2004-06-22 wenzelm tuned output;
2004-06-21 wenzelm added unparse;
2004-06-21 wenzelm pretty_abbr;
2004-06-21 wenzelm tuned certify_typ;
2004-06-21 wenzelm Type.cert_typ;
2004-06-21 wenzelm tuned certify_term;
2004-06-21 wenzelm added certify_class/sort;
2004-06-21 wenzelm added >>> : transition list -> unit;
2004-06-21 wenzelm immediate_output;
2004-06-21 wenzelm avoid \...\;
2004-06-21 wenzelm File.quote_sysify_path;
2004-06-21 kleing Merged in license change from Isabelle2004
2004-06-20 wenzelm got rid of Output.output for default print mode;
2004-06-20 wenzelm added checkTimer;
2004-06-20 wenzelm added accumulated timing;
2004-06-20 wenzelm added escape, export encode_raw, default mode now trivial, tuned;
2004-06-20 wenzelm use_output: Symbol.escape;
2004-06-20 wenzelm tuned pp;
2004-06-20 wenzelm avoid premature evaluation of syn_of (wastes time in conjunction with pp);
2004-06-20 wenzelm Symbol.encode_raw;
2004-06-20 wenzelm tuned;
2004-06-18 wenzelm improved comments -- required by 'isatool latex -o syms';
2004-06-18 wenzelm more generous treatment of packages in draft prints;
2004-06-18 wenzelm scalable string_of_tree; tuned;
2004-06-18 wenzelm tuned exists_string;
2004-06-18 wenzelm isatool_document: verbose option;
2004-06-17 aspinall Add \usepackage{latexsym}
2004-06-17 webertj new SAT solver interface
2004-06-17 webertj improved defcnf conversion
2004-06-17 paulson removal of magmas and semigroups
2004-06-17 wenzelm fixed 'requires' comments, which are needed for printing of drafts;
2004-06-17 wenzelm isub/isup quasi letter (again); tuned;
2004-06-17 wenzelm tuned;
2004-06-17 schirmer tuned
2004-06-16 wenzelm isatool_document: writeln output;
2004-06-16 wenzelm tuned document;
2004-06-16 wenzelm prevent looping of error messages involving malformed symbols;
2004-06-16 wenzelm tuned;
2004-06-16 wenzelm removed unused help function;
2004-06-16 paulson new fib example
2004-06-16 paulson removal of x-symbol syntax <Sigma> for dependent products
2004-06-15 wenzelm ISABELLE_TMP
2004-06-15 wenzelm path instead of string;
2004-06-15 wenzelm added path;
2004-06-15 wenzelm tuned lexical syntax;
2004-06-15 wenzelm num tokens;
2004-06-15 paulson fixed bad link
2004-06-15 paulson slight speed improvement
2004-06-15 paulson strengthened some theorems
2004-06-14 webertj Jerusat settings added
2004-06-14 webertj entries for ZChaff and BerkMin added/modified
2004-06-14 chaieb Oracle corrected
2004-06-14 obua Further development of matrix theory
2004-06-13 webertj faster defcnf conversion
2004-06-13 wenzelm updated;
2004-06-13 wenzelm updated;
2004-06-13 wenzelm tuned;
2004-06-13 wenzelm tuned Present.drafts;
2004-06-13 wenzelm added display_drafts and print_drafts commands;
2004-06-13 wenzelm added PRINT_COMMAND setting
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip