1997-11-03 wenzelm added claset thy_data;
1997-11-03 wenzelm added simpset thy_data;
1997-11-03 wenzelm isatool fixclasimp;
1997-11-03 wenzelm isatool fixclasimp;
1997-11-03 wenzelm isatool fixclasimp;
1997-11-03 wenzelm added thy_data;
1997-11-03 wenzelm use "hologic.ML"; use "cladata.ML"; use "simpdata.ML"; moved to ROOT.ML;
1997-11-03 wenzelm adapted to new implicit simpset;
1997-11-03 wenzelm adapted to new implicit claset;
1997-11-03 wenzelm fixed thy dependencies;
1997-11-03 wenzelm aded thy_data;
1997-11-03 wenzelm HOL theory data.
1997-11-03 wenzelm added thy_data.ML;
1997-11-03 wenzelm new implicit simpset mechanism based on Sign.sg anytype data;
1997-11-03 wenzelm new implicit claset mechanism based on Sign.sg anytype data;
1997-11-03 wenzelm adapted to new implicit claset mechanism;
1997-11-03 wenzelm fix references to implicit claset and simpset;
1997-11-03 wenzelm do not overwrite backup files;
1997-11-03 wenzelm set_session renamed to add_session;
1997-11-03 wenzelm tuned error msg;
1997-11-03 wenzelm made SML/97 happy;
1997-11-03 nipkow expand_option_bind -> split_option_bind
1997-11-03 nipkow expand_option_case -> split_option_case
1997-11-03 nipkow *** empty log message ***
1997-11-03 nipkow expand_list_case -> split_list_case
1997-11-02 nipkow Indexed split_t_case.
1997-11-02 nipkow Documented `split_t_case' thm genearted by datatype.
1997-11-01 paulson Fixed comments
1997-11-01 paulson New treatment of overloading\!
1997-11-01 paulson New syntax function for types
1997-11-01 paulson Faster lexing
1997-11-01 paulson New way of referring to Basis Library
1997-11-01 paulson mended type constraint\!
1997-11-01 paulson Set.thy was too specific
1997-11-01 paulson New Blast_tac (and minor tidying...)
1997-11-01 paulson Auto update
1997-11-01 wenzelm propagate exn msg;
1997-10-31 wenzelm dup sections: warning instead of error;
1997-10-31 wenzelm Session, Context;
1997-10-31 wenzelm tuned;
1997-10-31 wenzelm added mixfix_args;
1997-10-31 wenzelm *** empty log message ***
1997-10-31 wenzelm added str_of_sg: sg -> string;
1997-10-30 wenzelm added mixfix_args;
1997-10-30 wenzelm tuned thy_data;
1997-10-30 wenzelm tuned init_data;
1997-10-30 wenzelm added thy_data;
1997-10-30 wenzelm added merge_opts: ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a option * 'a option -> 'a option;
1997-10-30 nipkow Modified trace output routines of simplifier.
1997-10-30 oheimb domain package:
1997-10-30 oheimb domain package:
1997-10-30 oheimb domain package:
1997-10-30 oheimb domain package:
1997-10-30 wenzelm PureThy.add_store_defs_i, PureThy.add_store_axioms;
1997-10-30 wenzelm fixed try_dest_adm;
1997-10-30 wenzelm added adm.ML;
1997-10-30 wenzelm tuned;
1997-10-30 wenzelm tuned simp trace;
1997-10-30 nipkow *** empty log message ***
1997-10-30 nipkow Removed spurious blank.
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