Mon, 21 May 2012 11:31:52 +0200 blanchet include "ext" in all Satallax proofs
Mon, 21 May 2012 10:39:32 +0200 blanchet add an experimental "aggressive" mode to Sledgehammer, to experiment with more complete translations of higher-order features without breaking "metis"
Mon, 21 May 2012 10:39:31 +0200 blanchet tuning
Mon, 21 May 2012 10:39:31 +0200 blanchet added helper -- cf. SET616^5
Fri, 18 May 2012 17:36:20 +0200 kuncar note Quotient theorem for typedefs in setup_lifting
Fri, 18 May 2012 16:43:38 +0200 blanchet added a timeout to "try0" in Mirabelle
Fri, 18 May 2012 15:08:08 +0200 kuncar don't generate code in Word because it breaks the current code setup
Thu, 17 May 2012 13:36:23 +0200 blanchet robustly parse Z3 4.0's output (with outcome appearing on first rather than last line)
(0) -30000 -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -30 -10 -8 +8 +10 +30 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip