2009-02-20 huffman declare of_int_number_of_eq [simp]
2009-02-20 huffman fix case_names
2009-02-20 huffman nicer induction/cases rules for numeral types
2009-02-20 huffman number_ring instances for numeral types
2009-02-19 huffman declare xor_compl_{left,right} [simp]
2009-02-19 huffman add rule for minus 1 at type bit
2009-02-19 huffman add formalization of a type of integers mod 2 to Library
2009-02-19 huffman new theory of real inner product spaces
2009-02-19 huffman add Powerdomain_ex.thy
2009-02-19 huffman add more ordering lemmas
2009-02-19 huffman avoid using ab_semigroup_idem_mult locale for powerdomains
2009-02-19 huffman merged
2009-02-19 huffman add header
2009-02-19 huffman move Polynomial.thy to Library
2009-02-19 huffman move FrechetDeriv.thy to Library
2009-02-19 huffman split polynomial-related stuff from Deriv.thy into Library/Poly_Deriv.thy
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