entry for convenience;
2010-07-20 wenzelm eliminated old-style sys_error/SYS_ERROR in favour of exception Fail -- after careful checking that there is no overlap with existing handling of that;
2010-07-20 wenzelm tuned;
2010-07-20 wenzelm observe follow_caret (again);
2010-07-19 wenzelm Session: predefined real time parameters;
2010-07-19 haftmann bind and then latex symbols
2010-07-18 wenzelm minor update of dependencies;
2010-07-16 haftmann corrected range chec
2010-07-16 haftmann first roughly working version of Imperative HOL for Scala
2010-07-16 haftmann tuned
2010-07-16 haftmann merged
2010-07-16 haftmann a first sketch for Imperative HOL witht Scala
2010-07-16 haftmann don't fail gracefully
2010-07-16 haftmann restored long-broken syntax sanity checks
2010-07-16 haftmann tuned interpunctation
2010-07-16 haftmann fragments of Scala
2010-07-15 haftmann merged
2010-07-15 haftmann adjusted; fixed typo
2010-07-15 haftmann dropped spurious export_code
2010-07-14 kleing use different log server (macbroy23 down)
2010-07-14 haftmann more consistent spacing in generated monadic code
2010-07-14 haftmann braced needed in layout-insensitive syntax
2010-07-14 haftmann repaired some implementations of imperative operations
2010-07-14 haftmann repaired reference implementation for OCaml
2010-07-14 haftmann part of pervasive test
2010-07-14 haftmann avoid ambiguities; tuned
2010-07-14 haftmann repaired of_list implementation for SML, OCaml
2010-07-14 haftmann avoid export_code ... file -
2010-07-14 haftmann explicit optional checking
2010-07-14 haftmann added Isar syntax for code checking
2010-07-14 haftmann corrected import
2010-07-14 haftmann use generic description slot for formal code checking
2010-07-14 haftmann formal slot for code checker
2010-07-14 haftmann export_code without file prints to standard output
2010-07-14 haftmann check without explicit path
2010-07-14 haftmann load cache_io before code generator; moved adhoc-overloading to generic tools
2010-07-14 haftmann tuned infix syntax
2010-07-14 haftmann dropped M suffix; added predicate monad bind
2010-07-14 haftmann self-built symbol for part of bind operator
2010-07-14 haftmann redirect stderr to stdout
2010-07-13 paulson merged
2010-07-13 paulson merged
2010-07-13 paulson corrected mixfix declarations and tidied proofs
2010-07-13 paulson merged
2010-07-13 paulson Fixed syntax and tidied some proofs
2010-07-13 bulwahn correcting function name of generator for products of traditional code generator (introduced in 0040bafffdef)
2010-07-13 haftmann consolidated names of theorems
2010-07-13 haftmann qualified names for (really) all array operations
2010-07-13 haftmann canonical argument order for get
2010-07-13 haftmann qualified names for (almost) all array operations
2010-07-13 haftmann canonical argument order for present
2010-07-13 haftmann canonical argument order for length
2010-07-13 kleing merged
2010-07-13 kleing new crontab
2010-07-13 haftmann merged
2010-07-13 haftmann proper merge of operation changes and generic do-syntax
2010-07-13 haftmann merged
2010-07-13 haftmann hide_const; update replaces change
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