2005-09-26 wenzelm tuned;
2005-09-26 berghofe Updated description of code generator.
2005-09-26 wenzelm updated;
2005-09-26 wenzelm moved disambiguate_frees to ProofKernel;
2005-09-26 wenzelm quote 'value';
2005-09-26 wenzelm yet another atempt to get doc/Contents right;
2005-09-26 berghofe Renamed wf_rec to wfrec in consts_code declaration.
2005-09-26 wenzelm really copy doc/Contents;
2005-09-26 obua Release HOL4 and HOLLight Importer.
2005-09-26 wenzelm copy doc/Contents;
2005-09-26 skalberg Made sure all lemmas now have names (especially so that certain of them
2005-09-26 wenzelm echo HOL_USERDIR_OPTIONS;
2005-09-26 obua tuned
2005-09-26 obua added ROOT.ML
2005-09-26 haftmann adjusted web link
2005-09-26 obua added entry for running HOLLight
2005-09-26 obua fixed disambiguation problem
2005-09-26 obua added Drule.disambiguate_frees : thm -> thm
2005-09-25 wenzelm zero_var_inst: replace loose bounds :000 etc.;
2005-09-25 wenzelm * Hyperreal: A theory of Taylor series.
2005-09-25 wenzelm more;
2005-09-25 berghofe eq_codegen now ensures that code for bool type is generated.
2005-09-25 berghofe Fixed print mode problem in test_term.
2005-09-25 berghofe Added ExecutableSet and Taylor.
2005-09-25 berghofe Now uses set implementation from ExecutableSet.
2005-09-25 berghofe Added Taylor.
2005-09-25 berghofe Formalization of Taylor series by Lukas Bulwahn and
2005-09-25 berghofe Added ExecutableSet.
2005-09-25 berghofe New theory for implementing finite sets by lists.
2005-09-24 webertj sat_solver.ML not loaded anymore (already loaded by Refute.thy)
2005-09-24 obua set show_types and show_sorts during import
2005-09-24 nipkow a few new filter lemmas
2005-09-24 obua HOL4-Import: map ONTO to Fun.surj
2005-09-24 webertj cnf_struct renamed to cnf
2005-09-24 obua remove debug clutter
2005-09-24 obua preliminary fix of HOL build problem
2005-09-24 obua bug fix
2005-09-24 webertj replay_proof optimized: now performs backwards proof search
2005-09-24 webertj code reformatted and restructured, many minor modifications
2005-09-24 webertj bugfix in "zchaff_with_proofs"
2005-09-24 webertj parse_std_result_file renamed to read_std_result_file
2005-09-23 webertj new sat tactic
2005-09-23 webertj new sat tactic imports resolution proofs from zChaff
2005-09-23 obua fix
2005-09-23 wenzelm simprocs: pattern now "x" (the proc is supposed to discriminate faster than Pattern.match);
2005-09-23 wenzelm tuned msg;
2005-09-23 wenzelm added mk_solver';
2005-09-23 wenzelm Simplifier.inherit_bounds;
2005-09-23 wenzelm adm_tac/cont_tacRs: proper simpset;
2005-09-23 wenzelm Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML: Simplifier.inherit_bounds;
2005-09-23 wenzelm tuned order of targets;
2005-09-23 wenzelm Provers/cancel_sums.ML: Simplifier.inherit_bounds;
2005-09-23 webertj some typos in comments fixed
2005-09-23 obua 1) fixed bug in type_introduction: first stage uses different namespace than second stage
2005-09-23 wenzelm removed doc/index.html from distribution (now produced by website);
2005-09-23 haftmann mkdir -p for symlinks
2005-09-23 nipkow rules -> iprover
2005-09-23 webertj spaces inserted in header
2005-09-23 webertj header (title/ID) added
2005-09-23 webertj typo fixed: rufute -> refute
2005-09-23 schirmer bugfix in record_tr'
2005-09-23 wenzelm method 'rules' renamed to 'iprover', which does *not* retrieve theorems from the Internet;
2005-09-23 wenzelm Id;
2005-09-23 wenzelm tuned;
2005-09-23 paulson changed defaults
2005-09-23 paulson ATP linkup
2005-09-23 obua replay type_introduction fix
2005-09-23 haftmann temporarily re-introduced overwrite_warn
2005-09-22 obua add debug messages
2005-09-22 nipkow renamed rules to iprover
2005-09-22 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2005-09-22 nipkow renamed rules to iprover
2005-09-22 nipkow fix because of list lemmas
2005-09-22 nipkow renamed "rules" to "iprover"
2005-09-22 huffman added theorem adm_ball
2005-09-22 huffman cleaned up
2005-09-22 huffman HOLCF theorem naming conventions
2005-09-22 paulson removal of "sleep" to stop looping in Poly/ML, and replacement of funny codes by tracing statements
2005-09-22 nipkow Fix because of new lemma in List
2005-09-22 webertj solver "auto" does not reverse the list of solvers anymore
2005-09-22 haftmann added fold_map_graph
2005-09-22 haftmann added fold_map_table
2005-09-21 isatest only show trunk in Changelog (kleing)
2005-09-21 webertj zchaff_with_proofs does not delete zChaff\s resolve_trace file anymore
2005-09-21 wenzelm echo HOL_USEDIR_OPTIONS;
2005-09-21 wenzelm tuned;
2005-09-21 wenzelm PROOFGENERAL_OPTIONS: smart fall-back on plain emacs (back again);
2005-09-21 wenzelm updated for Isabelle2005;
2005-09-21 wenzelm tuned;
2005-09-21 wenzelm updated for Isabelle2005;
2005-09-21 wenzelm obsolete;
2005-09-21 paulson improved proof parsing
2005-09-21 paulson trying to limit the looping
2005-09-21 wenzelm updated for Isabelle2005;
2005-09-21 wenzelm new header syntax;
2005-09-21 haftmann introduces update_warn instead of overwrite_warn
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