2012-10-04 wenzelm separate module Pretty_Tooltip;
2012-10-04 wenzelm refined rich tooltip options;
2012-10-04 wenzelm Rich_Text_Area tooltips via nested Pretty_Text_Area, based on some techniques of FoldViewer plugin;
2012-10-04 wenzelm some documentation of show_markup;
2012-10-04 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-10-04 wenzelm option to bypass potentially slow text overview;
2012-10-04 wenzelm tuned signature;
2012-10-04 wenzelm clarified platform dependency;
2012-10-03 Gerwin Klein updated crontab and afp-poly settings
2012-10-03 blanchet thread the right local theory through + reenable parallel proofs for previously problematic theories
2012-10-03 blanchet made code more conform to rest of BNF package
2012-10-03 wenzelm more error positions;
2012-10-03 wenzelm more explicit show_type_constraint, show_sort_constraint;
2012-10-03 wenzelm recovered print translation after 'a => bool to 'a set change;
2012-10-03 wenzelm tuned;
2012-10-03 wenzelm use explicit Type.strip_sorts_dummy to suppress sort constraints in output;
2012-10-03 wenzelm printed "_ofsort" is subject to show_markup as well;
2012-10-03 wenzelm allow position constraints to coexist with 0 or 1 sort constraints;
2012-10-02 traytel made tactic more robust (less usage of stac)
2012-10-01 blanchet continued changing type of corec type
2012-10-01 blanchet removed dead params and dead code
2012-10-01 blanchet changed type of corecursor for the nested recursion case
2012-10-01 blanchet made (co)rec tactic more robust when the simplifier succeeds early
2012-10-01 wenzelm tuned;
2012-10-01 wenzelm removed unused module Blob;
2012-10-01 wenzelm more direct message header: eliminated historic encoding via single letter;
2012-10-01 wenzelm tuned whitespace;
2012-10-01 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-10-01 wenzelm report sort assignment of visible type variables;
2012-10-01 wenzelm more robust File.eq, and thus File.copy of "~~/lib/logo/isabelle.gif";
2012-10-01 blanchet fixed recursor definition for datatypes with inner products (e.g. "'a trm" from the lambda-term example)
2012-10-01 blanchet tweaked corecursor/coiterator tactic
2012-10-01 blanchet changed the type of the recursor for nested recursion
2012-09-30 blanchet fixed quick-and-dirty mode
2012-09-30 blanchet tuning
2012-09-30 traytel use Thm.close_derivation in theorems proved using Skip_Proof.prove; tuned signature;
2012-09-30 traytel got rid of subst_tac alias
2012-09-30 traytel tuned tactic
2012-09-29 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-09-29 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-09-29 wenzelm proper handling of constraints stemming from idtyp_ast_tr';
2012-09-29 wenzelm enable show_markup by default (approx. double output size);
2012-09-29 wenzelm more explicit Syntax_Trans.mark_bound_abs/mark_bound_body: preserve type information for show_markup;
2012-09-29 wenzelm explicit show_types takes preferenced over show_markup;
2012-09-29 wenzelm ignore wrapped markup elements in Proof General;
2012-09-29 wenzelm turn constraints into Isabelle_Markup.typing, depending on show_markup options;
2012-09-29 wenzelm treat wrapped markup elements as raw markup delimiters;
2012-09-29 wenzelm tuned signature;
2012-09-28 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-09-28 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-09-28 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-09-28 wenzelm tuned;
2012-09-28 wenzelm support for wrapped XML elements, which allows to preserve full markup tree information in to_XML/from_XML conversion;
2012-09-28 wenzelm merged
2012-09-28 wenzelm eliminated dead code;
2012-09-28 wenzelm smarter handling of tracing messages;
2012-09-28 wenzelm display number of tracing messages;
2012-09-28 wenzelm tuned signature;
2012-09-28 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2012-09-28 blanchet simplified simpset
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