2007-10-06 wenzelm tuned;
2007-10-06 wenzelm added keyword_decl, command_decl;
2007-10-06 wenzelm added class_expr;
2007-10-06 wenzelm simplified interfaces for outer syntax;
2007-10-06 wenzelm simplified interfaces for outer syntax;
2007-10-06 wenzelm updated;
2007-10-05 wenzelm (co)induct: polymorhic taking'';
2007-10-05 wenzelm added burrow_options;
2007-10-05 wenzelm tuned proofs (via polymorphic taking'');
2007-10-05 wenzelm export get_consumes;
2007-10-05 wenzelm tuned Induct interface: prefer pred'' over set'';
2007-10-05 wenzelm coinduct: instantiation refers to suffix of main prop (major premise or conclusion);
2007-10-05 wenzelm tuned induct etc.;
2007-10-05 wenzelm execute/system: non-critical;
2007-10-05 wenzelm subtract: minor performance tuning;
2007-10-05 wenzelm cover only .gz files;
2007-10-05 paulson metis method: used theorems
2007-10-05 paulson filtering out some package theorems
2007-10-05 nipkow added lemmas
2007-10-04 wenzelm single-threaded profiling;
2007-10-04 wenzelm tuned;
2007-10-04 wenzelm Name.uu, Name.aT;
2007-10-04 wenzelm added uu, aT;
2007-10-04 wenzelm replaced literal 'a by Name.aT;
2007-10-04 wenzelm replaced AxClass.param_tyvarname by Name.aT;
2007-10-04 haftmann added nth_drop
2007-10-04 haftmann tuned datatype_codegen setup
2007-10-04 haftmann certificates for code generator case expressions
2007-10-04 haftmann added illustrative diagnostics
2007-10-04 haftmann clarified declarations in class ord
2007-10-04 haftmann concept for exceptions
2007-10-04 haftmann clarified name suffix
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