2010-06-01 blanchet fix Nitpick soundness bug regarding The and Eps
2010-06-01 blanchet added examples/tests for THE and SOME
2010-06-01 blanchet cosmetics
2010-06-01 blanchet adapt example
2010-06-01 blanchet fix code that used to raise an exception if bound variables were given a finite function type, because the old vs. new bound variable types were confused
2010-06-01 blanchet improved precision of "set" based on an example from Lukas
2010-06-01 blanchet remove debug output
2010-06-01 blanchet removed "nitpick_intro" attribute -- Nitpick noew uses Spec_Rules instead
2010-06-01 blanchet subsumed by NEWS -- for older history, see previous versions of Nitpick
2010-06-01 blanchet don't show spurious "..." in Nitpick's output for free variables of set type (e.g., P (op +) example from Manual_Nits.thy); undoes parts of 38ba15040455, which was too aggressive
2010-06-01 blanchet honor xsymbols in Nitpick
2010-06-01 blanchet added "atoms" option to Nitpick (request from Karlsruhe) + wrap Refute. functions to "nitpick_util.ML"
2010-06-01 blanchet document new option
2010-06-01 blanchet make Nitpick handle multiple typedef entries for same typedef
2010-06-01 blanchet remove comment
2010-06-01 blanchet thread along context instead of theory for typedef lookup
2010-05-31 blanchet obsolete FIXME
2010-05-31 blanchet move SAT solver warning from every invocation of SAT solver to the tool, Refute, that uses it;
2010-05-31 blanchet don't include any axioms for "TYPE" in Nitpick
2010-06-02 haftmann dropped obsolete script
2010-06-02 wenzelm normalize and postprocess proof body in a separate future, taking care of platforms without multithreading (greately improves parallelization in general without the overhead of promised proofs, cf. usedir -q 0);
2010-06-02 haftmann merged
2010-06-01 haftmann avoid store flag in add_* operations
2010-06-01 wenzelm arities: no need to maintain original codomain (cf. f795c1164708) -- completion happens in axclass.ML;
2010-06-01 wenzelm merged
2010-06-01 haftmann do not expose store flag of AxClass.add_*
2010-06-01 haftmann merged
2010-06-01 haftmann adapted to changes
2010-06-01 haftmann capitalized type variables; added yield as keyword
2010-06-01 haftmann brackify_infix etc.: no break before infix operator -- eases survival in Scala
2010-06-01 wenzelm basic support for sub/superscript token markup -- NB: need to maintain extended token types eagerly, since jEdit occasionally reinstalls a style array that is too short;
2010-06-01 wenzelm use local /home/isatest/polyml-5.3.0 on atbroy102 to avoid problems with the SMB filesystem via homebroy;
2010-06-01 wenzelm uniform ML environment setup for Isar and PG;
2010-06-01 berghofe merged
2010-06-01 berghofe Renamed TypeInfer to Type_Infer.
2010-06-01 berghofe merged
2010-06-01 berghofe assign now applies meet before update_new to avoid misleading error message.
2010-06-01 berghofe Tuned.
2010-06-01 berghofe Adapted to new format of proof terms containing explicit proofs of class membership.
2010-06-01 berghofe classrel and arity theorems are now stored under proper name in theory. add_arity and
2010-06-01 berghofe - outer_constraints with original variable names, to ensure that argsP is consistent with args
2010-06-01 berghofe outer_constraints with original variable names, to ensure that argsP is consistent with args
2010-06-01 berghofe - Equality check on propositions after lookup of theorem now takes type variable
2010-06-01 berghofe Use Proofterm.forall_intr_proof' instead of locally defined forall_intr_prf.
2010-06-01 berghofe - Added extra flag to read_term and read_proof functions that allows to parse (proof)terms in which
2010-06-01 wenzelm merged
2010-06-01 haftmann merged
2010-06-01 haftmann corrected printing of characters
2010-06-01 haftmann corrected implementation
2010-06-01 haftmann added Scala code setup
2010-06-01 haftmann tuned code setup
2010-06-01 wenzelm keep structure ThyLoad for the sake of Proof General;
2010-06-01 haftmann added random instance for word
2010-05-31 wenzelm notes on Isabelle/jEdit;
2010-05-31 wenzelm remove presently unused Isabelle application;
2010-05-31 wenzelm modernized some structure names, keeping a few legacy aliases;
2010-05-31 wenzelm merged
2010-05-31 blanchet merge
2010-05-31 blanchet fix handling of "split" w.r.t. new definition + fix exception handling w.r.t. "expect" option
2010-05-31 haftmann updated generated files
2010-05-31 haftmann clarified
2010-05-31 haftmann adjusted
2010-05-31 wenzelm terminate ML compiler input produced by ML_Lex.read (cf. 85e864045497);
2010-05-31 wenzelm Toplevel.run_command: reraise Interrupt, to terminate the Isar_Document.execution and not store a failed attempt;
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