2018-05-01 wenzelm avoid output showing up in kill ring (via TextArea.setText, JEditBuffer.remove, UndoManager.contentRemoved), e.g. relevant for action "paste-deleted";
2018-04-30 paulson merged
2018-04-30 paulson more general tidying up
2018-04-30 boehmes prefer explicit error message to unspecific Options exception: Z3 proof traces may lack information necessary for replay when dealing with quantified formulas
2018-04-29 paulson cleaned up more messy proofs
2018-04-29 paulson more defer/prefer
2018-04-28 paulson getting rid of more "defer", etc.
2018-04-28 paulson getting rid of "defer"
2018-04-27 paulson another big cleanup
2018-04-27 paulson merged
2018-04-27 paulson minor typeclass generalisations and junk removal
2018-04-26 paulson merged
2018-04-26 paulson more messy proofs
2018-04-26 nipkow merged
2018-04-26 nipkow new simp modifier: reorient
2018-04-26 paulson small typeclass generalisations
2018-04-26 paulson merged
2018-04-26 paulson some of Jose Divasón's material from Rank_Nullity_Theorem/Miscellaneous
2018-04-26 wenzelm spelling;
2018-04-25 paulson more messy proofs redone, and new material
2018-04-25 paulson merged
2018-04-25 paulson merged
2018-04-25 paulson new material on matricies by Tim Makarios (from Tarskis_Geometry in the AFP)
2018-04-25 wenzelm merged
2018-04-25 wenzelm tuned -- avoid spurious exception trace for "the";
2018-04-25 haftmann proof of concept for residue rings over int using type numerals
2018-04-25 haftmann more correct error message
2018-04-25 haftmann uniform tagging for printable and non-printable literals
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