2011-11-09 wenzelm misc tuning;
2011-11-09 wenzelm tuned signature;
2011-11-09 bulwahn quickcheck invocations in mutabelle must not catch codegenerator errors internally
2011-11-09 wenzelm sort assignment before simultaneous term_check, not isolated parse_term;
2011-11-09 wenzelm tuned;
2011-11-09 wenzelm avoid inconsistent sort constraints;
2011-11-09 wenzelm localized Record.decode_type: use standard Proof_Context.get_sort;
2011-11-09 wenzelm tuned signature -- emphasize internal role of these operations;
2011-11-09 wenzelm proper configuration option;
2011-11-09 wenzelm tuned layout;
2011-11-09 bulwahn more precise messages with the tester's name in quickcheck; tuned
2011-11-09 bulwahn quickcheck fails with code generator errors only if one tester is invoked
2011-11-09 bulwahn removing extra arguments
2011-11-09 bulwahn removing deactivated timeout handling; catching compilation errors and only outputing an urgent message to enable parallel sucessful quickcheck compilations and runs to present their result
2011-11-09 bulwahn tuned
(0) -30000 -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -15 +15 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip