1997-03-03 wenzelm removed bash debug;
1997-03-03 wenzelm removed -r option;
1997-03-03 wenzelm fixed -m order;
1997-03-03 wenzelm improved xterm, xterm_color;
1997-03-03 wenzelm added comment;
1997-03-03 wenzelm added comment: print translations do not mark tokens;
1997-03-01 wenzelm added color styles;
1997-02-28 wenzelm improved err msg;
1997-02-28 wenzelm *** empty log message ***
1997-02-28 wenzelm more robust handling of invocation errors;
1997-02-28 wenzelm more robust handling of invocation errors;
1997-02-28 wenzelm now uses -m symbols;
1997-02-28 wenzelm split ast_of_term(T);
1997-02-28 wenzelm added token translation support;
1997-02-28 wenzelm term_of_... now mark class, tfree, tvar;
1997-02-28 wenzelm added mark_bound(T), variant_abs';
1997-02-28 wenzelm Token translations for xterm and LaTeX output.
1997-02-28 wenzelm added _mk_ofclass(S);
1997-02-28 wenzelm added strlen (includes metric information);
1997-02-28 wenzelm added token_translation interface;
1997-02-28 wenzelm added add_tokentrfuns;
1997-02-28 wenzelm added Syntax/token_trans.ML;
1997-02-28 wenzelm added token_trans.ML;
1997-02-28 paulson Slightly more robust proof
1997-02-28 paulson dup_intr & dup_elim no longer call standard -- this
1997-02-28 paulson rule_by_tactic no longer standardizes its result
1997-02-28 paulson Addition of de Bruijn formulae
1997-02-27 wenzelm tuned comment;
1997-02-27 wenzelm tuned comments;
1997-02-25 wenzelm added proper subset symbols syntax;
1997-02-25 pusch minor changes due to primrec defintions for +,-,*
1997-02-25 pusch minor changes due to new primrec definitions for +,-,*
1997-02-25 pusch definitions of +,-,* replaced by primrec definitions
1997-02-25 pusch function nat_add_primrec added to allow primrec definitions over nat
1997-02-24 oheimb removed explicit_domains/, which is now covered by ex/
1997-02-24 wenzelm added "_" syntax for dummyT;
1997-02-21 wenzelm declared the dummy type;
1997-02-21 wenzelm replaced natural by subset;
1997-02-21 wenzelm tuned symbolic [|_|] syntax;
1997-02-21 wenzelm tuned some chars;
1997-02-21 paulson More robust proof (?)
1997-02-21 paulson Replaced "flat" by the Basis Library function List.concat
1997-02-21 paulson Introduction of rotate_rule
1997-02-21 wenzelm removed empty line (which broke xfedor);
1997-02-21 wenzelm don't hack, use xfed or xfedor;
1997-02-21 wenzelm fixed Id comment;
1997-02-20 wenzelm makedist -- make Isabelle distribution.
1997-02-20 wenzelm tuned URL;
1997-02-20 wenzelm added index info;
1997-02-20 wenzelm index info;
1997-02-20 wenzelm added dist;
1997-02-20 wenzelm some administrative tools for the Isabelle;
1997-02-20 wenzelm made a bit more robust for 'make dist';
1997-02-20 wenzelm rail output;
1997-02-20 wenzelm fixed rail.sty dep;
1997-02-20 wenzelm added this file;
(0) -1000 -300 -100 -56 +56 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip