2004-06-09 wenzelm tuned messages;
2004-06-09 wenzelm added is_logtype (replaces logtypes field of syntax); tuned merge;
2004-06-09 wenzelm removed separate logtypes field of syntax; removed test_read, simple_str_of_sort, simple_string_of_typ; provide default_mode;
2004-06-09 wenzelm removed separate logtypes field of syntax;
2004-06-09 wenzelm Path.split_ext; more robust inform_file_processed;
2004-06-09 wenzelm Sign.is_logtype;
2004-06-09 wenzelm Syntax.default_mode;
2004-06-09 wenzelm added option 'locale=NAME';
2004-06-09 wenzelm Url.File;
2004-06-09 wenzelm * Document preparation: antiquotations provide option 'locale=NAME';
2004-06-09 wenzelm tuned comment;
2004-06-09 wenzelm updated/tuned identifier syntax;
2004-06-09 wenzelm updated notes on sub-/superscripts;
2004-06-09 wenzelm removed Syntax.test_read;
2004-06-09 nipkow added a lemma lfp_ordinal_induct
2004-06-09 paulson fixed the groupI ambiguity
2004-06-09 paulson fixed the skolemize method
2004-06-09 paulson moved some cardinality results into main HOL
2004-06-08 berghofe add_dummies no longer uses transform_error but handles specific
2004-06-08 berghofe Added exception Datatype_Empty.
2004-06-08 berghofe mk_id is now also applied to identifiers in test_term.
2004-06-08 paulson Groups, Rings and supporting lemmas in ZF
2004-06-08 paulson Groups, Rings and supporting lemmas
2004-06-08 paulson Groups, Rings and supporting lemmas
2004-06-06 wenzelm avoid Args.list (lost update?);
2004-06-06 wenzelm added has_mode; handle_error: output raw;
2004-06-06 wenzelm Symbol.output;
2004-06-06 wenzelm no token translation / setup for Latex;
2004-06-06 wenzelm HOL: symbolic syntax of Eps;
2004-06-05 chaieb More readable code.
2004-06-05 wenzelm pretty_thm/goals_aux, pretty_flexpair: pp;
2004-06-05 wenzelm avoid implicit arguments via refs;
2004-06-05 wenzelm Symbol.decode;
2004-06-05 wenzelm added datatype sym, val decode: symbol -> sym;
2004-06-05 wenzelm improved symbolic syntax of Eps: \<some> for mode "epsilon";
2004-06-05 wenzelm removed mlworks and smlnj-0.93 (obsolete);
2004-06-05 wenzelm tuned comments;
2004-06-05 wenzelm moved exception handling back to library.ML;
2004-06-05 wenzelm tuned exeption handling (capture/release);
2004-06-05 wenzelm removed Pure/ML-Systems/mlworks.ML Pure/ML-Systems/polyml-3.x.ML Pure/ML-Systems/smlnj-0.93.ML; added ML-Systems/polyml-time-limit.ML;
2004-06-05 wenzelm obsolete;
2004-06-04 berghofe Tuned parse_att.
2004-06-02 paulson new rules for simplifying quantifiers with Sigma
2004-06-01 aspinall Add alternative syntax for attributes
2004-06-01 aspinall Add panic function which exits Isabelle immediately.
2004-06-01 berghofe Removed ~10000 hack in function idx that can lead to inconsistencies
2004-06-01 berghofe Adapted to new name mangling function in code generator.
2004-06-01 berghofe Adapted to new name mangling function.
2004-06-01 berghofe Improved name mangling function.
2004-06-01 wenzelm proper use of 'nonterminals';
2004-06-01 wenzelm proper treatment of logical types within syntax;
2004-06-01 wenzelm removed obsolete sort 'logic' and '=?=' syntax;
2004-06-01 wenzelm removed obsolete sort 'logic';
2004-06-01 paulson more on bij_betw
2004-06-01 paulson tidied
2004-05-31 webertj TimeLimit structure added (no proper implementation yet)
2004-05-31 webertj including polyml-time-limit.ML
2004-05-31 webertj SML/NJs TimeLimit structure ported to Poly/ML
2004-05-31 wenzelm oops -- no Output.out here;
2004-05-29 wenzelm updated;
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip