Wed, 03 May 1995 14:27:51 +0200 lcp Patterns can now be let-bound
Wed, 03 May 1995 14:17:01 +0200 lcp Changed to use split instead of fsplit. The weakening of fsplitE appears not
Wed, 03 May 1995 14:03:19 +0200 lcp Changed some definitions and proofs to use pattern-matching.
Wed, 03 May 1995 13:55:05 +0200 lcp Changed some definitions and proofs to use pattern-matching.
Wed, 03 May 1995 13:47:24 +0200 lcp Changed some definitions and proofs to use pattern-matching.
Wed, 03 May 1995 13:40:19 +0200 lcp Now show_sorts:=true causes printing of types
Wed, 03 May 1995 13:35:09 +0200 lcp Imported meta_eq_to_obj_eq from HOL for use with 'split'.
Wed, 03 May 1995 12:22:17 +0200 clasohm replaced store_thm by bind_thm
Wed, 03 May 1995 12:17:30 +0200 lcp trivial change
Wed, 03 May 1995 12:09:05 +0200 lcp new version
Wed, 03 May 1995 12:04:21 +0200 lcp Covers defs and re-ordering of theory sections
Wed, 03 May 1995 11:58:40 +0200 lcp Updates involving defs, addss, etc.
Wed, 03 May 1995 08:58:32 +0200 nipkow Simplified layout a little.
Wed, 03 May 1995 08:21:53 +0200 nipkow Corrected display of split f t: no more let.
Tue, 02 May 1995 19:59:06 +0200 nipkow Sections can now be given in any order.
Mon, 01 May 1995 11:17:41 +0200 lcp Simplified proof of Hausdorff_next_exists.
Fri, 28 Apr 1995 15:38:15 +0200 nipkow Added
Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:52:43 +0200 lcp Renamed insert_kbrl to insert_tagged_brl and exported it. Now
Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:41:59 +0200 lcp Modified proofs for new claset primitives. The problem is that they enforce
Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:31:33 +0200 lcp Modified proofs for new claset primitives. The problem is that they enforce
Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:24:32 +0200 lcp Modified proofs for new claset primitives. The problem is that they enforce
Fri, 28 Apr 1995 10:57:40 +0200 lcp Recoded addSIs, etc., so that nets are built incrementally
Tue, 25 Apr 1995 11:14:03 +0200 lcp updated version Isabelle94-3
Tue, 25 Apr 1995 11:06:52 +0200 lcp Simple updates for compatibility with KG
Tue, 25 Apr 1995 11:01:57 +0200 lcp Simplified, removing needless theorems about lambda.
Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:56:49 +0200 lcp Now loads the theory "Let". Could add it to FOL, but this appears to
Sat, 22 Apr 1995 13:25:31 +0200 nipkow HOL.thy:
Sat, 22 Apr 1995 12:21:41 +0200 nipkow I have modified the grammar for idts (sequences of identifiers with optional
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