2008-03-31 wenzelm before close: Exn.capture/release;
2008-03-31 wenzelm discontinued unused hooks explode_platform_path_fn, platform_path_fn, shell_path_fn;
2008-03-31 wenzelm added add_substring;
2008-03-31 wenzelm discontinued File.explode_platform_path -- use plain Path.explode;
2008-03-30 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2008-03-29 wenzelm functional theory setup -- requires linear access;
2008-03-29 wenzelm simplified print_simpset;
2008-03-29 wenzelm purely functional setup of claset/simpset/clasimpset;
2008-03-29 wenzelm purely functional setup of claset/simpset/clasimpset;
2008-03-29 wenzelm fixed spelling;
2008-03-29 wenzelm added exec_file;
2008-03-29 wenzelm CRITICAL: further trace levels for 1000ms and 100ms;
2008-03-29 wenzelm removed obsolete store_thm(s), cf. functional versions in pure_thy.ML;
2008-03-29 wenzelm added generic_theory transaction;
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