2014-02-19 sultana experimenting with improving DOT output, and embedding LaTeX code for formulas (rather than only giving the clause number);
2014-02-19 sultana added more node shapes (matched with roles);
2014-02-19 blanchet updated NEWS
2014-02-19 blanchet merged 'List.set' with BNF-generated 'set'
2014-02-19 kleing moved advanced folding into separate exercise
2014-02-19 kleing tuned definition
2014-02-19 traytel another simplification of internal codatatype construction
2014-02-19 traytel reflect 207538943038 in NEWS
2014-02-19 traytel reverted ba7392b52a7c: List_Prefix not needed anymore by codatatypes
2014-02-19 traytel removed not anymore used constants and theorems
2014-02-19 traytel simplifications of internal codatatype construction
2014-02-19 blanchet adapted Nitpick to 'primrec' refactoring
2014-02-19 blanchet moved 'primrec' up (for real this time) and removed temporary 'old_primrec'
2014-02-19 blanchet rewrote a small portion of code to avoid dependency on low-level constant
2014-02-19 blanchet tuning
2014-02-19 kleing provide more automation for type definitions (makes book exercises easier)
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