2006-12-14 huffman redefine hSuc as *f* Suc, and move to HyperNat.thy
2006-12-14 wenzelm proper use of IntInf instead of InfInf;
2006-12-14 wenzelm defs/notes: more robust transitivity reasoning;
2006-12-14 wenzelm added trans_terms/props;
2006-12-14 wenzelm locale: print context for begin;
2006-12-14 huffman remove references to star_n and FreeUltrafilterNat; new proof of NSBseq_Bseq
2006-12-13 huffman remove uses of star_n and FreeUltrafilterNat
2006-12-13 huffman remove use of FreeUltrafilterNat
2006-12-13 huffman added lemmas about hRe, hIm, HComplex; removed all uses of star_n
2006-12-13 haftmann fixed type
2006-12-13 haftmann added stub for OCaml serializer
2006-12-13 haftmann cleanup
2006-12-13 haftmann whitespace correction
2006-12-13 haftmann clarifed comment
2006-12-13 haftmann dropped FIXME comment
2006-12-13 haftmann clarified character setup
2006-12-13 huffman remove references to star_n
2006-12-13 huffman SComplex abbreviates Standard
2006-12-13 wenzelm simplified mk/dest_numeral (cf. mk/dest_binum of 1.65);
2006-12-13 wenzelm removed legacy ML bindings;
2006-12-13 wenzelm updated;
2006-12-13 wenzelm tuned signature;
2006-12-13 wenzelm internal_abbrev: observe print mode;
2006-12-13 wenzelm target_abbrev: internal mode for abbrevs;
2006-12-13 wenzelm edge: actually apply operation!
2006-12-13 wenzelm tuned;
2006-12-13 haftmann authentic syntax for number_of
2006-12-13 haftmann introduced mk/dest_numeral/number for mk/dest_binum etc.
2006-12-13 haftmann fixed syntax for bounded quantification
2006-12-13 haftmann dropped superfluous header
2006-12-13 krauss clarified error message
2006-12-13 krauss nat type now has a size functin => no longer needed as special case
2006-12-13 krauss simplified
2006-12-13 wenzelm local_abbrev: proper fix/declare of local entities;
2006-12-13 paulson Deleted the unused type argument of UVar
2006-12-13 wenzelm tuned comments;
2006-12-13 krauss added IsarAdvanced/Functions
2006-12-12 huffman generalized some lemmas; removed redundant lemmas; cleaned up some proofs
2006-12-12 huffman remove uses of scaleR infix syntax; add lemma Reals_number_of
2006-12-12 wenzelm tuned;
2006-12-12 wenzelm add_abbrev: removed Assumption.add_assms (danger of inconsistent naming);
2006-12-12 wenzelm updated;
2006-12-12 wenzelm simplified unlocalize_mixfix;
2006-12-12 wenzelm removed is_class -- handled internally;
2006-12-12 wenzelm notation: Term.equiv_types;
2006-12-12 wenzelm abbrev: tuned signature;
2006-12-12 wenzelm tuned expand_term;
2006-12-12 wenzelm classified show/thus as prf_asm_goal, which is usually hilited in PG;
2006-12-12 wenzelm tuned expand_binds;
2006-12-12 wenzelm tuned error messages;
2006-12-12 wenzelm added equiv_types;
2006-12-12 wenzelm add_abbrev: tuned signature;
2006-12-12 wenzelm added expand_term_frees;
2006-12-12 wenzelm abbreviate: tuned signature;
2006-12-12 wenzelm LocalTheory.abbrev;
2006-12-12 huffman removed redundant constants and lemmas
2006-12-12 huffman additions to HOL-Complex
2006-12-12 paulson Removal of the "keep_types" flag: we always keep types!
2006-12-12 wenzelm make SML/NJ happy;
2006-12-12 wenzelm made SML/NJ happy;
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