2018-10-04 Lars Hupel use correct hostname
2018-10-04 Lars Hupel Jenkins: detect machine; adjust job parameters accordingly
2018-10-04 Lars Hupel Jenkins: tuned profiles
2018-10-04 nipkow merged
2018-10-04 nipkow simplified proofs
2018-10-04 Lars Hupel Jenkins: delete obsolete profile
2018-10-03 nipkow tuned
2018-10-03 wenzelm merged
2018-10-03 wenzelm unused -- avoid illegal access in Java 11;
2018-10-03 wenzelm misc tuning and modernization;
2018-10-03 paulson merged
2018-09-24 paulson merged
2018-09-24 paulson cosmetic change to mvt
2018-10-03 nipkow shuffle -> shuffles
2018-10-03 nipkow shuffle -> shuffles
2018-10-02 wenzelm updated windows_app to launch4j 3.12: "fully supports Java 9 and newer";
2018-10-02 wenzelm explicit group "no_doc" for unfinished documentation, allows to suppress everything uniformly: -X doc -X no_doc;
2018-10-02 wenzelm reduce tracing messages to make it work in PIDE session;
2018-10-02 wenzelm unbounded tracing for proper termination, e.g. relevant for theory Sequents.Hard_Quantifiers;
2018-10-01 wenzelm tuned output -- avoid bombing of Scala toplevel, e.g. for AFP deps;
2018-10-01 wenzelm more direct implementation of distinct_subgoals_tac -- potentially more efficient;
2018-10-01 wenzelm tuned;
2018-10-01 wenzelm HOL-SPARK .prv files are no longer written to the file-system;
2018-10-01 wenzelm updated to postgresql-42.2.5;
2018-09-30 immler merged
2018-09-29 immler fix (non-existent) document generation
2018-09-30 wenzelm updated to scala-2.12.7;
2018-09-30 nipkow news
2018-09-30 wenzelm de-emphasize HOL-SPARK: somewhat outdated;
2018-09-30 wenzelm proper naming conventions for contexts;
2018-09-30 wenzelm permissive declaration attribute "relator_mono", e.g. relevant for Binomial-Heaps.BinomialHeap with -o export_theory;
2018-09-30 wenzelm tuned spelling;
2018-09-30 wenzelm tuned whitespace and sections;
2018-09-30 wenzelm tuned -- eliminated clone;
2018-09-30 wenzelm suppress aux. locales from command 'experiment' -- avoid crash of theory Dict_Construction.Test_Dict_Construction (AFP);
2018-09-30 wenzelm obsolete (see 6f8ae6ddc26b);
2018-09-30 nipkow updated to new list_update precedence
2018-09-30 nipkow avoid confusing precedences
2018-09-29 wenzelm more direct locale goal: avoid renaming of type_parameters;
2018-09-29 nipkow adapted to Library/LaTeXsugar
2018-09-29 nipkow const_typ also works for fixed variables - useful primarily for locales
2018-09-29 wenzelm tuned message according to ML version;
2018-09-29 wenzelm more liberal: detect free-form infixes as well, e.g. Orderings.ord_class.less_eq;
2018-09-28 wenzelm more accurate syntax: e.g. avoid brackets as prefix notation;
2018-09-28 wenzelm more approximative prefix syntax, including binder;
2018-09-28 wenzelm proper syntax for locale vs. class parameters;
2018-09-27 nipkow simpler def
2018-09-26 wenzelm tuned signature;
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